Faculty (core)
Psycholinguistics; sentence production; sentence processing; memory and language; eye-tracking; quantitative methods; meta-science
Sociocultural linguistics; language and identity; language and youth; language and race; language, gender, and sexuality; African American English; Chicano English and Spanish; language in California; discourse, cognition, and culture
Typological, functional, and community-based approaches to phonology, morphology, syntax, historical linguistics, language documentation, lexical semantics, lexicography, language and culture, especially regarding Otomanguean languages spoken in Mexico and California
Phonetics; phonology; prosody; typology
Corpus linguistics; statistical methods in linguistics; usage-/exemplar-based linguistics / construction grammar; corpus linguistics and the law, psychgolinguistics
Documentation and description of sign languages, child language acquisition of signed languages, usage-based and ethnographic approaches to acquisition, linguistic ethnographyincluding language socialization and language ideologies, inclusion and social justice in linguistics
Phonetics; speech production; laboratory phonology; articulatory phonology; prosody
Phonology; morphology; phonetics; reduplication; ultrasound; cross-sectional imaging; prosodic phonology; dialects of English; linguistics of sports
Morphology, syntax, discourse, prosody, and their interrelations; language contact and language change; typology and universals; language documentation; American Indian linguistics; Austronesian linguistics
Morphology, syntax, lexical semantics, lexicography, typology, language documentation, language revitalization, language maintenance, language work methodologies, with special emphasis on Mayan languages.
Computational linguistics; psycholinguistics; corpus linguistics; speech perception; language variation, change, and evolution; phonology and its interactions with morphology and syntax
Sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology; sociophonetics; language, gender, and sexuality, especially within transgender and LGBQ communities; embodiment; language and identity; language socialization; ethnography; acoustic and perceptual phonetics; discourse analysis.