@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: STEV STEVEN Speaker, SHER SHERI Speaker, ENV ENV Environment @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|STEV|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|SHER|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ENV|||||Environment||| @Media: 58, audio @Comment: Swingin' Kid @Comment: Face-to-face conversation recorded in a private home in Boise, Idaho. Sheri, a single mom in her mid thirties, and her son Steven (age 11) talk while Sheri prepares dinner. *STEV: (..) &=in Here's a nice place to put my shoe⌈s ⌉ . 0_3334 *SHER: ⌊ Yeah⌋: there it is . 3228_4030 *STEV: (..) Mom look . 4030_5378 *SHER: Unhunh what &=ex . 5378_6140 *STEV: Look at my shoes . 6140_7080 *SHER: (..) &=laugh 7080_8440 &=in They look like the phantom stair-steppers . 8440_10800 *SHER: Hunh . 10800_11148 *STEV: (..) No-no 11148_12406 it looks like the Invisible Man . 12406_14181 *SHER: It [% laugh] does look like the Invisible Man . 14181_15937 *SHER: (..) ʔOh-ho burp . 15937_19360 *SHER: That felt ⌈ good ⌉ . 19360_20079 *STEV: ⌊ Wasn't ⌋ there a guy called the Invisible Man ? 19777_21977 *SHER: Yes there was . 21977_22965 *STEV: (..) Was he in a movie ? 22965_24520 *SHER: (.) Yes: he was &=ex . 24520_25786 *STEV: (..) What was it called . 25786_26870 *SHER: (..) The Invisible Man . 26870_27956 *SHER: (..) &=laugh &=laugh 27956_29572 &=in It was kind of a show kinda like The Shadow was . 29572_32084 *SHER: You know it was a 32084_32882 (..) &=tsk Actually though 32882_34800 I think they made a remake of it 34800_36055 with Chevy Chase 36055_36905 that was really lousy though . 36905_38005 *SHER: (.) &=in Steven . 38005_39015 *SHER: You know what you could do 39015_39925 that would be just (.) really helpful ? 39925_41591 *STEV: (..) Say it . 41591_42788 *SHER: (.) &=laugh 42788_43263 You could p- take these Coke cans 43263_45327 (..) and put them in the bag full of Coke cans that are in your bedroom 45327_48712 (..) and then we can do can squish . 48712_50811 *SHER: And squish em . 50811_51606 *SHER: For the recycling bin . 51606_52866 *SHER: (..) Ok⌈ay ⌉ ? 52866_54474 *STEV: ⌊ Tomorrow ⌋ please 54160_54995 my feet ⌈2 are hurting ⌉2 . 54995_56020 *SHER: ⌊2 Tomorrow ⌋2 ? 55440_56020 *SHER: (..) &=in Well can you just put em in the bag 56020_57947 (..) in there for now 57947_58986 okay ? 58986_59296 *STEV: (..) Ok⌈ay ⌉ . 59296_60508 *SHER: ⌊ Cause ⌋ I gotta clean up in here 60265_61403 this (.) place is just totally trashed 61403_63273 (.) cause I've done nothing this week but 63273_64859 (..) study and be sick . 64859_66539 *SHER: (..) I've got a really bad dental problem . 66539_68549 *SHER: Or something with my mouth . 68549_69874 *STEV: (..) ⌈ Poor Mom ⌉ . 69874_71296 *SHER: ⌊ Think I've got a (.) sin⌋us infection or something . 70424_72462 *SHER: Don't Steven . 72462_73216 *STEV: (..) Mm:kay . 73216_74364 *SHER: Please . 74364_74985 *SHER: ʔI know it's tempting . 74985_76055 *SHER: (..) &=in What I'd like you to do is put those cans away please . 76055_79139 *STEV: (..) Where- +/. 79139_80767 *STEV: (.) Where ʔuh +/. 80767_81128 *STEV: (.) Oh there they are . 81128_81927 *SHER: Yeah 81927_82202 there they are . 82202_82868 *STEV: (..) A one . 82868_84126 *STEV: (..) A two: . 84126_85260 *STEV: (..) Let's make the &{l=L statue of hamburger city &}l=L . 85260_89969 *SHER: (.) Mm: . 89969_90707 *STEV: &=in The s:tatue of Coke . 90707_92642 *SHER: (.) Yeah . 92642_93440 *STEV: (..) The swinging &{l=X bar:n &}l=X . 93440_96925 *SHER: (.) You're just a swinging kid Steve . 96925_98800 *STEV: (..) &{l=VOX Yeah: &}l=VOX . 98800_99595 *STEV: (..) You don't know the half of it . 99595_101668 *SHER: (.) I don't know the half of it 101668_102965 do I . 102965_103340 *SHER: (..) Yeah 103340_103846 (..) Oh man &=ex . 103846_109564 *SHER: (..) Hey Steve 109564_115642 why don't you give your iguana a little bit of banana too 115642_118010 he'd probably really like some +/. 118010_119192 *SHER: (..) He'd probably really like some banana . 119192_121986 *STEV: (..) Thanks for XXXXX Mom . 121986_125386 *SHER: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 125386_126266 (..) Oh and I think this is Robbie's shirt 126266_133899 and his uh 133899_134480 Harley-Davidson scarf . 134480_136055 *SHER: Right ? 136055_136420 *STEV: (..) Hmm ? 136420_137471 *SHER: (..) Isn't that Robbie's (.) shirt 137471_139300 and uh Harley-Davidson scarf from this summer ? 139300_141628 *SHER: (..) I wanted to give that back to them 141628_143524 tomorrow 143524_143999 when we go over for ⌈ his birthday ⌉ . 143999_145374 *STEV: ⌊ &{l=VOX XX ⌋ X: &}l=VOX . 144713_146165 *STEV: &=in (..) I need to get (..) Robbie a um (.) present ⌈ too ⌉ . 146165_149524 *SHER: ⌊ Yeah⌋: 149316_149666 what do you think he'd like to have . 149666_151040 *STEV: (..) &=in &{l=HI I'm not sure &}l=HI 151040_152499 but we could go over to Toys 'R' ⌈ Us ⌉ . 152499_154399 *SHER: ⌊ it seems ⌋ to me I b:rought the Toys 'R' Us catalog ⌈2 back with me ⌉2 . 153861_157482 *STEV: ⌊2 It's right over there ⌋2 . 156650_157455 *SHER: Okay⌈3: . 157507_157807 *STEV: ⌊3 It's over there ⌋3 . 157678_158265 *SHER: why don't you ⌉3 have a look at it 157807_159006 and see if 159006_159456 (..) anything comes to mind 159456_161095 for something you think Robbie would like to have 161095_162845 for his birthday . 162845_163695 *STEV: Well I have some things in here for Christ⌈mas &=laugh ⌉ . 163695_166314 *SHER: ⌊ Yeah 165628_166003 I know ⌋ you probably see things in there that you: want for Christmas 166003_168637 but right now we're thinking about him and his birthday . 168637_170912 *STEV: (..) &{l=SIGH O:kay &}l=SIGH . 170912_172605 *SHER: And I gotta s- get started on this chicken pizza or 172605_175001 (..) if ⌈ anybody actually takes me up on this and comes ⌉ +... 175001_178189 *STEV: ⌊ There's coupons in here too Mom 176211_177923 so ⌋ 177923_178423 (.) ⌈2 Mom there's coupons in here . 178423_179982 *ENV: ⌊2 &=DISH_NOISE ⌋2 . 178573_180657 *STEV: so we can ⌉2 (..) get some (..) ⌈3 thing⌉3s . 179982_182532 *SHER: ⌊3 Mhm ⌋3 181690_182157 (..) Really ? 182532_183901 *STEV: (..) Yeah . 183901_184427 *SHER: (..) Are they good things ? 184427_187178 *STEV: (..) &=in Yeah . 187178_188087 *STEV: (.) And there's um 188087_188975 also 188975_189777 there's ⌈ also a Nickelode⌉an free . 189777_191685 *SHER: ⌊ XXX ⌋ . 190064_191133 *STEV: (..) um box (.) there . 191685_193567 *SHER: (..) Real⌈ly ⌉ . 193567_194399 *STEV: ⌊ And ⌋ it's &{l=X a bowl &}l=X with goodies and coupons . 194399_196780 *SHER: Oh wow . 196780_197540 *STEV: (.) And that's why I wanna get that . 197540_199063 *STEV: (..) I know something that (..) Robbie may like ? 199063_203508 *STEV: Let me try to find it . 203508_204553 *SHER: Yeah unhunh ? 204553_205173 *STEV: (..) It's a Yack Pack . 205173_206404 *SHER: (..) Is that um 206404_208655 (..) full of yucky stuff ? 208655_210865 *SHER: Or ⌈ what ⌉ . 210865_211334 *STEV: ⌊ No ⌋ . 211026_211359 *SHER: (..) Are you sure ? 211359_212317 *STEV: (..) No . 212317_213067 *STEV: (.) It's kinda like ⌈ a tape ⌉ recorder . 213067_214630 *SHER: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ 213815_214174 (.) Oh . 214630_215133 *SHER: It is . 215133_215598 *STEV: See you um 215598_216268 (.) &=in Like you tape record your dad saying 216268_218346 &{l=VOX clean your room &}l=VOX . 218346_219498 *SHER: (.) Unh⌈unh ⌉ . 219498_220102 *STEV: ⌊ And ⌋ then there's this girl on TV 219939_221605 and you play it 221605_222180 and it s- +/. 222180_222608 *STEV: And the girl says 222608_223297 &=in &{l=VOX clean your ro:om &}l=VOX . 223297_225658 *SHER: (.) So is it kinda like one of those Talkboys 225658_227691 like ⌈ that was ⌉ in . 227691_228516 *STEV: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 227997_228297 *SHER: (..) What do you call it 228516_229830 what was that +/. 229830_230259 *SHER: How much would something like that cost . 230259_232098 *STEV: (..) U:m 232098_233813 (..) let me look for it . 233813_235793 *STEV: (..) It's in here . 235793_236950 *STEV: (..) Cause I circled it . 236950_238457 *STEV: (..) Okay it costs 238457_240358 (..) nine ninety-nine . 240358_243488 *SHER: (..) Are you sure ? 243488_245092 *STEV: (.) Yeah . 245092_245650 *STEV: (.) ⌈ that's it ⌉ . 245650_246346 *SHER: ⌊ Well we could pro⌋bably afford that 245837_247364 hunh ? 247364_247656 *STEV: (..) Oh wait a minute . 247656_251301 *STEV: (..) I think it says twelve ninety-nine . 251301_253388 *SHER: ⌈ Twelve ninety-nine ⌉ ? 253388_254622 *STEV: ⌊ &{l=X Thirteen &}l=X XX ⌋ . 253458_254622 *STEV: Come over here and look . 254622_255801 *STEV: And +... 255801_256256 *SHER: (.) Alright . 256256_256938 *SHER: Hang on just a second honey . 256938_258451 *STEV: (..) I think it says 258451_260255 (..) it says th- 260255_261742 (..) twelve ninety-nine 261742_263160 and then right here it says Yack Pack 263160_264810 (.) nine ninety-nine . 264810_265835 *SHER: (..) Ah: . 265835_267099 *STEV: (.) Maybe it means Yack Pack one 267099_268928 &=in and this ⌈ is Yack ⌉ Pack ⌈2 two ⌉2 . 268928_270699 *SHER: ⌊ Yack ⌋ +/. 269578_270028 *SHER: ⌊2 Yack ⌋2 Pack ⌈3 two ⌉3 . 270303_271728 *STEV: ⌊3 Two ⌋3 . 271201_271726 *SHER: Unhunh . 271728_272143 *STEV: (.) Yeah . 272143_272682 *SHER: (..) Hunh . 272682_274146 *STEV: (..) Should we get it ? 274146_275572 *SHER: (..) I don't know . 275572_276308 *SHER: Why don't we (.) go to (.) Toys 'R' Us tomorrow 276308_278408 and we'll 278408_278998 uh: . 278998_279458 *STEV: (..) &{l=X look ⌈ for it &}l=X ⌉ . 279458_280541 *SHER: ⌊ Resear⌋ch it . 280133_280866 *SHER: We'll see 280866_281436 &=in . 281436_281930 *STEV: There's also ⌈ a um ⌉ . 281930_283220 *SHER: ⌊ What it says ⌋ they are there . 282614_284053 *STEV: (..) Yeah it does . 284053_285364 *STEV: ⌈ And there's ⌉ +... 285364_285752 *SHER: ⌊ Cause I re⌋ally don't know 285364_286295 it's hard to tell: you know 286295_287520 (.) if I can afford it 287520_288411 unless I know exactly what the price is on it . 288411_290336 *STEV: (..) There's also some mo:vies I want . 290336_293254 *SHER: (..) Really . 293254_293990 *SHER: (..) And what ⌈ are those ⌉ . 293990_295052 *STEV: ⌊ Like Bat⌋man (..) Forever . 294495_296518 *SHER: M⌈2hm ⌉2 . 296460_297147 *STEV: ⌊2 and The S⌋2anta Clause . 296518_298107 *STEV: (.) With Tim (.) Allen . 298107_299374 *SHER: (..) &=ex . 299374_301159 *SHER: (..) Who was it who was saying they were gonna buy the movie Casper the Ghost today ? 301159_306694 *SHER: Was that ⌈ Jack ⌉ ? 306694_307557 *STEV: ⌊ Zach ⌋ . 307056_307557 *STEV: (..) Yeah . 307557_308197 *SHER: (..) &=in ⌈ Ah: ⌉ . 308197_309318 *STEV: ⌊ And ʔuh- ⌋ +/. 308948_309318 *STEV: (..) And Mom 309318_310018 you know what the fun 310018_310993 (..) the f- +/. 310993_311506 *STEV: It's kind of l- (.) a ga:me 311506_312976 except um ⌈ you ⌉ . 312976_314126 *SHER: ⌊ Unh⌋unh . 313837_314324 *STEV: you ask your cosmic questions 314324_316455 (.) oja ? 316455_317108 *STEV: (..) Oija ? 317108_318378 *SHER: (.) Ouija . 318378_318926 *STEV: (..) Ouija . 318926_319711 *SHER: (.) Yeah like a Ouiji +/. 319711_320598 *SHER: We used to call em Ouija boards . 320598_322102 *SHER: (..) &=SNIFF (.) Oh god my head hurts . 322102_324402 *STEV: Did y⌈ou like ⌉ it ? 324402_325309 *SHER: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 324613_324992 *SHER: (..) Hunh ? 325309_326163 *STEV: (..) Did you like i⌈t ⌉ ? 326163_327142 *SHER: ⌊ Y⌋eah I used to love Ouija boards when I was a little girl . 327026_329343 *SHER: (..) I thought they were really fun . 329343_334590 *SHER: (..) Course we always asked em questions we already knew the answer to . 334590_339900 *STEV: (..) Like what 339900_341342 your homework ? 341342_342042 *STEV: (.) ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 342042_342415 *SHER: ⌊ Oh ⌋ (.) man . 342215_343147 *SHER: (.) I feel like my brains are gonna to come out . 343147_344647 *STEV: (..) Like that ? 344647_346299 *SHER: (..) Hunh ? 346299_347326 *STEV: (..) Like man 347326_349234 (.) my brains feel like they're gonna come out ? 349234_351214 *SHER: (..) Well 351214_353030 I've either got a sinus +/. 353005_354355 *SHER: Really bad sinus infection 354355_355763 or I've got an impacted tooth 355763_357213 or something . 357213_357813 *SHER: But my +/. 357813_358273 *SHER: (..) My head hurts all the way up my nose and 358273_360954 (..) my teeth hurt and 360954_363041 (..) basically I just 363041_364865 (..) am a mess babe &=ex . 364865_367075 *STEV: (..) You don't know the half of it . 367075_369852 *SHER: (..) Mhm . 369852_370800 *SHER: (..) &{l=X Yeah &}l=X . 370800_372207 *STEV: (..) Robbie does like (..) remote control cars . 372207_384985 *STEV: I see lots of em in here . 384985_386458 *SHER: (..) Oh does he ? 386458_387405 *SHER: He likes th⌈ose ⌉ ? 387405_388057 *STEV: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 387926_388175 *SHER: &=in Well ⌈2 his ⌉2 Dad's into that too . 388175_390225 *STEV: ⌊2 But ⌋2 +... 388986_389155 *SHER: cause he's into those Harley-Davidsons and stuff . 390225_392425 *SHER: Isn't he . 392425_393017 *STEV: (..) Yeah but 393017_393895 there is something in here that +... 393895_395407 *SHER: Unhunh . 395407_395872 *STEV: (..) The Doctor Dreadful f- (..) drink lab . 395872_399001 *SHER: (..) The who what ? 399001_400220 *STEV: (..) &{l=VOX The Doctor Dreadful drink lab &}l=VOX . 400220_403113 *SHER: &=laugh The Doctor [% laugh] Dreadful drink lab . 403113_405125 *SHER: (.) Oh boy . 405125_405744 *STEV: (..) Yeah . 405744_406363 *ENV: &{n=WATER_RUNNING_IN_SINK . 406363_406713 *STEV: He makes some really 406713_407706 XX nasty drinks that taste grea:t . 407706_411137 *SHER: (..) Really ? 411137_411975 *STEV: (..) XX . 411975_412680 *SHER: (..) This place is such a mess . 412680_418260 *ENV: &}n=WATER_RUNNING_IN_SINK . 418260_447350 *SHER: Hey Steve 447350_447995 remind me tomorrow when we go shopping ? 447995_450282 *SHER: &=in ⌈ That I wanna ⌉ get some potting soil . 450282_452275 *STEV: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 450650_451175 *SHER: Cause I wanna put these uh 452275_453499 (.) geraniums 453499_454449 (..) in a pot . 454449_455749 *SHER: Because 455749_456367 (..) why they aren't dead I don't know 456367_458573 because all I do is take them to the brink of death all the time and 458573_461523 (..) and somehow they manage to keep surviving me 461523_464314 and all my neglect . 464314_465364 *SHER: (..) &=in But I wanna get em in a pot . 465364_467041 *SHER: Because (.) one of em's gonna flower . 467041_468680 *SHER: It's so pretty . 468680_469602 *SHER: (..) And if they were 469602_471081 (..) you know 471081_471725 in a (..) pot with good soil and water 471725_473825 they'd be just beautiful . 473825_474875 *SHER: They'd be 474875_475200 (..) &=in up and rolling . 475200_476685 *SHER: (..) See if I can find the recipe for my Malaysian chicken pizza &=ex . 476685_482719 *SHER: (..) Man 482719_492252 (..) I had the longest day at work today . 492252_497407 *ENV: &{n=WATER_RUNNING_AND_DISH_NOISE . 497407_497707 *SHER: Just took forever . 497707_498720 *ENV: &}n=WATER_RUNNING_AND_DISH_NOISE . 498720_524550 *SHER: Okay . 524550_525222 *SHER: (..) Mm burp &=ex . 525222_528175 *SHER: &{l=X &{l=P Okay &}l=P &}l=X . 528175_528674 *SHER: (..) Let's see I gotta find my recipe . 528674_532562 *SHER: This'll be the tough part . 532562_533887 *SHER: (..) Geez I'd lose my head if it wasn't sewn on . 533887_537538 *SHER: (..) &=ex I hope nobody +/. 537538_541304 *SHER: (..) I almost hope nobody does show up for this thing 541304_543479 cause I'm not at all ready . 543479_544604 *STEV: (..) &=SNIFFLE 544604_546907 (..) Now: look I got the sniffles . 546907_549154 *STEV: &=SNIFFLE . 549154_549554 *SHER: (.) Do you honey ? 549554_550284 *SHER: (.) Got a cold going ? 550284_551231 *STEV: Yeah . 551231_551697 *SHER: (.) ʔAw . 551697_552266 *STEV: (..) Look at ⌈ Sneaker Mom ⌉ . 552266_553923 *SHER: ⌊ I'm sorry ⌋ . 553233_553934 *STEV: look on his hand 553934_554718 (.) he's shedding on his hand . 554718_555904 *SHER: I'm know 555904_556334 he is shedding on his hands . 556334_557654 *SHER: You're right . 557654_558179 *STEV: (..) He's such a &{l=X good little old &}l=X boy . 558179_561274 *SHER: He is . 561274_561761 *SHER: I wanna put some grow lights in here for him 561761_563777 &{l=X so we have &}l=X 563777_564662 (..) &{l=X what the &}l=X heck 564662_566117 (..) There we go 566117_568255 there's my pizza recipe 568255_569380 (..) U⌈:m ⌉ . 569380_570480 *STEV: ⌊ &{l=X At least &}l=X ⌋ he's not sitting on his feet 570059_571695 &{l=X when I pet him now &}l=X . 571695_572420 *SHER: (..) Well I got the heat turned +/. 572420_574167 *SHER: Oh Steven 574167_574606 that reminds me . 574606_575381 *SHER: I've got the heat turned on in here 575381_576849 so we've got a gas heater 576849_578116 (..) in here . 578116_579286 *SHER: So every once in a while it'll fire on and you'll see like 579286_581662 (..) flames go on or something 581662_583851 don't be scared 583851_584576 but don't mess with this here 584576_585914 (..) &=in and this plate in your bedroom . 585914_588268 *SHER: Steven . 588268_588885 *STEV: (..) Mhm ? 588885_589455 *SHER: The landlord's gotta put a vent over it . 589455_591363 *SHER: (.) Come here 591363_591633 I wanna show you . 591633_592283 *SHER: (..) Please come here . 592283_594198 *STEV: (..) Mhm ? 594198_595173 *SHER: (.) Don't touch this cause you could burn yourself . 595173_597218 *SHER: (.) Okay ? 597218_597725 *STEV: (..) With the gas heater +... 597725_599497 *SHER: Don't touch this 599497_600312 (..) And don't mess with this uh (.) pipe here at all 600312_603036 cause that's where the gas goes through . 603036_604261 *SHER: Okay ? 604261_604782 *STEV: Mhm . 604782_605258 *SHER: (..) So with that in mind 605258_606633 (..) &=in ⌈ cause that's not up t- +... 606633_608162 *STEV: ⌊ XXX XXXX ⌋ . 607373_608779 *SHER: That's not up to ⌉ building code . 608162_609720 *SHER: (..) Um 609720_610277 (.) the gas guy 610277_611042 when he came in he told me 611042_611767 that's not code 611767_612717 (.) &=in and he said it wasn't that it was unsafe but 612717_615286 (..) we still need to be very careful about it . 615286_617650 *SHER: Alright ? 617650_618200 *STEV: (..) Alright Mom . 618200_619667 *SHER: Did you hear me okay ? 619667_620857 *STEV: (..) Yeah . 620857_621870 *SHER: (..) Okay . 621870_622715 *SHER: (..) So come here 622715_625047 what do you want me to put on your pizza . 625047_626422 *SHER: (..) Steve . 626422_628792 *STEV: (.) &=SNAP_SNAP . 628792_629504 *SHER: &{l=L2 Esteban &}l=L2 . 629504_630204 *STEV: ⌈ &=SNAP_SNAP_SNAP_SNAP_SNAP_SNAP_SNAP ⌉ . 630204_633030 *SHER: ⌊ You're gonna have pepperoni: 631729_632830 and ⌋ stuff on your pizza 632830_633955 or are you not ⌈ hungry right now ⌉ . 633955_635470 *STEV: ⌊ I want some ⌋ (..) &{l=L2 pepperoni &}l=L2 &=SNAP . 634617_636948 *SHER: Mhm: ? 636948_637820 *STEV: (..) Some: hmm: . 637820_640063 *SHER: (..) Mhm . 640063_640940 *STEV: XX &{n=SNAP &=nonvocal chee:se &}n=SNAP . 640940_642163 *SHER: (..) Oka:y: ? 642163_643222 *SHER: (..) You want mozzarella ? 643222_644967 *STEV: (..) What's that . 644967_646323 *SHER: (..) &{l=L2 Mozzarella &}l=L2 ? 646323_647580 *SHER: That's that white cheese that gets all stringy and melted ? 647580_650136 *STEV: (..) You mean the one that I +/. 650136_651600 *STEV: (..) Kinda like um (.) Figaro ? 651600_653703 *SHER: (..) Hmm . 653703_654626 *SHER: (..) I'm making Malaysian (..) chicken (.) pizza . 654626_659819 *SHER: Where are you⌈: ⌉ . 659819_660894 *STEV: ⌊ No chick⌋en pizza . 660534_661462 *SHER: You want +/. 661462_661821 *SHER: No 661821_662047 it's wonderful 662047_662922 Steven 662922_663222 it's bet⌈ter than⌉-- . 663222_664050 *STEV: ⌊ &{l=MRC I do n⌋ot like chicken in my pizza &}l=MRC . 663693_666000 *SHER: We:ll . 666000_666474 *STEV: (..) ⌈ &=SNAP_SNAP_SNAP_SNAP_SNAP ⌉ . 666474_669706 *SHER: ⌊ I know peanut butter seems weird to have on pizza 667149_669201 but it's really ⌋ good . 669201_669951 *STEV: (.) &{n=SNAP &=nonvocal No &}n=SNAP ⌈2 I said ch- ⌉2 +... 669951_670895 *SHER: ⌊2 Come here please ⌋2 . 670171_670895 *STEV: You said chicken . 670895_671824 *STEV: &=in ⌈ &{l=X and &}l=X ⌉ +... 671824_672339 *SHER: ⌊ Yeah I ⌋ know . 672034_672623 *SHER: (..) Oh man 672623_674356 I forgot to get the (..) Pam cooking spray . 674356_676631 *SHER: (.) ⌈ Dog:gone it ⌉ . 676631_677467 *STEV: ⌊ &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌋ &=lengthened 676781_677592 (..) &=in &=lengthened &=COUGH &=COUGH . 677592_680644 *SHER: (..) Do you need an asthma treatment ? 680644_684044 *STEV: (..) No . 684044_685515 *STEV: (.) Just got a cough . 685515_686517 *SHER: Are you sure ? 686517_687160 *STEV: (..) Yes . 687160_688046 *SHER: (..) Did you give Sneaker some fresh lettuce ? 688046_691828 *STEV: (.) Yeah . 691828_692342 *SHER: (..) Okay . 692342_693920 *SHER: (..) I've got chicken cacciatore here too honey 693920_702189 that I can (.) heat up for you if you're hungry . 702189_704164 *SHER: (..) If it takes too long for me to make the pizza . 704164_706987 *STEV: (..) Okay . 706987_708810 *SHER: (.) Okay ? 708810_709502 *STEV: (..) Ok⌈ay ⌉ . 709502_710240 *SHER: ⌊ I know ⌋ you're probably hungry . 710090_711140 *SHER: (..) Tell you what 711140_712010 I'll make your pizza first 712010_713290 cause yours is easy to make . 713290_714565 *SHER: And then I'll make this (.) fancy one (..) ⌈ second ⌉ . 714565_716992 *STEV: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 716450_716992 *SHER: (..) That way you won't have to wait very long to eat . 716992_720322 *SHER: (..) Cause I don't know 720322_721789 I don't know if 721789_722160 These people may not even show up . 722160_723706 *SHER: (..) &{l=X You know &}l=X they're kind of (.) flaky . 723706_725602 *STEV: Think they'll ever +/. 725602_726500 *STEV: (..) I think they'll (..) just stay home . 726500_728626 *SHER: (..) &=laugh &=in 728626_729569 Well I don't know . 729569_730344 *STEV: There m- +/. 730344_730720 *STEV: (.) Here it is Mom . 730720_731540 *STEV: The free Nickelodean (..) treat box . 731540_734893 *SHER: (..) ⌈ Free ⌉ +... 734893_735852 *STEV: ⌊ &{l=READ Bring th⌋is coupon to Toys 'R' Us 735561_737578 (..) and get your free Nickelodean &{l=PAR ar &}l=PAR treat box . 737578_740872 *SHER: (..) ⌈ Hm ⌉ . 740872_741473 *STEV: ⌊ filled with ⌋ goodies and coupons &}l=READ . 741211_743600 *SHER: (..) Mm-kay . 743600_744340 *ENV: (..) &=WATER_AND_DISH_NOISE . 744340_769644 *SHER: Mm-kay 769644_770269 we're going to make yours 770269_771373 (..) quick and dirty kid &=ex . 771373_773752 *SHER: (..) Let's see: &=ex . 773752_777716 *SHER: (..) Where's that (..) s:tuff . 777716_782467 *SHER: (..) &=HUMMING 782467_786340 (..) Aw man 786340_803478 (..) &=SIGH 803478_812055 (..) &=ex &=lengthened 812055_813464 (..) This stuff can go over he:re 813464_816231 (..) so Steve 816231_818475 you going to a computer lab now 818475_820225 at the (..) Hemingway Learning Institute ? 820225_822300 *SHER: Is that fun ? 822300_823169 *STEV: (..) Hmm . 823169_823731 *SHER: (..) Yeah ? 823731_824552 *STEV: (..) Well I never +/. 824552_825808 *STEV: (..) Well I didn't g:o last Friday 825808_828107 because I forgot . 828107_829232 *SHER: (.) Oh did you ? 829232_830059 *STEV: (..) Yeah . 830059_830694 *SHER: (..) Cause it just started huh . 830694_832363 *STEV: (..) Yeah . 832363_833767 *SHER: (..) Yeah . 833767_834440 *STEV: I'm not sure if they counted me . 834440_836245 *SHER: (.) Oh I don't know babe . 836245_837350 *SHER: (..) Did your dad go to California this weekend ? 837350_840146 *STEV: (..) He's ʔuh +/. 840146_842408 *STEV: (..) He just le:- (.) left (.) today before (.) I woke up . 842408_845880 *SHER: (..) Oh 845880_846787 he left this morning ? 846787_847687 *STEV: (..) &{l=X Yeah &}l=X . 847687_848505 *SHER: (.) California ? 848505_849484 *STEV: (.) Yeah . 849484_849920 *SHER: Kay . 849920_850236 *STEV: (..) &=HUMMING . 850236_862479 *SHER: (..) Steven 862479_863454 do you know how to grate cheese ? 863454_864779 *STEV: (..) Grate cheese ? 864779_866285 *SHER: Yes . 866285_866760 *STEV: (..) &{l=X Yeah why &}l=X . 866760_867952 *STEV: (..) You don't know how to Mom ? 867952_871443 *SHER: I beg your pardon ? 871443_872385 *STEV: (.) You don't know how to ? 872385_873597 *SHER: (..) I'm sorry 873597_874578 I can't hear you . 874578_875278 *STEV: Do you ʔuh +/. 875278_875907 *STEV: (..) You don't know how ⌈ to ⌉ ? 875907_877458 *SHER: ⌊ No ⌋ 877191_877458 I do know how to . 877458_878331 *SHER: I'm wondering if you would like to grate some cheese to put on your pizza . 878331_880956 *STEV: (..) Sure . 880956_881968 *SHER: (.) Or (.) are you (..) enjoying just looking at your catalog . 881968_884625 *SHER: You don't have to do that if you don't want to . 884625_886405 *STEV: (..) I'll grate em . 886405_887374 *STEV: ⌈ XXX XX ⌉ wants to ⌈2 XX ⌉2 . 887374_889775 *SHER: ⌊ M-kay ⌋ . 887628_888179 *SHER: ⌊2 We're gonna need to put sau⌋2:ce on the uh +/. 889004_890546 *SHER: (..) Oh ⌈3 boy my fa⌉3:ce hurts . 890546_894287 *STEV: ⌊3 &{l=X thing &}l=X first ⌋3 ? 892825_893627 *SHER: (.) Yeah . 894287_894969 *SHER: I've gotta +... 894969_895369 *STEV: Okay 895369_895777 I'll wait until (.) after that . 895777_897392 *SHER: (..) Well 897392_898777 putting sauce on it's (.) real simple . 898777_900376 *SHER: All I have to do is open a can 900376_901626 and dump it on . 901626_902301 *SHER: It's +/. 902301_902551 *SHER: (..) We're doing things very sim⌈ple tonight ⌉ . 902551_905351 *STEV: ⌊ Mom 904579_904883 they have ⌋ costumes in here too . 904883_907133 *SHER: Do they have a Tick costume 907133_908432 that you wanted ? 908432_909107 *STEV: (..) No 909107_909732 (.) they don't . 909732_910460 *SHER: Hm⌈: ⌉ . 910460_910983 *STEV: ⌊ They ha⌋ve Spider Man 910676_911954 Jaws 911954_912835 (..) ʔa (..) gargoyle 912835_915145 &{l=X some &}l=X 915145_915626 (.) a ninja 915626_916665 (.) clown and a witch . 916665_918040 *SHER: (..) Unhunh . 918040_919214 *STEV: (..) I think the clown 919214_921248 (..) or the ninja would be good . 921248_922973 *SHER: (..) Well would you wanna be a clown or a ninja 922973_925651 instead of the Tick ? 925651_926651 *SHER: Or +... 926651_926898 *STEV: I wanna be the Tick . 926898_928157 *SHER: (..) Okay . 928157_928863 *SHER: I think the Tick's pretty classy myself . 928863_931092 *SHER: (..) I was telling everybody at work 931092_933044 that you wanted to be the Tick for Halloween 933044_934719 and they thought that was cool 934719_935694 cause everybody at work watches the Tick 935694_937494 and they like it too . 937494_938569 *STEV: (.) &=laugh &=laugh . 938569_939386 *SHER: (.) I thought that was pretty funny my⌈self ⌉ . 939386_941211 *STEV: ⌊ That's ⌋ +/. 940750_941211 *STEV: (.) That's we- +/. 941211_942200 *STEV: That's really amuses me because 942200_944238 (..) you know 944238_945042 (..) did they think he's really dumb ? 945042_946951 *STEV: C- +... 946951_947076 *SHER: (.) No 947076_947500 they think he's (.) very funny . 947500_948879 *STEV: (..) I know 948879_949899 that's why 949899_950524 &{l=X cause &}l=X he's so dumb that he's funny . 950524_952174 *SHER: Yeah 952174_952437 he's kind of a . 952437_953162 *STEV: (..) Showoff . 953162_954705 *SHER: Yeah 954705_955170 he is 955170_955702 I ⌈ guess . 955702_956195 *STEV: ⌊ Arthur's better ⌋ than him . 955776_957109 *SHER: Hunh ⌉ . 956195_956520 *STEV: (.) &=laugh 957109_957459 (..) At least Arthur has brains . 957459_959953 *STEV: &=laugh . 959953_960128 *SHER: (.) Aw: . 960128_960955 *STEV: (..) ⌈ What ⌉ +... 960955_961907 *SHER: ⌊ Arth⌋ur's the moth . 961663_962680 *SHER: Right ? 962680_963016 *SHER: He's the +... 963016_963527 *STEV: (..) Um 963527_964225 they um call him the funny rabbit . 964225_966100 *SHER: (..) A bunny rabbit ? 966100_967406 *STEV: Yeah . 967406_967961 *STEV: (..) ⌈ X ⌉ . 967961_968941 *SHER: ⌊ Does he ⌋ look like a bunny rabbit ? 968586_969891 *SHER: &=ex . 969891_970316 *STEV: Yeah 970316_970569 and his little long ear things . 970569_972644 *SHER: (..) But I mean 972644_974090 he's supposed to be a moth in real life . 974090_975840 *SHER: ⌈ right ⌉ ? 975840_976348 *STEV: ⌊ yeah ⌋ . 975840_976348 *STEV: (..) Yeah . 976348_977094 *SHER: (..) Aw: man 977094_980232 we gotta get rid of some of this stuff 980232_981707 I've got more (..) stuff in here than sense . 981707_985532 *SHER: (..) &=ex Okay 985532_988802 (..) Okay: . 988802_1006498 *SHER: O:y: &{l=WH yeah &}l=WH . 1006498_1007570 *SHER: &=in (..) Now where are we at . 1007570_1009630 *SHER: (..) I still haven't found the sauce . 1009630_1011320 *SHER: Okay . 1011320_1011973 *SHER: (..) Oh I gotta take some Tylenol . 1011973_1015288 *STEV: (..) Yack Pack two . 1015288_1022674 *STEV: &{l=READ w:ith playback (.) and record 1022674_1024983 (.) speed adjustment point six &}l=READ . 1024983_1027831 *SHER: (..) Mh⌈m ⌉ ? 1027831_1028886 *STEV: ⌊ &{l=READ s⌋econd memory . 1028608_1029993 *STEV: (..) Batteries included 1029993_1031963 ⌈ ages s⌉even (.) up &}l=READ . 1031963_1033397 *SHER: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 1031963_1032527 *SHER: (..) ⌈2 Really ⌉2 . 1033397_1034283 *STEV: ⌊2 It's from ⌋2 Yess Entertainment . 1033861_1036065 *SHER: And you think that's what Robbie would like for his birthday more than anything . 1036065_1039100 *SHER: Hunh ? 1039100_1039432 *STEV: (..) I'd say so &=laugh . 1039432_1041044 *SHER: (..) Okay 1041044_1041627 (.) Well then that's what we'll get him 1041627_1042857 if that's what you think . 1042857_1043982 *SHER: (..) &=ex 1043982_1050887 (..) I think that's nice that 1050887_1053919 (..) they invited you to his birthday . 1053919_1056911 *STEV: (..) &{l=X He did &}l=X X . 1056911_1058282 *SHER: Yeah I'm glad you guys got to be friends . 1058282_1060239 *SHER: (..) Where in the heck did I put that spaghe- +/. 1060239_1063021 *SHER: that pizza sauce . 1063021_1064266 *STEV: (..) Pizza sauce ? 1064266_1065596 *STEV: Maybe I (.) put it in the fridge . 1065596_1067434 *SHER: (..) Oh do you think you might've ? 1067434_1068621 *SHER: (..) Cause I can't find it any place . 1068621_1070536 *SHER: It's ⌈ driving me c⌉razy . 1070536_1071600 *STEV: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 1070617_1071286 *STEV: (..) &=in because some of them I put them (.) &=in over here . 1071600_1074909 *STEV: What's here . 1074909_1075456 *STEV: (.) You mean this ? 1075456_1076232 *STEV: (..) Pizza sauce ? 1076232_1077332 *SHER: (..) Yep 1077332_1078313 that's exactly what ⌈ I was looking for ⌉ . 1078313_1079936 *STEV: ⌊ It was right he⌋re . 1079239_1080111 *SHER: (.) Thank you babe . 1080111_1080838 *STEV: (..) Maybe you're getting blind 1080838_1084320 Well at least you're my mom . 1084320_1085523 *SHER: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in 1085523_1086764 (.) Hm yeah: [% laugh] . 1086764_1087966 *STEV: (..) Mom why is the green ball (.) out there ? 1087966_1090786 *STEV: Did anyone play (.) croquet or ? 1090786_1092550 *SHER: You know tha:t ball's been sitting out there forever . 1092550_1094732 *STEV: (..) We're also missing a black one . 1094732_1097953 *STEV: But that wasn't Robbie's fault . 1097953_1099455 *SHER: (..) Alright . 1099455_1107679 *SHER: (..) One pepperoni pizza (.) coming up . 1107679_1110379 *SHER: Kid . 1110379_1110824 *STEV: (..) Thank you Mom . 1110824_1112454 *SHER: (..) You're welcome . 1112454_1113506 *STEV: (..) Hey Mo:m . 1113506_1141520 *SHER: Hey what . 1141520_1142111 *STEV: (..) guess what they h:ad on movie back there 1142111_1145850 u:m 1145850_1146472 (..) &=in (..) at (.) um Albertson's . 1146472_1149740 *SHER: I give up 1149740_1150125 what'd they have . 1150125_1150944 *STEV: (..) &=in I'll give you a hint . 1150944_1153227 *STEV: &=in It's the 1153227_1154196 (..) the guy who wrote it 1154196_1155940 (.) was the same person who wrote The S- +/. 1155940_1158140 *STEV: (..) The Secret Garden . 1158140_1159565 *STEV: (..) Give up ? 1159565_1161995 *SHER: Mhm . 1161995_1162626 *STEV: (..) A Little Princess . 1162626_1163992 *SHER: (..) Oh: 1163992_1165631 that's right . 1165631_1166631 *STEV: (..) It's also on v:ideo on here 1166631_1172605 in Toys 'R' Us . 1172605_1173705 *SHER: Mhm ? 1173705_1174400 *SHER: (..) Now for some reason that didn't do real we- well at the movie theaters . 1174400_1185178 *SHER: Did it . 1185178_1185554 *SHER: (..) What in the ⌈ hell is ⌉ this . 1185554_1187915 *STEV: ⌊ Hunh ⌋ ? 1186959_1187360 *SHER: (.) ⌈2 Oh ⌉2 . 1187915_1188465 *STEV: ⌊2 No ⌋2 Mom . 1188267_1189040 *STEV: It [% laugh] did gr:eat . 1189040_1190728 *SHER: In the movie theaters ? 1190728_1191666 *SHER: It did ? 1191666_1192040 *STEV: &=in Yeah . 1192040_1192775 *SHER: (..) Hunh . 1192775_1196844 *SHER: For some reason I was (..) under the impression that it didn't . 1196844_1199607 *SHER: (..) That it didn't do that well honey . 1199607_1202567 *SHER: (..) But 1202567_1204547 I could be wrong . 1204547_1205387 *SHER: Oh man . 1205387_1209347 *ENV: &{n=WATER_RUNNING . 1209347_1218199 *SHER: Hey Steven ? 1218199_1218726 *SHER: Come on over here 1218726_1219311 I want you to grate this cheese for me . 1219311_1220841 *SHER: Okay ? 1220841_1221291 *STEV: (..) &{l=SING Salami (.) too &}l=SING . 1221291_1223448 *SHER: (..) You know what ⌈ to do . 1223448_1225176 *STEV: ⌊ &{l=SING hot salami &}l=SING ⌋ ? 1224598_1225576 *SHER: Do you know ⌉ how to +... 1225176_1225913 *ENV: &}n=WATER_RUNNING . 1225913_1227038 *SHER: You know how to do this ? 1227038_1227904 *STEV: Yeah . 1227904_1228170 *STEV: (.) ⌈ I just scrape it ⌉ . 1228170_1228999 *SHER: ⌊ Okay . 1228220_1228624 *SHER: So 1228624_1228877 y⌋eah . 1228877_1229177 *SHER: don't +/. 1229177_1229477 *SHER: (.) Don't get your knuckles all bloody though . 1229477_1231054 *SHER: You know you gotta be careful . 1231054_1232104 *SHER: (..) Okay . 1232104_1233337 *STEV: &=GROAN &=lengthened . 1233337_1234853 *SHER: And I'm gonna take this pizza crust off the di⌈sh rack here so ⌉ . 1234853_1237459 *STEV: ⌊ &=ex &=lengthened ⌋ . 1236653_1237459 *SHER: (..) This kitchen is so small . 1237459_1239295 *STEV: (..) Mm . 1239295_1241000 *STEV: (..) Mm: . 1241000_1242155 *STEV: (..) Mm⌈: ⌉ . 1242155_1244108 *SHER: ⌊ You know I kinda hope ⌋ nobody shows up 1243610_1244960 cause this place is such a dirty (.) mess . 1244960_1247413 *STEV: (..) I hope they &{l=X do &}l=X too . 1247413_1250031 *STEV: I look like a mess too . 1250031_1251320 *SHER: ʔNah: . 1251320_1251870 *SHER: You look great &=ex . 1251870_1252954 *STEV: (..) S:lice . 1252954_1256174 *STEV: S⌈:lice: ⌉ . 1256174_1257515 *SHER: ⌊ I'm glad you were good for J⌋ack and Joanne too 1256354_1258640 when they drove you over . 1258640_1259515 *SHER: That was nice of them to do . 1259515_1260755 *STEV: (..) &=in ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 1260755_1262521 *SHER: ⌊ Was it hard s⌋itting in the back of their truck 1261900_1263721 They gotta pretty small truck 1263721_1264866 hunh . 1264866_1265191 *STEV: (..) Well 1265191_1265878 (.) Shred said 1265878_1266553 (..) &{l=VOX I wanna sit back the:re &}l=VOX . 1266553_1268131 *STEV: (..) And 1268131_1268733 (.) you know 1268733_1269373 (..) Missus ⌈ um (.) ⌉ Taylor said . 1269373_1271596 *SHER: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ . 1270475_1270905 *STEV: &=in (..) &{l=VOX No: Shre:d 1271596_1273699 (.) ⌈ there's n⌉o roo:m [% laugh] &}l=VOX . 1273699_1275146 *SHER: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ 1273799_1274225 Unhunh ? 1275146_1275674 *STEV: (.) There was only room for me and Za:ch . 1275674_1277593 *STEV: And we were on (..) opposite sides from ⌈ each other ⌉ . 1277593_1280408 *SHER: ⌊ Ah⌋: . 1279802_1280628 *SHER: (..) So did they put (.) Shred in the front seat between them ? 1280628_1283496 *STEV: &=in (.) Yeah . 1283496_1284521 *SHER: (..) Yeah . 1284521_1285296 *STEV: (..) Poor Shred [% laugh] . 1285296_1287201 *STEV: (..) And guess what . 1287201_1288119 *SHER: (..) ⌈ What ⌉ . 1288119_1288936 *STEV: ⌊ Sh⌋red (.) chased a um ground squirrel . 1288621_1291157 *SHER: (..) He did . 1291157_1292134 *SHER: (..) Did he catch him ? 1292134_1292935 *STEV: (..) No . 1292935_1293964 *SHER: (.) Hm⌈: ⌉ . 1293964_1294514 *STEV: ⌊ Zach ⌋ al- +/. 1294218_1294811 *STEV: (..) Zach caught one . 1294811_1296015 *STEV: Except it bit him . 1296015_1296965 *SHER: (.) Uh-oh . 1296965_1297539 *SHER: (..) Hope he has rabies shots . 1297539_1299233 *SHER: &=in (..) &=SIGH . 1299233_1301541 *SHER: How was their soccer game . 1301541_1302743 *SHER: Did they win their soccer game ? 1302743_1303974 *SHER: Or . 1303974_1304165 *STEV: I didn't ask . 1304165_1305137 *SHER: Oh &=ex . 1305137_1305924 *STEV: (..) He ca- +/. 1305924_1307285 *STEV: (..) Um someone said 1307285_1308575 (..) &{l=VOX hi Ste:ve &}l=VOX . 1308575_1310098 *SHER: (.) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ ? 1310098_1310805 *STEV: ⌊ That was probably ⌋ Shred on the corner 1310273_1312049 I said 1312049_1312442 I looked around and 1312442_1313493 n:- I shrugged . 1313493_1314468 *STEV: &=in Probably the wind I thought &=laugh . 1314468_1316164 *SHER: (.) Ah: . 1316164_1316956 *STEV: &=in It was actually Shred saying 1316956_1318711 &=in &{l=VOX hi Ste:ve &}l=VOX . 1318711_1319987 *SHER: (.) Mhm . 1319987_1320828 *SHER: (..) &=in Is your grandmother feeling better ? 1320828_1325594 *STEV: (..) Yeah 1325594_1326720 she wanted to go home and sleep . 1326720_1328915 *STEV: (..) ⌈ afterward ⌉ . 1328915_1329718 *SHER: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1329218_1329861 *SHER: (.) &=in ⌈2 Well she's ⌉2 supposed to go to the Dixie Land Jazz Festival this weekend . 1329861_1333474 *STEV: ⌊2 XX ⌋2 . 1330127_1330698 *SHER: One of the venues . 1333474_1334375 *SHER: Or ⌈ something so ⌉ . 1334375_1335400 *STEV: ⌊ She did 1334425_1335034 um ⌋ 1335034_1335459 yesterday ⌈2 and . 1335459_1336701 *SHER: ⌊2 Yeah: ⌋2 . 1336247_1337023 *STEV: (.) me ⌉2 and Grandpa had a hard time trying to track her down . 1336826_1339231 *SHER: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1339231_1340176 *STEV: She (.) told Grandpa to 1340176_1341655 (..) tr- +/. 1341655_1342623 *STEV: (..) tr- +/. 1342623_1343223 *STEV: (.) To get me 1343223_1344098 and bring me over there . 1344098_1345248 *STEV: And then ⌈ we could not ⌉ find [% laugh] her [% laugh] . 1345248_1346724 *SHER: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ ? 1345603_1346194 *SHER: (.) Oh: . 1346724_1347352 *SHER: (..) &=in Well that's usually pretty (.) crowded and busy over there . 1347352_1350556 *STEV: (..) Yeah . 1350556_1351988 *STEV: (..) Down to two cheeses Mom . 1351988_1354652 *SHER: Okay: . 1354652_1355529 *ENV: (..) &{n=WATER_RUNNING_AND_DISH_NOISE . 1355529_1356443 *STEV: &=GROAN . 1356443_1357418 *SHER: (..) So did your dad take Mary Ann with him to San Francisco 1357418_1373836 or did he just go by himself . 1373836_1375297 *STEV: (..) I: don't know . 1375297_1377215 *SHER: ⌈ You don't know ⌉ ? 1377215_1377813 *STEV: ⌊ &{l=X I didn't ⌋ (.) ask him about that &}l=X . 1377215_1378987 *STEV: (..) I don't +/. 1378987_1381320 *STEV: (..) I don't know why he even 1381320_1383104 (..) he even went there . 1383104_1384286 *STEV: (.) He did not tell me . 1384286_1385458 *STEV: (..) ⌈ X ⌉ . 1385458_1386100 *SHER: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ 1385708_1386100 I think he just wanted to get out of the Valley for a while and 1386100_1388475 (..) have a break . 1388475_1389365 *STEV: (..) Hunh ? 1389365_1390880 *SHER: (..) I said I think he just wanted to . 1390880_1392734 *ENV: &}n=WATER_RUNNING_AND_DISH_NOISE . 1392734_1393075 *SHER: I think he just wanted to get out of the Valley for a while 1393075_1395413 I think he just needed a break . 1395413_1396865 *ENV: (..) &{n=WATER_AND_DISH_NOISE . 1396865_1398158 *SHER: He hasn't really had a vacation . 1398158_1399608 *STEV: (..) He has 1399608_1401460 with Mary Ann . 1401460_1402438 *SHER: (..) Oh did they go on vacation ? 1402438_1403996 *STEV: &{l=X One time 1403996_1404550 yeah &}l=X . 1404550_1404864 *SHER: (..) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 1404864_1405678 *STEV: ⌊ &{l=X You see &}l=X ⌋ Mom 1405234_1406086 (.) does that look good ? 1406086_1407063 *SHER: (..) Yeah 1407063_1407890 I think so . 1407890_1408465 *STEV: (..) Some of them &{l=X I &}l=X went through right here . 1408465_1411416 *SHER: (.) Yeah . 1411416_1412007 *ENV: &}n=WATER_AND_DISH_NOISE . 1412007_1412400 *SHER: (.) Well that's fine . 1412400_1413327 *SHER: (..) &=in you know what 1413327_1414822 let's open that box of 1414822_1416133 or that (.) package of (.) pastrami 1416133_1418342 (.) &{l=PAR not pastrami &}l=PAR 1418342_1419325 pepperoni . 1419325_1419983 *STEV: &=in (..) Let me put these on there . 1419983_1421699 *SHER: (.) You wanna put the +/. 1421699_1422277 *SHER: You want the (.) pepperoni under the cheese 1422277_1424166 or the pepperoni on top of the cheese &=ex . 1424166_1426091 *STEV: (..) &{l=P On top of the cheese &}l=P . 1426091_1427780 *SHER: Okay 1427780_1428230 ⌈ so ⌉ . 1428230_1428631 *STEV: ⌊ &{l=SING Da_da_da_da ⌋ ⌈2 da_da_da_da da_da_da_da doo: &}l=SING ⌉2 . 1428111_1431164 *SHER: ⌊2 Yeah 1429433_1429633 sprinkle the cheese around . 1429633_1430698 *SHER: That's a good ⌋2 idea . 1430698_1431634 *STEV: (..) &{l=SING Hot salami hot salami hey: 1431634_1434398 hot salami for you: 1434398_1436287 &=in &{l=NONSENSE aneeba abacubby a:n vutsalayvoopdeedoo &}l=NONSENSE . 1436287_1439960 *STEV: (..) Salami hot salami ⌈ hey hot ⌉ salami for you: &}l=SING . 1439960_1443923 *SHER: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1441645_1442411 *STEV: Mm . 1443923_1444449 *STEV: (..) &{l=SING eat it up while it's still a sizzlin' &}l=SING 1444449_1447086 &=in Bugs Bunny used to sing that . 1447086_1449007 *SHER: Yeah I remember that from the Bugs Bunny show . 1449007_1451543 *SHER: Hunh⌈: ⌉ . 1451543_1452010 *STEV: ⌊ That ⌋ one . 1451739_1452422 *STEV: (.) That I rented 1452422_1453203 (..) I li- +/. 1453203_1453944 *STEV: I like those ones . 1453944_1455287 *SHER: (..) Yeah . 1455287_1456314 *STEV: Then my favoritest one 1456314_1457825 &=in was when um 1457825_1459186 (..) it was the Daffy Duck one 1459186_1461298 ⌈ Quackbust⌉ers ? 1461298_1462602 *SHER: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ ? 1461418_1462094 *SHER: Mhm ? 1462602_1463119 *STEV: &=in &=lengthened That was my favorite [% laugh] 1463119_1465023 Or [% laugh] there's [% laugh] one [% laugh] 1465023_1465880 &=in where Bugs Bunny w- was talking to that vampire [% laugh] . 1465880_1469080 *STEV: (..) you know . 1469080_1469920 *SHER: (..) Oh: 1469920_1470795 ⌈ where he was ⌉ . 1470795_1471470 *STEV: ⌊ I used to cr⌋ack up 1470820_1472183 &=laugh . 1472183_1472372 *SHER: (..) where he would turn into the (..) ba⌈:t . 1472372_1474621 *STEV: ⌊ well he said . 1474453_1474996 *SHER: and then he would turn into the umpire: . 1474621_1476475 *STEV: he said 1474996_1475556 ʔuh he said . 1475618_1476475 *SHER: and ⌉ . 1476475_1476675 *STEV: (.) ʔHe⌋: +/. 1476475_1476900 *STEV: umpire . 1476900_1477512 *STEV: Y- he ⌈ says . 1477512_1478087 *SHER: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh ⌋ . 1477807_1478531 *STEV: (.) &{l=VOX I ⌉ am: a vampi:re &}l=VOX . 1478320_1479993 *SHER: ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 1479993_1480712 *STEV: ⌊2 he says ⌋2 1479993_1480680 &{l=VOX Well hocus-pocus . 1480712_1481799 *STEV: I'm an umpire &}l=VOX . 1481799_1482696 *SHER: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1482696_1483372 *STEV: H:e [% laugh] said 1483372_1484133 &{l=VOX &=in ⌈ Well ⌉ h:ocus-pocus . 1484133_1486980 *SHER: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 1484742_1485143 *STEV: I'm a bat &}l=VOX . 1486980_1487813 *STEV: (.) &{l=VOX I'm a bat too . 1487813_1488933 *STEV: (.) Abracadabra &}l=VOX . 1488933_1489783 *STEV: &=in &{l=SING &{l=VOX You wouldn't hit a bat with glasses on &}l=SING 1489783_1492689 would you &}l=VOX . 1492689_1493396 *STEV: Whack . 1493396_1493884 *SHER: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 1493884_1494837 (..) Silly . 1494837_1496068 *SHER: (..) Do you want more cheese than this 1496068_1497823 (.) kiddo . 1497823_1498298 *STEV: (..) Mm: . 1498298_1499212 *SHER: Does that look like enough ? 1499212_1500043 *STEV: (..) Let's put (.) ⌈ little bit more ⌉ . 1500043_1501808 *SHER: ⌊ Let me +/. 1501029_1501406 *SHER: let me ⌋ cut some more off 1501406_1502613 (..) Let me move these dishes ⌈2 into the sink ⌉2 . 1502613_1505210 *STEV: ⌊2 XX ⌋2 . 1504563_1505210 *SHER: Okay here 1505210_1505610 slide over 1505610_1506340 (..) &=in this is really (..) kind of a (.) tough (..) kitchen to work in 1506340_1510027 cause it's so teeny-tiny 1510027_1511223 and I have all my (..) books and everything on this (.) counter too and 1511223_1515023 (..) XXX . 1515023_1516652 *STEV: ⌈ Sl:ice: ⌉ . 1516652_1518365 *SHER: ⌊ s:tuff ⌋ 1517275_1518145 (..) Okay . 1518365_1520775 *SHER: (.) &=ex 1520775_1521702 (..) Yeah . 1521702_1525286 *STEV: (..) ⌈ &=ex &=lengthened ⌉ . 1525286_1525961 *SHER: ⌊ okay ⌋ . 1525461_1525961 *SHER: And I'll open up the (..) pastra- +/. 1525961_1528007 *SHER: &{l=PAR ʔHa- pastrami &}l=PAR . 1528007_1529092 *SHER: Pepperoni 1529092_1529745 (..) I'm ⌈ tired . 1529745_1531407 *STEV: ⌊ S- hot sa⌋lami . 1531180_1532413 *SHER: Boy ⌉ . 1531407_1531907 *STEV: (..) You were gonna say hot salami . 1532413_1534408 *SHER: No 1534408_1534727 I was gonna say pastrami . 1534727_1535952 *SHER: Instead of pepperoni . 1535952_1536977 *SHER: (..) It's because I'm having a dumb attack . 1536977_1540532 *STEV: (..) No you're having a mom attack . 1540532_1542929 *SHER: Yeah 1542929_1543205 I ⌈ guess so ⌉ . 1543205_1543880 *STEV: ⌊ You are enter⌋ing (.) the mom zone . 1543301_1545047 *SHER: Mom zone . 1545047_1545659 *SHER: How's Robbie doing . 1545659_1546585 *SHER: (..) . 1546585_1547384 @End