@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: NICK NICK Speaker, X X Speaker, BENT BENTON Speaker, DARR DARREN Speaker, MART MARTIN Speaker, BILL BILL Speaker, JED JED Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|NICK|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|X|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|BENT|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|DARR|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|MART|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|BILL|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|JED|||||Speaker||| @Media: 57, audio @Comment: Throw Me @Comment: Task-related talk, a recording of a judo class in Shreveport, Louisiana. The five students and their instructor are males between the ages of 22 and 37. The instructor is demonstrating and coaching the Hane-Makikomi throw, which students are practicing with varying degrees of success. *NICK: (..) Go get him . 0_1479 *X: &{l=X Little boys' room &}l=X ? 1479_2350 *X: (..) &=ex . 2350_3250 *BENT: (..) &{l=VOX ʔiai &}l=VOX . 3250_5166 *BENT: &=FALL . 5166_5784 *NICK: &=in (.) Go:d [% laugh] . 5784_6891 *DARR: (..) No . 6891_8099 *NICK: (.) That whale got beached . 8099_9460 *MART: He's not ready ⌈ for that one ⌉ . 9460_10468 *DARR: ⌊ No ⌋ . 10004_10468 *NICK: (..) Now . 10468_11628 *MART: You know how I +... 11628_12355 *NICK: (..) Al⌈right &=ex ⌉ . 12355_14105 *X: ⌊ XX XXX ⌋ ? 13280_14105 *NICK: (..) Let's us three get together . 14105_15848 *NICK: (..) Us four . 15848_17601 *DARR: (..) &{l=X you want &}l=X the mat ? 17601_21556 *NICK: (..) Bill 21556_24786 you wanted to learn Hane-makikomi . 24786_26711 *BILL: (..) Yep &=ex . 26711_29846 *BILL: (..) X sensei . 29846_31276 *NICK: (..) Right ? 31276_32351 *BILL: (.) &{l=X Right &}l=X . 32351_32989 *NICK: (..) Darren &=ex 32989_34764 (..) drag that (..) crashpad to the center of the mats and . 34764_37572 *X: (..) &{l=X Bad connection &}l=X . 37572_38908 *NICK: (..) Okay 38908_46913 when I throw you Darren 46913_48067 (..) I'm gonna want you to 48067_49225 (..) &{l=MRC slap real hard &}l=MRC . 49225_51923 *NICK: (..) Okay 51923_53057 it's gonna be a rather hard fall . 53057_54722 *NICK: This way y'all two can see it . 54722_56142 *DARR: (..) Oh boy . 56142_57024 *DARR: (..) Okay . 57024_57584 *NICK: (..) Well not an oh boy anything 57584_60090 it's +... 60090_60389 *DARR: (..) Oh man . 60389_61196 *NICK: (..) No you're +... 61196_62323 *DARR: (.) Oh God [% laugh] ? 62323_62932 *NICK: (.) &=laugh &=laugh . 62932_63645 *BILL: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 63645_64175 *NICK: ⌊ There you go ⌋ . 63620_64273 *NICK: There [% laugh] you go . 64273_65174 *X: &=in &=laugh . 65174_65911 *NICK: Didn't you wanted to hurt my new Brown Belt [% laugh] tonight [% laugh] ? 65911_67972 *NICK: &=in &=laugh &=ex 67972_68824 &=in Alright 68824_69440 take an inside sleeve grip with it . 69440_71420 *NICK: (..) And 71420_73053 go ahead and grip my gi 73053_74453 (.) normally . 74453_75101 *NICK: Darren . 75101_75626 *NICK: &=in (..) Now with the Hane-makikomi 75626_78112 (..) you know how Makikomi 78112_79468 the springing hip works ? 79468_80618 *NICK: (..) You jerk em up to you onto your chest ? 80618_82927 *X: (.) Mhm . 82927_83652 *NICK: (.) Pivot . 83652_84426 *DARR: (..) &=FALL . 84426_85704 *NICK: And then spring em ⌈ out ⌉ . 85704_86768 *DARR: ⌊ Ow: ⌋ . 86265_86866 *DARR: &{l=WH Fuck &}l=WH . 86866_87317 *NICK: (..) With their thigh . 87317_88398 *NICK: (.) I mean wi- +/. 88398_89028 *NICK: (..) ⌈ with their thigh: ⌉ . 89028_90053 *BENT: ⌊ &{l=X Put &}l=X your ankles together ⌋ Darren . 89198_90303 *NICK: (.) ⌈2 thigh ⌉2 . 90303_90947 *DARR: ⌊2 Nope ⌋2 . 90478_90947 *NICK: and uh (.) calf . 90947_91756 *NICK: Hunh ? 91756_92131 *BENT: (..) XXX XX ankles together ? 92131_94038 *DARR: U:m 94038_94588 actually in this case 94588_95660 (.) this to that 95660_96539 (.) don't do it . 96539_97319 *DARR: (.) I don't recommend it . 97319_98218 *NICK: (..) &=laugh &=ex (.) We try not . 98218_99942 *NICK: We have a little rank . 99942_100798 *NICK: W- only White Belts do that Darren . 100798_102203 *NICK: That's okay [% laugh] . 102203_102771 *NICK: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 102771_103200 *DARR: ⌊ Well ⌋ . 102843_103200 *NICK: &=laugh . 103200_103460 *DARR: I don't know what the hell I'm doing . 103460_104461 *NICK: (..) O⌈kay ⌉ . 104461_105471 *X: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 105067_105471 *NICK: (..) &=in This w- this time you won't get a chance [% laugh] to [% laugh] . 105471_108398 *DARR: (.) It's gonna be a lot faster isn't it . 108398_109545 *NICK: (..) Well 109545_110380 ye:s and 110380_111197 you're gonna be carrying the weight of both of us &{l=X when you're on your ⌈ heels &}l=X ⌉ . 111197_113156 *DARR: ⌊ &{l=X Oh ⌋ okay &}l=X . 112874_113516 *NICK: (..) Alright &=ex . 113516_114570 *NICK: Now w- +/. 114570_115025 *NICK: Just relax . 115025_115620 *NICK: I'm not gonna hurt you at all . 115620_116621 *NICK: (..) &=in Uh 116621_117792 (..) when I do the Mak- +/. 117792_119191 *NICK: uh the Hane-goshi 119191_120191 (..) instead of pulling him all the way up ? 120191_122687 *NICK: (..) Like this 122687_124063 I'm gonna come 124063_125140 (..) and let go with this hand . 125140_127598 *NICK: (..) With my right hand 127598_129558 I'm gonna wrap his (..) right arm up . 129558_132033 *DARR: ⌈ &{l=X Like so &}l=X ⌉ . 132033_133380 *NICK: ⌊ Just like th⌋is . 132845_133699 *NICK: (..) Just like you would in a regular 133699_135899 (.) Sode-makikomi . 135899_137328 *NICK: (..) Then I'm gonna slam this leg up . 137328_139086 *DARR: &=FALL . 139086_139680 *NICK: and let fly . 139680_140532 *DARR: ʔInteresting . 140532_141562 *NICK: (..) There's not much difference 141562_144443 I mean 144443_144857 (.) it's a little more dynamic 144857_146350 (..) and it's good 146350_148618 (..) when you catch a bent-over opponent . 148618_152094 *NICK: (.) Out there in shiai . 152094_153178 *NICK: (.) ʔuh (.) Or randori . 153178_154379 *NICK: (..) No need to fix your gi right now . 154379_156207 *NICK: (..) It's gonna get messed up . 156207_157393 *NICK: (.) Bend over for me Darren 157393_158780 (..) No not +/. 158780_159778 *NICK: Yeah . 159778_159939 *NICK: Bend over like a- +/. 159939_160515 *NICK: Grab my gi . 160515_161143 *DARR: (..) Alright ? 161143_161993 *NICK: From right here 161993_162843 (..) then I come . 162843_163718 *DARR: &=GRUNT 163718_164059 (..) ⌈ &=FALL ⌉ . 164059_165435 *NICK: ⌊ I'm doing a ⌋ +/. 164639_165204 *NICK: (.) Pardon me . 165435_166016 *NICK: (..) Let me go back to Hane-makikomi 166016_168053 I'm doing Sode . 168053_168853 *NICK: (..) Bend over . 168853_170688 *NICK: (..) I'm just gonna kinda scoop his arms up . 170688_174197 *NICK: (..) Bring it across . 174197_176075 *DARR: (..) &=FALL . 176075_177343 *NICK: (..) Notice how high: I get up into his crotch with that foot ? 177343_180299 *NICK: (..) That gives me more lift to him . 180299_182529 *NICK: (..) Uh (..) bow . 182529_187533 *NICK: (..) Come here . 187533_188524 *NICK: (..) Bend over . 188524_192933 *NICK: (..) I've got my 192933_194643 (.) my high collar grip on 194643_196025 on a bent-over player . 196025_197293 *NICK: &=in (.) Who likes to watch my feet and mess around . 197293_199731 *NICK: &=in I'm gonna give him something to watch now . 199731_201596 *NICK: (..) I'm gonna come all the way around here 201596_203338 (..) and as I've got him w:rapped up 203338_205391 I'm wrapping up tight 205391_206315 aren't I Bill . 206315_206927 *BILL: (..) Y:ep . 206927_207779 *NICK: I'm gonna ⌈ slam that up ⌉ . 207779_208808 *BILL: ⌊ &=GRUNT ⌋ 208347_208848 (.) &=FALL . 208848_209701 *NICK: (..) I'm gonna come all the way around on him . 209701_211978 *NICK: (..) See it's okay if I get this foot 211978_216209 (..) all the way up into the side of his crotch . 216209_219160 *NICK: (..) I want to r:eally get that lift . 219160_222827 *NICK: (..) As I get that lift 222827_224310 &=YELL 224310_225161 (..) I wanna get that outer winding pull . 225161_228169 *NICK: That Makikomi . 228169_229099 *NICK: (..) Okay ? 229099_230973 *NICK: (..) Let's give it a try &=ex . 230973_233603 *NICK: (..) Bill I wanna see you throw Darren . 233603_235527 *NICK: &=in We need to practice Darren's Ukemi . 235527_237407 *NICK: (..) &=laugh &=ex &=in &=laugh &=ex &=in 237407_240500 I love it 240500_241004 the only Hebrew I've ever seen make the sign of the cro⌈ss ⌉ . 241004_243478 *DARR: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh 243280_244005 (..) &{l=SM It takes too long to do the sign of star of ⌈2 David Nick &}l=SM ⌉2 . 244005_247226 *NICK: ⌊2 &{l=X Hush &}l=X ⌋2 . 246618_247227 *JED: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 247227_248204 *NICK: (.) Sammy Davis Junior used to do it just fine . 248204_250239 *NICK: (..) Ha-jime . 250239_251839 *X: (..) &=ex ⌈ Na- ⌉ +... 251839_253793 *NICK: ⌊ Now you gotta let ⌋ go with the right hand Bill . 253318_254903 *NICK: (..) Get going 254903_255829 wrap around . 255829_256554 *NICK: (..) There 256554_257723 (..) pull . 257723_258165 *NICK: Pull 258165_258390 outer winding pull . 258390_259354 *DARR: (..) &=FALL 259354_261133 &=YELL 261133_261654 (..) And don't elbow me in the face . 261654_262985 *NICK: (.) ʔYa- +/. 262985_263277 *NICK: You ⌈ need to let him have a chance ⌉ to slap . 263277_265102 *DARR: ⌊ &{l=X That's good etiquette &}l=X ⌋ . 263431_264391 *BILL: (..) &{l=X You're right &}l=X . 265102_265703 *NICK: (..) Watch Bill . 265703_267455 *NICK: (..) From here 267455_269257 (..) come all the way around . 269257_271317 *BILL: Okay . 271317_271706 *NICK: (..) to here . 271706_272297 *NICK: See how ⌈ I got him up on that one leg ⌉ ? 272297_273599 *BILL: ⌊ &{l=X Gotta keep that on &}l=X ⌋ . 272583_273604 *BILL: Okay . 273599_273948 *NICK: &=in Then I'm gonna kick his leg up . 273948_275280 *DARR: &=FALL . 275280_276380 *NICK: (.) Boo:m &=ex . 276380_277598 *NICK: (..) In a Hane-goshi . 277598_279204 *NICK: That spring hip . 279204_280174 *NICK: &=in With an outer winding pull . 280174_281596 *NICK: (..) It's okay if you hit it low 281596_284394 (.) but if he's bent over 284394_285625 (..) you can- +/. 285625_286276 *NICK: and you hit it low 286276_287236 you're not gonna hit nothing . 287236_288148 *NICK: (..) From here 288148_289580 (..) I don't have +/. 289580_290951 *NICK: I have too much distance between us . 290951_292444 *NICK: (..) But from here . 292444_293985 *DARR: (..) &=FALL . 293985_296715 *NICK: (..) I get more of a spring off with it . 296715_298564 *NICK: (..) It's gonna be hard not to call it &{l=X an ippon &}l=X . 298564_301145 *X: &{l=P Mhm &}l=P . 301145_301572 *NICK: (..) &=in &=ex 301572_303179 &=in And even if they don't 303179_304778 (..) I'm going right into Ude-garami . 304778_308542 *NICK: (..) Go . 308542_310120 *DARR: (..) &=FALL . 310120_321673 *NICK: (.) Not bad ? 321673_322444 *NICK: (..) Lug 322444_326307 you wanna give it a try ? 326307_327213 *NICK: (..) Try it on Bill . 327213_329022 *NICK: (..) You're in front of a Black Belt . 329022_338066 *NICK: (..) ⌈ XX where ⌉ X he can see if he wants to . 338066_340366 *DARR: ⌊ Oh ⌋ +/. 339059_339437 *DARR: I'm sorry . 340366_340866 *NICK: (..) ⌈ Alright ⌉ . 340866_346427 *X: ⌊ X ⌋ . 346165_346377 *NICK: (..) Gotta pull going this way . 346427_348720 *BENT: (..) Okay . 348720_349523 *BENT: (.) I need to have ⌈ him here ⌉ . 349523_350639 *NICK: ⌊ Jerk him ⌋ . 350121_350604 *NICK: (.) You don't have to g- wrap both arms up ? 350639_352669 *NICK: (..) Just one really 352669_354349 (..) ʔuh jerk him around . 354349_355577 *BENT: Okay 355577_356046 (.) X and then spring the hip up . 356046_357357 *NICK: Spring your hip . 357357_357831 *NICK: (..) Take a high collar grip Lug 357831_361828 if he's bent over that far 361828_362844 (..) you wouldn't start off like that . 362844_364286 *NICK: Now . 364286_364741 *NICK: (.) You can just swing all the way around 364741_366036 and grab that arm . 366036_366606 *BENT: Okay . 366606_367114 *NICK: (..) Just +/. 367114_368080 *NICK: (..) No . 368080_370181 *BENT: &=GROAN . 370181_370712 *NICK: (..) There's no such thing as a Hane-uchi-mata . 370712_372941 *NICK: (..) You fall straight on your face . 372941_375221 *BENT: (..) Oh . 375221_379520 *NICK: (..) Alright &=ex 379520_384279 (.) you don't have the outer pull (.) going for you . 384279_386570 *NICK: (..) You (..) still don't have enough outer pull . 386570_389681 *NICK: (..) He oughtta be wound up on his tiptoes . 389681_391656 *NICK: (.) Way out to here . 391656_392535 *NICK: Now spring your hip . 392535_393342 *BENT: Okay . 393342_393874 *NICK: (..) Spring your hip . 393874_394860 *BILL: &=GRUNT 394860_395316 &=FALL . 395316_395993 *NICK: There . 395993_396465 *NICK: (..) It's hard too 396465_398981 (..) for you 398981_400282 w- your legs are so short 400282_401415 and he's so tall . 401415_402490 *NICK: (..) Try it again . 402490_408300 *NICK: (..) And Martin if your hip joints were okay . 408300_411523 *BENT: (..) Yeah . 411523_412123 *NICK: (.) He'd b- be just perfect for you to 412123_414184 (..) okay 414184_419862 for one thing you're backing in . 419862_420920 *BENT: (..) Okay . 420920_421920 *NICK: (..) Watch . 421920_423257 *NICK: (..) From here 423257_424767 bend over . 424767_425235 *NICK: (..) &=CLAP From right here . 425235_426422 *BENT: (..) Okay . 426422_428702 *NICK: &{l=X Jock &}l=X him into it . 428702_429780 *BENT: (..) Mhm . 429780_430568 *NICK: I've gotta still jerk him up on his tiptoes to throw him 430568_433193 (.) &=in from here ? 433193_434425 *NICK: (..) See that half (.) half (.) instep ? 434425_437941 *BENT: (..) Spot the hip ? 437941_439250 *NICK: (..) I'm jerking 439250_440834 (..) I still get under him don't I . 440834_443160 *BILL: (..) &=FALL . 443160_445377 *NICK: (..) Then I'm on him . 445377_447231 *NICK: (..) It's hard to control that throw 447231_451787 (..) Did you land off the mat ? 451787_453412 *BILL: (.) No no . 453412_454039 *NICK: Good . 454039_454661 *NICK: (..) Uchi- &{l=X mother &}l=X . 454661_467473 *NICK: Koka . 467473_467874 *X: (..) &=THROAT . 467874_470978 *NICK: (..) Tell you what . 470978_472278 *NICK: (..) Martin let's pull this down XXX . 472278_474032 *NICK: (..) Okay . 474032_476168 *NICK: (..) Alright ? 476168_483061 *NICK: (..) Lug &=ex 483061_484778 (..) Give a more upward 484778_487560 (..) round pull . 487560_489167 *NICK: (..) From here . 489167_490538 *NICK: (..) Watch . 490538_491646 *NICK: I get s- &=ex +/. 491646_492419 *NICK: (..) best- (.) best way to do it is to feel it I guess . 492419_494813 *NICK: (..) Bend over . 494813_495794 *NICK: (..) Alright 495794_496701 I'm gonna come to here 496701_497668 (..) now I jerk ʔu:p 497668_499734 (..) first 499734_500620 (..) then I spin around . 500620_502206 *BENT: (..) Okay . 502206_502712 *NICK: (..) And I'm gonna let it go 502712_503767 God you're heavy . 503767_504720 *NICK: (..) &=laugh &=ex 504720_505670 (..) Then I'm gonna let go here 505670_507408 here 507408_508022 (..) see how I got you wound up ? 508022_509406 *BENT: (..) &=FALL . 509406_510934 *NICK: Down here . 510934_511549 *NICK: (..) This is not a good throw to throw Lug in &=ex . 511549_514658 *NICK: (..) &=in &=laugh &=ex . 514658_515634 *X: (..) &=in &=ex &=lengthened . 515634_517265 *NICK: (..) I would suggest doing this throw 517265_519366 (..) on combatants and opponents of equal h:eight . 519366_523028 *NICK: (..) And size . 523028_524191 *NICK: Lug would be much better &=ex 524191_525502 (..) for a Sode-makikomi &=ex 525502_527902 &=in but not a Hande-maki- Hane-makikomi . 527902_529948 *NICK: &=in Cause the Hane 529948_531084 (..) you add that (.) spri:ng . 531084_532623 *NICK: (..) Alright &=ex 532623_534325 I'm having to use my (.) legs 534325_535856 (..) to throw his weight . 535856_537061 *NICK: (..) &=in Instead of using (..) ʔSode-maki⌈komi ⌉ . 537061_540580 *BENT: ⌊ &=FALL ⌋ &=GRUNT . 540174_541353 *NICK: (..) and get the outside of his legs 541353_543213 (..) and I can make that a pretty throw . 543213_544789 *NICK: (..) Alright &=ex ? 544789_548357 *NICK: (..) And with the Makikomi technique with it 548357_551107 (..) you don't ha:ve &=ex 551107_553470 (..) &=in the Tsuri-komi . 553470_555277 *NICK: (..) The lifting pull . 555277_557027 *NICK: that you would normally have . 557027_557983 *NICK: &=in You don't have your right hand to help you with it . 557983_560122 *NICK: (..) &=in All you have is an outer winding pull with the left hand . 560122_563092 *NICK: (..) &=in It's gotta go up 563092_564553 out &=ex 564553_565414 (..) and around . 565414_566574 *NICK: (..) Let's give it a try . 566574_568512 *NICK: (..) Throw (.) throw Bill again . 568512_571708 *X: (..) &=ex (..) &=THROAT . 571708_582383 *NICK: (..) Now 582383_585590 spring the hip . 585590_586371 *BILL: (..) &=GRUNT 586371_587869 &=FALL . 587869_588442 *NICK: (.) That's better . 588442_589093 *JED: &{l=P Yeah &}l=P . 589093_589441 *NICK: (..) Much better . 589441_590794 *NICK: (..) Now let's throw it again 590794_593040 and not have to stop 593040_594265 (..) and think about where the foot goes . 594265_596865 *NICK: (..) Now 596865_598246 (..) &{l=X Just one moment &}l=X . 598246_599187 *NICK: (..) The more acute (.) angle 599187_604210 (..) that that knee gets at 604210_605738 (..) the more &{l=MRC power w- you have with your spring &}l=MRC from your hip joint . 605738_608691 *NICK: (..) From here 608691_613946 (..) even if I'm doing Hane-goshi . 613946_616297 *NICK: (..) if I get that 616297_620038 (.) that knee bent 620038_620888 at ninety degrees right here 620888_622488 (..) well I can bla:st hi:m 622488_624688 (..) from here . 624688_625784 *BILL: (..) &=FALL . 625784_626920 *NICK: (..) I've got (.) a lot of spring with it . 626920_629471 *NICK: (..) Also 629471_632451 (..) lay the (..) instep of the foot . 632451_636025 *NICK: (..) Toe:s extremely well-pointed . 636025_638451 *NICK: (..) To the inside 638451_640585 (..) of his calf 640585_642685 (.) I mean his 642685_643616 (..) his uh (..) thigh 643616_645291 at the bend of his knee . 645291_646341 *NICK: (..) I don't care if your heel slides up into his crotch . 646341_651236 *NICK: (..) For a (.) a (.) Hane-makikomi . 651236_654319 *NICK: (..) Now 654319_656641 (..) uh &=ex 656641_659387 (..) Hane-goshi 659387_660481 (..) I'd prefer that you do it a little bit different . 660481_662463 *NICK: But Hane-makikomi 662463_663390 (..) the higher up it gets 663390_664533 the more spring you get . 664533_665433 *NICK: (..) Yoshi . 665433_666846 *BENT: (..) Is this the right (..) position here ? 666846_678796 *NICK: (..) Your knees need to be bent . 678796_680253 *NICK: (..) Now pull . 680253_681839 *NICK: Pull pull pull 681839_682662 and spr- (.) and spring . 682662_683750 *NICK: (..) Spring . 683750_685140 *BENT: (.) Okay . 685140_685842 *BENT: (..) ⌈ I'm just trying to get ⌉ this . 685842_687255 *X: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 686042_686930 *BENT: this middle posi⌈2tion ⌉2 . 687255_688280 *NICK: ⌊2 Alright ⌋2 watch . 687994_688548 *NICK: (..) even though he's bent over 688548_691081 (..) I still have to get in . 691081_694775 *BENT: (..) Okay . 694775_695536 *NICK: I've got to get him loaded . 695536_696385 *NICK: Look at his (.) look at his heels ? 696385_697585 *NICK: (..) Is his heel up ? 697585_698911 *BENT: (..) Yes . 698911_699681 *NICK: (..) Alright from here 699681_700999 (..) now I've g- I'm got to be lower 700999_702821 &=in &{l=X come on back side of the ⌈ hands &}l=X ⌉ . 702821_704169 *BILL: ⌊ &=GRUNT ⌋ 703757_704206 (.) &=FALL . 704206_705040 *NICK: (..) And then I spring him off . 705040_706611 *NICK: (..) If he's bent over 706611_708671 (..) it's extremely hard for me to get (.) &=in under him 708671_712296 with a standard (..) Tsuri-komi grip . 712296_714426 *NICK: (..) Well this way I'm just scooting my butt in there on him . 714426_717721 *NICK: (..) &=in (.) It doesn't matter if I hit him 717721_720296 &=in (.) a little bit above my- his obi 720296_722565 (..) with my buttocks . 722565_723625 *NICK: (..) As long as 723625_725154 (..) that leg is automatically cocking as it goes in . 725154_728104 *NICK: (.) &=in Then I'm throwing my weight straight forward &=ex . 728104_730775 *BENT: Okay . 730775_731275 *NICK: (..) With that outer winding pull . 731275_733391 *NICK: (..) It's all-important . 733391_734415 *NICK: (..) Jerk him around . 734415_740965 *NICK: In a big circle . 740965_741740 *BILL: (..) &=FALL . 741740_745675 *NICK: (..) Okay . 745675_746480 *NICK: Everything was there but the leg . 746480_747885 *NICK: (..) Bill went into Uchi-mata . 747885_750015 *NICK: (..) I might have to have you throw Uchi-mata a couple times 750015_752862 so you can throw a Hane-goshi . 752862_753862 *NICK: (..) Think of it &=ex 753862_755508 (..) as a very short 755508_757283 (..) inverted kick . 757283_760858 *NICK: (..) Like that . 760858_761566 *NICK: (..) You know how you can use 761566_762997 (..) &=SLAP 762997_763697 (..) inverted kick ? 763697_764897 *NICK: (..) Up v:ery close range ? 764897_767423 *BENT: Mhm ? 767423_767805 *NICK: (.) That's exactly what you're doing . 767805_769005 *NICK: (..) &=laugh &=ex 769005_770126 (..) Kicking the inside of his thigh . 770126_771682 *BENT: (..) Okay . 771682_772619 *NICK: (..) This time do an inverted kick on the inside of his thigh when you do it . 772619_775062 *NICK: (..) Go into it and load him up two or three times &=ex . 775062_779261 *NICK: (..) Uchi-komi &=ex . 779261_781172 *NICK: (..) Alright &=ex ? 781172_784650 *NICK: (..) Bend your knees as you go in too . 784650_787720 *NICK: (..) You're just straight and +/. 787720_789253 *NICK: straight and lock-kneed ? 789253_790057 *NICK: There . 790057_790487 *NICK: (..) 'S better . 790487_791918 *NICK: (..) Now throw . 791918_797874 *BENT: (.) &=ex &=lengthened 797874_799085 (..) &=ex . 799085_800342 *NICK: Relax . 800342_800950 *NICK: (..) Relax and throw . 800950_802120 *BILL: (..) &=FALL &=GRUNT . 802120_805805 *NICK: Better . 805805_806237 *NICK: Better . 806237_806667 *NICK: (..) You're still sli:ding up that leg 806667_809422 you're not springing it . 809422_810276 *NICK: (..) Bill 810276_811789 let's see you throw a couple times . 811789_813198 *NICK: (..) Throw me . 813198_814059 *NICK: (..) &=ex &=lengthened 814059_817464 It's hot in here . 817464_818274 *NICK: (..) Thank you . 818274_822813 *NICK: &=laugh &=ex . 822813_823216 *BILL: Okay it was +... 823216_824016 *NICK: (..) Now I'm gonna be a sucker 824016_828125 and watch your feet . 828125_829200 *NICK: (..) This +/. 829200_830978 *NICK: (..) Now you're just walking in on me man 830978_834027 you have- you have no outer winding pull here . 834027_836402 *NICK: (..) Jerk me to you . 836402_838840 *NICK: (..) Hoo: 838840_840432 there we go 840432_841300 I'm on my tiptoes 841300_842236 what are you waiting for . 842236_842997 *BILL: &=GRUNT . 842997_843383 *NICK: &=FALL . 843383_844262 *BILL: (..) Not quite far enough in &=ex . 844262_848062 *NICK: (..) A little shaky 848062_849649 but basic 849649_850374 (..) as long as you're getting my head 850374_853068 (..) to where it'll clear 853068_854068 and 854068_854268 won't snap my neck 854268_855031 you'll be doing fine . 855031_855811 *NICK: (..) Make me a happy camper 855811_858594 (..) Ah . 858594_860685 *NICK: (..) here 860685_861337 (.) an added exp- +/. 861337_862202 *NICK: (.) &=in an added attraction . 862202_863732 *NICK: (..) What are we gonna do now . 863732_865761 *NICK: (..) I've got my hand on your hip . 865761_867687 *NICK: Whoa . 867687_868363 *NICK: (.) There we go . 868363_869279 *NICK: (..) That's it beau . 869279_870612 *NICK: (..) Throw . 870612_871927 *BILL: (..) &=GRUNT . 871927_873434 *NICK: &=FALL 873434_873985 &=ex &=lengthened 873985_874721 &=in I was gonna get that arm free &=laugh &=ex 874721_876820 &=in &=laugh &=ex . 876820_877478 *BILL: &{l=X Stop whispering &}l=X . 877478_878379 *NICK: (..) Good . 878379_880122 *NICK: Have you played a player yet ? 880122_881526 *NICK: (..) One of these ? 881526_883899 *NICK: (..) You will . 883899_886222 *BILL: (..) Think I did . 886222_887553 *X: (..) &=THROAT . 887553_888735 *NICK: Jed 888735_889075 you've seen these 889075_889717 haven't you ? 889717_890417 *JED: (.) Mhm . 890417_890966 *NICK: (.) Turn on in on s- with something . 890966_892475 *NICK: (..) Turn in to anything . 892475_894034 *NICK: Ah . 894034_894584 *NICK: (..) Can't 894584_895452 can you . 895452_895976 *NICK: Go into O-uchi . 895976_896756 *NICK: (..) Now I'm playing you back &=ex . 896756_900236 *NICK: (..) ⌈ &=in ⌉ But . 900236_901259 *BILL: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 900575_900925 *NICK: you can hook that arm 901259_902165 (..) &{l=F O:h &}l=F 902165_903120 there we go . 903120_904026 *NICK: (.) Hane-makikomi now . 904026_905485 *NICK: (..) &=FALL 905485_906949 &{l=WH Ow &}l=WH . 906949_907304 *JED: &{l=P Alright &}l=P . 907304_907893 *NICK: (..) Boy that's a hard fall &=ex 907893_909465 ⌈ &=in ⌉ &=ex &=lengthened . 909465_910718 *JED: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 909705_910056 *NICK: (..) &{l=X Ippon &}l=X . 910718_912255 *NICK: (..) &=GASP 912255_913300 Alright 913300_913525 that's where Hane-makikomi comes in . 913525_915100 *NICK: (..) Now &=ex 915100_916993 (..) the traditional way to do it 916993_918610 (..) is not all bent over . 918610_922182 *NICK: (..) It's from a regular grip &=ex . 922182_924340 *NICK: (..) And I'll still go 924340_925893 (..) &=ex . 925893_926792 *BILL: (..) &=FALL . 926792_927877 *NICK: (..) Not a real &=ex +/. 927877_930383 *NICK: &=in Which w- that one wasn't a very clean pretty throw . 930383_932923 *BILL: (..) XX functional . 932923_934825 *NICK: (..) Ah f- &=ex 934825_935878 well 935878_936198 it would have been better 936198_937075 &=in had my leg stayed lower . 937075_938500 *NICK: (..) Traditional Hane 938500_940385 &=in Hane uh 940385_941260 &=in Goshi &=ex leg &=ex . 941260_942685 *BILL: (..) &=FALL . 942685_945837 *NICK: There . 945837_946156 *BILL: (..) That was pretty . 946156_948362 *NICK: (..) But I like the Hane-makikomi 948362_950202 (..) &=in when it's used on a player &=ex 950202_952522 (..) who's fighting you in that 952522_954371 (..) extre:me &=ex defensive stance . 954371_957596 *NICK: (..) &=in While he's down in a &{l=X deep &}l=X jigo . 957596_959945 *NICK: (.) Preferably 959945_960997 (..) with his left foot forward . 960997_962942 *NICK: (..) Pressing against you with that left hand . 962942_965140 *NICK: (..) Keeping you out . 965140_966593 *NICK: (..) Doing this number . 966593_968189 *NICK: (..) &{l=X Goes in [% laugh] &}l=X 968189_969448 &=in see he's already eliminated this place &=ex 969448_971580 (..) &=in &=laugh &=ex 971580_973205 &=in All you have to do is jerk me around to it and come to me . 973205_975714 *NICK: From there . 975714_976194 *NICK: (..) Jerk 976194_977056 (..) Hook 977056_978096 (..) And then spring &{l=X me &}l=X right there . 978096_980363 *NICK: (..) That's it . 980363_982163 *NICK: (..) Alright 982163_983446 practice it on Darren a couple times . 983446_984660 *NICK: I wanna see it . 984660_985180 *NICK: (..) &{l=X Think if you &}l=X tried the throw ? 985180_989026 *BILL: (..) ⌈ &{l=WH Okay &}l=WH ⌉ . 989026_990178 *X: ⌊ &{l=X Can you tell &}l=X ⌋ ? 989476_990178 *NICK: (..) On Darren . 990178_992156 *NICK: (..) Lug's a little ⌊ bit heavy for you ⌋ . 992156_994207 *BENT: ⌊ &{l=X Where is he- &}l=X +/. 993383_993858 *BENT: (.) Here ⌋ it is . 993858_994783 *JED: (..) ⌈2 Don't throw him off the mat now Bill ⌉2 . 994783_997511 *BILL: ⌊2 Do we wanna do it using +/. 995988_997036 *BILL: (.) Yeah ⌋2 . 997036_997511 *DARR: (..) Ah the only thing I +... 997511_998536 *NICK: Yeah . 998536_998840 *NICK: Take your (.) position on the mat . 998840_999968 *DARR: (..) All I do is XXX . 999968_1001741 *DARR: (..) X ? 1001741_1003499 *DARR: (..) I'm keeping you out like that ? 1003499_1005683 *BILL: (..) Well &{l=X that's fine down &}l=X . 1005683_1007172 *DARR: ʔuh &{l=X Are they on the chalk &}l=X . 1007172_1008028 *BILL: Yes you are . 1008028_1008682 *DARR: (.) Okay ? 1008682_1009182 *DARR: (..) &{l=X You gonna make &}l=X XX XXX ? 1009182_1012464 *NICK: Throw . 1012464_1013064 *BILL: (..) &=SH &=lengthened . 1013064_1014305 *DARR: &=FALL . 1014305_1015163 *NICK: (..) We:ll 1015163_1015814 ⌈ it's coming off as a winding Uchi⌉-mata . 1015814_1017514 *BILL: ⌊ &{l=X Was I above your leg &}l=X ⌋ 1015814_1017075 (..) It did ? 1017514_1018375 *NICK: It's not the time for uh &=ex 1018375_1020037 (..) for uh (.) extreme resistance yet . 1020037_1023923 *NICK: (.) We're in practice . 1023923_1024679 *BILL: Okay &=ex . 1024679_1025418 *NICK: (..) Just put your hand up there 1025418_1027637 and push a little bit . 1027637_1028612 *BILL: (..) &{l=P XX &}l=P . 1028612_1029324 *NICK: (.) Not a lot of resistance from it . 1029324_1030833 *NICK: And 1030833_1031118 (..) &{l=P XXX XXXX . 1031118_1033340 *NICK: (..) XXX XXX &}l=P . 1033340_1034868 *NICK: (.) Thank you . 1034868_1035414 *NICK: (.) Cause you're throwing him over toward this edge . 1035414_1037040 *BILL: (.) Okay . 1037040_1037690 *DARR: (..) &=FALL . 1037690_1040794 *NICK: That's it . 1040794_1041496 *NICK: (..) Pu- +/. 1041496_1042903 *NICK: Ippon . 1042903_1043537 *NICK: (..) Alright . 1043537_1045232 *NICK: (..) Lug let's see you throw uh 1045232_1048232 (.) throw Bill . 1048232_1048881 *X: &{l=WH Okay &}l=WH . 1048881_1049758 *NICK: (..) Turn and bow to that Brown Belt . 1049758_1052958 *DARR: (..) I did . 1052958_1054084 *NICK: (..) Okay I didn't see you . 1054084_1055164 *NICK: ⌈ Sorry ⌉ . 1055164_1055439 *DARR: ⌊ He didn't ⌋ bow to me though . 1055164_1056039 *NICK: (..) Throw 1056039_1067614 throw from there . 1067614_1068433 *NICK: &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=ex 1068433_1069225 That would've been fine ? 1069225_1070427 *NICK: &=in &=laugh &=ex 1070427_1071034 (..) Man that would have been as fine as frog's hair . 1071034_1074359 *NICK: (..) Throw . 1074359_1078496 *BILL: (..) &=FALL . 1078496_1080337 *NICK: Nice winding Uchi-mata . 1080337_1081693 *NICK: (..) The o- the only way that you're gonna get it Lug 1081693_1087131 (..) is to keep (.) practicing it . 1087131_1089191 *NICK: (..) Alright 1089191_1091750 (..) now 1091750_1094382 (..) hook the arm 1094382_1095540 (..) hook the arm here . 1095540_1096918 *NICK: (..) All the way 1096918_1098222 (..) and just shoot this on across . 1098222_1100387 *NICK: Release his head 1100387_1101145 and shoot the arm 1101145_1101815 straight through . 1101815_1102590 *NICK: (..) Now go . 1102590_1103365 *NICK: Throw . 1103365_1103861 *NICK: (..) Throw . 1103861_1104764 *BILL: (..) &=FALL . 1104764_1106453 *NICK: (.) There . 1106453_1107022 *NICK: (..) You're still shooting up 1107022_1109160 (.) with a bit of a uh 1109160_1110325 (..) Uchi-mata . 1110325_1112096 *NICK: (..) Now I'm gonna throw him with left side . 1112096_1114705 *NICK: Here . 1114705_1115088 *NICK: (..) It doesn't matter 1115088_1118140 you can keep your right hand grip . 1118140_1119393 *NICK: (..) Alright 1119393_1120616 now I'm just gon- (.) gonna shoot it to here . 1120616_1122274 *DARR: ʔuh . 1122274_1122574 *NICK: (..) Now I'm coming in with my knees bent ? 1122574_1125208 *DARR: (..) &{l=% Yeah but that ⌈ makes ⌉ +... 1125208_1126476 *NICK: ⌊ I've ⌋ got him up . 1126220_1126992 *DARR: Yeah but an elbow in my f- &}l=% +... 1126992_1128247 *NICK: (..) Don't worry about it son 1128247_1129951 I'm not going to hurt you . 1129951_1131011 *NICK: I'm just doing Komi . 1131011_1131996 *NICK: (..) And from the right hand side . 1131996_1135894 *NICK: (..) Bend over . 1135894_1137300 *NICK: (.) Put your hand against my hip . 1137300_1138511 *NICK: (..) Hold me out . 1138511_1139908 *DARR: (..) Okay . 1139908_1140698 *NICK: (.) Alright from here 1140698_1141350 he's holding me out . 1141350_1142303 *NICK: &=in I just come 1142303_1143368 (..) just like this . 1143368_1144750 *NICK: See how I shoot this hand down ? 1144750_1146123 *NICK: (..) I don't have to try to grab him around the head . 1146123_1148464 *NICK: (.) &=in I shoot this hand down and I 1148464_1149925 I'm gonna follow it . 1149925_1150878 *NICK: (..) With this shoulder . 1150878_1152622 *DARR: (..) &=FALL . 1152622_1154333 *NICK: (..) All I'm doing is my 1154333_1156430 my roll out then . 1156430_1157355 *NICK: (..) Then I've got him a:ll locked up 1157355_1161646 now I'm (.) good and tight against your chest Darren ? 1161646_1163516 *DARR: (..) Uh 1163516_1164611 are you 1164611_1164925 yeah . 1164925_1165211 *DARR: (.) Well . 1165211_1165668 *NICK: (..) Am I tight against your chest . 1165668_1168083 *NICK: Yes 1168083_1168338 I'm right against your chest . 1168338_1169363 *NICK: No space between us . 1169363_1170515 *NICK: (..) One of the secrets about making this throw work . 1170515_1173018 *NICK: (..) Bend over Bill 1173018_1176653 (..) put your hand there . 1176653_1178080 *NICK: (..) Alright from here 1178080_1179813 (..) &=in I'm gonna roll it around here . 1179813_1181743 *NICK: (..) See how I got my chest ? 1181743_1183648 *NICK: (..) Have I got your chest Bill ? 1183648_1185286 *BILL: Yep . 1185286_1185595 *NICK: &=in But my butt is in it 1185595_1186900 that's oka⌈y ⌉ . 1186900_1187839 *BILL: ⌊ &=GRUNT ⌋ 1187440_1187841 &=FALL . 1187841_1188396 *JED: (.) Oh: . 1188396_1188904 *NICK: Doesn't matter . 1188904_1189676 *NICK: (..) &=in &=lengthened &=ex &=lengthened . 1189676_1191776 *JED: (..) Textbook . 1191776_1193836 *NICK: I think about ninety percent of your problem 1193836_1195804 (..) is the &=ex 1195804_1197250 (..) &=in &=laugh &=ex (..) legs &=ex . 1197250_1199905 *NICK: (..) Try it on me . 1199905_1202240 *NICK: (..) &{l=X Up now &}l=X . 1202240_1204074 *X: (..) ʔuh . 1204074_1204905 *NICK: (..) Alright I'm right here . 1204905_1210080 *NICK: (..) S- get over here . 1210080_1211600 *NICK: (..) Alright Lug 1211600_1213634 (..) swing that arm out of your way . 1213634_1215364 *NICK: (..) Swing it all the way around . 1215364_1217121 *NICK: (..) That's fine 1217121_1218295 see I'm getting my arm out 1218295_1219195 trying to step over now . 1219195_1220320 *NICK: &=in I think you're going to go 1220320_1222031 and do 1222031_1222932 (..) uh 1222932_1224106 (.) a m- +/. 1224106_1224677 *NICK: (..) a uh 1224677_1226477 (.) Sode-makikomi . 1226477_1227798 *NICK: (.) This is just what it feels like from this position . 1227798_1230149 *NICK: (..) So I'm gonna get ready to step over . 1230149_1232835 *BENT: (..) O⌈kay ⌉ . 1232835_1233805 *NICK: ⌊ to get ⌋ away from that Sode-makikomi 1233583_1235212 I wanna step 1235212_1235762 so I can drop you with Tani-otoshi . 1235762_1237362 *BENT: Right . 1237362_1237760 *NICK: (..) And just as I get ready to step from here 1237760_1240325 (..) kick that leg in . 1240325_1241854 *NICK: (..) &=FALL ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 1241854_1243484 *BENT: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ . 1243157_1243565 *NICK: (..) There I go . 1243565_1245848 *NICK: (..) Alright come here Bill 1245848_1249160 (..) Watch it Darren 1249160_1250684 (..) I mean uh 1250684_1251438 (..) Benton . 1251438_1252213 *NICK: (..) Alright &=ex 1252213_1253594 (..) tell me if this 1253594_1254601 (.) you know 1254601_1255201 (..) Sode-makikomi ? 1255201_1256517 *NICK: (..) Now +/. 1256517_1257796 *NICK: Ah: 1257796_1258212 there we go 1258212_1258987 (..) there we go 1258987_1260040 (.) no 1260040_1260498 just (.) don't counter 1260498_1261331 just step over the damn thing . 1261331_1262577 *NICK: &=in There . 1262577_1263327 *NICK: (.) Alright now 1263327_1263975 he stepped over 1263975_1264725 so . 1264725_1265050 *BILL: &=GRUNT 1265050_1265685 &=FALL . 1265685_1266200 *NICK: (.) I can finish up 1266200_1267150 with a Hane-makikomi . 1267150_1268427 *NICK: (..) He off mat ? 1268427_1273876 *JED: (..) No . 1273876_1274478 *JED: he just (.) hit his hand . 1274478_1275378 *NICK: (..) Oh [% laugh] 1275378_1276189 back [% laugh] of his hand again . 1276189_1277389 *JED: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1277389_1279143 *NICK: ⌊ &=laugh &=ex ⌋ 1278132_1278484 &=laugh &=ex 1279143_1279521 (..) &=in &=laugh &=ex . 1279521_1280820 *JED: (..) I guess since he's off the mat 1280820_1282298 he didn't wanna hurt his (..) ⌈ &{l=X arm⌉s &}l=X . 1282298_1284188 *NICK: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1283527_1283945 *NICK: (..) He's used to wearing a watch 1284188_1285663 try and protect it &=ex . 1285663_1286863 *NICK: (..) Come throw him a little bit Benton . 1286863_1289290 *NICK: (..) There &=ex 1289290_1299651 (..) Now th- 1299651_1301097 shoot that leg 1301097_1302147 (..) shoot it now . 1302147_1303759 *NICK: (..) &{l=YELL Ha: &}l=YELL . 1303759_1306188 *NICK: (..) You had a perfect position with the foot . 1306188_1309206 *NICK: (..) XXX . 1309206_1311762 *NICK: (..) Jed 1311762_1312933 can you add anything 1312933_1313778 cause I'm out here on the . 1313778_1314703 *JED: Yes . 1314703_1315060 *NICK: (.) in the front 1315060_1315538 I can't see what's going on 1315538_1316524 you're out here 1316524_1316930 right here on the side . 1316930_1317755 *JED: (..) XXX X 1317755_1321898 (.) I've noticed something that your sensei is doing that you're not doing . 1321898_1324884 *JED: (..) He's reaching for the mat . 1324884_1326753 *JED: (..) ⌈ He's in ⌉ there and wi:nds up . 1326753_1328783 *NICK: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1327431_1327699 *JED: (..) he's reaching for the mat 1328783_1330277 (..) with this arm . 1330277_1331426 *JED: (.) And your arm's way up here high . 1331426_1332874 *JED: You're like way up high off the ground 1332874_1334612 (..) &=in and your sensei 1334612_1336147 &=in is &{l=VOX way: down like this &}l=VOX . 1336147_1337772 *JED: By the time he gets to the end of the throw . 1337772_1339472 *JED: (..) See the difference ? 1339472_1341596 *JED: (..) So you're wrapping 1341596_1342646 &=in and you're thinking 1342646_1343581 I gotta make this throw 1343581_1344460 what am I gonna do 1344460_1345435 (..) and (..) Nick 1345435_1348150 &=in is going for the mat with this arm . 1348150_1350396 *JED: He's &=in into a f- 1350396_1351626 almost like a forward roll (.) mode . 1351626_1353832 *JED: (..) The other difference that I noticed between you &=ex and your sensei is that 1353832_1358160 (..) this foot is way: out here . 1358160_1361296 *JED: (.) This (.) the 1361296_1362197 (..) your . 1362197_1363528 *NICK: (..) Are they ⌈ trying to throw ⌉ over the entire hip se⌈2ction ⌉2 ? 1363528_1366281 *JED: ⌊ with th- ⌋ +/. 1364563_1364964 *JED: ⌊2 Mhm ⌋2 1365966_1366323 (.) And and and and 1366323_1367352 when Nick throws it 1367352_1368402 (..) &=in so pretty like he does 1368402_1369813 he's got the 1369813_1370406 &=in his foot 1370406_1371094 much closer to the middle 1371094_1372619 (.) of his opponent's center of gravity . 1372619_1374394 *JED: &=in . 1374394_1374889 *BENT: Kay . 1374889_1375200 *JED: (.) S- you're so wide that 1375200_1376351 if you lift up 1376351_1377252 &=in when you lift up to make the springing motion 1377252_1379403 (..) what happens is 1379403_1381036 you fall this way real quick . 1381036_1382561 *NICK: (..) That is it . 1382561_1383411 *JED: And you don't have 1383411_1384288 (..) enough to go like that . 1384288_1386311 *JED: (..) Try it one time . 1386311_1387971 *JED: (..) Reach for the ground with your (..) wrapping (..) arm 1387971_1393902 (..) ʔUh ʔuh ⌈ ʔuh ⌉ +... 1393902_1396880 *BENT: ⌊ &=GRUNT ⌋ . 1396618_1397168 *BILL: &=FALL . 1397168_1397748 *NICK: Better &{l=X there &}l=X . 1397748_1398400 *JED: (.) Yeah . 1398400_1398900 *JED: It's better . 1398900_1399400 *JED: Rea⌈ch ⌉ . 1399400_1399866 *NICK: ⌊ But ⌋ . 1399633_1399922 *JED: &=in Reach 1399922_1400424 ⌈ reach way⌉: into the ⌈2 ground with this one . 1400424_1402157 *NICK: ⌊ XX ⌋ 1400424_1400938 ⌊2 Here here here's +/. 1401474_1402207 *NICK: &{l=X it's right here &}l=X ⌋2 . 1402207_1402975 *JED: &=in Reach &{l=VOX way⌉2: like this &}l=VOX . 1402157_1403512 *JED: Like you were doing ⌈3 a front roll out ⌉3 . 1403512_1404850 *NICK: ⌊3 XXXX ⌋3 . 1403960_1404850 *JED: (..) And (.) and stand on this foot 1404850_1408195 so that you 1408195_1409025 (..) are more balanced . 1409025_1410408 *JED: (..) Just a little bit more 1410408_1412031 but you- you're going down . 1412031_1413196 *JED: I mean . 1413196_1413522 *NICK: Step in &{l=X when you have his b- &}l=X 1413522_1414611 right between his legs . 1414611_1415561 *NICK: (..) No ⌈ step deeper ⌉ . 1415561_1419708 *JED: ⌊ &{l=X Won't settle &}l=X ⌋ . 1419113_1419694 *NICK: (.) Step deeper . 1419708_1420318 *BENT: (.) Okay . 1420318_1420957 *NICK: (..) Look how d- +/. 1420957_1425329 *NICK: (..) Now . 1425329_1425930 *NICK: (..) Get your foot over here . 1425930_1427083 *X: &{l=X Bit ⌈ more &}l=X ⌉ . 1427083_1427535 *NICK: ⌊ Step ⌋ right between his legs . 1427258_1428625 *BENT: (.) That foot . 1428685_1429417 *NICK: (..) Now 1429417_1430835 shoot your arm and 1430835_1431649 and kick . 1431649_1432185 *JED: (.) Oh:⌈: ⌉ . 1432185_1434543 *NICK: ⌊ &{l=F Ho: 1433203_1433982 Hane-maki⌋⌈2komi: &}l=F ⌉2 . 1433984_1435336 *X: ⌊2 &{l=VOX Woo: &}l=VOX ⌋2 . 1434605_1435456 *BENT: (.) Ah so . 1435456_1436281 *BENT: (..) &=ex . 1436281_1438093 *NICK: (.) Try it again . 1438093_1439065 *NICK: (..) Alright 1439065_1440905 you notice the difference in the foot position 1440905_1442805 what- hi- +/. 1442805_1443155 *NICK: what +/. 1443155_1443355 *NICK: how much that helped ? 1443355_1444355 *BENT: (.) Mhm . 1444355_1444841 *NICK: (..) Step directly between his legs 1444841_1447115 with your advancing foot . 1447115_1448200 *NICK: (..) No ⌈ no no no no ⌉ . 1448200_1453780 *BENT: ⌊ Ah: ⌋ . 1453199_1453780 *NICK: You're not 1453780_1454226 (.) not between his leg⌈s ⌉ . 1454226_1455227 *JED: ⌊ Now ⌋ reach that arm . 1455097_1456023 *JED: Reach that arm . 1456023_1456562 *NICK: Shoot it . 1456562_1456971 *JED: Reach that arm through . 1456971_1457663 *BILL: (.) &=FALL . 1457663_1458744 *JED: (..) The more you reach that arm through 1458744_1461049 (..) L- let me add one- +/. 1461049_1462700 *JED: Let me add one thing to it 1462700_1463775 to make it +/. 1463775_1464300 *JED: cause it is a hard fall if you're 1464300_1465766 &=in throwing it contest style 1465766_1467016 if you're throwing it demo style 1467016_1468367 &=in somebody once told me 1468367_1469915 &=in that that 1469915_1470925 the way to practice 1470925_1472105 &=in a:ll the Makikomi-waza 1472105_1474055 (..) &=in was (.) to go down (..) like this . 1474055_1476732 *JED: To take this foot if you're throwing right-hand throws 1476732_1478846 &=in and to take this foot 1478846_1480121 &=in and stick it &{l=VOX a:ll: the way through &}l=VOX l⌈ike thi⌉s . 1480121_1482398 *NICK: ⌊ Yep ⌋ . 1481674_1481979 *JED: (..) &=in And just stick it . 1482398_1483576 *JED: (..) A:ll the way 1483576_1485124 &=in behi:nd you 1485124_1486479 (.) like this . 1486479_1487279 *JED: And as you go down 1487279_1488414 (..) ʔuh and you roll like that . 1488414_1490775 *JED: Okay 1490775_1491223 &=in and if you do this 1491223_1492357 in demo 1492357_1493096 (.) uh (.) in demo fashion 1493096_1494525 &=in you'll be so low to the ground 1494525_1496480 &=in by the ti:me that your opponent (..) hits the ground &=ex 1496480_1499807 that you'll be rea:l nice to him . 1499807_1501462 *JED: (..) A:nd that way I mean &=ex 1501462_1503865 &=in you can intensify 1503865_1505052 you can always intensify throwing . 1505052_1506800 *JED: &=SLAP (.) throw it harder . 1506800_1508001 *JED: &=in &=lengthened But the mark of a (..) good (.) &=in judo throw 1508001_1511709 is to be able to &=ex 1511709_1512534 do you see the people throw Seoi so nice 1512534_1514315 &=in they can do +/. 1514315_1515084 *JED: they could throw their grandmother 1515084_1516132 and it doesn't even hurt &=ex . 1516132_1517057 *JED: &{l=WH She goes ah: . 1517057_1517986 *JED: That felt good &}l=WH . 1517986_1518766 *JED: (..) So ⌈ you can ⌉ do that . 1518766_1520492 *NICK: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 1519592_1519899 *JED: (.) &=in by sticking that le:g &=ex 1520492_1522597 (..) all the way through 1522597_1524350 &{l=X just &}l=X like that . 1524350_1524875 *JED: As you get +/. 1524875_1525495 *JED: (.) &=in (..) You follow what I'm saying ? 1525495_1527408 *BENT: (..) Yes sir . 1527408_1528868 *NICK: (..) You don't have to drive em through the mat . 1528868_1531198 *JED: That 1531198_1531521 that's a way that you can &=ex 1531521_1532871 practice it over and over &=ex 1532871_1533896 in a demo style 1533896_1534954 &=in and be so low to the ground &=ex 1534954_1537266 that it's a real nice 1537266_1538335 &=in it's about as good as you can get a Makikomi for your uke . 1538335_1541435 *JED: (..) &=in It's really not that bad . 1541435_1543199 *JED: &=in And you could &=ex +/. 1543199_1544506 *JED: &=in it's it's &=in +... 1544506_1545856 *NICK: Throw &{l=X him &}l=X 1545856_1546386 and (.) let him see . 1546386_1547199 *JED: Alright 1547199_1547580 (..) Alright 1547580_1549369 S- so we're coming over like this 1549369_1551024 (..) coming in like this &=ex . 1551024_1552708 *X: (..) &=FALL . 1552708_1554013 *JED: (..) alright ? 1554013_1555064 *NICK: Nice easy clean fall . 1555064_1556500 *NICK: Look how tight he is to my chest ? 1556500_1558298 *NICK: (..) Look at his body position right here . 1558298_1560376 *NICK: (..) There is no +/. 1560376_1562616 *NICK: (..) You couldn't slide a postcard between us . 1562616_1565503 *BENT: (..) &{l=X I don't think you'd even do it between the hip- &}l=X +/. 1565503_1567971 *BENT: to- to- &{l=X get &}l=X the hips . 1567971_1569131 *JED: (..) Well do you wanna do one more ? 1569131_1570897 *NICK: (.) Yeah 1570897_1571247 show him again . 1571247_1572043 @End