@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: GARY GARY Speaker, JULI JULIE Speaker, MATT MATT Speaker, ENV ENV Environment, KARE KAREN Speaker, HORS HORSE Environment, JACK JACKIE Speaker, DEB DEB Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|GARY|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|JULI|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|MATT|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ENV|||||Environment||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|KARE|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|HORS|||||Environment||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|JACK|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|DEB|||||Speaker||| @Media: 56, audio @Comment: What is a Brand Inspection? @Comment: Face-to-face conversation recorded on a ranch near Colorado Springs, Colorado. Julie has recently bought a pony from Gary's wife, and is giving him a bill-of-sale. She then gives a brief tour of her property and barn. *GARY: (..) &{l=VOX Do you smell the dog on me ? 0_1832 *GARY: (..) Yeah ? 1832_3321 *GARY: (..) Okay . 3321_3882 *GARY: down boy . 3882_4355 *GARY: (..) Down boy &}l=VOX . 4355_5505 *GARY: (..) Mm-kay . 5505_8332 *GARY: (..) Jamie wrote this out 8332_9633 (.) in a hurry this morning . 9633_10982 *JULI: (..) &=in Yeah 10982_13774 she said she thought she had 13774_15139 (.) gotten a brand inspection done 15139_16407 since she got to Colorado ? 16407_17732 *JULI: (..) But then she said she didn't know where it was and 17732_20564 &=in ⌈ that's what he wanted to know ⌉ . 20564_22344 *GARY: ⌊ I've never heard of it . 20895_21757 *GARY: So ⌋ . 21757_22308 *JULI: (..) P- he (.) ʔuh +/. 22344_23212 *JULI: That's what I need to know 23212_24046 he said if there was a prior brand inspection 24046_26295 &=in then ⌈ he would have to go ⌉ off of that one . 26295_28572 *MATT: ⌊ &{l=P &{l=X Trash: &}l=X &}l=P ⌋ +... 26970_27772 *JULI: If there was no prior brand ⌈2 inspection . 28572_30700 *MATT: ⌊2 &=DOOR_CLOSING ⌋2 . 29975_32591 *JULI: &=in then he could just go off of this ⌉2 30700_32591 and issue me a new one . 32591_33628 *GARY: (.) &=in If +/. 33628_34480 *GARY: Is there a brand inspection 34480_35878 if we bring one in from out of state ? 35878_37728 *JULI: &=in Well 37728_38343 she said since it was not required in California when she bought the pony 38343_41488 which it is now 41488_42242 they reinstated it about a year ag⌈o . 42242_43790 *GARY: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 43651_44013 *JULI: &=in ⌉ She +/. 43790_44590 *JULI: I thought she said she had had one done here . 44590_46640 *GARY: (..) Oh . 46640_47144 *JULI: (.) But 47144_47737 (.) ⌈ if she didn't ⌉ . 47737_48766 *GARY: ⌊ &=in I wouldn't know ⌋ . 47828_48766 *JULI: ⌈2 you know . 48766_49018 *GARY: ⌊2 I don't do any horse things ⌋2 . 48766_50130 *JULI: I just need +/. 49018_49493 *JULI: All I need to kn⌉2ow is 49493_50534 if she ever had one done 50534_51685 (.) or if she didn't . 51685_52431 *JULI: &=in He said 52431_53000 if she didn't have one done 53000_54024 sh- he'll just go: (.) off the papers . 54024_55793 *GARY: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 55793_56198 *JULI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ And this &=ex . 55793_57027 *GARY: (..) These papers here ? 57027_58193 *JULI: (.) Unhu⌈nh ⌉ . 58193_58681 *GARY: ⌊ O⌋kay . 58588_58965 *JULI: (..) And I sent in the &{l=X Arab &}l=X papers to be 58965_62182 (..) uh 62182_62762 transferred to my name . 62762_63807 *JULI: &=in &{l=@ They haven't been &}l=@ transferred 63807_65397 since nineteen-seventy-seven [% laugh] . 65397_67047 *JULI: &=in &=lengthened I don't know how many owners she's had . 67047_69005 *JULI: But it hasn't +... 69005_69680 *GARY: (..) Wow . 69680_70567 *JULI: (..) You don't remember the name of the people you bought her from . 70567_73321 *JULI: Do you ? 73321_73598 *GARY: (..) No 73598_74874 but then that's not (..) un⌈usual . 74874_76361 *JULI: ⌊ Yeah . 76011_76361 *GARY: cause I ⌉ +... 76361_76726 *JULI: You don't ⌋ ride do you . 76361_77300 *GARY: I don't ride 77300_77908 and I'm not involved 77908_78833 the only thing I do is 78833_79833 um . 79833_80184 *JULI: &=in Pay the bills . 80184_81152 *GARY: (.) I'm +/. 81152_81515 *GARY: No . 81515_81862 *GARY: She pays the bills [% laugh] 81862_82672 &=in I +/. 82672_83325 *GARY: I (.) earn the &=in (..) the money to pay the bills 83325_85739 but 85739_85981 she uh 85981_86738 (.) I do the hard labor . 86738_87783 *GARY: I build barns and 87783_89161 &=in make arenas 89161_91001 (..) &=in shovel manure 91001_92953 ʔuh that's about it . 92953_93960 *GARY: (..) &=SNIFF . 93960_95798 *JULI: (..) Well I really like this pony . 95798_97658 *JULI: She's gonna work out great ⌈ here . 97658_99172 *GARY: ⌊ Alright . 98787_99345 *GARY: good ⌋ . 99345_99584 *JULI: &=in ⌉ She's gonna go competitive trail riding . 99172_101336 *JULI: (.) Do the novice 101336_102152 thirty-mile competitive trail ⌈ rides . 102152_103602 *GARY: ⌊ Wow ⌋ . 103326_103828 *JULI: with ⌉ a 103602_104077 an eleven-year-old thi⌈2s year . 104077_105306 *GARY: ⌊2 Wow ⌋2 . 105039_105591 *JULI: &=in ⌉2 &=lengthened So this eleven-year-old's horse is a little bit big for her 105306_108202 and she's still intimidated on him out on the trails 108202_110346 even though he's great . 110346_110990 *JULI: So I'm gonna take him this year 110990_112440 &=in a:nd she's gonna take (..) the pony 112440_115317 and 115317_115796 &=in (.) she's 115796_116830 she had her at the Air Force Academy Sunday and just 116830_118839 had a great ⌈ time ⌉ . 118839_119668 *GARY: ⌊ Al⌋right . 119380_120080 *GARY: Was i- ⌈2 on a trail or something ⌉2 ? 120080_121642 *JULI: ⌊2 And she now goes through ⌋2 water just fine . 120667_122634 *GARY: (..) Through water⌈3: . 122634_124002 *JULI: ⌊3 Yes . 123780_124331 *GARY: (.) That's great ⌉3 . 124202_124987 *JULI: she goes through ⌋3 running water this deep . 124331_126359 *JULI: Happily n⌈4ow . 126359_127165 *GARY: ⌊4 That's great ⌋4 . 127013_127904 *JULI: &=in &=lengthened ⌉4 And all the kids had to do was get her through ʔuh- +/. 127165_129362 *JULI: Get her in a couple times 129362_130333 and she decided it was fun . 130333_131433 *JULI: She likes it . 131433_132082 *GARY: (.) ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh X [% laugh] &=in ⌉ . 132082_133628 *JULI: ⌊ &=in And 132200_133353 now ⌋ you don't even have to ask . 133353_134783 *GARY: That⌈2's great ⌉2 . 134783_135544 *JULI: ⌊2 She just g⌋2oes . 134991_135878 *JULI: (..) So 135878_136560 seventeen years old they can still learn something . 136560_138571 *GARY: (..) Uh 138571_139546 (.) now: how do you 139546_140902 (..) get on a trail ride at the (.) Air Force Academy . 140902_143172 *JULI: (..) Well 143172_143595 they have a lotta trails there 143595_144522 we just trailer over there . 144522_145639 *JULI: (..) We just (.) ⌈ load the horses in a trailer &{l=X home &}l=X ⌉ . 145639_148204 *GARY: ⌊ Alright . 146615_147254 *GARY: (.) That's neat ⌋ . 147254_148204 *JULI: (..) And head over . 148204_149205 *JULI: &=in They have real pretty trails . 149205_150848 *GARY: (..) We just drove around 150848_152375 I was (.) showing Matt 152375_153348 he's only here for one day . 153348_154450 *JULI: (..) Oh where's he from ? 154450_155600 *GARY: (.) &=tsk He's fr:om UC (.) Santa Barbara . 155600_157495 *GARY: ⌈ Or: ⌉ Santa Barbara . 157495_158531 *JULI: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 157625_157901 *GARY: (..) University of California Santa Barba⌈2ra ⌉2 . 158531_160365 *JULI: ⌊2 And ⌋2 (.) what's his name ? 160157_160847 *GARY: (..) Matt ? 160847_161499 *JULI: I thought you said Matt . 161499_162537 *GARY: Ye⌈ah ⌉ . 162537_162802 *JULI: ⌊ O⌋kay . 162671_163021 *GARY: (..) Matt and uh 163021_164273 &=in ⌈ he he he's back ⌉ on the: airplane tomorrow morning . 164273_167091 *JULI: ⌊ I'm bad on names ⌋ . 164711_165613 *GARY: so ⌈2 we were (.) driving ⌉2 around and . 167091_168641 *JULI: ⌊2 Oh wow ⌋2 . 167327_167973 *GARY: &=in went to the Air Force Academy and 168641_170296 (.) ⌈ &=in &=lengthened (.) Took him over to Garden of the Gods . 170296_172996 *JULI: ⌊ &=PAPER_CUTTING ⌋ . 170371_173511 *GARY: and it was hail⌉ing on us 172996_174161 and everything 174161_174811 (..) okay 174811_175559 thank you 175559_176067 (.) and . 176067_176623 *JULI: (.) &{l=WH Let's see &}l=WH &=ex . 176623_177677 *GARY: (.) &=in She gave me two of those . 177677_179160 *JULI: ⌈ receipt ⌉ . 179160_179990 *GARY: ⌊ I guess one for you ⌋ to keep 179153_180306 and one for (..) ⌈2 her to keep ⌉2 . 180306_181857 *JULI: ⌊2 Okay ⌋2 . 181241_181857 *JULI: (..) ʔuh Do you wanna just write on here 181857_183146 that I've paid that fifty ⌈ dollars now ⌉ . 183146_184771 *GARY: ⌊ Yes ⌋ . 184134_184771 *GARY: I sure do . 184771_185329 *GARY: (..) &=in (..) And fifty ⌈ bucks . 185329_187949 *JULI: ⌊ And then we're +... 187622_188099 *GARY: (.) paid by ⌉ . 187949_189000 *JULI: We'll (.) be done ⌋ with it . 188099_189251 *JULI: &=ex . 189251_189701 *GARY: (.) Uh: 189701_190519 (..) &=in paid b- +/. 190519_191599 *GARY: H:ow do I do this . 191599_192425 *GARY: &=in (.) And fifty dollars will be ⌈ paid ⌉ . 192425_194357 *JULI: ⌊ Just put ⌋ down five twenty-four ninety-four . 193870_195822 *JULI: (..) And then write paid in full . 195822_197801 *JULI: Cause tod⌈ay's five ⌉ ⌈2 twenty-four ⌉2 . 197801_199170 *GARY: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 198160_198538 *GARY: ⌊2 Right ⌋2 &=ex . 198538_199662 *GARY: (..) Twenty-four May 199662_202165 (..) &=in ninety-four 202165_204098 (..) &=in paid (..) in (..) full . 204098_209556 *JULI: (..) And then just initial it . 209556_211111 *GARY: (..) Yeah . 211111_213613 *JULI: (..) Okay . 213613_214613 *GARY: (..) Now I better do that on the other one too . 214613_217372 *JULI: (.) Okay &=ex . 217372_218331 *JULI: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 218331_223301 &{l=@ I like your signature &}l=@ . 223301_224651 *JULI: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in . 224651_226330 *GARY: &{l=WH &{l=X Yeah &}l=X &}l=WH . 226330_226580 *JULI: (..) Yeah she's even got a boyfriend . 226580_229411 *JULI: (.) The little Morgan Gelding . 229411_230724 *JULI: Has decided that's his mare herd . 230724_232474 *JULI: &=in He's been lonesome for 232474_234126 (.) the last year or so . 234126_235269 *JULI: Since he's +/. 235269_235744 *JULI: Well he's been lonesome for a long time . 235744_237113 *JULI: Cause he's been kept alone all his life 237113_238600 he was +/. 238600_238976 *JULI: wasn't gelded till he was eleven . 238976_240458 *JULI: &=in &=lengthened . 240458_241194 *GARY: So . 241194_241564 *GARY: (..) One of these (.) you get (.) to keep 241564_243595 how about that o⌈ne ⌉ . 243595_244336 *JULI: ⌊ Mm-⌋kay . 244172_244691 *GARY: (..) &=in And uh 244691_246440 (..) I guess that's it hunh⌈: ⌉ ? 246440_249167 *JULI: ⌊ An⌋d then just have Ja⌈2mie call me ⌉2 . 248986_250687 *GARY: ⌊2 Now 249970_250220 yeah ⌋2 . 250220_250687 *JULI: and let me know 250687_251599 if she's ever had a brand inspection done on this pony 251599_253925 since she got to Colorado 253925_255374 because if there's a prior brand inspection on her ? 255374_257984 *GARY: (..) Righ⌈t ⌉ . 257984_258587 *JULI: ⌊ Th⌋en it +/. 258501_258854 *JULI: There'll be a record of it . 258854_259954 *GARY: (..) Okay . 259954_261054 *JULI: (..) And then I would need it . 261054_262554 *JULI: or (.) n:eed (..) some way to look it up . 262554_265660 *JULI: (.) ⌈ It gets ki⌉nda (..) screwy . 265660_267600 *GARY: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 265854_266305 *JULI: (..) &=in (.) And they look like this &=ex . 267600_270080 *JULI: (..) In +/. 270080_270532 *JULI: In either pink or blue . 270532_271934 *ENV: (..) &=DOOR_CLOSING . 271934_272991 *JULI: Or 272991_273316 if you have a permanent one 273316_274851 (..) &{l=PAR Let's see if I've got a permanent one here with me . 274851_277358 *JULI: (..) &=in I bet not &}l=PAR . 277358_279058 *GARY: (..) &=tsk &=in What happened to Matt . 279058_281298 *JULI: (..) ʔuh I don't know 281298_282379 ⌈ I think he wandered ⌉ off . 282379_283488 *GARY: ⌊ He just left ⌋ . 282374_283136 *GARY: Okay . 283488_284075 *JULI: (..) &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 284075_285232 *GARY: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Uh⌈2: . 284951_286247 *JULI: ⌊2 I sure like your daughter's ⌋2 new horse . 286099_287643 *GARY: Co:- ⌉2 +... 286247_287061 *JULI: &=in she's l:ovely . 287643_289088 *GARY: Oh uh Fan⌈cy ⌉ ? 289088_290066 *JULI: ⌊ &{l=P She's ⌋ beautiful &}l=P . 289766_290906 *JULI: (.) Beautiful pony . 290906_291892 *JULI: (..) ⌈ Horse ⌉ . 291892_292672 *GARY: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 292153_292581 *JULI: (..) Nah I don't have any ⌈2 permanents here ⌉2 . 292672_294910 *GARY: ⌊2 Okay it's the ⌋2 294140_294910 Colorado Department of g- Agriculture . 294910_296849 *JULI: (.) &=in . 296849_297851 *GARY: (..) &{l=P Department of Agriculture . 297851_303541 *GARY: (..) I guess . 303541_304571 *GARY: (..) Okay . 304571_307700 *JULI: (..) &=in Ye⌈ah ⌉ . 307700_309025 *GARY: ⌊ And what do you ⌋ call that . 308683_309484 *GARY: That's uh &}l=P . 309484_310159 *JULI: (..) Well it'⌈s ⌉ +... 310159_311008 *GARY: ⌊ S⌋tate Board (.) of Stock Inspection . 310835_313037 *JULI: (..) You know it doesn't cost much to do it 313037_316748 but it is a law . 316748_317655 *JULI: (..) ⌈ and ⌉ . 317655_319547 *KARE: ⌊ So ⌋ long . 319190_319798 *JULI: (..) You leaving ? 319798_321308 *KARE: M⌈:m ⌉ . 321308_322236 *JULI: ⌊ &{l=X pull your horse in h- &}l=X ⌋ +/. 321836_322411 *JULI: You: wouldn't believe how good he felt 322411_323768 when I took him out to grass this morning ? 323768_325318 *JULI: (..) He was (..) d:ancing on the end of the lead rope 325318_329016 ⌈ And arch ⌉ +... 329016_329844 *KARE: ⌊ Cause he knew where ⌋ he was go⌈2ing ⌉2 . 329062_330641 *JULI: ⌊2 but ⌋2 he did it on the way up- (.) back too . 330491_332291 *KARE: (..) Oh . 332291_332792 *JULI: (.) He had his neck arched 332792_334123 and he's just like vibrating with energy . 334123_336180 *KARE: Oh good . 336180_336742 *KARE: Maybe I should go out and ride him now . 336742_337948 *JULI: I gu⌈ess you should ⌉ . 337948_338880 *KARE: ⌊ Woo &=sniff ⌋ . 338159_338880 *GARY: &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 338880_340185 *KARE: ⌊2 Bye . 339054_339554 *KARE: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 339554_340954 *JULI: ⌊3 Bye: ⌋3 . 340142_340834 *JULI: Did you see my patio I'm putting in ? 340954_342492 *JULI: (..) Look how much is done now . 342492_344043 *KARE: Oh it's a patio ? 344043_344846 *KARE: I thought you were gonna grass it . 344846_345924 *JULI: (.) No: . 345924_346966 *JULI: ⌈ I told you I'm gonna do a f⌉lagstone patio . 346966_349474 *KARE: ⌊ You told me you were gonna grass it ⌋ . 346966_348220 *JULI: That's why I took out all these rocks over here . 349474_351574 *JULI: (..) That's ⌈ my roommate ⌉ Karen . 351574_353100 *KARE: ⌊ O:h ⌋ . 352191_352640 *GARY: (..) Okay ? 353100_353731 *GARY: &=in ⌊ Is ⌋ +... 353731_354554 *KARE: Well ⌈ I never know ⌉ what you're gonna do (.) from week to week . 353931_356135 *JULI: &=laugh &=ex ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 356135_357179 *GARY: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh 356554_357603 &=in &=lengthened Okay 357603_359037 uh: 359037_359437 it's a law 359437_360240 (..) Who's supposed to do this . 360240_362109 *GARY: The buyer or the seller or 362109_363356 (..) or what . 363356_364239 *GARY: (..) I don't know . 364239_364991 *JULI: (..) I think the seller is supposed to . 364991_367284 *GARY: (..) &{l=P Oh &}l=P . 367284_367695 *JULI: &=in Usually the seller's supposed to pay for it 367695_369534 but I just 369534_370034 (..) I just do it and I pay for it 370034_371805 it doesn't really make that much difference to me 371805_373505 cause it's only like seven bucks . 373505_375080 *JULI: (..) To do it . 375080_376457 *GARY: (..) &{l=P Okay &}l=P . 376457_377797 *JULI: (.) But 377797_378203 if she ha- +/. 378203_378828 *JULI: ʔuh I mean it's not a big deal 378828_380213 (..) I just need to know if she had one done or didn't have one done . 380213_382870 *GARY: Okay . 382870_383220 *JULI: Cause it'll make a difference on what the brand inspect⌈tor doe⌉s . 383220_385778 *GARY: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 385161_385613 *JULI: (..) If she did have one done 385778_387318 I need to know about when . 387318_388299 *JULI: If she can't find the copy ? 388299_389602 *JULI: (..) So they can look it up ? 389602_391124 *GARY: Okay . 391124_391502 *JULI: (..) And I doubt if they're (.) terribly computerized . 391502_394233 *ENV: (..) &=DOOR_CLOSING ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 394233_396553 *JULI: ⌊ Cause I ⌋ had this happen once before 396253_397778 when I lost the brand inspection on a horse I'd bought 397778_400283 (.) but I remembered the month that I bought it in . 400283_402172 *JULI: And I happened to buy it out at the (.) auction . 402172_404025 *JULI: &=in ⌈ It was one of my ⌉ +... 404025_405133 *KARE: ⌊ There's a mov⌋ie sitting on the desk out there . 404584_406606 *JULI: What is it . 406606_407162 *KARE: (..) The Substitute Wife . 407162_408538 *JULI: (.) &=in Oh: . 408538_409439 *JULI: (.) Was that any good ? 409439_410377 *KARE: It was very good . 410377_411177 *JULI: Oh good . 411177_411816 *JULI: You mean ⌈ Farrah Fawcett ⌉ has learned to act ? 411816_413720 *KARE: ⌊ Didn't we see ⌋ +/. 412316_412916 *KARE: (..) Well it was funny . 413720_415214 *JULI: Oh ⌈ okay ⌉ . 415214_416100 *KARE: ⌊ It was different ⌋ . 415430_416102 *KARE: I don't know how realistic it ⌈2 was . 416102_417349 *JULI: ⌊2 I just didn't think she looked ⌋2 the part of a plains wife . 417072_419632 *KARE: but it was different ⌉2 . 417349_418076 *KARE: (..) No . 419632_420468 *JULI: No . 420468_420837 *GARY: &=ex &=lengthened . 420837_421417 *JULI: (..) Too many teeth and hair ⌈ &=ex &=lengthened ⌉ . 421417_423692 *KARE: ⌊ Bye ⌋ . 423139_423692 *KARE: (.) ⌈2 &=DOOR_CLOSING ⌉2 . 423692_424470 *GARY: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh &=laugh 423817_425045 &=in Well 425045_425887 (..) Th- +/. 425887_427867 *GARY: okay this is what you get 427867_428928 and ⌈ the guy ⌉ hands it to you . 428928_430164 *JULI: ⌊ &{l=P Mhm &}l=P ⌋ 429028_429439 (..) Yeah . 430164_430788 *GARY: (..) Okay . 430788_431491 *GARY: (..) &{l=P I have no idea . 431491_432692 *GARY: So I'll have to ask ⌈ her &}l=P ⌉ . 432692_433475 *JULI: ⌊ And ⌋ s- +/. 433288_433680 *JULI: I'm the +/. 433680_434381 *JULI: (.) Okay I'm the agent . 434381_435600 *JULI: Let's see this is gonna go to the owner . 435600_436974 *JULI: So yeah . 436974_437564 *JULI: The owner would have the blue copy . 437564_438883 *JULI: (..) The a- I was the agent on this horse . 438883_442687 *JULI: (..) I'm not the owner . 442687_443883 *GARY: (..) So: . 443883_444940 *JULI: (..) ⌈ But course ⌉ . 444940_445840 *GARY: ⌊ The: ⌋ +... 445262_445863 *JULI: we got him last July . 445863_447267 *JULI: &{l=@ So it's been almost a year &}l=@ 447267_448621 I just +/. 448621_448997 *JULI: &=in I just (.) can't bear to bring the brand inspector out for just one horse 448997_452680 because it's only like seven bucks 452680_453944 now this one was seventeen 453944_455004 because 455004_455371 &=in he's getting a permanent brand inspection . 455371_457273 *JULI: (..) Which you can keep 457273_458660 (..) for the 458660_459261 for as long as you own the horse . 459261_460753 *GARY: (..) What is ⌈ a brand ⌉ inspection . 460753_463358 *JULI: ⌊ But it's ⌋ +/. 462283_462736 *JULI: What it is is your &{l=MRC only (.) legal (.) bill of sale &}l=MRC 463358_465954 for (.) horse or cattle 465954_467199 (.) in the State of Colo⌈rado ⌉ . 467199_468417 *GARY: ⌊ Oh⌋: . 467956_468705 *JULI: (..) Regis⌈2tration ⌉2 +... 468705_470611 *GARY: ⌊2 It's like re⌋2gistering a car . 470123_471782 *JULI: (..) Right . 471782_472882 *JULI: And ⌈ and ⌉ +... 472882_473358 *GARY: ⌊ Or ⌋ or: uh 473125_473980 (..) not registering 473980_475189 but uh 475189_475640 &=in passing title . 475640_476762 *JULI: (.) ⌈ Mhm . 476762_477279 *GARY: ⌊ To a car ⌋ . 476866_477525 *JULI: An⌉d 477274_477580 (.) see the thing is 477580_478519 what makes it good 478519_479415 ʔuh is if you don't have a legal (..) brand inspection ? 479415_482379 *JULI: (..) On a horse when you take him to the auction 482379_484324 you can't run him through the auction 484324_485444 they will impound the horse . 485444_486672 *GARY: ⌈ Wow ⌉ . 486672_487323 *JULI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=lengthened So 486672_487832 ⌈2 if somebody goes and forg⌉2es . 487832_489232 *GARY: ⌊2 &=WHISTLE ⌋2 . 487866_489053 *JULI: a little bill of sale that looks like this &=ex 489232_491407 (..) and steals a horse out of my pasture 491407_493734 and takes it to the auction 493734_494935 they're gonna impound the horse and check it out . 494935_496637 *JULI: (..) Look for identifying marks . 496637_498739 *JULI: &=in (.) A:nd (.) not send that horse to the kil⌈lers ⌉ . 498739_501441 *GARY: ⌊ Oh ⌋ okay . 501204_501984 *GARY: (.) Okay . 501984_502559 *JULI: That's why it's real im⌈portant ⌉ . 502559_504356 *GARY: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=lengthened (.) Yeah . 503831_505087 *GARY: (.) ʔuh How do you uh 505087_506197 (.) I guess you just look it up in the phone book 506197_507999 for uh . 507999_508651 *JULI: (..) Well you u⌈sually you can- you can +... 508651_510533 *GARY: ⌊ Colorado State Department ⌋ of Agriculture or some⌈2thing ⌉2 . 509728_512045 *JULI: &=in ⌉ 510533_510914 ⌊2 I c⌋2an never find it in the phone book . 511764_513135 *JULI: Call the vet . 513135_513815 *JULI: All the vets know the num⌈ber . 513815_515018 *GARY: ⌊ Vet . 514712_515018 *JULI: of the ⌉ (.) brand inspector . 515018_516660 *GARY: okay ⌋ . 515018_515510 *JULI: And I have it on file too . 516660_518197 *JULI: His name is um 518197_519203 (..) our our current brand inspector is a real cutie . 519203_521992 *JULI: Let's see . 521992_522480 *JULI: What's his name . 522480_523338 *JULI: (..) Bart Zuckerman . 523338_524540 *JULI: (..) Is ⌈ our current ⌉ brand inspector . 524540_526926 *GARY: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 525839_526339 *JULI: And he lives right here in Colorado Springs . 526926_528280 *GARY: Oh yeah ? 528280_528805 *GARY: ⌈ Hey ⌉ . 528805_529376 *JULI: It⌊'s a Five Five ⌋ Five number . 528958_530164 *GARY: (..) Okay . 530164_530869 *JULI: I had a hard time getting hold of him this time 530869_532867 (.) his ʔuh answering machine wasn't working . 532867_534745 *GARY: (..) Okay . 534745_537338 *JULI: (..) But . 537338_538283 *GARY: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 538283_538800 *JULI: ⌊ &=in he ⌋ is a cutie . 538283_539602 *JULI: I mean he (.) he's +/. 539602_540600 *JULI: He models for Shepler's magazine . 540600_542325 *JULI: (..) Really nice looking young fellow . 542325_544284 *JULI: (..) I don't know . 544284_545324 *JULI: He's got- +/. 545324_545549 *JULI: I think he's got a couple kids . 545549_546900 *JULI: (..) &=in But 546900_547985 very nice . 547985_548876 *JULI: (..) Polite cowboy type . 548876_550199 *JULI: (..) &=tsk 550199_551646 (..) And on our ⌈ last +... 551646_553948 *GARY: ⌊ Alright ⌋ . 553683_554113 *JULI: I ⌉ just get used to a brand inspector and they switch em on us . 553923_556454 *GARY: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 556454_557454 *JULI: Donald Bradbury was our brand inspector for years . 557454_559806 *JULI: A:nd um 559806_560619 (..) I mean 560619_561841 he knew me real well because I 561841_563299 (..) I'd go through seven eight horses a year out ⌈ here and ⌉ . 563299_565877 *GARY: ⌊ Wow ⌋ . 565273_565877 *JULI: &=in (.) ⌈2 Well . 565927_566778 *GARY: ⌊2 What do you what do you ⌋2 do here . 566486_567628 *JULI: cause I'm an ⌉2 +/. 566778_567203 *JULI: I'm an agent . 567628_568234 *JULI: (.) I teach riding lessons . 568234_569456 *GARY: ⌈ Oh: ⌉ . 569456_570447 *JULI: ⌊ and I buy and sell 569456_570330 and ⌋ I'm an ⌈2 agent . 570330_571055 *GARY: ⌊2 Oh: ⌋2 . 570663_571581 *JULI: I'll +/. 571055_571384 *JULI: I'll ⌉2 find horses for people 571384_572877 ⌈3 that ⌉3 +... 572877_573116 *GARY: ⌊3 O⌋3:kay . 572900_573671 *JULI: (.) And (.) so ⌈4 I act as an agent ⌉4 . 573671_575237 *GARY: ⌊4 So you (.) match a ⌋4 a a customer ⌈5 with a horse ⌉5 . 574275_576859 *JULI: ⌊5 Yeah it's sorta like a ⌋5 dating service . 576131_577462 *JULI: ⌈6 It's wonder⌉6ful . 577462_578042 *GARY: ⌊6 Yeah ⌋6 . 577462_577925 *JULI: It's really a ⌈7 lotta f⌉7un . 578042_579107 *GARY: ⌊7 Yeah ⌋7 . 578426_578758 *JULI: ⌈8 &=in Yeah ⌉8 . 579107_580092 *GARY: ⌊8 &=in So they ⌋8 know that 579107_580620 (..) that you can do this 580620_581878 so they tell you 581878_582527 hey 582527_582777 I really need this kind of a ⌈ horse ⌉ . 582777_584253 *JULI: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 583821_584253 *GARY: ⌈2 X ⌉2 . 584253_584736 *JULI: ⌊2 Well ʔuh m- ⌋2 +/. 584253_584685 *JULI: Most of the time it's my students ? 584736_586302 *JULI: (.) And when they're ready to buy a horse . 586302_587756 *GARY: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 587756_588015 *JULI: ⌊ then I ⌋ look for a horse for em ? 587756_589078 *GARY: ⌈2 Yeah ⌉2 . 589078_589413 *JULI: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 Like with uh Peggy's horse 589158_590660 I looked at twenty-eight horses in ten ⌈3 days . 590660_592964 *GARY: ⌊3 &=WHISTLE ⌋3 . 592571_593140 *JULI: be⌉3fore I found the one that ⌈4 I thought would suit ⌉4 her . 592964_595403 *GARY: ⌊4 &=WHISTLE ⌋4 . 594373_595216 *JULI: (.) &=in And she's a wonderful horse . 595403_597378 *JULI: (..) And I didn't even dicker on the price for her . 597378_599411 *JULI: Because I thought the price was so good . 599411_601112 *GARY: M⌈hm ⌉ ? 601112_601445 *JULI: ⌊ X ⌋ 601212_601445 And we paid twenty-five hundred for her . 601445_603171 *JULI: &=in And she was a nine-year-old Anglo Arab 603171_605221 (..) Um 605221_606174 about (..) fifteen three 606174_607636 (..) &=in lovely mare . 607636_608671 *JULI: She's cleaning up in competitive trail and 608671_610675 and doing reasonably well at the shows . 610675_612497 *JULI: (..) And the mare's real cute 612497_614629 takes good care of her 614629_615479 she hunts her 615479_616192 goes out to the 616192_616842 (..) the (.) fox hunt and hunts her all winter ? 616842_618835 *GARY: Fox hunt . 618835_619426 *JULI: Yeah we hunt . 619426_620090 *JULI: But we hunt coyotes in Colorado . 620090_621360 *JULI: But we don't kill them . 621360_622260 *JULI: (..) We just chase ⌈ em ⌉ . 622260_623743 *GARY: ⌊ W:⌋he:re⌈2's the fox hunt ⌉2 . 623363_625033 *JULI: ⌊2 But it 624108_624356 we have ⌋2 624356_624856 (.) we have um . 625033_626167 *GARY: (..) My dad does ⌈ that ⌉ . 626167_627246 *JULI: ⌊ thir⌋ty-two 626909_627912 (..) u:m 627912_629389 (..) English foxhounds . 629389_631106 *JULI: At our club . 631106_631857 *GARY: Really . 631857_632394 *JULI: Out 632394_632745 ⌈ uh it's at ⌉ +... 632745_633280 *GARY: ⌊ What club is ⌋ that . 632861_633494 *JULI: &=in It's the Bijou Springs 633494_634961 (..) Bi- +/. 634961_635572 *JULI: (..) No . 635572_636282 *JULI: (..) Bijou Hunt Club . 636282_637682 *JULI: (..) B- Bijou Springs Hunt Club I guess it's called . 637682_640822 *JULI: (.) And it's out at (..) Bijou Springs Ranch 640822_643000 X we lease (.) twenty-thousand acres to hunt on ⌈ out there with the ken⌉nels . 643000_646360 *GARY: ⌊ &=WHISTLE ⌋ . 645245_645987 *JULI: &=in &=lengthened Costs us (..) twelve-thousand six-hundred dollars a year for the lease 646360_649980 (..) for the right to hunt out there 649980_651450 and have the clubhouse and the kennels . 651450_653082 *JULI: (.) &=in And it belongs to: &=ex 653082_655351 (..) think of his name . 655351_657728 *JULI: (..) Real rich guy . 657728_659540 *JULI: &=in &=laugh He's [% laugh] got a hunting preserve- 659540_661514 preserve on the place with elk and . 661514_663008 *GARY: ⌈ Wo:w ⌉ . 663008_663924 *JULI: ⌊ &=in white-tail⌋ed deer and . 663008_664894 *GARY: Where is ⌈2 Bijou Springs ⌉2 . 664894_666584 *JULI: ⌊2 he's getting moose now ⌋2 . 665337_666680 *JULI: (..) Oh: it's out (.) close to Calhan . 666680_669172 *JULI: (..) It's ⌈ go:rgeous ⌉ country . 669172_670700 *GARY: ⌊ Calhan ⌋ . 669816_670402 *JULI: It's lik:e 670700_671399 (..) northwest . 671399_672777 *JULI: Just northwest of Calhan . 672777_674144 *JULI: And it's beautiful beautiful country . 674144_676131 *JULI: (..) Way out there in nowhere . 676131_677820 *GARY: Out wh- +/. 677820_678364 *GARY: Th- are there any trees out there ? 678364_679595 *GARY: ⌈ Or is it ⌉ +... 679595_680094 *JULI: ⌊ &{l=HI Mhm &}l=HI ⌋ . 679595_680094 *JULI: Yeah 680094_680524 we have a lotta trees 680524_681499 &=in We hunt through the trees 681499_682783 and bounce off them from time to ⌈ time and ⌉ . 682783_684558 *GARY: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 684039_685694 &=in ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 685694_686247 *JULI: ⌊2 &=tsk ⌋2 (.) We have several sca:rs in this barn 685847_687980 from people bouncing &{l=@ off of trees &}l=@ . 687980_690055 *GARY: (..) Golly day . 690055_690992 *JULI: ⌈ &=in It's it's not ⌉ +... 690992_692399 *GARY: ⌊ &=in That sounds like ⌋ fun though . 690992_692900 *JULI: (..) It's no:t a sport for the timid . 692900_694799 *JULI: (..) You've gotta be (.) pretty brave . 694799_697282 *JULI: To do it . 697282_697854 *JULI: &=in ⌈ Or stu⌉pid . 697854_698812 *GARY: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 698074_698386 *JULI: (.) It's a it's ʔuh ⌈2 sport for either the brave or the stu⌉2pid [% laugh] . 698812_701640 *GARY: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 699509_701113 (.) &=in I've ⌈3 never ⌉3 done it . 701640_702878 *JULI: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 . 702344_702560 *GARY: My dad has done it . 702878_703735 *JULI: (..) ʔW- +/. 703735_704417 *JULI: (.) ⌈ the fo⌉x hunting ? 704417_705142 *GARY: ⌊ He's ⌋ +/. 704540_704822 *GARY: M⌈2hm ⌉2 . 705142_705585 *JULI: ⌊2 On hor⌋2seback ? 705361_706072 *GARY: Mm . 706072_706419 *JULI: (..) Where at ? 706419_707599 *GARY: (..) &=tsk &=in California ? 707599_709088 *GARY: Dow:n (.) near uh . 709088_710297 *JULI: Do you know the name of the hunt ? 710297_711507 *GARY: (..) No 711507_712062 I don't know anything . 712062_713012 *GARY: (.) &=in (.) Let's see . 713012_714218 *GARY: (..) &=THROAT 714218_715347 (..) No . 715347_715982 *GARY: (..) All I (.) I know where it is . 715982_718791 *GARY: (..) It's over near uh 718791_720019 (..) &=THROAT 720019_721148 (.) &=in Palo Alto . 721148_722354 *JULI: (..) Mhm ? 722354_723360 *JULI: (..) Yeah . 723360_724000 *JULI: I know there's a hunt out near Palo Alto 724000_725600 I don't know the name ⌈ of it ⌉ . 725600_726506 *GARY: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 726184_726447 *JULI: (..) &=in Well let me show you my barn . 726506_728347 *JULI: If you're interested ? 728347_729113 *GARY: Sure ? 729113_729538 *JULI: (.) I've +/. 729538_729995 *JULI: I've been out hunting for a rake 729995_731273 but I found it . 731273_732025 *JULI: (..) Oh your brother's sitting in his ca:r &=ex . 732025_734578 *JULI: (..) ⌈ Why is he do⌉ing that . 734578_735944 *GARY: ⌊ Oh: ⌋ . 735165_735649 *JULI: With his tape recorder sitting here . 735944_737321 *GARY: I don't know . 737321_738121 *GARY: (..) He's uh 738121_738859 &=in &=lengthened He's just (.) recording conversations . 738859_741488 *JULI: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 741488_742240 *GARY: ⌊ So we'll just ⌋ keep it going here . 741488_743280 *GARY: (.) &=in &=lengthened (..) They're not (.) for content 743280_746394 they're doing it for: linguis⌈tic (..) purposes ⌉ . 746394_749127 *JULI: ⌊ Right 747769_748202 for linguistics ⌋ . 748202_749127 *GARY: (..) Making a m- (.) massive database . 749127_753180 *JULI: (..) Come on dogs . 753180_754366 *JULI: (..) Dogs . 754366_756342 *JULI: Come on . 756342_756742 *GARY: (..) Come on . 756742_757347 *JULI: That's good . 757347_757944 *JULI: That's enough . 757944_758545 *GARY: Okay . 758545_759007 *JULI: Two dogs is enough at once . 759007_760274 *JULI: (..) &=laugh &=laugh 760274_761760 (..) Ask him if he'd like to come see the barn . 761760_765236 *GARY: (..) Matt ? 765236_765937 *GARY: (..) You wanna see the barn ? 765937_767935 *MATT: (..) Sure . 767935_768952 *GARY: (..) Let me give you this⌈: ⌉ . 768952_770614 *JULI: ⌊ I ⌋ didn't know you'd come out to sit in your car . 770464_772524 *MATT: (..) Oh 772524_773454 (..) just taking it easy here . 773454_775204 *MATT: Yeah ? 775204_775487 *GARY: (.) ⌈ &{l=X Here you go &}l=X ⌉ +... 775487_776292 *MATT: ⌊ So you got ⌋ a new barn ? 775991_776894 *MATT: O:r a o⌈2ld barn ⌉2 . 776894_777894 *JULI: ⌊2 XX ⌋2 777344_777894 (..) &{l=X It's down here &}l=X . 777894_778876 *JULI: (..) The barn's new XX . 778876_785134 *GARY: (..) &{l=X Well &}l=X that's a big dog . 785134_786412 *GARY: (.) Or is this a horse . 786412_787277 *JULI: (.) Puppy . 787277_787786 *MATT: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 787786_788613 *GARY: ⌊ Pony ⌋ . 788073_788653 *JULI: (.) It's a puppy . 788653_789608 *GARY: (.) &{l=X &{l=@ Oh yeah &}l=@ &}l=X 789608_790188 (..) What kind is he . 790188_791770 *JULI: (..) XX 791770_793082 He's a Great Dane . 793082_793907 *GARY: (.) Great Dane . 793907_794608 *JULI: (..) He was left starving and sick at my vet's clinic for +/. 794608_797743 *JULI: (..) pretty bad shape 797743_803891 (..) They picked him up and I adopted him from the Humane Society &=ex . 803891_809192 *JULI: (.) He weighed (.) seventy-two pounds 809192_810631 and now he weighs a hundred and &{l=X fifty &}l=X . 810631_812084 *JULI: (..) XXX (.) Christmas gift . 812084_814059 *GARY: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 814059_814823 *MATT: ⌊ Seventy ⌋ two poun⌈2ds ⌉2 ? 814590_816068 *JULI: ⌊ He ⌋ +/. 814624_815004 *JULI: ⌊2 He ⌋2 got me ⌈3 for Christmas ⌉3 . 815623_816977 *MATT: ⌊3 I can't imagine ⌋3 that dog . 816230_817307 *GARY: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈4 &=laugh ⌉4 . 817307_818365 *MATT: ⌊4 weighing ⌋4 seven⌈5ty-two pounds ⌉5 . 818118_819270 *GARY: ⌊5 Seventy-two⌋5: ? 818549_819533 *JULI: (..) And ⌈6 now he's +... 819533_820428 *GARY: ⌊6 He must've had a lotta ribs showing ⌋6 . 819864_821295 *JULI: &=in He was ⌉6 +/. 820428_821295 *JULI: (.) Oh 821295_821676 you could see his hips 821676_823026 every 823026_823478 every bone in his sp⌈ine ⌉ . 823478_824816 *GARY: ⌊ Mm ⌋ &=lengthened . 824666_825365 *MATT: So what were +/. 825365_825939 *MATT: What was happening to him ? 825939_826831 *MATT: (.) ⌈ XX ⌉ . 826831_827700 *JULI: ⌊ Well he had rea⌋l bad diarrhea 827031_828385 and h:e hadn't been fed properly 828385_829805 and he didn't have the right nutrition 829805_831104 so hopefully he won't get to the size he should . 831104_833038 *GARY: (.) &=laugh &=ex . 833038_833517 *JULI: Hopefully he's ⌈ almost full⌉-grown . 833517_834967 *MATT: ⌊ &=laugh &=ex ⌋ 834067_834530 (.) Yeah⌈2: [% laugh] ⌉2 . 834967_835667 *JULI: ⌊2 Cause ⌋2 835380_835858 cause male Great Danes can get upwards of a hundred and seventy-five pounds . 835858_838965 *GARY: (.) Mm . 838965_839498 *JULI: (..) And I don't want him to get that big . 839498_841508 *JULI: &{l=VOX Hi: Ha:p &}l=VOX . 841508_842705 *JULI: (..) That's Hap . 842705_844579 *JULI: (..) He's one of those &{l=X wild &}l=X thoroughbreds . 844579_847354 *MATT: (.) Yeah ? 847354_847834 *JULI: (..) He's a boarder . 847834_849488 *JULI: (..) I now ⌈ own ⌉ +... 849488_851100 *GARY: ⌊ XXX ? 850640_850992 *GARY: What ⌋ does that mean . 850992_851667 *JULI: He boards here . 851667_852457 *JULI: (..) I bo⌈ard ⌉ +... 852457_853308 *GARY: ⌊ Oh ⌋ oh oh . 853109_853739 *JULI: Yeah . 853739_854106 *JULI: (..) I only own five of em now 854106_856731 and two of them are (.) somewhere else 856731_858291 cause I don't have room for em . 858291_859266 *JULI: (..) My mare and foal are down the hill . 859266_861967 *GARY: (..) What is that . 861967_862887 *JULI: It's a granary 862887_863607 it holds about four-thousand pounds of gr⌈ain ⌉ . 863607_865420 *GARY: ⌊ Oh⌋:: . 865155_866779 *GARY: Wow: . 866779_867379 *JULI: &{l=X Yeah &}l=X . 867379_867913 *JULI: (.) I ⌈ have ⌉ +... 867913_868625 *GARY: ⌊ I've never ⌋ seen anybody had one of those at a barn . 868302_870160 *JULI: (.) Well I feed (..) between twenty and (.) twenty-five horses all year round . 870160_873990 *GARY: (.) &=WHISTLE ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 873990_875342 *JULI: ⌊ So I can't buy it ⌋ by the sack . 874612_876268 *GARY: (..) &=ex . 876268_877113 *JULI: (..) ⌈ I go through ⌉ +... 877113_878457 *MATT: ⌊ &{l=X They &}l=X have trucks ⌋ come out here . 877827_878973 *JULI: (..) Yeah I go through about three-hundred pounds a day . 878973_880927 *GARY: (..) &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ Oh⌉: [% laugh] ma:n . 880927_883582 *MATT: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 881810_882364 *JULI: (.) I go through: ten . 883582_885139 *GARY: In⌈credible ⌉ . 885139_886088 *JULI: ⌊ &=in Ten to ⌋ twe:lve tons of hay a month . 885446_887656 *JULI: (..) Roughly 887656_889612 ten to twelve thousand dollars a year of hay . 889612_891952 *GARY: (.) You must have been (.) hurting this last season . 891952_894107 *GARY: Hunh ? 894107_894493 *JULI: No actually 894493_895137 my hay supplier was &{l=X real good to me &}l=X . 895137_896712 *GARY: (..) How did you do that . 896712_897994 *GARY: (..) I mean it ⌈ was hard for everybody ⌉ . 897994_899796 *JULI: ⌊ I've been buying hay 898520_899428 I've been ⌋ buying hay from Bartlett's 899428_901118 fo:r six years now . 901118_902585 *JULI: (..) and I don't +/. 902585_903797 *JULI: I'm not his biggest customer 903797_905415 (..) ⌈ but I've been re⌉al steady and real loyal . 905415_907421 *GARY: ⌊ We had a r- ⌋ +... 905864_906266 *JULI: and I've (..) referred him to a lotta people . 907421_909503 *JULI: (..) A:nd um . 909503_911334 *GARY: We had a lotta 911334_911918 (.) we had a . 911918_912524 *JULI: He kept ⌈ my hay price ⌉ +... 912524_913926 *GARY: ⌊ shortage of hay: ⌋ this year . 913043_914428 *GARY: Because of uh . 914428_915359 *JULI: He +/. 915359_915608 *JULI: Yeah . 915608_916002 *GARY: It was the floods ⌈ out in ⌉ +... 916002_917328 *JULI: ⌊ &=in But ⌋ see he know:s how much +/. 916727_917931 *JULI: he b:uys a lotta hay 917931_918980 he's a broker . 918980_919745 *JULI: (..) And he buys hay 919745_920642 &=in And actually I usually get the Wyoming hay 920642_922563 and it got ruined in the rain &=ex . 922563_923825 *JULI: So I was getting West Cliff hay 923825_925133 which I don't think is quite as good 925133_926379 it's good . 926379_927031 *JULI: &=in But not quite ⌈ as good ⌉ . 927031_928142 *GARY: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ . 927733_928142 *JULI: &=in But he kept my hay price down to a hundred and twenty-five dollars a to:n . 928142_931371 *GARY: Which ⌈ is (.) how much ⌉ . 931371_932568 *JULI: ⌊ &=in All &=ex win⌋ter . 931553_932782 *JULI: Delivered and stacked &=ex . 932782_933838 *GARY: Wow: . 933838_934542 *GARY: ⌈ &{l=X Was that a &}l=X ⌉ +... 934542_935113 *JULI: ⌊ Which is real⌋ly good ⌈2 &=ex ⌉2 . 934706_935740 *GARY: ⌊2 What does ⌋2 that boil down to per (.) ⌈3 bale ⌉3 . 935569_937261 *JULI: ⌊3 Well he was ⌋3 selling it to: other people 936803_938392 that (.) came and picked it up 938392_939417 for a hundred and sixty-five &=ex . 939417_940767 *JULI: (..) A ton . 940767_941901 *JULI: (..) But I get twenty-two: to twenty-five tons at a time . 941901_944603 *GARY: (..) &=WHISTLE ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 944603_946155 *JULI: ⌊ He just ⌋ brings a semi-load in here . 945982_947518 *GARY: I'll bet . 947518_948069 *GARY: (..) What does that (.) b⌈oil down to per b⌉ale . 948069_950080 *JULI: ⌊ There's Shiba ⌋ . 949154_949869 *GARY: Do you know ? 950080_950480 *GARY: (..) ⌈ No ⌉ . 950480_951429 *JULI: ⌊ No⌋: it +/. 951055_951529 *JULI: (.) It's roughly 951529_952488 (..) anywhere from twenty-eight to thirty 952488_954303 (..) um 954303_955704 (..) bales per (.) ton . 955704_957479 *JULI: (..) But 957479_958273 I always buy by the ton 958273_959348 because then I know how much feed I have . 959348_961348 *GARY: (..) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 961348_961956 *JULI: ⌊ You ⌋ know 961735_962114 when you buy this much 962114_962864 you can't go by the bale . 962864_963789 *JULI: ⌈ It's: kinda s⌉illy . 963789_964896 *GARY: ⌊ Yeah: 963789_964168 right ⌋ . 964168_964503 *JULI: &=in ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 See there's Shiba . 964896_966118 *GARY: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 964996_965217 *GARY: (..) &{l=VOX Hey Shiba &}l=VOX ? 966118_968102 *JULI: (..) &=CLICK_CLICK_CLICK_CLICK 968102_969280 (.) &{l=VOX Come here girl &}l=VOX . 969280_969987 *GARY: &=WHISTLE ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 969987_970514 *JULI: ⌊ &=CLAP_CLAP_CLAP ⌋ 970189_971244 (..) Are you sleepy ? 971244_972419 *JULI: (..) And that's her boyfriend Beamer . 972419_975971 *JULI: (..) He's so +/. 975971_978386 *JULI: He's so happy 978386_979242 he thinks he has a whole mare herd ⌈ now to protec⌉t . 979242_981753 *GARY: ⌊ Al:righ:t ⌋ . 980623_981404 *MATT: (..) Hm . 981753_982644 *JULI: She's been in high heat the last couple days . 982644_984796 *MATT: &=laugh &=laugh . 984796_985461 *JULI: (..) He thinks that's wonderful . 985461_987200 *GARY: (..) Shiba's been in heat ? 987200_988566 *JULI: Oh yeah . 988566_989150 *JULI: See how she +/. 989150_989925 *JULI: See what she's doing ? 989925_990680 *JULI: (..) Squirting on him . 990680_991800 *GARY: Oh⌈: yu:ck ⌉ . 991800_993177 *JULI: ⌊ Miserable old mare ⌋ . 992200_993256 *JULI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 993256_994481 (.) He likes it 994481_995285 (..) This one's in heat too 995285_997264 and he won't pay any attention to her 997264_998564 and she's really frustrated . 998564_999620 *JULI: (..) Cause poor mare 999620_1001265 she's been off her feet for two days because 1001265_1003112 (..) Beamer rushes the fence 1003112_1004466 and b:ears his teeth 1004466_1005591 and 1005591_1005816 (..) pins his ears at her 1005816_1007274 (..) because he d- +/. 1007274_1008284 *JULI: He (.) doesn't want her to get next to his mare . 1008284_1010860 *JULI: He keeps himself between his mare and 1010860_1012728 (.) and that one 1012728_1013476 who might threaten &=in his mare herd . 1013476_1015901 *GARY: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1015901_1017255 *JULI: ⌊ He's really ⌋ a funny character . 1016777_1018280 *JULI: &=in I give lessons on him too 1018280_1019733 he's privately owned but 1019733_1020794 &=in his owner doesn't ride him much . 1020794_1022203 *JULI: And he's real gentle . 1022203_1023120 *JULI: (..) He um 1023120_1024120 ⌈ he was sh⌉own out in California . 1024120_1025376 *GARY: ⌊ XX ⌋ . 1024120_1024526 *JULI: He +/. 1025376_1025615 *JULI: (.) he rides Western English and drives . 1025615_1027638 *JULI: He pull⌈s a cart ⌉ . 1027638_1028384 *GARY: ⌊ Wow ⌋ . 1027913_1028328 *JULI: (..) And he's just as cute as can be . 1028384_1030346 *JULI: He's a little Morgan . 1030346_1031180 *GARY: They're (..) identical color aren't they ? 1031180_1032934 *JULI: Unhunh ? 1032934_1033434 *JULI: (..) And she's just su:re that this one's going to be it . 1033434_1038726 *JULI: (..) &=in ⌈ Actually h⌉e's doing better than my stallion . 1038726_1041281 *GARY: ⌊ Wow ⌋ . 1039314_1039968 *JULI: My stallion can't get it figured out . 1041281_1042724 *JULI: &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh . 1042724_1043916 *GARY: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1043534_1044561 *JULI: &=in He's only ⌉ three &=laugh . 1043916_1045199 *JULI: (..) &=in And we (..) tried breeding him to a mare the other day 1045199_1047947 and she was going out of heat 1047947_1049133 wasn't very strong 1049133_1049776 And he was just a lot more interested in the Gelding next to her 1049776_1051695 and I said 1051695_1051945 this is what I need is a ⌈ gay stallion . 1051945_1053720 *GARY: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=SNIFF ⌉3 . 1052842_1055640 *JULI: &=in ⌉ ⌊2 &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 1053720_1055640 *MATT: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1054104_1055126 *GARY: (.) &{l=@ A gay stallion &}l=@ . 1055640_1056748 *JULI: (..) Oh I said 1056748_1057880 &{l=VOX well 1057880_1058145 that way at least I don't have to worry &}l=VOX about gelding him . 1058145_1059820 *JULI: And he'll keep: his pretty coat 1059820_1061033 you know we just won't worry about him . 1061033_1062511 *JULI: (..) And he's real even tempered but . 1062511_1064454 *JULI: ʔuh We just had his first foal . 1064454_1065800 *JULI: He did manage to breed my old mare last year . 1065800_1067760 *JULI: But she's r:eally experienced . 1067760_1069561 *JULI: &=in And I just turned em out to pasture together for three days 1069561_1072137 &=in (.) and she was patient with him . 1072137_1073930 *MATT: (.) Hm . 1073930_1074356 *JULI: &=in But ⌈ then he fell in love with her and it was +... 1074356_1076306 *HORS: ⌊ &=WHINNY &=lengthened ⌋ &=lengthened . 1074881_1077567 *JULI: (..) He was ⌉ +/. 1076306_1077217 *JULI: (.) Um 1077567_1078097 (..) what do you call it . 1078097_1079171 *JULI: (..) He only wanted the one mare . 1079171_1080850 *JULI: (.) He wouldn't look at any of the others last year . 1080850_1082533 *JULI: So we didn't get anybody else bred last year . 1082533_1084246 *JULI: But two is a little young to be asking anything . 1084246_1086155 *JULI: Watch this now . 1086155_1086880 *JULI: Watch him rush &{l=WH at her . 1086880_1087619 *JULI: &=in rush at her &}l=WH . 1087619_1088620 *JULI: (..) &{l=X See if he goes &}l=X . 1088620_1090097 *JULI: (..) See and her buddy 1090097_1093148 (..) um 1093148_1093879 the reason she's here 1093879_1094851 this black mare 1094851_1095442 she's here for board and training 1095442_1096650 she hadn't been ridden in five years . 1096650_1098226 *JULI: (..) And her um 1098226_1099793 (..) pal of ten ye- 1099793_1101695 ten years had to be put down a few weeks ago . 1101695_1103811 *JULI: (..) He just was so crippled up and old ⌈ and ⌉ . 1103811_1106653 *GARY: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 1106329_1106629 *JULI: s:uffering and 1106653_1107637 &=in she didn't want (.) to keep the mare at home 1107637_1109857 after (.) they put the other horse down 1109857_1111557 cause (.) she figured she'd get frantic . 1111557_1113093 *JULI: So she came here to have more friends . 1113093_1114795 *JULI: (..) To make friend⌈s ⌉ . 1114795_1116198 *GARY: ⌊ Yeah⌋: . 1115894_1116298 *JULI: (..) Well ⌈2 these are ⌉2 +... 1116298_1118224 *GARY: ⌊2 So what did ⌋2 you do to your arena . 1117861_1119286 *JULI: (..) &=in U:m 1119286_1120264 (..) well last year I put in a whole new ring . 1120264_1122445 *JULI: I spent about three thousand dollars leveling it ? 1122445_1124516 *JULI: Because it wasn't quite level 1124516_1125780 I +/. 1125780_1125995 *JULI: (.) I'd had it (..) leveled when I moved here 1125995_1128275 but it w- (.) really wasn't level ? 1128275_1129520 *GARY: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ ? 1129520_1129872 *JULI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ And the sand that I had in it (.) ʔuh +/. 1129520_1131180 *JULI: There was natural sand in it when I bought the place 1131180_1133083 &=in It had all washed down the road 1133083_1134823 and I p- think Kettle Creek scooped it up and put it in their ring 1134823_1137091 &=in ⌈ &=lengthened So: ⌉ it was hard (.) as a rock . 1137091_1139946 *GARY: ⌊ &{l=WH &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &}l=WH ⌋ . 1137515_1138540 *JULI: And it kept washing out . 1139946_1141146 *JULI: And it was terrible and 1141146_1142364 (.) like riding on asphalt . 1142364_1143786 *JULI: So &=ex 1143786_1144446 I had . 1144446_1145363 *GARY: (..) Well you were probably down to the hardpack . 1145363_1147198 *JULI: (..) I was down to clay . 1147198_1148775 *GARY: ⌈ Mm: ⌉ . 1148775_1149299 *JULI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ An:d I had Havens come out 1148775_1150823 and +/. 1150823_1151098 *JULI: with a bulldozer . 1151098_1151862 *JULI: And he leveled the whole thing 1151862_1152875 he took a who:le bunch out of this corner you can see . 1152875_1155185 *GARY: ⌈ Yeah . 1155185_1155503 *JULI: ⌊ &=in And p⌋ut it down in that corner . 1155185_1157106 *GARY: (.) Yeah ⌉ . 1155503_1155898 *JULI: &=in A:nd 1157106_1158202 it just (..) was a lot nicer . 1158202_1159826 *JULI: And then I had 1159826_1160564 (..) three-hundred tons of sand brought in and spread [% laugh] . 1160564_1163879 *GARY: ⌈ &=WHISTLE ⌉ . 1163879_1164331 *JULI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ It was great in the winter time ? 1163879_1165506 *JULI: When it was all frozen 1165506_1166349 and I had this much soft stuff on top ? 1166349_1168049 *JULI: &=in but when it thawed 1168049_1169407 &=in we couldn't ride in it 1169407_1170766 it was this deep . 1170766_1171616 *GARY: Oh: . 1171616_1172220 *JULI: It was ho:rrid . 1172220_1173133 *JULI: And ⌈ the horses have had a ⌉ hard time . 1173133_1174459 *GARY: ⌊ Too much ⌋ . 1173299_1173955 *JULI: &=in So today +/. 1174459_1175474 *JULI: Finally it's been dry enough for Tad to come out and 1175474_1177752 (..) and take the rest of the sand off . 1177752_1179150 *JULI: And I sold ⌈ it to him ⌉ . 1179150_1179959 *GARY: ⌊ Oh he was t⌋aking it ⌈2 ou:t ⌉2 . 1179568_1180862 *JULI: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 He was ⌈3 taking it ou:t ⌉3 . 1180337_1182377 *GARY: ⌊3 Oh okay 1181248_1181702 I saw the big ⌋3 d:ump⌈4truck ⌉4 . 1181702_1183002 *JULI: ⌊4 &=in ⌋4 Yeah . 1182702_1183700 *JULI: Well 1183700_1183950 that was Havens was taking it out . 1183950_1185666 *JULI: Um 1185666_1185971 Orville Havens . 1185971_1186903 *JULI: (..) a:nd uh his son . 1186903_1188247 *JULI: Which I can't remember his name . 1188247_1189132 *JULI: Starts with an el . 1189132_1189836 *JULI: Lenny or s⌈omething . 1189836_1190695 *GARY: ⌊ And he was taking it to: someplace else ⌋ . 1190445_1192509 *JULI: Lenny and Orville . 1190695_1191478 *JULI: &=in He was taking it ⌉ to: one of my students 1191478_1193491 who lives (.) on the road behind me 1193491_1194997 ⌈ who put in a ring ⌉ but didn't have any sand y⌈2et . 1194997_1196745 *GARY: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 1194997_1195600 *GARY: ⌊2 O:kay ⌋2 . 1196616_1197220 *JULI: &=in So ⌉2 she got a great deal . 1196745_1198007 *JULI: She got about a third of my sand 1198007_1199597 &=in that I paid &=ex 1199597_1201452 twelve or thirteen-hundred dollars for delivered 1201452_1203652 &=in and she got it a- 1203652_1204755 got about a third of it 1204755_1205737 for about two-hundred and fifty bucks . 1205737_1207340 *GARY: Hey: that's good . 1207340_1208314 *JULI: (..) And so it was a lot cheaper ⌈ than if she'd ⌉ bought it . 1208314_1210554 *GARY: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1209735_1210235 *JULI: cause I only charged her 1210554_1211591 &=in a buck &=ex 1211591_1212900 (..) a buck a ton 1212900_1213888 which is what I paid for it . 1213888_1214974 *JULI: But then I had to pay a lot more to have it hauled in . 1214974_1216742 *GARY: (.) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 1216742_1217234 *JULI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ The hauling is what costs so much . 1216802_1218638 *JULI: (..) ⌈2 &{l=X But I'll sh- &}l=X ⌉2 +... 1218638_1220040 *GARY: ⌊2 So uh⌋2: 1219644_1220345 (..) yeah 1220345_1221653 you know 1221653_1222103 (..) My 1222103_1224174 my arena isn't very (.) level . 1224174_1225678 *JULI: (..) &=in Well it cost her a lot less to level hers 1225678_1229558 but it wasn't as big as mine 1229558_1230724 or as (..) unlevel . 1230724_1232187 *JULI: (..) This is my tractor . 1232187_1234544 *JULI: (..) It's masquerading as an Isuzu . 1234544_1237986 *JULI: But (.) ⌈ it really is my ⌉ tractor . 1237986_1239540 *GARY: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ 1238221_1238944 Foggy meadows . 1239540_1240671 *JULI: (..) My handyman did that . 1240671_1243519 *JULI: I haven't seen him for a while 1243519_1244556 I think he quit . 1244556_1245332 *JULI: And didn't tell me . 1245332_1246081 *JULI: (..) That's my roommate +/. 1246081_1248655 *JULI: One of my roommate's horses is here 1248655_1249960 &{l=CRK and one's in there but &}l=CRK 1249960_1250904 (.) he's hiding . 1250904_1251744 *JULI: (..) And then 1251744_1252822 this is the field +/. 1252822_1253684 *JULI: This is what we call the witch field 1253684_1254979 the mares live out there 1254979_1256041 they get turned out there during the day 1256041_1257518 (..) and then (.) that's the gelding field 1257518_1259602 and my stallion lives out with the geldings 1259602_1261287 (..) And Bru:ge stands here half the day wanting to come in 1261287_1263741 and then after he goes in he wants to go out . 1263741_1265533 *GARY: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh . 1265533_1266541 *JULI: He's like a lotta people's children in the winter time . 1266541_1268763 *GARY: The mare field and the gelding field . 1268763_1270841 *JULI: (.) And the Chestnut +/. 1270841_1271735 *JULI: You see a dark grey on this side ? 1271735_1273194 *JULI: And then a chestnut (.) with his tail to us . 1273194_1275074 *GARY: (..) Yeah . 1275074_1275852 *JULI: The chestnut is my stallion &=ex . 1275852_1277604 *JULI: (.) And he's just as mellow as +/. 1277604_1279093 *JULI: &=in (.) He's mellower than most geldings . 1279093_1281452 *JULI: He's a sweetheart . 1281452_1282308 *JULI: (..) A:nd the mare and baby 1282308_1284798 are (.) up the road 1284798_1285658 a half mile 1285658_1286405 (..) If you go (.) through the (.) gateposts ? 1286405_1288469 *JULI: Th- where it says Stray Winds Two ? 1288469_1290073 *JULI: &=in And just go through there and look to your left 1290073_1292395 there's a pasture . 1292395_1293137 *JULI: And I've got the mare and baby up there in a ⌈ seven-acre ⌉ pasture . 1293137_1295847 *GARY: ⌊ Wow ⌋ . 1294571_1295100 *JULI: (..) And ⌈2 we've got ⌉2 +... 1295847_1297538 *GARY: ⌊2 &{l=P Wow &}l=P ⌋2 . 1297147_1297538 *JULI: (..) Right now we're down to twenty horses here . 1297805_1299593 *JULI: Which is great &=ex . 1299593_1300579 *JULI: (..) And then 1300579_1301280 &=in my roommate's old horse is going out to pasture the first of the month too . 1301280_1304590 *JULI: (..) He's um 1304590_1305446 (..) had a real rough year 1305446_1306679 he had cancer 1306679_1307544 a:nd 1307544_1308052 (..) he lost one eye 1308052_1309520 and the other eye is going blind 1309520_1310745 and this'll probably be his last summer ⌈ and &=ex ⌉ . 1310745_1312764 *GARY: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 1312347_1312714 *JULI: she's not riding him a whole lot . 1312764_1314071 *JULI: But he's still pretty happy . 1314071_1315017 *JULI: (.) &=in So we'll put him out to pasture and let him eat grass for a summer 1315017_1318120 and &=ex 1318120_1318557 see how he is in the fall . 1318557_1319761 *JULI: (..) And if he's &=ex 1319761_1321597 if he's &=ex 1321597_1322334 &=in looks like he's gonna lose the sight in the other eye totally 1322334_1325232 we'll put him down in the fall &=ex . 1325232_1326707 *JULI: I'm not gonna let him wander around blind &=ex . 1326707_1328554 *JULI: (..) It's not fair to him . 1328554_1329783 *JULI: (..) He's been a grand horse . 1329783_1332707 *JULI: (..) But none of ours go to the killers at the end of their life &=ex . 1332707_1337078 *GARY: (..) Where do they go . 1337078_1338217 *JULI: (..) They get put down 1338217_1339517 and then either buried or just hauled off &=ex . 1339517_1341281 *JULI: (..) &=in But we put em down at home . 1341281_1343200 *JULI: (..) &=tsk I don't +/. 1343200_1345081 *JULI: I don't put them through (..) going out to the sale and 1345081_1348022 &=in being menh- manhandled 1348022_1349869 and stuck in semi trucks 1349869_1351269 and scared to death at the l- end of their lives . 1351269_1353063 *JULI: I just &=ex . 1353063_1353720 *GARY: ⌈ Hm ⌉ . 1353720_1354177 *JULI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ don't believe in that . 1353720_1354945 *JULI: That's probably why I'll (.) always be poor &=ex . 1354945_1356925 *JULI: (..) &=in But I do a lotta horse rescue . 1356925_1359123 *JULI: I've bought a lot from the killers . 1359123_1360427 *JULI: Um 1360427_1360705 in fact 1360705_1361209 (.) this black horse (..) of my roommate's came from 1361209_1363780 (.) he was going to the killer's four years ago . 1363780_1365534 *JULI: (..) Not this one . 1365534_1366863 *JULI: The one that (..) is b- (.) blind now . 1366863_1368605 *JULI: (..) And he was considered a killer . 1368605_1371086 *JULI: (..) An unmanageable . 1371086_1372543 *JULI: (..) And he's been perfectly lovely 1372543_1374617 I give the little kids lessons on him . 1374617_1376120 *GARY: (.) Hm . 1376120_1376477 *JULI: (..) So 1376477_1378307 I've had him (..) four years . 1378307_1381092 *JULI: (.) Sold him to my roommate a couple years ago 1381092_1382972 it was her (..) second horse . 1382972_1384614 *JULI: (..) A:nd uh 1384614_1386239 (..) they've cleaned up in competitive trail and 1386239_1388310 just had a great time and 1388310_1389635 (..) fox hunted him and 1389635_1391240 &=in ⌈ &=lengthened He's ⌉ just real game . 1391240_1392344 *GARY: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 1391515_1391801 *JULI: He's a purebred Arabian . 1392344_1393240 *JULI: All bla:ck . 1393240_1394045 *JULI: (..) And he's just great . 1394045_1395907 *JULI: (..) A:nd uh 1395907_1396840 an- (.) nother one I s:aved from the killers 1396840_1399062 three years ago 1399062_1399821 (..) the l:ight chestnut with the blond tail swishing at us ? 1399821_1403182 *GARY: (.) Yeah . 1403182_1403640 *JULI: (..) He's a mustang . 1403640_1404750 *JULI: And he was four years old going to the killers out at Calhan 1404750_1407217 &=in (..) and he was way down on the sales list 1407217_1409415 and he was pretty spooky . 1409415_1410372 *JULI: (..) So I m- +/. 1410372_1411207 *JULI: I had eight horses at the time 1411207_1412495 so I made one of my customers buy him . 1412495_1413924 *JULI: (..) I said he's &{l=VOX gonna make a wonderful hunt horse 1413924_1415780 when he gets broke &}l=VOX . 1415780_1416680 *JULI: &=laugh &=ex &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1416680_1417810 *GARY: &=laugh &=ex . 1417810_1418278 *JULI: &=in And he did . 1418278_1419034 *JULI: (..) And he's absolutely lovely 1419034_1420502 and he now belongs to a sixteen-year-old girl 1420502_1422234 who competes him in 1422234_1423137 &=in hunter jumper . 1423137_1424020 *GARY: ⌈ Gee:s ⌉ . 1424020_1425450 *JULI: ⌊ &{l=X Nay:track &}l=X 1424224_1424984 &=in and ⌋ she hunts him . 1424984_1426076 *GARY: (..) That's ⌈2 great ⌉2 . 1426076_1427143 *JULI: ⌊2 And she does ⌋2 dressage on him . 1426635_1427771 *JULI: And he jumps great 1427771_1428592 he does dressage 1428592_1429299 he does everything you ask him to do 1429299_1430502 except drive . 1430502_1431225 *JULI: &=in We tried driving him [% laugh] 1431225_1432846 (..) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened I used to h- h- ⌉ +... 1432846_1434404 *GARY: ⌊ Driving as i:n ⌋ 1433343_1434404 (..) putting +/. 1434404_1435083 *GARY: loading him ? 1435083_1435741 *JULI: (..) Driving him with a cart . 1435741_1437677 *GARY: (..) Oh . 1437677_1438258 *GARY: With a cart . 1438258_1439073 *JULI: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 1439073_1440197 *GARY: ⌊ mean ⌋ 1439898_1440148 making &{l=X you &}l=X ⌈2 pull a wagon ⌉2 . 1440148_1441220 *JULI: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 (.) Yes 1440570_1441616 mak⌈3ing him pull a cart ⌉3 . 1441616_1442498 *GARY: ⌊3 Oh: okay ⌋3 . 1441828_1442433 *GARY: ⌈4 Okay: . 1442498_1443217 *JULI: ⌊4 &=in Well we did a:ll the gr⌋4oundwork . 1442498_1444481 *GARY: &=in &{l=X There's &}l=X ⌉4 +... 1443217_1443996 *JULI: This horse was doing great on the ground 1444481_1446250 we'd harnessed him 1446250_1447057 We'd been doing for two years . 1447057_1448342 *JULI: You know 1448342_1448606 let's break this horse to drive . 1448606_1449581 *JULI: Cause he's part Belgian . 1449581_1450462 *JULI: He's pretty cute . 1450462_1451154 *JULI: (.) He's about a quarter Belgian . 1451154_1452487 *JULI: &=in And he came from around Reno Nevada . 1452487_1454693 *JULI: (..) A:nd uh 1454693_1455906 so we did all the groundwork 1455906_1457086 just had a great time with him 1457086_1458557 &=in a:nd I had this guy come out that drives Belgians and 1458557_1461346 (..) and he was gonna (..) put in fence posts 1461346_1463499 but the ground was too frozen . 1463499_1464588 *JULI: So 1464588_1464831 &=in he said &{l=VOX we:ll I don't have anything else to do &}l=VOX 1464831_1466648 and I told him about this horse 1466648_1467734 he said let me see this horse . 1467734_1468754 *JULI: And he had Belgians 1468754_1469634 he said wow 1469634_1470194 he does look like a baby Belgian . 1470194_1471544 *JULI: He's real cute . 1471544_1472260 *JULI: ⌈ &=in ⌉ And he ⌈2 asked me what I'd ⌉2 done to him and . 1472260_1474744 *GARY: ⌊ &=laugh &=ex ⌋ 1472260_1472635 ⌊2 Baby Bel- ⌋2 +... 1473297_1473910 *JULI: a:nd I said well 1474744_1475441 we've done a:ll this groundwork 1475441_1476541 we've drug a drag with him 1476541_1477947 and he's doing really good- . 1477947_1478865 *JULI: &=in So he (..) put the harness on 1478865_1480869 checked it all out for me 1480869_1481932 cause I don't know (.) as 1481932_1482912 (..) that much about it 1482912_1483757 which is why I'd never hooked him to a cart . 1483757_1485276 *JULI: We just played on the ground . 1485276_1486427 *JULI: &=in A:nd um 1486427_1487831 he said well 1487831_1488438 everything's good he:re 1488438_1489506 and he drove him around 1489506_1490356 put the drag on him 1490356_1491047 he said oh: 1491047_1491392 this horse is ready to drive 1491392_1492492 I said are you sure ? 1492492_1493240 *JULI: &=in I said when this horse spooks [% laugh] 1493240_1494650 &{l=@ it's a pretty tremendous spook &}l=@ . 1494650_1496650 *GARY: Hm . 1496650_1496973 *JULI: (..) &=laugh &=in &{l=VOX I said and you don't want him to spook &}l=VOX . 1496973_1499229 *JULI: &=in He said &{l=VOX nah 1499229_1500140 he's gonna be ju:st fine &}l=VOX . 1500140_1501547 *JULI: &=in (.) He hooked him to the cart 1501547_1502971 (..) He got in 1502971_1504181 told me let go 1504181_1504972 I stepped back two steps 1504972_1506206 the horse took two steps 1506206_1507726 (..) bucked 1507726_1508712 &=in kicked the guy out of the cart 1508712_1510721 &=in took off 1510721_1511541 the barn door was open . 1511541_1512545 *JULI: This used to be set up a little differently . 1512545_1514260 *JULI: &=in ⌈ Um ⌉ . 1514260_1515004 *GARY: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ . 1514610_1515004 *JULI: this fence went straight across and 1515004_1516740 this was one big field ? 1516740_1517940 *JULI: (.) &=in And I had a different gate . 1517940_1519500 *JULI: (..) Because 1519500_1520351 h:e destroyed it . 1520351_1521363 *JULI: &=in He came [% laugh] out [% laugh] the end of the barn 1521363_1523367 (.) &=in (.) jumped (..) a four-and-a-half-foot g⌈ate ⌉ . 1523367_1526577 *GARY: ⌊ &=laugh &=ex ⌋ &=laugh &=ex . 1526067_1527022 *JULI: (..) The cart of course 1527022_1528104 smashed the gate . 1528104_1529137 *JULI: (..) And he went tearing around this whole field 1529137_1531399 with all the other horses in here 1531399_1532719 &=in &=lengthened for probably ten minutes . 1532719_1534538 *JULI: And he jumped . 1534538_1535448 *GARY: With (.) paraphernalia 1535448_1536500 (..) probably straps hanging to him 1536500_1537933 ⌈ right ⌉ ? 1537933_1538248 *JULI: ⌊ No ⌋ . 1537933_1538188 *JULI: (..) The cart was still attached . 1538248_1539887 *GARY: &=laugh &=ex ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh . 1539887_1541176 *JULI: ⌊ &{l=MRC The cart was still attached &}l=MRC ⌋ . 1540689_1542720 *GARY: &=in &{l=@ The cart went through the ⌉ (.) gate &}l=@ ? 1541176_1543201 *GARY: ⌈2 &=in (.) Gee [% laugh] ⌉2 . 1543201_1544619 *JULI: ⌊2 &=in The c- ʔuh the cart went ⌋2 through the gate 1543201_1544988 ⌈3 knocked the gate flat ⌉3 . 1544988_1546099 *GARY: ⌊3 &=in &=lengthened ⌋3 . 1545069_1546103 *JULI: ʔI- +/. 1546099_1546258 *JULI: ⌈ It was one of the alum⌉inum type- (.) type gates . 1546258_1548433 *GARY: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1546332_1547233 *JULI: ⌈2 like that little one ⌉2 ? 1548433_1549150 *GARY: ⌊2 &=in &=lengthened ⌋2 . 1548433_1549150 *JULI: Only it was the big ⌈3 one ? 1549150_1550158 *GARY: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 1549914_1550360 *JULI: &=in ⌉3 &=lengthened And it was flat 1550158_1551326 it was mushed 1551326_1551968 that's why I had to get a new gate . 1551968_1553140 *JULI: &=in ⌈ A:nd uh: ⌉ . 1553140_1554458 *GARY: ⌊ Incredible ⌋ . 1553859_1554451 *JULI: well I've replaced fences since then . 1554458_1556062 *JULI: &=in But he went tearing around 1556062_1557221 scared all the other horses to death 1557221_1558638 and there was a section down there which 1558638_1560497 (..) used to be a part of a fence 1560497_1562686 You can see it . 1562686_1563323 *JULI: See the part tha- +/. 1563323_1564096 *JULI: (.) It just makes kind of a ⌈ upside⌉-down U ? 1564096_1566231 *GARY: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1565216_1565599 *GARY: ⌈2 Yeah ⌉2 . 1566231_1566440 *JULI: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 He jumped that with the cart too 1566231_1567720 and knocked it over 1567720_1568569 I mean 1568569_1568833 he cleared it . 1568833_1569510 *JULI: &=in But the (..) cart knocked it over . 1569510_1571547 *JULI: &=in And sent that all flying . 1571547_1573160 *JULI: (..) A:nd finally the cart:'s wheels got smashed enough 1573160_1576365 that it just wasn't dragging too well anymore [% laugh] 1576365_1578255 &{l=@ and he was dragging &}l=@ dead weight . 1578255_1579455 *JULI: And he fi- 1579455_1579758 he stopped up on top of this hill 1579758_1581292 &=in ⌈ &=lengthened and I was going h⌉:o:ly cow . 1581292_1583325 *GARY: ⌊ Golly day ⌋ . 1581655_1582474 *JULI: And in the meantime- 1583325_1583845 I had a little mini about this big that was out there 1583845_1585567 and he got trampled by (.) the other horses . 1585567_1587452 *JULI: He ⌈ was okay ⌉ . 1587452_1588103 *GARY: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 1587660_1588064 *JULI: He was on Bute for a couple days . 1588103_1589498 *JULI: (..) And he liked it . 1589498_1590314 *JULI: (..) Real strange . 1590314_1591110 *JULI: &=in &{l=VOX Give me my Bute &}l=VOX . 1591110_1592144 *JULI: &=SLURP 1592144_1592404 (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 1592404_1593562 All other horses hate it . 1593562_1594548 *JULI: &=in But he got tram- +/. 1594548_1595668 *JULI: He had hoof prints on his shoulder and ribs . 1595668_1597585 *JULI: &=in &=lengthened And another horse 1597585_1598934 was permanently lame after th- +/. 1598934_1600146 *JULI: He was 1600146_1600682 (..) borderline lame anyway 1600682_1602058 he was doing walk trot and that's all 1602058_1603618 an old lame (..) Appaloosa 1603618_1605355 but he broke a bone in his foot . 1605355_1606611 *JULI: (.) &=in He just +/. 1606611_1607598 *JULI: He made a sharp turn ? 1607598_1608838 *JULI: (..) On the hill 1608838_1609787 and just +/. 1609787_1610194 *JULI: (.) He broke off a piece of his side bone . 1610194_1612001 *JULI: &=in &=lengthened So he's retired (.) totally now . 1612001_1614640 *JULI: (..) Just getting fat and not working . 1614640_1616260 *GARY: (..) Mm . 1616260_1616766 *JULI: (..) A:nd uh 1616766_1617665 (.) but . 1617665_1617974 *GARY: ⌈ So much for uh: (.) carts ⌉ . 1617974_1619867 *JULI: ⌊ &=in I walked up there &=ex ⌋ 1617974_1619867 (.) and [% laugh] 1619867_1620286 &=in hoping he wouldn't run over me 1620286_1621879 with what was left of the cart [% laugh] . 1621879_1623579 *JULI: &=in And I took a knife with me 1623579_1624995 and I was a- +/. 1624995_1625486 *JULI: And I didn't have to use it 1625486_1626338 I was able to just unhook everything pretty quick 1626338_1628444 and l:et him out of the shafts . 1628444_1629931 *JULI: &=in (..) A:nd um 1629931_1631539 he h- +/. 1631539_1631991 *JULI: (.) The only injury he had 1631991_1633156 And part of the time the shafts 1633156_1634263 and it's a metal cart 1634263_1635160 (.) the shaft was under his belly 1635160_1636694 and in between his front legs 1636694_1637919 and I thought 1637919_1638223 ⌈ he's gonna ⌉ tea:r himself apart . 1638223_1639598 *GARY: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 1638262_1638619 *JULI: No:t a mark on his hind legs . 1639598_1641127 *JULI: &=in He had a puncture wound on the back of his forearm here 1641127_1644181 (..) Small (..) tiny (..) puncture wound . 1644181_1646611 *JULI: But it swelled up like that . 1646611_1647812 *JULI: (.) &=in He did a lotta (..) bruising and muscle da⌈mage ⌉ . 1647812_1650625 *GARY: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 1650340_1650750 *JULI: &=in A:nd um 1650750_1651816 (..) the vet happened to be out 1651816_1653022 (.) &{l=X yeah &}l=X I think he was +/. 1653022_1653849 *JULI: He came out about an hour [% laugh] la [% laugh] ter [% laugh] 1653849_1655267 and I showed him what had happened 1655267_1656307 and he said &{l=VOX yeah: &}l=VOX 1656307_1656938 (.) &=in &=lengthened he'll be out for six weeks . 1656938_1658798 *JULI: Which was (..) the b- rest of the hunt season . 1658798_1660698 *JULI: (..) He hunted two weekends later 1660698_1662157 and was never ever lame . 1662157_1663332 *GARY: (..) &=PFEW . 1663332_1663932 *JULI: Never lame . 1663932_1664568 *JULI: He's really tough . 1664568_1665436 *JULI: &=in And for (..) three week⌈s ⌉ . 1665436_1667077 *GARY: ⌊ Hi ⌋ . 1666960_1667077 *JACK: ⌈2 &{l=P &{l=X How are you &}l=X &}l=P ⌉2 . 1667077_1667705 *JULI: ⌊2 after I took ⌋2 +/. 1667077_1667705 *JULI: after that ? 1667705_1668292 *JULI: When I take the cay- (.) hay cart out ? 1668292_1669813 *JULI: (..) To feed the horses ? 1669813_1671020 *JULI: &=in They'd all ru:n and scare: and spook . 1671020_1672908 *GARY: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1672908_1673986 *JULI: ⌊ Cause it sounded just like that pony [% laugh] cart [% laugh] ⌋ . 1672908_1674984 *GARY: &=in (.) I:'ll ⌉ be darned . 1673986_1675498 *GARY: (..) I ⌈2 tell you what ⌉2 . 1675498_1676867 *JACK: ⌊2 When do you need to go ⌋2 . 1676254_1676934 *GARY: (..) Forget ⌈3 that cart ⌉3 . 1676934_1678418 *JULI: ⌊3 I don't need +/. 1677520_1677939 *JULI: Oh ⌋3 . 1677939_1678218 *JULI: (..) Um 1678418_1679078 (..) sh:oo:t . 1679078_1680698 *JULI: (..) I need to go now . 1680698_1682746 *JACK: Okay . 1682746_1683080 *JULI: (.) Okay⌈: ⌉ ? 1683080_1683844 *JACK: ⌊ I'm just ⌋ gonna put this away . 1683598_1684380 *JACK: &=in I'll just ride Canso tomorrow . 1684380_1686040 *JULI: Okay . 1686040_1686591 *JACK: U:m 1686591_1687199 (.) I can stay after the lesson and work some ⌈ X ⌉ . 1687199_1689260 *JULI: ⌊ Al⌋right . 1689018_1689457 *JULI: (.) God I didn't know it was so late . 1689457_1690719 *JACK: ⌈ &=laugh &=lengthened It's o⌉kay . 1690719_1691776 *JULI: ⌊ but I have to go . 1690731_1691502 *JULI: (.) That's ⌋ right . 1691502_1692148 *JULI: (.) Anyway . 1692148_1692678 *JULI: This is my barn . 1692678_1693578 *GARY: (..) O:kay . 1693578_1694287 *JULI: &{l=X And then &}l=X ⌈ then I have another barn down ⌉ here and . 1694287_1696132 *JACK: ⌊ This is her barn ⌋ . 1694624_1695603 *JULI: and 1696132_1696307 (..) These are the turn-outs 1696307_1697235 there's only five-and-a-half acres . 1697235_1698657 *JULI: (..) But it's pretty well arranged . 1698657_1700867 *JACK: (..) I'm her slave [% laugh] . 1700867_1702380 *JULI: This is my ⌈ slave for the summer &=ex ⌉ . 1702380_1704163 *GARY: ⌊ You're her slave 1702978_1703731 oh alright ⌋ 1703731_1704206 ⌈2 that's good ⌉2 . 1704206_1704631 *JACK: ⌊2 &=laugh &=in ⌋2 . 1704206_1704631 *JULI: There's a tack room 1704631_1705563 oh: you did great sla⌈ve ⌉ . 1705563_1707183 *JACK: ⌊ &{l=X Does⌋⌈2n't it &}l=X look go:od ⌉2 ? 1707083_1708200 *JULI: ⌊2 it looks wo:n⌋2⌈3der:ful⌉3⌈4: . 1707183_1708860 *GARY: ⌊2 (.) Wow: ⌋2 . 1707183_1708173 *GARY: ⌊3 you did that ⌋3 ? 1708123_1708828 *JACK: ⌊4 My name is Jackie: ⌋4 . 1708828_1710036 *JULI: she cleaned it ⌉4 . 1708885_1709911 *JACK: ⌈5 it's not really slave ⌉5 . 1710036_1711068 *JULI: ⌊5 This is Jackie ⌋5 . 1710064_1711068 *GARY: ⌊5 Hi 1710135_1710409 Jackie ⌋5 slave ? 1710610_1711425 *GARY: Alright . 1711425_1711801 *JULI: &=in ⌈ This ⌉ +... 1711801_1712378 *JACK: ⌊ Yeah: ⌋ . 1711954_1712388 *GARY: That looks ni:ce . 1712388_1713608 *JACK: &{l=X You wanna ⌈ look through it &}l=X ⌉ ? 1713608_1714271 *GARY: ⌊ My wife ⌋ ⌈2 wants a (.) a tack room ⌉2 . 1713859_1715613 *JULI: ⌊ (.) This ⌋ ⌊2 is Ma:tt 1713859_1714993 (.) and this ⌋2 is 1714993_1715901 I'm ⌈3 sorry ⌉3 . 1715901_1716446 *GARY: ⌊3 Gary ⌋3 . 1716022_1716446 *JULI: Gary . 1716446_1716992 *JACK: Hi⌈: ⌉ . 1716992_1717392 *JULI: ⌊ This is ⌋ ⌈2 Gary ⌉2 Lavelle . 1717130_1718036 *GARY: ⌊2 &{l=X Mhm &}l=X ⌋2 . 1717392_1717642 *JULI: This ⌈3 is ⌉3 . 1718036_1718744 *GARY: ⌊3 Right ⌋3 1718221_1718618 (..) Jamie's husband 1718744_1719813 that (.) I bought the pony from . 1719813_1720964 *JACK: (..) Oh okay . 1720964_1721724 *JACK: (..) She's looking good . 1721724_1722661 *GARY: Wow . 1722661_1723327 *GARY: (..) My wife wants one of these . 1723327_1724900 *JACK: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1724900_1725625 *JULI: (.) I have two . 1725625_1726382 *JULI: (..) But I can't s- +/. 1726382_1727205 *JULI: I have thr⌈ee: . 1727205_1727819 *JACK: ⌊ Three ⌋ . 1727691_1728380 *JULI: And I can't s⌉pare them . 1727819_1728663 *JULI: I forgot . 1728663_1729174 *JULI: There's another ⌈ tack room outside ⌉ . 1729174_1730451 *GARY: ⌊ That's nice ⌋ . 1729676_1730432 *JACK: ⌈2 &=in Well . 1730451_1731051 *JULI: ⌊2 &=in And (.) this is ⌋2 +... 1730451_1731672 *JACK: no it +/. 1731051_1731365 *JACK: It would⌉2n't lo⌈3ok right if this lef⌉3t . 1731365_1733395 *GARY: ⌊3 What do you use to put your ⌋3 +/. 1731920_1733171 *GARY: put your uh 1733395_1734115 (..) these are ⌈ real ⌉ . 1734115_1735366 *JACK: ⌊ I'm gonna ⌋ p- +... 1734966_1735528 *GARY: (..) ⌈2 Yeah . 1735528_1736607 *JULI: ⌊2 Saddleracks ⌋2 . 1736147_1736857 *GARY: Those are ⌉2 real (..) racks . 1736607_1737838 *JULI: (.) Yeah 1737838_1738113 they're only about twelve bucks apiece . 1738113_1739635 *GARY: We have uh 1739635_1740494 (..) a triple rack . 1740494_1742346 *JULI: Mhm ? 1742346_1742797 *GARY: (.) But I haven't hooked it up yet . 1742797_1743998 *GARY: (..) Since we move⌈d ⌉ . 1743998_1745645 *JACK: ⌊ If ⌋ you want ⌈2 me to do that lesson sched⌉2ule for you . 1745528_1747905 *JULI: ⌊2 And it's only been three years a- ⌋2 +/. 1746036_1747271 *JULI: (..) Yeah 1747905_1748523 ⌈ maybe you can do that . 1748523_1749333 *JACK: ⌊ I'll do it . 1748523_1749128 *JACK: I mean it's [% laugh] +... 1749211_1749889 *JULI: Clean that up and . 1749333_1750304 *JACK: &=in It's kinda o:ld ⌋ . 1749889_1751664 *JULI: (.) fix it 1750304_1750646 I +/. 1750646_1750971 *JULI: I really n⌉ee:d (.) a keeper . 1750971_1752721 *JULI: (.) I need an organizer to keep ⌈2 me ⌉2 straight . 1752721_1754628 *JACK: ⌊2 &=tsk ⌋2 . 1754160_1754334 *JULI: It⌈3's awful ⌉3 in the summer . 1754628_1755829 *JACK: ⌊3 XX ⌋3 . 1754772_1755299 *JULI: I get (..) terrible . 1755829_1757020 *JULI: This is the other tack room ? 1757020_1758220 *JULI: (..) It doesn't look quite as nice 1758220_1760663 Elaine's mess is still a mess ⌈ in there ⌉ . 1760663_1762354 *JACK: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1761897_1762247 *JULI: (..) But I'm gonna get her a tack trunk (.) ⌈2 of some kind for ⌉2 her birthday &=ex . 1762247_1765484 *GARY: ⌊2 Looks nice ⌋2 . 1763897_1764834 *GARY: &{l=P That looks nice &}l=P . 1765484_1766554 *JACK: This rubber (..) bit right here is Canso's bridle . 1766554_1768947 *JULI: (.) M⌈hm ⌉ . 1768947_1769598 *JACK: ⌊ We got it out ⌋ ⌈2 XXX XX ⌉2 . 1769197_1770542 *GARY: ⌊ See ⌋ 1769265_1769683 ⌊2 this is a real barn ⌋2 Matt . 1769683_1770834 *GARY: (..) Our barn isn't real . 1770834_1772367 *GARY: This is +... 1772367_1772720 *JACK: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 1772720_1773002 *GARY: ⌊ &{l=P This is ⌋ a real barn &}l=P . 1772870_1773740 *JACK: (.) How many horses do you have . 1773740_1774740 *GARY: &=in Two . 1774740_1775341 *JACK: (..) ⌈ Two ⌉ . 1775341_1775862 *JULI: ⌊ &=laugh &=ex &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 1775562_1776615 *JACK: ⌊2 Oh ⌋2 . 1776333_1776615 *JACK: yeah . 1776615_1776883 *JULI: (..) Well . 1776883_1778497 *GARY: (.) ⌈ &{l=X this one is a &}l=X ⌉ +... 1778497_1779184 *JULI: ⌊ I bought this ⌋ ⌈2 place for the ba⌉2rn . 1778657_1780207 *JACK: ⌊2 I'm sure ⌋2 +... 1779239_1779791 *JULI: (..) And ⌈3 the lo⌉3cation . 1780207_1781307 *JACK: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 1780623_1780900 *JULI: ⌈4 Not for ⌉4 the house . 1781307_1782161 *GARY: ⌊4 XX ⌋4 . 1781342_1781683 *JULI: The house is a piece of garbage 1782161_1783411 but 1783411_1783693 &=in you know I'm getting attached to it . 1783693_1785442 *JACK: &=in ⌈ The inside is starting to look nice . 1785442_1787612 *JULI: ⌊ The only thing that was done well on that house . 1785879_1787612 *JACK: because you're decorating it ⌉ . 1787612_1788579 *JULI: was the masonry work ⌋ though . 1787612_1788855 *JULI: Hm ? 1788855_1789231 *JACK: It's starting to look nice on the in⌈side ⌉ . 1789231_1790793 *JULI: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1790441_1790756 *JULI: &=in (.) Is it +/. 1790793_1791442 *JULI: Do you have enough time to br- +/. 1791442_1792494 *JULI: ʔuh run me by the vet clinic 1792494_1793687 before we go pick up my truck 1793687_1795112 because (.) they close at ⌈ five thirty ⌉ . 1795112_1796714 *JACK: ⌊ I'm fine ⌋ . 1796123_1796696 *JULI: (..) Okay . 1796714_1797715 *JACK: As long as ⌈ I can ⌉ +... 1797715_1798472 *JULI: ⌊ And I've got ⌋ ta pick up 1798018_1798933 I've got to give uh Shiba her shots . 1798933_1800686 *JULI: And (.) he ordered the vaccine and it's in 1800686_1802611 (..) &=ex &=lengthened . 1802611_1804114 *GARY: (.) ⌈ Saw ⌉ dust . 1804114_1805100 *JACK: ⌊ &{l=X Come on &}l=X ⌋ . 1804121_1804594 *GARY: (.) or (.) shavings I guess . 1805100_1806299 *JULI: ⌈ Unhunh ⌉ . 1806299_1806946 *GARY: ⌊ XX ⌋ . 1806299_1806946 *JACK: ⌊ Hey would you mind ⌋ turning off the lights for me . 1806299_1807842 *JULI: (..) Yeah . 1807842_1808343 *JULI: (..) Who's i- +/. 1808343_1809143 *JULI: (..) Who's in there . 1809143_1809977 *JACK: (..) ⌈ &=GASP ⌉ . 1809977_1810889 *JULI: ⌊ I for⌋got that horse was in there . 1810487_1812048 *JACK: Aw &=ex &=in . 1812048_1812800 *JULI: ⌈ Oh: no: ⌉ . 1812800_1813723 *JACK: ⌊ No: ⌋ . 1812800_1813679 *JULI: &{l=X Who's in that stall &}l=X . 1813679_1814726 *JULI: Imagine that . 1814726_1815601 *JULI: (..) Hi De:b . 1815601_1816614 *JACK: &{l=X Hello &}l=X . 1816614_1816993 *DEB: (..) Hi: . 1816993_1817693 *JULI: (..) &=in Jackie's gonna ⌈ run me down to get my truck real ⌉ quick . 1817693_1820993 *JACK: ⌊ What kind XXXX ⌋ . 1819339_1820588 *JULI: (.) So I'll be back . 1820993_1821812 *JULI: (..) Can I leave my dog with you ? 1821812_1824062 *DEB: (..) Sure . 1824062_1825937 *JULI: (..) ⌈ Look ⌉ look . 1825937_1827003 *JACK: ⌊ &=laugh &=ex ⌋ 1826293_1826653 No [% laugh] . 1827003_1827287 *JULI: (..) Yeah I know . 1827287_1828345 *DEB: (..) &{l=X Fits right in &}l=X . 1828345_1829297 *JULI: (..) Yeah okay . 1829297_1829925 *JULI: Try it out 1829925_1830250 I'll be back shortly . 1830250_1831237 @End