@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: ALIC ALICE Speaker, ANNE ANNETTE Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ALIC|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ANNE|||||Speaker||| @Media: 43, audio @Comment: Try a Couple Spoonfuls @Comment: Face-to-face conversation recorded in the living room of a private home in Boise, Idaho, between Alice (a nurse, age 49) and her daughter Annette (a student and bank employee, age 24). Topics center mostly on their work day, as well as mutual acquaintances. *ALIC: (.) Well when you said that though ʔuh 0_1243 m- (.) my my new boss 1243_2491 (..) she came +/. 2491_3414 *ALIC: (.) She told Mike yesterday- 3414_4607 she's I wanna be there at seven o'clock to go (.) to community meeting . 4607_7179 *ALIC: (..) And so Mike (.) is there at seven fifteen 7179_9818 he says 9818_10068 I wonder where (.) she is . 10068_11519 *ALIC: (.) You know 11519_12066 (..) and he says I get up 12066_13800 I wasn't planning on coming in until &{l=VOX eight &}l=VOX 13800_15158 and here I am early . 15158_16015 *ALIC: (.) And so she comes in 16015_16619 she says I apologize for (.) for being late and everything . 16619_18766 *ALIC: She's I forgot 18766_19390 &=in we might have to scrape windows out here 19390_21329 cause she's from Arkansas . 21329_22344 *ALIC: &=in And so she went into &{l=X the community afterwards &}l=X 22344_24566 she's 24566_24800 &=in &{l=VOX it hasn't been a good morning &}l=VOX she says 24800_26395 (.) &=tsk (.) I bought (.) four five pairs of (.) new pants 26395_29201 before I left 29201_29838 and had em shortened . 29838_30719 *ALIC: (.) She goes and I didn't bother to try em on before (.) I left . 30719_33344 *ALIC: &=in So she's all of em (.) are not short enough . 33344_35394 *ALIC: She's 35394_35644 (.) these are the shorter one 35644_36685 and they're about two inches too [% laugh] lo⌈:ng [% laugh] . 36685_38881 *ANNE: ⌊ &=laugh &=in 38095_38881 Oh: [% laugh] ma:n ⌋ . 38881_40157 *ALIC: (.) &=in And then ⌉ 38881_40157 (.) she brought- bought a brand new attache case . 40157_42399 *ALIC: (..) And yesterday was the first day she used it . 42399_44896 *ALIC: &=in Put a bunch of stuff in it to read 44896_46768 &=in went home last night 46768_48017 and couldn't get it open . 48017_48963 *ALIC: The lock would not open . 48963_50040 *ALIC: (..) And she's 50040_50816 &=in I don't think it came with a kay and it's this +/. 50816_52834 *ALIC: (.) K- a key . 52834_53638 *ALIC: And it's this beautiful attache 53638_55071 leather . 55071_55577 *ALIC: (.) One that she bought just before she left . 55577_57343 *ALIC: &=in (.) She couldn't get it open . 57343_58769 *ALIC: So Mike tried and he couldn't get it 58769_60221 and I says 60221_60632 &=in (.) uh 60632_61446 (.) don't worry 61446_62259 I says 62259_62615 we'll get 62615_63152 we'll get one of the maintenance men 63152_64277 I says they can fix any⌈thing ⌉ . 64277_65613 *ANNE: ⌊ Or [% laugh] ⌋ get [% laugh] one of the kids 65365_66465 ⌈2 they could probably [% laugh] ⌉2 +... 66465_67108 *ALIC: ⌊2 &=laugh &=in Well that's ⌋2 what I told ⌈3 her ⌉3 . 66465_67805 *ANNE: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 . 67500_67805 *ALIC: I ⌈4 said [% laugh] ⌉4 . 67805_68381 *ANNE: ⌊4 &=laugh ⌋4 . 68180_68381 *ALIC: &=in (.) &{l=P one of the &}l=P kids could probably have it out in thirty-five seconds 68497_70938 she's 70938_71152 &=in &{l=VOX I know &}l=VOX . 71152_71665 *ALIC: We won't +... 71665_72167 *ANNE: &=laugh &=lengthened ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 72167_72695 *ALIC: ⌊ We won't ⌋ test them . 72448_73383 *ALIC: &=in So I had Bill come over 73383_74827 Bill comes over with his (..) Leatherman Toolma:n 74827_77485 or +/. 77485_77683 *ALIC: Or whatever it is ? 77683_78568 *ALIC: (..) &=tsk Few minutes 78568_80186 he had it undo⌈:ne [% laugh] ⌉ . 80186_81292 *ANNE: ⌊ So she ⌋ can't use it now ⌈2 though ⌉2 . 81002_82439 *ALIC: ⌊2 Well ⌋2 82080_82439 she says she has to really look 82439_83959 and it came with a strap too 83959_85055 she says maybe on the strap there's a key . 85055_86775 *ALIC: (.) She's and I didn't bother . 86775_87824 *ALIC: She just likes (..) it with the handle 87824_89595 not ⌈ the shoul⌉der strap . 89595_90601 *ANNE: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 89731_90091 *ALIC: &=in So she says 90601_91479 it has not been a good day . 91479_92592 *ALIC: (.) My pants didn't fit 92592_93816 (.) &=in and she says they're too long . 93816_95060 *ALIC: She says I ha:te em . 95060_95691 *ALIC: They ʔuh +/. 95691_96050 *ALIC: (.) You know 96050_96435 and they were kinda long (.) on her shoes ? 96435_98259 *ALIC: (.) &=in (.) And we were kidding her I says 98259_99811 (.) just buy real high heels 99811_101136 and then you won't have to have em reshortened . 101136_102626 *ALIC: &=in (.) Her attache case wouldn't +/. 102626_104508 *ALIC: (..) Well 104508_105043 first 105043_105295 and then the windshield wipers needed wiping 105295_106860 and then the attache [% laugh] case [% laugh] she's 106860_108044 &=in this is not a good [% laugh] morni:ng [% laugh] . 108044_109870 *ALIC: &=in ⌈ I says well ⌉ . 109870_110681 *ANNE: ⌊ Mm: ⌋ . 110111_110681 *ALIC: this is your second day of work 110681_111725 ⌈ it only goes ⌉ down hill from there⌈2: ⌉2 . 111725_113314 *ANNE: ⌊ Unhunh and that ⌋ +/. 111725_112368 *ANNE: ⌊2 That ⌋2 (.) ice stuff was th:ick too 113140_114715 cause I took the (.) blankets off my ⌈3 car this morn⌉3ing ? 114715_116464 *ALIC: ⌊3 Mhm ⌋3 ? 115950_116367 *ANNE: &=in By the time I went out there again they were still f- +/. 116464_117968 *ANNE: They were frozen over 117968_118688 you know that that thi:n . 118688_119701 *ALIC: (.) Mhm⌈: ⌉ ? 119701_120287 *ANNE: ⌊ just ⌋ that (.) f:oggy stuff 120107_121458 and I'm like oh my Go:d . 121458_122708 *ALIC: (.) Why didn't you go work out this morning . 122708_124205 *ANNE: (..) Ma- my legs were kinda sore this mor⌈ning ⌉ . 124205_126391 *ALIC: ⌊ Still ⌋ ? 125970_126391 *ANNE: when I got up 126391_126835 so I thought that's probably not good . 126835_128009 *ANNE: (.) I'm gonna go tomorrow 128009_128923 but I was thinking 128923_129625 I don't ⌈ wan⌉na . 129625_130194 *ALIC: ⌊ Di- ⌋ +... 129806_129961 *ANNE: (.) you know if if I did pull something 130194_131639 I don't know what I did to em . 131639_132756 *ALIC: (..) Y- ʔuh +/. 132756_133628 *ALIC: ⌈ Did you take ⌉ the Tylenol . 133628_134635 *ANNE: ⌊ XX ⌋ . 133628_134093 *ALIC: like I told you to yester⌈2day ⌉2 ? 134635_135908 *ANNE: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 135773_135908 *ANNE: I took some this morning then ⌈3 too ⌉3 . 135908_137171 *ALIC: ⌊3 Okay ⌋3 . 136789_137171 *ANNE: Just to make ⌈4 sure ⌉4 . 137171_138094 *ALIC: ⌊4 I think ⌋4 137620_138094 (..) you know 138094_138718 and you might be just a bug that 138718_140029 (.) kind of a flu ⌈ achy type thing ⌉ . 140029_141779 *ANNE: ⌊ Yea:h . 140853_141498 *ANNE: (.) Yeah cause ⌋ Jenny had that flu today 141498_142498 she went ho:me today: and 142498_143946 (.) a lot of people have had it 143946_144859 b- you know the like s- fall- +/. 144859_145884 *ANNE: Paula went in &{l=X and found out &}l=X to the doctor 145884_146786 she was tired of just having this kind of 146786_148158 (..) just not f:eeling real well 148158_149936 and she ⌈ thought she had ⌉ an ear infection . 149936_150881 *ALIC: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 150148_150437 *ANNE: she went in 150881_151205 and she she- had a sinus infection . 151205_152585 *ALIC: Mhm . 152585_152943 *ANNE: (.) Gave her some antibiotics . 152943_154048 *ANNE: She goes at least I'll get over it then . 154048_155374 *ALIC: Yeah . 155374_155642 *ALIC: (.) Yeah . 155642_156081 *ANNE: You know so I think it (.) just might have been something around 156081_157666 but God 157666_158119 that was the weirdest thing . 158119_159227 *ALIC: (.) &=tsk &=in That's what I did all day today 159227_160671 I had (..) three or four different kids come up 160671_162715 and complain of 162715_163443 (..) nasal 163443_164434 sinus problems ? 164434_165535 *ALIC: (..) So every time one of the doc- +/. 165535_166966 *ALIC: (.) Their docs came on 166966_168167 I wrote another order and . 168167_169502 *ANNE: (.) I know 169502_170165 ⌈ it's just ⌉ +... 170165_170764 *ALIC: ⌊ called Bruce ⌋ and 170165_171127 (..) ⌈2 added their name ⌉2 . 171127_172110 *ANNE: ⌊2 It's just one of these long ⌋2 going (.) flu things . 171335_173598 *ALIC: (.) Bruce wanted to go hunting today 173598_174979 and every time I call him I says 174979_175901 you're not get⌈ting out ⌉ here early . 175901_177247 *ANNE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 176369_176738 *ALIC: And then finally he told me he says 177247_178434 &=in (..) uh 178434_179549 (.) he wasn't going today with Mike anyhow . 179549_181339 *ALIC: Mike left early . 181339_182224 *ANNE: M⌈hm ⌉ . 182224_182731 *ALIC: ⌊ &{l=% &{l=P And wasn't ⌋ going hunting . 182419_183353 *ALIC: (..) Today . 183353_184305 *ALIC: (.) So &}l=P &}l=% 184305_184738 (.) In fact 184738_185292 ʔthen I didn't leave until f:- four o'clock . 185292_187540 *ALIC: (..) And then him at the copier machine 187540_190123 &=in (..) I said so much for getting out on ti:me ⌈ on F:riday ⌉ . 190123_193381 *ANNE: ⌊ &=YAWN &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ 192462_193381 (.) Oh &{l=X yeah &}l=X ? 193381_193844 *ANNE: &=in ⌈ Well I thought- ⌉ +... 193844_194424 *ALIC: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 194119_194424 *ANNE: I said Paula 194424_194889 I can stay if you want me to . 194889_195805 *ANNE: Cause I wasn't doing anything 195805_196882 and we didn't do anything all day long &{l=@ pretty much 196882_198715 it was boring &}l=@ . 198715_199623 *ANNE: (.) &=in We had custom- +/. 199623_200756 *ANNE: Can I just have a little bit of that soup 200756_201707 just to try it ? 201707_202357 *ALIC: &=in I tried +/. 202357_203041 *ALIC: &=in It's really spicy Annette . 203041_205020 *ANNE: Oh yeah ? 205020_205297 *ANNE: That's ⌈ alright ⌉ . 205297_206160 *ALIC: ⌊ Da:d ⌋ 205630_206213 ʔuh doesn't cut up his onions 206213_207572 as s: +/. 207572_208250 *ALIC: (.) ʔAs smooth as I do ? 208250_209866 *ALIC: (..) And I think 209866_211104 when I made it 211104_211733 I used my salsa not his salsa ? 211733_213945 *ANNE: (.) Yeah: ? 213945_214730 *ALIC: (..) And when the chili powder says (.) two to four teaspoons ? 214730_218582 *ANNE: (.) He used the ⌈ four ⌉ ? 218582_219949 *ALIC: ⌊ I prob⌋ably used two . 219394_220717 *ALIC: He used the four . 220717_221559 *ALIC: So it's real 221559_222353 (..) It⌈'ll open up ⌉ your sinuses . 222353_224656 *ANNE: ⌊ Well I like ⌋ +/. 223415_223831 *ANNE: I like the onions . 224656_225359 *ANNE: I just wanna try it . 225359_226105 *ALIC: Yeah⌈: ⌉ . 226105_226494 *ANNE: ⌊ It just ⌋ smells so ⌈2 good ⌉2 . 226243_227312 *ALIC: ⌊2 Well tr⌋2y a couple spoonfuls . 227083_228472 *ALIC: (..) And 228472_229539 (..) I think I'll only cook it for about another half hour 229539_232343 and then I'll turn it off . 232343_233189 *ANNE: Yeah . 233189_233509 *ANNE: &=in Um 233509_234472 (..) because [% laugh] 234472_235665 &=in (.) well we had customer appreciation day . 235665_237438 *ANNE: So we had hot dogs 237438_238343 and then we had the retirees come 238343_239717 and they're really nice ladies . 239717_240922 *ANNE: And we got corco- (.) corsages for em and stuff 240922_243085 you know they really like that . 243085_244117 *ANNE: (..) And um 244117_245522 (..) they're like this is probably the last year you guys get to do this 245522_247704 with the merger 247704_248242 and we're like yeah 248242_248843 probably . 248843_249520 *ANNE: (.) &=in But um 249520_250813 &=SNIFF they were really nice 250813_251858 and 251858_252041 but we had hot dog- +/. 252041_252795 *ANNE: I just had a hot dog for lunch . 252795_254126 *ANNE: I was gonna go buy something and I thought 254126_255053 God 255053_255316 why waste money on (..) a hot dog 255316_257540 when I 257540_257808 or ʔuh 257808_258117 on (.) food when I could just eat a hot dog . 258117_259454 *ANNE: So I had two of em 259454_260025 and I mean the first one kinda tasted pretty ⌈ good ? 260025_261632 *ALIC: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋ . 261282_263008 *ANNE: &=in And I ate the other one 261632_262314 then half of the other one ⌉ 262314_263008 it was like 263008_263358 whoah: . 263358_263945 *ALIC: (.) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 263945_264445 *ANNE: ⌊ I don't l⌋ike hot dogs that well but 264201_265595 (..) and then we had cake . 265595_267828 *ANNE: We had 267828_268304 (..) that carrot cake from Costco 268304_270081 that carrot ⌈ cake . 270081_270565 *ALIC: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 270413_270811 *ANNE: and the ⌉ chocolate with the cream f- (..) filling stuff . 270565_273681 *ALIC: ⌈2 Mhm ⌉2 . 273681_273965 *ANNE: ⌊2 it's ⌋2 not real sweet at all 273681_274798 it's more like a butter cream . 274798_276077 *ANNE: ⌈ Kinda thing ⌉ and then . 276077_276801 *ALIC: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ . 276077_276477 *ANNE: (..) mints and nuts 276801_277956 and so I ate nut +/. 277956_278446 *ANNE: &{l=WH Oh &}l=WH . 278446_278746 *ANNE: (.) Those cashews 278746_279482 &{l=P I just kept eating em [% laugh] &}l=P . 279482_280309 *ANNE: (..) &{l=@ I ate more today than I probably have all week long though &}l=@ . 280309_283301 *ALIC: &=laugh (..) &=SNIFF . 283301_284227 *ANNE: (..) &{l=P And then &}l=P 284227_287498 (..) but 287498_288706 (..) it was kinda nice . 288706_290586 *ANNE: Well like I said I didn't do anything all day . 290586_291928 *ALIC: (..) &=tsk Oh . 291928_292588 *ALIC: ⌈ I was ⌉ busy all day +... 292588_293618 *ANNE: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 292588_293016 *ALIC: Cause 293618_293949 (..) we opened the annex yesterday ? 293949_295973 *ALIC: (..) So yesterday was fine . 295973_298225 *ALIC: Well 298225_298512 yesterday was a mess 298512_299322 cause we were trying to move all the kids' belongings 299322_301176 and then all of our paperwork that has to ⌈ move ⌉ . 301176_303110 *ANNE: ⌊ You're ⌋ all moving over there ? 302797_303747 *ANNE: (.) A⌈2gain ? 303747_304158 *ALIC: ⌊2 No . 303979_304366 *ANNE: No . 304158_304464 *ANNE: Just some ⌉2 ? 304464_304913 *ALIC: It's just ⌋2 (.) some . 304464_305361 *ALIC: (..) &=in Well then we moved some of em over 305361_307094 and then we were wondering about staffing . 307094_308728 *ALIC: &=tsk (..) And so we moved two of em back 308728_311010 &=laugh &=laugh . 311010_311471 *ANNE: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=in ⌉ . 311471_312319 *ALIC: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋ . 311694_312500 *ANNE: Poor kids . 312319_312937 *ALIC: (.) &=in So u:m 312937_314422 (..) but then today I was the only nurse . 314422_316868 *ANNE: (..) Mm: . 316868_317911 *ALIC: So that takes 317911_318924 &=in I mean when you're used to doing that all the time you 318924_321034 (.) get up a system . 321034_322105 *ANNE: (..) Yeah . 322105_323028 *ALIC: (.) But 323028_323502 (.) it was kinda crazy . 323502_324631 *ALIC: And then 324631_325079 (.) it was going pretty good this morning 325079_326612 and the kids were real real good 326612_327880 &=in (.) um 327880_329017 (..) and then ʔuh I was gonna get a new admit 329017_332782 and had to get her from- from the other unit . 332782_334397 *ALIC: (..) A:nd uh 334397_335815 (..) one of the docs came in and saw all of his kids 335815_337992 &=in and wrote orders on every kid . 337992_339450 *ALIC: (..) So I had all these +/. 339450_340651 *ALIC: (..) He'd change med orders 340651_342304 or add new stuff 342304_343421 (..) and assignments and stuff so I had to take them all up 343421_346051 (..) so about two- +/. 346051_347537 *ALIC: (.) Ten after two I went over and got her 347537_349281 then I had to do all the admit (.) paper⌈work and stuff ⌉ ? 349281_352028 *ANNE: ⌊ Mm: ⌋ . 351282_352028 *ALIC: (.) I was ⌈2 late getting out of ⌉2 there . 352028_353367 *ANNE: ⌊2 XXXX ⌋2 . 352492_353121 *ALIC: (.) So . 353367_354403 *ANNE: (..) So you didn't go work out today ? 354403_355971 *ALIC: (..) No . 355971_356790 *ANNE: I g- +/. 356790_357158 *ANNE: I have to go tomorrow now . 357158_358198 *ALIC: (.) Oh and 358198_358566 (.) you know how I get when my heart just beats really fast ? 358566_361062 *ALIC: &=in I got that as- at work 361062_362563 and usually 362563_363324 (..) doesn't last very long 363324_364673 and it just 364673_365292 (.) kept up and kept up and ⌈ kept up ⌉ . 365292_367207 *ANNE: ⌊ Cathleen ⌋ has to wear a heart monitor because of that 366891_368366 mom . 368366_368719 *ALIC: (..) When did she get that . 368719_370794 *ANNE: (.) Yesterday . 370794_371592 *ANNE: She got to see there- they- +/. 371592_372677 *ANNE: ʔuh She had to go again today to take it have it taken off . 372677_374535 *ALIC: Mhm . 374535_374972 *ANNE: for twenty-four hours they wanted to +... 374972_376521 *ALIC: (..) Would hers do that 376521_378066 stop and then 378066_378824 (..) get real ⌈ fast and ⌉ +... 378824_380181 *ANNE: ⌊ It just go ⌋ beating real fast 379562_380807 and I mean she would ⌈2 just ⌉2 +... 380807_381825 *ALIC: ⌊2 Well you've ⌋2 seen that on my +... 381431_382680 *ANNE: (.) Yeah . 382680_383229 *ANNE: I mean it just drive- +/. 383229_383816 *ANNE: ʔuh And she that she thinks it's her thyroid . 383816_385487 *ALIC: (..) Mhm ? 385487_386320 *ANNE: Because and you know she hasn't been +/. 386320_387428 *ANNE: (..) And she's been eating 387428_389203 you know 389203_389635 probably m- +/. 389635_390110 *ANNE: (.) Same if not more 390110_391163 but I mean hasn't: 391163_392146 (.) it's just her body's just (.) not (.) ⌈ doing ⌉ well . 392146_394485 *ALIC: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 393931_394265 *ANNE: So she had to wear that heart monitor 394485_395443 &{l=@ and Gordy said &}l=@ 395443_396211 (.) &=laugh 396211_396693 &=in you know they wanna have a &{l=@ baby 396693_397811 and he's like &}l=@ 397811_398634 &=in &=laugh &=in He's like let's have sex tonight &{l=@ with that heart moni⌈tor . 398634_401372 *ALIC: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 401198_402188 *ANNE: &=in And Cathlene's ⌉ like no: ⌈2 way- &}l=@ . 401372_403193 *ALIC: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 402914_403485 *ANNE: &=in ⌉2 And then Patricia goes 403193_404078 &=in wouldn't that be funny if your heart monitor went &=BUZZ ⌈3 &=lengthened . 404078_406240 *ALIC: ⌊3 &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 405949_407428 *ANNE: and then [% laugh] leveled out 406240_407064 then what- ⌉3 how would you feel [% laugh] . 407064_408150 *ANNE: But Cathlene's like 408150_408744 &{l=@ you're not even touching ⌈ me . 408744_409940 *ALIC: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 409743_411000 *ANNE: (.) &=in He's so ⌉ funny &}l=@ . 410090_411638 *ALIC: ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 . 411638_411922 *ANNE: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 (.) It's like . 411742_412443 *ALIC: ⌈3 &=in &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 412443_413117 *ANNE: ⌊3 &=in I know ⌋3 he just needs a reason . 412443_414282 *ALIC: (.) &=laugh &=laugh . 414282_415047 *ANNE: Oh this little baby came in XX XXXX 415047_416661 &=in he w- she was a week and a half old . 416661_418840 *ALIC: (.) ⌈ ʔAw: ⌉ . 418840_419599 *ANNE: ⌊ &=GASP ⌋ 419104_419599 She was s- +/. 419599_420133 *ANNE: Her name was little Madeline 420133_421386 she was so cute . 421386_422144 *ALIC: ⌈ Madeline ⌉ ? 422144_422799 *ANNE: ⌊ she's +/. 422144_422451 *ANNE: &=in ⌋ Madeline . 422451_423198 *ANNE: And she was sucking her little thumb 423198_424417 bar- +/. 424417_424584 *ANNE: You know 424584_425075 &=SNIFF (.) and she w- +/. 425075_425969 *ANNE: She had her eyes open when I first looked over at her 425969_427677 sh- w- she's- +/. 427677_428150 *ANNE: (.) &=tsk (..) Sucking her little thumb 428150_430218 she was &{l=HI so ⌈ cu:te &}l=HI ⌉ . 430218_431692 *ALIC: ⌊ It seems like ⌋ such an old-fashioned name for a little baby . 431216_434024 *ALIC: ⌈2 Doesn't it ⌉2 ? 434024_434568 *ANNE: ⌊2 Mhm ⌋2 . 434024_434568 *ALIC: (.) &=SNIFF . 434568_435245 *ANNE: But oh: . 435245_436133 *ANNE: (..) She was just adorable though . 436133_438216 *ANNE: And she was so good the whole time . 438216_439632 *ALIC: (.) Hm . 439632_440068 *ALIC: (..) I hardly went anywhere 440068_443259 out in public 443259_443950 when you guys were a week and a half old . 443950_445562 *ALIC: (..) I mean 445562_446704 years and years ago you just didn't do that 446704_448686 (..) y- (.) tried to keep babies home and not expose em to germs and 448686_452900 (..) &{l=P all that kind of stuff &}l=P 452900_454443 (..) but I guess you still have to go out and do some banking now ⌈ and then ⌉ . 454443_457461 *ANNE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ 457101_457461 she was meeting with a: investment officer 457461_459014 so . 459014_459304 *ALIC: (..) &=SNIFF (..) What are you d- +/. 459304_464390 *ALIC: (.) Have plans for to⌈night ⌉ ? 464390_465819 *ANNE: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ 465459_465819 Yeah I talked Louis into going out tonight . 465819_467197 *ALIC: (..) &=in I almost called Karen 467197_469713 to see if she wanted to take in a movie or something 469713_471703 (..) but I came home from work 471703_473245 and then I didn't feel that great . 473245_474615 *ALIC: (.) So . 474615_474981 *ANNE: (..) Mhm . 474981_475776 *ALIC: (..) I lay down and I thought well &=ex 475776_477776 Diane and I are going to Sun Valley tomorrow . 477776_479528 *ALIC: (..) So I thought 479528_480997 well maybe I'll get some of my (..) weekend stuff done 480997_484183 (..) a:nd ⌈ uh ⌉ . 484183_486133 *ANNE: ⌊ Mm⌋: . 485762_486224 *ANNE: (..) That's pretty good . 486224_487857 *ANNE: I'm not hungry 487857_488303 but gosh that sure tastes good [% laugh] . 488303_489476 *ANNE: &=laugh . 489476_489874 *ALIC: (.) Well have a little bit more 489874_491041 we just won't tell [% laugh] him [% laugh] . 491041_491782 *ALIC: (.) Add some more water [% laugh] to [% laugh] it [% laugh] . 491782_493523 *ANNE: ⌈ He'll [% laugh] have this much left ⌉ . 493523_494567 *ALIC: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋ 493523_494567 Yeah [% laugh] . 494567_494795 *ANNE: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 494795_495196 *ALIC: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Well you know we were sitting here and 494795_496441 a:nd 496441_496994 (.) dad was in charge of the food then . 496994_498575 *ALIC: (.) &=in (..) And I says 498575_500005 well what do you wanna have 500005_500766 and I still have some ⌈ spa⌉ghetti sauce . 500766_502335 *ANNE: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 501551_501789 *ALIC: and it was so cute he says 502335_503175 &=in (.) can I +/. 503175_503866 *ALIC: I think there's just enough spaghetti sauce for [% laugh] Lou [% laugh] and [% laugh] I out there 503866_506737 if I take that hunting 506737_507524 I says no 507524_508025 fine . 508025_508437 *ALIC: &=in (..) ⌈ Cause uh ⌉ +... 508437_509455 *ANNE: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 509124_509455 *ALIC: After they hunt all th- day 509455_510553 they don't wanna spend all night cooking either . 510553_512134 *ANNE: Mhm . 512134_512406 *ALIC: (.) So he says 512406_513010 well I don't know what else I can take . 513010_514309 *ALIC: (.) So I said 514309_514865 well why don't you +/. 514865_515726 *ALIC: (.) I says that recipe is so easy . 515726_517541 *ALIC: (..) &=SNIFF So I sat over here 517541_519049 (.) before we went over to Diane's 519049_520201 and explained the recipe to em 520201_521377 ⌈ and ⌉ . 521377_521634 *ANNE: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 521377_521634 *ALIC: &=in a:nd uh 521634_522729 we stopped at the store and got the stuff 522729_524197 (..) cause all you have to do is brown some hamburger and 524197_526520 (..) ⌈ onions ⌉ . 526520_527368 *ANNE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 527059_527368 *ALIC: and then toss ca:ns of stuff in 527368_528712 and spices . 528712_529277 *ALIC: (.) &=in He says ⌈ that'd ⌉ good . 529277_530729 *ANNE: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 530138_530334 *ALIC: and 530729_530958 (..) then we wouldn't have to +... 530958_532422 *ANNE: (..) To (.) cook a lot . 532422_533747 *ANNE: And you don't end up dirtying a lot of dish⌈es . 533747_535109 *ALIC: ⌊ Yeah . 534920_535175 *ANNE: and that kinda stuff ⌉ . 535175_535927 *ALIC: (.) At least they'll be out ⌋ in wide open &=in (.) ⌈2 air ⌉2 . 535175_538002 *ANNE: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 537629_538002 *ALIC: too [% laugh] . 538002_538250 *ALIC: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 538250_540048 *ANNE: XXX ? 540048_540595 *ALIC: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 540595_541026 *ANNE: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 540595_541026 *ALIC: &=SNIFF . 541142_541413 *ANNE: (.) ʔuh ⌈ Do⌉- +... 541413_542129 *ALIC: ⌊ X ⌋ . 541878_542129 *ANNE: Well +/. 542129_542507 *ANNE: Yeah . 542507_542973 *ALIC: (..) Mm . 542973_544396 *ANNE: (..) But I I talked him into going ou:t la:st night 544396_547373 I was like 547373_547737 you know I'm like 547737_548096 we don't spend enough time together . 548096_549238 *ANNE: (.) And then I was all- +/. 549238_549774 *ANNE: I did that thi- +/. 549774_550368 *ANNE: Yeah I was j- like 550368_550859 &=in you know all +/. 550859_551656 *ANNE: I'm like well well fine 551656_552306 all on Saturdays I wanna go out with my friends every Saturday then . 552306_554180 *ANNE: With my +/. 554180_554549 *ANNE: The girl:s then . 554549_555395 *ANNE: (..) He's like 555395_556036 that's fine . 556036_556432 *ANNE: I said okay fine 556432_556907 then we won't have &{l=HI any nights &}l=HI together . 556907_558132 *ANNE: I said 558132_558396 I see you maybe once or twice a week as it is 558396_560060 and I said 560060_560596 &=in (.) but you know 560596_561484 if you're- 561484_561721 the guys night is so important to you 561721_562850 then girls night 562850_563621 (..) I'm gonna start doing girls' night on Saturday . 563621_565420 *ANNE: (..) He was like that's fine . 565420_566787 *ANNE: And I'm like fine 566787_567255 there just won't be our night then . 567255_568265 *ANNE: &{l=P And he was like &}l=P 568265_568686 (..) okay 568686_569574 if that's what you want . 569574_570019 *ANNE: I said you know 570019_570456 &=in (.) I said God forbid 570456_571468 I go 571468_571657 we actually see each other more than two nights a week 571657_573036 I said 573036_573509 &=in you know 573509_574130 &=in our relationship +/. 574130_575001 *ANNE: (.) You know 575001_575465 gosh if we see each other more than two nights a week 575465_577055 we might 577055_577338 you know 577338_577878 (..) that's not good for a relationship at a:ll . 577878_579789 *ANNE: I said 579789_579992 we just should just talk on the phone a couple nights a week . 579992_581963 *ANNE: And all +/. 581963_582201 *ANNE: And he's like yeah: ? 582201_582883 *ANNE: &=in I said I'm being sarcastic [% laugh] to make my point 582883_585014 he's like &{l=@ oh . 585014_585657 *ANNE: &=in You're trying to make a point ? 585657_586873 *ANNE: And I was like &}l=@ 586873_587404 &=in so I talked him in 587404_588653 (.) &=tsk to going out on this Friday . 588653_590081 *ANNE: And he's like 590081_590655 (..) &{l=VOX &{l=F this isn't gonna be every Friday now 590655_592123 is it &}l=F &}l=VOX ? 592123_592336 *ANNE: And I said &{l=HI no: 592336_592907 just &}l=HI +/. 592907_593114 *ANNE: You know 593114_593467 does it have to be stuck in stone 593467_594641 that you have to go out with the boys on Friday ? 594641_596234 *ANNE: (..) &=in I said 596234_596839 cause I like to go out with a:ll of our friends you know . 596839_598763 *ANNE: (.) Like a group of us ? 598763_600071 *ANNE: (.) &=in I said but if we do that ʔuh on Saturdays 600071_601738 then I have no- +/. 601738_602334 *ANNE: We have no night just for the two of us . 602334_604103 *ANNE: (..) ⌈ I said X ⌉ +... 604103_605515 *ALIC: ⌊ Well maybe ⌋ that's what he's trying to avoi⌈2:d . 605073_606857 *ANNE: ⌊2 &{l=@ Well I know . 606598_607294 *ALIC: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 606857_608183 *ANNE: That's what he s- &}l=@ +/. 607294_607967 *ANNE: &=in ⌋2 And I was like 607967_608541 ⌈3 hey ⌉3 . 608541_608912 *ALIC: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 608541_608912 *ANNE: &=in And I said you know ʔuh 609144_609792 (.) &{l=HI I don't 609792_610166 (.) I don't care &}l=HI if you go out with the boys on Friday I said 610166_611605 but does it have to be every Friday ? 611605_612724 *ANNE: Can't it be like all of us once in a while ? 612724_614282 *ANNE: So that 614282_614623 &=in (.) we still can have (.) one night together ? 614623_616929 *ANNE: (.) ʔuh (.) Not every night and everything 616929_618487 &=in &{l=VOX I guess so &}l=VOX . 618487_619607 *ANNE: So [% laugh] I called Laura today . 619607_620831 *ANNE: (.) I'm like Laura 620831_621355 do you wanna do something ? 621355_622105 *ANNE: &=in She's like yeah 622105_622668 Koosh and I were just gonna watch a movie 622668_623724 she goes 623724_624055 but I: wanna go out . 624055_625049 *ANNE: &=in And she's like 625049_625909 (..) I said maybe we can go to Tepanyaki . 625909_627454 *ANNE: She goes like is that expensive 627454_628487 and I said 628487_628955 (.) &{l=HI oh &}l=HI 628955_629420 (..) you know 629420_630107 I said I think that like under ten dollars 630107_631335 Sh- +/. 631335_631532 *ANNE: (..) She goes cause k- 631532_632433 (.) Mark just called me about 632433_633316 (.) we don't have any money this week [% laugh] 633316_634896 to pay the bills 634896_635540 and she goes 635540_635847 &=in I told him that we get paid next week 635847_637393 just pay some of the bills next week . 637393_638783 *ANNE: But he was like 638783_639371 oh: . 639371_639789 *ANNE: But 639789_640047 &=in she goes we have to kinda watch it 640047_641218 for the ren- rest of the month . 641218_642485 *ALIC: So 642485_642770 who are you going out with tonight . 642770_644006 *ANNE: (.) Koosh and Laura . 644006_644968 *ANNE: (.) &=SNIFF . 644968_645482 *ALIC: (..) And then w- +/. 645482_648358 *ALIC: Are you going out with just Louis tomorrow night ? 648358_650112 *ANNE: Hopefully . 650112_650716 *ALIC: (..) &=ex Well you're going out with Koosh and Laura 650716_654318 (.) for your birthday ? 654318_655283 *ANNE: (..) Probably . 655283_656741 *ANNE: (.) Afterwards 656741_657657 I don't know . 657657_658294 *ANNE: (..) &=SNIFF 658294_659216 (..) I don't get home till eight o'clock anyway on Monday 659216_661842 I mean you'll be in bed by [% laugh] that [% laugh] time- [% laugh] . 661842_663484 *ALIC: ⌈ I know . 663484_663931 *ANNE: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 663760_663998 *ALIC: and ⌉ what else do you want ⌈2 for your ⌉2 birthday young lady ? 663931_665750 *ANNE: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 . 664731_664900 *ALIC: ⌈3 (.) Do you wanna cake ⌉3 ? 665750_666714 *ANNE: ⌊3 &{l=HI Can you get me some pa⌋3:nts &}l=HI ? 665750_667085 *ANNE: No: . 667085_667491 *ALIC: (..) Pie ? 667491_669004 *ANNE: (..) I ⌈ don't want anything ⌉ . 669004_672403 *ALIC: ⌊ Yogurt pie ⌋ ? 671630_672403 *ANNE: (..) No one's gonna be here 672403_675799 I mean dad's gonna be gone 675799_677056 ⌈ I'm not gonna be here [% laugh] ⌉ . 677056_678190 *ALIC: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 677056_678190 *ANNE: &{l=@ Mom's like 678190_678619 I want the yogurt pie &}l=@ . 678619_679700 *ALIC: ⌈ No ⌉ . 679700_680152 *ANNE: ⌊ We should ⌋ just get one for both of our birthdays . 679700_681784 *ANNE: Like maybe . 681784_682366 *ALIC: (..) Maybe ⌈ we'll just have a nice ⌉ dinner . 682366_685509 *ANNE: ⌊ middle of the week ⌋ . 684116_685014 *ALIC: (.) sometime during the week 685509_686996 for both of our birthdays- . 686996_687897 *ALIC: Cause I won't be here for mine either . 687897_689276 *ANNE: (..) ʔuh &=APPLAUSE . 689276_690642 *ALIC: &=laugh &=laugh (.) &{l=@ That'll be ⌈ your- +... 690642_691652 *ANNE: ⌊ &=SNIFF . 691391_691652 *ALIC: One of your presents then &}l=@ ⌉ ? 691652_692748 *ANNE: &{l=@ That's my present- &}l=@ . 691652_692516 *ANNE: &=in ⌋ Wedding ⌈2 present ⌉2 ? 692516_693491 *ALIC: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 693062_693590 (..) What kinda present ? 693590_694778 *ANNE: What did you say ? 694778_695407 *ALIC: (..) That'll be your b- pre⌈sent ⌉ . 695407_697158 *ANNE: ⌊ I thought you said ⌋ that'll be your wedding present . 696847_698197 *ANNE: And I'm ⌈2 like ⌉2 . 698197_698681 *ALIC: ⌊2 No⌋2: . 698471_699220 *ANNE: (..) X⌈3: . 699220_699935 *ALIC: ⌊3 I was gonna say . 699749_700248 *ANNE: &=in (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=tsk &=laugh ⌉3 . 699935_702382 *ALIC: is it +/. 700248_700472 *ALIC: ʔuh Wha- ʔuh what are you: saying . 700472_702040 *ALIC: &=in ⌋3 &=lengthened . 702040_702382 *ANNE: &=in Nothing . 702382_703340 *ANNE: (.) &=SNIFF (.) Hey I got him to go out on a Friday [% laugh] night 703340_705432 that's [% laugh] a⌈bout all I can push [% laugh] ⌉ it [% laugh] . 705432_706720 *ALIC: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 705674_706514 *ANNE: (.) &=in (.) Anything more than that 706720_708751 XXX 708751_709623 (.) &=SNIFF (.) But so I talked +/. 709623_710643 *ANNE: So Laura 710643_711153 and Koosh wanna do something- 711153_711826 &{l=X We're not really &}l=X go to Tepanyaki though 711826_713195 but . 713195_713402 *ALIC: (..) What are you just gonna do 713402_714958 hang out and watch movies and ⌈ stuff ⌉ ? 714958_716371 *ANNE: ⌊ Oh ⌋ 716046_716371 probably get something to eat and . 716371_717374 *ALIC: (..) Why don't you do something really (.) reasonable ⌈ for dinner ⌉ . 717374_720914 *ANNE: ⌊ &{l=HI Well that's &}l=HI inex⌋pensive . 720426_721604 *ALIC: What ? 721604_722011 *ANNE: That's inexpensive . 722011_723120 *ALIC: What . 723120_723545 *ANNE: (.) Going out and getting something to eat . 723545_724765 *ANNE: (..) We're not gonna go to the Crow Inn again . 724765_727563 *ALIC: &=in No 727563_728116 but I mean 728116_728669 ʔuh (.) ʔuh what are you gonna do that's inexpensive . 728669_730908 *ANNE: (..) Go out to &{l=HI eat &}l=HI . 730908_732306 *ALIC: (.) Like whe:re . 732306_733305 *ANNE: (..) I don't know 733305_734075 like Burger and Brew 734075_734792 or something 734792_735255 ⌈ you know ⌉ ? 735255_735835 *ALIC: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 735255_735835 *ANNE: (.) Just some (.) casual normal place . 735835_737768 *ANNE: &=SNIFF (..) X⌈XXX ⌉ . 737768_740579 *ALIC: ⌊ Dad didn't ⌋ want all this hun- (..) for hunting 740069_742456 &{l=@ you could have em over for dinner &}l=@ . 742456_744479 *ALIC: &=in . 744479_744924 *ANNE: (.) Dad there's a little left for you and Lou . 744924_747027 *ANNE: (.) &=SNIFF (..) But 747027_748410 it's like I'm not gonna be here on your birthday 748410_749514 is that &{l=@ okay ? 749514_750135 *ANNE: I'm like I'm not &}l=@ gonna ⌈ be here ⌉ on my birthday . 750135_751997 *ALIC: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ 750996_751300 ʔuh Why is he apologizing to you . 751997_753670 *ALIC: How many years has it been since +/. 753670_754974 *ALIC: (..) When he used to always go on my birth⌈day ⌉ . 754974_757196 *ANNE: ⌊ Well he ⌋ says that 756976_757499 (.) that that's your &{l=@ present 757499_758689 when he leaves &=laugh &}l=@ . 758689_759801 *ALIC: Remember [% laugh] that one time on my birthday 759801_761317 we went out to dinner 761317_762099 just took his checkbook and stuff ? 762099_763335 *ANNE: &{l=VOX Yeah we did that that whole week &}l=VOX . 763335_764562 *ALIC: Yeah . 764562_764990 *ANNE: (..) That was great . 764990_766471 *ALIC: (.) That'll teach him 766471_767291 hunh ? 767291_767507 *ALIC: (.) ⌈ Maybe that's ⌉ how come he &{l=@ hasn't ⌈2 done that . 767507_769209 *ANNE: ⌊ That's X ⌋ +/. 767576_768139 *ANNE: ⌊2 &{l=@ Maybe that's it &}l=@ . 768701_769271 *ALIC: the last couple- &}l=@ +... 769209_769884 *ANNE: he'll go on my birthday now ⌋2 . 769271_770770 *ALIC: &=in Is that some ⌉2 ginger ale ? 769884_771435 *ANNE: (..) No it's Squirt . 771435_772418 *ALIC: (..) Would you just get me a small glass of ging- +... 772418_774303 *ANNE: ʔuh &=ex . 774303_774525 *ALIC: &=in ʔuh (.) There's a b:ig bottle of it 774525_776431 (.) down 776431_776945 (..) in that (..) bottle rack ⌈ thing ⌉ ? 776945_779591 *ANNE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ ? 779136_779591 *ALIC: (.) That's th- already open 779591_780797 and I drank out of it 780797_781543 so you can just give me that . 781543_782535 *ANNE: (.) The whole thing ? 782535_783359 *ALIC: (.) Yep . 783359_783625 *ANNE: (..) &{l=VOX Jee:z &}l=VOX . 783625_784728 *ALIC: Please . 784728_785050 *ANNE: XXX 785050_785531 (.) &=SNIFF . 785531_786025 *ALIC: &=SNIFF 786025_786347 (..) &{l=X Not gonna pour it &}l=X 786347_789862 cause I'm not a waitress . 789862_790791 *ALIC: &=SNIFF 790791_791230 (.) ʔuh Did you have more of that soup ? 791230_792990 *ANNE: (.) &{l=WH Yeah &}l=WH 792990_793385 ⌈ you said I could ⌉ . 793385_794163 *ALIC: ⌊ There's not gonna ⌋ be anything [% laugh] left ⌈2 for your father ⌉2 . 793385_795972 *ANNE: ⌊2 He's not gonna kn:ow⌋2: . 795213_796381 *ANNE: Just say you b- +/. 796381_796830 *ANNE: You put it to a boil 796830_797660 you turned it up 797660_798175 and it boiled over and . 798175_799263 *ANNE: Some: (.) came out . 799263_800257 *ALIC: (..) He probably measured it [% laugh] &=laugh &=laugh . 800257_802151 *ANNE: (.) I'm not gonna be hungry if we go [% laugh] out to dinner 802151_803955 I'm gonna be a cheap date [% laugh] &=laugh &=laugh . 803955_804976 *ANNE: (.) &=SNIFF (..) &=SNIFF 804976_807906 (..) Yeah: . 807906_809644 *ANNE: Well Tony wasn't there today 809644_810391 cause Amy had her wisdom teeth taken out . 810391_811938 *ALIC: (.) Oo: . 811938_812670 *ANNE: (.) She's doing o:kay . 812670_813514 *ANNE: They said her voice probably won't (.) be back to normal 813514_815090 ever I mean 815090_815680 but 815680_815928 she called Jenny +/. 815928_816683 *ANNE: For Jenny this afternoon . 816683_817986 *ALIC: (.) Her wisdom teeth and her ⌈ voi:ce ⌉ . 817986_819696 *ANNE: ⌊ I mean not her ⌋ wisdom teeth 819169_820204 her tonsils . 820204_820854 *ALIC: (.) Oh . 820854_821328 *ALIC: I was gonna say 821328_821855 man 821855_822168 I never [% laugh] knew [% laugh] the [% laugh] wisdom teeth . 822168_823513 *ANNE: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 823513_823879 *ALIC: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Didn't do anything ⌈2 for your ⌉2 voice . 823879_825138 *ANNE: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 . 824533_824840 *ALIC: you just talk as much as you used to . 825138_826651 *ANNE: (..) But 826651_829249 so we sent Amy flowers . 829249_830207 *ANNE: Or my- +/. 830207_830583 *ANNE: They go 830583_830850 Annette call 830850_831349 and order some flowers . 831349_831986 *ANNE: (.) Call em 831986_832517 &=tsk &=in (.) how much do you wanna spend . 832517_833597 *ANNE: I don't know . 833597_834196 *ANNE: &{l=@ I don't care &}l=@ . 834196_835085 *ANNE: (.) &=in I said what's (.) what can you get a ni:ce bouquet . 835085_836742 *ANNE: (.) Twenty twenty-five ? 836742_837332 *ANNE: &{l=HI Su:re &}l=HI . 837332_837850 *ANNE: &{l=@ It's not my money &}l=@ . 837850_838886 *ALIC: (.) Oh it comes out of the fund ? 838886_840498 *ANNE: (..) &{l=P &{l=X I don't know where it &}l=X &}l=P comes out of 840498_842240 ⌈ they just ⌉ charge us . 842240_842988 *ALIC: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 842240_842479 *ALIC: &=in &{l=WH Ma:n I &}l=WH 842988_843812 (..) ʔuh I was supposed to leave money for Lettie's going away present . 843812_846699 *ALIC: (..) In an envelope there . 846699_848306 *ALIC: (..) And &=ex 848306_849444 (.) &=in uh 849444_850556 (..) I was asking Anne what we were going to get her 850556_852649 for her new office . 852649_853703 *ALIC: (..) She decorates her home and her office 853703_856029 l- by Chinese ? 856029_857217 *ALIC: (..) And I thought this was really strange 857217_859371 cause she's Hispanic . 859371_860463 *ALIC: (..) You know . 860463_861434 *ALIC: (.) And and (.) all y- +/. 861434_862887 *ALIC: When we went to her house 862887_863966 all the oriental things ? 863966_865109 *ALIC: (..) And I says what sh- Lettie needs 865109_867534 (.) is plant- ʔuh +/. 867534_868367 *ALIC: Cause she loves plants 868367_869161 but (.) they die: (.) on her . 869161_870476 *ALIC: (..) And in her office 870476_871659 if I wouldn't water em and take care of em 871659_873143 she wouldn't have had any ⌈ pla:nts [% laugh] . 873143_874759 *ANNE: ⌊ God [% laugh] . 874103_874759 *ANNE: (.) &=SNIFF ⌋ . 874759_875329 *ALIC: (.) &=in ⌉ So I says 874759_875731 &=in (.) what about a ni:ce 875731_877262 (..) either silk plant 877262_878592 or (.) one of the silk trees 878592_879830 that would sit behind her desk then ? 879830_881494 *ALIC: (.) You ⌈ know . 881494_881948 *ANNE: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 881786_882261 *ALIC: &=in ⌉ I says that's very soothing 881948_883413 when she's (.) doing therapy and stuff . 883413_884936 *ALIC: &=in And Anne says 884936_885736 that's a good [% laugh] idea [% laugh] . 885736_887432 *ALIC: &=in And I says you know 887432_888324 Costco has some real reas⌈onable ⌉ ones . 888324_889820 *ANNE: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 889330_889594 *ALIC: or you can 889820_890257 (.) uh: 890257_890986 (.) silk warehouse &{l=X for some of em &}l=X . 890986_892792 *ALIC: &=in And she's 892792_893300 I think that's a good idea 893300_894441 and then she can 894441_895011 (.) her (.) real 895011_896203 (..) other decor⌈ating she ⌉ can do as she wants and pre⌈2fers ⌉2 . 896203_899731 *ANNE: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ 897637_897987 ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 899323_899731 *ANNE: Where's her office 899731_900444 where's +/. 900444_900727 *ANNE: Did she mo:ve ? 900727_901363 *ANNE: Or is she still here . 901363_902143 *ALIC: (..) Well 902143_902794 no she's ʔth- +/. 902794_903419 *ALIC: She's just going in with some of the doctors into private practice though . 903419_906400 *ANNE: (.) ⌈ Mm ⌉ . 906400_907193 *ALIC: ⌊ And do cou⌋nseling . 906827_907551 *ALIC: ⌈2 &=in It'll be ⌉2 +... 907551_907988 *ANNE: ⌊2 Oh is she ⌋2 gonna be at the hospital though ? 907551_909087 *ALIC: (.) No . 909087_909610 *ANNE: &=SNIFF Mm . 909610_910206 *ALIC: She's just moving up front to the front offices ? 910206_912264 *ANNE: Oh . 912264_912795 *ANNE: (.) Well so you'll still see her and stuff . 912795_914390 *ALIC: (..) &=tsk &=in You know the (.) the one doctor 914390_915982 who lost his ⌈ wife ⌉ this summer . 915982_917123 *ANNE: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 916437_916729 *ALIC: ⌈2 when they were on ⌉2 vacation . 917123_918012 *ANNE: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 917123_917461 *ALIC: &=in she's gonna ⌈3 take over ⌉3 her practice . 918012_919865 *ANNE: ⌊3 &=SNIFF ⌋3 918576_919046 Oh: . 919865_920442 *ALIC: Cause their their therapy styles 920442_922147 are quite similar . 922147_923171 *ANNE: (.) Oh: . 923171_923712 *ALIC: (.) A:nd uh 923712_924556 (..) you know 924556_925861 all these patients w- +/. 925861_926702 *ALIC: Since the death was so sudden 926702_928255 (..) all these ⌈ pa⌉tients were just kinda left on a . 928255_930464 *ANNE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 928924_929095 *ALIC: (.) and so ⌈2 she's been ⌉2 illing in quite a ⌈3 bit ⌉3 . 930464_932569 *ANNE: ⌊2 Hm ⌋2 . 930905_931296 *ANNE: ⌊3 &=SNIFF ⌋3 932175_932569 (.) Yeah . 932569_933150 *ALIC: (..) A:nd that just kinda made her final decision 933150_935454 cause she said when she graduated from grad school 935454_937506 (..) that's what she wanted to do 937506_938813 in five years have her own practice ? 938813_940442 *ALIC: (..) And she said but that's scary to do . 940442_942437 *ANNE: (.) Oh: yeah: . 942437_943227 *ALIC: (.) And she says 943227_943903 so the opportunity 943903_944848 the patients are there . 944848_945817 *ALIC: (.) So it was ⌈ a perfect op⌉portun⌈2ity ⌉2 . 945817_947746 *ANNE: ⌊ It helps ⌋ . 946408_947020 *ANNE: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 947364_947746 *ALIC: (..) Even though the circumstances are not the best . 947746_950152 *ALIC: (..) XX ⌈ XX pri⌉vate practice . 950152_952281 *ANNE: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 951060_951612 *ANNE: (..) Mhm . 952281_953743 *ANNE: (.) &=SNIFF 953743_954211 (..) When uh we sent &=SNIFF Amy flowers 954211_959661 cause she's staying with (..) her mom now . 959661_961273 *ANNE: (.) Cause she has to ⌈ be watched . 961273_962183 *ALIC: ⌊ Oh . 961630_961921 *ALIC: (.) Yeah ⌋ . 961921_962520 *ANNE: &=SNIFF ⌉ (.) And so we go 962183_963325 we don't know if we should send em to Tony 963325_964399 or [% laugh] to Amy . 964399_965241 *ANNE: Because 965241_965585 &=in Amy and Tony 965585_966462 they fight like cats and dogs anyway . 966462_968177 *ANNE: &=in And then when you're not feeling well 968177_970034 (.) and 970034_970621 you know 970621_971135 and Amy just flo- goes off the handle 971135_972710 cause Tony's no- +/. 972710_973359 *ANNE: You know no- +/. 973359_973862 *ANNE: (..) Bugging and ⌈ nosy ⌉ and . 973862_975271 *ALIC: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 974636_975042 *ANNE: (..) and I'm like I don't know who we'd wanna send flowers to 975271_977210 &{l=@ cause they're both gonna drive each other crazy &}l=@ . 977210_979121 *ANNE: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 979121_979874 *ALIC: ⌊ Well you're ⌋ (.) not the most pleasant person when you're (.) sick . 979121_982273 *ANNE: &{l=HI I n- +/. 982273_982474 *ANNE: No one is &}l=HI . 982474_982901 *ANNE: That's the thing . 982901_983540 *ALIC: (.) Yeah⌈: ⌉ . 983540_983942 *ANNE: ⌊ But ⌋ they don't get along 983779_984641 I mean 984641_985043 that well⌈: ⌉ . 985043_985816 *ALIC: ⌊ Well you just ⌋ don't listen to me . 985398_986663 *ALIC: (..) I'm the nurse 986663_988922 and ⌈ I tell you ⌉ +... 988922_989654 *ANNE: ⌊ &{l=VOX I alw⌋ays listen to you &}l=VOX . 989163_990366 *ALIC: (..) &{l=VOX Annette you do no:t &}l=VOX . 990366_992073 *ANNE: &{l=VOX Do too &}l=VOX . 992073_992720 *ALIC: (.) ⌈ Do not ⌉ . 992720_993399 *ANNE: ⌊ Just ⌋ +... 993128_993399 *ALIC: Take your medi⌈2cine . 993399_994192 *ANNE: ⌊2 &=SNIFF . 993998_994192 *ALIC: Do this ⌉2 . 994192_994624 *ANNE: (.) That's the ⌋2 way Jenny went home today sick 994192_995694 and I said you go buy some orange juice 995694_996805 I said take some liquids 996805_997693 I said I don't want you going out at all [% laugh] this weekend [% laugh] . 997693_999711 *ANNE: (..) &=SNIFF . 999711_1001409 *ALIC: What did she say . 1001409_1001922 *ALIC: Thank you mother ? 1001922_1002771 *ANNE: She goes &{l=HI I'm not &}l=HI . 1002771_1003504 *ANNE: (.) Oh: I said I don't wanna see you out . 1003504_1005061 *ALIC: (..) &=ex (.) &=SNIFF 1005061_1007123 (..) &=laugh &=in One of the little kids came up ⌈ to me ⌉ and he said . 1007123_1011966 *ANNE: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 1011464_1011777 *ALIC: &=in (..) I got something to tell you Alice . 1011966_1013531 *ALIC: And I said what . 1013531_1013908 *ALIC: &=in He said 1013908_1014337 (.) I bit both sides of my tongue . 1014337_1015908 *ALIC: &=laugh &=laugh And [% laugh] so he sticks his tongue out and shows me 1015908_1017668 &=in (.) I said well don't &{l=HI do that &}l=HI anymore [% laugh] . 1017668_1019431 *ALIC: &=in And he says and it hurts like heck 1019431_1020666 and I said well don't do that ⌈ anymore [% laugh] &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1020666_1022783 *ANNE: ⌊ &{l=@ What a dipshit &}l=@ ⌋ . 1021464_1022783 *ANNE: (.) &=SNIFF . 1022783_1023419 *ALIC: &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=in . 1023419_1024740 *ANNE: (..) &=SNIFF . 1024740_1025654 *ALIC: And this one little kid who's been 1025654_1027036 really having a problem . 1027036_1028168 *ALIC: (..) The other day 1028168_1029446 (..) he was tracking so well . 1029446_1032369 *ALIC: (..) And I says well 1032369_1033582 I says in the morning then 1033582_1034592 if you track really well 1034592_1035638 (.) let me know 1035638_1036431 and I'll s- +/. 1036431_1036876 *ALIC: &=in We'll +/. 1036876_1037509 *ALIC: (.) I'll get the sa- tr- +/. 1037509_1038949 *ALIC: (..) I'll save that tracking sheet 1038949_1040776 and give it to you . 1040776_1041429 *ALIC: You can have it then . 1041429_1042353 *ALIC: And you can show your parents when they come in . 1042353_1043989 *ALIC: &=in He was so (.) excited 1043989_1045516 the next morning 1045516_1046064 I barely walked on the unit and he 1046064_1047698 (..) he's screaming 1047698_1048554 Alice Alice . 1048554_1049444 *ALIC: &=in He says guess what 1049444_1050638 I tracked good all day long 1050638_1051891 then I forgot to turn it in [% laugh] . 1051891_1053243 *ALIC: &=laugh &=laugh &=in So he still stayed on level ⌈ three [% laugh] &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1053243_1056481 *ANNE: ⌊ ʔuh (.) &=THROAT ⌋ . 1055216_1056481 *ALIC: &=in (.) &=SNIFF . 1056481_1057416 *ANNE: Poor [% laugh] kid [% laugh] . 1057416_1058106 *ALIC: Mm . 1058106_1058225 *ALIC: So I ⌈ says ⌉ . 1058225_1058823 *ANNE: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 1058518_1058823 *ALIC: (.) And +/. 1058823_1059054 *ALIC: But he was okay with that . 1059054_1060212 *ALIC: But he says I know I did really good 1060212_1061593 and I says 1061593_1062002 (..) I know you did too 1062002_1064403 and you can do good today 1064403_1065361 so he did really good ʔto- +/. 1065361_1066580 *ALIC: (..) Today also . 1066580_1068212 *ANNE: (..) &=SNIFF . 1068212_1069179 *ALIC: (..) &=tsk But he was the little kid 1069179_1070556 the other day before his mother came to visit . 1070556_1072230 *ALIC: (.) Physically worked himself up into such a state 1072230_1074525 that he threw up 1074525_1075199 three times 1075199_1075769 before she came ? 1075769_1076561 *ANNE: (..) Was he excited to see her 1076561_1078608 or didn't wanna see her . 1078608_1079402 *ALIC: (.) Well ⌈ this is the ⌉ new stepmother . 1079402_1081049 *ANNE: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 1079680_1079997 *ALIC: (..) And he's really excited 1081049_1082929 (..) but he's ʔuh +/. 1082929_1083711 *ALIC: He's just such a hyper kid 1083711_1084990 when he gets involved in that 1084990_1086078 &=in (.) couldn't bel:ieve it . 1086078_1087581 *ALIC: (..) Mm . 1087581_1089782 *ANNE: (..) &=SNIFF (..) Wa . 1089782_1096192 *ANNE: (.) ⌈ &=SNIFF ⌉ . 1096192_1096641 *ALIC: ⌊ &=in Do you have ⌋ a bunch of homework and stuff to do tomorrow ? 1096316_1098325 *ALIC: (..) Well that'll be good 1098325_1100596 if Diane and I are out of here . 1100596_1101924 *ANNE: (..) Yeah . 1101924_1102675 *ANNE: I mean I don't have a lo:t 1102675_1103588 cause actually this week in my 1103588_1104534 &=SNIFF methods course it's pretty mellow 1104534_1106260 (.) but I: finally got a hold of Bishop Kelly 1106260_1107752 (.) they fi:nally called me back . 1107752_1109185 *ALIC: (.) About ⌈ what ⌉ . 1109185_1109853 *ANNE: ⌊ Someone ⌋ there +/. 1109569_1110051 *ANNE: My observation I have to do there . 1110051_1111191 *ANNE: (..) ⌈ I have to &{l=X do twenty hour- &}l=X ⌉ +... 1111191_1112746 *ALIC: ⌊ Oh you are gonna ⌋ do it ? 1112037_1113138 *ANNE: (..) &{l=MRC Not my student teaching 1113138_1114458 my observation &}l=MRC . 1114458_1115378 *ANNE: (..) Totally different . 1115378_1116965 *ALIC: (.) Well 1116965_1117628 (.) who sets that up . 1117628_1118482 *ALIC: You or . 1118482_1119041 *ANNE: Well you- +/. 1119041_1119484 *ANNE: They- you just set it up through the 1119484_1120693 (..) education department 1120693_1121923 they have to call and app⌈rove you to ⌉ gi- . 1121923_1123050 *ALIC: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 1122725_1122953 *ANNE: I mean they have to say 1123050_1123753 you know 1123753_1124062 s- I have five students coming 1124062_1125470 these are the names 1125470_1126074 so you aren't just having these weirdos coming and saying 1126074_1127581 &=in ⌈ I'm su⌉pposed to observe your school . 1127581_1129000 *ALIC: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1127736_1128021 *ANNE: You know ? 1129000_1129356 *ANNE: &=SNIFF (.) And so finally Doctor DeLiando called me back today . 1129356_1132149 *ANNE: (..) I called Wednesday 1132149_1133631 and yesterday 1133631_1134425 (..) and then he called me back 1134425_1135367 he called me this morning but I wasn't in yet . 1135367_1136668 *ANNE: (..) So . 1136668_1137784 *ALIC: (..) So when do you start that . 1137784_1139575 *ANNE: (.) &=tsk I go in Tuesday . 1139575_1140913 *ANNE: (..) To meet him . 1140913_1141750 *ANNE: (.) ⌈ And to ⌉ (.) get it set up then . 1141750_1143375 *ALIC: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 1142051_1142439 *ANNE: So 1143375_1143753 (..) ⌈ &=SNIFF XX ⌉ . 1143753_1144870 *ALIC: ⌊ How do you say his name ⌋ ? 1144219_1145170 *ANNE: (.) DeLiando ? 1145170_1146313 *ALIC: (.) I don't think that's how you +... 1146313_1147569 *ANNE: Oh: 1147569_1148072 that's what they told me . 1148072_1148788 *ALIC: Oh 1148788_1149129 okay . 1149129_1149519 *ALIC: (.) I didn't ⌈ think that's how you pronounced a good old Basque name but ⌉ . 1149519_1152216 *ANNE: ⌊ &=SNIFF (.) XXXX 1149854_1151599 &=in Well that's ⌋ what I've b- +/. 1151599_1152619 *ANNE: I mean that's . 1152619_1153051 *ALIC: Yeah . 1153051_1153496 *ALIC: (..) So then are you j- +/. 1153496_1155582 *ALIC: ʔuh Do you observe different teachers ? 1155582_1157084 *ALIC: ʔuh O:r one teacher . 1157084_1158083 *ANNE: (..) &=tsk I can pick . 1158083_1159206 *ANNE: He goes 1159206_1159417 I'll introduce you to em 1159417_1160186 and he goes 1160186_1160486 and then you can pick and- +/. 1160486_1161391 *ANNE: Pick which ones you want then . 1161391_1162434 *ANNE: (.) &=SNIFF . 1162434_1162767 *ALIC: You should s:it in in (..) Miss Brown's 1162767_1165233 and some of those 1165233_1165815 ⌈ I wonder if she's still ⌉ +... 1165815_1166694 *ANNE: ⌊ Those aren't English ⌋ . 1165815_1166694 *ALIC: (..) Oh you have to ⌈2 do Eng⌉2lish . 1166694_1168664 *ANNE: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 . 1168086_1168397 *ALIC: Hunh 1168664_1168910 (.) hm . 1168910_1169490 *ANNE: (.) &=tsk I don't know any of the English teachers now . 1169490_1171278 *ANNE: But 1171278_1171550 &=in I 1171550_1172120 I'll probably +/. 1172120_1172503 *ANNE: I mean you get bo:red doing it 1172503_1173404 (.) I mean and they want you to +/. 1173404_1174192 *ANNE: ʔuh If you can help 1174192_1174983 you know 1174983_1175363 ⌈ maybe grade paper or ⌉ . 1175363_1176309 *ALIC: ⌊ Mhm 1175363_1175728 (.) hm ⌋ . 1175728_1176309 *ANNE: do something 1176309_1176974 &=in but it's also a lot of work for the teacher 1176974_1178580 to find ⌈ something that ⌉ a s- +... 1178580_1179524 *ALIC: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1178945_1179221 *ANNE: (.) That you can do just being there 1179524_1181307 (..) an hour a week 1181307_1182443 ⌈ or two ⌉ hours a week . 1182443_1183223 *ALIC: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1182443_1182673 *ANNE: So th- 1183223_1183570 sometimes you ca:n't . 1183570_1184535 *ANNE: &=SNIFF (.) But sometimes you get bored 1184535_1185867 I mean I +/. 1185867_1186154 *ANNE: (.) Watching the same class for twenty hours 1186154_1187692 that's boring . 1187692_1188406 *ANNE: Just sitting there . 1188406_1189337 *ALIC: Yeah . 1189337_1189691 *ANNE: So I mean if you can get involved 1189691_1190882 it +/. 1190882_1191039 *ANNE: (.) It helps you: 1191039_1192138 (.) ⌈ plus: ⌉ . 1192138_1192746 *ALIC: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1192362_1192746 *ANNE: (.) it also helps pass the time 1192746_1194134 but 1194134_1194250 &=in so I told Mickey 1194250_1195223 I'm like Mickey 1195223_1195647 I'm gonna be in late . 1195647_1196629 *ANNE: ʔuh (.) Tuesday she's like 1196629_1197661 Annette 1197661_1197904 I don't care . 1197904_1198487 *ANNE: You just make your own schedule anyway 1198487_1199472 you just come and go as you please 1199472_1200556 I don't care [% laugh] . 1200556_1201199 *ANNE: &=in ⌈ Well I asked ⌉ Cathlene I said . 1201199_1202524 *ALIC: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 1201584_1201873 *ANNE: (.) right after we got off the phone 1202524_1203301 I said I'd be there at seven forty-five . 1203301_1204956 *ANNE: &=in (..) Doctor DeLiando I said 1204956_1206539 (.) oh yeah 1206539_1206994 Cathlene I said 1206994_1207548 since you're the one in charge today I said 1207548_1208884 &=SNIFF I:'m gonna be in late Tuesday . 1208884_1210421 *ANNE: Is that okay ? 1210421_1211007 *ANNE: And [% laugh] she's like yeah . 1211007_1211682 *ANNE: Okay [% laugh] . 1211682_1212015 *ANNE: X [% laugh] XX 1212015_1212650 &=in &{l=X that's a little bit &}l=X 1212650_1213249 she's just leave me a sticky so I know . 1213249_1214749 *ALIC: ⌈ (.) Yeah ⌉ . 1214749_1215156 *ANNE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ And then I go 1214749_1215512 I'll leave a sticky on Tony's 1215512_1216422 so she thinks that 1216422_1217237 (..) &=tsk you know 1217237_1218150 we include her in things [% laugh] &=laugh . 1218150_1219416 *ANNE: (..) &=in I told Mickey 1219416_1220472 Mickey's like 1220472_1220780 &{l=VOX I: do:n't ca:re &}l=VOX &=laugh . 1220780_1221976 *ALIC: (..) ʔuh What does +/. 1221976_1224576 *ALIC: (..) Does +/. 1224576_1225166 *ALIC: (..) Chris ⌈ teach ⌉ (..) teach there ? 1225166_1227213 *ANNE: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ 1226160_1226366 (..) Uh: 1227213_1227938 last I heard she did . 1227938_1228974 *ANNE: That was last year but . 1228974_1230011 *ALIC: (.) Wouldn't it be funny if she taught English 1230011_1231801 and you got to ⌈ sit in ⌉ +... 1231801_1232689 *ANNE: ⌊ She teaches ⌋ biolo⌈2gy ⌉2 . 1232200_1233638 *ALIC: ⌊2 &{l=X Well I know &}l=X ⌋2 +... 1233147_1233638 *ANNE: &=tsk (.) ⌈3 Mo:m ⌉3 . 1233638_1234671 *ALIC: ⌊3 &{l=WH &{l=X Rats &}l=X &}l=WH ⌋3 . 1234172_1234671 *ANNE: You just don't know what's going on at that school anymore . 1234671_1236917 *ALIC: (..) Well I didn't know . 1236917_1238543 *ANNE: (..) That's sad about that kid in the paper ? 1238543_1240588 *ANNE: (.) Who 1240588_1241018 (.) who's in the coma 1241018_1241748 he was a 1241748_1242106 (.) the star f- (.) baseball player at BK ? 1242106_1244090 *ANNE: (..) And he got that scholarship ? 1244090_1245912 *ANNE: To 1245912_1246393 (..) &{l=X he was what &}l=X a Gatorade player of the year 1246393_1248750 (.) two years ago 1248750_1249672 ⌈ and then he w- ⌉ +... 1249672_1250051 *ALIC: ⌊ But I thought ⌋ it w⌈2as hi⌉2s dad who was . 1249672_1251480 *ANNE: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 . 1250361_1250552 *ALIC: in the hospital . 1251480_1252296 *ANNE: &{l=VOX No: 1252296_1252707 it's hi:m &}l=VOX . 1252707_1253326 *ANNE: (.) He's ⌈ in a co:ma . 1253326_1254188 *ALIC: ⌊ Oh . 1253555_1253978 *ALIC: (.) Okay ⌋ . 1253978_1254788 *ANNE: (.) He got hit ⌉ by that drunk driver ? 1254188_1255515 *ANNE: &=in And his younger brother . 1255515_1256806 *ANNE: Plays at BK and has a football game . 1256806_1258566 *ANNE: (..) And I g- +/. 1258566_1259290 *ANNE: It wa- the pa- the- article was about 1259290_1260511 you know 1260511_1260800 how 1260800_1261138 (..) they're all gonna g- +/. 1261138_1262283 *ANNE: All the family's gonna go to the game today 1262283_1263735 because 1263735_1264197 (.) sports are very important 1264197_1265359 in this ⌈ family ⌉ you know . 1265359_1266235 *ALIC: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1265666_1265988 *ANNE: and they all: used to go watch 1266235_1267231 &=in the older brother play baseball 1267231_1268784 and that's what he would want 1268784_1269456 is their family to be at the game and . 1269456_1270755 *ALIC: ⌈ Oh . 1270755_1271044 *ANNE: ⌊ &=in um ⌋ . 1270755_1271500 *ALIC: really ⌉ ? 1271044_1271500 *ANNE: the coach 1271500_1271892 I think it's Tim Lincoln 1271892_1272739 ⌈ or: . 1272739_1272972 *ALIC: ⌊ Yeah . 1272739_1273117 *ALIC: (.) Yeah ⌋ . 1273117_1273607 *ANNE: one of the Lincolns ⌉ 1272972_1273595 said 1273607_1273825 you know 1273825_1274065 if you don't wanna play 1274065_1274710 that's fine 1274710_1275269 if you d- (..) don't wanna +/. 1275269_1276540 *ANNE: If you g- have to come out of a play 1276540_1277951 &=in you just do whatever . 1277951_1279214 *ANNE: But it was like 1279214_1279938 ⌈ go:sh ⌉ . 1279938_1280640 *ALIC: ⌊ &=in Well that's like ⌋ 1279938_1280862 &=SNIFF there's a lot of pressure on this football (..) team . 1280862_1283779 *ANNE: ⌈ Yeah cause ⌉ . 1283779_1284432 *ALIC: ⌊ because Nick ⌋ . 1283779_1284432 *ANNE: (.) Osetty's son ⌈2 is . 1284432_1285862 *ALIC: ⌊2 Yeah . 1285554_1285862 *ANNE: (.) Mhm ⌉2 . 1285862_1286517 *ALIC: I mean it's his ⌋2 dad 1285862_1286780 who's the field is &=SNIFF ⌈3 dedicated to ⌉3 . 1286780_1288798 *ANNE: ⌊3 Yeah: ⌋3 . 1287996_1288798 *ALIC: and he wants to dedicate his senior year to the- his dad 1288798_1291031 in memory of his dad 1291031_1291910 cause he was a &=in star player . 1291910_1293804 *ANNE: Yeah: 1293804_1294310 s:o . 1294310_1294881 *ALIC: (.) And they play Kuna 1294881_1295778 and isn't th- always that your homecoming ? 1295778_1297513 *ANNE: (..) No 1297513_1298817 cause we usually lose to Kuna 1298817_1299860 ⌈ &{l=@ so I think we had to p- ⌉ &}l=@ +... 1299860_1300659 *ALIC: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1299860_1300659 *ANNE: &=in We always played like Payette 1300659_1301805 &=in ⌈ that we like ⌉ beat every year . 1301805_1303012 *ALIC: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 1302084_1302453 *ANNE: for like seventeen years 1303012_1304292 and then I think 1304292_1304879 &=in our senior year 1304879_1305993 junior or senior year 1305993_1306651 we lo⌈:st [% laugh] to em . 1306651_1307994 *ALIC: ⌊ And [% laugh] they beat you . 1307250_1308271 *ANNE: &=in Yeah . 1307994_1308754 *ALIC: Yeah [% laugh] &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1308271_1309284 *ANNE: It was like 1308754_1309098 &{l=VOX Oh Go:⌉d &}l=VOX . 1309098_1309877 *ALIC: &=in ⌋ . 1309284_1309743 *ANNE: (.) &=in (..) But 1309877_1311316 the only reason I went to the game was just to figure out what was going on afterwards [% laugh] 1311316_1313654 so it didn't really matter . 1313654_1314866 *ALIC: I know . 1314866_1315374 *ANNE: (..) &=SNIFF (.) Well I never knew +/. 1315374_1317559 *ANNE: I didn't +/. 1317559_1317863 *ANNE: I could never even tell you half the players [% laugh] on the +/. 1317863_1319538 *ANNE: &{l=X Yeah &}l=X 1319538_1319838 you play football ? 1319838_1320462 *ANNE: (..) &=SNIFF Mm I knew the ones that +... 1320462_1322850 *ALIC: (.) Mattered . 1322850_1323825 *ANNE: (.) Yeah . 1323825_1324412 *ANNE: (..) I went to a couple of the JV games 1324412_1328333 &{l=P &{l=X you know what I'm saying &}l=X &}l=P ? 1328333_1329060 *ANNE: (.) Louis's game- team lost 1329060_1330491 (.) Wednesday though . 1330491_1331410 *ANNE: So they're two and +... 1331410_1332257 *ALIC: (..) ⌈ &{l=X Mhm &}l=X ⌉ . 1332257_1332948 *ANNE: ⌊ Five and ⌋ two now . 1332684_1333346 *ANNE: They've only lost two games . 1333398_1334207 *ANNE: They lost to Centennial ⌈ the other day . 1334207_1335360 *ALIC: ⌊ Well I thought maybe . 1334880_1335609 *ANNE: (.) &=SNIFF ⌉ . 1335360_1335879 *ALIC: that's ⌋ what he was doing last night . 1335609_1336685 *ALIC: Cause when we came by the stadiu- +/. 1336685_1337931 *ALIC: Uh the (.) pavilion ? 1337931_1339223 *ALIC: (..) the (..) football field . 1339223_1342369 *ALIC: At [% laugh] BSU 1342369_1343076 the lights were on ? 1343076_1343839 *ANNE: Well the seniors play 1343839_1344794 they have ʔuh +/. 1344794_1345159 *ANNE: ʔuh They have game in- +/. 1345159_1345838 *ANNE: (.) The varsity has games Thursday and Friday . 1345838_1347777 *ALIC: Oh . 1347777_1348030 *ALIC: (.) O⌈kay ⌉ . 1348030_1348557 *ANNE: ⌊ Cause they ⌋ can't always get all the games in . 1348376_1349984 *ANNE: Especially when it s- gets dark this early now ? 1349984_1351941 *ALIC: (..) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 1351941_1352821 *ANNE: ⌊ They have to have a ⌋ lot more games 1352528_1353488 and then most of the schools don't have fields you can play at 1353488_1355254 ⌈ in Boise ⌉ . 1355254_1355870 *ALIC: ⌊ Don't have lights ⌋ 1355254_1355870 no . 1355870_1356163 *ALIC: &=in (.) But there ⌈ sure were- ⌉ +... 1356163_1357487 *ANNE: ⌊ So ⌋ . 1357108_1357487 *ALIC: There- ʔuh (.) weren't a lot of people there . 1357487_1359200 *ANNE: Oh yeah . 1359200_1359588 *ANNE: (.) Probably +... 1359588_1360181 *ALIC: (..) But that was: 1360181_1361405 (..) seven o'clock 1361405_1362478 I don't know what time the game started . 1362478_1363799 *ANNE: Ah: 1363799_1364405 just kind of +/. 1364405_1364988 *ANNE: Their ⌈ games ⌉ usually start at seven . 1364988_1366496 *ALIC: ⌊ &{l=X Yeah &}l=X ⌋ . 1365196_1365449 *ANNE: (.) on ⌈2 Wednesdays ⌉2 . 1366496_1367495 *ALIC: ⌊2 Mhm ⌋2 . 1366809_1367495 *ANNE: but varsity: . 1367495_1368346 *ALIC: Yeah . 1368346_1368637 *ALIC: ⌈ I don't know . 1368637_1369021 *ANNE: ⌊ &=SNIFF (.) varsity probably starts at ⌋ seven . 1368637_1370463 *ALIC: Maybe it's an eight o'clock ⌉ +/. 1369021_1369959 *ALIC: Seven 1370463_1370784 seven &{l=X thirty &}l=X ? 1370784_1371410 *ANNE: (.) Yeah . 1371410_1371941 *ALIC: (.) &=in There weren't 1371941_1373115 a whole lot of +... 1373115_1373984 *ANNE: Yeah 1373984_1374268 might have been . 1374268_1374877 *ALIC: Mhm . 1374877_1375182 *ANNE: (..) They were probably may- maybe playing an out-of-town team 1375182_1377520 too . 1377520_1378043 *ALIC: (.) &=in And I know dad said 1378043_1379339 (.) yeah I don't know why they have the lights on yet 1379339_1381090 because it still was (..) really ⌈ light out ⌉ . 1381090_1383167 *ANNE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1382689_1383167 *ANNE: Well they have to get em on 1383167_1384041 ⌈ so they can ⌉ . 1384041_1384588 *ALIC: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1384041_1384588 *ANNE: (.) get it going . 1384588_1385646 *ANNE: (.) &=SNIFF . 1385646_1386185 *ALIC: (..) And I thought maybe that was +/. 1386185_1388032 *ALIC: (.) I thought may⌈be it was ⌉ the sophomores . 1388032_1389761 *ANNE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1388836_1389105 *ALIC: ⌈2 XXXX ⌉2 . 1389761_1390731 *ANNE: ⌊2 Well I thought Louis's game ⌋2 was at four forty-five 1389761_1391753 I know they have one afternoon game 1391753_1392732 but it's next Wednesday I found out . 1392732_1394139 *ANNE: &=in And so I was gonna go and watch his game after work 1394139_1396384 you know 1396384_1396618 I get off work right at ⌈ five ⌉ . 1396618_1397705 *ALIC: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1397416_1397705 *ANNE: then go 1397705_1398060 (..) go to work at XX and then 1398060_1399847 (..) then he had a game at seven 1399847_1401660 and I was like oh . 1401660_1402360 *ANNE: And then my legs hurt 1402360_1403026 I couldn't have walked anywhere 1403026_1403869 anyway . 1403869_1404384 *ANNE: &=in (.) &{l=VOX That was a weird thing &}l=VOX . 1404384_1405901 *ALIC: (.) Mhm . 1405901_1406794 *ANNE: (..) Yeah cause Diane came in today: 1406794_1409982 (..) and she goes what's wrong with your legs . 1409982_1411590 *ANNE: Mom and dad were f:reaking out about it . 1411590_1412699 *ANNE: And I said &{l=@ it was 1412699_1413363 it was freak⌈y &}l=@ . 1413363_1414339 *ALIC: ⌊ &=in (.) Well that's ⌋ how come I called in the morning . 1414339_1416179 *ANNE: (.) &=SNIFF ⌉ 1414339_1414899 (.) Yeah⌈2: ⌉2 . 1416179_1416766 *ALIC: ⌊2 You know ⌋2 1416583_1416766 cause I didn't wanna go in and wake you up and say 1416766_1418400 &{l=@ how are your ⌈ legs Annette and &}l=@ ⌉ . 1418400_1419530 *ANNE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh It's [% laugh] like [% laugh] ⌋ 1418824_1419530 how the hell do you ⌈2 think they are &=laugh ⌉2 . 1419530_1420926 *ALIC: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1420115_1420926 *ANNE: My legs are fine 1420926_1421759 but [% laugh] 1421759_1422090 &=in ⌈ I'm tired ⌉ . 1422090_1423037 *ALIC: ⌊ &{l=VOX But I need some ⌋ more sleep &}l=VOX . 1422399_1423605 *ALIC: &=in And then 1423605_1424290 so then 1424290_1424658 I remem- ʔuh +/. 1424658_1425203 *ALIC: Luckily I remembered 1425203_1426419 (.) to call early enough . 1426419_1427343 *ALIC: Otherwise I was gonna call you at work . 1427343_1428649 *ANNE: Yeah . 1428649_1429004 *ANNE: ⌈ XX ⌉ . 1429004_1429344 *ALIC: ⌊ But then ⌋ I thought 1429004_1429615 that'd be kinda stupid 1429615_1430477 I call you at work 1430477_1431138 and if you didn't go to work they'll say 1431138_1432262 (..) no 1432262_1432962 she's home sick today and 1432962_1434126 (.) kinda like 1434126_1434615 &=in (.) &{l=VOX what kinda mother are you . 1434615_1436045 *ALIC: ⌈ You live in the sa⌉me house &}l=VOX . 1436045_1437362 *ANNE: ⌊ &{l=X We:ll &}l=X ⌋ 1436045_1436711 They know th- +/. 1437362_1437814 *ANNE: I mean 1437814_1438224 &{l=P that (.) we have different schedules and stuff &}l=P . 1438224_1440377 *ANNE: &=SNIFF . 1440377_1440832 *ALIC: &{l=P Hm &}l=P . 1440832_1441185 *ANNE: (..) But yeah they're +/. 1441185_1442137 *ANNE: Like I said they're s- +/. 1442137_1442576 *ANNE: They're still kinda sore 1442576_1443495 like achy kinda sore 1443495_1444197 but they're 1444197_1444402 I mean they're 1444402_1444768 I can walk and every⌈thing . 1444768_1445661 *ALIC: ⌊ I think it's more ⌋ of a flu . 1445498_1446839 *ANNE: they aren't so ⌉ 1445661_1446273 (..) &=tsk That's what I think it was though . 1446839_1448425 *ALIC: (..) &{l=X Bug &}l=X . 1448425_1449377 *ANNE: (.) Yeah cause I didn't have an appetite 1449377_1450643 or anything else like that 1450643_1451498 and I think that's part of ʔit 1451498_1452275 ⌈ I mean . 1452275_1452555 *ALIC: ⌊ Well 1452275_1452555 &{l=X you could &}l=X ⌋ +... 1452555_1452958 *ANNE: I have ⌉ to be sick to 1452555_1453690 (.) not eat . 1453690_1454317 *ANNE: (..) &=SNIFF Now I've made up for it [% laugh] though [% laugh] . 1454317_1457257 *ANNE: Today [% laugh] everything looked good [% laugh] . 1457257_1458237 *ANNE: I was like 1458237_1458718 &{l=VOX oh &}l=VOX . 1458718_1459026 *ANNE: &=in Cause Jenny and I had to go over to the store and get the punch 1459026_1461107 and 1461107_1461367 (..) um 1461367_1462107 cups and stuff 1462107_1462889 for the open house ? 1462889_1463627 *ANNE: Today and 1463627_1464004 I mean 1464004_1464432 (..) everything looked good at the store . 1464432_1466359 *ANNE: And she was sick . 1466359_1466882 *ANNE: So nothing looked good to he⌈:r [% laugh] ⌉ . 1466882_1468121 *ALIC: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 1467965_1468121 *ANNE: And I was like 1468121_1468493 &{l=VOX That looks good [% laugh] 1468493_1469029 doesn't that look good &}l=VOX ? 1469029_1469599 *ANNE: &=in No 1469599_1470419 no 1470419_1470776 &=laugh &=laugh . 1470776_1471089 *ALIC: (..) That was like yesterday 1471089_1472428 after I got my car fixed . 1472428_1473625 *ALIC: (..) G- I went and took it in for 1473625_1475315 (..) you know the 1475315_1475917 (.) ⌈ maintenance ⌉ thing ? 1475917_1476936 *ANNE: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 1476219_1476623 *ALIC: &=in (.) And it was a free one . 1476936_1478399 *ANNE: (.) That's what you told me . 1478399_1479513 *ANNE: Yeah . 1479513_1479827 *ALIC: A:nd uh 1479827_1480560 (.) then dad wanted to go get that oil . 1480560_1482218 *ALIC: (..) For the &{l=X fans &}l=X ? 1482218_1483477 *ALIC: (.) To oil 1483477_1483993 (..) put on the &{l=X fans &}l=X ? 1483993_1484995 *ALIC: &=in I said well you go do that 1484995_1486051 and I'll go to the grocery store . 1486051_1486836 *ALIC: And I was hungry then . 1486836_1487890 *ALIC: Cause this was three o'clock 1487890_1488927 and I had breakfast at eight o'clock yesterday . 1488927_1490685 *ALIC: (..) Man 1490685_1491544 (.) everything looked good . 1491544_1492663 *ALIC: So a hundred dollars ⌈ &{l=@ later . 1492663_1494102 *ANNE: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1493416_1494328 *ALIC: I ⌉ walked out of the &}l=@ &=in grocery store 1494102_1495621 and then we went last night . 1495621_1496674 *ANNE: (..) Oh to get stuff for the ⌈ sou:p . 1496674_1499168 *ALIC: ⌊ For dad . 1498621_1499104 *ALIC: Yeah ⌋ . 1499104_1499470 *ANNE: Oh ⌉ 1499104_1499470 gee⌈2: ⌉2 . 1499470_1499935 *ALIC: ⌊2 For ⌋2 hunting . 1499805_1500444 *ANNE: (.) &=SNIFF (.) . 1500444_1501865 @End