@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: KIRS KIRSTEN Speaker, AMY AMY Speaker, DON DON Speaker, LORI LORI Speaker, ENV ENV Environment, ALIC ALICE Speaker, NICO NICOLE Speaker, X X Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|KIRS|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|AMY|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|DON|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|LORI|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ENV|||||Environment||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ALIC|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|NICO|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|X|||||Speaker||| @Media: 39, audio @Comment: Pretty Busy Bird @Comment: Task-related talk, a training meeting recorded at an aquarium in Chicago, Illinois. *KIRS: (..) &=tsk U:m 0_1418 (..) first of all 1418_2797 maybe you guys 2797_4012 (.) can tell me: 4012_5477 (..) we talked a little bit about it 5477_7512 last time you were here ? 7512_8814 *KIRS: Or did we not 8814_9717 talk ⌈ about ⌉ (.) the history of the penguins . 9717_12131 *AMY: ⌊ &{l=X Thanks &}l=X ⌋ . 9962_10357 *DON: ⌈2 I wasn't here that weekend ⌉2 . 12131_13460 *LORI: ⌊2 &=tsk &=in &=lengthened No: ⌋2 . 12131_13460 *LORI: No⌈3: ⌉3 . 13460_14178 *KIRS: ⌊3 Okay ⌋3 . 13670_14178 *LORI: We talked about the endangered spe:cie⌈4:s ⌉4 . 14178_16827 *KIRS: ⌊4 Okay ⌋4 . 16268_16827 *KIRS: (..) We have: . 16827_18824 *LORI: &=THROAT . 18824_19359 *KIRS: (.) on exhibit now: 19359_21203 about &{l=L twenty-fi:ve of the thi:rty penguin chicks &}l=L . 21203_25869 *AMY: (..) Wow . 25869_26656 *AMY: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 26656_27115 *KIRS: That (.) you ⌈ have . 27115_28533 *ENV: ⌊ &=MIC_NOISE &=lengthened ⌋ &=lengthened . 27984_29886 *KIRS: (.) Um ⌉ . 28533_29315 *LORI: Oops . 29886_30363 *LORI: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 30363_31356 *KIRS: (.) Last year 31356_32672 (..) I s- want to say around Christmas time 32672_36962 (..) we went: down 36962_38715 the Shed Aquarium 38715_39847 as well as other &=in (..) researchers and scientists 39847_42724 went down to Antarctica 42724_44601 to: collect . 44601_45756 *LORI: (.) Mm . 45756_46374 *KIRS: Gentu penguin eggs . 46374_48300 *KIRS: (..) Okay 48300_49445 so 49445_50027 &=in I want to go into a little bit about 50027_51810 (..) the history of the Gentus he:re 51810_54639 (.) um 54639_55551 (..) for ʔyou- +/. 55551_57510 *KIRS: For (.) Don and Lori 57510_58991 where +/. 58991_59469 *KIRS: &=in Where did our original Gentu penguins come from . 59469_61901 *DON: (..) Uh: 61901_62440 Faulklands . 62440_63198 *DON: (.) Wasn't it ? 63198_63698 *KIRS: (.) Where did the +/. 63698_64508 *KIRS: (.) But 64508_64805 specifi⌈cally ⌉ +... 64805_66149 *DON: ⌊ Oh spe⌋cifically 65691_66537 in the ⌈2 islands ⌉2 ? 66537_67244 *KIRS: ⌊2 Where did we ⌋2 get them 66778_67768 for display here at the Shed Aquar⌈3ium ⌉3 . 67768_69560 *DON: ⌊3 Oh ⌋3 . 69248_69560 *DON: From the um 69560_70768 (.) was it (..) Edinburgh uh (..) Zoo ? 70768_74336 *KIRS: Yeah . 74336_74762 *KIRS: (..) Great . 74762_75408 *DON: (..) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 75408_75878 *KIRS: ⌊ In S⌋cotland . 75708_76442 *DON: Yeah . 76442_76727 *DON: (..) Right . 76727_77769 *KIRS: (..) Okay ? 77769_78703 *AMY: Are those the ones that (..) don't like people ? 78703_80957 *AMY: (..) The hands-off ones . 80957_82500 *KIRS: (..) &{l=P H:⌈ands-off one⌉s &}l=P . 82500_83916 *AMY: ⌊ That came from ⌋ +/. 83119_83758 *AMY: (..) Where's Ten from . 83916_85136 *KIRS: (..) There . 85136_86669 *AMY: Or is that +/. 86669_87089 *AMY: (.) Oh okay . 87089_87702 *KIRS: Yeah . 87702_87991 *AMY: (.) Well is +/. 87991_88569 *AMY: What's the other species . 88569_89967 *KIRS: (.) Rockhoppers . 89967_91097 *AMY: (.) The: +/. 91097_91593 *AMY: (.) No . 91593_92087 *KIRS: (..) Magella⌈nics ⌉ . 92087_93662 *DON: ⌊ Mag⌋⌈2ellanic ⌉2 . 93215_93976 *LORI: ⌊2 XXX⌋2⌈3X ⌉3 . 93215_94317 *AMY: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 93476_93976 *AMY: ⌊3 Okay⌋3: . 93976_94387 *KIRS: Ra- +/. 94387_94606 *KIRS: Magellanics came 94606_95629 from the John Ball Zoo 95629_96664 in Grand Rapids ⌈ Michigan ⌉ . 96664_97964 *DON: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 97371_97964 *KIRS: (.) &=tsk &=in So: 97964_99358 the Gentu:s 99358_100381 (.) which: +/. 100381_101315 *KIRS: (..) I take it you work mammals as well ? 101315_103397 *AMY: (.) Yeah . 103397_103951 *KIRS: Okay 103951_104523 (.) so feel free to ⌈ add in ⌉ . 104523_106049 *AMY: ⌊ I worked ⌋ with the baby penguins 105456_107233 (.) when 107233_107697 (..) cause I've only worked like a weekend 107697_109740 &=in but both days were spent (..) with the penguins . 109740_112740 *AMY: Feeding the baby (..) penguins and then 112740_114876 (..) Ten and 114876_115608 (..) all of them . 115608_116421 *KIRS: Great . 116421_116909 *KIRS: (.) Great . 116909_117382 *KIRS: (.) So 117382_117841 &=in (..) feel free: 117841_119280 after (.) I've go through this information 119280_121149 (.) you know . 121149_121574 *LORI: XX . 121574_121923 *KIRS: sha:re ⌈ any: inf⌉orma⌈2tion you might ha:ve ⌉2 . 121923_124165 *LORI: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 122428_122896 *AMY: ⌊2 Well I'll probably have a lot of ques⌋2tions for you [% laugh] . 123130_124781 *AMY: ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 124781_125891 *KIRS: ⌊3 from your experien⌋3ces . 124781_126221 *AMY: ⌈4 Okay ⌉4 . 126221_126625 *KIRS: ⌊4 Cause that's ⌋4 126221_126625 ⌈5 ʔuh you ⌉5 know . 126625_127169 *LORI: ⌊5 Mhm ⌋5 . 126625_126879 *KIRS: (.) usually the best way that we can get 127169_128866 some good d:etailed information is from 128866_130814 &=in volunteers 130814_132105 that actually work 132105_132936 ʔuh in mammals . 132936_133680 *KIRS: So 133680_133960 we love that . 133960_134723 *KIRS: Um 134723_135211 &=CLAP &=tsk anyway 135211_136397 &=in so 136397_137333 (.) we got (.) the penguins 137333_138575 our original batch of penguins 138575_139940 from 139940_140325 (.) from this (.) zoo in Scotland 140325_142211 ʔuh and 142211_142931 &=in um 142931_144071 (.) &=tsk you know 144071_144705 as you know 144705_145175 you ship them o:ver 145175_146355 and they go into a quaranti:ne (..) period . 146355_149847 *KIRS: And: 149847_150506 (.) I do believe it was thirty day:s . 150506_152953 *KIRS: (..) Don't (.) don't 152953_153989 (.) it's in my (..) literature right there 153989_156220 I'll check for certain . 156220_157072 *KIRS: &=in Uh 157072_157941 that is required by the USDA 157941_160357 basically there's 160357_161202 (..) there's a disease called ʔn- (..) Newcastle's Disease 161202_164262 that 164262_164545 is (.) is very (..) ʔuh- contagious apparently 164545_167824 (..) and so there's always the potential: 167824_169964 o:f 169964_170433 (.) when you bring a bi:rd o:ver 170433_172388 (.) contamidate- +/. 172388_173638 *KIRS: Contaminating the poultry . 173638_175324 *AMY: (..) Mm . 175324_176535 *KIRS: (.) Business . 176535_177856 *KIRS: (.) Okay 177856_178552 (.) &=tsk and so that is 178552_179857 (.) ʔth- background (.) information 179857_181610 for the reason for quarantining . 181610_183429 *KIRS: &=in U:m 183429_184602 (.) with our ʔuh- other penguins 184602_186541 &=in (.) uh (.) we brought them over 186541_188309 (.) from Scotland 188309_189580 a:nd 189580_190292 as it turned ou:t 190292_191549 &=in (.) in a quarantine period that they had 191549_194277 &=in (.) that (..) a vi- +/. 194277_196629 *KIRS: or I should say a fungus 196629_198406 okay this Aspergillosis fungus 198406_201009 (..) had come to (.) f:ruition 201009_203733 &=in and we had lost 203733_205602 (.) you know a good portion of penguins . 205602_207860 *KIRS: &=in ⌈ (.) S⌉o: . 207860_209289 *AMY: ⌊ &{l=X Wow &}l=X ⌋ . 208222_208602 *KIRS: okay 209289_209782 now it's time to (.) consider replacing these penguins 209782_213151 (.) how do we want to go about doing that . 213151_215342 *KIRS: (.) Well 215342_215921 (..) &=tsk &=in really didn't want to go 215921_218468 (.) through 218468_219268 transporting the birds . 219268_220908 *KIRS: (..) Didn't work last time 220908_222916 (.) a (.) potential for bringing over diseases 222916_225262 is obviously there 225262_226290 so 226290_226861 &=in the thought was okay let's get some e:ggs . 226861_229276 *KIRS: &=in U:m 229276_230332 (.) Sea World San Diego (..) has Gentu:s 230332_233765 a:nd 233765_234438 (..) apparently (.) just not enough eggs to share . 234438_237445 *KIRS: (.) If they had them they would gladly . 237445_239647 *KIRS: &=in Sa:me situation with the Edinburgh Zoo 239647_242449 they would gladly send us bi:rds 242449_244600 (..) but 244600_245637 (.) they didn't feel that they had enough eggs 245637_248063 to send over . 248063_249036 *KIRS: So 249036_249686 (.) &=in we really didn't want to go the bird route 249686_252328 and so: 252328_253249 that left us the choice of going down to Antarctica 253249_255672 and collecting some peng- +/. 255672_256592 *KIRS: some penguin (.) eggs ourselves . 256592_258560 *KIRS: (..) &=in &=tsk So they we:nt to: 258560_261734 (..) and I don't know if this is pronounced correctly 261734_263695 Wiencke Islan⌈d ⌉ . 263695_265290 *LORI: ⌊ Y⌋eah 265139_265592 that's ⌈2 whe:⌉2:re (..) a lot of seals are from as well . 265608_268572 *DON: ⌊2 Hm ⌋2 . 265888_266283 *KIRS: Okay . 268572_269176 *LORI: Mhm . 269176_269557 *KIRS: Cool . 269557_269929 *LORI: Mhm ? 269929_270451 *KIRS: Cool . 270451_270799 *DON: (..) That'll fit in with your ⌈ class: ⌉ . 270799_272824 *LORI: ⌊ I know [% laugh] ⌋ . 272220_272824 *LORI: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 272824_273754 *KIRS: ⌊2 Yeah [% laugh] &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 273127_273754 *ALIC: Nicole is here . 273754_274728 *KIRS: (.) Hi 274728_275349 ⌈ Nicole ⌉ . 275374_275810 *NICO: ⌊ Hi ⌋ . 275374_275810 *ALIC: ⌈2 Hey let me ⌉2 +... 275810_276450 *KIRS: ⌊2 how you doing ⌋2 . 275810_276550 *ALIC: ⌈3 Can I just inter⌉3rupt for one minute . 276550_278014 *NICO: ⌊3 &{l=X Oh &}l=X okay ⌋3 . 276550_277064 *ALIC: can I see your ID . 278014_279089 *NICO: (.) Mine ? 279089_279739 *ALIC: I don't ⌈ think Dar⌉ren put anything on it . 279739_281887 *NICO: ⌊ &{l=HI Mhm &}l=HI ⌋ . 279992_280457 *ALIC: (..) Right . 281887_283367 *ALIC: Okay . 283367_283954 *KIRS: (.) Why don't you have a seat . 283954_284831 *NICO: Sure . 284831_285279 *LORI: (..) &=SNORT 285279_286759 (.) &=in &{l=P &{l=X Oh: I'm ⌈ tired &}l=X &}l=P ⌉ . 286759_289209 *KIRS: ⌊ So⌋: 288637_289322 they went to (.) Wiencke Island 289322_290971 where (.) a lot of seals are from 290971_292572 (.) ⌈ a:nd ⌉ . 292572_293383 *LORI: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 292966_293383 *AMY: ⌈2 XXXX ⌉2 . 293383_293988 *LORI: ⌊2 (.) &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 293383_293988 *NICO: ⌊2 (.) X ⌋2 +... 293383_293988 *KIRS: ⌊2 (.) collect⌋2ed e:ggs . 293419_295145 *LORI: (.) Mhm . 295145_295582 *KIRS: (.) Okay 295582_296192 so 296192_296726 (.) the process wa:s 296726_298523 I'm just gonna finish up on my story 298523_300286 &=in the process was 300286_301843 (.) was they 301843_302474 um 302474_302846 (..) &=tsk they went to the nest 302846_304901 (.) okay from (.) our staff 304901_306490 it was Mark Ryan from marine mammals 306490_308473 and Mike Mulligan from fishes 308473_310261 (.) and 310261_311339 (.) frankly I- I'm not quite sure who the entourage of other people we:re . 311339_314567 *KIRS: (.) But 314567_314954 &=in they went to the nest 314954_316291 (.) and basically 316291_317828 (..) waited for the penguin to stand up 317828_321080 (..) and checked to see: if there were two e:ggs the:re . 321080_324483 *AMY: (..) Hm . 324483_324959 *KIRS: (.) Gentu (.) penguins 324959_326749 and this isn- +/. 326749_327230 *KIRS: (.) isn't true of all penguins 327230_328533 often 328533_329033 &=in (..) when (.) a (..) penguin lays e:ggs 329033_332490 if it lays two 332490_333462 one is (.) smaller than the other . 333462_335192 *KIRS: &=in (..) Gentus lay two equally sized eggs . 335192_338572 *KIRS: (..) &=tsk Okay 338572_339970 &=in (..) ⌈ u⌉:m . 339970_340916 *LORI: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 340556_340766 *KIRS: (.) the reason I mentioned that was 340916_342704 if one was (.) smaller 342704_344538 (..) he would have went for the smaller egg . 344538_346911 *KIRS: (.) Okay . 346911_347842 *DON: (.) Why . 347842_348562 *KIRS: (..) Becau:se that would probably mean (.) that . 348562_352233 *LORI: (..) &=tsk ⌈ (.) Female ⌉ ? 352233_353440 *KIRS: ⌊ Do you remember rea⌋ding 352758_353615 in the exhibit for the Rockhopper penguins 353615_355540 downstairs 355540_356379 &=in (.) they lay two dif⌈ferent sized ⌉ eggs . 356379_358689 *DON: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 357498_358127 *KIRS: (..) &=tsk Depending on the year 358689_360373 and depending on the conditions (.) of light 360373_362999 (..) um 362999_363921 if it's a bad year 363921_365204 or there's just not a lot of food resource:s 365204_367577 &=in (.) um 367577_368546 (..) environmental conditions are rough 368546_371449 it's a stormy bad year . 371449_373176 *LORI: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 373176_373565 *KIRS: ⌊ &=in ⌋ A penguin might (.) lay two e:ggs 373176_375638 and at that point 375638_376980 (..) &{l=P I don't &}l=P +/. 376980_378989 *KIRS: I don't really wanna use the word &{l=VOX deci:de &}l=VOX &=laugh . 378989_381069 *LORI: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 381069_381485 *KIRS: ⌊ &=in that's ⌋ kind of anthropomorphic 381069_382530 (.) but 382530_382921 (.) &=in (..) somehow figure out 382921_385257 (..) &{l=Q at this point I'm gonna kick out ⌈ an egg &}l=Q ⌉ . 385257_388275 *LORI: ⌊ Determine ⌋ ? 387480_388275 *DON: (.) ⌈2 Ah ⌉2 . 388275_388689 *LORI: ⌊2 M⌋2⌈3hm ⌉3 . 388400_388964 *KIRS: ⌊2 I'm ⌋2 ⌊3 going ⌋3 to determine 388400_389796 through whatever: . 389796_390639 *AMY: Mm . 390639_390832 *KIRS: (.) h⌈owever it ⌉ does determine to do so . 390832_392857 *NICO: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 391114_391464 *KIRS: &=in will kick out an e:gg . 392857_394459 *NICO: (..) &=THROAT . 394459_395435 *KIRS: (..) Otherwise 395435_396690 (.) it will (.) brood the two eggs 396690_398927 (.) and hatch em out . 398927_400164 *KIRS: (..) &=tsk It's not uncommon that 400164_402416 at this point 402416_403136 (..) they'll kick out the smaller chick . 403136_405429 *DON: (.) Right . 405429_405969 *KIRS: (.) If at that point conditions (.) don't seem to be: &=in sufficient to support raising two of em 405969_411953 (..) it's kind of like 411953_413435 hey 413435_413783 why bother . 413783_414712 *LORI: (.) Mhm . 414712_415165 *KIRS: And kick out 415165_416086 (.) one of +/. 416086_416695 *KIRS: (.) One of the chicks . 416695_418007 *KIRS: (.) If it's a &{l=F great yea:r 418007_419833 on fat 419833_420744 there's foo:d 420744_421673 ⌈ di- ʔit's a beautiful day &}l=F ⌉ . 421673_423275 *DON: ⌊ It's called penguin euthana⌋sia . 421673_423461 *LORI: (.) &=laugh &=ex ⌈2 &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 ⌈3 &=lengthened &=laugh ⌉3 . 423461_424703 *KIRS: ⌊2 Okay ⌋2 . 423917_424378 *DON: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 424328_424697 *KIRS: &=laugh &=ex . 424697_425090 *DON: ⌈ &{l=WH &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &}l=WH ⌉3 . 425090_427872 *KIRS: ⌊ (.) &=in They'll (.) they'll 425090_426397 (.) they'll try to ⌋ ⌊2 raise ⌋2 ⌊3 both ⌋3 . 426397_427872 *LORI: &=laugh &=in . 427062_427372 *KIRS: So . 427872_428394 *LORI: (.) &=laugh . 428394_428726 *KIRS: (..) I didn't catch that . 428726_430283 *KIRS: What wa- +... 430283_430471 *DON: It's called penguin euthanas⌈ia ⌉ . 430471_432116 *KIRS: ⌊ Sh: ⌋ . 431912_432266 *LORI: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 &=laugh &=laugh . 432266_433632 *KIRS: ⌊2 Ch: ⌋2 432786_433175 &=tsk (.) ⌈3 &=in &{l=WH Yeah &}l=WH ⌉3 . 433632_434850 *LORI: ⌊3 &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh ⌋3 . 434157_434850 *KIRS: (..) &=in Um 434850_436012 (.) so 436012_436578 (.) anyway . 436578_437031 *KIRS: (.) &=tsk (..) Apparently what ʔth- (.) what they +/. 437031_439675 *KIRS: (.) Now at this point they wanted to see 439675_441146 okay 441146_441531 now 441531_441819 is there actually a fertile +/. 441819_442982 *KIRS: (..) Is there a fertile (..) chick 442982_445785 or develop⌈ing chick ⌉ inside . 445785_447411 *LORI: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 446250_446572 *KIRS: And 447411_447887 &=in (.) apparently it was very very muddy 447887_450273 it was: (.) abnormally warm 450273_452062 and it was just a big mudbath out there 452062_454316 and they couldn't +/. 454316_454904 *KIRS: (.) &=in (.) They couldn't (.) clean off the mud enough 454904_457723 to (.) be able to see inside . 457723_459935 *KIRS: To see (.) if 459935_461035 (.) if it was viable . 461035_462284 *KIRS: So 462284_462616 (.) &=in they took an egg from nests 462616_464800 that had two eggs . 464800_465892 *KIRS: &=in And I think this (.) this report says 465892_468341 within thirty-one hours 468341_470164 &=in (.) the eggs were back here in Chicago . 470164_472592 *LORI: (..) &=tsk Wow . 472592_473475 *KIRS: (.) &=tsk That's pret⌈ty nea⌉t . 473475_474694 *NICO: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 474066_474364 *KIRS: (..) And the:n 474694_476221 the:y (.) took them to an &{l=L off-site incubation area &}l=L 476221_480474 (..) in Addison . 480474_482178 *KIRS: Is anybody from Addison ? 482178_483563 *KIRS: (..) I don't know where Addison is . 483563_486673 *NICO: ⌈ &=laugh &{l=@ &{l=X I don't either s- &}l=X &}l=@ ⌉ . 486673_487929 *X: ⌊ It's a we:st suburb ⌋ . 486673_487929 *KIRS: (..) West ? 487929_488773 *AMY: (..) &{l=X Yes &}l=X . 488773_489679 *KIRS: &=in So they were out in the west suburbs . 489679_491836 *KIRS: And incu⌈bated there ⌉ . 491836_493101 *X: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 492261_493101 *AMY: (.) &=laugh &=ex . 493101_493575 *LORI: &=tsk (.) ⌈ Mm: ⌉ . 493575_494400 *AMY: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 494036_494486 *KIRS: ⌊ (.) A: ⌋ nd: 494036_495086 (.) apparently now they're about 495086_496291 s:ix to seven weeks old ? 496291_499138 *NICO: (.) ⌈ Wow ⌉ . 499138_499795 *AMY: ⌊ When I was here ⌋ two weeks ago 499263_500386 they were sixty days . 500386_501596 *KIRS: T- (..) s- two weeks ago it was six⌈ty days ⌉ ? 501596_504317 *AMY: ⌊ I think 503510_503925 maybe it was ⌋ four weeks ago . 503925_505057 *KIRS: (..) Okay . 505057_507038 *AMY: (.) ⌈ Yea:h ⌉ . 507038_507572 *KIRS: ⌊ I think ⌋ 507212_507572 I think they're around six weeks old . 507572_509272 *LORI: (.) ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 509272_509904 *KIRS: ⌈ Okay ⌉ ? 509372_510029 *KIRS: (..) But when you see: (.) them 510029_512055 you'll see that they're (..) just about as big as number ten . 512055_515260 *KIRS: (..) They're big . 515260_516815 *LORI: (.) N-⌊kay ⌋ . 516815_517661 *AMY: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 517173_517661 *AMY: (.) When I +/. 517661_518102 *AMY: Yeah 518102_518377 when I was here they had 518377_519388 (..) they were (.) losing all of their (.) hair . 519388_522035 *AMY: (..) And they looked 522035_523236 (..) the two oldest ones looked like Ten . 523236_525566 *KIRS: (.) Right . 525566_526159 *KIRS: (.) Right . 526159_526644 *KIRS: &=in So basically 526644_527533 what the process has been is 527533_528961 (.) &=in we brought them here as chicks 528961_530740 but they still had their downy feathers . 530740_532810 *KIRS: (.) Okay 532810_533618 so 533618_534121 &=in as they lost their downy feathers 534121_536257 they became eligible to go out (.) onto exhibit . 536257_539263 *KIRS: &=in And so what they did last time you guys were here 539263_541490 there was (.) maybe (..) te:n . 541490_543411 *KIRS: (.) That were 543411_544224 (.) you know 544224_544731 I say eligible 544731_545613 to ⌈ be out on ex⌉hibit . 545613_546658 *NICO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 545765_546358 *KIRS: and what they would do is 546658_547477 they would carry them i:n 547477_548875 &=in (..) let them hang out for about a half an hour 548875_552028 (..) get acclimated to what was going on 552028_554272 and then take them o:ff . 554272_555672 *KIRS: (.) &=in And do this . 555672_557052 *KIRS: &=in Now they're out . 557052_558508 *KIRS: (..) Now they're 558508_560084 they are out on exhibit . 560084_561506 *DON: &=tsk All of them . 561506_562147 *KIRS: (..) ʔuh Almost all of em . 562147_564023 *KIRS: (..) Two days ago there was twenty-five out on exhibit . 564023_566600 *KIRS: ⌈ So we have ⌉ ⌈2 thir⌉2ty chicks total . 566600_568476 *DON: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 566600_567048 *LORI: ⌊2 Hm ⌋2 . 567232_567507 *KIRS: &=in So 568476_569192 twenty-five ⌈ plu:s are out on ⌉ exhibit . 569192_571189 *DON: ⌊ &=tsk Okay ⌋ . 569891_570624 *KIRS: (..) &=tsk &=in U:m 571189_572607 &=in (..) thing of it is 572607_574453 is let's think a little bit about (..) penguin natural history . 574453_577383 *KIRS: Okay ? 577383_577940 *KIRS: (..) How 577940_578704 (.) how long do penguins (.) spe:nd on land . 578704_581285 *DON: (..) Three months I think . 581285_585483 *KIRS: (..) What's your guess . 585483_587110 *LORI: &=in (..) ⌈ Uh: ⌉ . 587110_588840 *DON: ⌊ Three or is it 587735_588250 three to six ⌋ months ? 588250_589274 *KIRS: (..) Okay . 589274_590807 *LORI: (.) &=tsk &=in (..) U:m 590807_592847 (..) four ? 592847_594156 *LORI: Five ? 594156_594798 *KIRS: (..) Six . 594798_595782 *DON: Six ? 595782_596202 *KIRS: ⌈ Okay ⌉ ? 596202_596657 *NICO: ⌊ Six ⌋ months ? 596202_597050 *KIRS: (.) So 597050_597431 it's it's ba⌈sically . 597431_598261 *NICO: ⌊ Wow ⌋ . 597917_598431 *KIRS: it's an ⌉ even even spli⌈2t . 598261_599778 *DON: ⌊2 &=THROAT ⌋2 . 599728_599985 *KIRS: be⌉2twee:n 599816_600508 life out at sea and life on land . 600508_602587 *KIRS: (.) &=in So the sequence of events (.) i:s 602587_605594 (.) they come on (.) to shore 605594_607433 (..) springtime 607433_608762 (.) &=in they hook up with their mate 608762_611026 (.) they build a nest 611026_612525 (.) they mate 612525_613594 (.) they lay their eggs 613594_615082 &=in they brood their eggs 615082_616419 they hatch their chicks 616419_617619 they brood their chicks 617619_618808 they feed their chicks 618808_620209 &=in (..) they molt 620209_622088 (..) and then they're out to sea . 622088_624416 *KIRS: (..) So a:ll of that has to happen 624416_626813 (.) within that six-month perio:d 626813_628825 &=in that's a pretty busy bi:rd . 628825_630640 *LORI: (.) ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 630640_631836 *NICO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 630815_634259 *KIRS: ⌊ so⌋⌊2: ⌋2 . 630815_632161 *DON: ⌊3 &=in &{l=WH &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &}l=WH ⌋4 . 632161_634259 *KIRS: ⌊4 the penguins need to ⌋4 grow: 633011_634759 the chicks 634759_635452 in order to be (.) ready 635452_636651 to go out there 636651_637424 for six months out at sea: 637424_639054 really need to be (..) ⌈ very well suited for that ⌉ . 639054_643170 *DON: ⌊ &=THROAT &=lengthened ⌋ . 641394_643170 *KIRS: So they nee- need to be bi:g 643170_644503 they need to be hefty 644503_645753 &=in they need to have their adult feathers 645753_648078 (..) so⌈: ⌉ . 648078_649000 *AMY: ⌊ Mm⌋: . 648674_649125 *KIRS: (..) between the time that they actually hatch ou:t 649100_651714 (..) and the time that they're ready to go out to sea 651714_655123 is just a couple of months . 655123_657011 *NICO: (.) How long does it take for them (.) to hatch . 657011_659333 *KIRS: (..) &=tsk ⌈ &=in Well the incubation peri⌉od . 659333_661764 *NICO: ⌊ Or um 659938_660286 (.) &{l=X to have experience &}l=X ⌋ . 660286_661588 *KIRS: is anywhere 661764_662638 depends on the species 662638_663789 it's (.) it's one month to two months . 663789_665850 *NICO: Oh okay . 665850_666577 *KIRS: (..) &=tsk Okay 666577_668131 s:o 668131_668875 therefore 668875_669653 (..) you know basically 669653_671343 (..) between (..) building a nest 671343_674164 and mating 674164_674630 and all of that other stuff: 674630_676315 you know they 676315_676722 I would say that they have: three months 676722_679619 (..) to- (.) to grow and get ready . 679619_682682 *KIRS: (..) Okay . 682682_684110 *KIRS: (.) So they're b:ig . 684110_685498 *KIRS: (.) Now the funny thing is 685498_686904 is tha:t 686904_687480 (.) according to Mark Ryan 687480_689037 (..) &=in &{l=VOX well &}l=VOX 689037_690509 h:mm . 690509_691074 *NICO: &=laugh &=ex ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 691074_691809 *KIRS: ⌊ Or just int⌋eresting . 691205_692343 *KIRS: I [% laugh] guess [% laugh] &=laugh &=in 692343_693275 Go watch them 693275_694445 ⌈ um ⌉ . 694445_695025 *LORI: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 694445_695025 *KIRS: if you watch the trainers 695025_696570 they (.) walk into the exhibit 696570_698191 and they &=in start throwing penguins into the water ? 698191_701720 *KIRS: (..) And pushing them in 701720_703578 and they're (.) &=in all over the place 703578_706128 ⌈ um ⌉ . 706128_706653 *NICO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 706128_706653 *KIRS: (.) they try to get out 706653_707851 sometimes they make it 707851_708919 sometimes they fall back in 708919_710671 (.) &=in Gentus usually dive in (..) head first 710671_714742 (..) these guys are falling ⌈ in . 714742_716930 *AMY: ⌊ &=laugh &=ex (.) &=in ⌋ . 716666_717691 *KIRS: jumping in ⌉ 716905_717766 diving in 717766_718573 so their (.) &=in behaviors if you will are 718573_720873 are really interesting . 720873_722210 *KIRS: (..) ⌈ Okay ⌉ ? 722210_723205 *LORI: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 722685_723205 *KIRS: It's just 723205_723800 it's just a lot of fun to watch them . 723800_725751 *KIRS: (.) &=in Um 725751_726617 (.) they're doing something different with these chicks than we've done with the other penguins 726617_730003 is that they're trying to feed them crill . 730003_731971 *KIRS: (..) &=tsk &=in Um 731971_733800 (.) yesterday I think is th- is th- is when they tried it for the first ti:me 733800_738182 &=in and that cri:ll 738182_739729 is about as big as . 739729_740981 *LORI: (.) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 740981_741667 *KIRS: ⌊ you know from ⌋ (.) my joint 741106_742354 up to the top of my finger here 742354_743929 &=in so (.) it's very [% laugh] difficult for a person to hold a crill . 743929_747373 *NICO: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 747373_748353 *KIRS: (.) and drop it into a penguin's mouth . 748353_750288 *KIRS: So 750288_750766 (.) very good f- s- food source for them 750766_752665 that's what they would feed on in the wild 752665_754430 (.) in addition to other things 754430_756134 &=in &=lengthened so 756134_757210 what they're trying to do is 757210_758580 (.) they're throwing the crill into the water 758580_761200 and seeing if the chicks'll go for it . 761200_763579 *KIRS: (.) &=in So they tried it yesterday 763579_765335 and they had some mixed success 765335_767243 you know some animals were interested 767243_768747 others were:n't . 768747_769638 *KIRS: &=in So 769638_770774 (.) y- a- apparently they- they'll keep doing this . 770774_773704 *KIRS: (.) So: . 773704_774483 *KIRS: (.) Did +/. 774483_775055 *KIRS: Were they weren't doing that when ⌈ you were in ⌉ there . 775055_776851 *AMY: ⌊ No ⌋ . 776190_776616 *AMY: ⌈2 No no no ⌉2 . 776851_777465 *KIRS: ⌊2 (.) Okay ⌋2 . 776851_777465 *KIRS: (..) &=tsk &=in When they were chicks 777465_779347 cause what is it +/. 779347_779902 *KIRS: How does a mother &=in fee:d (..) a penguin chick . 779902_783754 *LORI: (..) Doesn't she bring food to it ? 783754_785635 *AMY: (.) She regurgitates it . 785635_786950 *KIRS: She regurgi⌈tates it . 786950_788234 *LORI: ⌊ Oh: ⌋ . 787851_788327 *KIRS: I ⌉ sh- shouldn't say she: 788234_789500 cause mother and father share⌈2: . 789500_791108 *LORI: ⌊2 Bo:th ⌋2 . 790873_791608 *NICO: ⌊2 Oh: ⌋2 . 790873_791600 *KIRS: share the ⌉2 duties 791183_792167 okay ? 792167_792649 *KIRS: &=in But yeah 792649_793354 they go out 793354_793818 they fee:d 793818_794643 (..) and they regurgitate up the foo:d 794643_796960 and that's how they feed the chicks⌈: ⌉ . 796960_798930 *NICO: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 798605_798957 *LORI: &=tsk &=in Actually other birds do that as well⌈: . 798957_800905 *KIRS: ⌊ A lot ⌋ . 800840_801227 *AMY: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 800840_801227 *LORI: Don't ⌉ they 800943_801423 a lot ⌈2 of bird⌉2s ⌈3 do ⌉3 . 801448_802655 *AMY: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 801692_802108 *KIRS: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 802251_802655 *KIRS: A lot of ⌈4 birds do ⌉4 . 802830_804169 *LORI: ⌊4 That's right ⌋4 . 803413_804169 *LORI: (..) &=THROAT . 804169_805009 *KIRS: They never really did any 805009_806290 &=ex well 806290_806793 we h- didn't regurgitate for the:m 806793_808745 &=in but [% laugh] . 808745_809590 *LORI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 809590_809996 *KIRS: they started them off with um (.) stri:ps of fi:sh 809996_813526 and they ⌈ actually ⌉ (.) dipped it in a vitamin a:nd u:m (..) &=tsk pureed crill batter . 813526_820423 *LORI: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 813751_814131 *NICO: (..) &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 820423_821966 *KIRS: ⌊2 Dipped it in ⌋2 821178_821977 and then gave it (.) to the penguin chicks . 821977_824280 *KIRS: So they've been on solid foo:d . 824280_826108 *LORI: (..) ⌈ Hm: ⌉ . 826108_827497 *KIRS: ⌊ (.) for quite some ⌋ ti:me 826672_828288 (..) a:nd now it's just interesting to see if they'll just go for the crill itself . 828288_832222 *AMY: Are they 832222_832768 I mean 832768_833091 are they being hesitant about it ? 833091_834397 *KIRS: (.) &=tsk &=in I didn't see it . 834397_835857 *KIRS: (.) ⌈ Yesterday ⌉ was the first time . 835857_837184 *AMY: ⌊ Because ⌋ . 835967_836399 *KIRS: they did it at el:even thirty and f:our o'clock . 837184_840182 *KIRS: (..) ⌈ Where the ⌉ +... 840182_841101 *AMY: ⌊ That's really ⌋ interesting 840639_841739 because 841739_842008 I mean 842008_842290 going (.) from being hand-fe:d . 842290_843892 *KIRS: (..) &=tsk (..) Right . 843892_846027 *KIRS: (..) Right . 846027_847199 *KIRS: (.) So I don't know . 847199_848279 *KIRS: So I would say 848279_849138 if you've got the ti:me 849138_850319 (.) &=in or if you wanna make the time to be down there at four thirty 850319_853199 &=in (..) hopefully they'll do it again today 853199_855693 and it'll be interesting to see 855693_857096 so . 857096_857768 *KIRS: (..) I'll find out from Mark . 857768_859799 *KIRS: Um 859799_860334 you know what the response with that is . 860334_862211 *LORI: So four thirty's chick feeding ? 862211_863729 *KIRS: (..) Yes: . 863729_865154 *DON: (..) Are there any particular trainers working with the penguins 865154_868282 uh: 868282_868844 (..) hm: . 868844_869994 *DON: (..) Are all the trainers allowed to work with the pen⌈guins ⌉ ? 869994_872646 *KIRS: ⌊ Yeah⌋: . 872226_872844 *KIRS: Well basically he:re 872844_874122 um 874122_874652 &=in all of the (.) trainers work with all of the animals . 874652_877527 *KIRS: (.) So 877527_878257 they rotate them arou:nd 878257_879476 basically 879476_880172 (..) &{l=P Excuse me &}l=P . 880172_881826 *KIRS: (..) So that the animals don't (.) get (..) attached to one person . 881826_885732 *KIRS: Because if that person decides to lea:ve 885732_887773 (..) then 887773_888718 that could be detrimental to the animals . 888718_890401 *KIRS: But 890401_890599 we do have a lead 890599_891285 (.) ⌈ a lead ⌉ (.) &=in person for each animal . 891285_893842 *LORI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 891422_891866 *KIRS: Mark Ryan is lead ⌈2 pengu⌉2ins . 893966_896083 *DON: ⌊2 Mhm ⌋2 . 895130_895623 *KIRS: (..) Meg is lead o:tter . 896083_898141 *KIRS: (.) Lisa Takaki was (.) lead ⌈ la:g ⌉ . 898141_901016 *DON: ⌊ X ⌋ . 900374_900838 *LORI: Mhm . 901016_901430 *KIRS: Greg is lead seal . 901430_902944 *KIRS: So 902944_903349 (.) &=in (.) Mark is basically calling the shots 903349_906223 (..) for (.) how the program's gonna be structured . 906223_908633 *KIRS: So he's 908633_909378 &=in he's the penguin trivia guy . 909378_911329 *KIRS: (..) &=tsk &=in So 911329_913756 (.) &=in it's a neat story . 913756_915135 *LORI: (.) ⌈ Mhm: ⌉ ? 915135_915852 *KIRS: ⌊ it's it's a ⌋ very neat background story 915260_917772 (.) &=in a:nd 917772_918737 I think 918737_919584 you know 919584_920032 (.) for s- for some of us 920032_921628 underwater viewing gallery has not been &=in your favorite place 921628_925563 &=in so 925563_926150 this could 926150_926905 (.) ʔuh ʔuh this (.) ⌈ (.) could bring ⌉ new light to the underwater viewing gallery . 926905_930775 *LORI: ⌊ Could be a gift ⌋ . 928310_928915 *KIRS: and actually 930800_931315 &=in (.) just give a new focus on the penguins . 931315_933418 *KIRS: We haven't done as much interpretation with the penguins 933418_935728 as we do with the other animals 935728_937030 so 937030_937371 &=in you actually have some kinda (.) neat things to interpret here . 937371_941124 *KIRS: As far as what's going on . 941124_942629 *KIRS: (..) &=tsk &=in Some other things that you might see 942629_945303 &=in the penguins (.) segregate themselves . 945303_947558 *KIRS: The species don't intermix . 947558_949451 *KIRS: (..) Okay 949451_950298 if you've ⌈ noticed that be⌉fore . 950298_951535 *NICO: ⌊ Mm: ⌋ . 950542_951116 *KIRS: the Rockhoppers pretty much station themselves in the center 951535_954461 (.) &=in the Magellanics used ⌈ to be⌉: (.) off to the right . 954461_957580 *DON: ⌊ &=COUGH ⌋ . 955996_956347 *KIRS: (..) and then 957555_958685 well number ten 958685_959654 (.) could do whatever she wan⌈ted [% laugh] ⌉ . 959654_961274 *AMY: ⌊ &=laugh &=ex ⌋ . 960913_961274 *DON: ⌈2 (.) &=tsk The Gentu ⌉2 . 961274_962132 *KIRS: ⌊2 &=in But ⌋2 . 961274_962132 *NICO: What's number ten . 962132_963347 *NICO: &{l=@ I ⌈ k- +... 963347_963847 *KIRS: ⌊ &=tsk &=in I'm sorry ⌋ . 963522_964622 *NICO: I I k- ⌉ ⌈2 s- +... 963847_964775 *AMY: ⌊2 &=laugh &=ex ⌋2 . 964622_964950 *NICO: I ⌉2 ⌈3 k- I keep going ⌉3 . 964775_966050 *KIRS: ⌊3 Number te:n ⌋3 . 964950_966050 *NICO: ⌈4 what's number ten here &}l=@ ⌉4 . 966050_967250 *AMY: ⌊4 &=laugh &=ex &=lengthened &=in ⌋4 . 966050_967250 *NICO: ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 967250_967700 *KIRS: ⌊5 Kay ⌋5 967250_967700 (.) the (.) the penguins are numbered . 967700_969670 *NICO: (.) ⌈ Oh: okay . 969670_970963 *KIRS: ⌊ Each penguin is number⌋ed . 970013_971524 *NICO: &=laugh &=ex ⌉ . 970963_971374 *KIRS: And o:n 971524_972466 (..) ⌈ on ⌉ ⌈2 (..) ⌉2 (.) the arm . 972466_974990 *LORI: ⌊ &{l=X Wing &}l=X ⌋ . 972978_973416 *DON: ⌊2 &=laugh &=ex &=in ⌋2 . 973483_973882 *KIRS: (.) okay 974990_975654 the (.) the joint here 975654_976729 well 976729_976969 (.) what do you call this . 976969_977989 *DON: The wing . 977989_978482 *DON: (..) &{l=P Humerus &}l=P . 978482_979245 *DON: (..) Hm . 979245_979775 *KIRS: (..) At the humerus ? 979775_981075 *DON: Hu- +... 981075_981401 *KIRS: (.) &{l=@ We would have &}l=@ a ta⌈:g . 981401_982889 *LORI: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 982653_983086 *KIRS: &=in ⌉ and they're color-coded 982889_984261 so 984261_984599 if you were like to see 984599_985688 (..) &=tsk (..) well how does it work . 985688_988187 *KIRS: Give me a ⌈ number ⌉ . 988187_989022 *AMY: ⌊ Well they wear ⌋ colors . 988544_989642 *AMY: (..) When I was there . 989642_991298 *KIRS: (.) Okay . 991298_992147 *KIRS: (..) &=in They're ⌈ colors but &=in ⌉ . 992147_993783 *AMY: ⌊ Just seven ⌋ +/. 992911_993783 *AMY: (..) Did they move em to number⌈2s ⌉2 ? 993783_995349 *KIRS: ⌊2 &=tsk ⌋2 . 995150_995349 *AMY: They were going to . 995349_996213 *KIRS: (..) Wh:at it i:s is that 996213_998005 (..) green 998005_999208 let's say for example 999208_1000320 green stands for one 1000320_1001586 black stands for two . 1001586_1002909 *KIRS: (..) That's number twel⌈:ve ⌉ . 1002909_1004717 *AMY: ⌊ Is that how ⌋ it works ? 1004251_1005168 *KIRS: Yeah . 1005168_1005667 *AMY: ⌈ (.) Okay ⌉ . 1005667_1006365 *KIRS: ⌊ &=in S⌋o: 1005667_1006726 (..) &=tsk they number them 1006726_1008201 so tha:t 1008201_1008627 when they're feeding them 1008627_1009673 and they're taking down the records of 1009673_1011146 okay number twelve ate five Columbia River smelts 1011146_1014201 and two . 1014201_1015232 *NICO: &=in &=lengthened (.) &=THROAT . 1015232_1016916 *KIRS: Capelands . 1016916_1017693 *LORI: Mhm . 1017693_1018215 *KIRS: (.) They can keep a record of what the animal eats . 1018215_1020963 *KIRS: (..) Okay 1020963_1021568 so they don't have names 1021568_1022864 but 1022864_1023191 (.) &=in she 1023191_1024114 (.) because sh- +/. 1024114_1024765 *KIRS: Because she's (..) &=in the lo:ne feisty pengui:n 1024765_1028155 number ten has become kind of famous 1028155_1030136 in the penguin world downstairs . 1030136_1031767 *KIRS: So 1031767_1032017 it ⌈ it ⌉ it's a female . 1032017_1033212 *NICO: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 1032212_1032405 *KIRS: th- the only female Gentu penguin 1033405_1035481 &=in (..) that we ha:d prior to the chicks coming in . 1035481_1038782 *NICO: ʔO:kay . 1038782_1039375 *KIRS: (.) &=tsk Okay 1039375_1040438 so: 1040438_1041062 &=in um 1041062_1041939 now you'll see that they're segregated 1041939_1043701 (..) actually the Gentus have kind of broken up into clumps 1043701_1047106 &=in and there's +/. 1047106_1048168 *KIRS: From what I saw yesterday 1048168_1049257 three different clu:mps 1049257_1050632 (.) &=in u:m 1050632_1051881 &=tsk let's see +/. 1051881_1052661 *KIRS: Let's +/. 1052661_1053098 *KIRS: (.) ʔG- +/. 1053098_1053362 *KIRS: (.) Let's interpret some of the behaviors we might see . 1053362_1055725 *KIRS: Okay 1055725_1055952 what is 1055952_1056399 (..) what is a penguin standing out with its arms like this . 1056399_1059672 *KIRS: I shouldn't say arms . 1059672_1060852 *KIRS: ⌈ Its ⌉ +... 1060852_1061244 *NICO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 ⌈3 &=laugh ⌉3 . 1060852_1061526 *LORI: ⌊2 Wing⌋2⌊3s ⌋3 . 1061221_1061876 *AMY: ⌊2 &=ex ⌋2 . 1061221_1061626 *DON: ⌊3 Wi⌋3⌈4:ngs ⌉4 . 1061626_1062583 *KIRS: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh Its⌋3⌊4: wing⌋4⌈5s ⌉5 . 1061651_1062868 *NICO: ⌊4 Wings ⌋4 . 1061951_1062618 *AMY: ⌊5 &=laugh &=in ⌋5 . 1062618_1062868 *KIRS: &=in . 1062868_1063101 *LORI: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 1063101_1063734 *KIRS: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 1063176_1063734 *LORI: U:⌈2m: ⌉2 . 1063734_1064856 *DON: ⌊2 Perspiring ⌋2 ? 1064043_1064856 *LORI: (..) actually cooling o⌈3:ff . 1064856_1066928 *DON: ⌊3 Cooling off ⌋3 . 1066672_1067166 *LORI: isn't ⌉3 ⌈4 it ⌉4 ? 1066928_1067441 *KIRS: ⌊4 &{l=% Yeah⌋4: &}l=% . 1067155_1067555 *KIRS: (..) Yeah⌈5: . 1067555_1068386 *LORI: ⌊5 Mhm ⌋5 . 1068211_1068691 *KIRS: &=in ⌉5 So right he:re 1068386_1069648 is where you don't 1069648_1070548 (.) where the penguins don't have a a dense covering of feathers . 1070548_1073936 *KIRS: (..) &=in So if they wanna cool off 1073936_1075611 they tend to do this . 1075611_1076958 *KIRS: (.) &=in Okay if I was to s:ee a pengui:n: doing this: 1076958_1080732 (..) lifting one leg u:p . 1080732_1082621 *LORI: &=tsk It's resting . 1082621_1083602 *LORI: (.) Isn't it ? 1083602_1084368 *KIRS: (..) What else could it be . 1084368_1087282 *AMY: (..) Sleeping ? 1087282_1089459 *AMY: (.) &{l=P No &}l=P ? 1089459_1089784 *NICO: (..) Balance ? 1089784_1091081 *NICO: I [% laugh] guess [% laugh] . 1091081_1091650 *KIRS: ⌈ It's balancing . 1091650_1092405 *AMY: ⌊ &=laugh &=ex &=lengthened &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋ . 1091650_1092555 *KIRS: it's ⌉ ⌈2 doing thinking tricks ⌉2 . 1092405_1093555 *NICO: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 &=laugh ⌉3 . 1092555_1093780 *DON: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1092555_1093555 *AMY: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 1093555_1094505 *KIRS: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 ⌊4 U:m ⌋4 . 1093555_1094447 *NICO: &=laugh &=in . 1094447_1094778 *KIRS: actually 1094778_1095185 it would be conserving heat . 1095185_1096896 *KIRS: (.) &=in O⌈kay ⌉ ? 1096896_1097692 *NICO: ⌊ Oh:⌋⌈2: ⌉2 . 1097332_1098029 *DON: ⌊2 Hm ⌋2 . 1097703_1098226 *KIRS: ⌊2 So⌋2: 1097692_1098331 (.) the wi:ngs 1098331_1099637 (..) and the f:- le:gs 1099637_1102144 feet . 1102144_1102884 *LORI: (.) Mhm . 1102884_1103474 *KIRS: (..) there's no (.) dense feather coverage on the 1103474_1106371 (.) on the legs 1106371_1107137 so they might be conserving heat . 1107137_1109192 *KIRS: (..) &=tsk &=in &=lengthened Okay 1109192_1110984 u:m 1110984_1111900 &=tsk i:f 1111900_1112885 (.) &=in &=lengthened I: saw a penguin 1112885_1115231 (.) &=SNEEZE 1115231_1115691 (.) sneezing . 1115691_1116691 *NICO: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1116691_1117388 *KIRS: What might be happening there . 1117388_1119109 *NICO: (..) Allergic ? 1119109_1120721 *NICO: To [% laugh] ⌈ food [% laugh] ⌉ ? 1120721_1121713 *KIRS: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1121033_1121713 *AMY: ⌊ Sick [% laugh] ⌋ . 1121033_1121713 *DON: ⌈2 &{l=@ I've never heard a ⌉2 ⌈3 (.) pen⌉3⌈4guin ⌉4 ⌈5 sneezing but &}l=@ ⌉5 . 1121713_1124422 *AMY: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh ⌋2 . 1121713_1122874 *NICO: ⌊3 &=laugh &=in ⌋3 . 1122874_1123222 *AMY: ⌊4 &=laugh ⌋4 . 1123222_1123447 *NICO: ⌊5 &=in Cold ⌋5 . 1123447_1124422 *DON: &=laugh &=ex . 1124422_1124699 *KIRS: Okay . 1124699_1125194 *DON: &=laugh &=ex . 1125194_1125502 *LORI: ⌈ It actually kind of s⌉neezes . 1125502_1127328 *NICO: ⌊ I know 1125502_1125820 could you hear it ⌋ ? 1125820_1126549 *NICO: &=in &=lengthened . 1127328_1127975 *AMY: (..) &=laugh &=ex . 1127975_1128800 *NICO: (..) How can you tell from it 1128800_1130919 (.) like shaking his ⌈ head . 1130919_1132276 *KIRS: ⌊ You'll . 1131984_1132363 *NICO: or sneezing ⌉ . 1132276_1133194 *KIRS: you'll see him . 1132363_1132955 *KIRS: You'll s⌋ee him 1132955_1133481 just ⌈2 like (.) &{l=X what &}l=X a ⌉2 person sneezing . 1133481_1135367 *NICO: ⌊2 Oh 1133669_1133979 okay ⌋2 . 1133979_1134435 *KIRS: ⌈3 you can ⌉3 (.) tell . 1135367_1136583 *DON: ⌊3 Mhm ⌋3 . 1135457_1135806 *KIRS: (.) When they jerk their h:ead like that . 1136583_1138269 *KIRS: &=in How was 1138269_1139362 how does a penguin (.) get its fresh water . 1139362_1141711 *KIRS: (..) &=tsk How does a penguin drink . 1141711_1143987 *NICO: (..) O:h . 1143987_1145416 *LORI: (..) I haven't studied penguins in a while ? 1145416_1148335 *LORI: Do:n 1148335_1149010 (..) do you know ? 1149010_1150481 *DON: &=tsk No . 1150481_1151049 *LORI: (.) ⌈ Hm-mm ⌉ . 1151049_1151778 *DON: ⌊ From ⌋ +/. 1151349_1151778 *DON: I: thought a way w- +/. 1151778_1152518 *DON: (..) Drank from pools . 1152518_1153846 *DON: Just +... 1153846_1154269 *KIRS: (.) They'll drink salt wat⌊er ⌋ . 1154269_1156247 *DON: ⌈ Salt ⌉ water . 1155872_1156568 *KIRS: all- ʔuh also 1156568_1157800 you know 1157800_1158136 like the dolphins 1158136_1158999 they actually &=in metabolize the water 1158999_1161654 (..) that's (.) stored in (.) in the fat of the fish that they eat . 1161654_1165576 *KIRS: And ⌊ that's how they ⌋ get their water source . 1165576_1167199 *LORI: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1165695_1166181 *KIRS: But basically 1167199_1167821 you've gotta separate 1167821_1168939 &=in the fresh water from the salt water 1168939_1171551 (..) actually just have to separate out that salt . 1171551_1174214 *KIRS: &=in (.) So they have a ⌈ special s:⌉⌈2:- ⌉2 +... 1174214_1176040 *NICO: ⌊ They have to ⌋ ⌊2 do tha⌋2⌈3:t ? 1175237_1176165 *LORI: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 ⌊3 So that's how they're ⌋3 do- +... 1175665_1177044 *NICO: Oh ⌉3 . 1176255_1176836 *LORI: That's what they're doing when they sneeze 1177044_1178370 is they're: getting rid of (.) ⌈ the sa⌉⌈2:lt ⌉2 . 1178370_1181631 *KIRS: ⌊ Salt ⌋ . 1180723_1181350 *NICO: ⌊2 Oh⌋2⌈3: ⌉3 . 1181350_1182618 *KIRS: ⌊3 That they have accumulated ⌋3 . 1181631_1182597 *KIRS: They have a salt gland . 1182597_1184224 *KIRS: (..) In the beak . 1184224_1185642 *KIRS: (..) And that is what separates ⌈ the sa:lt ou:t ⌉ . 1185642_1188951 *DON: ⌊ Did you know that before ⌋ . 1187745_1188951 *KIRS: (..) And to get ⌈2 rid of that s⌉2a⌈3:lt they ⌉3 . 1188951_1191095 *LORI: ⌊2 Hm-mm ⌋2 . 1189980_1190514 *DON: ⌊3 Me neither ⌋3 . 1190654_1191095 *KIRS: &=SNEEZE 1191095_1191374 (.) they sneeze . 1191374_1192447 *LORI: (.) &=tsk &=in Yeah ⌈ actually . 1192447_1193774 *NICO: ⌊ Oh 1193287_1193698 I never even thought of that ⌋ . 1193698_1195101 *LORI: I remember doing the peng⌉uin (.) thing a year ago 1193824_1196307 but I don't remember that (.) adap⌈2ta⌉2tion . 1196307_1198501 *DON: ⌊2 No ⌋2 . 1197713_1198076 *LORI: (..) &=in Oh well . 1198576_1199765 *KIRS: &=tsk (.) U:m 1199765_1201309 (..) we're gonna have to go up and do Q and A 1201309_1204114 in three minutes . 1204114_1205149 *KIRS: &=laugh &=ex 1205149_1205524 &=in Just looking at the clock . 1205524_1207174 *LORI: ⌈ Who's do- +... 1207174_1207710 *KIRS: ⌊ I'm facing the clock . 1207174_1208224 *LORI: Who's the diver ⌉ . 1207710_1208604 *KIRS: &=in ⌋ (.) I don't +/. 1208224_1209182 *KIRS: (.) Oh 1209182_1209578 probably Bernie . 1209578_1210754 *KIRS: (..) &=tsk &=in U:m . 1210754_1212229 *NICO: Do they have different divers 1212229_1213372 every . 1213372_1213839 *LORI: Mhm⌈: ⌉ . 1213839_1214309 *NICO: ⌊ t⌋⌈2ime ⌉2 . 1214234_1214637 *KIRS: ⌊2 Yeah⌋2: 1214351_1214887 (.) every day . 1214887_1215675 *KIRS: (..) &{l=P Every day &}l=P . 1215675_1216832 *NICO: ⌈ Oh ⌉ . 1216832_1217763 *KIRS: ⌊ So ⌋ that would be: excreting salt . 1217488_1219877 *KIRS: Um 1219877_1220422 (.) when I see a penguin: (.) &=in (.) picking its butt . 1220422_1223597 *KIRS: (.) ⌈ What is it d⌉⌈2oing ⌉2 . 1223597_1224691 *NICO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1223801_1224241 *AMY: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1224241_1224641 *LORI: (..) &=in &=tsk (..) Preening &=ex ? 1224691_1227121 *LORI: &=in Kinda like 1227121_1227829 ⌈ picking at its ⌉ feathers ? 1227829_1229013 *DON: ⌊ Preening ⌋ . 1227852_1228452 *DON: Preening . 1229013_1229563 *KIRS: (.) Okay . 1229563_1230161 *LORI: ⌈ Preening ⌉ . 1230161_1230615 *KIRS: ⌊ It's pree⌋ning 1230244_1230824 what is it doing . 1230824_1231625 *KIRS: What's at the base of the tail . 1231625_1233008 *DON: (..) &=laugh &=ex &=lengthened &=in ʔuh &=ex . 1233008_1236340 *KIRS: This is f⌈un you guy⌉⌈2:s ⌉2 . 1236340_1238248 *DON: ⌊ &=in Yeah ⌋ 1237083_1237876 ⌊2 right ⌋2 . 1237876_1238284 *AMY: ⌊2 &=ex &=laugh ⌋2 . 1237876_1238284 *LORI: It's ⌈3 at the ⌉3 +... 1238284_1238885 *NICO: ⌊3 It is ⌋3 ⌈4 fu:n ⌉4 . 1238384_1240110 *KIRS: ⌊3 (.) &=laugh ⌋3 ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋4 . 1238384_1240110 *DON: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 1238384_1240110 *LORI: (.) &=laugh &=ex . 1240110_1240548 *KIRS: (.) ⌈ &=laugh &=in &{l=SM What's at the base of the tail &}l=SM ⌉ . 1240548_1242417 *NICO: ⌊ I &{l=X wouldn't've &}l=X even thought of these thi⌋⌈2:ngs . 1240817_1242517 *DON: ⌊ &=laugh (.) Well the anus is at the ⌋ ⌊2 end of the ⌋2 tail . 1240817_1243101 *NICO: it's like ⌉2 1242517_1242855 &{l=% oh 1243101_1243467 didn't ⌈ know they had ⌉ ⌈2 meaning &}l=% ⌉2 . 1243542_1244758 *KIRS: ⌊ Pardon me ⌋ ? 1243900_1244258 *DON: ⌊ Right ⌋ ? 1243900_1244258 *DON: ⌊2 The anus ⌋2 is at the end of the ⌈3 tail ⌉3 . 1244283_1245768 *KIRS: ⌊3 That ⌋3 i:s 1245484_1246300 ⌈4 that is ⌉4 very true . 1246300_1247322 *DON: ⌊4 Right ⌋4 . 1246300_1246659 *KIRS: but . 1247322_1247584 *DON: But . 1247584_1247791 *KIRS: let's say (.) nea:r (.) the anus . 1247791_1250283 *KIRS: (.) What ⌈ might be there ⌉ . 1250283_1251361 *DON: ⌊ Why don't you answer ⌋ this ques⌈2tion ⌉2 . 1250525_1252104 *LORI: ⌊2 I ⌋2 got preen⌈3ing . 1251833_1252971 *DON: ⌊3 &=laugh &=ex &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 1252846_1254261 *LORI: &=laugh &=lengthened ⌉3 ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1252971_1253961 *NICO: ⌊4 (.) Ah: [% laugh] ⌋4 . 1253378_1254260 *KIRS: ⌊4 It's okay ⌋4 . 1253378_1254260 *LORI: (.) &=in ⌋4 ⌈5 &=lengthened It's ⌉5 +... 1253961_1254936 *KIRS: ⌊5 It's the pr⌋5⌈6eening gland ⌉6 . 1254260_1256148 *DON: ⌊6 &=ex (.) Yeah ⌋6 . 1254844_1256148 *LORI: &=tsk Oh 1256148_1256474 o⌈kay ⌉ . 1256474_1256841 *KIRS: ⌊ Okay ⌋ 1256550_1256857 so it's a gla:nd 1256857_1257979 (..) that (..) sto:res oi:l 1257979_1260399 so what a penguin will do 1260399_1261500 is it'll go back 1261500_1262413 it'll ⌈ squee⌉ze the gland . 1262413_1263828 *DON: ⌊ &=COUGH ⌋ . 1262587_1262961 *KIRS: &=in it'll get some oil on its beak 1263828_1265964 and then 1265964_1266545 &=in (.) it's ⌈ rubbing (.) that (.) waterproofing ⌉ . 1266545_1269861 *LORI: ⌊ &=in (.) So it can keep itself water⌋proof 1267221_1270286 ⌈2 righ⌉2:t . 1270286_1270867 *DON: ⌊2 Mm ⌋2 . 1270286_1270667 *KIRS: waterproofing . 1270867_1271710 *LORI: ⌈ Mhm: ⌉ . 1271710_1272409 *NICO: ⌊ Oh: ⌋ . 1271710_1272409 *KIRS: ⌊ (.) all over ⌋ its feathers . 1271710_1273271 *AMY: Hm . 1273271_1273437 *LORI: Mhm: . 1273437_1273980 *KIRS: (..) Preening 1273980_1275201 also consists of 1275201_1276826 &=in (.) working (.) an air layer 1276826_1279243 (..) at the base of the feathers 1279243_1281348 (..) because ai:r (.) is a better insulator (.) than wa:ter . 1281348_1286005 *KIRS: If there ⌈ was w⌉ater touching the skin . 1286005_1288005 *LORI: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 1286255_1286549 *KIRS: (.) &=in water is like a vacuum cleaner . 1288005_1290557 *KIRS: It is ⌈ just gonna s⌉:uck the heat away . 1290557_1292550 *LORI: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1290825_1291395 *KIRS: so by having the air there 1292550_1294084 &=in it's a better insulator . 1294084_1295815 *KIRS: (.) &=in So when I see a penguin dive into the wa:te:r 1295815_1298904 and I see all of these little air bubbles coming out 1298904_1301528 (.) what am I seeing . 1301528_1302661 *LORI: (.) The air is r- +/. 1302661_1303799 *LORI: (.) Is . 1303799_1304471 *DON: (..) Escaping ⌈ from the feathers ⌉ . 1304471_1306395 *LORI: ⌊ escaping ⌋ . 1305504_1306395 *LORI: (.) ⌈2 Right . 1306395_1307025 *KIRS: ⌊2 Is compressed out ⌋2 . 1306495_1307768 *LORI: From the ⌉2 +... 1307025_1307768 *KIRS: (.) &=CH &=CH 1307768_1308319 so the penguin comes up on land 1308319_1309919 ⌈ and let's ⌉ start again . 1309919_1311209 *LORI: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1309919_1310453 *KIRS: (.) And will start preening 1311209_1312706 &=in working that air layer in 1312706_1314580 &=in ⌈ getting ⌉ some oil . 1314580_1316280 *LORI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 1314955_1315284 *KIRS: (.) ⌈2 spreading it ou⌉2⌈3:t ⌉3 . 1316280_1317438 *LORI: ⌊2 How often do the ⌋2 +... 1316430_1317263 *DON: ⌊3 Mm ⌋3 . 1317263_1317446 *LORI: How d- often does the bird ⌈4 molt ⌉4 . 1317446_1318993 *KIRS: ⌊4 &=tsk &=in ⌋4 . 1318638_1318993 *LORI: Once a year ? 1318993_1319652 *KIRS: Once a yea⌈:r . 1319852_1320650 *LORI: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 1320423_1320894 *KIRS: (.) S⌉ome species'll (.) molt (.) ⌈2 twice . 1320894_1323066 *LORI: ⌊2 ʔuhʔuh Twice ⌋2 . 1322588_1323695 *KIRS: &=in ⌉2 But basically 1323245_1324241 if you think about it 1324241_1325170 (.) you know 1325170_1325805 a year 1325805_1326467 of picking at the feathers 1326467_1328021 the feathers are gonna wear out . 1328021_1329590 *LORI: ⌈ Mhm: ⌉ . 1329590_1330162 *KIRS: ⌊ &=in S⌋o the last thing that a penguin does 1329590_1331799 before it goes out to sea: 1331799_1333309 (..) i:s . 1333309_1334518 *LORI: Shed its: 1334518_1335391 (.) ⌈ yeah ⌉ . 1335391_1336062 *NICO: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 1335441_1336062 *KIRS: It (..) does a clean sweep . 1336062_1338158 *LORI: (.) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 1338158_1338913 *KIRS: ⌊ And ⌋ 1338239_1338913 molts all of its feathers off . 1338913_1340574 *KIRS: (..) And then gets the new feathers o:n . 1340574_1343353 *KIRS: (..) &=tsk &=in (.) Okay . 1343353_1345248 *KIRS: (.) &=in &=lengthened So 1345248_1346264 other than that 1346264_1347053 um 1347053_1347460 (.) really the only t:raining ? 1347460_1349062 *KIRS: (.) That they do (.) with the penguins ? 1349062_1351070 *KIRS: You know 1351070_1351341 we train all kinds of behaviors 1351341_1353000 with the other animals . 1353000_1354320 *KIRS: &=in (.) The- the- the- the training that they do with the penguins 1354320_1357415 is basically 1357415_1358121 that they have feeding stations for them . 1358121_1360838 *DON: Hm . 1360838_1361119 *KIRS: &=in (.) Uh Rockhoppers' is here 1361119_1363026 uh Gentus' is he:re 1363026_1364224 Magellanics' is he:re 1364224_1365546 and you: are not gonna get a fi:sh 1365546_1367658 (..) unless you come to your feeding station . 1367658_1370171 *LORI: (.) &=tsk Do they pretty much know that by now ? 1370171_1372358 *LORI: (.) Have they pretty much ada:pted to that ? 1372358_1374172 *AMY: (..) &=in (..) They were still in the room . 1374172_1378175 *KIRS: (..) O⌈kay ⌉ . 1378175_1379180 *AMY: ⌊ When ⌋ 1378753_1379205 when I was here . 1379205_1380307 *AMY: And 1380307_1380620 they were 1380620_1381011 (.) they were pretty random (..) about it 1381011_1384061 (.) because Mark would (.) take 1384061_1385965 (.) you know a bucket over here . 1385965_1387602 *KIRS: Right . 1387602_1387839 *KIRS: ⌈ And that ⌉ was with the chicks⌈2: ⌉2 . 1387839_1389201 *AMY: ⌊ and then ⌋ 1387839_1388240 ⌊2 whoev⌋2er 1388901_1389279 yeah⌈3: ⌉3 . 1389279_1389876 *KIRS: ⌊3 O⌋3kay . 1389751_1390235 *AMY: (.) With (.) the 1390235_1391519 (..) &=in &{l=HI yeah &}l=HI 1391519_1392611 (..) I mean 1392611_1393226 the ones that were (.) in the:re . 1393226_1394515 *LORI: The adult p⌈enguins ⌉ . 1394515_1395604 *AMY: ⌊ the:y ⌋ 1395133_1395604 yeah 1395604_1395885 the ⌈ adult ⌉ ones were fine about it . 1395885_1397371 *LORI: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1395950_1396321 *AMY: you know 1397371_1397635 someone set up over here 1397635_1398504 and someone over here 1398504_1399139 and they (..) pretty much went 1399139_1400428 (..) where they ⌈ were supposed to . 1400428_1402247 *LORI: ⌊ So they knew 1401232_1401893 to go to station o:⌋ne . 1401893_1403008 *AMY: (.) Yeah ⌉ . 1402247_1402874 *LORI: Versus sta⌈2tion t⌉2⌈3:wo ⌉3 . 1403008_1404343 *KIRS: ⌊2 Right ⌋2 . 1403652_1403997 *AMY: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 1403897_1404250 *LORI: (..) O⌈4kay ⌉4 . 1404250_1405172 *KIRS: ⌊4 S⌋4o 1404947_1405528 (..) I guess . 1405528_1407556 *KIRS: &=laugh &=laugh 1407556_1408002 Not I'm not +/. 1408002_1408434 *KIRS: (.) I'm not su:re 1408434_1409317 but 1409317_1409669 (..) &=in it's just kind of interesting 1409669_1410935 because 1410935_1411472 (..) other facilities 1411472_1413606 as far as I'm aware 1413606_1414753 it's like with the sea otters as well 1414753_1416715 &=in you know 1416715_1417253 ʔuh the training that they do with these animals is pretty minimal . 1417253_1420065 *KIRS: With the sea otters 1420065_1420920 they're pretty +/. 1420920_1421485 *KIRS: (.) They can be aggressive 1421485_1422557 they have (.) big teeth . 1422557_1423645 *KIRS: &=in People have historically done more training 1423645_1425933 with cetaceans 1425933_1426832 than they have (.) with &=in other animals 1426832_1429064 and we 1429064_1429550 we really do: some pretty unique training here 1429550_1432240 &=in (..) with our penguins 1432240_1433697 with our sea otters 1433697_1434516 and with our sea:ls . 1434516_1435519 *LORI: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 1435519_1436006 *KIRS: ⌊ So ⌋ . 1435519_1436006 *KIRS: (..) It's kinda neat stuff . 1436056_1437907 *LORI: (..) ⌈ Cool ⌉ . 1437907_1438908 *KIRS: ⌊ &=tsk ⌋ (..) Anything else ? 1438408_1439907 *KIRS: About penguins: 1439907_1441275 that we should discuss ? 1441275_1442594 *KIRS: (..) For you guys 1442594_1445743 the key to the penguin (.) ca:rt 1445743_1447821 (.) if you d- +/. 1447821_1448453 *KIRS: Well 1448453_1448772 I don't . 1448772_1449017 *LORI: (.) The puf⌈fin ⌉ cart ? 1449017_1449971 *KIRS: ⌊ ʔuh ⌋ 1449462_1449681 Are +/. 1449971_1450226 *KIRS: ⌈ Yeah the ⌉ +... 1450226_1450600 *DON: ⌊ Puffin ⌋ ⌈2 cart ⌉2 ? 1450226_1450911 *LORI: ⌊2 Mhm ⌋2 . 1450600_1450911 *KIRS: &=in Is (..) o:n 1450911_1452583 is behind the tide pool . 1452583_1453902 *KIRS: On one of re- the reserve tanks . 1453902_1455547 *KIRS: So if you choose to pick a specimen 1455547_1457374 &=in (..) you don't have to bring the whole cart out . 1457374_1459602 *KIRS: ⌈ If you wanna ⌉ grab a specimen . 1459602_1461002 *DON: ⌊ Hm: ⌋ . 1459602_1460091 *KIRS: and bring it out to the exhibit 1461002_1462211 that's fine . 1462211_1462887 *KIRS: But 1462887_1463095 &=in &=lengthened I suggest that (.) you (.) check it out (.) today 1463095_1465975 anyway 1465975_1466725 um 1466725_1467154 (..) &=tsk there's just +/. 1467154_1468336 *KIRS: (..) There's some neat things to interpret . 1468336_1470181 *KIRS: So . 1470181_1470680 *KIRS: &=in &=lengthened (.) Check it out . 1470680_1471899 *LORI: You've got (.) underwater ⌈ viewing ⌉ . 1471899_1473395 *DON: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1472866_1473395 *DON: (..) At three . 1473395_1474289 *KIRS: Check it out . 1474289_1474812 *KIRS: So if there's a time 1474812_1475633 (.) you know for Lori to go do it 1475633_1477169 &=in . 1477169_1477674 *LORI: &=tsk Well I'll probably go between coasta:l 1477674_1480115 (.) I'll probably me⌈ander coast⌉al downstairs . 1480115_1482425 *KIRS: ⌊ &=tsk Okay ⌋ . 1480958_1481613 *LORI: Cause there's a presentation (..) close to four thirty . 1482425_1485471 *KIRS: Okay . 1485471_1485855 *KIRS: (..) Great . 1485855_1486786 *LORI: Oh wait . 1486786_1487187 *LORI: (..) Never mind . 1487187_1488396 *LORI: (.) I'll do it then . 1488396_1489510 *LORI: (..) When there's a presentation at three . 1489510_1491832 *KIRS: (..) &{l=VOX Perfect &}l=VOX . 1491832_1494497 *LORI: (.) Mhm: . 1494497_1495157 *KIRS: (.) &=tsk &=in So that is penguin stuff . 1495157_1497298 *KIRS: Um 1497298_1497787 I hate to say it 1497787_1498908 but 1498908_1499384 (..) can you guys go do Q and A 1499384_1501116 or who +/. 1501116_1501420 *KIRS: Or Lori are you doing Q and A ? 1501420_1502848 *LORI: No 1502848_1503278 I don't think anyone signed up for ⌈ Q and A ⌉ . 1503278_1505576 *DON: ⌊ Nobody sign⌋⌈2ed up for Q and A ⌉2 . 1504729_1506945 *LORI: ⌊2 (.) &=laugh &=ex &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1505723_1506945 *KIRS: ⌊2 Nobody's gonna do Q and ⌋2 A:⌈3: ⌉3 ? 1505723_1507578 *LORI: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 . 1507253_1507625 *KIRS: &=in &=lengthened (.) I should've cancelled it then . 1507625_1509927 *KIRS: (.) &{l=WH Guys &{l=X why won't &}l=X somebody do Q and ⌈ A &}l=WH ⌉ . 1510002_1511737 *LORI: ⌊ Well ⌋ 1511398_1511816 both of us⌈2: ⌉2 . 1511816_1512652 *KIRS: ⌊2 Do it ⌋2 to⌈3gether ⌉3 . 1512427_1513302 *DON: ⌊3 You wanna do ⌋3 it ? 1512799_1513403 *LORI: Yeah 1513403_1513645 cause I can't remember the questions . 1513645_1515333 *KIRS: (.) Do it together . 1515333_1516294 *LORI: You have to remind me the ques⌈tion . 1516294_1517761 *DON: ⌊ I gotta be down at the ⌋ tide pool at two thirty . 1517490_1519525 *LORI: Alright ⌉ . 1517761_1518226 *LORI: That's ⌈2 okay⌉2: . 1519525_1520276 *KIRS: ⌊2 Okay ⌋2 . 1519779_1520026 *KIRS: (.) O⌈3kay ⌉3 . 1520276_1520859 *LORI: ⌊3 We'll ⌋3 do Q and A . 1520684_1521724 *LORI: ⌈4 And if it's ⌉4 +... 1521724_1522226 *KIRS: ⌊4 Thanks guy⌋4:s . 1521724_1522738 *LORI: (.) ʔUh what time is (.) Q and A 1522738_1524121 two (.) tw⌈enty ⌉ . 1524121_1525161 *KIRS: ⌊ Now⌋: . 1524940_1525369 *LORI: (..) ⌈2 A:nd . 1525369_1526321 *DON: ⌊2 Right now ⌋2 . 1525794_1526396 *LORI: t⌉2ell me ⌈3 when I can get check⌉3ed out on seals . 1526321_1528375 *DON: ⌊3 Two fifteen ⌋3 . 1526688_1527414 *KIRS: Okay . 1528375_1528729 *KIRS: I'll ⌈ find y⌉ou . 1528729_1529525 *LORI: ⌊ Today ⌋ . 1528954_1529354 *DON: Where's ⌈2 &{l=X the um &}l=X ⌉2 . 1529525_1530280 *KIRS: ⌊2 I will find ⌋2 ⌈3 you ⌉3 . 1529606_1530570 *LORI: ⌊2 (.) I don't wanna do ⌋2 ⌊3 it in two ⌋3 weeks 1529606_1530858 I'll ⌈4 forget . 1530883_1531308 *DON: ⌊4 where's the ⌋4 +... 1531060_1531433 *LORI: &=laugh ⌉4 ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 1531308_1531917 *KIRS: ⌊5 No I won't ⌋5 1531383_1531917 ʔI promise . 1531917_1532803 @End