@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: LISA LISA Speaker, KEVI KEVIN Speaker, MARI MARIE Speaker, BABY BABY Environment, ENV ENV Environment @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|LISA|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|KEVI|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|MARI|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|BABY|||||Environment||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ENV|||||Environment||| @Media: 36, audio @Comment: Judgmental on People @Comment: Face-to-face conversation recorded in Albuquerque, New Mexico. There are three participants and a baby. Lisa and Kevin are siblings, Marie (the baby's mother) is a friend of Lisa's. Much of the speech event focuses on interaction with, and talk about, the baby, as well as gossip about friends and co-workers. *LISA: (.) &=in ⌈ &=IMITATING_BABY_BREATHING ⌉ &=lengthened . 0_2648 *KEVI: ⌊ &{l=X He's teething &}l=X ⌋ . 1004_1965 *LISA: &=IMITATING_BABY_BREATHING ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 2648_5458 *MARI: ⌊2 You should have heard ⌋2 him 4823_5612 the night we took him to the emergency room . 5612_7029 *MARI: ⌈ He sounded worse ⌉ . 7029_7958 *LISA: ⌊ I [% laugh] pr- if- ʔuh ⌋ +/. 7029_7958 *LISA: I know 7958_8279 I would probably've ⌈ been totally freaked out ⌉ . 8279_9826 *KEVI: ⌊ That's sca:ry ⌋ . 8631_9652 *LISA: &=in Maybe it's good he didn't stay with me 9826_11426 I'd've been like &{l=VOX Michael . 11426_12508 *LISA: &=GASP &}l=VOX . 12508_12766 *MARI: (..) Yeah 12766_14261 he was +... 14261_14752 *KEVI: ⌈ &{l=VOX Scary &}l=VOX ⌉ . 14752_15451 *MARI: ⌊ He was: ⌋ um: . 14752_15947 *LISA: (..) I'd be like Mom 15947_17150 uh 17150_17357 what should we do with this child . 17357_18121 *MARI: (.) Well his temperature was a hundred and four point five . 18121_20193 *LISA: (..) That is so high . 20193_21566 *KEVI: He's lucky ⌈ that he didn't ⌉ +... 21566_22766 *LISA: ⌊ How long ⌋ was he there . 22292_23419 *LISA: That ⌈2 high ⌉2 . 23419_23871 *KEVI: ⌊2 How l⌋2ong 23617_24058 (.) do you know ? 24058_24730 *MARI: Uh his fever ? 24730_25599 *KEVI: (.) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 25599_26121 *MARI: ⌊ I don't ⌋ know . 25599_26400 *KEVI: (..) That's da:ngerouʔ +/. 26400_28152 *KEVI: I mean ⌈ &{l=X it's &}l=X XX ⌉ +... 28152_28907 *MARI: ⌊ The doctor s⌋aid . 28309_29225 *LISA: ⌊ Cause he could have ⌋ 28309_28907 brain damage⌈2: ⌉2 . 29225_29913 *MARI: ⌊2 The ⌋2 doctor said that (.) th- um 29809_31402 (.) &=tsk his pediatrician cause I asked him about it 31402_33404 &=in and he said that they don't hospitalize until they go up to like a hundred and seven . 33404_37147 *MARI: (.) And that's where it's fatal . 37147_38230 *MARI: &=in And I was like 38230_39221 well 39221_39514 (.) you ⌈ know ⌉ . 39514_40129 *LISA: ⌊ What a⌋bout brain damage . 39830_41074 *LISA: (..) That doesn't matter or . 41074_42725 *MARI: (..) M:m:m⌈: ⌉ . 42725_43934 *LISA: ⌊ Excuse ⌋ me brain damage is important &{l=VOX to me &}l=VOX . 43586_45316 *LISA: (..) ⌈2 &=tsk ⌉2 . 45316_47299 *MARI: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 He said actually f:evers (..) ʔuh:are +/. 46934_49838 *MARI: &=in (.) How did he explain it 49838_51003 he said something like 51003_51512 fethers +/. 51512_51985 *MARI: Fevers are like 51985_52927 (..) um 52927_53628 (.) &=in (.) good for babies like 53628_55387 when they're i- b- getting sick 55387_56559 because they help (.) the immune system fight harder . 56559_58874 *MARI: Somehow . 58874_59337 *LISA: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened Well tha⌉t's what the +... 59337_61061 *MARI: ⌊ I don't know ⌋ . 59923_60369 *LISA: (..) I mean that's what +/. 61061_62369 *LISA: The reason the body gets that hot 62369_63964 is like to kill the germs or whatever I think . 63964_65889 *LISA: (.) Isn't that part of it ? 65889_67176 *MARI: (..) Yes doctor Kevin 67176_69409 tell us . 69409_69929 *MARI: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 69929_71362 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 69929_71362 *LISA: ⌊ (.) No I'm pretty +/. 69929_71244 *LISA: I'm ⌋ pretty sure 71244_72112 I'm pretty sure that's part of it 72112_73194 &=in but ʔuh:uh it's just that you have to watch out 73194_75058 cause then 75058_75518 if it gets too hot it's bad for the brain . 75518_77717 *MARI: It's like a car 77717_78331 it overheats . 78331_79144 *MARI: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 79144_79598 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in . 79144_80289 *MARI: &{l=@ And stalls out: &}l=@ ⌉ . 79598_80630 *KEVI: &{l=@ M:ay ⌋ be 80289_81033 I don't &}l=@ +/. 81033_81430 *KEVI: I ʔuh +... 81430_81796 *LISA: &{l=VOX Are you gonna stall ⌈ out &{l=L2 jito &}l=L2 &}l=VOX ⌉ . 81796_83342 *KEVI: ⌊ I'm not &{l=VOX su:⌋:re &}l=VOX . 82639_83494 *LISA: &{l=VOX Don't stall out on us &}l=VOX . 83494_84734 *KEVI: (..) Who's all the &{l=VOX babinos &}l=VOX . 84734_86100 *KEVI: (.) I know the one in the lower right . 86100_87515 *LISA: Which one ? 87515_88115 *MARI: (.) This one (.) is mine . 88115_89400 *MARI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉ . 89400_90901 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in 89795_90532 I rec⌋⌈2ognize him ⌉2 ⌈3 alr- ⌉3 . 90532_91575 *LISA: ⌊2 I:ssac ⌋2 . 90901_91436 *MARI: ⌊3 That⌋3's the one that's ten days older than him 91424_93208 that's Michael's +/. 93208_93686 *MARI: ʔuh Those ⌈ are Michael's ⌉ neph⌈2ews ⌉2 . 93720_94879 *LISA: ⌊ Jose ⌋ . 94027_94374 *KEVI: ⌊2 that's ⌋2 Jo⌈3se: ⌉3 . 94661_95419 *LISA: ⌊3 Jose and ⌋3 then . 95054_95740 *MARI: ⌈4 and then Gino's the one in the ⌉4 middle . 95740_97144 *LISA: ⌊4 Gino is in the middle ⌋4 . 95740_96890 *MARI: That's ⌈5 his sister ⌉5 . 97144_98093 *KEVI: ⌊5 Aw: he's ⌋5 (..) a bit older . 97322_98843 *KEVI: ⌈6 Right ⌉6 ? 98843_99130 *MARI: ⌊6 Yeah he's ⌋6 three . 98843_99509 *KEVI: (..) He doesn't ⌈7 look that ⌉7 +... 99509_101593 *LISA: ⌊7 &=in H⌋7e's o- +/. 101177_102011 *LISA: He's three . 102011_102764 *LISA: (.) Is he talking any more ? 102764_104137 *LISA: (..) Is he talking good now ? 104137_106469 *MARI: (.) You can't understan- +/. 106469_107345 *MARI: He +/. 107345_107616 *MARI: You ca:n but 107616_108543 (.) then you can't . 108543_109204 *MARI: Sometimes some of the things he says . 109204_110602 *LISA: (.) &=in Does he talk big long things but you just can't understand em ? 110602_113396 *LISA: (..) No 113396_114453 he's okay then . 114453_115188 *KEVI: (.) &{l=P A gestalt kid &}l=P . 115188_116290 *LISA: &=in &{l=VOX He's a gestalt child &}l=VOX . 116290_117594 *KEVI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉ . 117594_119125 *MARI: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌈2 &=in ⌉2 . 118021_119721 *LISA: ⌊2 No 119125_119356 there's two ⌋2 ⌈3 different wa- ⌉3 +... 119356_120128 *MARI: ⌊3 Yeah 119721_119965 ps⌋3ychotherapist ⌈4 &=laugh Lisa ⌉4 . 119965_121445 *LISA: ⌊4 No no no ⌋4 ⌈5 no no no n- no: no: n- no: . 120988_123072 *MARI: ⌊5 &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 . 121454_123299 *KEVI: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 . 121454_123299 *LISA: &=in ⌉5 It's just two different ways . 123299_124570 *LISA: (.) Like 124570_124883 kids can either like 124883_125701 they'll say one word 125701_126729 (..) but they'll say it really 126729_128065 (.) like pretty clear 128065_129109 &=in (..) and that's the way they're th- +/. 129109_130882 *LISA: They'll have like (.) twenty words or whatever 130882_132432 and they'll just ask for one thing . 132432_133518 *LISA: &=in And then there's other ki:ds who go 133518_135071 &{l=VOX na-na-na-na-za-ba-da &}l=VOX ? 135071_136048 *LISA: (.) And there'll ⌈ be a word in there somewhere ⌉ ? 136048_137805 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh ⌋ . 136536_137805 *LISA: &=in And there's a +... 137805_138820 *BABY: &{n=COUGHING . 138120_138820 *KEVI: (..) Oh:⌈: ⌉ . 138820_140795 *MARI: ⌊ Don't fr⌋eak out . 140434_141266 *LISA: (..) ⌈2 Are you okay ⌉2 ? 141266_145077 *KEVI: ⌊2 Cause I tickled his ⌋2 feet . 144307_145616 *KEVI: (..) It's all my fault . 145616_146739 *LISA: (.) Give him a drink . 146739_147597 *MARI: (.) &{l=X It's &}l=X he drinks too fast . 147597_149073 *MARI: (.) It just went down the wrong pipe . 149073_150149 *BABY: &}n=COUGHING . 150149_151040 *KEVI: (..) You need to burp ? 150149_152941 *BABY: (..) &=CRY (..) &=CRY . 152941_156048 *KEVI: ⌈ It wasn't that bad . 156048_156809 *LISA: ⌊ &{l=VOX Oh: 156048_156665 really sorry &}l=VOX ⌋ . 156665_157710 *KEVI: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉ . 156809_157710 *LISA: (..) &=in But um 157710_159200 (..) anyways . 159200_160292 *LISA: (..) ⌈ So it's just a d- like a different ⌉ style . 160292_162362 *KEVI: ⌊ X &{l=X a lot of air &}l=X ⌋ . 160757_161877 *LISA: (..) &{l=VOX I sorry &}l=VOX . 162362_164534 *KEVI: ⌈ They're allowed ⌉ to do it either way . 164534_165602 *MARI: ⌊ &=tsk &=in ⌋ . 164534_164986 *LISA: (..) &{l=@ They're allow⌈2:ed &}l=@ . 165602_167011 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh ⌋2 . 166782_169481 *LISA: &=in &{l=VOX No no no no: &}l=VOX ⌉2 . 167011_169279 *LISA: (..) &=in &{l=VOX Which way you gonna do it &}l=VOX . 169481_171668 *KEVI: (..) &=tsk (..) Is he a righ- +/. 171668_175306 *KEVI: Are you a righty ? 175306_176045 *KEVI: You're a righty . 176045_176740 *MARI: (..) It's funny cause 176740_181024 h- he'll be like 181024_181756 he'll get up in the morning 181756_182542 he'll sit in front of the TV with his bottle in one hand 182542_184443 just watching TV [% laugh] . 184443_185342 *KEVI: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 185342_185913 *MARI: ⌊ &=in like ⌋ half asleep 185342_186682 ⌈2 you know . 186682_187083 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋2 . 186682_188021 *MARI: he's [% laugh] a [% laugh] 187083_187568 &=in ⌉2 and I'm like 187568_188487 Go:- . 188487_188923 *MARI: &=in ⌈ While ago he ⌉ was sitting here . 188923_190247 *KEVI: ⌊ &{l=X If you lay &}l=X ⌋ +... 189204_189606 *MARI: and he was watch⌈2ing the football game ⌉2 . 190247_191693 *LISA: ⌊2 Like his grandpa ⌋2 . 190841_191693 *MARI: (..) he ⌈3 was wa⌉3tching the football game . 191693_193655 *KEVI: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 . 192399_192658 *MARI: (..) &=laugh ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 193655_195179 *LISA: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋4 ⌈5 &=in . 194166_195690 *KEVI: ⌊4 (.) &=in &=lengthened That's ⌋4 ⌊5 low: 194166_195705 &{l=X Issac- &}l=X ⌋5 +... 195690_196096 *LISA: Bottle in ⌉5 one hand 195690_196726 ⌈6 half asleep⌉6⌈7: . 196726_197416 *KEVI: ⌊6 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋6 ⌊7 (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋7 . 196726_198812 *MARI: ⌊7 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋7 . 197416_198812 *LISA: watching TV [% laugh] 197416_198222 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉7 ⌈8 &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=in ⌉8 . 198222_199834 *KEVI: ⌊8 &{l=@ That's low &}l=@ ⌋8 . 198812_199834 *LISA: ⌈9 &{l=@ XXX ⌉9 ⌈ this picture &}l=@ ⌉ . 199834_202095 *MARI: ⌊9 (.) Thanks a lo:⌋9⌊:t . 199834_201129 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 200943_202095 *MARI: you witch ⌋ . 201129_202086 *LISA: ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=in . 202095_202865 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh ⌋2 . 202095_203368 *LISA: What ⌉2 ? 202865_203368 *MARI: You witch . 203368_204247 *LISA: &{l=@ It's true:⌈: &}l=@ ⌉ . 204247_206115 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋ . 205330_206267 *BABY: &=COUGH . 206267_206762 *KEVI: &{l=VOX Aw:⌈: ⌉ . 206762_207676 *LISA: ⌊ &{l=L2 Jito &}l=L2 ⌋ . 207142_207676 *KEVI: you're dwibbling: &}l=VOX . 207676_208844 *LISA: (.) &{l=VOX Dwibbling &}l=VOX ? 208844_209768 *KEVI: &{l=VOX Uh: dwibbling &}l=VOX . 209768_210639 *LISA: (..) &=laugh &=laugh (..) Gro:ss [% laugh] . 210639_213336 *LISA: &=in ʔuh Um . 213336_214244 *KEVI: Oh: . 214244_214895 *LISA: try not to spit ⌈ all over &{l=X here &}l=X ⌉ . 214895_216266 *KEVI: ⌊ Ba:by s⌋:lo:bber 215741_217117 ew: . 217117_217741 *MARI: &=laugh . 217741_218080 *LISA: &=laugh . 218080_218219 *MARI: (..) You ⌈ X ⌉ seen it was gross . 218219_219607 *KEVI: ⌊ X ⌋ . 218589_218731 *MARI: Michael 219607_219913 &=in Michael's shirt was all wet 219913_221407 from ⌈ right here . 221407_221941 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 221941_222753 *MARI: from him just dr⌉ooling . 221941_223075 *KEVI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 223075_223538 *MARI: (..) ⌈ It was ⌉ ⌈2 gross . 223538_224590 *KEVI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 223997_224242 *LISA: ⌊2 &=in Probably he was ⌋2 ʔuh opening- +... 224242_225639 *MARI: and we &{l=X took him to the &}l=X X ⌉2 . 224590_225275 *LISA: (.) Breathing through his mouth more 225639_226724 cause he couldn't breathe through his ⌈ nose &{l=X at &}l=X ⌉ +... 226724_227660 *MARI: ⌊ Mm⌋: . 227405_227897 *MARI: (.) &=in And then he couldn't even breathe 227897_229474 he had 229474_229858 (..) um 229858_230537 (..) they had this (.) thing 230537_232384 it was this ⌈ big old ⌉ long old tube . 232384_233957 *LISA: ⌊ Here ⌋ . 232754_233015 *MARI: (..) and it was funny cause 233957_235567 like 235567_236047 (.) ⌈ we could ⌉ +... 236047_236791 *BABY: ⌊ &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌋ . 236047_236791 *MARI: (.) They put a mist . 236791_237821 *LISA: Child 237821_238133 you're having ⌈ problems ⌉ . 238133_238772 *MARI: ⌊ And you could j⌋ust see like smoke 238420_239741 (.) you know 239741_240277 like a mist 240277_240961 like a humidifier 240961_241887 ⌈ coming ⌉ out and I was like . 241887_242899 *KEVI: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 241887_242295 *LISA: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 241887_242295 *MARI: &=GASP 242899_243379 ⌈ and I was all ⌉ +... 243379_243879 *KEVI: ⌊ &=tsk Out of his ⌋ throat 243379_244204 I mean &{l=X then where'd they put this on &}l=X 244204_245209 in ⌈ where did it ⌉ . 245209_245733 *MARI: ⌊ No 245394_245604 they ⌋ stuck it in a tu- +/. 245604_246495 *MARI: It came out of a tube 246495_247357 and I just had to hold it like 247357_248367 &=in around his face⌈: ⌉ . 248367_249697 *KEVI: ⌊ Oh⌋: 249534_250014 ⌈2 oh okay ⌉2 ⌈3 okay ⌉3 . 250014_251003 *MARI: ⌊2 so that he could ⌋2 +... 250014_250622 *LISA: ⌊3 &{l=VOX Come here &}l=VOX ⌋3 . 250622_250978 *MARI: ⌊3 It was ⌋3 oxygen 250622_251641 (..) but they put a mist in it 251641_252967 so that he could +/. 252967_253597 *MARI: &=in They didn't want to stick ʔuh oxygen tube up his nose 253597_255661 or put a mask on him 255661_256423 cause he'd (.) take it off . 256423_257303 *LISA: (.) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 257303_258164 *MARI: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ 257687_258164 &=tsk And it was funny 258164_258975 because every time like he'd see a person wearing blue: 258975_261209 he'd be all 261209_261636 &=GASP &=GASP &=GASP 261636_262694 and he'd start like 262694_263606 ⌈ not breathing ⌉ . 263606_264746 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 263606_265390 *LISA: ⌊2 Oh:⌋2⌈3: [% laugh] &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉3 . 264746_266881 *MARI: ⌊2 and then he'd like ⌋2 264746_265390 ⌊3 &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &{l=X poor [% laugh] &}l=X &=in +/. 265390_266578 *MARI: And then it ⌋3 would sto- +/. 266578_267290 *MARI: And they'd be all &{l=VOX okay okay &}l=VOX 267290_268306 and they'd walk out of the room 268306_269172 cause they didn't want to excite him 269172_270358 cause they didn't want him to (.) hyperventilate . 270358_271878 *LISA: &{l=VOX Poor thi:ng . 271878_273218 *LISA: ⌈ XXX: &}l=VOX ⌉ . 273218_273969 *KEVI: ⌊ &{l=X Yeah &}l=X he's doing ⌋ better . 273218_274455 *MARI: (..) And then the doctor comes in 274455_276144 and he just looks at him 276144_276857 and then they stick this fing- +/. 276857_278003 *MARI: &=in thing on his finger ? 278003_279208 *MARI: (..) It's like light sensored ? 279208_280640 *MARI: (.) &=in And they have to guard it from the light 280640_282352 and that's what measures his heart rate ? 282352_283859 *MARI: (.) And it measures (.) his oxygen (.) percent 283859_286277 how much oxygen ⌈ he's getting ⌉ . 286277_287535 *KEVI: ⌊ Wild ⌋ . 287025_287535 *LISA: (.) Cool ? 287535_288047 *MARI: (.) It was weird . 288047_288738 *MARI: ⌈ And he was all in ⌉ +... 288738_289635 *KEVI: ⌊ Did his oxygen ⌋ get low ? 288738_290156 *KEVI: Or: . 290156_290499 *MARI: Yeah 290499_290843 ⌈ it was ⌉ like eighty-six percent . 290843_292221 *LISA: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ ? 290843_291048 *KEVI: (.) Which +/. 292221_292744 *KEVI: Of what's⌈: ⌉ +... 292744_293744 *LISA: ⌊ Supposed to be ⌋ ⌈2 like ninety ⌉2 what ? 293203_294658 *MARI: ⌊2 A hundred ⌋2 . 293744_294364 *MARI: (..) U:m 294658_295948 adults ⌈ are probably ⌉ +... 295948_296637 *LISA: ⌊ Like ninety⌋-seven's okay I think . 296308_297848 *MARI: (..) &=tsk &=in Adults are ⌈2 supposed to ⌉2 be anywhere from like ninety-three to (.) on up . 297848_302120 *LISA: ⌊2 X ⌋2 299183_299430 You gonna (.) go down ? 302120_303036 *MARI: (..) But ⌈ anything ⌉ +... 303036_304419 *KEVI: ⌊ And you ha- +/. 303868_304309 *KEVI: Ba⌋bies higher or ⌈2 lower ⌉2 . 304309_305721 *MARI: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 305283_305721 *LISA: ⌊2 &{l=VOX Gonna go on ⌋2 ⌈3 the floo:r &}l=VOX ⌉3 ? 305283_306425 *MARI: ⌊3 babies are usually ⌋3 higher 305721_306685 because you know ⌈4 they ʔuh +... 306685_307463 *LISA: ⌊4 &{l=VOX Are you mad at Nina: &}l=VOX ⌋4 . 307173_308673 *MARI: They haven't been around as lo⌉4⌈5:ng [% laugh] ⌉5 . 307463_308858 *KEVI: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 . 308673_309243 *LISA: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 308858_309888 *KEVI: So she +/. 309888_310390 *KEVI: Yeah 310390_310709 so: 310709_311103 he was really not doing well . 311103_312369 *MARI: No: . 312369_312804 *MARI: &=in Nobody should really be that low . 312804_314443 *MARI: (..) I mean 314443_315275 (.) people that are that low there's 315275_316492 (.) they have ⌈ asthma ⌉ ⌈2 and stuff ⌉2 ⌈3 like that ⌉3 . 316492_318018 *KEVI: ⌊ &{l=VOX Hee he⌋⌊2e h- ⌋2 ⌊3 hee hee &}l=VOX ⌋3 . 316944_318018 *LISA: ⌊2 &{l=X They &}l=X like ⌋2 +/. 317302_317599 *LISA: Yeah . 318018_318393 *LISA: Or emphysema . 318393_319106 *KEVI: &{l=VOX ʔuh &=in (.) Ha ha ha ha &}l=VOX . 319106_320422 *MARI: (..) But he was +/. 320422_321991 *MARI: ⌈ And his heart ⌉ +... 321991_322531 *LISA: ⌊ What was his ⌋ heart rate ? 321991_322949 *MARI: (.) Two o four . 322949_323915 *LISA: (.) And it's supposed to be . 323915_324796 *MARI: (..) I think he said like o:ne sixty-eight or something . 324796_328019 *KEVI: Well 328019_328187 (.) babies are supposed to have really high heart ⌈ rates ⌉ . 328187_330143 *LISA: ⌊ But ⌋ one sixty-eight versus two o four ? 329470_331374 *KEVI: That's still scary . 331374_332194 *MARI: (..) &=in And he'd just do 332194_333922 ʔuh he was doing ʔit 333922_334774 (.) when he'd get really excited 334774_336110 so that's why they were staying away from him . 336110_337523 *MARI: (.) &=in (.) And uh 337523_338782 we had to hold him down for them to give him a shot in his thigh: . 338782_341279 *LISA: (.) A shot: 341279_342074 why'd they give him a shot . 342074_342729 *MARI: (..) To make the swelling go down in his throat . 342729_344765 *KEVI: (..) Oh: 344765_346876 did he get it in his bottom ? 346876_347770 *MARI: (..) N:o 347770_349411 right here in his thigh . 349411_350184 *KEVI: (..) How is he about shots . 350184_351509 *MARI: (..) He cries . 351509_353793 *LISA: Probably ⌈ not good anymore . 353793_354829 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 354052_355598 *LISA: &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh . 354829_355776 *MARI: I remember the first time I took him for a shot . 355776_357382 *MARI: ⌈ ʔuh: You know he was &{l=X just little &}l=X ⌉ . 357382_358158 *LISA: ⌊ &=in He did not ⌋ care at all . 357382_358983 *LISA: ⌈2 He's a:ll ⌉2 . 358983_359529 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 358983_359529 *LISA: happy-go-lu⌈3:cky ⌉3 . 359529_360534 *KEVI: ⌊3 &{l=VOX &{l=SING De⌋3⌈4e dee d-dee &}l=SING &}l=VOX ⌉4 . 360146_361319 *MARI: ⌊4 He was all 360534_360898 &{l=VOX aah: ⌋4 360898_361319 (..) aah &}l=VOX 361319_361827 like that . 361827_362321 *MARI: And then (.) after that it was okay . 362321_363665 *MARI: (..) And then like . 363665_364770 *KEVI: &=laugh 364770_365065 (..) ⌈ &=in That's good ⌉ . 365065_366413 *MARI: ⌊ the next time I took him ⌋ he's all 365348_366712 &=in &=SCREAM 366712_367596 ⌈ I was all &{l=VOX oh my ⌉ Go:d &}l=VOX . 367596_369103 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 367596_368479 *MARI: And ⌈2 then I pick⌉2ed him up . 369103_370122 *LISA: ⌊2 XX ⌋2 . 369251_369706 *MARI: and his legs were bleeding and stuff 370122_371742 and I had blood all on my shirt 371742_372862 and I was all &{l=VOX oh my Go:d [% laugh] &}l=VOX ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉ . 372862_374945 *LISA: ⌊ Blood- ʔuh &=ex ⌋ +... 374094_374945 *MARI: &=in Blood 374945_375562 cause he bleeds . 375562_376579 *MARI: (..) &=tsk &=in After they give him a shot ? 376579_378501 *KEVI: But don't they 378501_378987 like ⌈ put a thing on it right af⌉ter ? 378987_380494 *LISA: ⌊ But that mu:ch: ⌋ ? 379097_380302 *MARI: (..) No 380494_381309 but it was just coming out . 381309_382354 *MARI: Do you know what I mean 382354_382848 it was like 382848_383154 ⌈ mm ⌉ . 383154_383439 *KEVI: ⌊ Well they ⌋ should've have put 383154_383881 I mean usual⌈2ly you know like when you like ⌉2 ⌈3 give bloo:d . 383881_385748 *MARI: ⌊2 A bandaid ⌋2 ? 384338_385141 *LISA: ⌊3 But it wasn't all: ov⌋3er . 385141_386385 *KEVI: they use ⌉3 . 385748_386176 *LISA: it was just like: 386385_387032 (.) a ⌈ little dr⌉ibble . 387032_387940 *MARI: ⌊ It had ⌋ +/. 387234_387591 *MARI: N_yeah no 387940_388273 it had (.) gotten on my shirt 388273_389435 and I was ⌈ just all ⌉ &{l=VOX oh my Go:d . 389435_390987 *LISA: ⌊ Oh ⌋ 389677_390073 (..) my child's bleeding &}l=VOX . 390987_392459 *KEVI: (..) &{l=P Baby blood &}l=P . 392459_393800 *LISA: (..) &{l=P Baby blood &}l=P . 393800_395247 *LISA: (.) &=in Watch out for that glass . 395247_396898 *LISA: He's (.) looking at it . 396898_397824 *LISA: (.) &=SNIFF . 397824_398285 *MARI: (..) I'll trade ⌈ you ⌉ . 398285_399663 *KEVI: ⌊ Is it ⌋ mi:ne ? 399407_400277 *MARI: &=in See I'm not supposed to give him juice in a bottle . 400277_402440 *MARI: (..) He's supposed to drink it out of a cup . 402440_404642 *LISA: (.) Why not . 404642_405351 *KEVI: (..) Oh ⌈ cause all ⌉ the air ? 405351_406516 *MARI: ⌊ He ⌋ +/. 405897_406168 *MARI: (..) N:o⌈2: ⌉2 . 406516_408031 *LISA: ⌊2 No cause ⌋2 +... 407539_408031 *MARI: (.) they're get baby bottle tooth decay . 408031_410547 *LISA: (..) &=ex &=lengthened . 410547_411325 *MARI: From drinking 411325_412125 (..) um 412125_413304 (.) j:uice and stuff out of bottles 413304_414885 (..) because the: u:m . 414885_416274 *KEVI: (.) The sugar just stays right there . 416274_417732 *MARI: Mhm . 417732_418192 *LISA: (..) Explain it Marie . 418192_419657 *MARI: (..) &=tsk Your brother did 419657_420554 (.) so there you go . 420554_421134 *KEVI: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 421134_421981 *MARI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 421134_421504 *LISA: ⌊2 That doesn't ⌋2 make sense to me . 421504_422823 *LISA: Why sh: +... 422823_423357 *MARI: (..) &=in Because when they just leave it in their mouth 423357_425672 ⌈ the juice just ⌉ +... 425672_426379 *LISA: ⌊ &=in Oh: cause ⌋ they don't swallow it right away you mean ? 425672_427829 *LISA: &=in ⌈2 They just &{l=X gur- &}l=X ⌉2 +... 427829_428720 *MARI: ⌊2 Yeah 428180_428447 and in a ⌋2 cup they 428447_429422 (..) ⌈3 you know they ⌉3 . 429422_430590 *LISA: ⌊3 Mm ⌋3 . 429959_430590 *MARI: drink it right away . 430590_431340 *KEVI: (..) S- (..) is he good at drinking out of cups ? 431340_433818 *KEVI: Or . 433818_434045 *MARI: (.) &=laugh &=laugh S- &=in 434045_434965 So:metimes . 434965_435707 *KEVI: ⌈ (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 435707_436647 *MARI: ⌊ &=in sometimes he's a ⌋ +... 435707_436647 *LISA: ⌊ &=in Well he just ⌋ +/. 435707_436647 *LISA: &=in Sometimes he's like 436647_437448 okay I'm not getting enough . 437448_438420 *LISA: And he p:ulls it &{l=X you know &}l=X 438420_439296 &=IMITATING_SPRAY_NOISE 439296_439748 doof . 439748_440054 *MARI: (.) And ⌈ he has it all ⌉ over . 440054_441083 *LISA: ⌊ It's all over ⌋ . 440322_440758 *MARI: &=in ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 441083_441444 *LISA: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 441252_441444 *KEVI: ⌊2 Well do ⌋2 ⌈3 you ever (.) tr⌉3:y those little baby cups . 441252_443197 *LISA: ⌊3 it gets all wet ⌋3 . 441444_442039 *KEVI: that ⌈4 have a lid on it ? 443197_443860 *LISA: ⌊4 Yeah: he's got one ⌋4 . 443416_444106 *KEVI: And ⌉4 . 443860_444106 *MARI: Yeah but he just (..) goes like that . 444106_445986 *MARI: ⌈ And &{l=X lah: &}l=X ⌉ . 445986_446891 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 445986_446891 *LISA: ⌊ He thinks it's like a ⌋ bottle . 445986_447377 *LISA: (.) ⌈2 That he can just ⌉2 . 447377_448238 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 447553_448789 *MARI: M:⌈3hm: . 448789_449438 *KEVI: ⌊3 &=laugh &=in &=lengthened ⌋3 . 449112_449754 *MARI: &=in ⌉3 So ⌈4 we just ⌉4 +... 449438_450628 *KEVI: ⌊4 &{l=VOX You don't un⌋4dersta:nd &}l=VOX . 450089_451624 *MARI: (.) So we just give him the cup . 451624_453107 *MARI: (..) He has a little cup too . 453107_455006 *MARI: &{l=P It's really cute &}l=P . 455006_455714 *KEVI: (..) Did it have two handles or . 455714_458448 *LISA: (..) Y⌈eah ⌉ . 458448_459292 *MARI: ⌊ I⌋t just has o:ne . 459135_460523 *MARI: (.) I have one that doesn't have any (.) handles a⌈2t all ⌉2 . 460523_463059 *LISA: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 462659_462984 *LISA: (.) Gimme . 463109_463722 *MARI: (.) But um 463722_464667 this one we bought him it's a Christmas cup . 464667_466388 *KEVI: (..) Oh . 466388_467155 *MARI: (.) Mʔ ⌈ a s:- ⌉ +... 467155_468578 *LISA: ⌊ You bought him a Christmas ⌋ cup ? 467933_468973 *MARI: A s:nowman . 468973_469849 *MARI: (..) &=in Did you see his ornament ? 469849_471486 *MARI: (..) You saw it . 471486_472856 *MARI: (.) I don't know what Michael did with the ⌈ one from your paren⌉ts . 472856_475378 *LISA: ⌊ From his Nina ⌋ ? 474112_475053 *MARI: (.) I know . 475378_476539 *LISA: &=laugh 476539_476968 &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 476968_478036 *MARI: ⌊ I was all ⌋ witch to her 477566_478564 I was all: 478564_479200 did you spell his name 479200_480358 and she's all 480358_480968 no 480968_481143 I was all 481143_481520 &=in (.) no . 481520_482230 *MARI: ⌈ She's all X ⌉ +... 482230_482677 *LISA: ⌊ She doesn't e⌋ven catch it &=ex . 482236_483966 *MARI: (..) So: +/. 483966_485156 *MARI: Well ⌈ they don't know ⌉ . 485156_485910 *LISA: ⌊ XX XX ⌋ ? 485370_485852 *MARI: nobody knows how to spell his name 485910_487085 ⌈ they always ⌉ +... 487085_487498 *LISA: ⌊ I mean the- ⌋ +/. 487102_487498 *LISA: That's not his ⌈2 Nina ⌉2 . 487498_488751 *KEVI: ⌊2 I ⌋2 es es a (..) si . 488176_490698 *KEVI: (..) Is there two si's ? 490698_492142 *MARI: No 492142_492707 ⌈ there's just one ⌉ . 492707_493307 *LISA: ⌊ No . 492707_493107 *LISA: &=in ⌋ (.) But 493107_493807 (.) usually it's 493807_494476 i es ⌈ a a si ⌉ . 494476_495869 *MARI: ⌊ A a si ⌋ . 495196_495869 *MARI: There's always two a's in Isaac . 495869_497316 *KEVI: (.) And you just made it one ? 497316_498600 *MARI: (.) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 498600_499412 *LISA: ⌊ Well there's ⌋ two ways of spelling it . 499040_500387 *MARI: (.) Yeah 500387_500863 well there's ⌈ like ⌉ +... 500863_501409 *LISA: ⌊ It's not ⌋ ⌈2 like one w- ⌉2 +... 501246_502084 *KEVI: ⌊2 That's the more Sem⌋2itic . 501397_502396 *LISA: It's not like his is wrong or something . 502396_504131 *MARI: Well there's a lot more you c- +... 504131_505338 *BABY: &=THUMP . 505338_505617 *LISA: ⌈ &=GASP ⌉ . 505617_505930 *KEVI: ⌊ &=GASP ⌋ &=GASP . 505617_506186 *LISA: Oo⌈2: ⌉2 . 506186_506754 *KEVI: ⌊2 Oo⌋2⌈3: ⌉3 . 506436_508995 *MARI: ⌊3 Don't do that you guy:s ⌋3 . 507114_508960 *BABY: ⌊3 &=CRYING ⌋3 ⌈4 &=lengthened ⌉4 ⌈5 &=lengthened ⌉5 . 507114_508960 *LISA: ⌊4 But that hurt⌋4⌊5s: ⌋5 . 508983_510727 *KEVI: ⌊4 &{l=L2 Po:bre:ci:⌋4⌊5to: &}l=L2 ⌋5 . 509053_510852 *MARI: ⌊5 I know 510225_510730 but ⌋5 don't do that 510730_511514 cau⌈6se you scare him ⌉6 more . 511514_512879 *LISA: ⌊6 I'm sorry ⌋6 . 511614_512231 *KEVI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=lengthened ⌈7 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉7 . 512879_514021 *LISA: ⌊7 &=in ⌋7 513731_514056 ⌈8 Tha:t just +... 514091_514636 *MARI: ⌊8 He gets scared more ⌋8 . 514091_515542 *LISA: ʔuh (.) I:'m s⌉8orry &{l=L2 jito⌈9: &}l=L2 ⌉9 . 514633_516571 *MARI: ⌊9 C⌋9⌈ause he didn't ⌉ +... 516440_517323 *BABY: ⌊ &=GASP &=lengthened ⌋ (..) &=CRYING ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 516565_519702 *KEVI: ⌊2 He didn't know it hurt 518148_518877 (.) until we reacted ⌋2 . 518877_519702 *LISA: He knew that [% laugh] ⌈3 hur:t [% laugh] &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 519702_521368 *KEVI: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 &=in . 520565_522062 *MARI: (.) Yeah 522062_522469 but he would've just like ⌈ XX ⌉ . 522469_523897 *LISA: ⌊ I know ⌋ . 523294_523723 *MARI: (..) And he just +/. 523897_524884 *MARI: You guys like 524884_525302 &=GASP oh my ⌈ Go:d [% laugh] . 525302_526405 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 525964_526498 *MARI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh Yeah [% laugh] ⌉ . 526231_527125 *KEVI: &{l=VOX What's wro:ng &}l=VOX ⌋ . 526473_527125 *LISA: ⌈2 Cause like that was ⌉2 hard . 527125_528170 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 527125_527860 *LISA: If he had just gone 528170_529122 XX ⌈ X XX XXX . 529122_530339 *KEVI: ⌊ &{l=WH That was lou:d &}l=WH ⌋ . 529410_530838 *LISA: (.) Oh ⌉ . 530559_530873 *LISA: (.) &=laugh &=laugh . 530873_531314 *MARI: (.) It's (..) X . 531314_533193 *MARI: &=in . 533193_533543 *LISA: ⌈ It ech⌉oes⌈2: ⌉2 . 533543_534437 *MARI: ⌊ XX ⌋ . 533543_533996 *KEVI: ⌊2 It ⌋2 echoes here . 534251_535145 *LISA: (.) But it's not as ⌈3 bad as it ⌉3 ⌈4 was ⌉4 ? 535145_536648 *MARI: ⌊3 &=THROAT ⌋3 . 535807_536298 *KEVI: ⌊3 A very res⌋3⌊4onant t⌋4able . 535807_536898 *MARI: (.) See ? 536898_537570 *KEVI: (..) All better . 537570_538583 *MARI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 538583_539737 (..) That's ⌈ abracadabra ⌉ . 539737_541308 *KEVI: ⌊ Fine 540452_540928 ready to dr⌋ink some more 540928_542043 no ⌈2 problem ⌉2 . 542043_542713 *LISA: ⌊2 &{l=X Goll⌋2⌈3y: &}l=X . 542248_543038 *MARI: ⌊3 &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh ⌋3 ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉4 . 542817_545240 *LISA: &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 543142_543455 *KEVI: ⌊4 &{l=VOX Go:ng gong gong gong &}l=VOX 543463_544613 you need jui⌋4ce now . 544613_545797 *LISA: (..) Poor thing [% laugh] . 545797_548124 *LISA: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 548124_548565 (..) &=in ⌈ ʔuh (.) ʔuh (.) ⌉ Okay . 548565_550966 *MARI: ⌊ Did they scare you ⌋ . 549534_550521 *LISA: it sounded worse than it was . 550966_552486 *LISA: (..) &=in I was like 552486_553689 d:a:ng 553689_554317 look for blood . 554317_555258 *KEVI: (.) &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 555258_555873 *MARI: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 . 555780_556703 *LISA: ⌊2 &{l=HI It ⌋2 didn't it sound loud to you &}l=HI ? 556506_557875 *MARI: (.) &=in Well ⌈3 I th- ⌉3 +... 557875_559010 *LISA: ⌊3 You're used ⌋3 to this already . 558603_559788 *MARI: Mhm . 559788_560275 *KEVI: (.) &=laugh &=laugh . 560275_560960 *MARI: &=in He crawls un- underneath 560960_562601 hits his head on it 562601_563352 and I'm like 563352_563747 (..) crawls in between it ? 563747_566327 *MARI: And I'm like 566327_566716 &=laugh you're [% laugh] gonna hurt your head . 566716_568214 *MARI: And he's all 568214_568659 &=in &=lengthened (..) &{l=VOX huh ? 568659_569934 *MARI: (.) Huh ? 569934_570309 *MARI: (..) Huh &}l=VOX ? 570309_571147 *MARI: (..) I say 571147_572084 &{l=VOX you're gonna hit your head &}l=VOX . 572084_573167 *MARI: &{l=VOX (.) Huh ? 573167_573693 *MARI: (.) Huh &}l=VOX ? 573693_574297 *MARI: (..) &{l=F You're gonna hit your head &}l=F . 574297_575858 *MARI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 &=in &=laugh &=in . 575858_578726 *LISA: ⌊ &{l=VOX Bo:nk &}l=VOX ⌋ . 576263_576670 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 576812_577578 (..) So he's i: es es (.) ⌈3 a ⌉3 ⌈4 (.) si ⌉4 . 578726_583856 *MARI: ⌊3 A s:⌋3⌊4:i ⌋4 . 582810_583693 *LISA: ⌊4 Si ⌋4 . 583310_583693 *MARI: (..) It's two es's . 583693_585184 *MARI: &=in And you can spell it with zi's too . 585184_586940 *MARI: I've seen it i zi zi a si 586940_588647 or i zi a a si 588647_590105 that's ⌈ how they spelled ⌉ +... 590105_590925 *KEVI: ⌊ Or how about ⌋ i ti zi: . 590363_591894 *LISA: (..) It⌈2zaac ⌉2 . 591894_594070 *KEVI: ⌊2 Like Itzhak ⌋2 (.) Perlman . 593502_594695 *LISA: (..) I think that's like j- +/. 594695_596601 *LISA: &=in &=ex . 596601_597307 *KEVI: That'⌈s either +... 597307_598107 *LISA: ⌊ Jewish: ⌋ . 597528_598399 *KEVI: &=laugh ⌉ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 598257_598933 *LISA: ⌈2 Yeah ⌉2 . 598933_599362 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 . 598933_599362 *MARI: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 Cause in his baby book they have a bunch of ways to spell it . 599012_601389 *MARI: (..) And I just spelled it with two es's 601389_603156 it looked better . 603156_603781 *MARI: (..) I don't ⌈ know . 603781_605220 *LISA: ⌊ &=in I don't know I ⌋ +... 605035_606026 *MARI: two a's in a row⌉: 605186_606150 just look ugly . 606150_606950 *LISA: (..) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 606950_607767 *MARI: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 607609_608317 *KEVI: ⌊2 Karon ⌋2 ? 607759_608351 *LISA: Should've called him Isaac Saavedra . 608630_610220 *LISA: And then 610220_610524 ⌈ just . 610524_610774 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in . 610524_612217 *LISA: you know ⌉ 610774_611149 (..) well I mean 612217_613280 &=laugh &=laugh 613280_613674 you know cause Saavedra es 613674_614932 (.) it's es a ⌈ a too ⌉ ? 614932_616548 *KEVI: ⌊ A a ⌋ . 615909_616548 *LISA: &=in So you'd have 616548_617726 (..) never mind . 617726_618373 *MARI: (..) &=tsk I get it . 618373_619711 *KEVI: (..) That looks strange . 619711_621920 *LISA: Yeah it does . 621920_622583 *KEVI: ⌈ So you have a new +... 622583_623395 *LISA: ⌊ &=in And I'm always like 622583_623395 ʔuh wh:y ⌋ . 623395_623902 *KEVI: (.) There's a ⌉ new mayor here right ? 623395_625067 *KEVI: I mean . 625067_625613 *LISA: Yeah 625613_625985 ⌈ it's um ⌉ . 625985_626413 *KEVI: ⌊ Marti⌋nez ? 625996_626713 *LISA: Martin Ch⌈2avez ⌉2 . 626713_627573 *MARI: ⌊2 Chavez⌋2: . 627137_627773 *LISA: &{l=@ Ke⌈3vin doesn't ⌉3 &}l=@ ⌈4 know: ⌉4 . 627759_629686 *KEVI: ⌊3 &=laugh &=ex &=laugh ⌋3 ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 628270_629686 *MARI: ⌊4 Martinez ⌋4 ? 628908_629646 *KEVI: ⌈5 &=in &=laugh ⌉5 . 629686_630545 *MARI: ⌊5 Garcia ⌋5 ? 629721_630534 *KEVI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 630534_631207 *LISA: &{l=VOX I just know he's hispanic &}l=VOX . 631195_632368 *MARI: Lu⌈cero: ? 632368_633543 *KEVI: ⌊ And there's a Martin XX: ⌋ . 632542_634028 *MARI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 633543_635087 *KEVI: ⌈2 &=in So he's not quite as ⌉2 crooked as Saavedra . 635087_637100 *MARI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=lengthened &=in ⌋2 . 635087_636155 *KEVI: ⌈3 or ⌉3 . 637100_637337 *LISA: ⌊3 Well we ⌋3 don't know yet . 637100_637862 *LISA: &=laugh &=lengthened ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 638059_639450 *KEVI: ⌊4 You'll find out soon ⌋4 . 638633_639641 *MARI: &=in He's kinda w- +... 639641_640955 *LISA: (.) You don't like him ? 640955_642104 *MARI: (.) Yeah he I li- he's kinda like 642104_643418 down to earth I think . 643418_644555 *LISA: Oh you like him 644555_645103 I thought you were gonna say he's ⌈ kinda weird ⌉ . 645103_646513 *KEVI: ⌊ Where's he from ⌋ . 645731_646404 *LISA: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 646404_646938 *MARI: ⌈ &=in He's from here ⌉ . 646938_648053 *LISA: ⌊ &=in He's from here ⌋ . 646938_648053 *KEVI: Oh . 648413_648622 *KEVI: I mean like was ʔhe: +... 648622_649910 *LISA: Oh like 649910_650526 what ⌈ part of town ⌉ ? 650526_651257 *KEVI: ⌊ What was he aff⌋iliated with . 650723_652000 *KEVI: I mean you know how Saavedra ⌈2 was with TV⌉2I ? 652035_654009 *LISA: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 653208_653753 (..) Oh I don't know . 654009_655468 *LISA: (..) &=tsk &=in I just knew I didn't like the other guy . 655468_658576 *LISA: (.) Who was +/. 658576_658975 *LISA: (.) Dave Cargo . 658975_659911 *KEVI: (..) ⌈ Ye: ⌉ . 659911_660759 *LISA: ⌊ It was like ⌋ . 660341_660759 *KEVI: oh my 660759_661134 &{l=X he gets a &}l=X +/. 661134_661488 *KEVI: You know . 661488_661927 *LISA: (.) Yeah . 661927_662377 *KEVI: (..) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ he was (.) governor for . 662377_663840 *LISA: ⌊ XX ⌋ +/. 662528_662713 *LISA: He's annoying . 663840_664548 *LISA: &=in . 664548_664873 *MARI: &=in . 664873_665401 *KEVI: For eon⌈s ⌉ . 665401_665941 *MARI: ⌊ W⌋ell he's done okay for 665916_667202 (.) for now that he's been in office 667202_668684 for the time he's ⌈ been in office ⌉ . 668684_669784 *LISA: ⌊ &=in Yeah he ⌋ 668684_669714 (.) like . 669714_670214 *KEVI: Since when ? 670214_670899 *KEVI: Well it's just a (.) month or so 670899_672026 ⌈ right ⌉ ? 672026_672559 *LISA: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ 672026_672559 (.) ⌈2 but . 672559_672977 *MARI: ⌊2 &=in He's: ⌋2 +... 672723_673650 *LISA: well but e⌉2ven before that 673268_674369 he ⌈3 was like ⌉3 . 674369_674859 *MARI: ⌊3 He had like ⌋3 an inaugural ball 674569_676159 and he ʔuh +/. 676159_676403 *MARI: And like ʔanybody could go and 676403_677993 and it was just +/. 677993_678690 *MARI: What was it ? 678690_679305 *MARI: &=in His inaugural ball wasn't that 679305_681110 well he had like um 681110_682294 a d- +/. 682294_682598 *MARI: (..) &=tsk &=in Uh 682598_684198 (.) like a 684198_684748 (.) blue jean ball 684748_685848 or something like th⌈at . 685848_686623 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 686415_686948 *MARI: It was ⌉ for his (.) pre-inaugural ball 686623_688797 or something like that 688797_689572 no but 689572_689822 &=in you just +/. 689822_690484 *MARI: They just wore jeans . 690484_691598 *KEVI: ⌈ That's ⌉ cool . 691598_692421 *MARI: ⌊ They just ⌋ +/. 691761_692037 *MARI: (.) They wore jeans 692421_692910 and you ⌈ had to bring ⌉ . 692910_693796 *LISA: ⌊ He just &=ex ⌋ +... 693119_693796 *MARI: &=in um (.) canned . 693796_695221 *LISA: (..) Canned ⌈2 food ⌉2 for like a food drive kind of thing . 695221_697758 *MARI: ⌊2 food ⌋2 . 696114_696416 *LISA: ⌈3 &=in or whatever ⌉3 . 697758_698298 *MARI: It wa⌊3sn't ⌋3 +... 697758_698298 *LISA: but he doesn't seem so: 698298_699327 I don't know⌈: . 699327_699927 *KEVI: ⌊ It wasn't preachy at all ⌋ ? 699637_700543 *LISA: (.) &=in ⌉ he's like . 699927_701216 *MARI: Hm-mm . 701216_701796 *LISA: (..) he's like for gang +/. 701796_703166 *LISA: ʔuh Like 703166_703616 ʔagain- +/. 703616_704130 *LISA: Uh like against gangs and stuff like that but 704130_706185 &=in (..) you could see that um 706185_708201 (..) &=tsk like Cargo'd just kinda be like 708201_710221 (.) &=tsk &=in &{l=VOX all these low-lifes &}l=VOX . 710221_711889 *LISA: You know ⌈ like . 711889_712293 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 712165_712815 *LISA: I could see ⌉ him thinking something like that . 712293_714124 *LISA: &=in Where he's just above all those people 714124_715949 and like they 715949_716484 &=in you know 716484_717030 that their problems 717030_717854 you know 717854_718063 it's cause they're just like bad people or something ? 718063_720025 *LISA: &=in But I don't see him 720025_721254 (.) like 721254_721552 (..) him being so X ⌈ XX ⌉ ? 721552_723393 *MARI: ⌊ He's done ⌋ +/. 722929_723358 *MARI: He's done like what 723358_724101 two big food drives 724101_725107 even at his inaugural ball 725107_726382 (.) they had a food drive . 726382_727507 *LISA: Yeah . 727507_727945 *KEVI: (..) &{l=P That's cool &}l=P . 727945_728842 *KEVI: Have gangs gotten worse . 728842_730294 *KEVI: Or- +... 730294_730628 *MARI: (.) &=PSH &=lengthened . 730628_731302 *LISA: (.) It seems that way . 731302_732393 *MARI: Yeah: ʔuh 732393_732904 ⌈ it seems like ⌉ +... 732904_733461 *KEVI: ⌊ Was it ⌋ (.) the ⌈2 LA gangs or: ⌉2 . 733136_734741 *LISA: ⌊2 But then &=in ⌋2 +/. 733710_734741 *LISA: (..) I don't know . 734741_735735 *KEVI: (.) I mean ʔy- Crips and Bloods and stuff 735735_737426 ⌈ do you think ⌉ ? 737426_737826 *LISA: ⌊ I don't ⌋ +/. 737426_737754 *LISA: &=in I don't +... 737826_738319 *MARI: I don't +... 738319_738675 *LISA: ⌈ think so ⌉ . 738675_739232 *MARI: ⌊ I don't think ⌋ they're so much a problem 738795_740211 I think it's just 740211_741120 (..) I don't know if it's (.) just the way people are in general now . 741120_745157 *MARI: I mean . 745157_745594 *KEVI: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 745594_745861 *LISA: ⌊ &=in ⌋ ⌈2 And I don't ⌉2 +... 745594_746361 *MARI: ⌊2 &{l=F you can't ⌋2 even go up to like &}l=F 745954_747173 just the other day I was watch⌈3ing the TV ⌉3 . 747162_748625 *LISA: ⌊3 Excuse me ⌋3 . 747998_748555 *MARI: &=in and (.) um 748625_749925 &=tsk this man went to Wal-Mart . 749925_751225 *MARI: And just shot . 751225_751910 *MARI: Like⌈: . 751910_752235 *LISA: ⌊ &=tsk &=in ⌋ . 752093_752765 *MARI: you know 752235_752595 it was ⌉ ⌈2 in a different state ⌉2 . 752595_753496 *KEVI: ⌊2 Where was that X ⌋2 ? 752765_753740 *LISA: ⌊2 But that's not ⌋2 here . 753101_754042 *LISA: ⌈3 There was ⌉3 +... 754038_754432 *MARI: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 ⌈4 but still ⌉4 . 754119_754932 *KEVI: ⌊3 That was ⌋3 ⌊4 in Oklahoma ⌋4 . 754187_754932 *MARI: but you ⌈5 can't even go to a Wal-Mart ⌉5 . 754932_756592 *LISA: ⌊5 there was two days in a row th⌋5ough 755176_756789 cause there was one in Louisiana 756789_758291 I think yesterday 758291_759141 and one the day be⌈fore that in Kansa⌉s . 759141_761039 *KEVI: ⌊ Are you sure ⌋ ? 759680_760864 *LISA: &=in ⌈2 Well Daddy (.) was ⌉2 pretty sure that one was in Kansas . 761039_763739 *KEVI: ⌊2 Are you certain ⌋2 +... 761266_762299 *MARI: Well I know there was one that ⌈3 like ⌉3 +... 763739_765155 *LISA: ⌊3 That m⌋3eans there was two (.) in a +/. 764992_766223 *LISA: I was ⌈4 like oh ⌉4 . 766223_766978 *KEVI: ⌊4 Mom's not gonna wanna ⌋4 go to Wal-Mart anymore [% laugh] . 766467_768441 *KEVI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in . 768441_769038 *LISA: Yeah 769038_769131 ⌈ she's gonna freak . 769154_769874 *MARI: ⌊ But do you know what I mean . 769166_769769 *LISA: And never leave the house ⌉ . 769862_770768 *MARI: you can't even go ⌋ to Wal-Mart anymore . 769769_771916 *MARI: You can't even go: (.) ⌈2 to ⌉2 +... 771916_773389 *LISA: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 773053_773296 *MARI: (.) to the store . 773389_774272 *KEVI: (.) Yeah: . 774272_774806 *MARI: Without having to worry a⌈bout it ⌉ . 774806_776013 *LISA: ⌊ There was ⌋ one at what a Pistol's +/. 775642_776977 *LISA: (.) A Little Caesar's 776977_777915 the day before tha:t . 777915_778840 *MARI: No Chucky Cheese . 778840_779836 *LISA: Chuck⌈y Cheese ⌉ . 779836_780370 *KEVI: ⌊ Chucky ⌋ Cheese 780048_780557 and that was (.) in Aurora . 780557_781522 *KEVI: That's your mom's home town . 781522_782400 *KEVI: Right ? 782400_782686 *MARI: (.) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 782686_783313 *KEVI: ⌊ Aur⌋ora ? 783022_783464 *LISA: ⌈2 Well she's not from Aurora . 783464_784534 *MARI: ⌊2 Well 783464_784009 s- it's uh- +... 784009_784434 *LISA: she's from Denver ⌉2 . 784534_785159 *MARI: &=in (.) But s- it's ⌋2 by Denver . 784434_785988 *LISA: Yeah . 785988_786290 *MARI: I mean it's r⌈ight ʔuh +... 786290_786975 *KEVI: ⌊ I thought +... 786812_787184 *MARI: ʔuh The outskirts ⌉ . 786975_787823 *KEVI: Yeah but ⌋ 787308_787640 what what what's (.) what town . 787640_788870 *KEVI: ʔI is she is ⌈ she from ⌉ ⌈2 Denver proper ⌉2 ? 788870_790605 *LISA: ⌊ &=in ⌋ ⌊2 (.) Does ⌋2 +... 789471_790492 *MARI: ⌊2 Denver ⌋2 . 789796_790492 *LISA: (.) ⌈3 Yeah ⌉3 . 790605_791072 *MARI: ⌊3 Den⌋3ver . 790886_791258 *KEVI: (..) Okay . 791265_792190 *LISA: ⌈ Does your aunt ⌉ XX +... 792794_793421 *MARI: ⌊ XXX ⌋ . 792864_793386 *KEVI: ⌊ &{l=X You used to say &}l=X ⌋ +/. 793049_793758 *KEVI: LISA Your auntie Barbara doesn't live in Aurora . 793386_794884 *MARI: (.) But she lives close to it . 794884_796059 *LISA: &=in . 796059_796447 *KEVI: (.) Cause you used to always tell me 796447_797835 they live in this small town . 797835_798860 *KEVI: Just outside of Denver: . 798860_799985 *KEVI: I mean +... 799985_800229 *LISA: (.) Mm-mm . 800229_800796 *KEVI: When we were like 800796_801723 (.) in middle s- +/. 801723_802248 *KEVI: When we were in middle school . 802248_803048 *LISA: &=in No there was s- +/. 803048_804094 *LISA: (..) What are th- +/. 804094_805220 *LISA: (.) So⌈mething with a G ⌉ . 805220_806358 *KEVI: ⌊ XX ⌋ +... 805514_806327 *LISA: Gwendale . 807128_807581 *LISA: (..) No . 807581_808231 *KEVI: (..) &{l=P I think he wants it ba:ck &}l=P . 808231_811701 *KEVI: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 811701_815905 *MARI: ⌊ There's nothing in it ⌋ . 815116_815882 *LISA: (..) ʔuh No . 815882_817046 *LISA: ⌈ There ⌉ +... 817046_817382 *KEVI: ⌊ XX ⌋ . 817046_817371 *LISA: What 817382_817684 (..) there's one with a G . 817684_818942 *LISA: Isn't there right ? 818942_819542 *LISA: (..) Or what (..) street does your aunt live on . 819542_821748 *LISA: (.) &=in . 821748_822301 *MARI: (..) &=tsk Gaylord . 822301_823719 *LISA: (.) Maybe that's what it was . 823719_824601 *KEVI: &=ex 824601_824915 (..) Great street . 824915_826638 *KEVI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 826638_827231 *MARI: Fifty- Fi:ve Fifty- Fi:ve &=laugh . 827231_828590 *MARI: (..) &=in It's just really weird . 828590_831829 *MARI: (..) You just can't do anything anymore . 831829_834081 *MARI: Like I told Michael 834081_834663 you can't even +/. 834663_835376 *MARI: &=in Michael 835376_836177 they were saying that 836177_836930 I think it was on the news and on the radio 836930_838277 where like 838277_838695 &=in that like there was somebody going around 838695_840552 and I think it was 840552_841249 I think it 841249_841644 I'm pretty sure it was here that 841644_842750 &=in if you flash your lights 842750_844096 like they wouldn't have their lights on 844096_845246 or they would have their brights on 845246_846465 ⌈ and if you ⌉ flash them they would +... 846465_847650 *LISA: ⌊ &=in ⌋ 846477_846918 It was supposed to be a gang initiation . 847684_849629 *LISA: &=in ⌈ And ⌉ +... 849629_850346 *KEVI: ⌊ And it was na⌋tionwide . 849939_851100 *LISA: (.) Mm:-mm . 851100_852300 *KEVI: (.) I think that they were saying ⌈ nationwide . 852300_854421 *MARI: ⌊ &=in And I told Michael ⌋ . 853892_855029 *KEVI: &{l=X it was just like &}l=X ⌉ +... 854421_855029 *MARI: God 855029_855329 you can't even be courteous 855329_856558 and tell somebody else 856558_857223 hey dumbdumb 857223_858059 your your ⌈ lights aren't [% laugh] on⌉⌈2: [% laugh] ⌉2 . 858059_859841 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 . 858640_860126 *LISA: ⌊2 Well I ⌋2 know 859777_860435 ⌈3 I⌉3⌈4: ⌉4 +... 860435_860683 *KEVI: ⌊3 X ⌋3 . 860439_860558 *MARI: ⌊4 You ⌋4 know ? 860520_861252 *LISA: &=in And I mean 861252_862216 I never think +/. 862216_862854 *LISA: I never thought of that really doing it before 862854_864831 I just 864831_865265 (.) you know 865265_865740 spaced it 865740_866263 kinda whatever . 866263_866863 *LISA: I always figured they were broken . 866863_867989 *LISA: I don't know . 867989_868303 *LISA: &=in ⌈ But after that I was ⌉ was all +... 868303_869835 *KEVI: ⌊ Daddy always does that ⌋ . 868512_869452 *KEVI: (..) Oh you do it when their high lights are off . 869835_872146 *KEVI: Right 872146_872425 ⌈ instead of ⌉ brights . 872425_873260 *LISA: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 872483_872844 *KEVI: ⌈2 Yeah ⌉2 . 873269_873609 *LISA: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 873272_873586 (.) Or +/. 873609_874120 *LISA: (.) Either when their +/. 874120_874851 *LISA: Well if their brights are on . 874851_876254 *LISA: ⌈ When they're driving &{l=X on the other side &}l=X ⌉ . 876254_877473 *MARI: ⌊ Yeah 876252_876552 like if you're approach⌋ing them 876552_877652 and their brights are on 877652_878360 you just (.) flick your brights on 878360_879649 and then turn them off 879649_880276 ⌈ and then they're like . 880276_880717 *LISA: ⌊ Or if their ⌋ lights aren't o:n . 880404_882261 *MARI: oh ⌉ . 880764_881141 *LISA: or like 882261_882611 ⌈ if their just ⌉ their running light's on or something . 882611_884313 *MARI: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 882706_883019 *LISA: &=in But then 884313_885295 (..) I don't know . 885295_886351 *MARI: ⌈ But I mean you can't even do that anymore ⌉ . 886351_888348 *LISA: ⌊ That just 886491_886839 &=in &=lengthened &=ex &=lengthened ⌋ . 886839_888311 *MARI: Do ⌈2 you know what I mean ? 888348_889018 *LISA: ⌊2 Or that one where that guy ʔuh . 888473_890000 *MARI: Without running the risk of getting k⌉2illed . 889018_890753 *LISA: it was ⌋2 +/. 889963_890310 *LISA: That one guy was in a um 890753_891971 (.) like a cop car ? 891971_893167 *LISA: (..) Remember that ? 893167_894050 *LISA: &=in ⌈ He was ⌉ pulling people over ? 894050_895759 *KEVI: ⌊ Hmm ⌋ ? 894296_894610 *LISA: (..) ⌈2 They were ⌉2 +... 895759_897640 *MARI: ⌊2 Oh ⌋2 giving them false tickets . 897431_898836 *KEVI: (..) ⌈3 Where was that ⌉3 ? 898836_899726 *LISA: ⌊3 No:⌋3: 899079_899877 I never heard that . 899877_900542 *KEVI: That was here ? 900542_901262 *LISA: Yeah 901262_901657 there was +/. 901657_901958 *LISA: &=in This guy he was 901958_902965 &{l=X anyway &}l=X 902965_903340 (.) he acted like it was an unmarked car or something 903340_906115 &=in and ⌈ he would pull . 906115_907279 *KEVI: ⌊ Oh 906719_907032 like a slick top ⌋ ? 907032_907954 *LISA: and he'd put that ⌉ light on top . 907279_908808 *KEVI: (.) ⌈2 Slick top ⌉2 ? 908808_909516 *LISA: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 (..) No no not slick (.) top 908991_911315 (.) just like 911315_911838 you know like 911838_912291 any old-looking car 912291_913336 (..) and then they (..) take that wire 913336_915557 and put it on top or whatever 915557_916528 or in their 916528_917049 (..) the front part ? 917049_917991 *LISA: &=in Anyways 917991_918956 and um 918956_919537 (..) &=tsk and would pull people over . 919537_921800 *LISA: And he was wearing like a +/. 921800_922822 *LISA: &=in like 922822_923711 (.) you know 923711_924211 like an (.) shirt ? 924211_925124 *LISA: You can (.) buy em like . 925124_926370 *LISA: Shirts like 926370_927200 (..) you know 927200_928216 (.) for the police 928216_928967 anywhere . 928967_929367 *LISA: (..) &=in And they were doing that . 929367_931411 *KEVI: W- ⌈ why was he ⌉ +... 931411_932200 *LISA: ⌊ And pulling pe⌋ople over . 931771_932699 *LISA: &=in They were stealing their cars . 932699_934136 *LISA: (..) There was like people in the back- ʔuh +/. 934136_936402 *LISA: I think that's what they were doing is stealing +... 936402_937621 *KEVI: Okay . 937621_937958 *KEVI: So he would +... 937958_938376 *LISA: They were carjacking em . 938376_939449 *LISA: They'd pull them over . 939449_940448 *LISA: (..) &=in And then carjack em . 940448_942131 *LISA: (..) And then like like 942131_944572 &=laugh &=in 944572_945246 and then so they got up on 945246_946593 you know 946593_946999 TV 946999_947324 and were saying all: this about them 947324_948729 &=in you know 948729_949653 well don't ⌈ stop for the poli⌉:ce eve:n . 949653_951534 *KEVI: ⌊ How m- +/. 950140_950454 *KEVI: How many ⌋ +... 950454_950894 *LISA: ⌈2 And all . 951534_951716 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 951534_952622 *LISA: I [% laugh] was [% laugh] like [% laugh] 951716_952378 oh shoot ⌉2 . 952378_953225 *KEVI: How many ⌋2 +... 952622_953225 *LISA: ⌈3 &=in ⌉3 . 953225_953818 *KEVI: ⌊3 How many ⌋3 (.) people did they ⌈4 get like that . 953225_955106 *LISA: ⌊4 I don't know . 954584_955209 *KEVI: Just a few or ⌉4 . 955209_956000 *LISA: Just a few⌋4: . 955539_956174 *LISA: (.) Yeah . 956174_956680 *KEVI: Were they like doing really ⌈ fancy cars or ⌉ . 956680_958639 *LISA: ⌊ Cause as soon as it happ⌋⌈2ened XX ⌉2 . 957617_959382 *MARI: ⌊2 Doesn't that sound like ⌋2 something that would happen on like on Chips 958662_960857 or ⌈3 something ⌉3 . 960857_961321 *LISA: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 ⌈4 &{l=@ Yeah it does- &=laugh &=laugh &=in &}l=@ ⌉4 . 961025_962889 *KEVI: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 961321_962889 *LISA: Yeah . 962889_963353 *KEVI: &{l=SING Doo⌈:-doo⌉-doo-doo-doo &}l=SING . 963353_964746 *LISA: ⌊ It does- ⌋ +... 963472_964112 *MARI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in . 964746_965911 *LISA: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉ . 965911_969181 *MARI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 966209_969181 *KEVI: ⌊ Show was terrifying . 966128_967637 *KEVI: That show was terrifying ⌋ . 967637_969181 *LISA: &=laugh &=in &=lengthened 969181_969669 Oh my Go⌈2:d . 969669_970667 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 970516_971143 *LISA: You're a d⌉2ork &=laugh . 970667_971967 *MARI: But do you know what I mean . 971967_972629 *LISA: ⌈ &=in Yeah . 972629_973286 *MARI: ⌊ you can't even do anythi⌋:ng . 972629_974171 *LISA: I know what you mean ⌉ . 973286_973896 *MARI: You can't do anything any⌈2more ⌉2 . 974171_975426 *LISA: ⌊2 &{l=VOX &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh &}l=VOX ⌉3 . 975193_976482 *MARI: ⌊3 All ⌋3 you can do is just ⌈4 stay ho:me ⌉4 . 976192_977817 *LISA: ⌊4 &{l=VOX &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 &=laugh &=laugh &}l=VOX . 977306_978233 *KEVI: Issac . 978233_978990 *MARI: (..) Just stay home . 978990_982664 *MARI: That's it . 982664_983349 *LISA: You sound like Stephanie now . 983349_985481 *MARI: (..) &=in ⌈ Oh no: ⌉ . 985481_986681 *KEVI: ⌊ Stephanie talks ⌋ ⌈2 that way ⌉2 ? 986116_987239 *LISA: ⌊ &=in Steph⌋⌊2anie 985945_987042 S⌋2tephanie says it's like 987077_988365 what do ʔuh +/. 988365_988714 *LISA: I can never think of that word . 988714_989984 *LISA: (.) &=in The end of the world . 989984_991369 *KEVI: (..) Apocalypse ? 991369_992438 *LISA: (..) No the other one . 992438_993369 *KEVI: (.) Revelation ? 993369_994096 *LISA: (..) No . 994096_995122 *MARI: (..) &{l=@ &=ex The other one &}l=@ . 995122_996287 *MARI: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 996287_996995 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 996995_998075 *MARI: ⌊2 Keep ⌋2 going . 997924_998597 *LISA: ⌈3 Like ⌉3 . 998597_998980 *KEVI: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 998562_998841 *LISA: (.) y- um 998980_999495 (.) born-again Christians ⌈ always talk about ⌉ . 999495_1001082 *KEVI: ⌊ Doomsday ⌋ ? 1000513_1001237 *KEVI: &=ex ⌈2 &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 1001237_1004494 *LISA: ⌊2 For:get it . 1002381_1003170 *LISA: &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh ⌋2 1003495_1004598 &=laugh &=in . 1004598_1005224 *KEVI: &=laugh . 1005224_1005616 *LISA: (.) Do you know what I'm talking a⌈bout ⌉ . 1005616_1006884 *MARI: ⌊ No⌋: 1006652_1007035 I have no idea what you're talk⌈2ing about ⌉2 . 1007035_1008265 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh . 1007824_1008498 *LISA: (..) &=in (..) ⌈3 The one where ⌉3 ʔuh (.) all the good +... 1008498_1012961 *MARI: ⌊3 Mm: ⌋3 . 1011375_1011956 *LISA: (..) The ⌈4 ones that are m⌉4arked . 1012961_1014220 *KEVI: ⌊4 Rapture ⌋4 ? 1013430_1013948 *LISA: Rapture . 1014223_1014777 *KEVI: (..) She still goes to (.) ⌈ Calvary Chapel ⌉ ? 1014777_1017502 *LISA: ⌊ No 1016778_1017153 she doesn't ⌋ +/. 1017153_1017524 *LISA: No 1017524_1017774 she never went to Calvary ⌈ Chapel ⌉ . 1017774_1019158 *MARI: ⌊ Oh my ⌋ God 1018717_1019450 Calvary Chapel . 1019450_1020516 *KEVI: (..) What was the one that she used to go to ʔuh ? 1020516_1022277 *KEVI: ⌈ I thought you said XXXX ⌉ . 1022277_1023043 *LISA: ⌊ &=in No she ⌋ went to one 1022277_1023740 (.) that was right by Manzano . 1023740_1025046 *LISA: (..) &=in (.) But 1025046_1027026 it was the same deal . 1027026_1027990 *LISA: It was just a much s- much smaller church . 1027990_1029917 *MARI: &=tsk &=in Calvary Ch⌈apel &{l=X is too much &}l=X ⌉ . 1029917_1032065 *LISA: ⌊ It was born ag- +/. 1030818_1031677 *LISA: She was just like ⌋ supposedly a born-again Christian ⌈2 XX ⌉2 . 1031677_1033837 *MARI: ⌊2 She was ⌋2 1033326_1033825 or she is . 1033837_1034540 *LISA: (..) She hasn't gone forever . 1034540_1036275 *MARI: (..) Well what is her (.) her (.) ⌈ husband ⌉ ? 1036275_1039484 *LISA: ⌊ Officially ⌋ ? 1038808_1039517 *LISA: (..) &=in Her husband's Catholic . 1039517_1041218 *MARI: (.) And what is she officially . 1041218_1042373 *LISA: (.) &=in She I don't think she's official anything . 1042373_1044544 *MARI: (..) She's officially whatever she feels ⌈ like ⌉ . 1044544_1046509 *LISA: ⌊ She's not ⌋ baptized . 1046277_1047183 *LISA: (..) As anything . 1047183_1048506 *LISA: (..) &=in She did this 1048506_1049969 you know like 1049969_1050422 well 1050422_1050666 born-again Christians have this thing where 1050666_1052059 (..) where [% laugh] they [% laugh] ⌈ um [% laugh] ⌉ . 1052059_1054357 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh What [% laugh] . 1054032_1055117 *LISA: (.) &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 . 1055117_1056459 *MARI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1056168_1056470 *LISA: Where [% laugh] they 1056459_1057103 &=in you know like 1057103_1057997 kinda 1057997_1058558 they'll 1058558_1058928 (..) you know 1058928_1059888 try to like 1059888_1060530 &=in inspire you and then 1060530_1061979 &=in you're just supposed to like 1061979_1063338 proclai:m yourself like 1063338_1064661 (..) that day ? 1064661_1065806 *LISA: &=in ⌈ Like ⌉ . 1065806_1066608 *KEVI: ⌊ And that⌋'s what baptism is ? 1066329_1067616 *LISA: (.) &=in Well it's not supposed to be baptism th- +/. 1067616_1069241 *LISA: (..) Well 1069241_1069740 you know ⌈ they just ⌉ . 1069740_1070263 *MARI: ⌊ They don't ⌋ believe in baptism 1070007_1071082 do they ? 1071082_1071354 *LISA: (.) Well no: &=ex +/. 1071354_1072376 *LISA: (.) ⌈ Not so of- &=in ⌉ +... 1072376_1073688 *KEVI: ⌊ Well Baptists do ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1072688_1074184 *LISA: Not so officially . 1074184_1075557 *MARI: &=in Cause wasn't it 1075557_1076901 (.) well who ʔuh +/. 1076901_1077555 *MARI: ⌈ They don't +... 1077555_1077892 *KEVI: ⌊ And you don't get a certificate or anything ⌋ . 1077555_1079262 *MARI: They don't &=in +/. 1077892_1078809 *MARI: They don't ⌉ ⌈2 like XX ⌉2 +... 1078983_1079691 *LISA: ⌊2 You don't ⌋2 get a certificate 1079299_1080341 it's just like 1080341_1080875 you're gonna change your life kinda ⌈ thing . 1080875_1082721 *MARI: ⌊ They (.) they ⌋ +... 1082404_1083163 *LISA: And accept ⌉ God and +... 1082710_1083697 *MARI: (.) They like are like totally +/. 1083697_1084939 *MARI: Weren't you saying that Barbara was saying something about Ash Wednesday ? 1084939_1087525 *LISA: (..) Ye:s [% laugh] . 1087525_1088898 *LISA: &=in ⌈ Wha- ⌉ +... 1088898_1089342 *KEVI: ⌊ What did ⌋ ⌈2 she say ⌉2 ? 1088936_1089888 *MARI: ⌊ It made ⌋ ⌊2 me so⌋2⌈3: mad ⌉3 . 1088994_1090528 *LISA: ⌊2 She's a ⌋2 +/. 1089435_1089911 *LISA: ⌊3 She's a Pe⌋3ntecostal . 1089911_1091061 *LISA: &=in Well 1091061_1091734 she said um 1091734_1092727 (..) she asked if I had (.) went and got ashes on my forehead yet . 1092727_1096446 *LISA: &=in A:nd um 1096446_1097572 (..) I don't remember what she said . 1097572_1098873 *LISA: &=in Something she just said 1098873_1099953 &{l=VOX well Jesus is in your heart 1099953_1101439 not on your forehead &}l=VOX . 1101439_1102627 *LISA: Or something . 1102627_1103215 *MARI: &=laugh &=ex 1103215_1103563 ⌈ And I was just like ⌉ +... 1103563_1104759 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 &=laugh . 1103621_1106036 *LISA: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 1105398_1106036 ⌈3 &=in I was ⌉3 ⌈4 just like ⌉4 +... 1106036_1107546 *KEVI: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 . 1106413_1106704 *MARI: ⌊3 &=SQUEAL ⌋3 . 1106211_1107000 *KEVI: ⌊4 You tol⌋4d me that 1107006_1107958 but it's still stupid . 1107958_1109177 *KEVI: I m⌈ean ⌉ +... 1109177_1109618 *LISA: ⌊ It's ⌋ just like 1109374_1110129 well 1110129_1110419 you know 1110419_1110674 you just proved that you absolutely know nothing about the Catholic religion . 1110674_1114037 *KEVI: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 . 1114037_1115188 *MARI: ⌊ XXXX ⌋ . 1114039_1114724 *LISA: ⌊2 You know what I mean ⌋2 1114944_1115351 &=laugh 1115351_1115757 That [% laugh] ⌈ was [% laugh] never [% laugh] the ⌉ point . 1115757_1117336 *MARI: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ . 1115863_1116490 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1116087_1116629 *MARI: ⌈2 &=in ⌉2 . 1117286_1117790 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 . 1117286_1117790 *LISA: ⌊2 you know ⌋2 ? 1117286_1117779 *KEVI: &=laugh . 1117790_1118069 *MARI: &=in . 1118069_1118754 *LISA: (.) So whatever . 1118754_1119822 *LISA: (..) I was just like . 1119822_1121238 *KEVI: Oh: ⌈ boy: ⌉ . 1121238_1122457 *MARI: ⌊ Oh 1121760_1122097 it was s:⌋o funny one day . 1122097_1123339 *MARI: Um 1123339_1123608 &=in (.) &=ex 1123608_1125036 uh Kent was (..) at the (.) store &=ex . 1125036_1127944 *MARI: And me and Cassie were talking 1127944_1129300 and I was just like 1129300_1129892 (..) that's before he fired Barry . 1129892_1133527 *MARI: (.) I guess . 1133527_1134202 *LISA: (..) Hm ? 1134202_1134873 *MARI: He y- that's the day he asked us about Barry . 1134873_1136578 *MARI: &=in . 1136578_1137015 *LISA: (..) Asked you about Barry . 1137015_1137890 *MARI: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 1137890_1138401 *LISA: ⌊ XX ⌋ . 1137890_1138401 *MARI: Cause that was the day he said he was gonna fire +/. 1138401_1140003 *MARI: Well he had told us that he probably was gonna let him go . 1140003_1142093 *LISA: &=in Well what happened +/. 1142093_1143161 *LISA: Okay I never +/. 1143161_1143846 *LISA: I'm +/. 1143846_1144229 *LISA: I'm gonna get you off subject right here . 1144229_1145634 *LISA: &=in (.) Barry was mister wonderful good 1145634_1148159 (..) ⌈ did everything ⌉ +... 1148159_1148988 *MARI: ⌊ He never ⌋ was . 1148359_1149543 *MARI: He never ⌈2 was ⌉2 . 1149543_1150182 *LISA: ⌊2 I th⌋2ought Kent (.) even ⌈3 said that he was great ⌉3 . 1150042_1152248 *MARI: ⌊3 Well 1151192_1151528 Kent liked ⌋3 him at first . 1151528_1152991 *MARI: And then he &=in started messing up the machine and stuff 1152991_1155801 so Kent ⌈ was like ⌉ . 1155801_1156602 *LISA: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ . 1156207_1156602 *MARI: you know . 1156625_1157027 *LISA: &=in ⌈ So he didn't like ⌉ him ever for very long . 1157027_1158931 *MARI: ⌊ and then he XX ⌋ +/. 1157202_1157931 *MARI: Unh-unh . 1158931_1159384 *MARI: ⌈ And then . 1159384_1159800 *LISA: ⌊ Oh 1159384_1159800 okay ⌋ . 1159800_1160100 *MARI: &=in ⌉ Pat started not liking him either . 1159800_1162124 *MARI: (..) And I mean 1162124_1162635 my mom never liked him so . 1162635_1163876 *LISA: (..) Okay anyways s⌈o ⌉ . 1163876_1165630 *MARI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ But he +/. 1165408_1166313 *MARI: ʔuh We were sitting there 1166313_1167079 and you know how like 1167079_1167776 (.) Kent's like a big old +/. 1167776_1168914 *MARI: Well he wa:s a big old drug addict and all that stuff ? 1168914_1171783 *MARI: &=in ⌈ And ⌉ +... 1171783_1172791 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh 1172083_1172884 &=in ⌈2 You told me a little bit about ⌉2 . 1172884_1174806 *LISA: ⌊2 Yeah 1173099_1173563 he was a big old drug ⌋2 ⌈3 addict ⌉3 . 1173563_1175247 *MARI: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 he ⌈4 was . 1174794_1175768 *KEVI: ⌊4 Like coke ⌋4 or . 1175653_1176419 *MARI: And he ⌉4 +/. 1175783_1176132 *MARI: Yeah⌈5: ⌉5 . 1176503_1177037 *LISA: ⌊5 Yeah ⌋5 1176698_1176917 he was a born-again virgin . 1176917_1178225 *LISA: I thought that was the most hilarious ⌈ thing I heard in my entire ⌉ life . 1178225_1180845 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1179348_1180520 *MARI: Bu⌈2:t he ⌉2 +... 1180845_1181474 *LISA: ⌊2 Anyways ⌋2 1181100_1181534 ⌈3 I'm sorry ⌉3 . 1181534_1182058 *KEVI: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 1181578_1182077 *MARI: ⌊3 But ⌋3 he was 1181729_1182509 you know 1182509_1183009 he like 1183009_1183588 is so like 1183588_1184192 judgmental on other people now 1184192_1185550 he's gotten to be like that ever since I think 1185550_1187373 basically since he's been married . 1187373_1188774 *MARI: He's like (.) so: judgmental on people 1188774_1190553 it bugs me . 1190553_1191103 *MARI: &=in . 1191103_1191730 *LISA: &=in (.) &{l=VOX Like who &}l=VOX . 1191730_1192845 *MARI: B- ʔuh just like 1192845_1193971 (..) people in general . 1193971_1195495 *MARI: I mean he just 1195495_1196374 (..) I don't know it's +/. 1196374_1197794 *MARI: (.) It's weird . 1197794_1198761 *MARI: ⌈ Like . 1198761_1199051 *LISA: ⌊ &=in See I ⌋ +... 1198761_1199446 *MARI: you know h ⌋ ow he used to always say 1199051_1200502 well I would never push 1200502_1201838 &=in my faith on anybody 1201838_1203138 I would never (.) p- preach to anybody . 1203138_1204678 *MARI: &=in But 1204678_1205497 (..) he doesn't let us put anything up . 1205497_1207697 *MARI: Like as far as 1207697_1208600 you know like um: . 1208600_1209694 *KEVI: (..) Can't put anything Catholic up ? 1209694_1211667 *KEVI: ⌈ Or nothing secul⌉ar . 1211667_1213030 *MARI: ⌊ Yeah 1211789_1212161 do you know what I mean ⌋ 1212161_1212805 just (.) nothing 1213030_1213949 we're not allowed to put anything up . 1213949_1214862 *MARI: But 1214862_1215087 &=in here comes this person 1215087_1216701 and +/. 1216701_1217070 *MARI: &=in And it's (.) about 1217070_1218436 (.) like you know 1218436_1219353 (..) about his religion or whatever 1219353_1221200 and he &{n=CLAP &=nonvocal plasters &}n=CLAP it right on the front door 1221200_1223368 you know 1223368_1223687 and he's not pushing on his customers and stuff ? 1223687_1225847 *MARI: &=in And we lost a lot of customers because of that . 1225847_1227983 *MARI: Because they didn't feel like 1227983_1229157 you know 1229157_1229643 (.) ⌈ that was ⌉ a ⌈2 place for ⌉2 +... 1229643_1231181 *KEVI: &{l=X ⌊ What ⌋ &}l=X +/. 1230026_1230316 *KEVI: ⌊2 What was it ⌋2 . 1230513_1231205 *MARI: &=in &=tsk I forget 1231205_1232313 it was an announcement of somebody coming 1232313_1234199 a speaker or somebody . 1234199_1235474 *LISA: ⌈ &=in Oh⌉: . 1235474_1236577 *KEVI: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 1235459_1236133 *LISA: I think I remember that . 1236577_1237503 *MARI: And he ʔuh +/. 1237503_1237909 *MARI: And ʔuh +/. 1237909_1238481 *MARI: And he +/. 1238481_1239027 *MARI: (.) And they were just like 1239027_1240003 not really +... 1240003_1240747 *LISA: (..) &=in Well he used to 1240747_1242414 (..) like 1242414_1242902 &=in you know . 1242902_1243761 *MARI: ⌈ Leave ⌉ little prayer cards at number ten . 1243761_1245781 *LISA: ⌊ Bar- ⌋ +/. 1243807_1244005 *LISA: Yeah 1245781_1246124 Barbara 1246124_1246777 ʔuh had this sh- +/. 1246777_1247502 *LISA: (.) They have 1247502_1248090 they call em +/. 1248090_1248647 *LISA: &=in They call em tracts ? 1248647_1250307 *LISA: &=in (..) And what they are is they're like +/. 1250307_1252314 *LISA: Like they'll have Footprints on it 1252314_1253936 (.) &=in or um 1253936_1255356 I can't remember . 1255356_1256412 *LISA: (..) Just little thing +/. 1256412_1258021 *LISA: Little prayers 1258021_1258730 and stuff like that 1258730_1259498 &=in and +/. 1259498_1260252 *LISA: But she had a little basket 1260252_1261261 and it said take one or whatever . 1261261_1262468 *LISA: &=in A:nd um 1262468_1263569 (.) right by the thing . 1263569_1264557 *LISA: And she'd wear her little pray pi:n and 1264557_1266578 &=in and then she put 1266578_1267615 you know 1267615_1268074 happy birthday Christmas on the window 1268074_1270038 ⌈ I mean hap⌉py birthday Christmas . 1270038_1271187 *MARI: ⌊ XXXX ⌋ . 1270049_1270479 *LISA: &=in happy ⌈2 birthday ⌉2 ⌈3 Jesus ⌉3 . 1271187_1272847 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1271849_1272255 *MARI: ⌊3 Jesus ⌋3 . 1272267_1272778 *LISA: ⌈4 XX XX XX ⌉4 . 1272778_1273354 *MARI: ⌊4 she still did ⌋4 . 1272778_1273354 *LISA: I know 1273354_1273697 it's on this year too I saw . 1273697_1274728 *LISA: (..) &=tsk &=in But and I got ʔuh +/. 1274728_1277043 *LISA: You know some customers who 1277043_1278160 it's not that they weren't Christian at all . 1278160_1280246 *LISA: (.) You know 1280246_1280675 &=in it was just 1280675_1281639 it annoyed them . 1281639_1282568 *KEVI: (..) Well you told me they were gonna s- 1282568_1284230 (.) they were gonna 1284230_1284878 (.) turn it into 1284878_1285923 they were gonna have a religious (.) card section or ⌈ XX ⌉ ? 1285923_1288838 *LISA: ⌊ They were going ⌋ to . 1288223_1289198 *MARI: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1288455_1288896 *MARI: They were . 1289198_1289637 *KEVI: (.) That would've been wild . 1289637_1291079 *KEVI: That would've been +/. 1291079_1291601 *KEVI: You know you're +... 1291601_1292089 *LISA: &{l=VOX Dry cleaner slash religious card ⌈ dealer ⌉ &}l=VOX . 1292089_1294515 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 &=laugh That [% laugh] was ⌈3 &=in ⌉3 +... 1294155_1295938 *MARI: ⌊2 &=ex ⌋2 1294522_1294870 ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 1295462_1295938 ⌈4 Yeah ⌉4 . 1295938_1296222 *LISA: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 1295966_1296617 *MARI: ⌊5 he ⌋5 +... 1296210_1296593 *KEVI: ⌈6 That would've been so strange ⌉6 . 1296593_1298277 *LISA: ⌊6 &=in I thought ʔuh ⌋6 everyone would be like . 1296742_1299310 *KEVI: (..) Well the- +/. 1299310_1300181 *KEVI: And then you could add a drive-through 1300181_1301493 you know let's say I need 1301493_1302073 you know 1302073_1302306 give me my clothes and 1302306_1303362 you know . 1303362_1303676 *MARI: (.) Pick up a card on the ⌈ way ⌉ . 1303676_1305007 *KEVI: ⌊ Two ⌋ ⌈2 bap⌉2⌈3tism cards XX ⌉3 +... 1304822_1306110 *MARI: ⌊2 You know ⌋2 . 1305007_1305251 *LISA: ⌊3 And a birthday c⌋3⌈4ard for ⌉4 +... 1305263_1306842 *KEVI: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 1306301_1306884 *LISA: No they wouldn't have a baptism card ⌈5 Kevin ⌉5 . 1306884_1308858 *KEVI: ⌊5 No ⌋5 I know . 1308505_1309541 *KEVI: I've been trying to think what would they have . 1309541_1310981 *LISA: (..) That's like pagan or +... 1310981_1312607 *KEVI: &{l=VOX Jesus loves you &}l=VOX . 1312607_1313707 *KEVI: &=laugh ⌈ &=in &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh ⌉ . 1313707_1315486 *LISA: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ 1314392_1315565 ⌈2 &=in ⌉2 . 1315565_1316111 *KEVI: ⌊2 &{l=VOX Smile ⌋2 1315704_1316865 Jesus loves you &}l=VOX . 1316154_1316890 *MARI: (..) &=in But they have a ⌈ bunch of um ⌉ . 1316890_1319013 *LISA: ⌊ Hit the ʔuh ⌋ +/. 1318572_1319013 *LISA: Hit it with him . 1319013_1319640 *MARI: (..) &=in But um . 1319640_1321012 *LISA: Oh Kevin 1321012_1321697 no no no . 1321697_1322361 *MARI: (..) You have to go like this . 1322361_1323313 *ENV: &=BANGING ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 &=lengthened . 1323313_1327535 *MARI: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1323576_1323878 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1323878_1325851 *LISA: (..) &{l=@ He just thinks ⌈3 we're wei:rd &}l=@ ⌉3 . 1325851_1329995 *MARI: ⌊3 &=ex &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 1328567_1329600 *LISA: &=laugh &=laugh . 1329995_1330403 *MARI: &=in . 1330403_1331030 *LISA: &=in Kevin 1331030_1331835 it's not an instrument . 1331835_1332953 *LISA: (..) Don't +... 1332953_1334189 *MARI: (..) No uh 1334189_1335996 he's uh (.) ⌈ liʔ- ⌉ +... 1335996_1336611 *LISA: ⌊ Wha⌋t's wr⌈2ong ⌉2 . 1336519_1337273 *KEVI: ⌊2 He sick ⌋2 of that ? 1336890_1337617 *LISA: &=in ⌈3 Who's this weird person in my house ⌉3 . 1337617_1340742 *MARI: ⌊3 But anyways 1338379_1339244 I was talking about his ⌋3 drug problem . 1339703_1341648 *MARI: Right ? 1341648_1341922 *LISA: ⌈ Oh I'm sorry ⌉ . 1341922_1342595 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 1342270_1343158 *MARI: ⌊ &{l=X It's how &}l=X ⌋ ⌊2 he's so ⌋2 ⌈3 judgmental ⌉3 +... 1342398_1343841 *LISA: ⌊3 A long ⌋3 ti- +... 1343367_1343919 *MARI: (..) &=in ⌈4 ʔuh: ⌉4 +... 1343919_1345266 *LISA: ⌊4 Uh Marie ⌋4 ? 1344755_1345266 *MARI: Uh excuse me 1345241_1345845 ⌈ don't ⌉ +... 1345845_1346020 *LISA: ⌊ XX ⌋ . 1345845_1346020 *MARI: That's my ⌈2 couch [% laugh] ⌉2 . 1346020_1346939 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 1346292_1348411 *MARI: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋3 . 1346939_1348442 *LISA: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 &=laugh . 1346962_1348668 *MARI: (..) ⌈4 Um ⌉4 . 1348668_1349227 *LISA: ⌊4 &=in ⌋4 . 1348896_1349198 *KEVI: &{l=X Oh my &}l=X ⌈5 dad doesn't live ⌉5 here . 1349198_1350272 *LISA: ⌊5 It's your chair ⌋5 . 1349454_1350086 *MARI: (.) But (.) u⌈6:m ⌉6 . 1350272_1351207 *LISA: ⌊6 Shut ⌋6 up . 1350878_1351375 *KEVI: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈7 &=laugh ⌉7 &=laugh . 1351375_1352184 *MARI: ⌊7 &=laugh ⌋7 . 1351864_1352108 *ENV: &=BANGING ⌈8 &=lengthened ⌉8 ⌈9 &=lengthened ⌉9 . 1352184_1353483 *MARI: ⌊8 (.) &=laugh ⌋8 . 1352184_1352602 *LISA: (..) ⌊9 See ⌋9 ⌈ I told you ⌉ . 1352602_1354452 *KEVI: ⌊ &{l=VOX Oh: &}l=VOX ⌋ . 1353433_1354552 *MARI: (..) But he um 1354552_1355604 he was like really judgmental and +/. 1355604_1356954 *MARI: &=in And we were sitting ⌈ there . 1356954_1357997 *LISA: ⌊ Na-na-na-na-na . 1357742_1358534 *LISA: (.) &=SNIFF ⌋ . 1358534_1359292 *MARI: and he had said something about ⌉ 1357997_1359292 (..) something that ⌈2 had to ⌉2 do with the bar next door to number ten . 1359292_1363293 *LISA: ⌊2 &{l=VOX Boo &}l=VOX ⌋2 . 1361342_1361644 *MARI: you know 1363293_1363665 people who drink . 1363665_1364487 *MARI: (.) &=in At one time or another . 1364487_1366584 *MARI: And I couldn't remember 1366584_1367553 and so that day me and Cassie were talking 1367553_1369226 and I 1369226_1369451 and (.) she like 1369451_1370308 was like 1370308_1370703 &=in (.) she was like a little run-around . 1370703_1372519 *MARI: You know 1372519_1372659 she used to like . 1372659_1373328 *LISA: (..) ⌈ Was or is ⌉ . 1373328_1375040 *MARI: ⌊ Sh:- (.) sh:- ⌋ (.) she was . 1374117_1375812 *MARI: Like big time . 1375812_1376228 *MARI: she used to like (.) go: 1376228_1377366 &=in and just +/. 1377366_1378568 *MARI: (..) Like go to Utah 1378568_1380904 with a bunch of guys and ⌈ gir⌉ls . 1380904_1382442 *KEVI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 1382297_1382373 *MARI: you know 1382442_1382721 skip school and 1382721_1383580 I mean just 1383580_1384149 you know⌈: ⌉ . 1384149_1384574 *KEVI: ⌊ How ⌋ old was she ? 1384530_1385012 *MARI: &=in like 1385012_1385627 be a hippie kind of th⌈ing ⌉ . 1385627_1386936 *LISA: ⌊ Right now ⌋ she's like nineteen or eighteen . 1386672_1388299 *KEVI: ⌊ &=COUGH ⌋ . 1386811_1387033 *MARI: She's seventeen . 1388299_1389274 *LISA: Still ? 1389274_1389901 *MARI: (..) She's seven- +/. 1389901_1390818 *MARI: She just turned seventeen ⌈ in September ⌉ . 1390818_1392421 *KEVI: ⌊ I assume she⌋'s dropped out of school . 1391975_1393147 *KEVI: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉2 . 1393147_1394271 *MARI: ⌊2 Yeah 1393505_1393743 she has ⌋2 . 1393743_1394387 *LISA: I didn't know she was that young . 1394387_1395409 *LISA: X +... 1395409_1395618 *MARI: (..) And 1395618_1396656 (.) u:m 1396656_1397254 (.) she like 1397254_1398038 w- w- ⌈ was in a ⌉ +... 1398038_1398820 *LISA: ⌊ So she must ⌋ have been going to Utah when she was like fifteen 1398407_1400425 ⌈2 or something ⌉2 . 1400425_1400754 *MARI: ⌊2 Yeah⌋2: . 1400493_1400975 *KEVI: ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 1400975_1401615 *MARI: ⌊3 Cause she was ⌋3 doing ⌈4 all kinds of like ⌉4 +... 1401000_1402307 *KEVI: ⌊4 That's ⌋4 ⌈5 scary ⌉5 . 1401762_1403051 *LISA: ⌊4 Oh ⌋4 ⌊5 my God ⌋5 &=ex . 1402093_1403364 *KEVI: I ⌈6 assume her ⌉6 parents really appreciated that . 1403364_1404993 *MARI: ⌊6 And ⌋6 +/. 1403553_1403831 *MARI: ʔuh: Well 1404831_1405691 they were like 1405691_1406144 her paren- +/. 1406144_1406515 *MARI: Her mom's like an alcoholic 1406515_1407948 and stuff like that 1407948_1408373 and her dad's like a &{l=VOX biker &}l=VOX now 1408373_1409783 and I'm like 1409783_1410183 God 1410183_1410619 ⌈ you know . 1410619_1410857 *KEVI: ⌊ Oh: ⌋ . 1410625_1411507 *MARI: but they're not ⌋ married anymore 1410857_1412204 but still . 1412204_1413006 *MARI: &=in Well we were sitting there talking 1413006_1414621 and she's been in a center for like (.) rehabilitation and stuff 1414621_1417623 (.) for drugs and stuff 1417623_1418650 &=in and we were talking 1418650_1419768 and (.) ʔI 1419768_1420318 (.) ʔuh: and I told her 1420318_1421087 do you get offended 1421087_1421976 I go 1421976_1422353 do you think that it 1422353_1423127 you know I told her 1423127_1423539 do you think it's fair 1423539_1424641 &=in that when people say ʔuh 1424641_1426214 (.) ʔy- you know that 1426214_1427209 (..) even 1427209_1428384 (.) y- y- like 1428384_1429045 you were an alcoholic . 1429045_1430244 *MARI: They never say you were . 1430244_1431330 *MARI: You're always an alcoholic . 1431330_1432481 *MARI: You're just a recovered (.) alcoholic . 1432481_1434056 *MARI: Do you know what I mean 1434056_1434588 a recovered alcoholic . 1434588_1435654 *LISA: M⌈hm ⌉ . 1435654_1436089 *MARI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=lengthened But when 1435776_1437012 (.) when you're a drug addict 1437012_1438291 and you don't do it anymore they say 1438291_1439289 oh 1439289_1439579 you've come clean . 1439579_1440531 *MARI: Do you know what I mean 1440531_1441133 I go 1441133_1441533 &=in that really bugs me and and 1441533_1443292 and Kent was in the back 1443292_1444545 I was all 1444545_1445062 &=in I think a person who was a drug addict 1445062_1447146 (.) once was a drug addict . 1447146_1448577 *MARI: Always is a drug addict . 1448577_1449754 *MARI: I said 1449754_1450038 they're just a recovered drug addict . 1450038_1452021 *MARI: &{l=@ And I was saying it like &}l=@ really loud . 1452021_1453890 *LISA: ⌈ Like on purpose though ⌉ ? 1453890_1455225 *MARI: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened (.) Ye:s ⌋ 1453890_1455225 so that he would hear me . 1455114_1456183 *LISA: (.) Oh . 1456183_1456763 *MARI: And I was all 1456763_1457287 because that's not 1457287_1458229 that's not fair I mean 1458229_1459170 alcohol is just 1459170_1460183 (.) is a drug too 1460183_1461271 and I was just going off 1461271_1462304 &{l=@ and stuff like ⌈ that ⌉ . 1462304_1463323 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 1463085_1463347 *MARI: and she was &}l=@ 1463347_1464223 (.) &=in like agreeing with me and 1464223_1466274 &=in and 1466274_1467150 and then 1467150_1467600 I was all 1467600_1468232 (.) ⌈ just being real like ⌉ ⌈2 ju- ⌉2 +... 1468232_1469979 *KEVI: ⌊ &{l=VOX &{l=L2 Que hace &}l=L2 &}l=VOX ⌋ . 1469010_1469752 *LISA: ⌊2 Is he ⌋2 kicking the present⌈3s ⌉3 ? 1469644_1470988 *MARI: ⌊3 No ⌋3 ⌈4 Issac ⌉4 . 1470846_1471856 *KEVI: ⌊4 He's step⌋4ping on em . 1471255_1472406 *MARI: (..) No . 1472406_1473924 *MARI: (..) You don't do that . 1473924_1475366 *KEVI: &{l=X That must've been a XX &}l=X . 1475366_1476404 *KEVI: (..) ⌈ XX ⌉ X . 1476404_1477731 *MARI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 1477104_1477556 *LISA: (..) It's already 1477731_1478614 it's like coming un- (..) wrapped . 1478614_1480117 *LISA: Isn't it ? 1480117_1480544 *MARI: (.) Why don't you ⌈ sit there ⌉ . 1480544_1481723 *BABY: ⌊ &=CRYING ⌋ ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 ⌈3 &=lengthened ⌉3 ⌈4 &=lengthened ⌉4 &=lengthened . 1481194_1486720 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=IMITATING_BABY_CRYING ⌋2 ⌊3 &=lengthened ⌋3 ⌊4 &=lengthened ⌋4 . 1481723_1485970 *LISA: ⌊3 We disagree ⌋3 . 1483487_1484584 *LISA: (..) Oh brother⌈5: ⌉5 . 1486720_1488972 *MARI: ⌊5 &=laugh ⌋5 ⌈6 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉6 . 1488879_1489663 *KEVI: ⌊6 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋6 ⌈7 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉7 ⌈8 &=in ⌉8 . 1489198_1490988 *LISA: ⌊7 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋7 ⌊8 &=lengthened ⌋8 . 1489669_1490988 *MARI: ⌊8 But ʔy- ⌋8 . 1490713_1490988 *LISA: ⌈9 &=IMITATING_BABY_CRYING ⌉9 &=lengthened . 1490988_1492464 *MARI: ⌊9 ʔI was just saying like ⌋9 +... 1490988_1491964 *KEVI: ⌊9 (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋9 . 1491097_1491964 *MARI: Really judgmen⌈tal ⌉ . 1492464_1493535 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1493318_1493535 *MARI: Do you know what I mean ? 1493535_1494172 *KEVI: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 1494172_1494599 *MARI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Just ⌈2 like ⌉2 . 1494172_1495024 *LISA: ⌊2 &{l=VOX &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh &}l=VOX ⌉3 . 1494775_1495872 *MARI: ⌊3 not ⌋3 m- +/. 1495628_1495953 *MARI: Like 1495953_1496178 I didn't mean like half the things I said 1496178_1498122 just 1498122_1498417 just to like (.) show him . 1498417_1499894 *MARI: Do you know what I mean ? 1499894_1500269 *MARI: Like I go 1500269_1500689 &=in God I go 1500689_1501496 I honestly don't see how somebody could just snort something up their nose 1501496_1504708 I mean what kind of satisf:action do you get out of ⌈ that ⌉ . 1504708_1506866 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 1506425_1508503 *LISA: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ 1506308_1506843 ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1507528_1509048 *MARI: ⌊2 You know ⌋2 ? 1507516_1508108 *MARI: And I ⌈3 was just all ⌉3 . 1509048_1510317 *KEVI: ⌊3 &=in &=lengthened ⌋3 . 1509473_1510267 *MARI: and I was just like 1510317_1511175 going on and 1511175_1511904 and saying stuff like that . 1511904_1512907 *MARI: And and 1512907_1513409 &=in 1513409_1514071 anʔ and not ⌈ that I don't ⌉ +... 1514071_1515488 *LISA: ⌊ What did sh⌋e do 1514882_1515946 I mean that she ⌈2 was a ⌉2 +... 1515948_1516753 *MARI: ⌊2 She was ⌋2 just like 1516393_1516987 I know . 1516987_1517437 *MARI: Isn't that disgust +/. 1517437_1518239 *MARI: ⌈ You know ⌉ ? 1518239_1518529 *LISA: ⌊ Was she ⌋ alcoholic ? 1518286_1519214 *LISA: Or . 1519214_1519578 *MARI: (.) ⌈ I don't know really what she was ⌉ . 1519578_1521223 *BABY: ⌊ &=CRYING ⌋ ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 ⌈3 &=lengthened ⌉3 . 1519703_1523545 *LISA: ⌊2 Aw⌋2⌊3:: ⌋3 . 1521919_1523487 *MARI: ⌊3 But she um ⌋3 1522674_1523545 &=in but it was just rude 1523545_1524692 I was just being like really judgmental 1524692_1526203 like on purpose . 1526203_1527186 *MARI: Do you know ? 1527186_1527426 *MARI: ⌈ Cause I ⌉ would never go up and say something . 1527426_1529086 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 1527496_1527763 *MARI: &{l=VOX well ⌈2 I don't ⌉2 see how you can sniff that &}l=VOX . 1529086_1531155 *LISA: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 1529231_1529602 *MARI: Do you know what I ⌈3 mean ⌉3 ? 1531155_1531839 *LISA: ⌊3 Yeah⌋3⌈4: ⌉4 . 1531609_1532015 *KEVI: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 1531551_1532306 *MARI: ⌊4 &=in ⌋4 I would never say something like ⌈5 that but ⌉5 . 1531889_1533991 *LISA: ⌊5 Just to sh- ⌋5 kinda show him how it is- . 1533550_1535241 *LISA: like . 1535241_1535442 *MARI: (.) Yeah . 1535442_1535839 *LISA: ⌈ what it feels like ⌉ . 1535839_1536589 *MARI: ⌊ how judgment- ⌋ +/. 1535839_1536587 *MARI: (..) And I was just going off and off 1536587_1538466 ⌈ and you could just ⌉ . 1538466_1539000 *KEVI: ⌊ Did he react ⌋ ? 1538466_1539058 *MARI: &=in He did . 1539058_1540208 *MARI: He just did really quiet . 1540208_1541243 *MARI: And then he's all 1541243_1541894 uh Marie and Cassie 1541894_1542744 can I talk to you for a minute ? 1542744_1543635 *MARI: And I was all 1543635_1543993 &{l=VOX oh my God ⌈ he's gonna ⌉ f⌈2ire us &}l=VOX ⌉2 . 1543993_1545795 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ 1544680_1545058 ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 1545342_1546677 *LISA: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 1545980_1547316 *MARI: ⌊4 &=SCREECHING ⌋4 ⌈5 &=in ⌉5 . 1546677_1548268 *LISA: ⌊5 &=in He wouldn't ⌋5 fire you . 1547408_1548944 *LISA: &=in I could just see this 1548944_1550082 (.) y- k- +/. 1550082_1550605 *LISA: ⌈ You're going to unemploy⌉ment . 1550605_1551963 *KEVI: ⌊ You could s:ue ⌋ . 1550639_1551787 *LISA: and the reason for &=in unemployment 1551963_1553565 uh well I said something about drug addiction . 1553565_1555952 *LISA: ⌈ You know what I mean [% laugh] ⌉ ? 1555952_1556591 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉2 ⌈3 &=lengthened ⌉3 . 1556158_1557728 *MARI: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ ⌊2 &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1556405_1557357 *LISA: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1556555_1557495 *MARI: ⌊3 But ⌋3 you know 1557613_1558013 I was just 1558463_1558906 ⌈ thought he was . 1558463_1558906 *KEVI: ⌊ Sue: ⌋ . 1558401_1559027 *MARI: I ⌉ thought he was gonna preach something like to me like 1558923_1560711 &{l=VOX well I was one 1560711_1561695 and I don't consider myself &}l=VOX +/. 1561695_1563030 *MARI: You know I thought he was gonna ⌈ bring ⌉ +... 1563030_1564319 *LISA: ⌊ And he was ⌋ gonna tell you something about the boiler . 1564005_1565549 *LISA: ⌈2 Or he'll X⌉2⌈3X X X⌉3⌈4X ⌉4 . 1565558_1566983 *MARI: ⌊2 No ⌋2 1566150_1566568 ⌊3 and he ⌋3 ⌊4 XX ⌋4 +... 1566557_1567346 *KEVI: ⌊4 Hu:nh ⌋4 ? 1566858_1567346 *MARI: No . 1567346_1567671 *MARI: And he (.) ⌈ ended up asking ⌉ us . 1567671_1569337 *LISA: ⌊ Cause at the store ⌋ . 1568147_1568855 *MARI: &=in well ʔuh 1569337_1570191 (.) what 1570191_1570725 how would you s- +/. 1570725_1571376 *MARI: How would you (.) describe (..) Barry . 1571376_1573801 *MARI: (..) And his work . 1573801_1575025 *MARI: (.) And I was like 1575025_1575824 (.) &=in he's all 1575824_1576625 and be careful when you answer this question 1576625_1578192 and I'm like 1578192_1578673 (..) so I was all 1578673_1580025 (.) &{l=VOX well I don't know &}l=VOX . 1580025_1581156 *MARI: I said 1581156_1581356 ⌈ because ⌉ &{l=VOX I don't work with him in the morning anymore &=laugh &}l=VOX . 1581356_1583508 *LISA: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 1581356_1581566 *MARI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 1583508_1584170 &=in I was all 1584170_1584843 but when I did 1584843_1585547 you know 1585547_1585772 I didn't think he was a good worker . 1585772_1587066 *MARI: He's all 1587066_1587344 &{l=VOX very good answer . 1587344_1587925 *MARI: Very good answer &}l=VOX . 1587925_1588517 *MARI: &=in But it was just Barry . 1588517_1589701 *MARI: It just had +/. 1589701_1590251 *MARI: (.) You know 1590251_1590769 and ⌈ he +... 1590769_1591238 *KEVI: ⌊ &{l=@ Nothing then to do with what you were &}l=@ ⌋ +... 1590932_1592187 *MARI: &=in Not anything ⌉ to do with what I said 1591238_1593082 ⌈2 but you could tell that ⌉2 . 1593082_1594138 *LISA: ⌊2 &=in Why be caref⌋2ul . 1593082_1594490 *LISA: &=ex &=lengthened (..) &=in ⌈3 I don't understand that ⌉3 . 1594490_1596210 *MARI: ⌊3 Because I did +/. 1595466_1596117 *MARI: He ⌋3 didn't want me to say 1596117_1597034 &{l=VOX well I think Kent he's awful &}l=VOX 1597034_1598590 and na-na-na-na-na . 1598590_1599356 *LISA: ⌈ Why ⌉ . 1599356_1599705 *MARI: ⌊ You know ⌋ . 1599356_1599716 *MARI: &=in I don't know 1599716_1600628 just 1600628_1601016 because that was be⌈ing judgmental I ⌉ guess . 1601016_1603062 *LISA: ⌊ &{l=X If you do you do &}l=X ⌋ . 1601818_1602727 *KEVI: Issac . 1603124_1603647 *LISA: (..) Marie . 1603647_1604750 *MARI: No hunh ? 1604750_1605368 *LISA: (.) He's gonna get (.) on all the wires and stuff . 1605368_1607372 *LISA: (..) . 1607372_1610922 @End