@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: ENV ENV Environment, KARE KAREN Speaker, SCOT SCOTT Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ENV|||||Environment||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|KARE|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|SCOT|||||Speaker||| @Media: 34, audio @Comment: What Time is it Now? @Comment: A late-night face-to-face conversation recorded in Northampton, Massachusetts. Participants are a married couple (Karen and Scott) in their early twenties. Karen has just returned home from work, and the two are talking while winding down for the evening. *ENV: &=DOOR_OPENING_AND_CLOSING . 0_4475 *KARE: Hi sweetie . 4475_5077 *SCOT: (..) Hey . 5077_5908 *SCOT: (.) &=THROAT . 5908_6489 *KARE: &{l=X Sweetie frumptions &}l=X . 6489_7630 *KARE: (..) This is kinda open . 7630_10399 *SCOT: (..) Yep . 10399_11071 *SCOT: (..) How was work ? 11071_12008 *ENV: &=CLOSET . 12008_13158 *KARE: I'm so tired . 13158_13889 *SCOT: (..) Ti:red . 13889_15155 *KARE: It was ʔuh +/. 15155_15743 *KARE: It was okay 15743_16277 I left my bag there . 16277_16939 *KARE: (..) &{l=VOX I left my bag 16939_17809 and all my money 17809_18523 and all my things: &}l=VOX . 18523_19574 *SCOT: (..) N⌈ow the gho⌉sts'll get it . 19574_21174 *KARE: ⌊ They ca- ⌋ +/. 20268_20558 *KARE: (..) &{l=@ Ghosts'll get it &}l=@ 21174_22600 (..) that's okay . 22600_23958 *KARE: (..) &=tsk &=in 23958_24901 (..) Um 24901_25505 (..) &=tsk &=in 25505_27246 (..) ten thirty 27246_27954 there were probably (.) thirty people in the store . 27954_29582 *SCOT: (..) Good grief . 29582_30762 *KARE: We're like 30762_31063 (..) &{l=VOX okay 31063_31946 it's time to go out now . 31946_33211 *KARE: We're closed . 33211_33989 *KARE: We're closed &=ex . 33989_35292 *KARE: (..) We are: closed no:w . 35292_37379 *KARE: &=ex &=laugh 37379_37728 (.) Please leave [% laugh] &}l=VOX . 37728_39005 *SCOT: (..) Turn ⌈ on the ⌉ fire alarm ? 39005_40520 *KARE: ⌊ Iʔ ⌋ +/. 39510_39673 *KARE: (..) Turn on the fire [% laugh] alarm [% laugh] 40520_41995 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 41995_43121 that would do it . 43121_43841 *KARE: &=in &=lengthened &=BUZZ &=lengthened 43841_46823 (..) &=in These kids were- came in 46823_50570 and 50570_50790 (..) I was (.) like 50790_52346 w- we're closing ʔuh . 52346_53518 *KARE: In a few minutes 53518_53913 they said 53913_54076 well we'll +/. 54076_54470 *KARE: We'll wait until you kick us out . 54470_55597 *KARE: Cause they didn't really want to buy anything 55597_56568 ⌈ they just wan⌉ted to look . 56568_57300 *SCOT: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 56618_56873 *KARE: &=in And I said 57300_58264 oka:y 58264_58742 (..) we're closed . 58742_59845 *KARE: (..) Out . 59845_60426 *KARE: &=laugh &=laugh 60426_61169 And [% laugh] 61169_61505 (..) so I was moving them 61505_62748 like making them go o⌈ut . 62748_63707 *SCOT: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 63607_63932 *KARE: an⌉d they were (.) trying to be cute 63707_65209 and (.) say sweet things 65209_66358 and +/. 66358_66612 *KARE: (..) To stay in . 66612_67808 *SCOT: (.) Yeah 67808_68228 lots of student types . 68228_69520 *KARE: (..) Yeah 69520_70539 (..) there are a lot 70539_71491 but there are mostly families 71491_72640 &{l=X so in terms of being ⌈ uh &}l=X ⌉ . 72640_73488 *SCOT: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 73383_73731 *KARE: (..) umm 73731_74852 (..) and so: 74852_76629 (..) &=SWALLOW 76629_77604 kids said well 77604_78233 (..) are there any othʔ- +/. 78233_79777 *KARE: What time's it 79777_80218 eleven ? 80218_80543 *KARE: I said 80543_80729 no it's (.) ten thirty 80729_81646 it's past our closing time actually . 81646_83086 *KARE: (..) An:d 83086_84339 they said 84339_84606 well are there any other +/. 84606_85303 *KARE: (..) That what are the other bookstores open in town . 85303_87584 *KARE: Now . 87584_87898 *KARE: I'm like 87898_88187 &=laugh &=ex come on . 88187_88942 *KARE: &=laugh It's ten thirty . 88942_89882 *KARE: (.) This is the latest thing op⌈en bes⌉ides ice cream stores and bars . 89882_92637 *SCOT: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 90965_91185 *KARE: (..) And 92637_96805 some other guy came in 96805_97977 (..) I felt kinda bad 97977_99822 but 99822_100047 (..) I guess I'm: glad I said what I said 100047_102288 there's some guy came in who +/. 102288_103391 *KARE: (..) N: he looked like a student 103391_106615 sort of a student type but 106615_107590 (.) ver- nicely kept . 107590_108717 *KARE: (..) Friendly (.) looking . 108717_109843 *KARE: (..) And basically needed a place to stay [% laugh] because 109843_113200 (..) he ended up in town with twenty dollars . 113200_115425 *KARE: And 115425_115815 I mean 115815_116177 (..) couldn't get to Amherst 116177_117648 cause of no car 117648_118473 and no buses 118473_119248 and 119248_119473 (..) no ⌈ hotels that were open and ⌉ . 119473_122631 *SCOT: ⌊ You mean buses weren't running then ⌋ ? 121250_122666 *KARE: (..) &=ex ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 (.) et cetera . 122666_124065 *SCOT: ⌊2 Hmm ⌋2 . 123289_123474 *KARE: and he wanted to know if (.) I knew anyone who [% laugh] would [% laugh] (..) put him up . 124065_126715 *KARE: (..) And 126715_127423 (..) I (.) referred him down to Paul . 127423_130198 *KARE: Cause (.) I just 130198_130987 and then 130987_131387 I felt like 131387_131687 oh I want⌈ed to ⌉ . 131687_132562 *SCOT: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 132137_132427 *SCOT: ⌈2 &=THROAT ⌉2 . 132562_133112 *KARE: ⌊2 but (.) at the ⌋2 same time I thought 132740_133658 well that's a &{l=X better thing and should we &}l=X (.) talk to John about ? 133658_135901 *SCOT: (..) Mhm . 135901_136656 *KARE: (..) And I also (.) just wasn't quite comfortable ? 136656_138870 *SCOT: (..) Mhm . 138870_139905 *KARE: But at the same time 139905_140600 I would have been comfortable I think . 140600_141738 *KARE: (..) So: 141738_143841 (..) I don't know . 143841_146467 *KARE: (..) &{l=L2 Je ne sais pas &}l=L2 . 146467_149138 *KARE: (..) Oh the other thing I found out 149138_157456 I h- was returning the book on uh 157456_158803 co-housing ? 158803_159383 *SCOT: (..) Uhuh . 159383_160695 *KARE: (..) And um 160695_161740 (..) Pau:l ? 161740_163992 *KARE: (..) An:d 163992_165626 (..) well 165626_167286 first Paul said 167286_167965 oh I have this friend named Sarah in Hart- in Hartford 167965_170609 and she has this place (..) that deals with co-op 170609_173232 (..) what's it 173232_174069 (..) co-op initiatives ? 174069_177438 *SCOT: (..) Mhm . 177438_178390 *KARE: A:nd um 178390_179218 (..) they s:- +/. 179218_183004 *KARE: Oo: . 183004_183820 *KARE: (..) I'm sore . 183820_185660 *KARE: (..) Oo . 185660_187413 *KARE: (..) She (.) deals a lot with (.) alternative kinda housing 187413_191780 and co-housing 191780_192470 and (.) housing (.) for the sake of people and stuff . 192470_194738 *SCOT: (.) Mhm . 194738_195439 *KARE: (.) &=tsk So we were talking about that 195439_197175 (..) and then while we were talking about that 197175_199348 (..) um 199348_201358 (..) a lady came to buy something 201358_203617 (..) an:d 203617_205100 (..) sh:e s- gave me the name of this other +/. 205100_208329 *KARE: This Amherst architect 208329_209425 who s- +/. 209425_209900 *KARE: (..) started two co-housing developments 209900_211951 in this area . 211951_212520 *SCOT: (.) Hm . 212520_212938 *KARE: (..) &=ex &=laugh 212938_214064 It [% laugh] was just so funny to 214064_215237 &=in and ʔuh 215237_216177 (..) Jen and I (.) put a note in the log 216177_218081 ⌈ &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌉ . 218081_218906 *SCOT: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 218360_218731 *KARE: in the book check-out thing ? 218906_219800 *SCOT: (..) Mhm . 219800_220461 *KARE: (..) By my (.) the +/. 220461_221573 *KARE: So I wrote down the name of the book to check it out 221573_223371 (..) and she put a note said 223371_225484 (..) oh: neat 225484_226715 I've got a friend who's in a co-housing: place 226715_228454 in: (.) Denver . 228454_229654 *KARE: In like Colo- s- +/. 229654_230288 *KARE: (.) I think it was in Denver . 230288_231188 *SCOT: Uhuh . 231188_231524 *KARE: (.) &{l=P &=laugh &=laugh &}l=P 231524_232108 (..) So it was pretty wil:d . 232108_234299 *SCOT: (..) Uhuh . 234299_235443 *KARE: (..) I have to pee . 235443_237103 *SCOT: (..) Okay . 237103_238558 *KARE: (..) Ohʔ +/. 238558_239323 *KARE: (..) &{l=P XX my shoes first 239323_241991 (..) I'm so tired . 241991_244299 *KARE: (..) So: so: so: tired &}l=P . 244299_248034 *KARE: I didn't buy any books . 248034_249166 *KARE: I couldn't decide what I wanted 249166_250332 and then 250332_250650 (..) things just got too harried and I 250650_252385 (.) just didn't think it was the right time to buy a book . 252385_254353 *SCOT: (..) Mm: . 254353_255556 *KARE: (..) &=ex . 255556_259236 *SCOT: (..) We got more stuff (..) for your da:d . 259236_267365 *KARE: (..) What kinda stuff . 267365_268719 *SCOT: (..) Umm: 268719_269864 (..) computer access: (.) places . 269864_273624 *KARE: (..) ⌈ Like places ⌉ you could (.) plug into ? 273624_276966 *SCOT: ⌊ XX XX ⌋ +/. 275606_276116 *SCOT: ⌈2 Plug in ⌉2 to get email and stuff . 276996_278695 *KARE: ⌊2 &{l=X or &}l=X ⌋2 +/. 277104_277418 *KARE: (.) &{l=VOX Aw: &}l=VOX &=ex . 278695_280286 *SCOT: (..) And I also 280286_281177 (..) fiddled around and 281177_282577 figured out how I can get (.) things to print out two on a page . 282577_285774 *KARE: Oo: . 285774_287475 *SCOT: (..) S- take up less paper ? 287475_289460 *KARE: (..) Unhunh ? 289460_290526 *SCOT: (..) You need a magnifying glass 290526_292438 but . 292438_292697 *KARE: (.) No I think it's okay . 292697_293673 *SCOT: (..) In better li:ght . 293673_297559 *KARE: (..) Yeah we have to get a light . 297559_299808 *KARE: (..) Yʔʔ +/. 299808_300528 *KARE: Oo I have to go to the bathroom really bad . 300528_301704 *KARE: (.) ⌈ Here ⌉ . 301704_302169 *SCOT: ⌊ O⌋kay . 301995_302366 *KARE: (..) Take this back . 302366_303098 *KARE: I gotta take my sock off . 303098_303852 *KARE: (..) Be right back . 303852_306476 *SCOT: Yes lighting is an issue 306476_308148 that needs to be addressed in this house⌈: ⌉ . 308148_310029 *KARE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 309727_310642 &=in (..) So: 310642_313812 (.) it seems like a fairly basic one . 313812_315333 *KARE: (.) That we could address fairly (.) easily ʔuh 315333_317387 ʔI was thinking we should walk down sometime to h- +/. 317387_319140 *KARE: &=in (.) to the umm 319140_320510 (..) &=tsk &=ex eeya eeya eeya 320510_322645 &=in (.) to the lighting place 322645_323941 down b⌈y: &=ex ⌉ . 323941_324730 *SCOT: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ 324241_324730 why don't you just go . 324730_325717 *KARE: (.) Well because I wanna +/. 325717_326637 *KARE: (.) I wanna do things orderly . 326637_328145 *KARE: (..) &=ex &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 328145_330104 *SCOT: &=ex . 330104_330870 *KARE: (.) Sorry . 330870_331602 *SCOT: (..) &=THROAT . 331602_413566 *KARE: (..) Scott ? 413566_447610 *SCOT: Mhm ? 447610_448109 *KARE: (.) I used the rest of the orange juice 448109_449838 but I put (.) the container back 449838_451731 (..) in the fridge . 451731_453693 *KARE: (..) So that we don't have to wash it 453693_455214 you can just make more orange juice tomorrow . 455214_456587 *SCOT: (.) Okay . 456587_457132 *SCOT: (..) So far 457132_459976 the cheapest place I found in here is: 459976_462031 in Portland Oregon . 462031_463052 *KARE: (..) How much is it . 463052_464728 *SCOT: (..) &{l=X It's like six &}l=X dollars a month . 464728_466705 *KARE: (..) &=tsk That's okay . 466705_468215 *KARE: (..) &=COUGH &=COUGH . 468215_471367 *SCOT: (..) Mm . 471367_472542 *KARE: See the thing is 472542_473169 this light 473169_473598 (..) it's cute there . 473598_475250 *SCOT: M⌈hm ⌉ ? 475250_476408 *KARE: ⌊ It's no⌋t particularly practical there 476280_477733 I mean light does come through there 477733_478866 (.) but if you're gonna sit there and read 478866_480352 you need light . 480352_480944 *KARE: Next to itʔ . 480944_481739 *SCOT: (..) Well would it work to put it on the other end ? 481739_483940 *KARE: (..) It wouldn't be as: +... 483940_485261 *SCOT: It wouldn't be as aesthetically pleasing . 485261_487092 *KARE: Mhm . 487092_487432 *KARE: (..) &=tsk &{l=P Right &}l=P . 487432_489947 *KARE: (..) &=tsk 489947_494560 (..) That radiator tilts . 494560_497438 *SCOT: (..) Mhm . 497438_499474 *KARE: (..) Hm . 499474_503894 *KARE: (..) &=tsk . 503894_505690 *SCOT: (..) ⌈ &=HUMMING ⌉ . 505690_509548 *KARE: (..) ⌊ So I got to look at the cop⌋y 508444_509710 (.) of umm 509710_510383 (..) it's: Dante's (.) Inferno . 510383_514586 *SCOT: (.) Mhm . 514586_515185 *KARE: (..) &=tsk 515185_515666 (..) It's a new translation 515666_517786 (.) with twenty different (..) contemporary American poets ? 517786_521400 *KARE: (..) Got different cantos ? 521400_523559 *SCOT: (..) Mhm ? 523559_524370 *KARE: And translated them ? 524370_525156 *KARE: (..) And so it's neat . 525156_527060 *KARE: (.) Cause there's these poets that (.) I like . 527060_529517 *KARE: (..) And they've done translations . 529517_531936 *SCOT: (.) Mhm ? 531936_532462 *KARE: (.) Of these different +/. 532462_533061 *KARE: Of the different cantos or 533061_534271 cantos or 534271_535056 (..) whatever toes . 535056_537483 *KARE: (..) And um 537483_539902 (..) &=tsk they: 539902_542827 (..) well it's expensive 542827_544884 it's expensive but it's hard cover . 544884_546068 *KARE: (..) And it's nice . 546068_547293 *KARE: (..) And it matches kind of this 547293_550700 (..) bath book 550700_551635 this scented bath book 551635_552695 that I wanna get . 552695_553310 *SCOT: (.) Mhm . 553310_553984 *KARE: And I wasn't pla- +/. 553984_554595 *KARE: I don't really (.) nee:d it 554595_555942 (..) the Divine- +/. 555942_556794 *KARE: I don't need either one 556794_557644 (..) I wasn't urgently planning on getting the Divine Comed- +/. 557644_560674 *KARE: Theʔ +/. 560674_560999 *KARE: The: Inferno one . 560999_562258 *KARE: (..) But 562258_563206 the way they look together is very nice . 563206_565696 *KARE: (.) Those two books together . 565696_567017 *KARE: (..) So I was thinking it's sort of an aesthetic thing . 567017_571919 *KARE: (..) That it would be nice to get them together . 571919_574935 *KARE: (..) &{l=X At a time &}l=X 574935_576394 (..) I'm gonna have a little vacation 576394_578333 so I can sit in the bath and 578333_579767 have my scented bath . 579767_580727 *KARE: And then I could (.) read . 580727_582186 *SCOT: (..) Mhm . 582186_584647 *KARE: (..) &=tsk (..) I do realize it's a little bit (..) &=tsk far out 584647_591075 (..) &=ex it seems like there's +/. 591075_594575 *KARE: Danielle said we need to 594575_595884 (..) the Alexandra Stoddard book back . 595884_599970 *SCOT: (..) &{l=YWN Uh⌈uh ⌉ &}l=YWN . 599970_602622 *KARE: ⌊ They re⌋turned +/. 602423_603059 *KARE: I think they returned the one +/. 603059_604456 *KARE: The Creating a Beautiful Home one . 604456_605865 *KARE: (..) The one that I had that had the 605865_607825 (..) the blue and red writing ? 607825_609565 *SCOT: Oh 609565_609873 (.) uhuh ? 609873_610459 *KARE: It's not there 610459_610970 it's not in our inventory anymore . 610970_612542 *KARE: (..) Maybe it mean⌈s that ⌉ +... 612542_614678 *SCOT: ⌊ Uh⌋-oh . 614566_615040 *KARE: (..) Maybe the paperback's going out ? 615040_616924 *KARE: And so they wanted to give the hard ba- cover back ? 616924_618533 *KARE: (..) I don't know 618533_619727 I was very disturbed . 619727_620787 *SCOT: (..) Uh-oh . 620787_621785 *KARE: (..) &=tsk I can always order another one if I need to . 621785_625257 *SCOT: (.) &=WHISTLING . 625257_628908 *ENV: &=CHAIR_CREAKING . 628908_634067 *SCOT: &=HUMMING . 634067_636729 *KARE: Is that a program you're reading ? 636729_637839 *SCOT: (.) Hm ? 637839_638451 *SCOT: (..) Hm-mm . 638451_639394 *KARE: (..) &{l=X Guess it'⌈s aʔ- ⌉ &}l=X +... 639394_640691 *SCOT: ⌊ It w⌋as just a list of uh 640392_641889 (..) places that offer emails for- (.) service 641889_645232 ⌈ and different things ⌉ . 645232_646192 *KARE: ⌊ Oh: well that's good ⌋ . 645244_646255 *KARE: (..) Oh: 646255_648262 (..) &{l=X you know maybe if &}l=X we could turn the spider plant around . 648262_650607 *SCOT: (..) Which one . 650607_652368 *KARE: (..) The one that just looks kinda decrepit . 652368_654750 *SCOT: (..) That one . 654750_657046 *KARE: (.) Yeah . 657046_657632 *SCOT: (..) Maybe we could +/. 657632_661286 *SCOT: I think it 661286_661908 (..) would probably do better 661908_663832 if it got its babies trimmed off . 663832_665610 *KARE: &{l=P &{l=X I mean can it wait &}l=X &}l=P ? 665610_666935 *KARE: (..) I think we thought about doing that in the springtime 666935_669837 (..) then I thought we'd replant them . 669837_671511 *SCOT: (..) Yeah 671511_672432 but ⌈ I ⌉ think there's more babies than (..) we need . 672432_675932 *KARE: ⌊ Would ⌋ +/. 672614_672764 *KARE: (..) Yeah . 675932_677060 *KARE: (..) And we've got three new babies that I could replant 677060_679758 but I haven't 679758_680334 (..) ⌈ already ⌉ . 680334_681163 *SCOT: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ . 680921_681255 *SCOT: (.) And that +/. 681255_682515 *SCOT: (.) Yeah the +... 682515_683091 *KARE: &=COUGH &=COUGH . 683091_683610 *SCOT: The other plant over there is 683610_685038 (..) has lots of babies . 685038_686985 *KARE: (..) &=ex &=lengthened 686985_691197 (..) Oh: 691197_695627 I looked at Orlando today . 695627_697150 *SCOT: (..) The book ? 697150_698391 *KARE: (.) Yeah: . 698391_699454 *KARE: (.) Do you think you want to read that together ? 699454_701102 *KARE: (..) That interest you at all ? 701102_703831 *SCOT: (..) Unhunh . 703831_706411 *KARE: (..) Cause if it +/. 706411_707832 *KARE: If it really wouldn't 707832_708834 if you're just saying that to make me happy 708834_710412 then⌈: ⌉ . 710412_710717 *SCOT: ⌊ No⌋: 710613_710890 ⌈2 I thiʔ- ⌉2 +... 710890_711406 *KARE: ⌊2 I didn't ⌋2 ⌈3 n: yea:h ⌉3 . 711097_712144 *SCOT: ⌊3 I'm: ⌋3 711406_712180 (..) I think it probably would . 712180_716765 *KARE: (..) It seemed like it would be fun to read out loud . 716765_719024 *KARE: (..) And I don't wanna start it if we're going to read it together . 719024_724554 *KARE: I don't want to start it &{l=X on my own &}l=X . 724554_725908 *SCOT: &{l=YWN &{l=X I wonder if &}l=X &}l=YWN (.) if it would be 725908_727730 (..) any less (.) abstra:ct (..) than the +... 727730_732500 *KARE: (..) Yeah there's a lot mo⌈r:e ⌉ conversa- +... 732500_734894 *SCOT: ⌊ More ⌋ . 734124_734262 *KARE: There's a lot more in the book . 734894_736067 *KARE: (.) Like the part where she falls on the ⌈ ground ⌉ . 736067_738350 *SCOT: ⌊ Could be ⌋ (.) easier to follow . 737970_739617 *KARE: (.) and says 739617_740578 (.) &{l=VOX I am nature's bride &}l=VOX . 740578_742728 *SCOT: (.) Unhunh . 742728_743364 *KARE: (.) she also says several other things . 743364_745015 *KARE: And there's also (.) commentary (.) from the narrator . 745015_747375 *SCOT: Unhunh . 747375_747900 *KARE: After that . 747900_748563 *SCOT: (.) Unhunh . 748563_749258 *KARE: So I kinda like the movie better that way . 749258_750880 *KARE: Cause it's 750880_751498 (..) gets the point across⌈: ⌉ . 751498_753259 *SCOT: ⌊ Un⌋hunh . 753159_753539 *KARE: (.) Simply . 753539_755491 *KARE: (..) So 755491_757271 (..) yeah 757271_758271 there's more in it . 758271_758931 *SCOT: (..) Your basic account fro⌈m Ne⌉a:r Net is two hundred and fifty dollars a month . 758931_764685 *KARE: ⌊ &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌋ 761713_762300 &=GASP 764685_764990 (..) &{l=VOX That's a lot &}l=VOX . 764990_766286 *SCOT: (..) That's who S:mith connects (..) to . 766286_770992 *KARE: Well if you're ⌈ Smith it's one ⌉ thing . 770992_773181 *SCOT: ⌊ Use the Internet ⌋ . 772376_773032 *KARE: if you're dad ⌈2 it's another ⌉2 . 773181_774311 *SCOT: ⌊2 Actually it's ⌋2 the five colleges . 773803_775413 *KARE: &=tsk ⌈3 Oh: ⌉3 . 775413_776655 *SCOT: ⌊3 Oh ⌋3 . 776176_776371 *KARE: ⌈4 I wanted to ⌉4 call Jenny . 776655_778177 *SCOT: ⌊4 but it XX ⌋4 +... 776694_777132 *KARE: (..) I do want to call Jen . 778177_783299 *SCOT: (..) Well you can call Jenny . 783299_784975 *KARE: (..) I'm tired . 784975_786116 *SCOT: (..) Mm . 786116_787627 *KARE: (..) Maybe I'll call Jenny anyway . 787627_790497 *KARE: (..) Jenny anyway . 790497_792152 *KARE: Jenny-any . 792152_792723 *KARE: Jenny-any . 792723_793223 *SCOT: (..) Jenny Garret . 793223_796554 *KARE: (..) Cause I wanted to ask her (.) about (..) the . 796554_807460 *SCOT: Hm . 807460_807676 *KARE: (..) magazines she's had . 807676_810181 *KARE: (..) &=tsk &=tsk &=tsk &=tsk &=tsk 810181_813556 (..) Did I tell you that (..) the woman (.) who does +/. 813556_817024 *KARE: (..) This book here ? 817024_825078 *KARE: (..) &{l=L2 Monsieur &}l=L2 825078_827240 (..) ʔuh . 827240_828741 *SCOT: (..) Unh⌈unh ⌉ ? 828741_829624 *KARE: ⌊ This boo⌋k here ? 829416_829842 *KARE: (..) Okay she did the art (.) here ? 829842_831727 *KARE: (..) And other art ? 831727_833001 *KARE: ʔUh it said in here 833001_833830 that she does (.) clip art . 833830_834902 *KARE: For (.) different kinds of (.) ʔuh (..) liturgical things . 834902_838068 *KARE: (..) And I found there's two books 838068_840772 (..) listed 840772_841390 under her name 841390_841936 besides this one . 841936_842661 *KARE: (.) But they are clip art books . 842661_843922 *SCOT: (.) Mhm . 843922_844500 *KARE: (..) One is for &{l=VOX feasts and celebrations &}l=VOX . 844500_847430 *KARE: And one is for something +/. 847430_848206 *KARE: They're like that . 848206_848771 *KARE: They have neat (.) titles . 848771_849903 *SCOT: (..) You just need to get yourself a: clip art book and a scanner . 849903_854076 *KARE: (..) And a scanner ? 854076_855361 *KARE: What would I do with a scanner . 855361_856345 *SCOT: (.) And then you'd like load em (.) into your computer and make your things with them . 856345_861208 *KARE: &{l=VOX Aw: yeah: &}l=VOX 861208_862456 then I wouldn't need a Xerox machine 862456_863756 and tape and glue and stuff . 863756_865045 *SCOT: (..) Yeah . 865045_865888 *SCOT: (.) See then you could . 865888_866815 *KARE: &=COUGH . 866815_867243 *SCOT: You could scan them 867243_868143 and then you could 868143_869176 make (..) them different colo:rs 869176_871271 and sizes 871271_872150 and (.) things like that . 872150_873863 *SCOT: (..) And you could do neat things with them . 873863_875592 *KARE: (..) &{l=YWN Different colors and sizes ? 875592_877940 *KARE: I'd need a color &}l=YWN (.) printer . 877940_879177 *SCOT: (..) Yeah ? 879177_880641 *KARE: (.) Yeah . 880641_881168 *KARE: &{l=X Little minor &}l=X +/. 881168_881805 *KARE: How much is a color printer ? 881805_882753 *SCOT: (..) U:mm 882753_884592 (..) you can get a color version of the printer I have for: 884592_890762 gosh 890762_891281 I don't know 891281_891890 (..) five hundred dollars ? 891890_893169 *KARE: (..) Would it be good ? 893169_895150 *SCOT: (..) It's (.) reasonable . 895150_897740 *KARE: (..) Look at this . 897740_899583 *KARE: (.) When does this go to . 899583_901854 *KARE: (..) We have to go far away away though . 901854_904996 *KARE: (..) Three hundred ninety-nine 904996_908517 gracefully styled 908517_909339 Queen Anne wing (.) recliner 909339_910949 with cherry finish legs . 910949_912603 *SCOT: &=HUMMING . 912603_914964 *KARE: Do you wanna: (.) Queen Anne wing recliner ? 914964_916807 *SCOT: (..) Hm-mm . 916807_917531 *KARE: Why n⌈ot ⌉ ? 917531_918287 *SCOT: ⌊ I alread⌋y looked at those . 918017_919073 *KARE: (..) You didn't like them ? 919073_920030 *SCOT: (..) Not really . 920030_921651 *KARE: (.) You get them in different colors Scott 921651_922981 (..) you don't have to get the high aqua . 922981_924289 *KARE: (..) And I could probably get +/. 924289_929188 *KARE: (..) &{l=F Reclining love seat &}l=F . 929188_930649 *KARE: (..) &{l=F Reclining sofa &}l=F . 930649_936743 *KARE: (..) Since when have they &=COUGH &=COUGH started that . 936743_940686 *SCOT: (..) Don't you remember 940686_942866 we looked through like Sears catalogues 942866_944706 and stuff like that 944706_945562 and there was these . 945562_946349 *KARE: (..) Oh y⌈eah ⌉ . 946349_947889 *SCOT: ⌊ rea⌋lly amazing complete things 947685_949768 you know 949768_950128 with (.) built-in tables 950128_951939 ⌈ and storage . 951939_952734 *KARE: ⌊ With refrigerators ⌋ . 952002_952995 *SCOT: an⌉:d refrigerators 952809_953936 and coffeemakers 953938_954965 and 954965_955176 (..) and: 955176_956886 (..) all that sorta stuff . 956886_958297 *KARE: &{l=YWN Oh: 958297_960720 I'm tired &}l=YWN . 960720_961231 *SCOT: You know a (..) sofa with a built-in entertainment center . 961231_964872 *KARE: (..) That's amazing . 964872_968232 *KARE: Can we throw this away ? 968232_968917 *SCOT: (..) Mhm . 968917_970593 *KARE: (..) You sure you don't wanna get a hu:ge b:ig b:ed ? 970593_976374 *KARE: (..) &{l=L2 Monsieur &}l=L2 ? 976374_980748 *SCOT: (..) Mm: I'm sure 980748_983396 I am: happy with ours . 983396_985131 *KARE: (..) You're sure you're happy with ours . 985131_986651 *SCOT: (.) Mhm . 986651_987201 *KARE: (..) That's good to hear . 987201_988689 *SCOT: (..) What time did you come home ? 988689_992867 *KARE: (..) Eleven o'clock ? 992867_994122 *SCOT: (..) M:hm . 994122_995304 *SCOT: (..) What time is it now . 995304_996841 *KARE: (.) After eleven o'clock ? 996841_998236 *SCOT: (.) Mm⌈: &{l=X back &}l=X ⌉ . 998236_1000715 *KARE: ⌊ Cause it's been a while since I came home ⌋ . 999024_1000649 *KARE: (..) &=COUGH &=COUGH 1000649_1006098 (..) Mm: . 1006098_1010938 *KARE: (..) So I'm gonna be rich this week . 1010938_1018114 *KARE: (..) It's like eleven twenty-five . 1018114_1021569 *SCOT: (..) &=HUMMING . 1021569_1029009 *KARE: (..) &{l=VOX Aeya . 1029009_1033824 *KARE: (.) Still too many books . 1033824_1035576 *KARE: (..) What to do . 1035576_1038202 *KARE: (..) What to do &}l=VOX . 1038202_1045119 *KARE: (..) Scott 1045119_1048288 we were going to read this accompaniment book . 1048288_1050328 *KARE: Remember ? 1050328_1051025 *SCOT: (.) Which one is that . 1051025_1052139 *SCOT: (.) Oh . 1052139_1052778 *KARE: The one from 1052778_1053434 (..) mm⌈: ⌉ . 1053434_1054455 *SCOT: ⌊ &{l=X Chu &}l=X ⌋ 1054328_1054676 ⌈2 uh ⌉2 +... 1054676_1055093 *KARE: ⌊2 &{l=X Chu &}l=X ⌋2 1054850_1055018 (..) ⌈3 XXX ⌉3 &{l=X Chu &}l=X . 1055093_1056261 *SCOT: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 1055769_1055963 *KARE: (..) It's kinda neat 1056261_1070606 cause it's got little (.) articles by different people . 1070606_1072542 *KARE: (..) It's another one that doesn't take t- (.) a great deal of attention . 1072542_1076895 *KARE: (..) My very own Smith Alumni &{l=X Quarterly &}l=X . 1076895_1135622 *KARE: (..) Alum-nee ? 1135622_1137033 *KARE: (.) Alumni- +... 1137033_1137731 *SCOT: Mm⌈: ⌉ . 1137731_1137907 *KARE: ⌊ Al⌋um-nee . 1137849_1138267 *SCOT: (..) I reʔ- +/. 1138267_1139982 *SCOT: (.) I remember when we graduated and 1139982_1142345 (.) we got (.) full explanation of all the variations on that . 1142345_1146421 *KARE: (..) &=COUGH &=COUGH . 1146421_1147924 *SCOT: (..) They started off by saying that alum is 1147924_1150673 (..) a: chemical . 1150673_1152963 *KARE: (..) It i⌈s ⌉ ? 1152963_1155363 *SCOT: ⌊ N⌋ot a graduate . 1155307_1156292 *KARE: (..) Alum ? 1156292_1157737 *SCOT: (..) Alum . 1157737_1158715 *KARE: (..) Alum ? 1158715_1159531 *KARE: (..) Alum ? 1159531_1161250 *KARE: (..) &{l=VOX Alum &}l=VOX ? 1161250_1163467 *KARE: (..) So . 1163467_1165655 *KARE: (..) A Color in Your Garden book . 1165655_1171217 *KARE: (..) Oo: . 1171217_1176054 *KARE: (..) See what her name was ? 1176054_1180235 *KARE: Who wrote it ? 1180235_1180658 *SCOT: (..) Who: ? 1180658_1183551 *KARE: (.) The person who wrote it . 1183551_1184936 *SCOT: (.) Is who . 1184936_1186336 *KARE: (.) Penelope Hobhouse . 1186336_1188510 *SCOT: (..) You should come over here . 1188510_1198834 *SCOT: Where it's lighter . 1198834_1199678 *SCOT: (.) Mhm . 1199678_1200413 *SCOT: It's ⌈ &{l=X lighty &}l=X ⌉ . 1200413_1201169 *KARE: ⌊ Then we would ⌋ have to move: . 1200751_1201999 *KARE: (.) To do that . 1201999_1202515 *KARE: (..) &=COUGH 1202515_1204971 I should have more water I think . 1204971_1206340 *KARE: (..) I actually would have to move for that too . 1206340_1209733 *SCOT: Mhm . 1209733_1210496 *KARE: &{l=VOX Oh: 1210496_1211665 (.) my life is so hard &}l=VOX . 1211665_1213172 *SCOT: (..) &=HUMMING . 1213172_1219985 *KARE: (..) You finished the spinach . 1219985_1221544 *SCOT: (..) Mm . 1221544_1225587 *SCOT: (..) Oh 1225587_1239117 (.) XX . 1239117_1240094 *KARE: (..) &=COUGH &=COUGH 1240094_1268585 (..) Sco:tt . 1268585_1288090 *SCOT: (.) Mhm ? 1288090_1288788 *KARE: &{l=VOX There was a very small (.) tiny screamy skwa squishy &}l=VOX . 1288788_1293046 *KARE: (..) ⌈ In the store today ⌉ . 1293046_1294254 *SCOT: ⌊ Screamy sk⌋w- s: +... 1293695_1294860 *KARE: ⌈2 Well I ⌉2 heard it . 1295104_1295754 *SCOT: ⌊2 Oo ⌋2 . 1295173_1295490 *KARE: (.) I (.) I just heard it . 1295754_1296975 *KARE: I couldn't see it . 1296975_1297635 *KARE: ʔuh &=ex . 1297635_1297984 *SCOT: (.) Mm: . 1297984_1298696 *KARE: (..) &{l=X It's like &}l=X its parents were hustling it out (.) the door . 1298696_1302560 *KARE: (..) That would be water . 1302560_1304704 *KARE: (..) Do you wish for my water ? 1304704_1308714 *SCOT: (.) No . 1308714_1309323 *KARE: (..) And Emma . 1309323_1311660 *KARE: (..) Maxine's little girl . 1311660_1313243 *SCOT: (.) Unhunh ? 1313243_1313905 *KARE: (.) She's +/. 1313905_1314516 *KARE: (..) She said things to me today . 1314516_1315831 *KARE: (..) She looked at me 1315831_1317096 (.) she smiled at me 1317096_1318099 (..) and she talked to me . 1318099_1319496 *SCOT: (..) Wow: . 1319496_1320541 *KARE: (.) Those are all three new things . 1320541_1322246 *KARE: (..) Cause usually she goes like this . 1322246_1324716 *KARE: (..) Whenever she sees some⌈one sh⌉e doesn't wanna look at . 1324716_1327484 *SCOT: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 1326533_1326800 *SCOT: (..) &=tsk &{l=X Or one &}l=X she doesn't know . 1327484_1329708 *KARE: (.) Right . 1329708_1330317 *KARE: Mʔ- +/. 1330317_1330616 *KARE: (.) She X everyone there except her mom . 1330616_1332210 *KARE: (..) ⌈ So her dad brought her in ⌉ . 1332210_1335717 *SCOT: ⌊ &=HUMMING ⌋ &=lengthened ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 1334498_1337610 *KARE: ⌊2 She came behind the count⌋2er . 1336604_1337730 *KARE: She said &{l=VOX mom I'm gonna sit here mom okay &}l=VOX ? 1337730_1339487 *KARE: (..) Maxine said okay . 1339487_1341099 *KARE: (..) &{l=VOX I'm gonna help you mom okay &}l=VOX ? 1341099_1342779 *KARE: (.) This kid's like two and a half . 1342779_1344105 *KARE: And she sang all her ABC's 1344105_1345753 (..) she's +/. 1345753_1346739 *KARE: Maxine said they took her to the fair yesterday 1346739_1348468 and she won some prize 1348468_1349788 that 1349788_1350013 (.) these older kids couldn't wi:n . 1350013_1351290 *KARE: (.) &{l=X She's &}l=X a ⌈ very bright ⌉ kid . 1351290_1352625 *SCOT: ⌊ XXX ⌋ ? 1351719_1352265 *KARE: (..) &=tsk And um 1352625_1354802 (..) but 13548020_1357988 (.) I asked Maxine if she was 1357988_1359705 (..) like uh did she like having (.) kids 1359705_1363044 and she said oh yeah . 1363044_1364101 *KARE: She wouldn't (..) give them up for the world . 1364101_1367180 *SCOT: (..) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 1367180_1368307 *KARE: ⌊ And she ⌋ said 1367907_1368370 she wasn't planned 1370370_1371389 (..) but 1371389_1371908 (..) now 1371908_1372583 ʔuh she just thinks she's great . 1372583_1373608 *SCOT: (..) Mhm . 1373608_1374664 *KARE: (.) And she said 1374664_1375682 after Emma started saying her ABC's 1375682_1377142 and I said 1377142_1377473 wow 1377473_1377723 it's amazing 1377723_1378298 that you're not even three 1378298_1379197 and you can do your ABC's . 1379197_1380494 *KARE: (..) And Maxine 1380494_1382282 (.) and like 1382282_1382713 I smiled at Maxine and said 1382713_1384002 (.) I said 1384002_1384555 what's my name . 1384555_1385300 *KARE: (..) And she'd say 1385300_1386512 &{l=VOX neat &}l=VOX . 1386512_1386920 *SCOT: (.) Mhm . 1386920_1387635 *KARE: &{l=VOX XX &}l=VOX . 1387635_1388939 *SCOT: (..) &=laugh (.) Excuse me . 1388939_1396022 *KARE: (..) This is very amazing . 1396022_1407413 *KARE: &=COUGH &=COUGH . 1407413_1410778 *SCOT: (..) &=HUMMING ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 1410778_1422305 *KARE: ⌊ Well um ⌋ 1421245_1421686 we got a new coloring +/. 1422348_1423123 *KARE: (..) &{l=PAR &{l=@ A new coloring book &}l=@ &}l=PAR 1423123_1424008 a new Christmas book in . 1424008_1425006 *SCOT: (..) Un⌈hunh ⌉ ? 1425006_1425905 *KARE: ⌊ At ⌋ the store 1425853_1426362 (..) it's Christmas songs ? 1426362_1428173 *SCOT: (..) Mhm ? 1428173_1429069 *KARE: (..) And there's lo:ts of them Scott . 1429069_1431227 *KARE: (.) Lots of Christmas songs 1431227_1433225 in all different languages 1433225_1434444 (..) and then they're translated into English . 1434444_1437519 *KARE: (.) And it tells about them . 1437519_1438996 *KARE: (.) And I think we should get it 1438996_1440087 what do you think . 1440087_1440691 *SCOT: (.) I don't know 1440691_1442133 I haven't seen it . 1442133_1442911 *KARE: Well the ⌈ cover's not very pretty ⌉ . 1442911_1444235 *SCOT: ⌊ Well I'll have to go see it ⌋ . 1443226_1444235 *KARE: but the in⌈2side is a ʔuh ⌉2 +... 1444235_1445419 *SCOT: ⌊2 Well I have to ⌋2 see the inside ⌈3 too: ⌉3 . 1444931_1446708 *KARE: ⌊3 Well you⌋3'd better come tomorrow . 1446371_1447497 *SCOT: (.) Okay . 1447497_1448391 *KARE: You should start writing ⌈ Christmas songs now ⌉ . 1448391_1450337 *SCOT: ⌊ I'll come visit you tom⌋orrow at ⌈2 work ⌉2 . 1449400_1451002 *KARE: ⌊2 Y:⌋2es: . 1450749_1451643 *KARE: (..) That would be nice . 1451643_1454028 *KARE: (..) &=COUGH &=COUGH &=COUGH . 1454028_1459042 *SCOT: (..) &=HUMMING . 1459042_1480445 @End