@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: PHIL PHIL Speaker, MANY MANY Speaker, AUD AUD Speaker, AUD1 AUD1 Speaker, AUD2 AUD2 Speaker, AUD3 AUD3 Speaker, ENV ENV Environment @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|PHIL|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|MANY|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|AUD|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|AUD1|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|AUD2|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|AUD3|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ENV|||||Environment||| @Media: 27, audio @Comment: Atoms Hanging Out @Comment: An entertaining science lecture and demonstration, recorded at a large public science museum in Chicago, Illinois. *PHIL: (..) Coo:l . 1860_2860 *PHIL: (.) &=in Alright folks &=ex . 2860_4640 *PHIL: (..) Well alreet &=ex 4640_6020 well alroot &=ex 6020_6850 well alright . 6850_7590 *PHIL: &=in By now I'm sure you're wondering about the different things that I have on the table here 7590_10790 but first 10790_11400 &=in (..) I would like to (.) talk to you about these three items . 11720_14250 *PHIL: I have here 14250_14970 &=in some ice in a pan 15110_16310 &=in water in this glass 16310_17490 (.) and steam rising from this pot . 17490_19100 *PHIL: &=in (.) Now: . 19100_20200 *PHIL: (..) I would like to ask you 20410_21580 how these three things . 21580_22870 *PHIL: (.) Tell me please . 22870_23740 *PHIL: &=in How are they all alike . 23740_24850 *PHIL: (..) &=in These three things . 26150_26920 *PHIL: This ice here in this pan . 26920_28100 *PHIL: &=in This water in this glass 28100_29190 and the steam rising from this pot 29190_30240 just yell it out 30240_30910 w:e are informal here 30910_32020 yes . 32020_32450 *PHIL: &=in (.) Correct . 32450_33540 *PHIL: (..) They are all forms of water . 33540_35170 *PHIL: This ice here of course is water 35170_36600 &=in I told you there was water in this glass 36600_38550 (.) and you have all seen water boil at home 38550_40260 so you are familiar with steam . 40260_41650 *PHIL: &=in But now let's try to figure out how they're different 41650_43710 we'll look at temperature 43710_44730 &=in first . 44730_45370 *PHIL: And the temperature o:f this water here 45370_46990 the ice 46990_47610 (.) i:s 47610_48440 &=in (..) about uh twenty-four- +/. 49350_50450 *PHIL: n_woo . 50450_50810 *PHIL: Nineteen degrees . 50810_51580 *PHIL: Very cold . 51580_52090 *PHIL: &=in The temperature o:f this ʔw- water here 52090_54530 is sixty-four degrees 54530_55530 &=in the temperature of this steam 55540_56940 i:s 56940_58200 (..) &{l=PAR I know it's hotter than that &}l=PAR . 59070_60110 *PHIL: (..) Yeah 61290_61630 it's about a hundred a:nd eleven degrees . 61630_63580 *PHIL: (..) Okay . 63640_64140 *PHIL: &=in &=ex &=lengthened Fahrenheit . 64120_66060 *PHIL: (..) Okay . 66360_66820 *PHIL: &=in Oh 66820_67100 and by the way guys 67100_67790 what do we call something that's hard 67790_68870 like this ice here 68870_69830 or a table 69830_70330 or a rock . 70330_70870 *PHIL: &=in We call it a ? 70870_71970 *MANY: (..) Solid . 72120_73520 *PHIL: &=in Very good . 73530_74020 *PHIL: You should g- +/. 74020_74290 *PHIL: you should be a choir . 74290_75360 *PHIL: (.) You should go out on the road there 75360_76550 like 76550_76870 (..) yeah . 76800_77300 *PHIL: &=in . 77200_77540 *AUD: (.) ⌈ We are ⌉ . 77540_78120 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Y- +/. 77540_78120 *PHIL: (..) Oh well 78210_78880 (.) I'm glad to meet you . 78880_79960 *PHIL: &=laugh &=laugh &=in 79960_80870 Plea:se give me your itinerary after the show . 80870_82740 *PHIL: Yes . 82740_83260 *PHIL: &=in Yes . 83200_83890 *PHIL: (..) Of course we call it a sholids . 83910_85270 *PHIL: A solid . 85270_85830 *PHIL: And a solid has one shape . 85830_87080 *PHIL: &=in The shape that it starts out with . 87080_88710 *PHIL: &=in &=lengthened And what do we call something that you- +/. 88830_90260 *PHIL: (.) that you can splish splash . 90260_91390 *PHIL: Take a bath in . 91390_92110 *PHIL: ⌈ Anything wet ⌉ like soda or milk . 92080_93560 *MANY: ⌊ Liquid ⌋ . 92880_93550 *PHIL: You're not gonna let me finish 93550_94320 are you . 94320_94660 *PHIL: &=in Yes 94660_95190 we call it a . 95190_96040 *AUD: (..) Liquid . 96220_97240 *PHIL: Very good . 97230_97960 *PHIL: And a liquid (.) can change its shape 97960_99590 &=in (.) to f- completely fill the bottom of whatever container you put it in . 99590_103180 *PHIL: &=in And finally 103230_104340 what do we call something that's loose 104340_105700 and floating around like this steam here . 105710_107470 *PHIL: &=in O:r a cloud 107470_108580 or the air we breathe 108580_109380 we call it a . 109380_110350 *MANY: Gas . 110350_111210 *PHIL: &=in Correct . 110960_111780 *PHIL: a gas . 111780_112490 *PHIL: And a ga:s completely fi:lls whatever shape container &=in you put it in . 112490_115730 *PHIL: &=in And so 115820_116550 how do you get water to change 116550_117890 &=in from a solid 117890_118870 &=in to a liquid 118870_119690 (.) to a gas 119690_120470 (..) and back and forth . 120470_121450 *AUD: Add energy . 121450_122730 *PHIL: &=in Woo: . 122280_123210 *PHIL: I like the way he expressed that . 123210_124380 *PHIL: Never before have I heard it 124380_125610 &=in a:dd (.) or subtract energy 125610_127420 o:r 127420_127900 &=in heat 128070_128680 (.) &=in change the temperature 128680_130190 basically . 130190_130770 *PHIL: Correct ? 130770_131240 *PHIL: (..) Alright . 131470_132140 *PHIL: Well folks 132140_132700 now I'm going to show you something else that happens . 132700_134460 *PHIL: &=in When you change the temperature 134460_135630 and that's where these &=in &{l=VOX balloo:ns &}l=VOX come in . 135630_138130 *PHIL: &=in I have here 138130_139490 &=in a number of balloons 139490_140610 but 140610_140800 l- let's see how many of these balloons 140800_142160 I can fit 142160_142690 &=in &{l=VOX into this little itty-bitty container here &}l=VOX . 142870_144790 *PHIL: Well 144790_145250 (..) &=in everybody count together . 145250_146500 *PHIL: This ⌈ would be: ⌉ . 146500_147300 *AUD: ⌊ There's a ⌋ XX in there . 146820_148070 *PHIL: &=in you think 148040_148410 (.) well 148410_148810 (..) okay 148850_149360 ʔw: th- th- 149360_150370 &=in I'm glad I never saw d- Citizen Cane with you 150370_152880 (..) &{l=VOX Rosebud is a sled &}l=VOX . 153090_154560 *PHIL: &=in Okay . 154570_155180 *PHIL: Well 155180_155470 &=laugh &=laugh 155470_155970 &=in let's all count together folks 155970_157050 that wa:s . 157050_157910 *AUD1: (..) One . 158060_159080 *AUD2: ⌈ One ⌉ . 158910_159510 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in very ⌋ good . 158910_159830 *PHIL: One balloon going into the &=in little container here . 159830_162330 *PHIL: And this would be . 162330_163180 *MANY: Two . 163180_164280 *PHIL: &=in two . 164140_164680 *PHIL: Ve:ry good counting there . 164680_165780 *PHIL: Two . 165780_166080 *PHIL: Excellent . 166080_166550 *PHIL: Two balloons going into the: &=in little container here . 166550_169500 *PHIL: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 169500_170170 &=in &{l=VOX Ah: &}l=VOX 170180_170750 they're not fitting in so easily . 170750_172240 *PHIL: &=in &{l=VOX Oh: [% laugh] no: &}l=VOX . 172200_173690 *PHIL: &=in So hopefully I can fit all balloons into this little container he:re . 173690_177250 *AUD: (..) X ⌈ XX XXXXXX ⌉ . 177210_178180 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in Oh stop guessing at what this is . 178180_179720 *PHIL: &=in ⌋ (..) Let's have some suspense here . 179720_181170 *PHIL: Come o:n . 181180_181860 *PHIL: &=laugh &=laugh &=in Alright . 181760_182900 *PHIL: And this would be ? 182900_183690 *MANY: (..) Three . 183690_184780 *PHIL: &=in Three . 184590_185290 *PHIL: Very good . 185290_185790 *PHIL: Three balloons going onto the the (..) little: container there . 185790_188950 *PHIL: Three balloons . 188960_190050 *PHIL: (.) Three 190050_190590 yes 190590_190920 the balloon trinity . 190920_192070 *PHIL: &=in And now 192070_193160 (..) this would be ? 193160_194020 *AUD1: Eight . 194020_194690 *AUD2: (..) ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 194690_196520 *AUD3: ⌊ Four ⌋ . 194690_196520 *PHIL: Four . 196520_197090 *PHIL: Very good . 197090_197450 *PHIL: At first he was confused 197450_198330 but then he figured it out . 198330_199310 *PHIL: &=in Everybody: tell him what this is 199310_200860 it's . 200860_201440 *AUD: (..) Seven . 201600_202710 *PHIL: &=in &{l=VOX it's four &}l=VOX . 202710_203450 *PHIL: (.) &=laugh &=laugh 203530_204490 (.) &=in Boy you people (.) didn't watch enough Sesame Street as a child . 204490_207620 *PHIL: &=in This would be . 207620_208600 *MANY: (..) Five . 208950_210000 *PHIL: &=in Thank you very much 209890_210900 yes . 210900_211200 *PHIL: &{l=SING Fi:ve swollen balloo:ns &}l=SING . 211200_214260 *PHIL: In . 214260_214590 *PHIL: &=in In . 214590_215170 *PHIL: &=in Dow:n . 215170_216070 *PHIL: (..) Down . 216080_216600 *PHIL: &{l=VOX Ah 216600_217180 (..) ah: &}l=VOX . 217500_218850 *PHIL: &=in Okay . 218850_219660 *PHIL: &=in And this (.) would be: ? 219660_221460 *MANY: (..) Six . 221630_222990 *PHIL: &=in Six 222600_223310 good . 223310_223580 *PHIL: And let's do this uh: 223580_224480 let's add some complexities to this here 224480_225930 let's do it in another language . 225930_227010 *PHIL: &=in In Spanish it would be ? 227010_228580 *AUD1: (.) &{l=L2 O⌈cho &}l=L2 ⌉ . 228580_229950 *AUD2: ⌊ &{l=L2 Seis &}l=L2 ⌋ . 228580_229950 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in ⌋ (..) &{l=L2 S- seis . 229950_231080 *PHIL: N- Ocho &}l=L2 . 231080_231690 *PHIL: Oh my gosh . 231690_232700 *PHIL: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 232700_233270 &=in I'm afraid for our nation . 233560_235290 *PHIL: &=in Okay 235290_235970 well 235970_236560 (..) and this would be . 236560_237600 *AUD: (..) &{l=L2 Siete &}l=L2 . 237710_239360 *PHIL: &=in thank you: . 239360_240480 *PHIL: (..) &=in Seve:n . 240810_242180 *PHIL: Right ? 242180_242500 *PHIL: Seven . 242500_242800 *PHIL: Okay . 242800_243290 *PHIL: &=in And finally 243290_243990 this would be . 243990_244750 *AUD1: (..) ⌈ Eigh:t ⌉ . 244750_246040 *AUD2: ⌊ &{l=L2 Ocho &}l=L2 ⌋ . 244750_246040 *PHIL: eight 246040_246340 or &{l=L2 ocho &}l=L2 in Spanish 246340_247790 (..) and uh &{l=L2 huit &}l=L2 in French 248160_249660 thank you very much . 249660_250630 *PHIL: &=in I [% laugh] thought [% laugh] you were telling me your breakfast . 250680_252400 *PHIL: What you had for b- +/. 252400_252850 *PHIL: But no 252850_253440 &=in &{l=L2 Huit &}l=L2 . 253440_254230 *PHIL: (.) Very good . 254230_254970 *PHIL: (.) Oh my gosh 254970_255910 &=in (..) eight balloons into this little container here 256100_258690 (.) I bet you're wondering r- how that ⌈ happened ⌉ . 258690_260350 *AUD1: ⌊ &{l=X You popped ⌋ two &}l=X . 259690_261170 *AUD2: (..) There's a hole ⌈2 &{l=X in it &}l=X ⌉2 . 260430_261540 *PHIL: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 well 261530_261940 (..) there's a hole 261940_262530 no 262530_262890 if you're thinking there's a hole 262890_263810 think again . 263810_264350 *PHIL: Because 264350_264900 &=in there's no hole in the counter at all . 264900_266780 *PHIL: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 266790_267470 *AUD1: ⌊ Pull em out ⌋ . 266790_267230 *AUD2: You slowed down the molecules . 267230_268710 *PHIL: Well- la- duh- dah- dih- duh- duh- 268720_270170 (.) you're getting a little ahead of me son . 270170_271480 *PHIL: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=in 271480_272340 (..) Let's all figure it out together . 272600_274210 *AUD: ⌈ &{l=X You popped them &}l=X ⌉ . 274170_274760 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in And we can get ⌋ a better idea of what's happening to the balloons 274210_276300 if we go back and look at the water again . 276300_277810 *PHIL: &{l=VOX No I did not pop them &}l=VOX . 277810_279300 *PHIL: &=in You're +/. 279300_279670 *PHIL: What- y- what +/. 279670_280360 *PHIL: (.) Y- +/. 280360_280690 *PHIL: Do you heckle every scientific person . 280750_282510 *PHIL: (.) This is really terrible . 282510_283290 *PHIL: &=in I'm gonna take some of this hot &=in water here 283290_285400 and pour it into this &=in flask here . 285400_287470 *PHIL: (..) &=SWALLOW And put a balloon over the top (.) of the flask . 288230_290730 *PHIL: &=in (..) &{l=VOX Ah: &}l=VOX . 290920_292590 *PHIL: (..) &=in Alright ? 292610_293290 *PHIL: And now 293290_293710 I will heat up this water . 293710_294710 *PHIL: Using 294710_295330 (..) &=in &{l=VOX my Bunsen &=in burner &}l=VOX . 295360_297610 *PHIL: (..) &=ex &=lengthened (..) &=in Does it use real Bunsen ? 299090_302690 *PHIL: Is that what you're asking me ? 302690_303420 *PHIL: &=in Alright here we go: . 303430_304750 *PHIL: (..) The:re we go: . 304760_306120 *PHIL: &=in (..) Alright 306320_307140 I'm using the fire now to heat up the water 307140_308940 but let's &=in behave like scientists now 308940_311430 (.) and (.) watch 311450_312470 and observe 312470_313030 and take note of what we see . 313030_314290 *PHIL: &=in Okay ? 314370_315330 *PHIL: &=tsk &=in Now . 315330_316060 *PHIL: (..) Folks . 316200_316900 *PHIL: (..) What do we see . 316890_317610 *PHIL: Well if we look very closely 317610_318900 &=in we can see 318900_319710 (.) &=in condensation here . 319710_321410 *PHIL: &=in (..) On the sides of this flask 321410_323330 and steam . 323330_324270 *PHIL: (..) Rising up from the water . 324390_325440 *PHIL: Going up into the balloon 325440_326530 &=in making (.) the balloon (.) blow up . 326530_328990 *PHIL: (..) Woo 332720_333190 don't want too much heat there . 333190_334060 *PHIL: &=in Oh we can also start to see &=in bubbles in the water . 334060_336670 *PHIL: &=in The water that was sitting at the bottom of this flask 336760_339240 &=in turned into a g:as . 339270_340710 *PHIL: &=in That had enough force 340770_341980 &=in to fill up &=in this balloon . 341980_343900 *PHIL: (..) &=in That's what we call boiling folks 344430_346320 and I'm sure you do too . 346320_347170 *PHIL: Turning from a liquid &=in into (.) &=in a gas . 347170_350450 *PHIL: (..) &=in Now if I took the t- balloon 351090_352780 (.) if I took the balloon off the top of this flask here 352780_354760 and put the water into the freezer 354760_356200 &=in (.) what do you think would happen to the water . 356200_357920 *PHIL: (..) &=in It would freeze and turn into a ? 359160_361070 *AUD: (..) Solid . 361080_361950 *PHIL: &=in Solid 362020_362550 correct . 362550_363160 *PHIL: (.) But it would still be water . 363160_364260 *PHIL: Yes you're right . 364260_364860 *PHIL: &=in (..) Whether it's a solid 364860_366080 a liquid 366080_366560 or a gas . 366560_367240 *PHIL: So let's think about what water is made up of . 367240_369380 *PHIL: Well water is made up of (.) atoms . 369380_371820 *PHIL: (.) &=in &{l=VOX Yeah &}l=VOX . 371820_372890 *PHIL: Everything is made up of atoms . 372890_374380 *PHIL: &=in Solids 374380_375110 &=in liquids 375110_375660 (.) gasses . 375760_376230 *PHIL: Now in water 376230_376890 &=in two atoms of what ato- uh (.) element ? 376890_380010 *PHIL: Yes ? 380010_380410 *AUD: (.) Hydrogen . 380330_381140 *PHIL: &=in Very good 380790_381630 hydrogen 381630_382300 &=in and 382300_383050 (..) one atom of what ? 383050_384250 *AUD: (.) Oxygen . 384470_385380 *PHIL: (.) Oxygen . 385300_385850 *PHIL: (.) I know you wanted to say it 385850_386830 but (.) he's my pet . 386830_387840 *PHIL: &=in Okay ? 387840_388620 *AUD: (.) ⌈ &{l=VOX X: &}l=VOX ⌉ . 388550_389350 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=tsk 388760_389590 ʔA- all these atoms (.) combine to form (.) a molecule of water . 389590_393780 *PHIL: &=in And that's what a molecule is folk . 393780_395140 *PHIL: A group of atoms 395140_396430 &=in hanging out . 396430_397080 *PHIL: (.) Having a good time together . 397080_398320 *PHIL: &=in And they call the water molecule (.) aich two o . 398510_400620 *PHIL: (.) Alright . 400640_401010 *PHIL: So . 401010_401590 *PHIL: (..) &=tsk Folks . 402770_403430 *PHIL: (.) &=tsk &=in How do you suppose the molecules in this water 403680_405850 &{l=PAR goodbye guys 405850_406620 I +/. 406620_406890 *PHIL: &=in I'll miss you &}l=PAR . 406890_407720 *PHIL: (.) ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉ . 407730_408850 *AUD: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 407640_408790 *PHIL: How do you suppose the molecules in this water when it's ice 408850_411020 are different from the molecules in the water &=in when it's a liquid 411030_413880 and different still from the water +/. 413880_415200 *PHIL: &=in (.) from the molecules in the water ⌈ when it's ⌉ steam . 415200_417240 *AUD: ⌊ &{l=X Fast &}l=X ⌋ . 416500_416830 *PHIL: (..) Do you know ? 417870_418460 *PHIL: (..) &=in (.) Yes ? 419430_420500 *AUD: They're not moving X⌈XX ⌉ . 420300_421960 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in ⌋ That's right 421480_422430 it's th- +/. 422430_422710 *PHIL: it's movement my friends . 422710_424240 *PHIL: You see 424240_424560 a:ll molecules move . 424560_425680 *PHIL: Not just in water 425680_426400 &=in but in everything in the universe . 426400_427890 *PHIL: &=in &{l=VOX Even you . 427890_428760 *PHIL: The molecules are moving &}l=VOX . 428760_429820 *PHIL: &=in But to get a better understanding of how those m:olecules interact 429820_432900 &=in let's: pretend these ping-pong balls here: &=in are molecules . 432900_436870 *PHIL: &=in Well folks . 436870_437980 *PHIL: &=in In a solid 437980_438890 &=in like this ice here . 438890_440210 *PHIL: Or a table . 440210_441040 *PHIL: &=in The molecules are moving ⌈ &=in ⌉ ve:ry slowly . 441050_444050 *ENV: ⌊ &{n=MACHINE_STARTS ⌋ . 444480_445260 *PHIL: Alright ? 444050_444600 *PHIL: (..) And they're very close together 445130_446390 (.) in fact (.) they're in a v- (.) &{l=MRC joined uniform state &}l=MRC . 446390_449520 *PHIL: (.) &=in Okay 449520_450300 they move very coolly 450300_451510 (.) slowly 452130_453230 and that's what it's like 451510_452130 &=in in a solid . 453410_454550 *PHIL: Like the ice . 454550_455090 *PHIL: But in a liquid . 455090_456040 *ENV: &=MACHINE_LOUDER . 455910_456470 *PHIL: (.) &=in the molecules are moving a little more quickly . 456430_458380 *PHIL: (..) Okay ? 458710_459220 *PHIL: So you have some (.) fluidity of movement within a fixed volume . 459220_462550 *PHIL: &=in Okay 462520_463310 they're a: little mo:re (.) further apart there 463310_465520 (.) &=in but in a gas . 465610_467080 *ENV: &=MACHINE_LOUDER . 467060_467670 *PHIL: (..) &{l=VOX look at that . 467470_468510 *PHIL: &=in They're moving ve:ry quickly indeed . 468510_470390 *PHIL: Alright &}l=VOX ? 470390_470920 *PHIL: &=in They're moving so fast they completely fill the shape container 471060_473770 (..) ʔuh (..) . 473780_476150 *ENV: &}n=MACHINE_STARTS . 474130_476257 *PHIL: (.) That's what it's like in a gas . 476210_477890 *PHIL: (..) &{l=VOX And temperature is a measurement of how fast (.) or slow &=in molecules are moving &}l=VOX . 478370_482850 *PHIL: So if you have &=in &{l=VOX slow: moving molecules &}l=VOX 482850_485820 &=in what temperature do you have people . 485840_487400 *PHIL: (..) &=in (..) Yes 489850_490810 (.) cold 490860_491380 or low temperature . 491380_492630 *PHIL: &=in And if you have fast moving molecules 492630_494280 what type of temperature do you have . 494280_495810 *MANY: (..) Hot . 495750_496670 *PHIL: &=in &{l=VOX Hot or high temperature &}l=VOX . 496440_498590 *PHIL: &=in You're right . 498870_499700 *PHIL: &=in But not every substance beco:mes 499700_501500 a solid 501500_502360 &=in a liquid 502360_503150 and a gas 503150_503840 at the same temperatures 503840_505080 &=in as water does . 505180_506180 *PHIL: &=in And that brings us back to the mystery &=in &{l=VOX of our disappearing balloons &}l=VOX . 506280_509630 *PHIL: Now inside this container here 509630_510910 into which our balloons 510910_511840 &{l=HI &{l=VOX ah &}l=VOX &}l=HI 511840_512110 &=in &=tsk I am losing my (..) spheres . 512100_514950 *PHIL: &=tsk &=in (..) Inside this container 514950_516370 into which our balloons have disappeared 516380_517750 I have a liquid . 517750_518770 *PHIL: &=in I'm going to take some of that liquid 518970_520190 and examine it much in the same way that I did &=in the water: . 520190_523590 *PHIL: (..) &{l=VOX &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 531360_532280 (..) &=in Yeah: &}l=VOX . 533540_535320 *PHIL: Alright guys . 535320_536330 *PHIL: &=in Let's watch now and see what occurs . 536330_538430 *PHIL: &=in I'm going to pour this liquid into this flask here 538430_541080 (..) &=in (.) and again 541650_542620 we will behave like scientists 542620_543910 and watch 543910_544300 and observe 544300_544800 and see what we (..) n:otice . 544800_548420 *PHIL: (.) &=in Now here: (..) is a liquid . 548860_550730 *PHIL: (..) That is bubbling and steaming 550730_552170 like the water was 552170_553200 &=in when there were the f- +/. 553130_553980 *PHIL: (.) when there was a fla:me underneath it . 553980_555400 *PHIL: But 555400_555900 &=in there's no flame underneath this (.) liquid here . 555910_558630 *PHIL: (..) N_that's different . 558920_560190 *PHIL: (.) &=in Let's see 560300_561240 (.) what happens when I put a balloon o:ver the top . 561240_563300 *PHIL: &=in (..) If we do in fact have a liquid 563550_565380 that's turning into a gas 565380_566350 with enough force to fill up a balloon 566350_567840 and lo and beho:ld 567840_569230 &=in &{l=VOX we do &}l=VOX . 569240_570250 *PHIL: &=in It i:s filling up the balloon here . 570250_572230 *PHIL: (.) But . 572230_572820 *PHIL: (..) &=in (..) This steam here is very cold . 573600_575430 *PHIL: And we can see that frost &=in is forming 575430_577610 on the sides of this &{l=HI flask &}l=HI here . 577610_579520 *PHIL: (.) &=in &{l=VOX Frost ? 579590_580580 *PHIL: (.) &=in My God &}l=VOX &=ex . 580640_582280 *PHIL: &=in That's curious . 582280_583080 *PHIL: Let's see what the temperature is of this liquid . 583080_585410 *PHIL: (.) &=in ʔuh . 585560_586370 *AUD: XXX . 586380_587290 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER . 587290_588140 *PHIL: Did you guys come from a deprived home or something 587960_589810 you didn't have balloons ? 589810_590760 *PHIL: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in &{l=VOX Fighting over balloo:ns . 590770_592570 *PHIL: I never thought I'd see the day &}l=VOX . 592570_593930 *PHIL: &=in I'm going to put this probe here into this liquid 593930_596110 and we will see what temperature &=in this balloon is . 596110_598460 *PHIL: Uh try to (.) stay in your seats 598460_599600 I don't want you guys to run up (.) throughout the show . 599600_601570 *PHIL: (..) Okay 601570_602450 now the temperature of this liquid i:s 602450_604260 &=in three-hundred and twenty-three degrees below: zero: . 604260_607760 *PHIL: &=in Water becomes a solid at thirty-two degrees above zero . 608180_611500 *PHIL: And it remains a solid &=in at every tenjure- temperature below that . 611500_614300 *PHIL: So 614300_614710 folks 614710_615050 do you think 615050_615640 &=in this (.) three-hundred and twenty-three degree l:iquid 615640_618740 (..) i:s (.) water . 619140_620520 *MANY: (.) No . 618720_619320 *PHIL: &=in No . 621440_622000 *PHIL: That's right 622000_622340 go ahead and shake your heads in disbelief . 622340_624000 *PHIL: Of course it's not water . 624000_625060 *PHIL: &=in No . 625060_625730 *PHIL: This (.) folks (.) is (.) liquid &=in n:itrogen . 625730_628580 *PHIL: (.) &{l=VOX Ah: ye:s &}l=VOX . 628580_630330 *PHIL: &=in (..) Where folks can you find (..) lots of nitrogen . 630330_633570 *PHIL: (..) ʔuh In +/. 635930_636450 *PHIL: He's like 636450_637000 (.) ʔuh doing this . 637000_637500 *PHIL: I thought he had bad breath 637500_638360 &{l=X yes &}l=X 638360_638950 (..) the air you're breathing right now . 639140_640570 *PHIL: Your lungs are filled with this stuff 640570_641850 all of you . 641850_642410 *PHIL: &=in (..) The air is probably about seventy percent nitrogen 642410_645410 a:nd uh 645410_646240 (.) it's oxygen 646240_646760 and other gasses as well 646760_648020 &=in okay ? 648020_648720 *PHIL: (.) Our body takes it all in . 648720_649950 *PHIL: &=in But we only u:se the oxygen . 649950_651470 *PHIL: We breathe out the nitrogen . 651470_652680 *PHIL: The reason why the nitrogen is not freezing our lungs 652680_654860 &=in as it is doing this flask here 654860_656470 &=in is because 656470_657310 &=in those molecules are moving much faster . 657310_659120 *PHIL: &=in The (.) nitrogen is w:armer . 659120_660900 *PHIL: Probably about seventy degrees I would imagine . 660900_662580 *PHIL: &=in But 662580_663400 (..) &{l=VOX this (..) liquid (.) is ve:ry cold indeed . 663400_666860 *PHIL: Three-hundred and twenty-three degrees below: zero: &}l=VOX . 666860_669590 *PHIL: &=in Well 669590_670420 (..) to get exactly 670420_671780 (..) to get an idea about how cold that is 671780_673410 let's use these two (..) bouncing rubber balls . 673410_676300 *PHIL: I would like you people in the audience to 676300_678040 &=in examine the balls . 678040_679390 *PHIL: (..) To let me know if 679870_681290 (.) &=in they are in fact 681290_682730 (..) average normal everyday balls . 683450_685790 *PHIL: (..) Testify for the audience . 686580_687960 *PHIL: &{l=VOX Don't b:ite into it 687960_688920 jeesh &}l=VOX . 688920_689510 *AUD: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 689510_690300 *PHIL: &=in &=lengthened (.) You've really haven't been fed 689510_691370 have you . 691370_691800 *PHIL: Oh I'm really feeling sorry for you . 691800_692970 *PHIL: Please bounce it back now . 692970_694180 *AUD: (..) No 696020_696360 don't bounce ⌈ it ⌉ . 696360_697150 *PHIL: ⌊ &=laugh &=in ⌋ . 696540_697180 *AUD: &{l=X Throw it anywhere else &}l=X . 697220_698780 *PHIL: &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in . 698310_699930 *AUD: Throw it in the water . 699440_700320 *AUD: (.) &{l=X Right under the water &}l=X . 700320_701460 *PHIL: &=in That was +/. 701290_701900 *PHIL: (.) I'm surprised I caught that . 701900_702800 *PHIL: Normally I'm (.) f_try to goof . 702800_704000 *PHIL: I'm like Michael Jordan 704000_704920 in the White Sox . 704920_705610 *PHIL: But anyway 705610_706000 &=in but this time I caught it . 706000_707110 *PHIL: &=in So 707110_707960 let's see what happens 707960_708850 when one of these balls goes into the &{l=VOX liquid &=in nitrogen &}l=VOX . 708850_711740 *PHIL: Now the other one stays out here 711730_713290 &=in with me . 713290_714280 *PHIL: (..) Where it's nice and warm . 714280_715510 *PHIL: &=in &=lengthened (..) Well let's think now about what's happening to this ball . 715510_718870 *PHIL: (..) It's in the &{l=VOX ve:ry cold &}l=VOX liquid nitrogen . 718870_721490 *PHIL: Right ? 721490_722000 *PHIL: &=in So . 722000_722970 *PHIL: (.) What do you think is happening to the ball . 722970_724550 *PHIL: Is the ball getting hotter &=in or colder . 724550_726470 *PHIL: Everybody say it out lou:d . 726470_727530 *AUD: Hotter . 727390_727820 *MANY: (.) Colder . 727730_728570 *PHIL: &=in Colder . 727780_729030 *PHIL: Okay 729030_729470 (..) &{l=PAR some people don't agree with you . 729500_730960 *PHIL: (.) In fact most people don't &}l=PAR . 730960_731830 *PHIL: &=in &=lengthened Yes 731890_732610 it's getting colder . 732610_733510 *PHIL: &=in So if the ball is getting colder 733510_735220 do you think the ball:'s m:olecules 735220_737310 &=in are going faster ? 737310_738890 *PHIL: (..) Or slower . 738890_739700 *MANY: Slower . 739890_740990 *PHIL: &=in Slower 740490_741490 okay . 741490_741810 *PHIL: And that (.) you all (.) concur . 741810_743200 *PHIL: That is excellent . 743200_743920 *PHIL: &=in So 743920_744560 if these molecules are going slower 744560_746440 &=in do you think +/. 746440_747290 *PHIL: (..) and the ball is getting colder 748620_749760 do you think the ball is becoming &=in &{l=MRC more of a solid &}l=MRC ? 749760_753280 *PHIL: (.) Or more of a liquid . 753300_754290 *PHIL: What do you think . 754290_754630 *AUD: (.) Liquid . 755290_756210 *PHIL: &=in A l:iquid 755700_756990 only one person thinks that 756990_758100 cause everybody didn't want to go all that far out on a limb . 758100_760180 *PHIL: So let's see 760180_761290 &=in (.) if uh 761490_762920 sh- [% laugh] +/. 762910_763730 *PHIL: &=in if what this guy is thinking is true . 763730_765790 *PHIL: If it becomes more of a liquid 765790_766860 or more of a solid . 766860_767890 *PHIL: I will take this ball &{l=VOX out &}l=VOX &=in o:f the liquid nitrogen 767890_770710 and we will begin (..) the experiments . 770710_773500 *PHIL: &=in Okay 773570_774510 now . 774510_774990 *PHIL: (..) Let's see 775090_776010 (..) they look alike 776130_776850 don't they 776850_777160 they still look (.) pretty much the same 777160_778170 except we have steam coming off this ball here 778170_779800 let's see &=in if they bounce (.) as before . 779800_781900 *ENV: &=BALL_BOUNCING . 781900_783260 *PHIL: (..) &=in Well this one (.) m- (.) bounces pretty much the same 783260_785830 but this one is different . 785840_786790 *PHIL: &=in That is curious . 786790_787960 *PHIL: &{l=VOX Hmm: &}l=VOX . 787960_788590 *PHIL: &=in Well I must continue my study . 788590_790210 *PHIL: &=in Let's see how they react under (..) &{l=VOX pressure: &}l=VOX . 790210_793490 *PHIL: (..) &=in &=GRUNT 794390_795080 &=in Okay 795080_795930 &=GRUNT 795930_796740 &=in alright 796740_797140 this one (.) pretty much (.) is absorbing my energy 797140_798990 it remains intact 798990_799740 but let's see what happens to this ball . 799750_801350 *PHIL: (..) &{l=VOX &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &}l=VOX 801820_803880 (..) &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=in &=lengthened . 803880_807410 *AUD: Did it break ? 806710_807960 *PHIL: (..) &{l=VOX No: &}l=VOX . 808000_809300 *PHIL: &=in It broke . 809370_810870 *PHIL: (..) You see 810870_811510 these molecules got slower and slower and slower 811510_813350 a:nd 813350_813770 &=in closer together . 813770_814870 *PHIL: &=in The ball became more of a solid than before 814870_816860 it became harder . 816860_817720 *PHIL: &=in &=lengthened (.) Well folks 817720_819260 that (.) kinda k- +/. 819260_820150 *PHIL: it (.) gives you a little bit of an idea of what's happening to our balloons 820430_822820 but it still doesn't make it absolutely clear 822820_824790 &=in so . 824790_825560 *PHIL: (..) &=in And we'll see what happens to this (..) &{l=VOX b:ig old balloon . 826380_831020 *PHIL: (.) When it interacts with liquid n:itrogen &}l=VOX . 831020_833650 *PHIL: (..) &=in Alright ? 834000_835350 *PHIL: (..) Rather than see what happens tha- there and- +/. 835480_837600 *PHIL: (.) guess at what's happening to these (.) balloons in the container 837600_840330 we will see what happens &=in to a balloon 840330_842190 when it interacts with liquid nitrogen in the light of day . 842190_844520 *PHIL: (..) &=in Alright 844800_845460 I'm pouring the very cold liquid nitrogen over this balloon . 845460_848200 *PHIL: (.) &=in So the balloon and its contents 848200_849980 the air insi:de 849980_850840 is getting colder and colder and colder . 850840_852800 *PHIL: &=in Okay those molecules are slowing down . 852800_854810 *PHIL: They're going slower and slower 854810_855850 &=in and so they're getting closer and closer together . 855850_858030 *PHIL: Okay ? 858030_858430 *PHIL: &=in You still have the same num:ber of air molecules inside this balloon 858430_861810 &=in as you did before . 861810_863140 *PHIL: (.) &=in It's just that 863140_864140 &=in they're going slower 864140_865130 so they're closer together 865130_866100 and they take up less space 866100_867390 &=in in this &=in balloon . 867390_869260 *PHIL: (..) And look (.) at the balloon . 870530_872510 *PHIL: &=in At the very bottom of it . 872510_873780 *PHIL: You can see a liquid . 873780_874870 *PHIL: (.) &=in That's the air people . 874870_876270 *PHIL: How often do you get to see liquified air 876270_878150 but that is the air . 878150_879200 *PHIL: &=in (.) The molecules have gotten so: (.) slowed down 879200_882520 and so close together that 882520_883690 &=in they're less 883690_884430 (.) they're not in the (.) as much in the form of a gas now 884430_886530 they're more in the form ʔuh (..) ʔuh &=in of a liquid . 886530_889110 *PHIL: &=in But now . 889110_889900 *PHIL: (.) The air around it 889900_890710 &=in is causing those molecules to speed up . 890710_892600 *PHIL: (..) &{l=VOX &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &}l=VOX 892600_893690 &=in Ha ha: . 893690_894600 *PHIL: (.) &=in And so 894600_895520 (..) the molecules are speeding up 895520_897120 they're getting further and further apart 897120_898580 &=in (.) and taking up more space inside the balloon 898580_900760 so the balloon goes back to its former size and shape . 900760_903260 *PHIL: &=in So that has to be what's happening &=in to the balloons 903260_905960 that are inside this container here . 905960_907690 *PHIL: &=in Alright ? 907810_909000 *PHIL: (..) &=SWALLOW Yes 909000_910250 these balloons are in the very cold liquid nitrogen 910250_912260 &=in and so those molecules slowed down 912260_914330 &=in and got closer together 914430_915870 &=ex &=in the air 915870_917020 (..) took up less space inside the balloons . 917020_918470 *PHIL: So I can fit &{l=VOX a:ll &}l=VOX those balloons 918470_919930 &=in into this &{l=HI little itty-bitty container &}l=HI . 919930_921850 *PHIL: (.) &=in &{l=VOX But now: &}l=VOX 921860_923140 &=in I'm taking the balloons out (.) of this container 923140_925420 &=in so the molecules (.) a:re speeding up . 925420_927810 *PHIL: &=in The air is &{l=VOX heating up &}l=VOX 927810_929400 (.) okay ? 929440_930550 *PHIL: (.) And so the molecules are going &=in faster and faster 930550_932840 and they're getting further and further apart 932840_934570 (..) &=in they're taking up less space 934880_936960 (..) &=in insi:de- +/. 937220_938490 *PHIL: I'm sorry 938490_938770 taking (.) up more and more space 938770_940160 inside these balloons . 940160_941040 *PHIL: (.) &=in (.) And you might want to protect your eardrums . 941720_944000 *PHIL: Cause sometimes as these balloons expand 944000_945650 they pop . 945650_946130 *PHIL: And let me tell you 946130_946930 (..) I get quite shell shocked at the end of the day . 946930_949330 *PHIL: (.) &=in So 949360_950450 (..) this really teaches us a lot people 950480_952660 this tells us that the dif⌈ference ⌉ +... 952660_953730 *ENV: ⌊ &=POP ⌋ . 953480_953730 *PHIL: &{l=VOX Ow: [% laugh] &}l=VOX . 953730_954500 *PHIL: &=in (.) The difference in a substance between a solid (.) a liquid and a gas 954500_958310 (.) &=in (.) like water 958410_959660 i:s 959660_960310 (..) how fast the molecules are moving . 960790_962820 *PHIL: And that different (..) substances become a solid 962820_965800 (..) a liquid 965800_966530 (.) and a gas at different temperatures 966530_967920 and temperature &=in is a measurement of how fast or slow &=in molecules are moving . 967920_972240 *PHIL: (.) &=in That's what I wanted to tell you people 972240_973970 I love to share that with everyone that I meet 973970_976100 &=in if you have any questions about this 976100_977540 or: (.) any other subject 977540_978580 come on up and ask 978580_979560 &=in (.) even if you don't 979560_980750 (.) I certainly hope you have a great day here at the Museum: (..) of Science (..) &{l=VOX and Industry:ʔuh: &}l=VOX &=ex . 980750_991100 *ENV: &=POP . 991100_991740 *AUD: X . 991750_992270 *PHIL: Oh 992270_992770 (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in 993270_993870 (.) &{l=VOX thank you very much . 993910_995760 *PHIL: &=in ʔuh:Oy &}l=VOX . 995760_997500 *PHIL: (.) Someone's been shot . 997500_998750 *PHIL: (..) &=laugh . 998750_999800 @End