@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: KEVI KEVIN Speaker, WEND WENDY Speaker, KEN KEN Speaker, KEND KENDRA Speaker, MARC MARCI Speaker, ENV ENV Environment, X X Speaker, MANY MANY Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|KEVI|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|WEND|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|KEN|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|KEND|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|MARC|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ENV|||||Environment||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|X|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|MANY|||||Speaker||| @Media: 13, audio @Comment: Appease the Monster @Comment: This is a family conversation/birthday party, recorded in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The five participants are family members: Kendra (the birthday girl) and Kevin are siblings, Ken and Marci are their parents, and Wendy is Kevin's wife. This segment is highly interactional and contains a lot of overlap. *KEVI: Is that just ⌈ carbonated water ⌉ ? 0_1240 *WEND: ⌊ No thank you ⌋ . 450_1240 *WEND: ⌈2 No . 1240_1500 *KEN: ⌊2 &=in No this is ⌋2 crea:m ⌈3 soda . 1240_3380 *WEND: It's cream soda ⌉2 . 1500_2360 *KEVI: ⌊3 Oh: boy: ⌋3 . 2960_3640 *KEN: The ⌉3 best . 3380_4010 *WEND: (..) It's the best . 4010_5170 *WEND: I'm s⌈ure: ⌉ . 5170_5860 *KEND: ⌊ Does it look ⌋ like cream soda ? 5440_6740 *MARC: (.) Why do these ca:ns 6740_8390 (.) get so warped . 8390_9410 *MARC: Only the +/. 9410_10140 *MARC: (.) Only the Sam's Club cans (.) get so ⌊ warped ⌋ . 10140_12740 *KEN: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=lengthened . 12240_13140 *WEND: &=in ʔuh ⌈2 I think you should ⌉2 ⌈3 write ⌉3 +... 13140_14580 *KEN: ⌊2 &{l=X Cause they're &}l=X ⌋2 ⌊3 X ⌋3 +... 13860_14580 *KEND: ⌊3 Cause they're ⌋3 ⌈4 cheap ca:ns . 14260_15330 *WEND: ⌊4 ʔJust (.) ʔuh: write a letter to em ⌋4 . 14580_16030 *KEND: that's why ⌉4 +... 15330_15930 *WEND: and complain Marci . 16030_17030 *MARC: (.) &=in &=lengthened What I'm gonna complain about 17030_18880 is that they don't make white grape . 18880_20330 *MARC: This stuff ⌈ is ⌉ g:ood . 20330_21400 *ENV: ⌊ &=POP_TOP ⌋ 20710_21110 It's like sparkling: grape juice (.) cocktail 21400_24470 or something 24470_25150 (.) you know 25150_25550 (.) Remember that ⌈ white ⌉ +... 25550_26420 *WEND: ⌊ &=in They ⌋ only make that (.) with Nutrasweet though 26180_28030 &{l=X do- &}l=X +/. 28030_28280 *WEND: (.) don't they . 28280_28780 *WEND: (.) They don't make (..) a regular +... 28780_30380 *MARC: (..) A regular grape ? 30380_31780 *MARC: I don't ⌊ know ⌋ . 31780_32330 *KEN: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ &=lengthened . 32050_32600 *WEND: (..) Every time I've looked at &{l=X the &}l=X bot- that bottled water 32600_35200 (.) or the sparkling water 35200_36200 ⌈ it's all ⌉ ⌈2 with ⌉2 +... 36200_37000 *MARC: ⌊ But they don't ⌋ ⌊2 make ⌋2 this kind at a:ll ⌈3 any⌉3more . 36200_38650 *KEND: ⌊2 &=ex ⌋2 36720_37020 ⌊3 &=SNIFF ⌋3 37890_38270 ⌈4 &=THROAT ⌉4 . 38650_39090 *WEND: ⌊4 (.) Oh they ⌋4 don't ? 38650_39470 *MARC: (.) ⌈5 I couldn't find ⌉5 it last time ⌈6 I was ⌉6 in there . 39470_41720 *KEND: ⌊5 &=THROAT ⌋5 39620_40420 ⌊6 &=SNIFF ⌋6 . 41070_41370 *KEN: ⌈7 &=ex &=lengthened ⌉7 . 41720_42270 *MARC: ⌊7 That wa- ⌋7 +/. 42000_42270 *MARC: That made me ma:d . 42270_43770 *KEND: (..) &{l=VOX Ma:d &}l=VOX &=ex ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 43770_45570 *WEND: ⌊ &{l=VOX &{l=SING I wa⌋s so: ma:d . 45270_47280 *MARC: ⌊ XXX ⌋ +/. 45270_45720 *MARC: I was ⌈2 ma:d . 47280_48090 *WEND: ⌊2 doo-doo-doo-doo 47580_48540 (.) doo-doo-doo &}l=SING &}l=VOX ⌋2 . 48540_49240 *MARC: &{l=X in the hea:d &}l=X ⌉2 . 48090_49040 *WEND: &=in Don't you remember that ? 49240_49890 *KEVI: (.) Un⌈hunh ⌉ . 49890_50540 *KEND: ⌊ How mad ⌋ were ⌈2 you ⌉2 . 50190_51390 *KEN: ⌊2 &=DRINK ⌋2 &=lengthened . 50990_51840 *MARC: (..) Oh 51840_52720 fairly . 52720_53290 *KEN: (..) Oops 53290_54690 that ⌈ won't work ⌉ . 54690_55440 *KEND: ⌊ Oops ⌋ . 54810_55340 *KEVI: ⌊ Ah: ⌋ . 54810_55440 *KEND: oops . 55440_55890 *KEVI: &=in . 55890_56240 *KEND: oo⌈:ps ⌉ . 56240_57030 *WEND: ⌊ &{l=MRC Oops ⌋ 56530_57030 (.) oops 57030_57430 (.) ⌈ oops . 57430_57980 *MARC: ⌊ What's everybody wait⌋⌈2ing ⌉2 ⌈3 for ⌉3 . 57700_58810 *WEND: Don't (.) do ⌉ ⌊2 it &}l=MRC ⌋2 . 57980_58650 *KEND: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 ⌊3 &=lengthened ⌋3 . 58500_58810 *MARC: you guys ⌈4 are supposed to ⌉4 go ho:me now . 58810_60560 *KEVI: ⌊4 &=in &=lengthened ⌋4 . 59130_59680 *KEND: ⌈5 See you ⌉5 . 60660_61140 *KEN: ⌊5 &=YAWN ⌋5 &=lengthened . 60660_61420 *KEVI: Well we're +... 61370_61970 *KEND: (.) &=COUGH &=COUGH . 61970_62920 *WEND: (.) Thanks a lot 62920_63780 Marci . 63780_64320 *MARC: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 64320_65330 *KEND: ⌊ I'll just take my gifts up ⌋ to my bed 64320_65850 and ⌈2 &{l=@ open em (.) by ⌉2 my⌈3se:⌉3⌈4lf &}l=@ ⌉4 . 65850_67350 *MARC: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 65900_66420 *KEN: ⌊3 Oh⌋3⌊4:⌋4⌈5: ⌉5 . 66820_67990 *KEVI: ⌊4 Oh ⌋4 ⌊5 that's right ⌋5 . 67240_67990 *KEVI: There is more to tonight . 67990_69140 *WEND: (..) There i:s . 69140_70150 *WEND: Oh: . 70150_70550 *WEND: We forgot . 70550_71200 *X: &=ex . 71200_71550 *KEND: (..) &=SNIFF . 71550_72850 *WEND: (..) &=in Well I have 72850_74150 (.) f- a fun present . 74150_75200 *WEND: I'm excited about it . 75200_76130 *MARC: I thought ⌈ I'd throw Kendie ⌉ off the s- +... 76130_78650 *KEN: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 77140_78020 *MARC: (.) off the trail . 78650_79450 *KEND: &=ex . 79450_79800 *WEND: Well she's in here so⌈bbi:ng . 79800_81050 *MARC: ⌊ Shut your eyeballs . 80680_81720 *WEND: I hope you're happy- &=in ⌉ . 81120_82240 *MARC: Kendie ⌋ . 81720_82240 *KEVI: (.) Wendy ha:s (.) tried her hand 82240_84550 for the first time at making a clue: . 84550_86740 *KEN: &=in Oh 86740_87420 a clue: ? 87420_88200 *KEVI: (.) A ⌈ clue ⌉ . 88200_89100 *WEND: ⌊ Oh⌋⌈2: . 88650_89300 *KEN: ⌊ &=in ⌋ ⌊2 Is this the kind of clue that ⌋2 ⌈3 goes from room to room ⌉3 ? 88650_91450 *WEND: stop it . 89300_90050 *WEND: Don't ⌉2 ⌊3 make fun of me ⌋3 . 90050_91450 *KEND: ⌊3 Is it a real one 90300_91150 or ⌋3 is it a . 91150_91850 *KEVI: It's ⌈4 a r- ⌉4 +... 91850_92200 *KEND: ⌊4 is it a ⌋4 Perry one . 91950_92970 *KEVI: Well ⌈5 it's definitely a ⌉5 Perry one . 92970_94420 *KEN: ⌊5 &=THROAT ⌋5 . 93340_93990 *KEVI: She ⌈6 has fit ⌉6 into the mold . 94420_95770 *KEND: ⌊6 O:kay ⌋6 . 94630_95110 *WEND: (..) &=ex . 95770_96040 *KEN: Mm⌈: ⌉ . 96040_96990 *KEVI: ⌊ She ⌋ ⌈2 has ⌉2 (..) fit in⌈3to the groove ⌉3 . 96410_98210 *WEND: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 . 96600_97110 *MARC: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 &=in . 97510_98590 *WEND: I don't know about ⌈4 that ⌉4 . 98590_99690 *X: ⌊4 &=SIGH ⌋4 . 99110_99690 *WEND: (.) ⌈5 But don't make fun of me ⌉5 . 99690_100990 *MARC: ⌊5 You look pretty proud of your⌋5self 99690_101260 Wendy . 101260_101910 *WEND: (.) &{l=VOX We:ll 101910_102590 I'm a little proud 102590_103510 except if you ⌈ think it's stupid &=laugh ⌉ . 103510_105300 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋ 103970_105300 ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 105300_106820 *WEND: ⌊2 &{l=@ Then ⌋2 ⌊3 I'll feel ba:d &}l=@ &}l=VOX ⌋3 . 105300_106820 *KEN: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 105600_106820 *KEND: ⌊3 A little prou:d ⌋3 . 105600_106820 *KEVI: ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 106820_108460 *KEN: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 106820_108460 *KEND: ⌊4 Then I'll be really ma:d ⌋4 . 106870_108460 *MARC: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh (.) He thought your clue was ⌋4 ⌈5 stupid ⌉5 . 106820_108810 *WEND: ⌊5 &=in ⌋5 . 108460_108810 *MARC: and it really wasn't . 108810_109710 *KEN: ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 109710_109980 *MARC: ⌊ was ⌋ it . 109710_110240 *KEN: ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 110240_110760 *KEVI: ⌊2 I don't think ⌋2 ⌈3 Ken⌉3die will guess it . 110240_111630 *WEND: ⌊3 w- ⌋3 +... 110760_110930 *KEVI: though . 111630_111930 *MARC: (.) ⌈ &=THROAT ⌉ . 111930_112630 *KEN: ⌊ Ah 111930_112380 she ⌋ ⌈2 may: ⌉2 . 112380_113080 *KEVI: ⌊2 So that's ⌋2 the +/. 112630_113230 *KEVI: (.) that's the whole point . 113230_114030 *WEND: (.) I thought so 114030_114780 I mean 114780_115030 I can get +/. 115030_115330 *WEND: ⌈ You guys +... 115330_115890 *KEVI: ⌊ If she can't g:uess the clue: ⌋ . 115330_117110 *WEND: Your clues make absolutely ⌉ no ⌈2 se:nse ⌉2 . 115890_118010 *KEND: ⌊2 &=THROAT ⌋2 117300_118010 ⌈3 Yeah: ⌉3 . 118010_118600 *MARC: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 118010_118600 *KEVI: ⌊3 Well that's ⌋3 +... 118010_118500 *KEND: You're not sup⌈4posed to be able to guess ⌉4 ⌈5 it . 118600_120250 *KEVI: ⌊4 That's why 119120_119620 cause that's ⌋4 +... 119620_119990 *WEND: ⌊5 You have to like ⌋5 +... 119840_120880 *KEND: at all⌉5: . 120250_120930 *KEVI: (.) &=DRINK . 120930_121280 *MARC: ⌈ You have ⌉ +... 121280_121730 *KEVI: ⌊ think of ⌋ exponen⌈2tials . 121280_122750 *MARC: ⌊2 You have to b- ⌋2 +... 122450_123100 *KEVI: or ex⌉2poten⌈3tials ⌉3 . 122750_124100 *MARC: ⌊3 You have to ⌋3 belong to Mensa 123570_125060 &{l=@ to be able to figure out Kevin's c:lues &}l=@ . 125060_127360 *WEND: &=in No 127360_127810 you have to belo:ng to: +/. 127810_129260 *WEND: (..) &{l=@ &{l=VOX I won't say &}l=VOX &}l=@ . 129260_130410 *KEVI: (..) ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 130410_132160 *KEND: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌊2 Oh⌋2⌈3: ⌉3 . 130810_134280 *WEND: ⌊2 Oh: ⌋2 131640_132190 ⌊3 &{l=@ there's something on your tooth &}l=@ ⌋3 . 132190_134280 *WEND: (..) &=laugh . 134280_135080 *KEN: (..) XX &{l=X &{l=@ Why don't you ⌈ get on it ⌉ &}l=@ &}l=X . 135080_136300 *KEND: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 135780_136300 *KEN: &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 136300_137350 *WEND: ⌊2 Come here ⌋2 . 136650_137400 *KEN: (.) ⌈3 &=laugh ⌉3 . 137400_138050 *MARC: ⌊3 Why didn't ⌋3 ⌈4 you guys tell me I had a big glop of lettuce on my ⌉4 tooth ? 137700_141450 *KEND: ⌊4 Oh 138100_138530 gro::ss ⌋4 . 138530_141050 *KEND: (.) Gro⌈5:⌉5s⌈6s ⌉6 . 141450_142850 *MARC: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 . 142400_142700 *WEND: ⌊6 I⌋6t's stuck in your gum . 142800_143950 *KEVI: (.) I know . 143950_144400 *WEND: (..) &=laugh ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 144400_146400 *MARC: ⌊ Chew i⌋t out . 146150_146850 *WEND: (.) &=in . 146850_147550 *KEVI: &=tsk . 147550_147800 *WEND: Oh: [% laugh] . 147800_148650 *KEVI: &=in . 148650_149500 *WEND: &=laugh &=laugh . 149500_150300 *KEN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 150300_151750 *KEND: ⌊ Kevin just don't op⌋⌈2en your mouth again ⌉2 . 150800_152650 *WEND: ⌊2 I'm gonna give you a mushy ⌋2 kiss . 151750_153250 *KEN: &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 153250_155400 *MARC: ⌊3 Don't ever open your mouth again ⌋3 . 153750_155400 *WEND: ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 155400_155850 *MARC: ⌊4 Kevi⌋4n . 155400_155970 *MARC: (.) It'll ⌈5 be alright ⌉5 . 155970_156690 *WEND: ⌊5 You can bare⌋5⌈6ly see ⌉6 it . 156250_157350 *KEN: ⌊6 &=THROAT ⌋6 . 156690_157100 *MARC: (.) &=THROAT . 157350_158050 *WEND: (..) You can barely see- +/. 158050_158950 *WEND: Did you have a big glop of lettuce on your tooth Mar⌈ci ⌉ . 158950_160950 *MARC: ⌊ Mh⌋⌈2m ⌉2 . 160580_161310 *WEND: ⌊2 Oh ⌋2 160950_161310 we were just sitting laughing at you . 161310_162600 *KEND: Dad . 162600_162800 *MARC: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 162650_163500 *KEND: ⌊ can you give me a tooth⌋pick ? 162800_163850 *KEND: from (..) down there ? 163850_164750 *WEND: (..) Everybody's [% laugh] getting &{l=X a p- &}l=X +... 164750_166150 *KEVI: D⌈o- ⌉ +... 166150_166400 *WEND: ⌊ t⌋ooth ⌈2 ob⌉2sessed . 166350_167250 *KEVI: ⌊2 X ⌋2 . 166620_166870 *KEN: I ⌈3 guess we a:re ⌉3 . 167250_168830 *WEND: ⌊3 &{l=SING Nee &}l=SING ⌋3 . 168000_168830 *MARC: ⌈4 We really are getting stupid . 168830_170500 *KEND: ⌊4 Well I can't stand having things in my teeth ⌋4 . 168830_170850 *MARC: &{l=@ I mean ⌉4 we're really beyond &}l=@ +... 170500_172000 *WEND: We're all tired . 172000_172850 *MARC: (..) That ⌈ must ⌉ be it . 172850_174400 *KEND: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 173620_173870 *WEND: (..) Yeah . 174400_175100 *WEND: (.) Simple ʔuh- +/. 175100_175650 *WEND: Simple ex⌈planation ⌉ . 175650_176400 *KEND: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 175950_176400 *WEND: ⌈2 is we're all exhausted ⌉2 . 176400_177450 *KEND: ⌊2 I mean when Mary ⌋2 tells me to get sleep over the weekend 176500_179200 you know: I need to get sleep over the weeke:nd . 179200_181250 *WEND: (..) That's good you're getting r- good rest . 181250_183050 *WEND: (.) I⌈:'ve been s⌉⌈2leeping about ⌉2 ⌈3 ten hours ⌉3 . 183050_184950 *MARC: ⌊ No: ⌋ 183300_183700 ⌊2 Mary's ⌋2 ⌊3 just lying ⌋3 . 183700_184950 *KEVI: ⌊2 XX ⌋2 ? 183700_184220 *WEND: No thanks . 184950_185500 *KEND: (.) I know: 185500_185990 I've been sleeping about ten hou:rs 185990_187210 every nigh:t . 187210_187850 *KEND: (.) And I'm sti:ll 187850_188710 like 188710_189050 (..) ⌈ But I think I'm over it faster than I w:ould be ⌉ . 189050_192000 *WEND: ⌊ I was gonna ask the doctor 189850_191220 I'm like 191220_191750 (.) wh⌋:at is wr:ong with me 191750_193090 that I am sleeping so much . 193090_194480 *KEND: (.) No ⌈ XXX ⌉ . 194480_195300 *WEND: ⌊ But Kevin's ⌋ been sleeping a lot 194770_195870 too . 195870_196170 *KEND: You pregnant ? 196170_196670 *WEND: (..) No . 196670_197320 *MARC: (..) Are ⌈ you ⌉ ? 197320_198520 *WEND: ⌊ Thank ⌋ ⌈2 God ⌉2 . 198220_198870 *X: ⌊ &=in ⌋ ⌊2 &=lengthened ⌋2 &=lengthened . 198220_199190 *MARC: (.) &{l=F Are ⌈3 you &}l=F ⌉3 ? 199190_199890 *KEVI: ⌊3 &=THROAT &=lengthened ⌋3 ⌈4 &=ex ⌉4 ⌈5 &=lengthened ⌉5 . 199460_201160 *KEND: ⌊4 &{l=F &{l=VOX No⌋4⌊5: &}l=VOX &}l=F ⌋5 . 200230_201060 *MARC: ⌊5 Oh ⌋5 . 200890_201160 *MARC: (..) Goo:d [% laugh] . 201160_201810 *KEND: (.) Da:ng 201810_202760 ⌈ Ow: ⌉ . 202810_203280 *WEND: ⌊ Kevin's been ⌋ sleeping a lot 202930_203960 too though . 203960_204370 *WEND: (.) So⌈: ⌉ . 204370_204790 *MARC: ⌊ &=in ⌋ ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 204570_205160 *KEND: ⌊2 I'd be on ⌋2 ⌈3 pregnancy vita⌉3mins . 204790_206140 *WEND: ⌊3 I think we just have ⌋3 +... 205160_205960 *KEND: I wouldn't be +... 206140_206590 *KEVI: (..) &=HICCUP . 206590_207240 *KEND: +, sick 207240_207840 ⌈ if I were ⌉ +... 207840_208240 *KEVI: ⌊ excu⌋se me . 207840_208540 *KEND: +, (..) pregnant . 208540_209290 *MARC: (..) Says ⌈ who ⌉ . 209290_210590 *WEND: ⌊ &=tsk ⌋ Who's pregnant ⌈2 again ⌉2 . 210390_211490 *KEND: ⌊2 Says me ⌋2 . 211140_211490 *WEND: (..) U:m . 211490_212440 *MARC: (..) &=tsk U:h 212440_213860 ⌈ I ⌉ +... 213860_214310 *WEND: ⌊ Trish ⌋ . 213860_214310 *WEND: You know 214310_214550 Trish is pregnant again . 214550_215510 *KEND: Yeah . 215510_215810 *WEND: Trish Rhodes . 215810_216410 *KEND: (.) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 216410_216960 *MARC: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=lengthened (.) Was it Trish: 216610_218430 (..) t- who told me she was ⌈2 pregnan:t . 218430_220680 *WEND: ⌊2 She looked r:eally good ⌋2 . 219950_221400 *MARC: (.) at ⌉2 220680_221400 (.) I was ⌈3 thinking it was ⌉3 +... 221400_223050 *WEND: ⌊3 Where are they going to church . 221920_222700 *WEND: Are they going to ⌋3 CT ? 222700_223450 *KEND: (..) Unh-unh . 223450_224600 *KEND: (..) Some little-bitty church . 224600_226250 *KEND: Somewhere I don't know . 226250_226950 *WEND: (..) Were they going to CT at one point ? 226950_228650 *KEND: (..) Hunh-unh . 228650_229200 *WEND: (..) Okay . 229200_230200 *MARC: (..) Myra's your friend 230200_231430 ⌈ right ⌉ ? 231430_231900 *KEND: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 231430_231850 *MARC: (.) I thought she told me (.) at (.) somebody's shower . 231900_235150 *MARC: (.) Becky's shower- +/. 235150_236100 *MARC: (.) No . 236100_236600 *MARC: (.) Somebody's shower at Becky's house . 236600_238800 *X: &=in . 238800_239350 *MARC: (..) That she was pregnant again . 239350_242650 *MARC: (..) Like two weeks pregnant . 242650_244350 *KEND: (.) ⌈ No . 244350_244680 *MARC: ⌊ &{l=X Or one &}l=X ⌋ +... 244530_245000 *KEND: that was ⌉ Trish . 244680_245400 *MARC: (.) That was Tr:ish⌈2: . 245400_246730 *KEND: ⌊2 Mhm ⌋2 . 246520_246900 *MARC: O⌉2kay . 246730_247180 *MARC: So we already knew Trish was preg⌈nant ⌉ . 247180_249210 *KEND: ⌊ M⌋hm⌈2: ⌉2 . 248970_249420 *WEND: ⌊2 I l⌋2ike ⌈3 her hair cut ⌉3 short . 249270_250370 *MARC: ⌊3 &=in &=lengthened ⌋3 249540_250140 Al:ri:ght . 250370_251040 *KEND: Mh⌈m ⌉ . 251040_251290 *WEND: ⌊ &{l=X It &}l=X ⌋ ⌈2 really looks cute on her: ⌉2 . 251120_252590 *MARC: ⌊2 I tried to tell Myra ⌋2 . 251290_252590 *KEND: ⌊2 &{l=X Does look really good &}l=X ⌋2 . 251290_252590 *MARC: I thought it was her . 252590_253350 *WEND: &{l=X She ⌈ did &}l=X ⌉ . 253350_253810 *MARC: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 253460_254560 *WEND: ⌊2 She- +/. 254060_254310 *WEND: She ⌋2 looks so much prettier ⌈3 now ⌉3 . 254310_256010 *MARC: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 . 255610_256010 *KEND: ⌈4 Mhm ⌉4 . 256010_256530 *WEND: ⌊4 with it cut that ⌋4 ⌈5 way ⌉5 . 256010_256860 *MARC: ⌊5 Tri⌋5sh ? 256530_256960 *KEVI: (..) &=in &=tsk . 256960_257650 *MARC: I haven't even seen her 257650_258550 for a yea:⌈r ⌉ . 258550_259600 *WEND: ⌊ We saw ⌋ ⌈2 her at ⌉2 +... 259250_260000 *KEND: ⌊ It's ⌋ ⌊2 all set ⌋2 259250_260000 and 260000_260300 (..) &=tsk poofed up on her head ? 260300_261700 *MARC: (.) &=tsk Oh: . 261700_262500 *MARC: (.) ⌈ Yeah: ⌉ . 262500_263000 *KEND: ⌊ Like it's a ⌋ (.) ⌈2 higher cut ⌉2 ? 262670_264070 *MARC: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 263170_264020 *WEND: ⌈3 It's really (.) it looks sharp ⌉3 on her . 264070_265570 *KEND: ⌊3 &=in She: 264070_264840 u:m ⌋3 264840_265270 uh ⌈4 yeah ⌉4 . 265570_265940 *MARC: ⌊4 W- ⌋4 +... 265740_265940 *KEND: I saw her at Scott's 265940_266790 ⌈ the other day ⌉ . 266790_267410 *WEND: ⌊ We saw her at ⌋ (..) ʔuh Diamond Jim's . 266790_268900 *KEND: (..) Oh yeah: ? 268900_269650 *WEND: &=in ⌈ She was there with the ba⌉by . 269650_271100 *MARC: ⌊ What's she doing ⌋ . 269950_270800 *MARC: (..) Is she working yet 271100_272900 or: 272900_273200 (.) still at home . 273200_274150 *WEND: (..) ⌈ I don't think she's- +... 274150_274900 *KEND: ⌊ I think she's still at home ⌋ . 274250_275170 *WEND: (.) Does 274900_275000 She doesn't ⌉ have to work 275000_275650 does she ? 275650_276050 *KEND: (..) She doesn't have to 276050_277850 unless: 277850_278550 (..) you know 278550_278990 I guess Scott's making some good bucks . 278990_280550 *MARC: (.) Yeah but they bought like three cars in a row . 280550_282930 *MARC: She had that one 282930_283800 and they sold that 283800_284800 and ⌈ bought two other:s ⌉ . 284800_286100 *KEND: ⌊ Yeah but at that point 284900_285850 she was ⌋ still on an n- +/. 285850_286900 *KEND: (..) in: (..) unending (..) money (..) streak . 286900_292000 *KEND: (..) Cause of the policy she took out on her husband . 292000_295100 *KEND: (..) Ex-husband . 295100_296300 *KEND: (.) ⌈ Well ⌉ . 296300_296550 *MARC: ⌊ &=tsk ⌋ Yeah but has ⌈2 that finished ⌉2 ? 296300_297720 *KEND: ⌊2 deceased hus⌋2band . 297010_297810 *MARC: That hasn't finished . 297810_298660 *KEND: ⌈ Yeah . 298660_298930 *MARC: ⌊ Has it ⌋ ? 298660_299090 *KEND: It fin⌉ished when she got married to Todd . 298930_300740 *MARC: (..) Oh really ? 300740_301590 *KEND: They gave her like a b- (..) thirty: something lump sum . 301490_304840 *MARC: (..) ⌈ Thirty thousand ⌉ ? 304840_306140 *WEND: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Oh 304840_306390 it was supposed to ⌈2 pay like ⌉2 continuously: . 306390_308100 *KEND: ⌊2 &=THROAT ⌋2 . 306810_307260 *WEND: un⌈3til ⌉3 +... 308100_308590 *KEND: ⌊3 Oh yeah⌋3: . 308270_309020 *KEND: (..) Forever . 309020_309770 *KEND: (.) For the rest of her life . 309770_310820 *KEND: (..) Or until she got married again . 310820_312370 *KEVI: (..) She must've loved him pretty much . 312370_313970 *KEVI: (.) &=laugh &=lengthened ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 313970_316650 *WEND: ⌊ &=tsk Kevin ⌋ . 315310_316650 *KEN: &=laugh &=laugh . 316650_317450 *KEVI: (.) &=in . 317450_318250 *WEND: (..) You're morbid . 318250_319550 *MARC: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 319550_321100 *WEND: How much is your life insurance worth [% laugh] . 321100_322600 *MARC: &=laugh &=laugh . 322600_323200 *KEND: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 . 323200_324700 *KEN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 . 324020_324700 *KEVI: ⌊2 Costs me ⌋2 &{l=@ seventeen dollars every three months 324410_326310 ⌈3 I'm not sure &}l=@ ⌉3 . 326310_326810 *MARC: ⌊3 &=in &=lengthened ⌋3 . 326310_326810 *WEND: ⌈4 X ⌉4 . 326810_327510 *KEND: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 ⌈5 &=laugh . 326810_327760 *MARC: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 ⌈6 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉6 ⌈7 &=in . 326810_329010 *KEN: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 ⌊6 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋6 . 327510_328840 *KEND: Uh-oh ⌉5 . 327760_328210 *WEND: ⌊6 Oh⌋6⌊7: ⌋7 . 328210_329530 *KEND: ⌊7 I don't think you'll be getting ⌋7 ⌈8 much out of ⌉8 that ⌈9 one . 328840_330490 *MARC: Don't ask ⌉7 329010_329530 ⌊8 Wendy ⌋8 . 329530_330020 *KEND: Wendy ⌉9 . 330490_330970 *MARC: ⌊9 What you don't ⌋9 know: 330290_331470 (.) will hurt y⌈ou &=laugh ⌉ . 331470_332670 *KEND: ⌊ &{l=VOX What are we doing ⌋ here &}l=VOX &{n=THUMP &=nonvocal . 332040_333490 *KEND: (..) &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal ⌈2 &=nonvocal &=nonvocal ⌉2 &}n=THUMP . 333490_335740 *WEND: ⌊2 Does somebody want ⌋2 some presents ? 335110_336640 *MARC: We're: 336640_337110 (.) We're: t- (.) sitting here ? 337110_338710 *WEND: (..) I think she wants some presents . 338710_341560 *MARC: (.) That ⌈ would do ⌉ . 341560_342510 *KEND: ⌊ I want some c⌋ards 341980_342750 or some⌈2thing . 342750_343330 *MARC: ⌊2 That would do ⌋2 . 343190_343840 *KEND: man ⌉2 . 343330_343840 *WEND: (.) O⌈3kay . 343840_344340 *MARC: ⌊3 Let's get some presents ⌋3 . 344160_345360 *WEND: &{l=X should &}l=X we start with this ⌉3 one ? 344340_345790 *KEVI: (.) &{n=CLAP &=nonvocal ⌈4 &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &}n=CLAP ⌉4 . 345790_349540 *MARC: ⌊4 Shall we start with the p:- +/. 346110_347160 *MARC: (.) ʔuh (.) You gonna bring: 347260_348490 (.) our present ⌋4 ? 348490_349390 *KEND: (..) ⌈5 Chill ⌉5 . 349390_352440 *KEN: ⌊5 X ⌋5 . 351890_352440 *MARC: (.) What's (..) ⌈6 mean ⌉6 . 352440_354140 *WEND: ⌊6 &=laugh ⌋6 . 353440_354140 *KEND: (..) Chill babe . 354140_355790 *KEND: (.) How come this comes in two parts . 355790_357440 *WEND: (..) You'll see: . 357440_358740 *KEND: (..) I'm worrying . 358740_359490 *KEN: (.) ⌈ It's the clue ⌉ . 359490_360390 *MARC: ⌊ One's the di⌋aper 359490_360540 and the other's the b- (..) plastic ⌈2 bag to put it in ⌉2 when ⌈3 it's ⌉3 dirty . 360540_363840 *KEND: ⌊2 Mo:ther: ⌋2 . 362190_363090 *WEND: ⌊3 &=COUGH ⌋3 . 363190_363470 *KEND: ⌈4 Mo:ther: ⌉4 . 363840_364780 *MARC: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 363840_365230 *WEND: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 ⌊5 &=in ⌋5 363840_365230 ⌈6 What's this with ba:bie:s ⌉6 . 365230_366980 *KEND: ⌊6 Yeah really . 365230_365700 *KEND: This is the diaper 365700_366730 this ⌋6 ⌈7 is the plastic bag ⌉7 . 366730_367830 *MARC: ⌊7 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋7 . 366880_367830 *KEND: (.) Gee 367830_368000 ⌈ that was⌉n't too difficult to figure out . 368000_369680 *WEND: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 368030_368350 *KEND: &=OPENS_CARD ⌈2 Thank you ⌉2 . 369680_375430 *KEN: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 374700_375430 *KEND: &=in One of those hard to cut 375900_377230 something or other . 377230_378160 *KEND: (..) &{l=P Okay . 378570_379320 *KEND: (..) Get that out of my mouth &}l=P . 379320_380120 *WEND: (.) ⌈ You didn't see the (.) k- ⌉ +... 380120_380890 *KEND: ⌊ &=in &{l=HI Oh it's ⌋ kitty-kittie:s &}l=HI . 380890_382620 *KEND: (.) Miaow . 382710_383370 *WEND: (.) XX . 383370_384210 *KEND: &{l=READ Wishing you a day of little treasure:s 384210_385620 simple pleasures . 385620_386440 *KEND: Happy birthday &}l=READ . 386440_387260 *KEND: They're always dorky 387260_388130 but at least they have cats on it . 388130_389260 *KEND: Right ? 389260_389750 *WEND: (.) &=laugh . 390070_390400 *KEND: &{l=READ Kendra &}l=READ . 390400_390790 *MARC: ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 390790_391940 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 390790_392310 *KEND: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh Sorry [% laugh] ⌋2 . 390790_391940 *WEND: I'll let you know 391940_392640 I spent hours picking that c- +/. 392640_393750 *WEND: ⌈ No . 393750_394030 *KEND: ⌊ &=laugh I'll bet ⌋ ⌈2 you did ⌉2 . 394030_394860 *WEND: Not really ⌉ . 394030_394860 *MARC: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 394860_395630 *KEND: ⌊3 &=in &{l=Q Oh there's a cat &}l=Q ⌋3 ch . 395080_396070 *WEND: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 396070_396640 *KEND: ⌈ It's going ⌉ . 396640_397260 *MARC: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ (.) ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 397260_399190 *KEND: ⌊2 &{l=READ &{l=SM In this exciting time of change ⌋2 ⌈3 and growth &}l=SM ⌉3 . 397670_399750 *WEND: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 . 398570_399420 *KEND: &=in (.) Be full of love joy and peace in the Lord . 399750_401980 *KEND: We love you: 401980_402440 (.) Kevin and Wendy . 402440_403170 *KEND: (.) ⌈ &=in If all ⌉ else fail:s . 403630_405240 *KEVI: ⌊ All righ:t ⌋ . 403170_403870 *KEND: &=in appease the m- (.) monster: &}l=READ ? 405240_407480 *WEND: ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 408600_409170 *KEVI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ That i:s ⌈2 the clue ⌉2 . 407480_409160 *WEND: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 409450_409910 *KEN: That is: ⌈3 the ⌉3 ⌈4 clue ⌉4 . 409160_410120 *KEND: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 . 409440_409830 *KEVI: ⌊4 She might not ⌋4 have mentioned 409580_410700 ⌈5 but that i:s the clue ⌉5 . 410700_411720 *KEND: ⌊5 I was thinking it was wish⌋5ing you a ⌈6 day of ⌉6 &{l=@ little ⌈7 treasures . 410700_413570 *WEND: ⌊6 &=ex ⌋6 . 413280_413650 *KEVI: ⌊7 &=in No ⌋7 . 413660_414130 *KEND: and simple ⌉7 pleasures 413570_414590 ⌈8 &{l=X was the clue &}l=X &}l=@ ⌉8 . 414600_415460 *KEVI: ⌊8 Oh 414600_414870 (.) you wish ⌋8 ⌈9 it was a little ⌉9 ⌈ treasure . 414870_416380 *WEND: ⌊9 &=ex &=lengthened ⌋9 ⌊ &=in &=ex &=laugh &=in ⌋ . 415920_416660 *KEND: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 416140_416380 *KEVI: (.) No . 416360_416640 *KEVI: &=in ⌉ ⌈2 It's the monster ⌉2 . 417140_418100 *KEND: ⌊2 If all else fails ⌋2 417140_418320 appease the monster . 418320_419650 *KEND: ⌈ Who's the monster ⌉ . 419650_420440 *KEVI: ⌊ &=DRINK ⌋ . 419840_420410 *KEND: &{n=PAPER . 420770_421770 *MARC: (..) Now wait 421100_421760 wait- wait- wait- wait- wait . 421780_422600 *MARC: ⌈ Y- ⌉ +... 422570_422670 *KEND: ⌊ Can I ⌋ open this one first ? 422590_423730 *KEND: ⌈2 Or will it give it away: . 423970_424500 *WEND: ⌊2 Sure . 423730_423990 *WEND: (.) Doesn't matter ⌋2 . 423970_424610 *KEND: or: ⌉2 is: it okay . 424930_425650 *MARC: (..) &{l=P Appease ⌈3 the monster &}l=P ⌉3 . 427590_428900 *KEND: ⌊3 What is this ⌋3 . 428120_428900 *KEND: (..) s- Feels like a pair and a spare 429690_431040 ⌈ dad ⌉ . 431040_431440 *WEND: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 430710_431050 *KEND: ⌈2 Ha ha ⌉2 . 431440_431990 *KEVI: ⌊2 Pair and a spare ⌋2 . 431740_432460 *KEN: ⌊2 &{l=X Yeah . 431430_432000 *KEN: Good &}l=X ⌋2 . 432000_432440 *KEN: (.) ⌈3 Good ⌉3 . 432440_432970 *KEND: ⌊3 &{l=@ You got a ⌋3 wor:d here &}l=@ . 432530_433770 *KEND: &=laugh . 433810_434360 *MARC: (.) &=laugh . 434570_434920 *KEND: (..) ⌈ Uh-oh ⌉ . 435300_437400 *KEN: ⌊ Oh:⌋: . 435300_437700 *KEN: Yeah . 437700_438150 *KEND: (..) We're talking (.) ba:king mon⌈ster . 438150_440100 *KEVI: ⌊ &{l=SING Tollhouse Mors⌋⌈2els &}l=SING ⌉2 . 439770_441520 *MARC: ⌊ It's de:finitely ⌋ ⌊2 more than a ⌋2 pair and a spa⌈3re ⌉3 . 439770_442490 *KEND: We're talking: ⌉ 440100_440930 ⌊3 &{l=SM Coo⌋3kie Monster: . 442390_443590 *KEND: Appease the monster: . 443590_444990 *KEND: ⌈ Ho:ly cow:⌉⌈2: &}l=SM ⌉2 . 444990_446610 *KEVI: ⌊ Oh:⌋⌊2:⌋2⌈3:⌉3⌈4: ⌉4 . 444990_447450 *KEN: ⌊2 Yay⌋2⌊3: ⌋3 446070_447070 ⌊4 holy ⌋4 ⌈5 cow ⌉5 . 447070_447810 *KEND: ⌊4 A cook⌋4⌊5ie ba⌋5⌈6king se:t ⌉6 . 447070_449160 *MARC: ⌊4 Al⌋4⌊5:⌋5⌊6righ:t . 447070_448930 *MARC: Al:⌋6righ:t . 448930_450310 *KEND: (.) Mm:⌈7:⌉7⌈8:⌉8⌈9:⌉9⌈: ⌉ . 450310_454360 *KEVI: ⌊7 Rubber ⌋7 ⌊8 Mai:d ⌋8 . 452160_453160 *MARC: ⌊8 Oh: ⌋8 . 452510_453160 *MARC: ⌊9 Let me see it ⌋9 . 453160_454130 *KEN: ⌊9 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋9 . 453160_454130 *KEVI: ⌊9 You can't squa⌋9⌊sh it ⌋ ʔuh &=ex . 453160_454920 *KEND: (..) Mm: . 454920_456020 *MARC: ⌈ Oh . 456020_456520 *KEND: ⌊ Rubber Mai:d ⌋ . 456020_457570 *MARC: neat: ⌉ . 456520_457570 *KEVI: (..) Twelve ⌈2 pieces ⌉2 . 457570_459170 *KEND: ⌊2 Yay &}n=PAPER ⌋2 . 458320_459170 *KEVI: &=GASP &=lengthened . 459170_460470 *KEN: (.) That's ⌈ X⌉⌈2X ⌉2 . 460470_461160 *MARC: ⌊ Oh ⌋ ⌊2 th⌋2⌈3at's X ⌉3 . 460760_461840 *KEND: ⌊2 &{n=PAPER Wow⌋2⌊3: ⌋3 . 460820_461840 *KEVI: ⌊3 Oh that includes ⌋3 all the teaspoons ⌈4 though ⌉4 . 460960_463010 *MARC: ⌊4 In ⌋4 blue . 462680_463530 *KEND: (.) &{l=VOX In blue: 463530_464480 ⌈ that's not my color &}l=VOX ⌉ . 464480_465450 *WEND: ⌊ &{l=VOX It's not gr⌋een 464480_465700 I'm sorry &}l=VOX . 465700_466500 *KEND: &=tsk (.) &}n=PAPER . 466500_466950 *MARC: They don't ⌈ come in ⌉ ⌈2 green ⌉2 . 466950_468050 *KEVI: ⌊ We bought ⌋ ⌊2 it be⌋2⌈3fore you had an apartment ⌉3 . 467350_469200 *KEND: ⌊2 No my ⌋2 ⌊3 plates are blue 467800_468700 that's ok⌋3ay . 468750_469500 *KEND: (..) That's okay 469500_470070 my plates are blue . 470070_471050 *MARC: (..) She's gonna do blue a:nd green . 471050_472950 *MARC: (.) She doesn't ⌈ &{l=P need green &}l=P ⌉ . 472950_474100 *KEND: ⌊ Well in the k- ⌋ +/. 473470_474100 *KEND: cause I've got a ⌈2 big yellow duck for my kit⌉2⌈3chen [% laugh] . 474100_476350 *WEND: ⌊2 You can use this for your muffins: ⌋2 . 474500_476100 *KEVI: ⌊3 Go ahead 476100_476360 open it up . 476360_476800 *KEVI: We- ⌋3 +... 476800_477050 *KEND: too [% laugh] ⌉3 . 476350_477050 *KEVI: We all want to play with them . 477050_478100 *WEND: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 478100_478700 *MARC: (.) ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 478700_479800 *WEND: ⌊ &{l=X It needs a &}l=X ⌋ +... 479100_479800 *KEND: ⌊ &{l=VOX It looks like you ⌋ ha:ve ⌈2 been [% laugh] ⌉2 . 479200_480750 *WEND: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 . 480200_480750 *KEN: &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 480750_481770 *KEND: ⌊3 What are you telling ⌋3 me &}l=VOX . 481050_482150 *KEVI: I have . 482150_482600 *KEND: (.) ⌈ Here: buddy ⌉ . 482600_483600 *WEND: ⌊ &=in &=ex ⌋ 482900_483550 I (.) ⌈2 wanted to ⌉2 open it . 483600_484450 *KEND: ⌊2 X ⌋2 . 483820_484170 *WEND: make sure it was d:ecent enough for my ⌈3 s- +... 484450_486450 *KEVI: ⌊3 We used all of them before ⌋3 . 486250_487780 *WEND: (.) my sister-in-law . 486450_487400 *WEND: &{l=@ Yeah ⌉3 . 487400_487800 *WEND: Well 487800_487930 this is all recycled &}l=@ . 487930_489200 *KEND: (.) ʔUh ʔuh . 489200_490020 *KEND: It's a 490020_490480 (.) ⌈ It's a kni⌉:fe⌈2: . 490480_491350 *WEND: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 490550_491000 *KEVI: ⌊2 W- in fact we've been using the⌋2m for sever⌈3al years ⌉3 . 491100_493350 *KEND: Be careful ⌉2 . 491350_492150 *WEND: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 &=lengthened . 492550_493450 *KEN: ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 493450_494840 *KEVI: ⌊4 We're just trying to get rid of em ⌋4 . 493530_494480 *KEND: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 ⌈6 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉6 . 494480_495580 *WEND: ⌊6 &=laugh Kevin ⌋6 . 494730_495580 *MARC: ⌊6 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋6 ⌈7 &=laugh ⌉7 ⌈8 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉8 ⌈9 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉9 . 494730_497400 *KEN: ⌊7 &=laugh ⌋7 . 495580_495880 *KEND: ⌊7 I was ⌋7 ⌊8 wondering 495580_496380 ma:n ⌋8 . 496380_496680 *KEVI: ⌊9 &=laugh ⌋9 . 496680_497400 *WEND: &=laugh &=in . 497400_498090 *MARC: Kevin you're ⌈ aw:ful ⌉ . 498090_499250 *KEN: ⌊ very clev⌋er . 498600_499500 *KEN: (..) Oo . 499500_501350 *KEVI: (.) Whoa . 501350_501980 *KEVI: ⌊ That's the ⌋ real McCoy . 501980_503070 *KEN: ⌈ X ⌉ +... 502000_502310 *KEND: (..) &{l=VOX This is the knife 503070_505370 (.) that [% laugh] you use ⌊ for birthday:s ⌋ . 505370_507320 *KEVI: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened &=THROAT ⌋ &=lengthened . 506240_507540 *WEND: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 . 507540_508340 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=tsk ⌋2 . 508090_508340 *MARC: ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 508340_508860 *KEND: ⌊3 this is the ⌋3 spoo:n &}l=VOX . 508390_509750 *WEND: &=laugh ⌈4 &=lengthened &=laugh ⌉4 . 509750_510900 *KEVI: ⌊4 Looks like Wendy's ⌋4 hair is on it &=ex . 510300_512100 *KEN: ⌊4 Yeah 510100_510500 that's right ⌋4 . 510500_510950 *WEND: (..) Where . 512100_512900 *KEND: (.) Wendo⌈: ⌉ . 512900_513740 *KEVI: ⌊ Is this ⌋ your hai:r ? 513400_514350 *KEVI: (..) Sure ⌈2 is ⌉2 . 514350_515600 *KEND: ⌊2 Oh ⌋2 it's a piece ⌈3 of Wendy's hair ⌉3 . 515400_516880 *WEND: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 516020_516880 *KEVI: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 ⌈4 &=laugh &=lengthened ⌉4 . 516020_517620 *KEND: ⌊4 &{l=X Cool &}l=X ⌋4 . 516880_517620 *KEVI: (.) &=in ⌈5 That shows somebody was in there ⌉5 . 517620_519370 *KEND: ⌊5 And you can tell 517920_518770 &=in ⌋5 . 518770_519220 *KEVI: ⌈6 That's for sure ⌉6 . 519370_520140 *KEND: ⌊6 This is going through ⌋6 ⌈7 the washing machine ⌉7 . 519320_521280 *WEND: ⌊6 &{l=HI I did go ⌋6 ⌊7 in there 519520_520650 I wanted to make ⌋7 sure it was okay &}l=HI . 520650_522040 *KEVI: ⌈8 &=laugh ⌉8 . 522080_522310 *WEND: ⌊8 Or ʔI ⌋8 wanted to make sure ⌈9 it wasn't . 522040_523190 *KEVI: ⌊9 &=laugh &=laugh You left your little telltale ⌋9 ⌈ sign &=laugh ⌉ . 522930_525080 *WEND: (.) like 523190_523490 (.) gonna fall apart ⌉9 . 523490_524520 *MARC: ⌊ And just think ⌋ 524520_525090 ⌈2 you can use the bowl ⌉2 ⌈3 for a wash⌉3tub . 525090_527030 *KEN: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 525180_526080 *KEVI: ⌊3 &=SNIFF ⌋3 . 526080_526680 *WEND: ʔuh (.) &=laugh . 527030_527730 *MARC: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 &=laugh ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 527730_530910 *KEND: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ 528030_528400 ⌊2 For ⌋2 ⌊3 my ca:t ⌋3 . 528400_529670 *KEVI: ⌊3 Well 528700_528930 if you're lucky ⌋3 . 528930_529670 *KEND: ⌊4 What are you talking ab⌋4⌈5out ⌉5 . 529720_531110 *KEVI: ⌊5 Can you ⌋5 have a ⌈6 cat in your ⌉6 apartment ? 530910_532460 *MARC: ⌊6 &=in ⌋6 . 531460_532030 *KEND: (.) I'm gonna have a cat in my apartment . 532460_534410 *KEVI: (.) Can you 534410_535010 (.) by law 535010_535610 ⌈ have a c⌉at in your apartment . 535610_536810 *KEND: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 535710_535960 *KEND: (.) Yeah . 536810_537110 *KEVI: (.) Well that's helpful . 537110_537710 *KEN: That's nice . 537710_538210 *KEND: It's only a hundred and fifty bu:cks 538210_539510 (..) I think I can afford it . 539510_540810 *KEVI: (..) ⌈ A year ⌉ ? 540810_541720 *MARC: ⌊ Appease ⌋ ⌈2 the monster . 540810_542530 *WEND: ⌊2 That is micro⌋2⌈3wavab⌉3⌈4le ⌉4 . 541720_543370 *KEND: ⌊3 No ⌋3 . 542820_543170 *MARC: That ⌉2 ⌊3 was ⌋3 ⌊4 good ⌋4 . 542530_543370 *KEN: ⌊4 &=THROAT ⌋4 ⌈5 &=lengthened ⌉5 . 543170_543670 *KEND: ⌊5 Only ⌋5 one time . 543370_543920 *KEND: ⌈6 This is ⌉6 ? 544170_544780 *MARC: ⌊6 Appease the ⌋6 ⌈7 monster ⌉7 . 543920_545370 *WEND: ⌊6 &=in That's (.) ⌋6 ⌊7 microwav⌋7able . 543920_545640 *WEND: (..) Yes . 545640_546140 *WEND: (.) Microwavable 546140_546940 &=in chef . 546940_547790 *WEND: (.) Eight-ounce measuring cup . 547790_548940 *WEND: (.) Is virtually &{l=VOX unbreakable &}l=VOX . 548940_550640 *KEVI: (.) Virtu⌈ally . 550640_551240 *WEND: ⌊ That's for you [% laugh] ⌋ . 551040_551820 *KEVI: Let's find ⌉ ⌈2 out ⌉2 . 551240_552140 *KEND: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌈3 &{l=@ Let's check it out ⌉3 . 551820_553520 *MARC: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋3 . 552520_553520 *KEND: Is that what you were doing in here &}l=@ ? 553520_554670 *MARC: &=in Don't drop it ⌈ on my kitchen floor ⌉ . 554670_556770 *KEND: ⌊ &{l=Q It's not gonna brea:k &}l=Q ⌋ . 555600_556820 *MARC: (.) Everything breaks on my kitchen floor . 556820_559020 *WEND: (.) Does ⌈2 it ⌉2 ? 559020_559720 *KEND: ⌊2 Look at ⌋2 this . 559540_560140 *KEND: (.) Da:ng 560140_560790 oh: . 560790_561190 *KEND: Big ⌈ bow:l here . 561190_562240 *WEND: ⌊ You're se:t ⌋ . 561460_562410 *KEND: ki⌉:ds . 562240_562860 *WEND: (.) You're set- +/. 562860_563260 *WEND: ⌈ ʔuh I said you can use this for your ⌉ muffins . 563260_565110 *KEND: ⌊ Wow: ⌋ . 563260_564330 *WEND: (.) You can brea⌈2k it i:n ⌉2 . 565110_566210 *KEVI: ⌊2 Put your Nestle ⌋2 Morsels in there . 565520_567060 *KEND: Oh: . 567060_567910 *MARC: (..) Then you can't get them so quick . 567910_570110 *KEND: (.) Why'd I get ʔuh +/. 570110_571010 *KEND: (..) I got +/. 571010_571610 *KEND: (.) I'm gonna have to bake cookies . 571610_573360 *KEND: &{l=VOX &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &}l=VOX . 573360_574160 *KEVI: ⌈ No . 574160_574290 *KEND: ⌊ &=in I can te:ll . 574160_575080 *KEVI: you'll have to wait until you can ⌉ +... 574290_575580 *KEND: my first ⌋ Saturday ⌈2 in my new apartment ⌉2 . 575080_576660 *WEND: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 575980_576630 *KEND: I:'ll be celebrating 576660_577530 and ⌈ I'll go ⌉ . 577530_578030 *WEND: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 577550_578030 *KEND: &{l=Q &{l=A what am I gonna do . 578030_578730 *KEND: (.) What am I gonna do &}l=A &}l=Q . 578730_579240 *WEND: ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 579150_579570 *KEND: ⌊ &=in ⌋ And then I'll go . 579200_580030 *WEND: ⌈2 &=in &{l=VOX I'm gonna clea:n . 580030_581190 *KEND: ⌊2 &=in &{l=VOX I'm baking cookies &}l=VOX ⌋2 . 580030_582060 *WEND: &=in I'm gonna bake cook⌉2ies . 581190_582260 *WEND: ⌈3 I'll have fun &}l=VOX ⌉3 . 582260_583020 *KEVI: ⌊3 Al:righ:t ⌋3 . 582410_583320 *KEND: ⌊3 I'll have every neigh⌋3⌈4bor . 582260_583390 *MARC: ⌊4 And then you'll find your ts- ts- ts- stove doesn't ⌋4 work . 583290_586170 *KEND: (.) for miles around 583390_584370 &=SNIFF &=SNIFF &=SNIFF &=SNIFF &=SNIFF &=SNIFF ⌉4 . 584370_585820 *MARC: or so⌈5mething ⌉5 . 586170_586820 *KEN: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 ⌈6 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉6 ⌈7 &=laugh ⌉7 ⌈8 &=laugh ⌉8 ⌈9 &=laugh ⌉9 . 586370_588170 *KEND: ⌊5 Yeah ⌋5 586410_586770 ⌊6 probab⌋6⌊7ly: ⌋7 . 586770_587670 *WEND: ⌊7 Oh 587300_587420 that's ⌋7 ⌊8 ni⌋8⌊9:ce ⌋9 . 587420_588170 *KEND: ⌊9 That's the ⌋9 best time to find out 587920_589120 boy 589120_589420 let me tell you . 589420_590170 *KEN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 590170_590870 *KEND: (..) &{n=THUMP &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal (.) That's a good 590870_593370 (..) &=nonvocal &}n=THUMP ⌈ This is good for pop⌉corn . 593370_596170 *WEND: ⌊ That'll hold up ⌋ . 595120_595820 *KEND: (..) Hmm . 596170_597170 *KEND: Popcorn . 597170_597570 *WEND: (.) XX . 597570_598020 *KEVI: Al:⌈righ:t ⌉ . 598020_599120 *KEND: ⌊ Mm . 598320_598670 *WEND: ⌊ And now: you can ⌋ look at +... 598320_599590 *KEND: Popcorn ⌋ . 598670_599120 *KEND: (.) &=in No 599590_600160 my kitchen's ⌈2 not gonna ⌉2 +... 600170_601340 *KEVI: ⌊2 Is it just ⌋2 like you always wanted ? 600820_602160 *KEND: (..) Oh: 602160_602870 it's just like I always ⌈ wa:nted ⌉ . 602870_604410 *MARC: ⌊ Kendie ⌋ . 603880_604410 *KEVI: ⌈2 Good ⌉2 . 604560_604850 *MARC: ⌊2 close your ⌋2 eye:s . 604410_605490 *KEND: (.) Oh 605490_605920 does this mean it's not wrapped ? 605920_607210 *WEND: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 607060_607350 *MARC: ⌊ Yeah⌋⌈2: ⌉2 . 607250_607500 *KEND: ⌊2 Coo⌋2⌈3:l ⌉3 . 607330_607810 *MARC: ⌊3 this is ⌋3 the cake that's coming . 607500_609030 *KEND: (..) I thought you already brought the cake in . 609030_612180 *WEND: (.) &=ex . 612180_612680 *MARC: No 612680_612980 that was the gift . 612980_614080 *MARC: (..) Okay 614080_617830 ⌈ open your eyes ⌉ . 617830_618800 *KEND: ⌊ Tell me when I can look ⌋ . 617830_618800 *KEND: (..) &=SCREAM &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 ⌈3 &=lengthened ⌉3 . 618800_622550 *KEN: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 . 622020_622250 *MARC: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 622120_623100 *KEND: ⌈4 &{l=VOX Oh ⌉4 . 623100_623910 *MARC: ⌊4 &=laugh ⌋4 . 623100_623910 *KEN: ⌊4 &=laugh ⌋4 . 623100_623910 *MARC: &=laugh . 623910_624040 *WEND: My⌈: ⌉ . 624040_624710 *KEND: ⌊ Coo:l &}l=VOX ⌋ . 624150_624710 *KEND: I can ⌈2 clean my apartment ⌉2 . 624710_625860 *KEVI: ⌊2 Go ahead 624880_625200 try it out ⌋2 . 625200_625760 *WEND: ⌈3 Here I thought we were ⌉3 ⌈4 gonna gi⌉4- +... 625860_626980 *MARC: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 625860_626470 *KEVI: ⌊4 Let's find out ⌋4 if it ⌈5 works ⌉5 . 626470_627670 *WEND: ⌊5 We have ⌋5 grandma:'s (..) vacuum cleaner . 627170_629720 *MARC: (..) &=in &{l=SM &{l=VOX Oh: 629720_630970 and you were gonna give that to her ? 630970_632620 *WEND: That's fine . 632620_633320 *MARC: ⌈ Oh I n- +... 633320_633870 *WEND: ⌊ Then she doesn't have to wait forever . 633320_634740 *MARC: (.) No: ⌉ . 633870_634890 *WEND: for ⌋ ou⌈2:rs ⌉2 . 634740_635790 *MARC: ⌊2 Yeah⌋2: &}l=VOX &}l=SM . 635210_635810 *KEND: ⌈3 &{l=VOX Cool . 635810_636210 *KEVI: ⌊3 Your fl- +... 635810_636260 *KEND: dude &}l=VOX ⌉3 . 636210_636660 *KEVI: Your floor ⌋3 could get prett⌈4y dir⌉4ty in six months . 636260_638140 *MARC: ⌊4 &=in ⌋4 . 637130_637280 *KEN: ⌈5 &=laugh ⌉5 ⌈6 &=laugh ⌉6 ⌈7 &=laugh ⌉7 . 638140_638940 *MARC: ⌊5 Kendie⌋5⌊6: ⌋6 . 638160_638650 *WEND: ⌊6 &=laugh ⌋6 . 638530_638700 *KEND: ⌊7 Let me ⌋7 tell ⌈8 you ⌉8 . 638700_639500 *MARC: ⌊8 Kendie ⌋8 639080_639500 (.) it's a ⌈9 used ⌉9 vacuu:m . 639500_641350 *KEND: ⌊9 XX ⌋9 639900_640420 (.) ⌈ &=GASP ⌉ . 641350_641800 *MARC: ⌊ it's a ⌋ good bra:nd . 641350_642870 *KEND: (.) ⌈2 &=GASP ⌉2 . 642870_643280 *MARC: ⌊2 &=in y⌋2ou can get the ba:gs at 642870_644820 (.) at (.) United Vacuum ? 644820_646490 *KEND: I have to buy ba:gs ? 646490_647640 *MARC: (..) N-yeah . 647640_648290 *KEND: (..) I'm not gonna have money . 648290_649340 *KEND: (..) Not bud⌈geted ⌉ . 649340_649940 *WEND: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Honey they last forever . 649640_651030 *KEVI: Sanitaire . 651030_651620 *WEND: ⌈ Well you better ⌉ . 651620_652240 *MARC: ⌊ There's a good ⌋ ba:g in it . 651750_653280 *WEND: (..) That's what you got +/. 653280_653880 *WEND: (.) That's ⌈ what y- ⌉ +... 653880_654380 *MARC: ⌊ Step ⌋ on the little thing on the right . 654070_655830 *KEVI: (.) Does it have a headlight ? 655830_656540 *MARC: on the left 656540_657280 (..) I don't think ⌈ so ⌉ . 657280_658980 *KEVI: ⌊ Oh 658390_658730 okay ⌋ . 658730_658980 *KEND: (..) Where did it go . 658980_660030 *MARC: ⌈ and turn it on ⌉ . 660030_661100 *KEND: ⌊ &{l=VOX Where'd you get this &}l=VOX ⌋ . 660210_661100 *KEVI: (..) Turn it o:n . 661100_663450 *KEND: (.) ⌈ Where's ⌉ +... 663450_664160 *MARC: ⌊ I think ⌋ ⌈2 maybe it turns ⌉2 ⌈3 on at the foot ⌉3 ? 663450_665910 *WEND: ⌊2 &=laugh They [% laugh] bought [% laugh] +/. 664170_664910 *WEND: &=in ⌋2 ⌊3 They picked +... 664910_665560 *KEVI: ⌊3 You kick +... 665030_665530 *WEND: (.) They picked ⌋3 +... 665560_665940 *KEVI: (.) Kick ⌋3 that ⌈4 th- +... 665530_666240 *KEN: ⌊4 Push it down again ⌋4 . 666190_667050 *KEVI: Kick the button on ⌉4 the ⌈5 foot ⌉5 . 666330_667550 *WEND: ⌊5 ʔuh: ⌋5 . 667190_667550 *KEN: ⌊5 Push ⌋5 it down ⌈6 again . 667330_668070 *WEND: ⌊6 Kendra . 667830_668080 *KEN: and it'll start ⌉6 . 668070_668670 *WEND: they picked it up ⌋6 at a gar- +/. 668080_669170 *WEND: (.) trash dump . 669170_669910 *KEVI: ⌈ No . 669910_670350 *WEND: ⌊ &{l=@ and had it rebuilt &}l=@ ⌋ . 669910_671020 *KEVI: the black ⌉ button on the +... 670350_671760 *KEND: (.) ⌈2 Ah ⌉2 . 671760_672360 *MARC: ⌊2 Th t- ⌋2 +/. 671970_672360 *MARC: (.) one on ⌈3 top ⌉3 . 672360_673360 *ENV: ⌊3 &=VACUUM_CLEANER_STARTS ⌋3 . 672730_673510 *KEVI: (..) &{l=F Whoa: . 673510_674510 *KEVI: (.) power: &}l=F . 674510_675210 *MARC: (.) It is a powerful . 675210_676810 *WEND: (..) Lookit . 676810_679060 *WEND: St- wait . 679060_679360 *WEND: We gotta get a picture . 679360_680210 *WEND: (.) Kendra is cleaning . 680210_681410 *MARC: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 . 681410_684260 *KEN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 681880_683480 *WEND: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 681880_683480 *KEVI: ⌊ Whoa 681880_682510 I'm impressed ⌋ . 682510_683480 *KEVI: ⌊2 I'm ⌋2 amazed . 684030_685030 *KEND: (.) I used to do this 685030_685960 ⌈ but XXXXXX XXXX ⌉ . 685960_687440 *MARC: ⌊ Don't fill your bag up ⌋ 685960_687440 dear . 687440_687890 *KEND: (..) Oh yeah 687890_688790 ma:n 688790_689190 this house is dirty . 689190_690190 *MARC: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 690190_691190 *ENV: &=VACUUM_CLEANER_STOPS . 691190_691890 *WEND: That's ⌈ ni:ce ⌉ . 691890_692990 *KEVI: ⌊ Al⌋⌈2righ:t ⌉2 . 692310_693160 *KEN: ⌊2 &{n=CLAP &=nonvocal &=nonvocal ⌋2 &=nonvocal ⌈3 &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &}n=CLAP ⌉3 . 692730_695170 *KEVI: ⌊3 Yay: ⌋3 . 693450_695070 *MARC: ⌊3 It's +/. 693500_693920 *MARC: It's all metal 694020_694940 so ⌋3 ⌈4 it's almost im⌉4pervious ⌈5 to destruction ⌉5 . 694940_697500 *KEVI: ⌊4 Let's take an offering ⌋4 . 695170_696070 *KEN: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 . 696520_697500 *MARC: ⌈6 number one: ⌉6 . 697500_698440 *KEND: ⌊6 Just one owner 697500_698270 or ⌋6 what . 698270_698710 *MARC: (..) ⌈7 Number two . 698710_699990 *KEN: ⌊7 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &{l=@ recently owned &}l=@ ⌋7 . 699090_700940 *MARC: it's warranteed ⌉7 ⌈8 for a year ⌉8 . 699990_702040 *KEVI: ⌊8 &{l=@ She ⌋8 +... 700940_701940 *KEN: ⌊8 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋8 . 700940_702040 *KEVI: ⌈9 She +... 702040_702370 *KEND: ⌊9 From +... 702040_702360 *KEVI: She was an old lady ⌉9 . 702370_703300 *KEND: Where did you get it from ⌋9 ? 702360_703300 *KEVI: ⌈ who only took it out on weekends &}l=@ ⌉ . 703300_704840 *MARC: ⌊ United Vacuum ⌋ . 703300_704840 *KEN: &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 ⌈3 &=laugh ⌉3 . 704840_705870 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 ⌊3 &=lengthened ⌋3 . 705140_705850 *KEND: ⌊2 XX ⌋2 ⌊3 XXX ⌋3 . 705190_705970 *MARC: ⌊3 I ⌋3 +... 705520_705970 *KEND: ⌈4 man ⌉4 . 705970_706130 *KEVI: ⌊4 &=laugh ⌋4 ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 705970_707700 *MARC: ⌊5 He put a new cord on ⌋5 it . 706210_708010 *KEN: &=laugh . 708010_708260 *KEND: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ ? 708260_708570 *MARC: ⌊ a⌋:nd 708260_708980 a new: (.) be:lt 708980_710660 (.) and a new ba:g: 710660_711930 (.) completely new bag 711930_713180 &=in and he w- (.) warrantees it for a year 713180_715730 I g- ʔuh +/. 715730_716580 *MARC: (.) For the money I had 716580_717670 I couldn't afford (.) a new one 717670_719200 and I ⌈ didn't ⌉ want to get a thirty-four dollar job from Target . 719200_722350 *KEND: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 719470_719820 *MARC: ⌈2 that you'd have to ⌉2 ⌈3 crawl around on your hands ⌉3 and knees . 722350_724970 *KEND: ⌊2 XX Yeah ⌋2 . 722350_722860 *WEND: ⌊3 This'll +/. 722860_723260 *WEND: That'll be great ⌋3 . 723260_724210 *MARC: &=in ⌈4 &=lengthened Thi⌉4s one is a good one . 724970_726560 *KEND: ⌊4 Okay ⌋4 . 725210_725510 *KEND: ⌈5 Yeah ⌉5 . 726560_726920 *KEVI: ⌊5 That looks ⌋5 like an in⌈6dustrial strength one ⌉6 . 726560_728560 *WEND: ⌊6 That'll last forever ⌋6 . 727400_728560 *KEND: ⌊6 XXXX ⌋6 727340_728560 (..) ⌈7 Yeah . 728560_729210 *MARC: ⌊7 It's heavy duty ⌋7 . 728960_729870 *KEND: I think that'll be really ⌉7 ⌈8 good ⌉8 . 729210_730250 *WEND: ⌊8 I don't know ⌋8 729900_730250 (.) grandma had this one up in her attic . 730250_732150 *WEND: (..) So I don't know ⌈ how ⌉ ⌈2 old it ⌉2 is . 732150_733370 *MARC: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 732520_732720 *KEND: ⌊2 &=COUGH ⌋2 . 732870_733120 *MARC: Or how it will work . 733370_734370 *MARC: Yeah: . 734370_734670 *WEND: ⌈ Oh it ⌉ +... 734670_734920 *KEVI: ⌊ Oh it's ⌋ ⌈2 been running for- +... 734670_735570 *KEND: ⌊2 You- +... 734920_735170 *WEND: ⌊2 Oh ours works wonder- ⌋2 +... 734920_735970 *KEND: Have you guys used it ⌋2 ? 735170_735970 *KEVI: (.) for ⌉2 ⌈3 years . 735570_736270 *WEND: ⌊3 Oh y- +... 735970_736270 *KEVI: Yeah ⌉3 . 736270_736420 *WEND: I ⌋3 ⌈4 use it now ⌉4 . 736270_737170 *KEND: ⌊4 Oh okay ⌋4 . 736420_737020 *WEND: (..) No 737170_737870 I wasn't gonna +/. 737870_738370 *WEND: y- +/. 738370_738520 *WEND: I wasn't +/. 738520_739120 *WEND: I was gonna ⌈ w- have to give it to you ⌉ later . 739120_740620 *KEN: ⌊ Which grandma ⌋ . 739490_740240 *KEVI: ⌈2 Anir ⌉2 . 740620_740990 *WEND: ⌊2 If she ⌋2 ⌈3 wanted it ⌉3 . 740620_741370 *KEND: ⌊3 Now 740990_741170 where's ⌋3 it from ? 741170_741870 *KEND: (.) What's the +/. 741870_742250 *KEND: ⌈ Where's the ⌉ ⌈2 place &{l=X mom &}l=X ⌉2 ? 742250_743000 *WEND: ⌊ Grandma ⌋ ⌊2 Anir ⌋2 . 742250_742850 *MARC: ⌊2 United ⌋2 Vacuum 742550_743530 on Colosseum 743530_744570 right (.) beside (.) where the ol:d 744570_746720 u:⌈m ⌉ . 746720_747320 *KEND: ⌊ It's ⌋ off of North Quinn 747170_748100 isn't it ? 748100_748600 *MARC: (.) No 748600_749250 right where Pier (.) One used to be ? 749250_751250 *MARC: (..) Pier One Imports ? 751250_752450 *KEND: (.) Oh really . 752450_753200 *MARC: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 753200_753570 *KEVI: ⌊ You guys ⌋ won't ⌈2 believe what ⌉2 happened to us in ⌈3 the parking lot of the ⌉3 mall the other day . 753200_756750 *WEND: ⌊2 Oh ⌋2 . 753840_754240 *WEND: ⌊3 by the Goodwill store ⌋3 . 754950_755990 *KEND: (.) &=THROAT X . 756750_757490 *KEVI: (..) Some guy came out and he- he was 757490_759240 &=laugh ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 759240_759910 *WEND: ⌊ &{l=HI Oh &}l=HI ⌋ . 759570_759910 *KEVI: he was trying to sell us cologne ⌈2 f- ⌉2 +... 759910_761660 *KEND: ⌊2 &=COUGH ⌋2 ⌈3 &=COUGH ⌉3 . 761430_762100 *WEND: ⌊2 No ⌋2 761430_761640 ⌊3 he wasn't ⌋3 trying to sell ⌈4 us co⌉4lo⌈5gne ⌉5 . 761640_763320 *KEVI: ⌊4 Well it- ⌋4 +/. 762640_762920 *KEVI: ⌊5 No⌋5: 763170_763460 I guess he was trying to like 763460_764370 lure us to a (.) place where they would sell 764370_766870 like 766870_767120 (.) imitation cologne 767120_768320 but he said 768320_768680 &{l=Q it's not imitation 768680_769670 be⌈cause ⌉ &}l=Q . 769670_770090 *MARC: ⌊ &{l=VOX I got ⌋ ⌈2 a ⌉2 deal . 769780_770650 *WEND: ⌊2 &{l=X Yeah &}l=X ⌋2 . 770090_770280 *MARC: you can't ⌈3 refu:se &}l=VOX ⌉3 . 770650_771810 *KEVI: ⌊3 because it's: ⌋3 ⌈4 made ⌉4 ⌈5 by the same peo⌉5ple . 771030_773030 *MARC: ⌊4 &=laugh ⌋4 . 771810_772090 *WEND: ⌊4 I mean ⌋4 771810_772090 ⌊5 this kid was ⌋5 772090_772790 ⌈6 He looked like a: ⌉6 . 773030_774030 *KEVI: ⌊6 but it's put in different ⌋6 bottle⌈7s ? 773030_774470 *WEND: ⌊7 kind of a sloppy kind of guy ⌋7 . 774420_775770 *KEVI: And I'm like 774470_774970 (.) &{l=VOX what are you doing ⌉7 out here &}l=VOX . 774970_776320 *WEND: (.) &=in I mean he wasn't 776320_777370 ʔuh (.) he was dressed in like 777370_778370 old jeans 778370_779300 and a old jacket 779300_779960 he just looked like ⌈ (.) a vagabond ⌉ . 779960_781540 *KEVI: ⌊ &=in He pulled out this d⌋uffle bag 780700_782120 and [% laugh] I'm [% laugh] like 782120_782870 &{l=Q are you trying to se⌈ll us something &}l=Q ? 782870_784120 *WEND: ⌊ And I was like 783490_784090 I was ready to ⌋ . 784090_784750 *KEVI: And he's like 784120_784420 no: 784420_784640 I ⌉ ⌈2 just want you to smell it ⌉2 . 784640_785720 *WEND: ⌊2 grab Kevin and ru⌋2⌈3:n ⌉3 . 784750_785950 *MARC: ⌊2 I wonder &{l=X if he'd &}l=X ripped ⌋2 ⌊3 it ⌋3 off 784750_786190 in the 786190_786690 (.) in the sto:re . 786690_787490 *KEVI: (..) No: . 787490_788320 *WEND: No 788320_788490 because he w- +/. 788490_789030 *WEND: he wasn't trying to sell it 789030_789970 (.) he was just saying 789970_790520 does this smell like (.) Drakkar 790520_792210 (.) or 792210_792520 (.) whatever 792520_793040 &=in because 793040_793970 (..) they're gonna o- +/. 793970_795220 *WEND: try ʔuh +/. 795220_795570 *WEND: see if there's a market for this sto:re 795570_797470 (.) that they want to open 797470_798370 (.) down the road 798370_799170 (.) that ⌈ sells ⌉ . 799170_800120 *KEVI: ⌊ So he's a marketing ⌋ agent . 799390_800470 *KEVI: &=laugh ⌈2 &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 800470_802550 *WEND: ⌊2 He's an MA &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 801150_802550 *KEN: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh 801550_802770 &=in ⌈3 &{l=@ He's an ⌉3 ⌈4 MA &}l=@ ⌉4 . 802770_804090 *KEVI: ⌊3 Oh: 803020_803240 he's an M⌋3⌊4A: . 803240_803840 *KEND: ⌊4 MA⌋4⌈5: ⌉5 . 803560_804290 *WEND: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 ⌊5 &=laugh ⌋5 . 803560_804290 *KEVI: with an⌋4 ⌊5 A⌋5A . 803840_804440 *KEVI: ⌈6 And a p- ⌉6 +... 804440_804810 *KEND: ⌊6 Sca⌋6ry⌈7: ⌉7 . 804290_805160 *KEVI: ⌊7 And a ⌋7 pretty bad PVA: . 805010_806310 *KEN: ⌈8 &=laugh ⌉8 ⌈9 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉9 . 806090_807750 *MARC: ⌊8 S⌋8⌊9ca:ry: ⌋9 . 806090_807750 *WEND: ⌊8 &=laugh ⌋8 ⌊9 &=lengthened ⌋9 . 806090_807750 *KEND: ⌊9 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh Pretty bad ⌋9 ⌈ PVA: ⌉ . 806310_808540 *WEND: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh I was like rea⌋dy to grab Kevin and run . 807750_809870 *WEND: (..) ⌈2 Cause I thought ⌉2 . 809870_810670 *KEND: ⌊2 I:'d ⌋2 ⌈3 say: ⌉3 . 809870_811320 *MARC: ⌊3 J:ee:sh ⌋3 . 810670_811320 *WEND: ⌊3 what is this guy: ⌋3 doing ʔuh . 810670_812420 *MARC: (..) That's wild . 812420_813720 *KEVI: It was . 813720_814270 *WEND: (..) It was ⌈ weir⌉⌈2d ⌉2 . 814270_815290 *KEN: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 814720_814920 *KEND: ⌊2 That ⌋2 +/. 814920_815290 *KEND: (..) No more card⌈3s ⌉3 . 815290_816580 *KEVI: ⌊3 And we ⌋3 turned around and our car was gone . 816430_817780 *WEND: (..) &=laugh ⌈4 &=lengthened ⌉4 . 817780_819430 *KEVI: ⌊4 &=laugh ⌋4 Just kidding . 819080_819880 *KEND: (..) &{l=@ Yeah 819880_820630 really &}l=@ . 820630_821080 *KEN: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 821080_821950 *MARC: ⌊ Not till Monday ⌋ night . 821080_822260 *KEND: (..) &{l=VOX No: 822260_823360 I want ⌊ em now &}l=VOX ⌋ . 823360_824510 *KEVI: ⌊ &{n=CLAP &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &}n=CLAP ⌋ So that's it 823480_825030 ⌈2 then ⌉2 . 825030_825180 *MARC: ⌊2 Then ⌋2 what will you do Monday night . 825030_826500 *WEND: (..) Bake cookies . 826500_828100 *KEND: (.) Bake cookies . 828100_828950 *MARC: (.) ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 828950_829900 *KEND: ⌊ I don't know⌋: . 829350_830170 *MARC: (..) ⌈2 You can ⌉2 ⌈3 wait ⌉3 . 830170_831350 *KEND: ⌊2 So ⌋2 ⌊3 maybe I ⌋3 ⌈4 should wait ⌉4 . 830820_831860 *WEND: ⌊3 So are ⌋3 ⌊4 you moving in ⌋4 the beginning of November ? 831130_832730 *KEND: (..) Yup . 832730_833950 *WEND: Just drag your birthday out . 833950_834900 *WEND: ⌈ That's what I would do ⌉ . 834900_835650 *MARC: ⌊ &=tsk Don't forget ⌋ to buy yourself a cookie sheet 834900_837070 (.) before you go to make cookies . 837070_838570 *WEND: ⌈ Yeah . 838570_838870 *KEVI: ⌊ And don't forget ⌋ to take the Tupperware out of your oven . 838570_840670 *WEND: you ⌉ +... 838870_839250 *KEVI: before you turn it ⌈2 on ⌉2 . 840670_841600 *WEND: ⌊2 Sh⌋2:ush up . 841330_842230 *MARC: (..) &=laugh &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 842230_844480 *KEND: ⌊3 &{l=@ Oh yeah: 843100_843850 that too &}l=@ ⌋3 . 843850_844480 *KEND: &=in &{l=SM Well I'm not gonna have to store it [% laugh] in there . 844480_846080 *KEND: I don't have [% laugh] anything 846080_847030 my [% laugh] apartment's [% laugh] pretty small 847030_848150 but I don't have [% laugh] anything . 848150_849230 *KEND: (.) &=in I'm gonna fill up maybe two cupboards &}l=SM . 849230_851230 *KEVI: &{l=X There you ⌈ have it ⌉ &}l=X . 851230_851780 *KEND: ⌊ &{l=VOX &{l=HI &=laugh ⌋ ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 . 851550_852070 *WEND: ⌊ &{l=VOX You'll ⌋ ⌊2 be s⌋2urpri:⌈3sed ⌉3 . 851550_853400 *KEND: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 853200_854000 *MARC: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 853150_854000 *KEVI: ⌈5 &=tsk ⌉5 . 854000_854210 *WEND: ⌊5 &=in ⌋5 . 854000_854220 *KEND: ⌈6 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &}l=HI &}l=VOX ⌉6 . 854220_854950 *WEND: ⌊6 It happens so ⌋6 quickly &}l=VOX . 854270_855430 *KEN: (..) You got a food processor 855430_856810 and everything . 856810_857310 *KEND: (..) &{l=X What uh &}l=X ? 857310_858310 *KEND: (.) Hunh ? 858310_858510 *KEN: (.) You got a food processor 858510_859910 and a: 859910_860360 (..) what all did you guys get back . 860360_861710 *KEN: (..) Mixer ? 861710_862560 *KEN: (..) What all did ⌈ you ⌉ +... 862560_864160 *MARC: ⌊ &=tsk ⌋ . 863910_864160 *KEVI: From what . 864160_864660 *KEN: (..) From uh: 864660_865810 (.) Gladys . 865810_866310 *KEN: (..) ⌈ &=tsk ⌉ . 866310_867860 *MARC: ⌊ &{l=VOX Oh &}l=VOX ⌋ . 867560_867910 *KEVI: ⌊ Oh ⌋ 867360_867910 (.) I don't think we took any⌈2thing from there ⌉2 . 867910_869410 *MARC: ⌊2 Don't take any⌋2thing from Gladys's . 868710_870910 *KEND: (..) ⌈3 I got that little hand mixer ⌉3 . 870910_872270 *KEN: ⌊3 Oh it's okay: ⌋3 . 871310_872210 *MARC: S:tuff isn't (..) ⌈4 electrically ⌉4 sou:nd . 872250_875640 *WEND: ⌊4 Try it ⌋4 . 873950_874700 *KEND: ⌊4 I want that ⌋4 +/. 874150_874800 *KEND: (.) I want ⌈5 that (.) che:st upstai⌉5:rs . 875640_877950 *WEND: ⌊5 &=laugh &=lengthened Get a little extra jolt ⌋5 . 876090_877790 *KEND: That wooden chest ? 877950_879200 *KEND: (..) Da:ng . 879200_880370 *KEND: ⌈ Ow: ⌉ . 880370_881050 *MARC: ⌊ Which wooden ⌋ chest . 880370_881550 *KEND: ⌈2 &=in I don't know . 881550_882060 *KEN: ⌊2 What wooden chest ⌋2 . 881550_882210 *KEND: K⌉2elly said she ʔuh: (..) a:sked for it 882060_884010 and I was like 884010_884550 (.) &{l=Q I: saw it before she: did &}l=Q 884550_886000 and I asked a long time ago . 886000_887520 *KEND: and nobody said anything . 887520_888400 *KEND: And 888400_888550 &=in &{l=Q well we'll find out what it i:s &}l=Q . 888550_890170 *KEVI: That's because you didn't say mother may I . 890170_891650 *WEND: &=laugh ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 +... 891650_892460 *KEN: ⌊ Where's ⌋ ⌊2 that ⌋2 . 892030_892460 *MARC: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 892190_893640 *KEND: ⌊3 &{l=P &{l=X Go⌋3⌊4:d dang &}l=X &}l=P . 892460_893110 *KEN: ⌊4 At (.) Gladys's ⌋4 house ? 892660_893950 *KEND: (.) In the h- ⌋4 +... 893110_893640 *KEN: ⌈5 Or what ⌉5 . 893950_894260 *KEND: ⌊5 Yeah ⌋5 . 893960_894260 *MARC: ⌊5 &=laugh ⌋5 &=laugh ⌈6 &=in ⌉6 . 893960_894810 *KEND: ⌊6 Upstairs ⌋6 . 894360_894820 *MARC: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 894820_895760 *KEND: (..) There's a chest 895760_897050 It's like 897050_897410 It l- +/. 897410_897610 *KEND: It's ⌈ either ⌉ like a cedar: . 897610_898910 *KEN: ⌊ &=tsk ⌋ . 897780_898030 *KEND: or something 898910_899510 I ⌈ mean it's ⌉ swee:t . 899510_900760 *KEN: ⌊ Mm: ⌋ . 899610_900010 *KEND: (..) A hope chest . 900760_902360 *KEN: (..) Hmm . 902360_902960 *WEND: (..) &{l=P I didn't know if it was +/. 902960_904360 *WEND: (.) if something was ⌈ on ⌉ &}l=P . 904360_905300 *KEN: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 904830_905300 *MARC: (.) Oh . 905300_905850 *MARC: (..) Hm . 905850_907310 *WEND: So you want a hope chest ⌈2 Kendie ? 907310_908450 *MARC: ⌊2 Well happy birthday . 908240_909130 *WEND: I thought you already had a hope che⌉2st . 908450_910080 *MARC: Kendie ⌋2 . 909130_909580 *MARC: (..) Happy happy . 910080_911430 *KEND: (.) &{l=VOX Yeah we:ll 911430_912120 anyway . 912120_912680 *KEND: (..) Quit talking about my chest 912680_915780 thank you &}l=VOX . 915780_916430 *WEND: (..) &{l=VOX &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &}l=VOX 916430_917680 (.) &=in Now you'll have spatulas . 917680_919230 *WEND: Those are good spatula⌈s ⌉ . 919230_920280 *KEND: ⌊ &{l=VOX I ⌋ kno:w &}l=VOX . 920130_921130 *MARC: &=in Rubber Maid makes the best spatula⌈2s ⌉2 . 921130_923330 *KEND: ⌊2 &=in No⌋2nbreakable . 923180_923930 *KEND: (.) What's this . 923930_924680 *WEND: (..) &{l=@ Another one of my hairs &}l=@ . 924680_926500 *KEND: ⌈ &{l=HI Eek &}l=HI ⌉ . 926500_926930 *MARC: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=in ⌉2 &=laugh &=laugh . 926650_928760 *KEVI: ⌊2 Ew: ⌋2 . 927300_927950 *MARC: &=in Wendy 928760_929410 ⌈ you ⌉ +... 929410_929780 *WEND: ⌊ Wha- ⌋ +... 929410_929780 *MARC: you gotta quit shedding [% laugh] . 929780_931000 *MARC: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=in It's [% laugh] just gross ⌉ . 931000_933130 *WEND: ⌊ &{l=% I: know: &}l=% . 931380_932180 *WEND: &{l=X I was just like &}l=X 932180_932750 I've got⌋ta check this stuff out 932750_934150 &{l=X and if- &}l=X +/. 934150_934350 *WEND: cause if it's 934350_934850 (.) like 934850_935100 gonna be junk 935100_935800 (.) I'm not gonna give it to ⌈ Kendra . 935800_936850 *KEND: ⌊ &=SNEEZE ⌋ . 936470_937320 *WEND: because ⌉ . 936850_937320 *KEN: (..) &{l=P Bless you &}l=P . 937320_938150 *WEND: ⌈ she'll break it ⌉ . 938000_938660 *KEND: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ . 938050_938660 *MARC: (..) ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 938660_939760 *WEND: ⌊2 And then she'll cut ⌋2 herself 939210_940180 and blame it on me . 940180_941060 *WEND: (.) ⌈ So: ⌉ . 941060_941510 *X: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 941060_941510 *KEVI: ⌈2 &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh ⌉2 . 941510_942290 *MARC: ⌊2 X ⌋2 . 941610_942240 *KEND: ⌊2 Yeah 941510_941940 real⌋2⌈3l⌉3⌈4y [% laugh] ⌉4 . 941940_942540 *KEN: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 ⌊4 &=lengthened ⌋4 ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 942290_943680 *MARC: ⌊4 Tha⌋4⌊5t's righ⌋5⌈6t ⌉6 . 942410_943080 *WEND: ⌊6 She'll ⌋6 ⌈7 sue me ⌉7 . 942930_943880 *MARC: ⌊7 She does that all ⌋7 the time . 943180_944780 *WEND: (..) She'll ⌈8 sue me ⌉8 . 944780_945750 *MARC: ⌊8 Brea:ks ⌋8 stuff 945150_946070 and (.) cuts herself [% laugh] 946070_947200 ⌈ and blames it ⌉ on us . 947200_948560 *KEVI: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 947200_948020 *WEND: And there +... 948560_948910 *KEVI: ⌈ &=THROAT ⌉ . 948910_949180 *KEND: ⌊ Yeah . 948910_949090 *WEND: ⌊ Do you have a ⌋ ⌈2 dishwa⌉2sher in your (..) apartment . 948910_950840 *KEND: I ⌋ ⌊2 know ⌋2 . 949090_949490 *KEND: (..) Nope 950840_951330 I get to handwash everything . 951330_952400 *WEND: Oh honey . 952400_953150 *WEND: (..) &=in Oh you're gonna ⌈ have so much fun ⌉ . 953150_955100 *KEN: ⌊ Isn't there a dishwasher in ⌋ there ? 954120_955220 *WEND: ʔuh You're moving in the beginning of November ? 955220_956500 *KEND: &{l=HI I don't think there is &}l=HI . 956500_957470 *KEND: (..) Yeah . 957470_959870 *KEND: &=in (.) &{l=HI X X know how to wash dishes &}l=HI . 959870_962620 *WEND: (..) Do you have any furniture yet ? 962620_964370 *KEND: (..) I'm taking that couch 964370_966170 (..) &=SNIFF and ⌈ um: . 966170_968020 *WEND: ⌊ &{l=@ The cat-pee c- +... 967490_968740 *KEND: (.) that's what I'll have room for ⌉ . 968020_969290 *WEND: &=in The ⌋ cat-pee ⌈2 &=in cou- couch &}l=@ ⌉2 . 968740_971090 *KEND: ⌊2 The cat-pee couch ⌋2 . 969960_971090 *KEND: ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 971090_971970 *KEVI: ⌊3 Gro:ss [% laugh] ⌋3 . 971240_971970 *WEND: ⌊3 &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 &=in . 971090_972280 *KEND: ⌈4 And my be⌉4:d . 972430_973350 *KEVI: ⌊4 Yeah I remember 972280_972880 I ⌋4 +/. 972880_973050 *KEVI: (.) I'd just bought ⌈5 a coat from ⌉5 ⌈6 uh⌉6⌈7: ⌉7 . 973350_975300 *KEND: ⌊5 and my dresser 973950_974600 that's it⌋5⌊6: ⌋6 . 974600_975050 *WEND: ⌊6 Oh ⌋6 974870_975150 ⌊7 goo⌋7⌈8:d ⌉8 . 975150_975550 *KEVI: ⌊8 A⌋8pple⌈9baum⌉9s . 975350_976350 *WEND: ⌊9 Good ⌋9 . 975700_976120 *KEVI: &=in And ⌈ put it on that cat- (.) ⌉ couch . 976350_978150 *WEND: ⌊ &=in Well we've go:t ⌋ +... 976750_977800 *KEVI: and Tig⌈2ger ⌉2 puked on [% laugh] it [% laugh] . 978150_979450 *KEND: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 . 978450_978650 *KEVI: ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉3 . 979450_981000 *WEND: ⌊3 &=ex &{l=VOX Wha:t &}l=VOX ⌋3 ? 979450_981000 *KEN: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 979650_981000 *KEND: ⌈4 &{n=VOMIT-SOUND &=nonvocal &=nonvocal ⌉4 ⌈5 &=nonvocal &}n=VOMIT-SOUND ⌉5 . 981000_982320 *KEVI: ⌊4 &{l=HI He did &}l=HI . 981000_981560 *KEVI: He +/. 981560_981720 *KEVI: &=in ⌋4 ⌊5 My new ⌋5 clothes . 981720_982620 *WEND: ⌊5 &{l=X What hap- &}l=X ⌋5 +... 981790_982310 *KEVI: I was ⌈6 lay- ⌉6 +... 982620_983120 *MARC: ⌊6 &{l=SM &{l=HI How do ⌋6 you remember Applebau⌈7ms &}l=SM &}l=HI ⌉7 . 982850_984920 *WEND: ⌊7 &{l=HI What ⌋7 ⌈8 did you buy: &}l=HI ⌉8 ? 984800_985780 *KEVI: ⌊7 I was⌋7 ⌊8 laying em down [% laugh] ⌋8 . 984600_985780 *KEND: ⌈9 Oh: Applebaums . 985780_987020 *KEVI: ⌊9 I bought +/. 985780_986350 *KEVI: &=in I bought a coo:l bei:ge jacket . 986350_988520 *KEND: That was a great place 987020_988320 man ⌉9 . 988320_988670 *KEVI: that ⌋9 I thought was just like a +... 988520_989800 *KEND: (.) ⌈ That was a great place ⌉ . 989800_991310 *KEVI: ⌊ &=in just like a scientist ⌋ jacket . 989900_991750 *KEVI: ⌈2 ʔuh And [% laugh] I [% laugh] ⌉2 +... 991750_992370 *KEND: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 . 991850_992370 *KEVI: &=in ⌈3 &=lengthened ⌉3 And ⌈4 I had a ⌉4 pair of blue-jeans . 992370_994220 *WEND: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 . 992520_992670 *KEND: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 992770_993320 *KEVI: and I had a (.) yellow 994220_995370 (.) or a 995370_995820 (..) I think it was a yellow Adidas shirt 995820_997620 &=in and a ⌈ new b⌉elt . 997620_998870 *WEND: ⌊ U:m ⌋ . 998140_998490 *MARC: S: +... 998870_999080 *WEND: you are ⌈2 a clothes [% laugh] freak [% laugh] ⌉2 . 999080_1000140 *KEVI: ⌊2 And I laid it all ⌋2 ⌈3 out on the couch . 999200_1001080 *MARC: ⌊2 Isn't he a ⌋2 ⌊3 clo:thes frea:k ⌋3 . 999200_1001200 *KEVI: and ⌉3 Tigger (.) puked on it &=laugh . 1001080_1002650 *KEND: ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 1002670_1003800 *MARC: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 1002650_1003750 *KEN: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 1002650_1004430 *KEND: ⌊5 Good answer ⌋5 . 1003800_1004470 *MARC: ⌊5 Is this a ⌋5 ⌈6 clothes ⌉6 freak . 1003800_1005370 *KEND: ⌊6 Tigger ⌋6 . 1004470_1004940 *KEVI: ⌈7 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉7 . 1005370_1006230 *WEND: ⌊7 He remembers dis⌋7tinctly 1005370_1006590 exactly what it was . 1006590_1007590 *WEND: (.) &=in ⌈ Um . 1007590_1008340 *KEND: ⌊ Yeah 1008030_1008340 I would say ⌋ . 1008340_1008890 *WEND: &=in ⌉ We have end- +/. 1008390_1009640 *WEND: (.) Well I don't +/. 1009640_1010190 *WEND: (.) I don't think we'll be taking the end-tables to Bulgaria . 1010190_1012340 *X: X . 1012340_1012490 *KEVI: (..) I'm sure we will not . 1012490_1013790 *KEVI: ⌈ &=SNIFF ⌉ . 1013790_1014190 *WEND: ⌊ We have ⌋ (.) end-tables . 1013960_1014990 *WEND: (..) ⌈2 Too: for you that w- ⌉2 +... 1014990_1015990 *KEND: ⌊2 What are- +/. 1014990_1015390 *KEND: (.) What are they ⌋2 . 1015390_1015990 *WEND: We- +/. 1015990_1016240 *WEND: The ones we have in our living room . 1016240_1017290 *KEVI: ⌈ &=ex ⌉ . 1017290_1017800 *WEND: ⌊ The wood ⌋ ones ? 1017490_1018110 *KEND: ⌈2 What are they ⌉2 +... 1018110_1018400 *KEVI: ⌊2 They're the f⌋2ront end 1018110_1018730 and the hind end . 1018730_1019380 *WEND: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1019380_1020230 *KEN: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 1020230_1021880 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ ⌊2 &=lengthened ⌋2 ⌊3 &=lengthened ⌋3 ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 1020430_1022930 *MARC: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 1020730_1023380 *WEND: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 1020950_1021880 ⌊4 Oh . 1021880_1022250 *KEND: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh I'll show you ⌋4 ⌊5 a front end ⌋5 ⌈6 and a hind end . 1021880_1023880 *WEND: boo ⌋4 . 1022250_1022730 *KEVI: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 . 1022930_1023380 *WEND: ⌊6 &=in They're the one- +/. 1023180_1023950 *WEND: (.) They're ⌋6 ⌈7 the w- +... 1023950_1024350 *KEND: pretty ⌉6 ⌊7 darn quick ⌋7 . 1023880_1024900 *KEVI: ⌊7 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋7 . 1024190_1024900 *WEND: (.) They're from Grandma ⌉7 ⌈8 An- +... 1024350_1025250 *KEND: ⌊8 &=in 1024900_1025250 Buddy . 1025250_1025650 *WEND: ʔuh: No I mean . 1025250_1025900 *KEND: &=in ⌋8 . 1025900_1026200 *WEND: they're from ⌉8 Nanna . 1025900_1026700 *KEND: (..) Are they the squ- +/. 1026700_1027580 *KEND: (.) They're squa:re to:pped tables ? 1027580_1028930 *KEND: ⌈ How high ⌉ ⌈2 are they ⌉2 ? 1028930_1029550 *WEND: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1029030_1029340 *KEVI: ⌊2 Oh they're ⌋2 nice . 1029340_1030090 *KEND: (..) Oh that'd ⌈3 be ⌉3 grea:t . 1030090_1031490 *WEND: ⌊3 They're ⌋3 +... 1030690_1030790 *KEVI: ⌈4 You've never seen anything ⌉4 ⌈5 like ⌉5 them . 1031090_1032390 *WEND: ⌊4 They're end-tables ⌋4 . 1031090_1031940 *KEND: ⌊5 &=SNIFF ⌋5 1031890_1032220 Cause I'm not gonna have- +/. 1032390_1033190 *KEND: ʔuh I +/. 1033190_1033440 *KEND: ʔuh I don't &=ex +... 1033440_1033840 *WEND: &{l=HI They're ni⌈:ce &}l=HI ⌉ . 1033840_1034840 *KEN: ⌊ You have to ⌋ ⌈2 give em back . 1034540_1035290 *KEVI: ⌊2 &{l=HI I know: &}l=HI . 1034890_1035290 *KEN: when they come back 1035290_1035940 though ⌉2 . 1035940_1036240 *KEVI: They fit inside of ⌋2 ⌈3 each other . 1035290_1036640 *KEND: ⌊3 Yeah 1036260_1036510 really 1036510_1036840 man ⌋3 . 1036840_1037040 *KEVI: too . 1036640_1036840 *KEVI: &=in ⌉3 ⌈4 They stack up ⌉4 . 1036840_1037840 *KEN: ⌊4 &=THROAT ⌋4 . 1037190_1037740 *WEND: ⌊4 They- they s- ⌋4 +... 1037040_1037840 *KEND: ⌊4 Well by that time ⌋4 I'm gonna be married 1037040_1038440 and I'm not gonna need em . 1038440_1039340 *KEND: (.) Bu:t . 1039340_1040090 *KEVI: (..) &=ex &=tsk . 1040090_1042150 *WEND: (..) &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ You want . 1042150_1043030 *KEND: ⌊ &{l=X That would be good &}l=X ⌋ . 1042700_1043250 *WEND: What ⌉ . 1043030_1043250 *WEND: ⌈2 You're gonna get m:arried . 1043250_1044080 *KEVI: ⌊2 Did you notice the room got deathly silent ⌋2 ? 1043250_1044610 *WEND: and you'll have ⌉2 all ⌈3 kind of money ⌉3 ? 1044080_1045510 *KEN: ⌊3 Yeah . 1044890_1045190 *KEN: What are you ⌋3 gonna ⌈4 say ⌉4 . 1045190_1045880 *KEVI: ⌊4 &=laugh ⌋4 ⌈5 &=laugh when ⌉5 ⌈6 Kendie mentioned marriage ⌉6 ? 1045670_1047720 *KEN: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 . 1045880_1046520 *WEND: ⌊5 &{l=MRC Ha &=in ha ⌋5 ⌊6 (.) ha ha . 1045880_1046990 *WEND: &=in Ha ⌋6 &=in ha (.) ⌈7 ha ha &}l=MRC ⌉7 . 1046990_1048730 *KEVI: ⌊7 &=DRINK ⌋7 . 1048230_1048730 *WEND: &=in You think you'll get married and have all kinds of money . 1048730_1050830 *KEND: ⌈ Oh yeah . 1050830_1051280 *WEND: ⌊ &=in &{l=MRC Ha h:a (.) ha ha &}l=MRC ⌋ . 1050830_1052450 *KEND: I'm &{l=X marrying into &}l=X the money ⌉ . 1051280_1052500 *KEN: Ho ⌈2 ho ho: ⌉2 . 1052500_1053800 *KEND: ⌊2 He's gonna be an engineer 1052800_1053660 I'm ⌋2 gonna be a manager of a Merrill Lynch branch . 1053660_1055810 *KEN: O⌈3:h (.) ho ho ⌉3 . 1055810_1056960 *KEND: ⌊3 &=in I'll be making ⌋3 well over seventy 1056230_1057910 I'll be making a lot more than hi:⌈m ⌉ . 1057910_1059480 *KEN: ⌊ O⌋⌈2:h ⌉2 . 1059180_1059980 *MARC: ⌊2 Cough ⌋2 1059480_1059930 choke 1059930_1060430 sputter 1060430_1061180 (..) Well over ⌈ seven⌉⌈2ty: ⌉2 ? 1061180_1063330 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 1062500_1062900 *KEND: ⌊ Dad's ⌋ +... 1062500_1062950 *KEN: ⌊2 Good ⌋2 . 1062950_1063320 *KEN: ⌈3 Yeah ⌉3 . 1063320_1063780 *KEND: ⌊3 Dad's ⌋3 ⌈4 like . 1063490_1064050 *KEVI: ⌊3 That doesn't ⌋3 ⌊4 happen in America ⌋4 . 1063320_1064730 *KEND: you won't make ⌉4 half of what I make . 1064050_1065880 *KEND: Ha ha . 1065880_1066480 *KEND: &=in . 1066480_1066880 *KEN: (.) Wha:t ? 1066880_1067380 *WEND: &=ex . 1067380_1067680 *KEND: (.) Dad's like 1067680_1068180 you won't make half of ⌈ what I make . 1068180_1069380 *KEN: ⌊ Oh . 1068930_1069330 *MARC: ⌊ By virtue of ⌋ ⌈2 being fe⌉2male . 1068980_1070830 *KEN: no 1069330_1069580 your salary ⌋ ⌊2 will be ⌋2 +... 1069580_1070630 *KEND: Ha ha ⌉ . 1069380_1069880 *KEN: &{l=X go ⌈3 over eight- +... 1070830_1071330 *MARC: ⌊3 you don't make half ⌋3 of what he makes . 1070930_1072830 *KEN: It'll be way high &}l=X ⌉3 . 1071330_1071830 *KEND: No 1072830_1073270 by virtue of making- +/. 1073270_1074150 *KEND: (.) being fe⌈male . 1074150_1074950 *WEND: ⌊ Just go in some⌋time with a machine gun . 1074800_1076750 *KEND: I might ⌋ . 1074950_1075450 *WEND: and 1076750_1077050 (..) ⌈ hold em all ⌉ ⌈2 up ⌉2 . 1077050_1078250 *KEN: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ ⌊2 &=lengthened ⌋2 . 1077550_1078020 *KEVI: ⌊2 Dis⌋2⌈3gruntled ⌉3 postal work⌈4er ⌉4 . 1078020_1079370 *KEN: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 1078240_1078690 *KEND: ⌊4 Let m⌋4e ⌈5 tell you ⌉5 . 1079220_1079770 *WEND: ⌊5 &=laugh ⌋5 . 1079470_1079770 *KEN: ⌊5 Tell em ⌋5 to be part of it . 1079470_1080570 *KEN: &=THROAT 1080570_1081270 (..) ⌈ Be fair ⌉ ⌈2 or be ⌉2 ⌈3 square ⌉3 &=ex . 1081270_1083160 *MARC: ⌊ &{l=SING wa ⌋ ⌊2 wa wa⌋2⌊3: ⌋3 . 1081770_1083000 *KEND: ⌊2 I guess ⌋2 ⌊3 XX ⌋3 +... 1082250_1083000 *KEVI: ⌊3 Hey: ⌋3 . 1082480_1083000 *KEVI: ⌈4 &{n=WHISTLE &=nonvocal ⌉4 ⌈5 &=nonvocal ⌉5 ⌈6 &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &}n=WHISTLE . 1083160_1084970 *MARC: ⌊4 hap⌋4⌊5py ⌋5 ⌊6 birthday to you: ⌋6 . 1083160_1086400 *KEN: ⌊5 Hey⌋5⌊6: . 1083580_1084030 *WEND: ⌊6 &{l=SING birthday to you ⌋6 . 1083880_1086400 *KEN: &{l=SING birthday to you: ⌋6 . 1084030_1086400 *KEVI: &{l=SING to you: ⌋6 1084970_1086380 &{l=HI Hey: &}l=HI . 1086380_1086750 *KEVI: ⌈ Happy birthday to &{n=BANG-GLASSES &=nonvocal &=nonvocal you: &}n=BANG-GLASSES ⌉ . 1086750_1089620 *WEND: ⌊ Happy birthday to you: ⌋ . 1086750_1089620 *MARC: ⌊ Happy birthday to you: ⌋ . 1086750_1089620 *KEN: ⌊ Happy birthday to you: ⌋ . 1086750_1089630 *KEVI: &{l=HI Hey: &}l=HI . 1089630_1090250 *MARC: ⌈ Happy [% laugh] ⌉ +... 1090250_1090800 *KEVI: ⌊ Happy ⌋ ⌈2 birthday dear Ke:ndra⌉2⌈3: ⌉3 . 1090250_1093980 *KEN: ⌊ Happy ⌋ ⌊2 birthday dear Ke:ndra⌋2⌊3: ⌋3 . 1090250_1093980 *WEND: ⌊ Happy ⌋ ⌊2 birthday dear Ke:ndra⌋2⌊3:⌋3⌈4: ⌉4 . 1090250_1094210 *KEND: ⌊3 &{l=X They're ⌋3 ⌊4 those ⌋4 ⌈5 trick ⌉5 ⌈6 candle⌉6⌈7:s . 1093730_1095430 *KEVI: ⌊4 &{l=HI Hey⌋4⌊5: &}l=HI ⌋5 . 1093980_1094550 *KEN: ⌊6 ha⌋6⌊7:ppy birth⌋7⌈8day to you: &}l=SING ⌉8 . 1094550_1098150 *KEVI: ⌊7 Happy birth⌋7⌊8day to you: &}l=SING ⌋8 . 1094900_1098150 *WEND: ⌊7 happy birth⌋7⌊8day to you: ⌋8 . 1094900_1098150 *KEND: goofball: &}l=X ⌉7 . 1095430_1096100 *KEVI: ⌈9 &=YELL ⌉9 ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 1098150_1100050 *WEND: ⌊9 And ma⌋9⌊ny mo⌋⌈2:re &}l=SING &=THROAT ⌉2 . 1098250_1101450 *MARC: ⌊ And many mo⌋⌊2:re &}l=SING . 1099100_1100800 *MARC: Like the rest ⌋2 of the three-quarters of the century perhaps: . 1100800_1103900 *KEND: It's a beautiful cake 1104350_1105380 but why do you guys always give me ice cream cakes . 1105380_1107550 *KEVI: (..) Because ⌈ it's the only kind we're not ⌉ allergic to . 1107550_1109650 *MARC: ⌊ Don't you like ice cream ⌋ ? 1108050_1109090 *WEND: (..) Do you like (.) frozen yogurt ? 1110050_1111350 *KEND: (..) I shouldn't blow this out . 1111350_1112850 *KEND: (.) Dad 1112850_1113100 do you wanna try &{l=X it &}l=X for me ? 1113100_1114000 *KEND: (..) &=SNORT . 1114000_1115050 *KEVI: &{l=VOX &{l=@ Oh⌈: . 1115050_1115900 *MARC: ⌊ &{l=VOX Oh: . 1115670_1117770 *KEVI: gro:ss 1115900_1117120 that's nasty &}l=@ &}l=VOX ⌉ . 1117120_1118120 *MARC: Gro⌋⌈2:⌉2ss &}l=VOX . 1117770_1118920 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 . 1118120_1118420 *WEND: ⌊2 What ⌋2 . 1118120_1118420 *KEVI: Cause she has a co:ld . 1118920_1119890 *KEVI: ⌈ She's gonna ⌉ b:low it all ⌈2 over the ⌉2 cake . 1119890_1121400 *WEND: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ 1119890_1120190 ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 . 1120790_1120990 *KEND: ⌈3 &=laugh ⌉3 ⌈4 &=laugh ⌉4 ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 1121400_1122840 *MARC: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 . 1121400_1121870 *KEN: ⌊4 &=laugh ⌋4 ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 . 1121870_1122840 *KEVI: ⌊5 Gross ⌋5 . 1122250_1122840 *KEND: &{l=@ Well 1122840_1123040 plus that 1123040_1123490 It's gonna take me like eight years to blow these ⌈ ou:t &}l=@ ⌉ . 1123490_1125640 *KEVI: ⌊ Just use a ⌋ ⌈2 filter ⌉2 . 1125140_1126090 *WEND: ⌊2 &=in Let's ⌋2 everybody . 1125690_1126690 *WEND: ⌈3 R:⌉3eady ? 1126690_1127160 *KEN: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 1126690_1126890 &=in . 1127160_1127490 *MARC: Gon⌈4na take ⌉4 ⌈5 eight ⌉5 ⌈6 years to blow these out ⌉6 . 1127490_1129790 *KEN: ⌊4 &=laugh ⌋4 ⌊5 &=laugh ⌋5 . 1127690_1128360 *WEND: ⌊5 Ready ⌋5 ? 1128050_1128360 *WEND: ⌊6 &=in O:ne 1128360_1129300 two⌋6: 1129300_1129890 (.) three . 1129890_1130540 *MANY: &=BLOW . 1130540_1132140 *KEVI: I think they're re:lightable . 1132140_1133210 *WEND: &=BLOW 1133060_1133640 (.) They ⌈ a:re ⌉ . 1133640_1134190 *KEND: ⌊ They are: ⌋ . 1133760_1134190 *KEVI: ⌈2 They (.) ʔare ⌉2 . 1134190_1134900 *WEND: ⌊2 &{l=X When they sputter &}l=X ⌋2 +... 1134190_1134900 *MARC: ⌊2 I didn't think ⌋2 they were 1134190_1135330 but I ⌈3 think they maybe are: ⌉3 . 1135330_1136880 *KEVI: ⌊3 They are 1135550_1136100 when they (.) ⌋3 do ⌈4 that way: ⌉4 . 1136100_1138050 *KEN: ⌊4 &{l=X Yeah &}l=X splutter and ⌋4 . 1137150_1138050 *KEVI: &=in Yep . 1138050_1138550 *KEVI: &=in (..) &=BLOW (..) &=in &=BLOW . 1138550_1141550 *MARC: (.) Don't ⌈ spit . 1141550_1142750 *KEN: ⌊ &{l=@ Don't spit on em &}l=@ ⌋ . 1141900_1143400 *KEND: ⌊ &{l=@ Don't spit on ⌋ ⌈2 em &}l=@ ⌉2 . 1142000_1143700 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=BLOW ⌋2 . 1143400_1143700 *MARC: &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1142750_1144400 *KEVI: &=in ⌈3 &=BLOW (.) &=in ⌉3 . 1144400_1145650 *KEN: ⌊3 &=in &=lengthened ʔuh ⌋3 1144770_1145650 &=laugh ⌈4 &=laugh ⌉4 ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 1145650_1147800 *KEND: ⌊4 Dang ⌋4 . 1145750_1146240 *KEVI: ⌊5 &=BLOW &=lengthened ⌋5 . 1146260_1147860 *KEND: ⌊5 you guys are getting ashes all over me ⌋5 . 1146240_1147860 *KEND: ⌈6 &=COUGH &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌉6 ⌈7 &=COUGH ⌉7 . 1147860_1149540 *KEN: ⌊6 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋6 . 1147860_1149120 *MARC: ⌊7 &=laugh ⌋7 &=laugh &=laugh . 1149120_1149970 *KEND: ⌈8 &=COUGH ⌉8 ⌈9 &=COUGH ⌉9 . 1149970_1150840 *KEN: ⌊8 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋8 . 1149970_1150600 *KEVI: ⌊9 It's almost ⌋9 like ⌈ having a smoking probl⌉⌈2em ⌉2 . 1150600_1152350 *MARC: ⌊ Smoke alarm's gonna ⌋ ⌊2 go ⌋2 ⌈3 off ⌉3 in a minute . 1151070_1153220 *KEND: ⌊2 &=COUGH ⌋2 ⌊3 &=lengthened ⌋3 1152200_1152690 ⌈4 &=COUGH &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌉4 . 1153220_1154340 *KEN: ⌊4 &{l=X It's just like having &}l=X your own ⌋4 ⌈5 cigarettes . 1153220_1154880 *MARC: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋5 . 1153220_1155200 *KEN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 1154880_1155250 *MARC: &=laugh ⌈6 &=laugh ⌉6 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1155200_1156500 *KEND: ⌊6 &=COUGH ⌋6 . 1155470_1155720 *ENV: &=WATER_ON . 1156500_1156970 *KEND: &=COUGH ⌈ &=COUGH ⌉ . 1156970_1157670 *MARC: ⌊ Don't ⌋ put the whole cake under ⌈2 the [% laugh] ⌉2 fau⌈3cet [% laugh] ⌉3 . 1157390_1160040 *X: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 . 1158770_1159190 *KEVI: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 1159490_1160040 ⌈4 &{l=@ No: ⌉4 . 1160040_1160950 *MARC: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 ⌈5 &=laugh ⌉5 ⌈6 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉6 . 1160040_1161890 *KEND: ⌊4 &{l=@ Do it dad 1160040_1160750 do ⌋4 ⌊5 it &}l=@ ⌋5 . 1160750_1161150 *KEVI: ⌊6 Last time you did that ⌋6 dad . 1161150_1162250 *KEVI: it washed half way down ⌈7 the drai⌉7⌈8:n &}l=@ ⌉8 . 1162250_1163590 *KEND: ⌊7 &=laugh X⌋7⌊8XXXXXX &=in ⌋8 . 1163170_1164910 *WEND: ⌊8 Do you like frozen yogurt cakes ⌋8 ? 1163460_1164910 *WEND: (..) You don't . 1164910_1166360 *KEND: (..) ⌈ I don't like ⌉ +... 1166360_1167510 *KEVI: ⌊ Do you like ⌋ shrimp cake ? 1167160_1168310 *WEND: (..) &=laugh &=laugh . 1168310_1169110 *MARC: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 1169110_1170230 *KEVI: ⌊ Hm⌋⌈2: ⌉2 . 1170080_1170430 *WEND: ⌊ Do you ⌋ ⌊2 like ⌋2 &{l=HI rice cakes &}l=HI ? 1170080_1171150 *X: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 &=laugh ⌉3 . 1171150_1171960 *MARC: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1171150_1171600 *KEVI: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 ⌈4 &=laugh ⌉4 . 1171600_1172300 *MARC: ⌊4 I can ⌋4 give you a ⌈5 rice cake . 1171950_1173410 *WEND: ⌊5 &=in &=ex ⌋5 . 1172730_1173830 *MARC: with ched⌉5dar on it 1173410_1174380 if you'd like ⌈6 that . 1174380_1175330 *KEND: ⌊6 I d- +... 1174850_1175250 *MARC: (.) tonight ⌉6 . 1175330_1175880 *KEND: I don't want to ⌋6 hur:t you: 1175250_1176570 I mean I like +/. 1176570_1177480 *KEND: (.) Ice ⌈ cream's okay ⌉ . 1177480_1178480 *WEND: ⌊ &{l=HI Well . 1177680_1177980 *MARC: ⌊ I didn't n- +... 1177680_1178080 *WEND: we're all ⌋ ⌈2 (.) just &}l=HI ⌉2 +... 1177980_1178800 *MARC: You've ⌋ ⌊2 never ⌋2 told us what you like and don't like 1178080_1180700 ⌈3 dear . 1180700_1180990 *KEVI: ⌊3 I guess that would be: ⌋3 . 1180800_1182090 *MARC: you just go off to your ⌉3 roo⌈4:m ⌉4 . 1180990_1182490 *KEND: ⌊4 I think ⌋4 ⌈5 I walk around all ⌉5 the ti:me . 1182160_1183690 *KEVI: ⌊4 your ⌋4 ⌊5 fault 1182160_1182910 then ⌋5 . 1182910_1183260 *KEND: saying . 1183690_1183990 *WEND: ⌈ &=THROAT ⌉ . 1183990_1184260 *KEND: ⌊ I hate ⌋ ice ⌈2 cream ⌉2 . 1183990_1184840 *WEND: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1184630_1184840 *KEND: I hate ice cream . 1184840_1185590 *KEND: It makes ⌈ me too ⌉ cold . 1185590_1186590 *KEVI: ⌊ Never ⌋ . 1185830_1186240 *KEND: &{l=HI Ask Kelly &}l=HI . 1186590_1187440 *KEND: (..) Call up Kelly right ⌈ now and ⌉ ask her . 1187440_1189540 *KEVI: ⌊ Kelly ⌋ ? 1188790_1189140 *KEND: Ken- +... 1189540_1189790 *ENV: &=WATER_OFF . 1189790_1189790 *KEND: ⌈ Does ⌉ ⌈2 Kendra like ice cream ⌉2 . 1189790_1191040 *KEVI: ⌊ Did ⌋ ⌊2 she ever tell you this ⌋2 . 1189790_1191040 *MARC: ⌊2 Kelly ? 1190060_1190410 *MARC: (.) Did she ⌋2 ever ⌈3 tell you ⌉3 . 1190410_1191640 *WEND: ⌊3 Kelly ⌋3 is up in +... 1191310_1192560 *KEND: (.) Call Damon . 1192560_1193340 *KEND: Ask him . 1193350_1193890 *WEND: K- &=ex +/. 1193890_1194610 *WEND: Kelly: 1194610_1195260 ʔuh: was your roommate though . 1195260_1196610 *WEND: For many a moo:n . 1196610_1197560 *KEND: (..) Yeah: 1197560_1198740 but that shouldn't mean that she should know ⌈ me any ⌉ ⌈2 &{l=X better &}l=X ⌉2 . 1198740_1200760 *KEN: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ 1200110_1200380 ⌊2 she should ⌋2 +... 1200380_1200760 *KEVI: ⌊2 &{l=VOX Cut me ⌋2 ⌈3 a slice there . 1200460_1201370 *MARC: ⌊3 Well you can +... 1200760_1201370 *KEVI: (.) Jack &}l=VOX ⌉3 . 1201370_1201620 *MARC: (.) you ⌋3 can (.) ⌈4 cut off ⌉4 ⌈5 the cake ⌉5 from every slice then and ⌈6 eat it ⌉6 . 1201370_1204470 *KEND: ⌊4 This big ⌋4 ? 1201870_1202320 *KEN: ⌊5 &=THROAT ⌋5 . 1202320_1202870 *WEND: ⌊6 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋6 . 1204100_1204470 *MARC: ⌈7 How's that ⌉7 . 1204470_1205030 *KEND: ⌊7 This big ⌋7 ? 1204470_1205030 *KEND: &=in No 1205030_1205580 what I like is 1205580_1206430 like real icing . 1206430_1207730 *KEN: (.) Oh: 1207730_1208360 ⌈ yeah: ⌉ . 1208360_1209130 *KEND: ⌊ &=in o:n ⌋ 1208360_1209130 ⌈2 on white cake . 1209130_1209900 *KEVI: ⌊2 Well that's real icing . 1209180_1210210 *KEND: I like like wedding cake⌉2s . 1209900_1211210 *KEVI: right there . 1210210_1210710 *KEVI: Hey ⌋2 . 1210710_1211010 *KEVI: It's right- +/. 1211210_1211660 *KEVI: It's +/. 1211660_1211910 *KEVI: It's the real stuff . 1211910_1212510 *WEND: Wedding ⌈ cakes . 1212510_1213210 *KEN: ⌊ &=SIGH ⌋ . 1212910_1213610 *WEND: The name ⌋ we- +/. 1213210_1213810 *WEND: The word wedding comes up . 1213810_1214990 *KEND: W⌈ell . 1214990_1215330 *WEND: ⌊ one more time ⌋ . 1215060_1215860 *KEND: that kind of ⌉ ca:ke . 1215330_1216260 *KEND: (.) White ca:ke 1216260_1216960 ⌈ with (.) that kind of icing ⌉ ? 1216960_1218460 *MARC: ⌊ That's such a pretty cake ⌋ . 1217010_1218460 *KEN: &=in It is nice . 1218460_1219490 *KEND: ⌈ Yeah . 1219520_1219780 *MARC: ⌊ That's yours . 1219490_1220140 *KEND: this is a v- ⌉ +... 1219780_1220330 *MARC: Ke⌋n . 1220140_1220590 *KEVI: (.) ⌈2 Dad ⌉2 . 1220590_1221200 *KEN: ⌊2 What ⌋2 ? 1220960_1221200 *KEVI: That's yours 1221200_1221760 big guy . 1221760_1222060 *KEND: This is ⌈ a real nice ca:ke ⌉ . 1222060_1223260 *MARC: ⌊ That was your:s ⌋ . 1222330_1223260 *WEND: Kevin and I are gonna ⌈2 share it ⌉2 . 1223260_1224550 *KEND: ⌊2 Don't get me ⌋2 wro:ng . 1223920_1224900 *MARC: (..) Well it was the smallest I could think of . 1224900_1227230 *KEND: Yeah: 1227230_1227530 this is good . 1227530_1228230 *KEND: (..) as far as size . 1228230_1229430 *MARC: (.) Well 1229430_1230080 cut off the cake and eat it . 1230080_1231630 *KEND: (.) Mo:m 1231630_1232030 no: . 1232030_1232330 *KEND: Do:n't 1232330_1232780 (.) don't 1232780_1232980 now don't take this to heart 1232980_1233960 ⌈ &{l=X here &}l=X ⌉ . 1233960_1234440 *MARC: ⌊ Kevin and Wen⌋dy are gonna share one 1233960_1235490 so if you don't want one 1235490_1236620 don't cut it . 1236620_1237370 *KEND: (..) &{l=VOX Oh ʔI do: . 1237370_1238820 *KEN: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &{l=@ She doe⌈:s ⌉ . 1238820_1240020 *KEND: ⌊ Da⌋:ng 1239790_1240220 ow: &}l=VOX . 1240220_1241070 *KEN: &=laugh &=laugh How: &}l=@ . 1241070_1242020 *KEN: &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=in 1242020_1243420 Which ⌈ one do you want . 1243420_1244120 *WEND: ⌊ Tempers flare ⌋ . 1243670_1244570 *KEN: Do you want the end ⌉ one 1244120_1244720 ⌈2 or do you want the- ⌉2 +... 1244720_1245370 *KEND: ⌊2 You take the end ⌋2 one 1244720_1245490 it's got ⌈3 n:uts on it ⌉3 . 1245490_1246540 *KEVI: ⌊3 &=in &=lengthened ⌋3 1245860_1246640 (..) &{l=FOOD Mm &}l=FOOD . 1246640_1247140 *WEND: (..) &{l=FOOD Oh that's good fr⌈osting . 1247140_1248590 *KEND: ⌊ You don't +/. 1248390_1248690 *KEND: (.) ʔuh You can't have any . 1248690_1249490 *WEND: It's like m:arshmallow frosting ⌉ . 1248640_1249940 *KEND: right mom ⌋ ? 1249490_1249940 *MARC: (..) No 1249940_1251090 I can't have any 1251090_1251840 (.) &{l=X mom &}l=X . 1251840_1252490 *WEND: Want a bite &}l=FOOD ? 1252490_1252940 *KEN: &{l=X Came out to &}l=X about perfect . 1252940_1253790 *WEND: (..) ⌈ Want a bite ⌉ ? 1253790_1254860 *KEND: ⌊ X ⌋ ? 1254450_1254860 *KEVI: ⌊ It's ⌋ +/. 1254450_1254860 *KEVI: (..) It's ⌈2 not worth it ⌉2 . 1254860_1255560 *MARC: ⌊2 No thank you ⌋2 . 1255110_1255760 *MARC: (..) &{l=@ I don't want it &}l=@ . 1255760_1256860 *MARC: &=in ⌈ If I'm gonna ⌉ take ⌈2 a bite . 1256860_1258460 *WEND: ⌊ &{l=FOOD Oh it's good &}l=FOOD ⌋ . 1257260_1257810 *KEVI: ⌊2 Oh it's good . 1258060_1258560 *KEN: ⌊2 XX ⌋2 . 1258060_1258760 *KEVI: but ⌋2 . 1258560_1258760 *MARC: (.) I'm ⌉2 going to take a bite ⌈3 of my own d:- ⌉3 +... 1258560_1260510 *KEVI: ⌊3 it's not exceptional ⌋3 1259530_1260510 I don't think . 1260510_1261200 *MARC: (.) dark chocolate m:ousse 1261200_1262800 with ⌈ ganache fros⌉ting . 1262800_1264450 *KEND: ⌊ I would say: ⌋ . 1263140_1264120 *KEND: &=in This is 1264450_1265250 This is you:r favorite kind of cake 1265250_1266800 mom . 1266800_1267050 *KEN: (.) &=in . 1267050_1268250 *WEND: (.) Actually 1268250_1268610 we were the ones who said we didn't want (..) a regular cake 1268610_1271000 (.) so: 1271000_1271270 you can blame it on ⌈ us ⌉ . 1271270_1272150 *KEND: ⌊ Oh ⌋ &=lengthened 1271860_1272370 Kevin and Wendy: 1272370_1273430 I shou:ld . 1273430_1274070 *MARC: (..) &=in Well listen- . 1274070_1275770 *MARC: ʔuh Listen . 1275770_1276310 *MARC: I figure I was doing well to have hit the steaks 1276310_1278630 which I also ⌈ didn't know w⌉as your favorite thing . 1278630_1280820 *KEND: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1279320_1279770 *KEND: (..) Steaks are . 1280820_1281920 *KEND: (..) Steaks are very good . 1281920_1282820 *KEND: (.) Steaks are my favorite . 1282820_1283670 *MARC: (..) Good . 1283670_1285150 *KEND: (.) And I don't get em enough . 1285150_1286250 *MARC: &=in So Ken 1286250_1287050 you can finish that off 1287050_1288100 and if you don't 1288100_1288680 Kyle will . 1288680_1289290 *KEN: (..) Yeah . 1289290_1290260 *KEVI: &=laugh &=laugh . 1290260_1290730 *WEND: Yeah: [% laugh] . 1290530_1291080 *KEVI: ⌈ Three years later ⌉ . 1291080_1291940 *KEND: ⌊ Yeah 1291080_1291260 really ⌋ . 1291260_1291860 *KEVI: it'll be dug out of the freezer 1291940_1293060 (.) ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 1293060_1294060 *MARC: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=ex ⌋ . 1293160_1294060 *KEND: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh 1293160_1294360 &{l=Q &{l=FOOD Hm 1294360_1294760 what's this . 1294760_1295260 *KEND: (.) ⌈ Mm: &}l=FOOD &}l=Q ⌉ . 1295260_1295970 *MARC: ⌊ M:oldy: ⌋ 1295340_1295970 and scarfing &=ex . 1295970_1297080 *WEND: (..) And ⌊ what ⌋ ? 1297080_1298680 *KEVI: ⌊ &{l=Q Hey ⌋ 1298480_1298680 who bought the green cake &}l=Q . 1298680_1299530 *KEND: &{l=FOOD Actually this ⌈ is good ⌉ . 1299530_1300580 *WEND: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1300050_1300580 *MARC: ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 1300580_1301490 *KEND: ⌊2 cause my throat ⌋2 ⌈3 (.) hurts . 1300580_1301970 *WEND: ⌊3 &{l=FOOD It's a Saint Pa⌋3trick's cake . 1301490_1302890 *KEND: So ⌉3 . 1301970_1302240 *MARC: (..) &=laugh . 1302890_1303490 *WEND: (.) ⌈ Oh . 1303490_1303690 *KEND: ⌊ this feels really ⌋ good on my throat &}l=FOOD . 1303540_1305040 *WEND: well see: &}l=FOOD ⌉ . 1303690_1304240 *WEND: (..) Oh: . 1305040_1306140 *WEND: ⌈ See X ⌉ ? 1306140_1306560 *MARC: ⌊ That's n⌋ice of you to ⌈2 say . 1306190_1307500 *KEND: ⌊2 And I did already have: ⌋2 +... 1307140_1308220 *MARC: but I'm sorry ⌉2 ⌈3 I ⌉3 missed it . 1307500_1308990 *WEND: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 . 1308220_1308440 *MARC: &=laugh ⌈4 &=laugh ⌉4 . 1308990_1309440 *KEND: ⌊4 I did ⌋4 already have a piece of (.) wedding cake 1309160_1311000 about this big . 1311000_1311950 *WEND: (.) Wedding cake ? 1311950_1312600 *KEND: We:ll 1312600_1312900 no: . 1312900_1313180 *KEND: It was 1313180_1313600 (.) you know . 1313600_1314150 *KEND: (..) &=in It was cel⌈ebration cake . 1314150_1315400 *WEND: ⌊ &{l=X Look at &}l=X this word w:⌋edding keeps coming up . 1314820_1316770 *KEND: but ⌋ 1315400_1315570 (..) &{l=FOOD Well when you think of a wedding cake 1316770_1318220 what do you think of . 1318220_1318920 *KEVI: (..) ⌈ Marriage ⌉ . 1318920_1320520 *KEND: ⌊ White cake ⌋ 1319990_1320520 (.) white icing . 1320520_1321070 *KEVI: &=in ⌈ &{l=VOX M⌉:arr⌈2iage &}l=VOX ⌉2 . 1321070_1322270 *KEND: ⌊ Right &}l=FOOD ⌋ ? 1321220_1321520 *MARC: ⌊2 Fluffy ⌋2 junk . 1321820_1322870 *MARC: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &{l=VOX Marria⌈3ge [% laugh] &}l=VOX &=laugh ⌉3 . 1322870_1324020 *KEVI: ⌊3 &=THROAT ⌋3 &=lengthened . 1323670_1324370 *WEND: ⌈ &{l=VOX True: lo:ve &}l=VOX ⌉ . 1324370_1326020 *MARC: ⌊ &{l=VOX True: lo:ve &}l=VOX ⌋ . 1324370_1326020 *KEND: ⌈2 Let me tell you ⌉2 . 1326020_1327030 *MARC: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 1326020_1328040 &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=in . 1328040_1329690 *KEND: (..) Th⌈at i⌉:s what you think of . 1329690_1331790 *KEVI: ⌊ What ⌋ +/. 1330980_1331090 *KEVI: (.) What did it say ? 1331790_1332540 *KEVI: (.) on it ? 1332540_1332990 *MARC: (..) &{l=VOX True love &}l=VOX . 1332990_1334540 *KEVI: ⌈ The cake ⌉ . 1334540_1335110 *MARC: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 1334640_1334950 *KEVI: ⌈2 &=in ⌉2 . 1335110_1335570 *WEND: ⌊2 Happy birthday ⌋2 ⌈3 Kendie ⌉3 . 1335110_1336070 *MARC: ⌊3 Happy birth⌋3day Kendie . 1335570_1336800 *KEVI: (..) Oh . 1336800_1337400 *WEND: (..) ⌈ Why ⌉ . 1337400_1338050 *MARC: ⌊ Why's ⌋ ⌈2 that ⌉2 . 1337820_1338270 *KEVI: ⌊2 I ⌋2 +/. 1338050_1338270 *KEVI: I didn't read it . 1338270_1338870 *MARC: (..) Oh . 1338870_1339670 *KEND: (..) XX . 1339670_1340220 *KEVI: &{l=VOX &{n=SOB I can't rea:d &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &=nonvocal &}n=SOB &}l=VOX . 1340220_1341770 *MARC: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ Jeesh [% laugh] . 1341770_1343980 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1343300_1344400 *MARC: &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉ 1343980_1344930 Gad [% laugh] zooks [% laugh] . 1344930_1346230 *KEVI: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 1346230_1346980 *MARC: ⌊ &=in ⌋ We [% laugh] are [% laugh] ⌈2 really off the deep ⌉2 end . 1346230_1348700 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=ex &=in ⌋2 1347360_1348310 ⌈3 &{l=FOOD What &}l=FOOD ⌉3 . 1348700_1348960 *MARC: ⌊3 guy⌋3s . 1348700_1349210 *WEND: (..) You're so strange 1349210_1350610 honey 1350610_1350860 it m- really makes me wonder . 1350860_1351910 *KEN: (.) &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 1351910_1354500 *MARC: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 1352400_1353050 *KEND: ⌊ &{l=@ Oh really ⌋ 1352400_1353210 ⌊2 really . 1353210_1353570 *KEND: Are you su:re you wanna ⌋2 go over there for four years ? 1353570_1355570 *KEND: He'll get you off in Bulgaria . 1355570_1356870 *KEND: (.) ⌈ You're not gonna have ⌉ ⌈2 any⌉2: (..) salvation . 1356870_1359620 *WEND: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1357170_1357870 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=THROAT ⌋2 . 1357870_1358370 *KEND: Any: relief &}l=@ . 1359620_1360750 *KEND: (..) &{l=FOOD You're in trouble &}l=FOOD . 1360750_1363200 *WEND: (..) ⌈ &{l=FOOD With a kook ⌉ . 1363200_1364820 *KEVI: ⌊ ʔuh (.) Kelly ⌋ will be there . 1364260_1365310 *WEND: (.) Mhm &}l=FOOD . 1365310_1365910 *MARC: (..) That's right . 1365910_1367470 *WEND: We'll just leave him and go . 1367470_1368360 *KEND: (..) You might have to . 1368360_1371400 *MARC: (..) ⌈ You and Kelly will go to z- ⌉ +... 1371400_1373450 *KEND: ⌊ What k- +/. 1371870_1372220 *KEND: (.) Is this ice: ⌋ +... 1372220_1373550 *KEVI: ⌈2 &=in ⌉2 . 1373550_1374090 *MARC: ⌊2 Varna ⌋2 . 1373550_1374090 *KEVI: ⌈3 &=ex ⌉3 . 1374090_1374590 *KEND: ⌊3 What's the ⌋3 (.) ice cream . 1374090_1375230 *KEVI: (.) ⌈4 &=in ⌉4 . 1375230_1375840 *KEND: ⌊4 Is this ⌋4 ice milk ? 1375590_1376210 *MARC: Frozen yogurt . 1376210_1376960 *KEVI: (.) ⌈ &=tsk Yeah . 1376960_1377510 *KEND: ⌊ Oh is it ⌋ ? 1377380_1378080 *KEVI: it's ice milk ⌉ . 1377510_1378080 *MARC: ⌈2 Mhm ⌉2 . 1378080_1378540 *WEND: ⌊2 Mhm ⌋2 . 1378080_1378540 *KEVI: (.) Mhm . 1378540_1378940 *MARC: Low cal: 1378940_1379490 (.) frozen yo⌈gurt ⌉ . 1379490_1380190 *KEVI: ⌊ S⌋ure . 1380090_1380390 *KEVI: (..) They scraped it off the inside of somebody's freezer . 1380390_1383090 *KEND: (..) &=ex . 1383090_1383890 *MARC: &=laugh . 1383890_1384290 *KEND: &=in &{l=@ Kevin 1384290_1385040 ⌈ &=in this piece ⌉ . 1385040_1386140 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1385040_1386140 *MARC: ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 . 1386140_1386490 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 1386140_1386810 *KEND: ⌊3 is gonna be ⌋3 ⌈4 flipped ⌉4 . 1386490_1387470 *MARC: ⌊4 Kevin ⌋4 . 1386810_1387470 *KEND: (.) at you real quick &}l=@ . 1387470_1388470 *KEND: ʔuh &=in . 1388470_1389170 *MARC: shall we p- wrap him around one of the tires of his ca⌈:r . 1389170_1391870 *WEND: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh . 1391570_1391970 *MARC: or ⌉ . 1391870_1392220 *WEND: &{l=ACC thump ⌋ thump thump ⌈2 thump thump thump thump thump thump thump ⌉2 thump thump ⌈3 thump thump thump thump thump &}l=ACC ⌉3 . 1391870_1394500 *MARC: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1392580_1393530 *KEND: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 1393750_1394130 *KEVI: (..) ⌈4 &=laugh ⌉4 . 1394500_1395150 *MARC: ⌊4 &=laugh ⌋4 &=laugh ⌈5 &=laugh ⌉5 . 1394920_1395570 *KEVI: ⌊5 We got ⌋5 new tires on the front . 1395340_1396590 *MARC: ⌈6 &=laugh &=lengthened ⌉6 . 1396590_1397310 *KEND: ⌊6 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋6 ⌈7 &{l=@ Goo:d ⌉7 . 1396590_1397950 *WEND: ⌊7 Yeah 1397310_1397570 we did ⌋7 . 1397570_1397950 *KEN: ⌈8 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉8 . 1397950_1398510 *KEND: ⌊8 All the better &}l=@ ⌋8 . 1397950_1398710 *WEND: ⌊8 We just ⌋8 +... 1398150_1398710 *MARC: ⌊8 Wrap him around a ⌋8 back tire &{l=@ then . 1397950_1399630 *MARC: They're ⌈9 probably square ⌉9 by now &}l=@ . 1399630_1401330 *KEVI: ⌊9 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋9 . 1399930_1400780 *MARC: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1401330_1401730 *WEND: ⌊ We took ⌋ +... 1401330_1401730 *MARC: &=in &=laugh . 1401730_1402730 *WEND: took the car in 1402730_1403240 and got it all taken care of Wednesday . 1403240_1404880 *KEVI: (.) ⌈ &=tsk It's all set ⌉ . 1404880_1405680 *WEND: ⌊ Oil cha ⌋ &=lengthened nge 1404990_1405850 (.) new windshield wiper:s . 1405850_1407050 *MARC: (..) ⌈ Wow ⌉ . 1407050_1407900 *KEVI: ⌊ I love ⌋ new windshield wipers . 1407520_1408770 *WEND: &=in ⌈2 &{l=X Dropped &}l=X a couple hundred dollars on the car ⌉2 . 1408770_1410770 *KEVI: ⌊2 There's nothing like new windshield wipers ⌋2 . 1409120_1410770 *KEND: How much ⌈3 did ⌉3 ⌈4 your windshield ⌉4 ⌈5 wipers co:st ⌉5 ? 1410770_1412670 *WEND: ⌊3 A ⌋3 ⌊4 (.) couple hundred ⌋4 . 1411050_1411930 *KEN: ⌊4 Yeah cause 1411220_1411580 they +/. 1411580_1411830 *KEN: (.) You ⌋4 ⌊5 needed em ⌋5 . 1411830_1412620 *KEN: (.) We need em too . 1412670_1413420 *WEND: (.) I don't ⌈ know ⌉ . 1413420_1413920 *KEVI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=lengthened ⌈2 &=tsk What ⌉2 ? 1413720_1414670 *KEN: ⌊2 Y- ⌋2 +/. 1414320_1414670 *KEN: I say 1414670_1415120 you need⌈ed new windshield wipers ⌉ . 1415120_1416370 *WEND: ⌊ &=in Kevin just s- ⌋ +... 1415430_1416370 *KEVI: (.) ⌈2 I did . 1416370_1417010 *WEND: ⌊2 Kevin just sent us ⌋2 +... 1416470_1417630 *KEVI: I didn't know I ⌉2 did 1417010_1417880 (.) but ⌈3 I d⌉3id . 1417880_1418380 *WEND: ⌊3 s- ⌋3 +/. 1418020_1418180 *WEND: (..) sent it in and said 1418380_1419980 (.) check these thi:ngs 1419980_1421030 an:d replace whatever needs to be replaced . 1421030_1422830 *WEND: (..) ⌈ &=in So ⌉ . 1422830_1424210 *MARC: ⌊ And so they ⌋ replaced everything you said check ? 1423600_1426000 *KEVI: (..) No . 1426000_1426800 *WEND: No . 1426800_1427190 *WEND: (.) No ⌈ no no ⌉ no . 1427190_1427990 *MARC: ⌊ Really ⌋ ? 1427290_1427640 *WEND: (..) No . 1427990_1428190 *MARC: ⌈ Hm ⌉ . 1428190_1428440 *KEVI: ⌊ No ⌋ . 1428190_1428440 *KEVI: Not at all . 1428440_1429040 *MARC: (.) That's pretty good . 1429040_1429890 *KEVI: They're +/. 1429890_1430190 *KEVI: They're good 1430190_1430580 I ⌈ trust ⌉ ⌈2 em ⌉2 . 1430580_1431180 *KEN: ⌊ Where'd you ⌋ ⌊2 take ⌋2 ⌈3 it ⌉3 ? 1430770_1431270 *KEND: ⌊2 Why ⌋2 ⌊3 didn't ⌋3 ⌈4 you just go out and buy ⌉4 . 1430970_1432170 *WEND: ⌊2 &{l=X We ⌋2 ⌊3 re⌋3⌊4ally trust em &}l=X 1430970_1431870 if they ⌋4 +... 1431870_1432170 *KEVI: ⌈5 Hm ⌉5 ? 1432170_1432420 *KEND: ⌊5 a five ⌋5 ⌈6 dollar pair of ⌉6 +... 1432170_1433190 *KEN: ⌊6 Where'd you take it ⌋6 ? 1432470_1433190 *MARC: ⌊6 Who is this ⌋6 he goe⌈7s to ⌉7 ? 1432470_1433950 *KEVI: ⌊7 Allen County ⌋7 ⌈8 Motors ⌉8 . 1433560_1434410 *KEND: +, ⌊8 wipers ⌋8 1433950_1434410 ⌈9 and put em on ⌉9 . 1434410_1435080 *WEND: ⌊9 Allen County Mo⌋9tors . 1434410_1435300 *WEND: That's where ⌈ we bought the ⌉ ⌈2 car at ⌉2 . 1435300_1436350 *MARC: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 1435520_1435870 *KEN: ⌊2 &{l=X Oh &}l=X ⌋2 . 1435870_1436350 *KEVI: ⌊2 They didn't do ⌋2 the ti:res 1435870_1436910 ⌈3 ʔuh ʔuh ʔuh ⌉3 +... 1436910_1437310 *WEND: ⌊3 &=tsk ⌋3 . 1436910_1437310 *KEVI: Allen County Motors told me 1437300_1438450 (..) &=tsk they recommended McMann Tire . 1438450_1440900 *KEVI: (.) Downtown ? 1440900_1441550 *KEVI: (.) &=in And uh 1441500_1442750 (.) I already knew what I needed 1442750_1444150 (.) so I didn't have to haggle about what kind of tires 1444150_1446350 or where to k- +/. 1446350_1446860 *KEVI: you know 1446860_1447350 (.) put em 1447350_1447710 front or back 1447710_1448460 (..) Allen County Motors already told me 1448460_1450210 (..) &=in you know 1450210_1451160 all that stuff . 1451160_1451810 *MARC: (..) ⌈ That's not too bad ⌉ . 1451810_1454910 *KEND: ⌊ I made them get me my ⌋ tire 1453510_1455210 cause I &{l=@ couldn't drive anywhere &}l=@ . 1455210_1456510 *WEND: (..) We can't afford to mess around with our car . 1456510_1461960 *KEVI: (..) M-m . 1461960_1462960 *WEND: You just can't . 1462960_1463560 *WEND: ʔWe're +/. 1463560_1463860 *WEND: We're like 1463860_1464190 w- +... 1464190_1464630 *KEND: (.) Yeah 1464630_1465060 but I put great (.) wipers on for five bucks . 1465060_1467160 *KEND: Now if yours cost (.) fiftee:n 1467160_1468630 that's ri⌈diculous ⌉ . 1468630_1469560 *WEND: ⌊ I don't know how much ⌋ they cost . 1469060_1470160 *KEVI: (.) They did . 1470160_1470860 *WEND: (..) &=tsk They cost fif⌈teen ⌉ ? 1470860_1471960 *KEN: ⌊ They're a ⌋ +... 1471760_1471960 *KEVI: (.) Fifteen 1471960_1472560 ⌊ plus like ⌋ three dollars . 1472560_1473560 *KEN: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 1472560_1472960 *KEVI: (.) three dollars labor . 1473560_1474510 *KEVI: (..) They're the ⌊ best wipers ⌋ money can buy . 1474510_1478260 *MARC: ⌊ &=THROAT (.) &=THROAT ⌋ . 1476830_1477480 *KEND: (..) &{l=VOX You should see mine . 1478260_1479410 *KEVI: (..) &=in &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ ⌈2 &=laugh . 1479410_1480390 *KEND: ⌊ Buddy &}l=VOX ⌋ . 1479750_1480140 *KEN: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1479940_1481140 *KEVI: &=in Are they the- ⌉2 +/. 1480640_1481440 *KEVI: &=in Are they the double ⌈3 whammy ones ⌉3 ? 1481440_1482690 *WEND: ⌊3 &=in I'll te⌋3ll you what- 1482160_1483010 ʔuh: though ʔuh 1483010_1483410 (.) for the effort 1483410_1484060 (.) this sounds really ba:d . 1484060_1484910 *WEND: But for the effort 1484910_1485910 &=in the ti:me that it takes to go out and get em 1485910_1488110 (..) and install em 1488110_1489010 &=in I'd rather pay the money 1489010_1490310 (..) cause . 1490310_1490930 *KEVI: Oh 1490940_1491010 I woul⌈d too ⌉ . 1491010_1491620 *WEND: ⌊ our ti⌋⌈2me i:s ⌉2 . 1491190_1492090 *KEND: ⌊2 &=THROAT ⌋2 . 1491690_1492090 *WEND: (.) We just do not have time to p- +... 1492090_1493240 *KEND: (.) Well that⌈'s why I spend so mu:ch: ⌉ (.) money on clothes . 1493240_1496240 *WEND: +, ⌊ putski around with stupid stuff ⌋ . 1493650_1495110 *KEN: (..) &=in You can't make em &=ex ? 1496240_1498110 *WEND: (.) Cause ⌈ why ⌉ . 1497910_1499060 *MARC: ⌊ &=COUGH ⌋ . 1498730_1499060 *KEN: (..) ⌈2 &=in ⌉2 . 1499060_1499560 *KEND: ⌊2 &{l=@ Cause I ⌋2 ⌈3 can't make em &}l=@ &=laugh ⌉3 . 1499310_1500660 *KEVI: ⌊3 &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋3 ⌈4 &{l=@ You can't make clothes &}l=@ ⌉4 . 1499560_1501760 *MARC: ⌊4 &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh ⌋4 . 1500560_1501760 *KEND: ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 1501760_1502360 *KEVI: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 ⌈6 &=laugh &=lengthened ⌉6 . 1501760_1503110 *WEND: ⌊6 And you can't wear some⌋6thing ⌈7 twice . 1502360_1504010 *MARC: ⌊7 You certainly ⌋7 ⌈8 can't ⌉8 ⌈9 make wind⌉9shield wipers . 1503440_1505590 *WEND: Right⌉7⌊8: ⌋8 ? 1504010_1504390 *KEVI: ⌊8 &=laugh ⌋8 ⌊9 &=laugh ⌋9 . 1504180_1504830 *MARC: ⌈ We know ⌉ ⌈2 that ⌉2 . 1505590_1506500 *WEND: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 1505590_1506040 *KEVI: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 . 1506040_1506500 *MARC: ⌈3 &=ex ⌉3 . 1506500_1506780 *KEN: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 . 1506500_1506980 *WEND: ⌊3 &=ex ⌋3 . 1506700_1506880 *KEVI: ⌊3 &{l=HI I made ⌋3 ⌈4 it &}l=HI ⌉4 . 1506500_1507360 *KEND: ⌊4 &=laugh ⌋4 . 1506980_1507360 *KEN: ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 1507360_1507740 *KEND: ⌊5 &{l=@ I m⌋5ade ⌈6 it &}l=@ ⌉6 . 1507360_1508460 *MARC: ⌊6 &{l=VOX I ma⌋6:de i:t &}l=VOX . 1507910_1509150 *MARC: (..) &=laugh ⌈7 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉7 . 1509150_1511400 *KEND: ⌊7 &{l=SM &{l=SING My mama ⌋7 loves me cause she ⌈8 spanks me: &}l=SM ⌉8 . 1510920_1513120 *WEND: ⌊8 That's why I take ⌋8 ⌈9 all my al- ⌉9 +... 1512220_1513920 *KEND: ⌊9 Woo⌋9⌈-oo . 1513120_1514070 *MARC: ⌊9 &{l=SING Woo⌋9⌊-oo 1513380_1514070 &=in (.) woo-oo &}l=SING ⌋ . 1514070_1515290 *KEND: &=in (.) woo-oo &}l=SING ⌉ . 1514070_1515190 *KEND: (.) &=in ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 1515290_1516640 *WEND: ⌊2 All of our ⌋2 alterations go to Edna . 1516230_1518160 *MARC: &=in . 1518160_1518410 *KEVI: Edna . 1518410_1518960 *KEND: (.) &{l=FOOD I go to ⌈ Rita &}l=FOOD ⌉ . 1518960_1519930 *WEND: ⌊ and ⌋ +... 1519490_1519930 *MARC: Edna's left our church . 1519930_1521380 *MARC: Did you know that ? 1521380_1522030 *MARC: (.) ⌊ Did ⌋ she tell ⌈2 you ⌉2 ? 1522030_1522680 *KEVI: ⌊ &=DRINK ⌋ . 1522030_1522190 *WEND: ⌊2 Hm⌋2-m . 1522590_1522940 *KEVI: (.) Hm-m . 1522940_1523310 *MARC: They've go:ne ⌈ (.) to: ⌉ (.) a sou:th . 1523310_1525510 *KEND: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 1524010_1524500 *MARC: (.) a church down south 1525510_1527360 a little tiny one ? 1527360_1528360 *KEVI: &=in . 1528360_1528510 *MARC: &=in And when Edn:a told me about it 1528510_1530660 (.) ʔit was because they sort of wanted to go: 1530660_1533360 (.) to a smaller congregation . 1533360_1534960 *KEVI: ⌈ Hm ⌉ . 1534960_1535560 *MARC: ⌊ &=in ⌋ But when they announced it in church 1535010_1537510 and we prayed for them 1537510_1538520 it was becau:se 1538520_1539480 they 1539480_1540030 (.) um 1540030_1540530 (..) they were gonna go out ʔuh 1540530_1542030 (..) because they felt called . 1542030_1543680 *MARC: (..) ⌈ So ⌉ . 1543680_1544680 *KEVI: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 1544330_1544680 *MARC: (.) I don't know what the real story is 1544680_1546480 but 1546480_1546730 (..) it sounded kinda neat . 1546730_1548630 *KEVI: (.) ⌈ Hm ⌉ . 1548630_1548980 *WEND: ⌊ &=tsk Well it ⌋ must ʔuh +/. 1548740_1549240 *WEND: Their 1549240_1549590 I think thei:r motives must (.) be pretty solid 1549590_1551790 if they're willing to talk to Ron about it 1551790_1553090 and ⌈ make it a pub⌉lic thing . 1553090_1554230 *MARC: ⌊ Oh yeah ⌋ . 1553250_1554010 *MARC: Yeah⌈2: ⌉2 . 1554230_1554590 *WEND: ⌊2 So ⌋2 1554360_1554590 (..) ⌈3 &=in ⌉3 . 1554590_1555140 *MARC: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 1554840_1555140 *WEND: They're neat 1555140_1555440 they're really neat 1555440_1555890 in fact . 1555890_1556240 *MARC: (.) Oh I love ⌈ Edna ⌉ . 1556240_1557590 *WEND: ⌊ remember when he ⌋ had his +/. 1556960_1558060 *WEND: (.) They had to cut his sweats 1558060_1559610 (..) when ⌈ he had his ⌉ sur⌈2gery . 1559610_1561560 *MARC: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1560660_1561060 *MARC: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 1561360_1561860 *WEND: and he was ⌉2 so upset (..) about that 1561560_1563610 (..) ⌈3 so ⌉3 . 1563610_1564580 *MARC: ⌊3 &=tsk You took ⌋3 em into Edna ? 1563960_1565360 *WEND: (.) and she g- +... 1565360_1566010 *MARC: (..) She ⌈ fixed em ⌉ . 1566010_1567110 *WEND: ⌊ fixed em ⌋ . 1566560_1567110 *WEND: For free . 1567110_1567610 *MARC: (..) &{l=SM Oh: jee⌈:sh &}l=SM ⌉ . 1567610_1568940 *KEND: ⌊ Oh: ⌋ . 1568500_1568940 *KEVI: ⌊ &=tsk And you can't ⌋ even tell . 1568500_1569420 *WEND: And you can't even ⌈2 tell ⌉2 that they ⌈3 were ⌉3 +... 1569420_1570570 *KEVI: ⌊2 At all ⌋2 . 1569840_1570140 *MARC: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 &=laugh &=in . 1570370_1571170 *KEVI: (..) And I don't ⌈4 even think ⌉4 they cut em (.) on a l- +... 1571170_1572950 *WEND: ⌊4 cut ⌋4 +... 1571660_1571960 *KEVI: (.) on a sea:m . 1572950_1573650 *MARC: (.) Yeah they tried to . 1573650_1575100 *KEVI: (.) Well they tried ⌈ to . 1575100_1575950 *KEND: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 1575820_1576270 *MARC: ⌊ They tried ⌋ to . 1575670_1576720 *KEVI: but ⌉ . 1575950_1576270 *WEND: (.) But ⌈2 I don't know ⌉2 . 1576720_1577320 *KEVI: ⌊2 she did a ⌋2 great job with it . 1576890_1578140 *MARC: (.) Oh that's ⌈3 good ⌉3 . 1578140_1578970 *WEND: ⌊3 We've ⌋3 been taking a lot of ⌈4 stuff in to her . 1578740_1580090 *MARC: ⌊4 She's +... 1579610_1580090 *WEND: cause ⌉4 +... 1580090_1580590 *MARC: (.) She's ⌋4 doing you know the k- +/. 1580090_1581590 *MARC: ⌈5 the k- &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 1581590_1582290 *KEND: ⌊5 &=THROAT ⌋5 . 1581590_1582240 *MARC: &=in I +/. 1582290_1582890 *MARC: I can't get over . 1582890_1583640 *MARC: Grandma (.) m:akes us a quilt 1583640_1585240 (.) and she makes a double-bed quilt for our king-size bed 1585240_1588090 (.) so of course it doesn't fit . 1588090_1589340 *MARC: (.) So 1589340_1589690 ⌈ &=in I [% laugh] ⌉ +... 1589690_1590690 *KEVI: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋ . 1589740_1590690 *KEND: ⌊ So she's &{l=X giving &}l=X it ⌋ to me . 1589690_1591050 *MARC: (.) I bought some extra: (..) calico 1591050_1594550 to put around ⌈ the e⌉dges . 1594550_1595800 *WEND: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 1595110_1595470 *MARC: three sides . 1595800_1596500 *MARC: &=THROAT 1596500_1597100 (.) Three years it's been sitting here 1597100_1598450 and I haven't done it 1598450_1599150 so I took it in to Edna 1599150_1600150 so she's gonna do it . 1600150_1601400 *KEN: (.) &=THROAT ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 1601400_1602500 *KEVI: ⌊ She does a good ⌋ job . 1601950_1602750 *MARC: (..) Yeah . 1602750_1604000 *KEVI: (..) Hm . 1604000_1604650 *MARC: (.) &=in Well she made me the wedding outfit . 1604650_1606450 *KEND: &=COUGH ⌈ &=lengthened &=COUGH ⌉ . 1606450_1607350 *MARC: ⌊ Did you see it ⌋ ? 1606600_1607350 *KEVI: Mhm . 1607350_1607600 *MARC: (.) I should've worn it tonight . 1607600_1609050 *KEVI: ⌈ &=in Yeah ⌉ . 1609050_1609570 *MARC: ⌊ I keep for⌋getting to wear that when you're over here . 1609050_1611760 *KEVI: &{l=X You &}l=X should⌈2've ⌉2 . 1611760_1612150 *WEND: ⌊2 You ⌋2 shou:ld . 1611980_1612480 *MARC: (.) Wear my ⌈3 Nigerian ⌉3 ⌈4 wedding outfit &=ex ⌉4 . 1612480_1615530 *KEVI: ⌊3 &=in That's the prob⌋3⌊4lem: . 1613400_1614550 *WEND: ⌊3 ʔuh: ⌋3 . 1613750_1614250 *KEVI: We have: such ⌋4 nice (.) African outfits 1614550_1616950 but we can't wear em 1616950_1617720 cause we're not missionaries to Africa [% laugh] . 1617720_1619120 *KEVI: &=laugh &=lengthened . 1619120_1619520 *MARC: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=in 1619520_1621070 (.) ⌈ You should wear them ⌉ ⌈2 over here for your ⌉2 ⌈3 birthday [% laugh] party [% laugh] . 1621070_1624120 *KEND: ⌊ &=ex &=lengthened ⌋ . 1621370_1622250 *KEN: ⌊2 &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌋2 . 1622300_1623100 *KEND: ⌊3 &{l=VOX G-Oh: &}l=VOX . 1623100_1624050 *MARC: &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 1624120_1624790 *KEND: cut it ou⌋3:t . 1624050_1625030 *WEND: (.) I got it . 1625030_1625700 *KEVI: (.) ⌈ Good ⌉ . 1625700_1626400 *MARC: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1626050_1626400 *WEND: ⌊ Let me ⌋ see . 1626100_1626720 *WEND: &=in (.) Oh 1626720_1627520 now you put it back up [% laugh] &=ex . 1627520_1628770 *KEVI: ⌈ &=laugh &=lengthened ⌉ . 1628770_1629190 *MARC: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1628770_1629930 *WEND: &=in ⌈2 There ⌉2 . 1629930_1630830 *MARC: ⌊2 &=ex ⌋2 . 1630430_1630830 *KEVI: ⌊2 Has a ⌋2 homing device . 1630430_1631330 *WEND: (.) &{l=@ Homing devi:ce &}l=@ . 1631330_1633180 *WEND: (.) &=in Homing device fleck up . 1633180_1634730 *WEND: ⌈ Gross ⌉ . 1634980_1635360 *MARC: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 Fleck [% laugh] up [% laugh] ⌉2 . 1634780_1636700 *KEVI: ⌊2 What did you say 1635860_1636310 Kendie ⌋2 . 1636310_1636700 *MARC: (.) &=in Gross . 1636700_1637900 *KEND: (.) Gross . 1637900_1638500 *KEVI: (.) ⌈ Gross ⌉ . 1638500_1638900 *MARC: ⌊ She ⌋ said gross . 1638670_1639670 *MARC: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 1639720_1641470 (.) &=in &=laugh . 1641470_1642270 *KEVI: Well . 1642270_1642670 *WEND: (.) Well 1642670_1643570 anyway . 1643570_1644780 @End