@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: DORI DORIS Speaker, ANGE ANGELA Speaker, ENV ENV Environment, SAM SAM Speaker, X X Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|DORI|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ANGE|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ENV|||||Environment||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|SAM|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|X|||||Speaker||| @Media: 11, audio @Comment: This Retirement Bit @Comment: A conversation among three friends before lunch, recorded in Tucson, Arizona. All three participants are retired women; Samantha (Sam) is 72, Doris is 83, and Angela is 90. *DORI: (..) Sam has been 0_5880 (.) has taken such an interest in this retirement bit . 5880_8580 *DORI: (.) &=in (..) That it +/. 8580_9950 *DORI: (.) it really surprises me . 9950_11550 *ANGE: (.) Well she's begun to listen . 11600_13350 *DORI: (.) Yes she has . 13350_14300 *ANGE: You know 14300_14690 &=in . 14690_15030 *DORI: She has . 15030_15680 *ANGE: (..) uh: 15680_16500 she used to (.) &=in go over and ⌈ read a book . 16500_19000 *DORI: ⌊ ʔuh_Yeah or ⌋ . 18250_19380 *ANGE: or something ⌉ . 19000_19630 *DORI: b- turn a deaf ear . 19630_20710 *DORI: That was for sure [% laugh] . 20710_21710 *DORI: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 21710_23040 *ANGE: ⌊ &=in Bu:t uh⌋: 21950_23360 (..) once you understand it 23360_25290 (.) you ⌈ know ⌉ you: . 25290_26290 *DORI: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 25540_25840 *ANGE: you:'re interested in getting right in 26290_28080 and going after it . 28080_28880 *DORI: Yeah . 28880_29130 *DORI: (.) &=in I really oughta call 29130_30670 at least Reg Barr 30670_31690 and ask if: uh 31690_32670 (..) &=in he's still speaking to me 32670_35100 (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 35100_36380 *ANGE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Well now he was the one that was up on the &=in ʔuh ⌈2 left . 36320_39360 *DORI: ⌊2 Yeah . 38700_38970 *ANGE: (.) Up there . 39360_39840 *DORI: (.) Yeah . 39430_39770 *DORI: Yes ⌋2 . 39770_40200 *ANGE: &=in ⌉2 Well he came over to you all smiles 39850_42330 I notice⌈d ⌉ . 42340_43080 *DORI: ⌊ N_yes ⌋ . 42980_43730 *DORI: (.) Well 43730_44020 we've known each other for thirty some years 44020_46020 why wouldn't he [% laugh] . 46020_46670 *DORI: &=in But a- anyway: 46670_48330 (.) u:m 48330_48920 (..) I was so glad that he opened up on this disclosure bit . 48920_54450 *DORI: (..) because it was &{n=POUND &=nonvocal Bu:rns that's been ob &=nonvocal jecting to our &=nonvocal having it &}n=POUND . 54450_58880 *ANGE: (..) Oh ? 58880_59380 *DORI: (.) And I knew this . 59380_60580 *DORI: (.) &=in So when he opened up on that 60580_62830 and she followed through 62830_64080 and told about her husband 64130_65380 (..) &=in you know ? 65380_66810 *ENV: (..) &=DOOR . 66810_68240 *DORI: Not necessarily that she would approve of it 68240_71070 (..) but at least she wasn't disapproving +... 71070_73600 *ANGE: (.) Yeah . 73600_74030 *DORI: +, (.) of it . 74030_74480 *ANGE: Yeah . 74480_74780 *DORI: (..) &=SNIFF An:d uh 74780_76610 (..) &=in course Duvall might- +/. 76610_78310 *DORI: ʔuh: And I- +/. 78310_78790 *DORI: (.) I cannot get over this . 78790_80340 *DORI: (..) That man . 80430_81290 *DORI: (.) I really cannot . 81290_82420 *DORI: (.) &=in And you know 82420_83460 (.) he must have been thinking 83460_84960 (..) when he said he wasn't a political appointee 84960_88240 &=in he must have been ʔʔassociating (.) &=in his relationship (.) wi:th (.) Steit⌈ler ⌉ . 88240_93520 *ENV: ⌊ &=MICROPHONE ⌋ . 93520_93520 *ANGE: (..) Oh . 93520_94190 *ENV: &{n=MICROPHONE . 94190_94190 *DORI: (..) I really do believe that . 94190_95990 *ANGE: Mhm . 95990_96680 *DORI: (..) In his thinking . 96680_97420 *DORI: (..) I don't know how else he could have (.) done it . 97420_100450 *DORI: That (..) topples over . 100450_101790 *ENV: &}n=MICROPHONE . 101790_101790 *DORI: (..) Um . 101790_103610 *SAM: &=in &=lengthened . 103610_103900 *DORI: &=in but he didn't say that . 103900_105810 *ANGE: (.) Oh . 105810_106380 *DORI: (..) He said I loved your ʔuh hum- (.) humor 106380_110730 (..) uh 110730_111700 (..) and I love you 111700_112780 (.) but 112780_113250 (..) &{l=Q I: am no:t a political appointee &}l=Q . 113250_116220 *DORI: And his eyes were ⌈ just snapping ⌉ . 116220_117630 *ANGE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 116870_119060 *DORI: ⌊2 And I ⌋2 said &{l=Q oh &}l=Q ? 118660_119870 *DORI: ⌈3 &=laugh &=lengthened ⌉3 . 119870_120350 *ANGE: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 119910_120700 *DORI: &{l=Q How did you get on the board &}l=Q . 120700_122080 *ANGE: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 122080_122580 *DORI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Well he said 122330_122970 I got a letter from the gover⌈nor (.) asking ⌉ . 122970_125240 *ANGE: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 124400_127260 *DORI: (..) ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh Every⌉2body on there is an app- political appointee: . 127260_131680 *ANGE: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 128040_128730 *DORI: (.) &=in that wasn't the p:oint . 131680_133790 *ANGE: (..) &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 133790_134900 *DORI: ⌊ The point ⌋ wa:s 134270_135730 (..) &=in I could have mentioned what was in the paper about hi:m 135730_139240 that he was related 139240_140380 ʔuh you know 140380_140740 had business with Steitler 140740_142180 (.) &=in And I just said 142180_143490 and there's: (.) Doctor Duvall 143490_145530 (.) &=SNIFF (.) you know ? 145530_146960 *DORI: (.) &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ &=laugh . 146960_148660 *ANGE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 147810_148100 *DORI: (.) &=in And then I went to Rotus 148660_150800 (..) who's a seasoned (..) ⌈ pol⌉itician . 150800_153430 *ANGE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 152260_152550 *DORI: (.) if there ever was one 153430_154690 (..) &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &{l=@ he just would flare &}l=@ . 154690_157660 *DORI: (.) &=in And I said 157660_158590 well I- +/. 158590_158950 *DORI: Alrigh:t . 158950_159340 *DORI: I said 159340_159660 I'll apologize next time . 159660_161200 *DORI: (..) &=in ʔuh And I'm gonna make hay out of it . 161200_164010 *DORI: Don't you worry . 164010_164900 *DORI: (.) &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 164900_166510 *ANGE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 164980_166720 *DORI: &=in ⌉ &{l=SM I wanna know how you birds got on that board 166510_168800 if you're not &}l=SM &{l=@ political app⌈ointees &}l=@ ⌉ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 168800_172470 *ANGE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ 170130_170920 ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 171920_172410 &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh ⌉3 . 172470_173410 *DORI: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 172940_174480 *ANGE: ⌊4 Mm ⌋4 . 173810_174150 *DORI: &=in Oh: my . 174480_175840 *ANGE: (..) &=in Can I grow some basil ? 175840_182890 *ANGE: (..) From seed ? 182890_184200 *SAM: (..) Yes 184200_184970 that's how I've- +/. 184970_185710 *SAM: &=in I don't have any this year 185710_187310 but I've grown it other years . 187310_189020 *ANGE: (.) &=in &=lengthened ⌈ &{l=X Well &}l=X ⌉ +... 189020_189930 *SAM: ⌊ There's ⌋ no problem . 189470_190430 *SAM: It will not take any frost . 190430_192140 *SAM: Soon as the b- +/. 192140_192770 *SAM: &=in . 192770_193500 *ANGE: (.) Yeah ⌈ I- ⌉ +... 193500_194190 *SAM: ⌊ A little bit ⌋ of frost 193840_194820 (..) ⌈2 it's ⌉2 gone . 194820_195930 *ANGE: ⌊2 I l- ⌋2 +/. 195000_195600 *ANGE: I learned that . 196050_196910 *ANGE: (..) one time ⌈ the- ⌉ +... 196910_198040 *SAM: ⌊ I learned ⌋ it just went down . 197770_199180 *ANGE: the hard way . 199180_200040 *ANGE: Hm ? 200040_200730 *ANGE: (..) Uh huh . 200730_201190 *SAM: Yes ? 201190_201880 *ANGE: &=in Well I think it was Barbara that (..) has some seeds . 201880_205310 *SAM: (..) Just- +/. 205310_206170 *SAM: No problem . 206170_207040 *SAM: It comes ⌈ right ⌉ up . 207040_208080 *ANGE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 207410_207600 *ANGE: (..) Yeah . 208080_208750 *DORI: (..) Isn't ⌈ that ⌉ what you gave the neighbor one time ? 208750_212010 *SAM: ⌊ I- ⌋ +... 210030_210200 *DORI: (..) You gave him some ⌈2 kind of herb ⌉2 . 212010_215160 *SAM: ⌊2 Did I give him some ⌋2 +/. 214430_215540 *SAM: (.) I gave him a red pepper . 215540_217290 *DORI: (..) I think you- +/. 217290_218670 *DORI: I think you gave him (..) some (..) herb of some ⌈ kind ⌉ . 218670_221800 *SAM: ⌊ I may have ⌋ given- given him some basil 221430_223360 ⌈2 yes ⌉2 . 223360_224180 *DORI: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 223770_224260 *SAM: (.) &=in I don't have any this year 224260_225690 I forgot to plant it 225690_226620 (..) I have oregano . 226620_227760 *ANGE: (.) Yeah . 227760_228230 *SAM: a good stand of it 228230_229460 if you want any . 229460_230400 *ANGE: (..) Yeah . 230400_231170 *ANGE: (..) I have a lot of dried (..) or- oregano . 231170_234930 *SAM: X . 234930_235210 *DORI: (.) Is your cigarette out 235210_236590 (..) everybody's . 236590_237210 *ANGE: (.) Yeah 237210_237630 it's out . 237630_238200 *DORI: (..) You smoked it down into the (.) cork 238200_241880 didn't you . 241880_242450 *ANGE: (..) Pardon ? 242450_243900 *DORI: (.) &=in You smoked it down into the cork . 243900_246120 *ANGE: (.) &=in Well 246120_246880 yeah 246880_247270 you don't ⌈ like that ⌉ . 247270_248310 *DORI: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 247790_248330 *ANGE: Do you but +... 248330_248920 *DORI: (.) &=in No 248920_249430 It chokes me to death . 249430_250460 *ANGE: ⌈ It's- ⌉ +... 250460_250810 *DORI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh . 250730_251380 *ANGE: It's there 251380_252050 might as well smoke it . 252050_253230 *DORI: (..) &{l=X Oh &}l=X . 253230_253820 *ANGE: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 253820_254590 *DORI: (..) &=in No good . 254590_256410 *ANGE: (.) No good . 256410_257370 *ANGE: (..) ⌈ Uh ⌉ . 257370_260070 *DORI: ⌊ &=tsk &=in ⌋ . 258720_263430 *ANGE: (..) how's Ted doing . 263430_264670 *SAM: (..) &=in He's ʔuh keeping very busy 264670_267710 he's on mostly: uh evening hours . 267710_270220 *ANGE: (..) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 270220_270940 *SAM: ⌊ &=in ⌋ they're redoing the: pharmacy there at Wel- Wallmart . 270650_274140 *ANGE: ⌈2 Oh ⌉2 ? 274140_274680 *SAM: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 (..) Enlarging it . 274410_276050 *SAM: (..) A:nd . 276050_277220 *ANGE: (.) ⌈ Well ⌉ . 277220_277590 *SAM: ⌊ it's ⌋ close to the garden shop 277400_279210 (..) and so the f:ellows in the garden shop 279210_281730 and the pet shop 281730_282820 &=in have to (..) &=in move things out from that ⌈ area . 282820_287360 *ANGE: ⌊ oh: ⌋ . 287140_287930 *SAM: into ⌉ the garden shop 287360_288770 so they can work (.) on the (..) pharmacy . 288770_291630 *ANGE: &=in Well they needed to expand the pharmacy 291630_294090 I've never been there 294090_295010 but 295010_295300 (.) &=in what I had to wait and wait and wait . 295300_297840 *SAM: (..) So I: don't- +... 297840_299370 *DORI: (..) Where are they putting the pharma⌈cy ⌉ . 299370_301020 *SAM: ⌊ Well they're ⌋ b- (.) leaving it in the same place 300890_302950 they're just (.) &=in taking out two rows of 302950_305970 (..) of uh: . 305970_307880 *ANGE: (..) S:- +... 307880_308840 *SAM: where the (..) toiletries were . 308840_310670 *ANGE: (..) Yeah . 310670_311190 *ANGE: (..) Just inventory stuff . 311190_313850 *ANGE: (..) Moving ⌈ it ⌉ . 313850_314510 *SAM: ⌊ ʔuh ⌋ (.) ʔuh They're +/. 314280_315110 *SAM: they're moving that . 315110_315870 *SAM: I don't know where 315870_316560 where they're going to put all that . 316560_317960 *ANGE: (.) ⌈ Hm ⌉ . 317960_318730 *DORI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 318140_318830 *SAM: (..) But Ted says there's ⌈2 not much ⌉2 garden left . 318830_320900 *DORI: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 . 319860_320350 *SAM: Just 320900_321190 (..) all of this stuff 321190_323070 (..) out in there 323070_324360 (.) &=in he works uh (.) six days next week 324360_327470 (..) &=tsk (..) ⌈ &=THROAT ⌉ instead of five days . 327470_331130 *ANGE: ⌊ X ⌋ . 329320_329610 *SAM: he ⌈2 only gets ⌉2 one day off . 331130_332640 *ANGE: ⌊2 Hm ⌋2 . 331180_331470 *ANGE: (.) M⌈3hm ⌉3 . 332570_333110 *SAM: ⌊3 He's off ⌋3 today . 332840_333900 *ANGE: (.) Mhm . 333900_334470 *SAM: (..) &=tsk &{l=X And uh &}l=X . 334470_337570 *ANGE: (..) ⌈ Well ⌉ . 337570_339440 *SAM: ⌊ but he hasn't ⌋ had day hours 338550_340490 he's been working &=in (..) evening hours and weekends . 340490_343930 *ANGE: (..) you know 343930_345230 (..) I think I'd hate to be in business right now . 345230_348620 *DORI: (..) Oo: . 348620_349670 *ANGE: (.) You can't (.) sit (.) still . 349670_351670 *DORI: (..) Hm-m . 351670_352640 *ANGE: (..) You have to expand 352640_354950 (..) or something . 354950_357210 *DORI: (..) ⌈ &=tsk ⌉ . 357210_357940 *ANGE: ⌊ to keep ⌋ (..) &{l=MRC in the main stream &}l=MRC . 357480_360450 *SAM: (..) &=tsk (..) Well 360450_363550 and so many times when they expand 363550_365270 they've &=in expanded 365270_366680 and then things dropped back . 366680_368110 *ANGE: (..) Yeah . 368110_369030 *SAM: (..) But this Wallmart needs: 369030_371770 (.) ʔuh needs a larger building . 371770_373480 *ANGE: (.) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 373480_374250 *SAM: ⌊ &=in ⌋ It's: just too cramped . 373860_375790 *DORI: Your shirt and beads: (.) are most becoming . 375790_378430 *ANGE: (.) &=in &=lengthened Well you know 378430_379610 I think they weigh about a quarter of an ounce . 379610_382270 *ANGE: &=in ⌈ And that's ⌉ the right kind of beads . 382270_384310 *DORI: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ . 382610_382900 *DORI: (.) for summer . 384310_385120 *ANGE: (.) &=in A little girl the other day 385120_387410 (..) remarked about them 387410_389900 and 389900_390340 &=in (..) almost on impulse 390340_392880 (..) but I didn't do it . 392880_394790 *ANGE: (..) I thought I'd pull em off 394790_396390 just give em to her if she liked em that ⌈ well ⌉ . 396390_398480 *DORI: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 ⌈3 &=laugh ⌉3 ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 398210_399800 *SAM: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 . 398500_398890 *ANGE: ⌊2 You know ⌋2 . 398480_398900 *ANGE: ⌊4 &=in But then I ⌋4 thought 398900_400030 &=in (..) &{l=Q these are the only summer beads I ha:ve &}l=Q . 400030_402660 *DORI: Right . 402660_403150 *DORI: (.) &=in And I like +/. 403150_404360 *DORI: I like that b- (.) shirt . 404360_406070 *ANGE: (..) &=in You know what I had to do . 406070_409040 *ANGE: (..) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened This ⌉ +... 409040_410980 *DORI: ⌊ What did you ⌋ +... 410560_411200 *ANGE: (..) this +/. 411200_411760 *ANGE: (.) &=in See where I sewed right down the middle of that . 411760_415440 *DORI: (.) Yeah ? 415440_416060 *ANGE: (..) Otherwise it would balloo:n out ? 416060_418470 *ANGE: (..) &=in And so I s- 418470_421390 &=in (.) put it on the machine 421390_422640 and sewed right down through the middle of it . 422640_424360 *ANGE: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 424360_424860 *SAM: ⌊ So it doesn't ⌋ gap . 424410_425350 *SAM: ⌈2 &=COUGH ⌉2 . 425350_425770 *ANGE: ⌊2 So it ⌋2 (.) d- doesn't gap- [% laugh] &=laugh &=laugh . 425360_427560 *ANGE: (.) Right . 427560_428130 *DORI: (..) Oh 428130_428550 smart . 428550_428990 *ANGE: (..) Yeah . 428990_429760 *ANGE: (..) Well it works . 429760_430650 *ANGE: (..) &=in . 430650_431070 *DORI: ⌈ Smart ⌉ . 431070_431670 *ANGE: ⌊ &=in It had a ⌋ 431070_431760 &=in it had a 431760_433050 (..) one of tho:se (..) bottoms that +... 433050_436360 *DORI: (..) Oh: . 436360_437390 *ANGE: are +/. 437390_437860 *ANGE: (..) what do you call it . 437860_439270 *SAM: (.) A tail ? 439270_440330 *DORI: (..) No . 440330_441000 *DORI: The tight . 441000_441570 *DORI: It- ⌈ ʔuh ʔuh the band ⌉ . 441570_442800 *SAM: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 442180_442370 *ANGE: ⌊ The t- the ⌋ tight band around ⌈2 the bottom ⌉2 ⌈3 of it ⌉3 . 442180_444530 *DORI: ⌊2 B- ⌋2 ⌊3 band ⌋3 . 443600_444320 *SAM: ⌊3 I don't ⌋3 like those . 444120_445360 *ANGE: (..) I don't either . 445360_446300 *DORI: (..) Makes your butt look ⌈ thin ⌉ . 446300_448310 *ANGE: ⌊ Most ⌋ all of em are that way . 448000_449040 *DORI: ⌈2 Makes your hei- +... 449040_449560 *ANGE: ⌊2 &=in And do you know ⌋2 . 449040_449980 *DORI: makes your ⌉2 heinie look thinner . 449630_451060 *ANGE: (..) &=in I went over to a store 451060_453600 (..) where it says . 453600_455440 *SAM: &=in . 455440_456530 *ANGE: (.) uh: sewing 456530_457790 (..) alterations . 457790_460810 *ANGE: (..) And all that stuff . 460810_461540 *ANGE: &=in And I said 461540_462480 how much do you charge 462480_463910 (..) for taking that (.) bottom band off the top 463910_467270 (.) you know . 467270_468030 *ANGE: (.) &=in And just making it a straight shirt . 468030_470700 *ANGE: (..) And she said 470700_471820 &{n=THUMP} &=in &{l=Q eight dollars &}l=Q . 471820_473000 *ANGE: (.) &=in And I thought 473000_473730 oh my lord 473730_474440 I didn't pay that much for the top I've got on . 474440_476880 *ANGE: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 476880_479250 *SAM: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 476880_477650 *DORI: ⌊2 &=in You know ⌋2 478450_479110 (..) that's a little like these catalog things . 479110_481350 *DORI: I saw something in a cat- +/. 481350_482600 *DORI: the (..) catalog 482600_483760 this USPE deal that- 483760_485350 (..) &=in I've been with for a long time 485350_487850 and 487850_488260 &=THROAT 488260_488850 (..) &=in I wanted to buy it 488850_490600 &=ex (.) &=in It was a: m- 490600_492750 m- like a muumuu . 492750_493890 *ANGE: (..) Mhm . 493890_494950 *DORI: weren't those pretty ones up 494950_496080 in: Dillards the other day 496080_497710 those muumuus 497710_498380 did you notice em ? 498380_499420 *DORI: (..) &=in Didn't you notice em 499420_501130 as you went out 501130_502170 (..) all beautiful colors ? 502170_504430 *DORI: (..) So pretty . 504430_506040 *DORI: (.) &=in Well anyway 506040_507010 they were on the rack . 507010_508140 *DORI: (..) &=in And uh 508140_509680 (..) &=tsk &=in I wanted to order that muumuu 509680_513250 (..) I mean it was around twenty-nine dollars 513250_515340 or something like that 515340_516480 (.) &=in and two pairs of short pajamas . 516480_519170 *DORI: (..) One for Sam 519170_520210 and one for me . 520210_520950 *DORI: (..) &=in A:nd &=ex 520950_523810 (..) I looked at the postage (.) attached to it . 523810_527380 *ANGE: &=in . 527380_527870 *DORI: (.) &=in and I thought good heavens . 527870_530250 *DORI: It would have been around eight dollar- . 530250_531800 *DORI: It's by (.) amounts of &{n=POUND &=nonvocal money &=nonvocal &=nonvocal . 531800_534040 *DORI: (..) Not &=nonvocal weight . 534040_534700 *DORI: It's by &=nonvocal money . 534700_535660 *DORI: (.) &=nonvocal &=nonvocal How much &=nonvocal m:oney this costs . 535660_537660 *DORI: (..) And it's &=nonvocal geared according to &=nonvocal that &}n=POUND . 537660_540250 *DORI: (..) &=in And I thought 540250_541380 ʔuh forget it . 541380_542390 *DORI: I could take that eight dollars 542390_543750 and buy another whole (.) outfit . 543750_545410 *ANGE: (..) Yeah 545410_546560 (.) you know 546560_547020 this is amazing . 547020_548080 *ANGE: &=in Uh: 548080_548950 (.) I like to get: um (..) pillow covers . 548950_551720 *ANGE: (.) That you zip on 551720_552850 &=in ⌈ to protect ⌉ the pillows ? 552850_554380 *DORI: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 553210_553500 *DORI: (..) Mhm . 554380_554950 *ANGE: (..) And uh 554950_556190 (.) I went over to Sears 556190_557850 (..) one time 557850_559570 and or:dered three . 559570_561280 *ANGE: (..) Through the (..) catalog ? 561280_564500 *ANGE: (..) &=in And ⌈ instead ⌉ of sending it in with a shipment or anything . 564500_569060 *SAM: ⌊ &=tsk ⌋ . 566350_566650 *ANGE: (.) &=in I paid postage on it separate . 569060_571750 *DORI: (.) Yeah . 571750_572120 *ANGE: &=in And do you know the postage came to more +... 572120_574560 *DORI: +, (..) Than the g- +/. 574560_575170 *DORI: than the product . 575170_575930 *ANGE: (.) more than the product . 575930_577160 *DORI: Right . 577160_577750 *DORI: (..) Right . 577750_578420 *ANGE: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 578420_579290 *DORI: (.) &=in Well I +/. 579290_580120 *DORI: I: w- +/. 580120_580880 *DORI: (..) ʔuh That's one of the letters that I'm going to write to USPE . 580880_584130 *DORI: (..) &=in (.) And just tell them . 584130_586280 *ANGE: &=SNIFF . 586280_586770 *DORI: (..) That they're g:earing this in the wrong way . 586770_589640 *DORI: (..) It should be geared according to weight . 589640_592130 *DORI: (..) Now . 592130_593920 *DORI: (..) That g- (..) cotton +/. 593920_595680 *DORI: (.) two pairs of cotton pajamas 595680_597590 (..) and that cotton (.) muumuu 597590_600320 (.) ain't gonna weigh up to eight &{l=@ dollars worth 600320_602580 ⌈ Believe &}l=@ you me ⌉ . 602580_603790 *ANGE: ⌊ I wouldn't think 602680_603740 No ⌋ . 603740_603980 *DORI: I know better . 603980_604640 *DORI: (.) &=in So 604640_605600 (..) I thought th- 605600_606690 (.) I just won't (..) order from em . 606690_608230 *DORI: I m- +/. 608230_608540 *DORI: (..) That's (.) foolish . 608590_609730 *SAM: &=in We better go up to Dillards 609730_611330 and see if they still have those muumuus . 611330_613420 *DORI: (..) You mean up to Phoenix ? 613420_614780 *SAM: (..) No: 614780_615400 well- they might have them here 615400_616710 in town . 616710_617330 *DORI: (.) &=in I ⌈ don't know . 617330_618460 *SAM: ⌊ At Dillards ⌋ . 618070_618740 *DORI: (.) They ⌉ +/. 618740_618940 *DORI: they were sure pretty . 618940_619830 *DORI: (..) Pretty c- +/. 619830_621890 *DORI: (.) pretty colors . 621890_622850 *DORI: (.) ⌈ Some of ⌉ em were ⌈2 dark ⌉2 . 622850_624160 *X: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 623000_623490 *X: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 623690_624160 *DORI: but they had 624160_624820 (.) &=in oh 624820_625680 (.) purples and 625680_626690 ʔuh r:eds and 626690_627900 (.) pinks and 627900_628760 oh 628760_629050 pretty ⌈ designs ⌉ in em . 629050_630690 *ANGE: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 629670_630160 *ANGE: &=in . 630690_630930 *DORI: (.) You didn't see em . 630930_632360 *ANGE: (..) I don't think I was- +/. 632360_634210 *ANGE: &=in I was +/. 634210_635150 *ANGE: (..) I think I was concerned about your getting there and back . 635150_638830 *ANGE: ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 638830_639100 *DORI: ⌊ Oh [% laugh] ⌋ . 638860_639100 *SAM: Oh 639100_639290 ⌈ hunh [% laugh] ⌉ . 639290_639530 *DORI: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ 639270_639500 &{l=@ You're not the only one baby &}l=@ . 639530_641020 *ANGE: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 641020_642060 *DORI: ⌊ &=laugh &=in ⌋ 641340_642110 You weren't ⌈2 the only one ⌉2 . 642110_643140 *ANGE: ⌊2 &=in &=lengthened ⌋2 . 642620_642910 *DORI: Sam 643140_643380 I was just dripping +/. 643380_644310 *DORI: (..) &=in I was ⌈ just soaked ⌉ . 644310_645870 *SAM: ⌊ Buckets ⌋ ? 645160_645700 *DORI: (.) I was just absolutely soaked . 645870_647680 *DORI: (.) Wasn't I . 647680_648290 *ANGE: (.) Yeah . 648290_648610 *ANGE: &=in She c- &=in came in 648610_649770 and sat down in ⌈ the rest⌉aurant . 649770_651280 *SAM: ⌊ &=COUGH ⌋ . 650720_650960 *ANGE: You know and spent 651280_652170 &=in (..) the first ten or fif⌈teen min⌉utes . 652170_654910 *DORI: ⌊ ʔuh ⌋ 654060_654450 ⌈2 &=in ⌉2 . 655030_655490 *ANGE: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 654990_655480 &=in stopping the flow of +/. 655480_656900 *ANGE: ⌈ &=in ⌉ &=in (..) trickling down her neck . 656900_659380 *DORI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 657140_657430 *SAM: ⌈2 Oh: ⌉2 . 659380_660020 *ANGE: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 &=laugh ⌉3 . 659800_660360 *DORI: ⌊3 Oh⌋3: terrible . 660080_661000 *DORI: (..) Just terrible . 661000_662010 *ANGE: (..) Oh well . 662010_664110 *ANGE: (..) &=in . 664110_665260 *DORI: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 665260_665550 *ANGE: ⌊ I +/. 665550_665870 *ANGE: (.) ⌋ My other Do:ris (.) does the same thing . 665870_668540 *SAM: (..) &=tsk Oh ⌈2 does she ⌉2 ? 668540_669470 *ANGE: ⌊2 X ⌋2 . 669050_669540 *ANGE: Yeah . 669540_669830 *DORI: (..) &=in Well what is it . 669830_671840 *ANGE: (..) I don't know . 671840_673440 *ANGE: She does⌈n't know ⌉ . 673440_674250 *SAM: ⌊ Well some ⌋ people just perspire +... 673920_675680 *DORI: Well I didn't ⌈2 persp- (.) use to ⌉2 perspire like that . 675680_677940 *SAM: +, ⌊2 more ⌋2 . 676540_676910 *DORI: (.) but I sure have done it +... 678110_679200 *SAM: (.) no 679200_679620 ⌈ not to that ex⌉tent you ⌈2 didn't ⌉2 . 679620_681320 *DORI: +, ⌊ recently ⌋ . 679770_680360 *DORI: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 ʔuh Th- that 681300_682190 (.) and the time we were up in uh: 682190_684160 (..) M- Montgomery Wards . 684160_687300 *DORI: Re⌈member ⌉ ? 687300_687990 *SAM: ⌊ Oh: ⌋ ye⌈2:s ⌉2 . 687840_689010 *DORI: ⌊2 Oh boy ⌋2 was I soaked . 688620_690050 *SAM: (..) That was just +... 690050_691530 *DORI: And that was in the winter . 691530_692690 *SAM: +, (.) weakness . 692690_693650 *SAM: (..) Exertion . 693650_696030 *DORI: (..) Well maybe that's what this was . 696030_697930 *DORI: (.) ⌈ But anyway ⌉ . 697930_698790 *ANGE: ⌊ &=tsk &=in I wish ⌋ the stores would ⌈2 open earlier ⌉2 . 698360_700830 *DORI: ⌊2 &=in Ear⌋2lier . 699940_701010 *DORI: (..) Yes . 701010_702080 *DORI: (.) ⌈ I do too ⌉ . 702080_702970 *SAM: ⌊ Instead of ten ⌋ o'clock 702300_703390 ⌈2 in the summer⌉2time they oughta open at least at nine . 703390_706380 *DORI: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 . 703430_703920 *ANGE: &=in &=lengthened ⌈3 Well it would he- ⌉3 +... 706380_708090 *DORI: ⌊3 I'd say eight ⌋3 . 707230_708090 *ANGE: (.) ʔuh it would help . 708090_709020 *ANGE: Eight o'clock would ⌈ be fine ⌉ . 709020_710650 *SAM: ⌊ you hate to ⌋ start out (..) at ten o'⌈2clock ⌉2 . 710070_712600 *DORI: ⌊2 I'd ⌋2 say eight 712560_713370 (.) and quit at four . 713370_714600 *SAM: (..) &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 714600_715470 *ANGE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ You know the little folks who live above ⌈2 me ⌉2 . 715230_718040 *DORI: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 Mhm . 717830_718700 *ANGE: (..) &=in go over to (.) Tucson Mall 718700_721420 and ⌈ walk ⌉ every ⌈2 morning ⌉2 . 721420_722680 *DORI: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ 721680_721970 ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 722370_722860 *DORI: (.) ⌈3 That's good ⌉3 . 722860_723620 *ANGE: ⌊3 &=in And there's ⌋3 a side door . 723340_724750 *DORI: (..) Mhm . 724750_725720 *ANGE: (.) Unlocked . 725720_726490 *ANGE: So that they can go in 726490_727750 (..) oh I ⌈ think ⌉ +... 727750_729230 *DORI: ⌊ A lotta ⌋ people do that . 728510_730140 *ANGE: (..) They go r:- ⌈2 uh- at least ⌉2 by eight o'clock . 730140_732900 *DORI: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 730770_731660 (.) Yeah . 732900_733570 *ANGE: (..) And they go: ⌈ i:n ⌉ . 733570_734600 *DORI: ⌊ They go ⌋ in and walk . 734280_735410 *ANGE: (..) and then they know X 735410_736820 &=in so many times around 736820_738650 ⌈ you know ⌉ . 738650_739100 *DORI: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 738670_739160 *DORI: (.) ⌈2 Mhm ⌉2 . 739160_739730 *ANGE: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 will um 739440_740300 (..) &=tsk make a mile . 740300_741930 *ANGE: (..) And then there's a: 742030_744500 (.) soft drink place up there that they all congregate . 744500_747610 *SAM: Oh . 747610_747950 *SAM: &=laugh &=laugh . 747950_748340 *ANGE: And uh . 748340_748910 *DORI: (..) Why don't you join em . 748910_750320 *ANGE: (..) and they have pi:ns 750320_751950 when they &=in cover fifty miles 751950_754160 or whatever ⌈ you know . 754160_755050 *DORI: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 754880_755170 *ANGE: and a hun⌉dred miles of 755170_756300 &=in &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=in ⌉2 . 756600_757660 *SAM: ⌊2 What out⌋2fit is this from . 757130_758510 *SAM: Oasis ? 758510_759300 *ANGE: (.) &=in No . 759300_760360 *DORI: &=in ⌈ no . 760360_761260 *ANGE: ⌊ it's a- ⌋ +... 760910_761470 *DORI: it's just ⌉ a neighborhood thing . 761260_762850 *DORI: (.) ⌈2 It's just people ⌉2 around in that area . 762850_765190 *ANGE: ⌊2 it's n:e- ⌋2 +... 763040_763500 *DORI: &=in and they go there to walk . 765190_766840 *SAM: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 766840_767430 *DORI: ⌊ I think ⌋ . 767380_767950 *DORI: (..) &=in I think that's it . 767900_769910 *DORI: (..) But uh: 769910_772400 (..) &=in I- +/. 772400_773840 *DORI: uh +/. 773840_774010 *DORI: we've been over there 774010_775030 and we've seen em go in 775030_776230 (..) and all they're doing is just walking . 776230_778250 *ANGE: (..) Mhm . 778250_779550 *ANGE: (..) &=in &=ex They might be good people 779550_782490 we could &=in cultivate to (.) hunt things for us . 782490_785750 *SAM: (..) &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ ⌈2 &=laugh &=in ⌉2 . 785750_787310 *DORI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 785980_786870 *ANGE: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 786970_787360 *DORI: ⌈3 Yeah . 787360_787700 *SAM: ⌊3 &{l=@ You mean look in the ⌋3 window &}l=@ ⌈4 &=laugh ⌉4 . 787530_788900 *DORI: Now that's ⌉3 +/. 787800_788460 *DORI: ⌊4 that's an ⌋4 idea . 788730_789790 *DORI: (.) &=laugh ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 789790_791760 *ANGE: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 . 790070_791770 *DORI: (.) &=in Instead of having to parade all around ⌈6 looking for it . 791770_794600 *ANGE: ⌊6 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋6 . 793980_795070 *DORI: (.) they're ⌉6 around 794600_795360 why not tell us where ⌈7 that is ⌉7 . 795360_796760 *ANGE: ⌊7 Well yeah ⌋7 796260_796730 well ⌈8 they can explain . 796730_797970 *DORI: ⌊8 &=in &=THROAT ⌋8 . 797350_797920 *ANGE: &=in ⌉8 and they can take no:tes . 797970_799430 *DORI: ⌈9 &=THROAT . 799320_799810 *ANGE: ⌊9 as they go arou:nd ⌋9 . 799480_800470 *DORI: (.) ʔuh (.) Of cour⌉9:se . 800470_801280 *ANGE: (..) &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 801280_802380 *DORI: ⌊ Make it ⌋ pay off . 802050_803040 *DORI: &=laugh &=laugh 803040_803530 ⌈ Be glad to ⌉ shop for you . 803280_804790 *ANGE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ 803330_804020 Charge a fee . 804790_805750 *DORI: (.) ⌈ Right ⌉ . 805750_806620 *ANGE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 806030_806520 *DORI: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 &=laugh &=laugh . 806520_807810 *ANGE: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 806860_807250 ⌈3 &=SNIFF ⌉3 . 807810_808340 *DORI: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 807840_808990 *ANGE: &=in ʔuh . 808990_809560 *DORI: &=in . 809560_809850 *ANGE: I still haven't found anybody that wants to 809850_812740 (..) let me pay a little fee 812740_815540 and then 815540_816160 (..) call em every morning 816160_819210 (..) that I'm (.) up and around . 819210_821760 *DORI: (..) What what what w- +/. 821760_823270 *DORI: (.) Back up a minute . 823270_824300 *DORI: Do what ? 824300_824870 *ANGE: (..) ⌈ &=in I- +... 824870_826710 *DORI: ⌊ You'll pay (.) to be called ⌋ ? 825890_827850 *ANGE: I've been looking for ⌉ somebody 826710_828380 who will sit by the phone in the morning 828380_830550 (..) and a- +/. 830550_832240 *ANGE: (..) and clients will call in and say 832240_834480 &{l=Q good morning 834480_835440 I'm up &}l=Q . 835440_836300 *ANGE: (..) &=laugh &=laugh 836300_837200 (.) &=in And so th- +/. 837200_838910 *ANGE: (.) they're through for the day: then . 838910_840610 *ANGE: (.) I'm up . 840610_841670 *ANGE: &=in If I don't call in by say: nine o'clock . 841670_844690 *ANGE: (..) ⌈ &=in Then ⌉ +... 844690_845970 *DORI: ⌊ &=in well ⌋ I'll be glad to do that for a fee . 845300_847940 *ANGE: (..) You will ? 847940_848700 *DORI: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 848700_849040 *ANGE: ⌊ How much ⌋ is the ⌈2 fee: though: ⌉2 . 848870_850780 *DORI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 849820_852530 *ANGE: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 851170_852940 *SAM: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=in ⌋3 . 851550_853210 *DORI: &=in ⌈4 Angela . 853210_853850 *ANGE: ⌊4 &=in &{l=X I don't m- &}l=X &=in ⌋4 +... 853530_854170 *DORI: it- +/. 853850_854020 *DORI: does that ⌉4 b- +/. 854020_854590 *DORI: does it really bother you ? 854590_855770 *ANGE: (..) &=in I'd like to have somebody I could call in to 855770_859050 (.) every morning . 859050_859860 *SAM: &=ex . 859860_860300 *DORI: You call in 860300_861160 (.) or I call in . 861160_862040 *ANGE: &=in I call in and let you- +/. 862040_863930 *ANGE: (..) whoever it is 863930_865020 &=in know I'm up . 865020_866110 *SAM: &=in ⌈ Well ⌉ . 866110_866780 *DORI: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 866540_866780 *SAM: you can do that with us . 866780_868090 *SAM: (.) ⌈ We're up &=in ⌉ +... 868090_868920 *DORI: ⌊ You can do it with X- ⌋ +/. 868400_869500 *DORI: ʔuhʔuh you can do that with us 869500_870850 (..) &=in sometimes we're up at four o'clock . 870850_872990 *DORI: (.) ⌈ &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 872990_875930 *ANGE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 872990_875930 *SAM: ⌊2 &=THROAT ⌋2 875210_875950 ⌈3 we're up early ⌉3 . 875950_876790 *ANGE: ⌊3 &=SNIFF (.) &=laugh ⌋3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 875950_877640 (.) &=in (..) Well 877640_879340 I would like to have it on a business basis ⌈ with somebody ⌉ . 879340_882570 *DORI: ⌊ Well 881900_882040 well alright ⌋ . 882040_882740 *DORI: We'll put it on a business basis . 882740_884540 *ANGE: (..) You will ? 884540_885200 *DORI: (..) Yeah . 885200_885720 *DORI: (..) It's on ⌈ a bus⌉iness basis right now . 885720_888710 *ANGE: ⌊ Well ⌋ . 887390_887630 *DORI: ⌈2 We just ⌉2 formed a corporation &=laugh . 888710_890440 *ANGE: ⌊2 I'll ⌋2 +/. 888870_889030 *ANGE: I'll draw up the papers . 890240_891470 *DORI: You do ⌈ that ⌉ . 891470_892130 *SAM: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh . 891800_892290 *ANGE: &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 892290_893080 *DORI: ⌊2 You do that ⌋2 . 892480_893040 *DORI: We'll have them witnessed 893040_894070 (.) &=in a:nd . 894070_895380 *ANGE: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 895380_896070 *DORI: (.) w- w- we're in business . 896070_898030 *ANGE: (.) Should we have an attorney to advise us . 898030_900250 *DORI: (..) Oh 900250_901040 I think I can do that . 901040_902180 *ANGE: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 902180_902970 *DORI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh . 902570_903660 *ANGE: (.) &=SNIFF 903660_904230 (.) &=laugh &=laugh 904230_904800 &=in Oh . 904800_905870 *DORI: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 905870_909530 *ANGE: (..) &=tsk &=in What else were you cooking in there . 909530_912040 *SAM: (..) Just the: bread pudding . 912040_914770 *SAM: I made uh 914770_915830 (..) bean salad for us for lunch . 915830_918080 *ANGE: (..) Oh you did . 918080_919070 *SAM: (.) You like beans . 919070_920090 *ANGE: Ah yes . 920090_921030 *ANGE: (..) Onions in it ? 921030_924550 *SAM: (.) Oh yes 924550_925410 ⌈ and pickles ⌉ . 925410_926500 *ANGE: ⌊ &=in Le- ⌋ +/. 925480_926050 *ANGE: (..) ⌈2 And egg . 926500_928110 *DORI: ⌊2 And eggs ⌋2 . 926980_928150 *ANGE: listen ⌉2 . 927050_928140 *ANGE: (..) &=tsk &=in I've found out 928140_931590 (..) that (..) ʔuh I can enhance 931590_935560 (..) ʔuh various dishes that I cook 935560_941400 (..) &=in if I use my onion powder and garlic powder . 941400_945770 *ANGE: (.) &=in Not (.) the onion salt 945770_947670 (..) but the +/. 947670_948910 *ANGE: (.) the onion powder . 948910_950460 *DORI: &{l=P Onion pow⌈der &}l=P ⌉ . 950460_951300 *ANGE: ⌊ And you ⌋ shake it on . 951080_952110 *SAM: (.) Yeah . 952110_952680 *ANGE: (.) &=in And I've +/. 952680_954010 *ANGE: (..) ʔuh Other day 954010_955750 somebody was eating lunch at my house . 955750_957970 *SAM: &=ex . 957970_958600 *ANGE: (..) &=tsk &=in and I put some onion powder (..) in the mayonnaise 958600_962310 (.) &=in and put it on some (.) boiled eggs . 962310_965220 *ANGE: (..) Opened em up 965220_966110 &=in and I didn't stuff the eggs . 966110_968010 *ANGE: &=in I just put that &=in mayonnaise on top . 968010_970380 *ANGE: &=in And they said 970380_970820 &{l=Q oh: that's good . 970820_971960 *ANGE: How did you do that &}l=Q . 971960_973270 *DORI: (..) Yeah . 973270_974040 *SAM: Hunh . 974040_974330 *ANGE: (..) So remember . 974330_975390 *SAM: (..) &=tsk I don't have any on⌈ion powder ⌉ . 975390_977880 *ANGE: ⌊ And it's not ⌋ very expensive either . 977330_979520 *SAM: &=in I have garlic powder . 979520_981250 *ANGE: &=in You can find it in Wallgre:ens 981250_983300 in great big b:unches of stuff . 983300_985410 *ANGE: (..) &{l=X There about . 985410_987340 *ANGE: (..) Yeah I &}l=X . 987340_988030 *DORI: &=SNIFF (..) Well 988030_990110 (.) &=THROAT 990110_990330 I got the word the other day 990330_991650 that I gotta cut salt . 991650_993030 *DORI: (..) &=in Oh you've been telling me that all along 993030_996940 and I've been trying to do it 996940_998340 I b- thought I'd b- b- was doing pretty well . 998340_1000600 *DORI: But heʔʔ +/. 1000600_1001460 *DORI: (.) &=in I don't think the man knows uh what he's about . 1001460_1004290 *DORI: (..) ⌈ &{l=@ &{l=X I mean you know &}l=X &}l=@ ⌉ +... 1004290_1005880 *ANGE: ⌊ &=in A- aren't you going to ⌋ see him soon ? 1004880_1007000 *ANGE: (.) Again ? 1007000_1007570 *DORI: (..) I just saw him . 1007570_1008730 *SAM: She saw him Monday 1008730_1009740 and 1009740_1010030 (.) and ⌈ then (.) in ⌉ two ⌈2 months ⌉2 . 1010030_1011630 *DORI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ 1010430_1010920 ⌊2 I ⌋2 had a a 1011520_1012660 (..) an X-ray 1012660_1013770 what . 1013770_1014210 *SAM: (..) ⌈ X-ray ⌉ . 1014210_1015280 *DORI: ⌊ Heart ⌋ +... 1014740_1015060 *SAM: an EKG 1015280_1016350 and bloodwork . 1016350_1017420 *ANGE: (..) Really . 1017420_1018780 *DORI: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 1018780_1019420 *ANGE: ⌊ &{l=X Well is ⌋ ⌈2 the do- &}l=X ⌉2 +... 1019150_1020250 *SAM: ⌊2 They haven't ⌋2 called you on the blood . 1019750_1021500 *DORI: No . 1021500_1022190 *SAM: (..) We should get a 1022190_1024090 (.) ʔa paper today . 1024090_1025130 *SAM: They were gonna send a (..) copy . 1025130_1026880 *DORI: (.) Uh: 1026880_1027500 (..) &=in that +/. 1027500_1032790 *DORI: (..) Excuse me 1032790_1033980 I've got the hiccups . 1033980_1035120 *DORI: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 1035120_1035690 (.) &=in &=THROAT 1035690_1036750 (..) He said uh 1036750_1037690 take ʔuhʔuh (..) the uh . 1037690_1040350 *SAM: (..) &=in . 1040350_1041820 *DORI: what do you call it ? 1041820_1042600 *DORI: (..) The water pill . 1042600_1043990 *DORI: (.) &=in Diarrhetic . 1043990_1045660 *DORI: (..) &=in Take (.) one of the capsules 1045660_1048990 and two of the white . 1048990_1050520 *DORI: (..) Las- (.) Lazex ? 1050520_1053240 *DORI: Or ⌈ something like ⌉ +... 1053240_1054030 *SAM: ⌊ Lazix: ⌋ ? 1053510_1054480 *DORI: Hunh ? 1054480_1054820 *SAM: (.) Lazix⌈: ⌉ ? 1054820_1055940 *DORI: ⌊ Lazix ⌋ . 1055500_1056290 *DORI: (.) &=in &{l=X but I'll be &}l=X taking the generic drug . 1056290_1058930 *DORI: Of it &=ex . 1058930_1059990 *DORI: &=in (..) In the morning . 1059990_1061020 *DORI: (.) &=in Then in the afternoo:n 1061020_1062580 take the capsule and one (.) one Lazik . 1062580_1065120 *ANGE: Mhm . 1065120_1065660 *DORI: &=in &=ex &=in . 1065660_1068120 *SAM: (.) She did ⌈ that yesterday ⌉ . 1068120_1069830 *DORI: ⌊ I can't do it ⌋ . 1068900_1069840 *DORI: My stomach (..) gives me trouble 1069830_1071740 (..) I cramp 1071740_1072850 (..) &=in . 1072850_1073420 *ANGE: &=in ⌈ Well what ⌉ +... 1073420_1075250 *DORI: ⌊ X ⌋ &=ex +... 1074330_1075190 *ANGE: (..) &=in Are are you ʔuh eating Tums 1075250_1078940 (..) for ⌈ calcium ⌉ ? 1078940_1080300 *DORI: ⌊ No ⌋ . 1079690_1080060 *DORI: (.) ⌈2 I'm not eating Tums . 1080300_1081530 *ANGE: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1080410_1081800 *DORI: &=in ⌉2 I have- +/. 1081800_1082540 *DORI: (..) Oh I did take 1082540_1083220 (.) I did s- +/. 1083220_1084000 *DORI: (..) call out last night 1084000_1085880 and say l- 1085880_1086340 (.) ʔuh make a note for potassium though . 1086340_1088130 *ANGE: &=in Do you have one of those little things that &=in has a compartment in it for ⌈ each day ⌉ . 1088130_1092360 *SAM: ⌊ No ⌋ . 1091940_1092330 *DORI: (..) No . 1092360_1093130 *DORI: (..) Heaven sakes . 1093130_1094870 *DORI: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 1094870_1095740 (..) &=in I'm not a very good pill taker 1095740_1097610 I'm re- +/. 1097610_1098020 *DORI: (.) I think I'm ⌈ resenting . 1098020_1099250 *ANGE: ⌊ I'm not either 1098630_1099390 but I have ⌋ +... 1099390_1100030 *DORI: &=in I'm re⌉senting this ⌈2 medicine ⌉2 . 1099430_1101260 *SAM: ⌊2 &=COUGH ⌋2 . 1100740_1101230 *DORI: And I think it's contributing to my problems . 1101260_1103400 *DORI: I really do . 1103400_1104260 *DORI: (..) &=in I think that (.) the (.) cardazam is 1104260_1107170 (.) I think that the (.) d- diarrhetic is 1107170_1109590 (..) &=in ʔuh (..) &=ex . 1109590_1111520 *SAM: &=in Well now your 1111520_1112660 your: ankles were down this morning and your legs . 1112660_1116220 *DORI: Well yes . 1116220_1116790 *DORI: They are . 1116790_1117210 *DORI: They were . 1117210_1117730 *DORI: (..) Now look at em . 1117730_1120110 *SAM: (..) Now they're s- (..) tight again . 1120110_1123430 *ANGE: (..) &=in Oh 1123430_1125140 did I tell you . 1125140_1126130 *DORI: (.) &=in No . 1126130_1126940 *DORI: What . 1126940_1127230 *ANGE: (..) that ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ +... 1127230_1128770 *DORI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1128000_1128490 *ANGE: &=in &=lengthened that the spring broke in my ⌈2 recli⌉2ner ? 1128770_1131560 *DORI: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 1130860_1131300 ⌈3 Oh yes . 1131560_1132120 *SAM: ⌊3 &=in Oh yes . 1132040_1132700 *DORI: You've told us that . 1132000_1132940 *DORI: And (.) Dorsen's ⌉3 ⌈4 fixed ⌉4 it ? 1132940_1134370 *SAM: &=in You got it fixed ⌋3 ⌊4 up ⌋4 ? 1132970_1134080 *ANGE: ⌊4 And ⌋4 +/. 1133880_1134270 *ANGE: and two men came in 1134270_1135620 and wrestled it all over the floor ? 1135620_1137620 *DORI: &=in . 1137620_1138510 *ANGE: (..) And they found out 1138510_1140540 (..) that 1140540_1141110 (..) it was easier 1141110_1142800 (.) they went back out the truck 1142800_1144050 &=in and got a g- +/. 1144050_1145060 *ANGE: (.) a whole assembly 1145060_1146300 for one side . 1146300_1147460 *ANGE: The- the- the- +... 1147460_1148400 *DORI: (..) Mhm . 1148400_1149270 *ANGE: (.) You know . 1149270_1149730 *ANGE: Makes ⌈ the XX ⌉ +... 1149730_1150470 *SAM: ⌊ Was this ⌋ on the seat or the ⌈2 back ⌉2 . 1150300_1151890 *ANGE: ⌊2 makes the ⌋2 feet go out . 1151390_1152720 *ANGE: (..) The: the the f- +/. 1152720_1155890 *ANGE: (.) the footrest goes out . 1155890_1157320 *ANGE: You know there's a +/. 1157320_1158050 *ANGE: (..) ʔuh a (.) a: mechanism ⌈ there ⌉ . 1158050_1161490 *SAM: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1161230_1161530 *ANGE: (..) So they put a whole new mechanism in on: side . 1161530_1164680 *DORI: &=in Hm . 1164680_1165550 *ANGE: &=in And I wasn't prepared for them to +... 1165550_1167320 *DORI: &=in . 1167320_1168410 *ANGE: (..) I was going to tip them 1168410_1170210 (..) but I wasn't prepared . 1170210_1172240 *ANGE: (..) To b- (.) buy the chair . 1172240_1174810 *ANGE: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &{l=@ Over again &}l=@ . 1174810_1177040 *DORI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1175670_1176760 *ANGE: &=laugh &=in S- &=in so &=in &=ex &=in ⌉ +... 1177040_1178390 *DORI: No: [% laugh] . 1177010_1178100 *DORI: &=in ⌋ . 1178390_1178690 *ANGE: I gave em ten dollars 1178690_1180170 but that's all I had . 1180170_1181500 *DORI: (..) Well that was enough . 1181500_1182630 *ANGE: I guess that was enough . 1182630_1184060 *DORI: (..) I ⌈ XX ⌉ +... 1184060_1184800 *ANGE: ⌊ They're on ⌋ salary with the c- +/. 1184430_1186280 *ANGE: (..) with the company any⌈2way ⌉2 . 1186280_1187710 *DORI: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 1187390_1187680 *DORI: Sure . 1187710_1188200 *DORI: (..) &=in . 1188200_1189130 *ANGE: &=tsk &=in But they were so jovial 1189130_1191330 a:nd +... 1191330_1191650 *DORI: Yeah . 1191650_1192190 *SAM: Was ⌈ that spring ⌉ from your seat or the back of th- your chair . 1192190_1195550 *ANGE: +, ⌊ nice ⌋ . 1192490_1192970 *ANGE: (..) Now 1195550_1196570 it was a 1196570_1197230 (..) a tight little spring 1197230_1199010 &=in (.) ⌈ that um ⌉ . 1199010_1200450 *DORI: ⌊ &=SIGH ⌋ . 1199730_1200720 *ANGE: (.) governed the mechanism . 1200720_1202360 *ANGE: (..) And held the chair together 1202360_1205010 (..) when you (.) put out +... 1205010_1206910 *SAM: (..) Oh 1206910_1207180 the ⌈ footrest ⌉ . 1207180_1208150 *ANGE: +, ⌊ the foot ⌋ rest . 1207250_1208410 *ANGE: (..) &=ex And I told +/. 1208410_1210320 *ANGE: (..) Well I think I told you this . 1210320_1212110 *ANGE: &=in I phoned her and said 1212110_1213620 (..) I don't know whether I can sit in the chair at a:ll or not . 1213620_1217560 *ANGE: (..) And (.) I said 1217560_1219440 (.) and besides 1219440_1220050 when I go by it 1220050_1220980 it snarls at me . 1220980_1222220 *DORI: (..) ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉ . 1222220_1225250 *ANGE: ⌊ &=in And 1222830_1223450 and [% laugh] she [% laugh] +/. 1223750_1224360 *ANGE: &=in sh- she said ⌋ 1224360_1225350 &=in well it's alright to sit on it 1225350_1227190 but don't put the (..) footrest out . 1227190_1229440 *ANGE: &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=laugh . 1229440_1230700 @End