@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: LENO LENORE Speaker, ALIN ALINA Speaker, ALL ALL Speaker, ENV ENV Environment @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|LENO|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ALIN|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ALL|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ENV|||||Environment||| @Media: 06, audio @Comment: Cuz @Comment: A very lively interaction between two female cousins in their mid-thirties, recorded in Los Angeles, California. *LENO: ⌈ Disgusting ⌉ . 0_2290 *ALIN: ⌊ &=tsk Well you know ⌋ . 1690_2190 *LENO: &=ex . 2290_2500 *ALIN: remember Tyke ? 2500_3300 *ALIN: (.) Lived next door to Mom ? 3300_4100 *LENO: (.) ʔuh (..) Yeah: . 4100_6210 *ALIN: (..) Okay . 6210_6710 *ALIN: &=in (.) Two weeks ago I'm watching TV 6710_8860 (.) and David Horowitz is going to have 8860_10510 this former car (.) radio thief on ? 10510_12980 *LENO: (..) It's her boyfriend ? 12980_14350 *ALIN: &=in (.) Yeah 14350_15000 her ex-boyfriend . 15000_15830 *ALIN: (..) Mike . 15830_16530 *ALIN: (..) He's the one that stole Hector's radio . 16530_18680 *LENO: (..) How do you know . 18680_21310 *ALIN: &=in Well 21310_22440 (..) cause well 22440_23170 (.) he +/. 23170_23420 *ALIN: (.) he was a cocaine addict . 23420_24670 *ALIN: So he's talking about 24670_25450 &{l=X he +/. 25450_25600 *ALIN: &{l=VOX you know &}l=X he's 25600_26060 yeah man 26060_26400 he's gonna show us 26400_27100 (.) you know 27100_27300 how X not X . 27300_28200 *LENO: &=THROAT . 28200_28450 *ALIN: to protect your car 28450_29180 not to get it 29180_29680 you know 29680_29880 ripped off man . 29880_30580 *ALIN: Cause 30580_30740 you know 30740_30960 I +/. 30960_31200 *ALIN: (.) yeah 31200_31360 I was into it 31360_31830 uh let me show you how easy it was &}l=VOX . 31830_32820 *ALIN: &=in He's actually pretty intelligent . 32820_34550 *ALIN: (.) You know he just +/. 34550_35100 *ALIN: (..) &=in uneducated 35100_36660 so 36660_37120 (.) u:m 37120_37710 (.) &=tsk yeah: . 37710_38410 *ALIN: Hector's radio: 38410_39310 with +/. 39310_39460 *ALIN: I- it was bro:ken 39460_40610 we were gonna s- +/. 40610_41310 *ALIN: take it out and send it back to the factory 41310_42710 to get a new factory 42710_43760 (.) &=in radio 43760_44960 we never got a chance 44960_45960 because 45960_46510 the back window was broken 46510_47610 and they stole &{l=X it &}l=X . 47610_48510 *ALIN: (..) The radio . 48510_49890 *ALIN: (..) And you can't send something back to the factory 49890_52090 that isn't there any⌈more ⌉ . 52090_52930 *LENO: ⌊ &{l=WH &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &}l=WH ⌋ . 52810_52930 *ALIN: right ? 52930_53210 *ALIN: (.) So he never got his ⌈ radio . 53210_54360 *LENO: ⌊ It's really hard . 53830_54480 *ALIN: &=in &=lengthened ⌉ . 54480_55430 *LENO: &{l=WH Oh . 54480_54830 *LENO: Shit &}l=WH ⌋ . 54830_55430 *ALIN: So he got another radi⌈2o this ⌉2 summer . 55430_56970 *LENO: ⌊2 &=in &=lengthened ⌋2 . 56300_56600 *ALIN: but of course that got ripped off also . 56970_58330 *ALIN: &{l=VOX But never mind &}l=VOX . 58330_59230 *ALIN: &=ex ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 59230_60480 *LENO: ⌊ He's &{l=X having &}l=X ⌋ bad luck with that car . 59880_61390 *LENO: What i- what i- what is this . 61390_62740 *ALIN: (.) &=tsk I don't know . 62740_63590 *LENO: (.) So +/. 63590_64070 *LENO: (.) ʔYou- +/. 64070_64650 *LENO: (.) Y- it's o:bvious now that this guy w- +/. 64650_66450 *LENO: This: was the one who stole (.) Hector's 66450_68340 I mean 68340_68650 (.) nobody came out and told you 68650_69520 guess ⌈ what . 69520_69840 *ALIN: ⌊ &=tsk . 69730_69930 *LENO: I confess ⌉ . 69840_70380 *ALIN: Oh 69930_70080 we knew ⌋ . 70080_70490 *ALIN: (.) We knew . 70490_70840 *ALIN: (.) We figured it had to be Michael . 70840_72040 *ALIN: &=in &=DRINK . 72040_73980 *LENO: (..) &{l=WH Oh (.) shit &}l=WH . 72980_73760 *ALIN: (.) &{l=DRINKING Mhm &}l=DRINKING . 73760_74760 *ALIN: (..) &=SWALLOW 74760_75910 (..) &=tsk So Mom didn't want me to +/. 75910_76910 *ALIN: We had to go see Jan: last Sunday: ? 76910_78510 *ALIN: (.) at her house for dinner ? 78510_79360 *ALIN: &=in And- +/. 79360_80080 *ALIN: or breakfast ? 80080_80700 *ALIN: And Mom said 80700_81250 (.) n- you know 81250_81560 &{l=Q don't bring it up to Linda 81560_82340 don't tell her about Mike &}l=Q . 82340_83170 *ALIN: So I- I- b- +/. 83170_84020 *ALIN: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &{l=@ That's like &=laugh waving a &=laugh red flag &}l=@ . 84020_86510 *ALIN: &=in &{l=FF &{l=VOX Yeah: 86510_87210 hello Tyke 87210_88160 did you see Mike on TV: &}l=VOX &}l=FF ? 88160_89930 *ALIN: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 89930_91120 *LENO: ⌊ Did she ⌋ ? 90610_91070 *ALIN: &=in Yeah . 91120_91720 *ALIN: (..) &=in She said 91720_93100 sh- they were sitting there watching TV 93100_94400 and the next thing she know 94400_95080 there's Mike: . 95080_95880 *ALIN: on the +/. 95880_96230 *ALIN: (.) on: TV . 96230_96930 *ALIN: And she goes 96930_97230 &{l=VOX &=GROAN &}l=VOX . 97230_97980 *ALIN: &=in &=lengthened (..) &=tsk And of course Jo:hn 97980_101220 who's just as ba:d 101220_102190 is sitting there going 102190_102640 &{l=VOX oh: 102640_103000 did you see M:ike 103000_104050 your ex-boyfriend &}l=VOX ? 104050_105000 *ALIN: &=in But he's no better . 105000_106370 *ALIN: (..) &=SWALLOW He does other goofy things . 106370_109900 *LENO: &=laugh (.) &{l=VOX Goofy: . 109900_111510 *ALIN: &=tsk Yeah . 111390_111780 *ALIN: ⌈ &{l=VOX A little goofy &}l=VOX ʔuh ⌉ . 111780_112760 *LENO: ⌊ &{l=X Gra:ft &}l=X ⌋ . 111780_112720 *LENO: Goo⌈2fy: ⌉2 . 112760_113600 *ALIN: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 I know ⌉3 . 113050_113900 *LENO: ⌊3 Hee: ⌋3 . 113600_114050 *LENO: ⌈4 Sleep⌉4⌈5y: &}l=VOX &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &{l=WH &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=laugh &}l=WH ⌉5 . 114050_118410 *ALIN: ⌊4 &=in &=lengthened ⌋4 ⌊5 steali- +/. 114080_114780 *ALIN: Stealing car:s 114780_115860 (.) but 115860_116190 (.) you know 116190_116450 it's okay . 116450_117180 *ALIN: (.) At least it's not car radios ⌋5 117180_118430 it's the who:⌈le car . 118430_119730 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &{l=@ It's the whole car . 119080_120430 *ALIN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 119880_122690 *LENO: &=in Go big 120430_121150 or don't go at all . 121150_122060 *LENO: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh Sh:oot &}l=@ &=in ⌋ . 122060_122960 *ALIN: &=laugh &=laugh &{l=@ I ⌉ know it &}l=@ &=laugh . 122690_123760 *LENO: &=THROAT . 123760_124010 *ALIN: (.) &=in &{l=SM I ⌈ know: ⌉ . 124010_125360 *LENO: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ 125230_125410 It's amazing &}l=SM . 125410_126260 *LENO: (.) &=in No 126260_127210 Jan talked the whole time 127210_128110 &{l=HI &{l=A in a voice like this . 128110_129010 *LENO: &=in 129010_129350 ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 129350_130630 *ALIN: ⌊ &{l=F Hi: &{l=X Mar Ali:na: ⌋ &}l=X 129390_130890 &{l=X Alina &}l=X I'm so happy to see you: &}l=F &}l=A &}l=HI . 130890_132290 *LENO: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 132290_133350 *ALIN: ⌊2 &{l=@ And we're going ⌋2 . 132420_133320 *LENO: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 133320_134860 *ALIN: ⌊3 &=in Go:d ⌋3 133590_134860 (.) &=in turn the volume down &}l=@ &=laugh &=laugh 134860_137260 (.) &=in &{l=VOX let [% laugh] me out of he⌈re ⌉ &}l=VOX . 137260_139560 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh ⌉3 . 139110_141130 *ALIN: ⌊2 &{l=@ And I kept &}l=@ ⌋2 140170_140870 ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 looking ⌈4 over at Mar ⌉4 . 140870_142120 *LENO: ⌊4 &=in ⌋4 . 141790_142040 *ALIN: and she's ⌈5 going ⌉5 . 142120_142670 *LENO: ⌊5 &=ex ⌋5 . 142370_142620 *ALIN: &=in &=lengthened . 142670_143200 *LENO: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 143200_144660 *ALIN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=SNORT 143200_147170 &{l=SM ⌈2 cause she didn't ⌉2 wanna go: . 147170_148320 *LENO: ⌊2 &=in &=lengthened ⌋2 . 147190_147440 *ALIN: and I she +/. 148320_148820 *ALIN: &=laugh I said 148820_149170 Mom 149170_149360 &=SLAP we gotta go &}l=SM 149360_150160 &=in so we never have to go again 150160_151860 right ? 151860_152260 *ALIN: &=in &=lengthened So 152260_153570 ʔuh well at least we had a good time Saturday 153570_155260 we went to see Oba Oba . 155260_156460 *LENO: (.) &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 156460_157200 *ALIN: ⌊ You know ⌋ 156980_157230 Ruben loved it . 157230_157870 *ALIN: ⌈ They &{l=X kinda &}l=X ⌉ +... 157870_158350 *LENO: ⌊ Ola Ola ⌋ 157870_158360 what'd he call it ? 158360_158840 *ALIN: Oba Oba ? 158840_159320 *ALIN: (.) ⌈ That +... 159320_159920 *LENO: ⌊ What +/. 159820_159920 *LENO: He ⌋ +... 159920_160070 *ALIN: Oh ⌉ 159970_160090 he called it ⌈ Oho Oho ⌉ . 160090_160970 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 160530_161900 *ALIN: ⌊2 &=in &=lengthened ⌋2 They ca- +/. 161060_162260 *ALIN: (.) They came and grabbed everybody 162260_163510 and got you dancing in the aisle:s 163510_164860 (.) &{l=HI and they were just nice ⌈ people &}l=HI ⌉ . 164860_166140 *LENO: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 165550_166080 *ALIN: They were really happy to be doing ⌈ it ⌉ . 166140_167840 *LENO: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ . 167490_167700 *ALIN: &=laugh &=laugh &{l=@ One of the g- &}l=@ +/. 167700_168600 *ALIN: &=in The male athletes were incredible 168600_170300 but one of the guys 170300_170950 his entrance 170950_171700 on- +/. 171700_171900 *ALIN: (.) &{l=@ on &{l=X to &}l=X the sta:ge &}l=@ is he 171900_173300 &=in comes sliding across on his hea:d . 173300_175450 *ALIN: (..) &=in And Hector 175450_176550 of course 176550_176920 looks over at me and goes 176920_177720 &=laugh &=laugh 177720_178420 (.) I couldn't do that Lina 178420_179620 (.) &=in otherwise I'd have n:o hair left . 179620_181620 *ALIN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 . 181620_186390 *LENO: ⌊ &=in ⌋ ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 . 183350_186400 *ALIN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 186400_188340 &=in But there was hardly ⌈ anybody there ⌉ . 188340_190090 *LENO: ⌊ &{l=WH &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &}l=WH ⌋ . 189660_190090 *ALIN: It was the matinee: 190090_190940 the place was completely empty . 190940_192290 *LENO: (..) ⌈ R:eally: ⌉ . 192290_194120 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in ⌋ (.) That's why Marcia and J:im could get up and mo:ve . 193550_196850 *LENO: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 196850_198120 *ALIN: ⌊2 &=tsk They ⌋2 +/. 197880_198530 *ALIN: They thri- +/. 198530_199280 *ALIN: They: ⌈ feed ⌉ off of all these +... 199280_200730 *LENO: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 199650_199900 *ALIN: ʔTh- (.) the friend that was there with them 200730_202480 is this older guy with this young chick . 202480_204230 *LENO: &=in . 204230_204720 *ALIN: (..) &{l=VOX And she was like a real pill 204720_207020 you know . 207020_207240 *LENO: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 207240_208530 *ALIN: ⌊ she's sitting there 207330_207980 with &{l=X this &}l=X hair: ⌋ pulled back 207980_209030 in &{l=X a &}l=X little pony⌈2tail: ⌉2 . 209030_210530 *LENO: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 &=in ⌉3 . 209880_211060 *ALIN: ⌊3 And she's like ⌋3 &{l=X sitting there: and &}l=X &}l=VOX 210530_212240 &=in he said 212240_212880 I would have been here 212880_213480 but &{l=VOX she was so late . 213480_214300 *ALIN: And getting her any place on time &}l=VOX 214300_215500 she's going 215500_215800 &=in &{l=VOX well 215800_216330 I had to get rea:dy: &}l=VOX . 216330_217730 *ALIN: (.) ⌈ I don't know why: . 217730_218930 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 217830_220230 *ALIN: &{l=@ &=SNORT &}l=@ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ 219080_220230 &=in Nothing was gonna help her . 220230_221480 *ALIN: &=in No makeup 221480_222280 no nothing . 222280_222830 *ALIN: Cause she's the little &{l=VOX gir:l 222830_224080 and he's the older man 224080_225180 and ⌈ he's taking care of me &}l=VOX ⌉ . 225180_226780 *LENO: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ . 225400_226700 *ALIN: &=SNIFF . 226780_227440 *LENO: (..) G⌈od ⌉ . 227440_227990 *ALIN: ⌊ &=tsk ⌋ . 227710_227960 *LENO: It sounds like the tape I made last night 227990_229690 and these guys ʔuh (.) ⌈ start ⌉ talking about . 229690_230990 *ALIN: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 230240_230490 *LENO: (.) you know 230990_231240 some 231240_231590 (.) &=in &{l=Q you know 231590_232340 (.) &=ex she's so vulnerable &}l=Q . 232340_233540 *ALIN: ⌈ &=DRINK ⌉ . 233540_234350 *LENO: ⌊ &=in She's probably like ⌋ twenty-six 233540_234840 (.) &{l=Q and she looks thirteen 234840_235940 and it⌈'s just so ⌉ . 235940_236640 *ALIN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 236140_236640 *LENO: &=in it's like &}l=Q 236640_237240 &=in &{l=X what did &}l=X +/. 237240_237750 *LENO: They said something like 237750_238600 &=in &{l=Q ⌈ you know what ⌉ . 238600_239300 *ALIN: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 238800_239050 *LENO: (.) it's the butterfly 239300_240170 you can'⌈t catch &}l=Q +... 240170_241170 *ALIN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 240570_241670 *LENO: &=in ⌉ &{l=@ And I'm like 241170_242120 I'm trying not to vomit 242120_243570 &=laugh ⌈ &{l=X listening &}l=X to this &}l=@ . 243570_244670 *ALIN: ⌊ &{l=@ Give me: br:eak . 243870_245320 *LENO: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 244670_245740 *ALIN: Give me a break &}l=@ ⌋ . 245320_245820 *ALIN: &=in . 245820_246070 *LENO: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 246070_246320 *ALIN: ⌊ That ⌋ stupid little b::itch . 246290_248090 *ALIN: She just married ⌈2 d:addy to take care of her . 248090_250190 *LENO: ⌊2 &=in &=SWALLOW &=ex ⌋2 . 248740_250900 *ALIN: &=in ⌉2 (.) They all live down like in Del Mar ? 250190_252850 *ALIN: (..) &=SWALLOW ⌈3 &=tsk w- ⌉3 Super ritzy area . 252850_256350 *LENO: ⌊3 &=in &=lengthened ⌋3 254630_255080 I know . 256350_256720 *LENO: ⌈ What about uh: ⌉ . 256720_257550 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ &=ex &=lengthened 256830_260230 &=tsk ⌈2 What ⌉2 . 260230_260550 *LENO: ⌊2 Th- ⌋2 the other L Perrizo in this world . 260490_262090 *LENO: &=ex . 262090_262540 *ALIN: Oh 262540_262790 Liza ? 262790_263250 *ALIN: Oh 263250_263600 ⌈ Go:d ⌉ . 263600_264390 *LENO: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 263640_264240 *ALIN: &=in Well- +... 264390_265040 *LENO: &=SWALLOW . 265040_265240 *ALIN: t- like +/. 265240_265940 *ALIN: (..) Did I tell you 265940_266840 about when Mom was having Arnold and Lisabeth over for lunch 266840_269440 finally . 269440_269970 *ALIN: (..) &=in Okay 269970_271620 well 271620_272040 (.) Mom [% laugh] +/. 272040_272640 *ALIN: (.) They call up in August 272640_273590 and go 273590_273840 (.) I mean it's 273840_274690 (.) Daddy's been dead what 274690_275420 seven years 275420_275990 and finally it dawns on Lisabeth 275990_277440 that she doesn't see Mom that much . 277440_278990 *ALIN: (..) Well 278990_279670 it's cause she n- +/. 279670_280120 *ALIN: (.) I know 280120_280440 she never calls her 280440_281220 right ? 281220_281350 *ALIN: ⌈ &=in ⌉ So Mom +... 281350_282630 *LENO: ⌊ &=SWALLOW ⌋ . 281490_281890 *ALIN: &=ex She just goes 282630_283080 &{l=VOX I feel like you've got a whole other w:orld outside of us 283080_285320 like you don't even need us Mar 285320_286420 and that you have a whole other life &}l=VOX . 286470_287740 *LENO: &=in . 287740_287790 *ALIN: Mom said I do . 287790_288590 *ALIN: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 288590_290510 &=in &{l=Q ⌈ Well . 290510_291340 *LENO: ⌊ &=in ⌋ ⌈2 Poor Lisabe:th ⌉2 . 290930_292820 *ALIN: you've ⌉ hur⌊2t my feeli:ngs ⌋2 291340_292830 and bu⌈3:h ⌉3 &}l=Q . 292830_293620 *LENO: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 . 293200_293450 *ALIN: ⌈4 Mom's go- ⌉4 +... 293620_294150 *LENO: ⌊4 Maybe she's just ⌋4 kind of dense . 293630_294880 *LENO: Hunh . 294880_295130 *ALIN: &=in (.) Well 295130_295930 (.) she wants everything on her ⌈ terms ⌉ . 295930_297580 *LENO: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 297080_297580 *ALIN: ⌈2 You know ⌉2 . 297580_297900 *LENO: ⌊2 Is she vicious or dense ⌋2 . 297580_298760 *ALIN: (.) She's a dope . 298760_299760 *ALIN: &=in . 299760_300160 *LENO: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ &=laugh . 300160_300860 *ALIN: ⌊ So ⌋ . 300210_300510 *LENO: &=laugh &{l=@ Explains that &}l=@ . 300860_301460 *LENO: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 301460_303580 *ALIN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &{l=@ Exactly &}l=@ . 301470_302770 *ALIN: &=in So ⌋ 302770_303580 t- Mom said 303580_304330 you know 304330_304680 ʔuh she goes 304680_305080 when can I see you . 305080_306130 *ALIN: (.) Or- +/. 306130_306630 *ALIN: So ⌈ Mo:m ⌉ said . 306630_307400 *LENO: ⌊ &=ex &=lengthened ⌋ . 307060_307310 *ALIN: well my next free day's like October fourth . 307400_309550 *ALIN: So that was when . 309550_310300 *LENO: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 310300_312020 *ALIN: ⌊ they set up two months in advance to have ⌋ lunch . 310410_312410 *ALIN: &=in So October fourth ⌈2 rolls around . 312410_314170 *LENO: ⌊2 &=in &=lengthened ⌋2 . 313640_315180 *ALIN: and Liza had to go do some⌉2thing 314170_315410 so they're stuck babysitting Cassandra . 315410_317170 *ALIN: (..) Great . 317170_318430 *ALIN: (.) You know 318430_318580 just your big thrill ⌈ in the world . 318580_319680 *LENO: ⌊ How old is she now ⌋ . 319280_319980 *ALIN: this little ⌉ piss ass . 319680_320580 *ALIN: (.) &=in Four 320580_321430 five 321430_321930 some place around there 321930_322630 I can't remember . 322630_323430 *ALIN: (.) ever . 323430_323880 *ALIN: Cause it's just +/. 323880_324480 *ALIN: (.) She's such a nightmare to me . 324480_325630 *ALIN: &=in &=lengthened So 325630_326800 (.) anyway 326800_327400 &=ex Mom +/. 327400_328000 *ALIN: They had to cancel 328000_328650 they m- +/. 328650_329000 *ALIN: they make arrangements 329000_329850 for like (.) couple weeks later 329850_331080 (..) &=tsk and I wanted to surprise Mom 331080_332880 and bring over some nice pastries from La Conversation . 332880_335110 *ALIN: &=in So I go into La Conversation 335110_336960 and I picked out all this stuff for Uncle Arnold . 336960_338610 *ALIN: &=in And it was just supposed to be Mo:m 338610_340160 Ruben 340160_340760 Arnold and Lisabeth . 340760_341610 *ALIN: And I was gonna sit down and talk with them and split . 341610_343570 *ALIN: &=in So I'm driving up to the house 343570_345420 (..) and there's a car in front of me 345420_347020 and the guy is just like sitting there 347020_348470 &{l=VOX in the middle of the roa:d 348470_349340 and he's not moving 349340_350240 and 350240_350390 (.) you know I wanna park the ⌈ car ⌉ &}l=VOX . 350390_351590 *LENO: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 351290_351930 *ALIN: &=in &=lengthened you know 351930_352680 and th- +/. 352680_352930 *ALIN: there's no: (.) parking either 352930_354520 ʔuh on one of those sides 354520_355400 because it's street sweeping day 355400_356860 or something 356860_357210 it's like 357210_357390 (.) &{l=VOX Would you mo:ve 357390_358570 so I: can come park my car &}l=VOX . 358570_360320 *ALIN: &=in And then I realized 360320_361570 it's Liza and Antonio . 361570_362970 *LENO: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 362970_363590 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in And ⌋ &{l=VOX there's Cassandra 363540_364640 jumping around 364640_365190 jumping around 365190_365690 jumping around 365690_366240 inside the car . 366240_366740 *ALIN: &{l=SING nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah &}l=SING &}l=VOX . 366740_367890 *ALIN: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened . 367890_368490 *LENO: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ . 368290_369260 *ALIN: So it turns out ⌉ 368490_369310 that 369310_369610 she wouldn't get out of the car with Arnold and Lisabeth 369610_371800 so Liza and Antonio follow:ed them over there 371800_374230 to pick up Cassandra 374230_375050 and take her for a day in the park . 375050_376410 *ALIN: (..) &=in But then Liza wanted Antonio to see Mom's house . 376410_379760 *ALIN: (.) So they go barging in on Mar . 379760_381440 *ALIN: (.) So Mom felt obligated 381440_382690 to ask those two idiots to lunch . 382690_384390 *ALIN: (.) &=in &=lengthened Also 384390_386230 thereby 386230_386650 having to: invi:te 386650_387950 dear Cassandra 387950_388810 who we did not want there in the first place 388810_390320 cause she's such a little piss ass . 390320_391670 *ALIN: (.) &=in So the first thing 391670_392950 I get inside the house 392950_393970 and there's Cassandra 393970_394720 jumping up and down . 394720_395770 *ALIN: Jump 395770_396070 jump 396070_396320 jump 396320_396620 jump 396620_396920 jump 396920_397220 jump 397220_397470 jump . 397470_397670 *ALIN: &{l=VOX And I grabbed her 397670_398290 and I held her ⌈ down . 398290_398840 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 398660_399380 *ALIN: and I go ⌉ . 398840_399380 *LENO: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 399380_399830 *ALIN: listen you little p:iss ass 399830_401130 (.) this is my house 401130_402030 and today you are not going to jump . 402030_403680 *ALIN: Today you're gonna act like a h:uman . 403680_405150 *ALIN: You got that &}l=VOX ? 405150_405950 *LENO: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 405950_407210 *ALIN: ⌊ &=laugh &=in ⌋ ⌈2 She just looks at me ⌉2 . 406480_408000 *LENO: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 407190_407900 *ALIN: she kind of nods ⌈3 her head . 408000_408900 *LENO: ⌊3 ʔuh &{l=@ She's terrified &}l=@ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 408820_409920 *ALIN: and she's going 408900_409370 &{l=Q Ah: ⌉3 409370_409770 sh:it . 409770_410430 *LENO: &=laugh . 410430_410430 *ALIN: Auntie Lina's here again 410430_411880 (.) I am leaving &}l=Q . 411880_413080 *ALIN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh So [% laugh] she [% laugh] wants to ⌈ go out on the balcony ⌉ . 413080_415540 *LENO: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 414730_415540 *ALIN: I grab her again 415540_416140 ⌈ and I go ⌉ . 416140_416490 *LENO: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ . 416160_416510 *ALIN: &=in &{l=VOX no kids on the balcony . 416510_418310 *ALIN: &=in You wanna go outside ? 418310_419410 *ALIN: &=in You &{l=X gotta go &}l=X ⌈ downstairs . 419410_420480 *LENO: ⌊ &=YAWN ⌋ . 419890_421980 *ALIN: but you're not going out on the balcony ⌉ . 420480_421980 *ALIN: (.) &=in Cause knowing you 421980_422930 (.) &=in you're gonna fall off &}l=VOX . 422930_424350 *LENO: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ &=laugh &=in ⌈2 Aw: ⌉2 . 424350_425400 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in ⌋ ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 424550_425400 *LENO: wouldn't that ⌈3 be a pity [% laugh] ⌉3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 425400_426500 *ALIN: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 425600_426350 &{l=@ Oh 426500_426780 I know &}l=@ . 426780_427280 *ALIN: &=in ⌈ So ⌉ and . 427280_427950 *LENO: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 427560_427860 *ALIN: f- &=in for Arnold and Lisabeth 427950_429030 of course I said 429030_429630 (.) &{l=VOX Cassandra 429630_430430 (..) you wanna play one ⌈ bounce off the ⌉ balcony &}l=VOX ? 430430_432760 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 431670_432020 *ALIN: (.) Hunh [% laugh] . 432760_433260 *LENO: &=ex . 433260_433510 *ALIN: (..) t- &=in Auntie didn't laugh . 433510_434660 *ALIN: (.) &=in The little ⌈ shit . 434660_435900 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 435780_436110 *ALIN: She ⌉ wouldn't eat her lunch 435900_436960 because she wanted dessert . 436960_438060 *ALIN: (..) Dessert comes around 438060_439280 (.) Mom had cut all the pastries in half ? 439280_440780 *ALIN: (.) &=in Cassandra takes five of them . 440780_442410 *ALIN: (.) &=in She took (.) a: bite 442410_443860 (.) from each one . 443860_444710 *ALIN: (.) That was it . 444710_445510 *ALIN: (.) &{l=VOX I don't want any mo:⌈re &}l=VOX ⌉ . 445510_447010 *LENO: ⌊ &{l=X Cause &}l=X ⌋ she gets away with it . 446900_447860 *ALIN: (..) &=tsk Gets away with it . 447860_448970 *ALIN: She was taking the silverware 448970_449800 and digging it into the table . 449800_450830 *LENO: (.) Oh 450830_451140 that's ⌈ cute ⌉ . 451140_451690 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ I said 451360_452300 (.) excuse me 452300_452920 (.) Cas⌈san⌉dra ? 452920_453650 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 453080_453230 *ALIN: You ⌈2 wanna try that one more time ⌉2 ? 453650_454700 *LENO: ⌊2 Th- (.) those tables are muse⌋2ums 454020_454970 could you please 454970_455420 (.) &=laugh &=laugh &{l=@ chill out in the uh art k- &}l=@ +/. 455420_456790 *LENO: (.) art work here . 456790_457290 *LENO: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 457290_457920 *ALIN: ⌊ I said try it ⌋ again . 457480_458130 *ALIN: One more time 458130_458680 I'm gonna ⌈ come ⌉ over there . 458680_459350 *LENO: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 458760_458960 *ALIN: and I'm gonna take that 459350_459930 and I'm gonna ⌈ dig ⌉ it into you . 459930_460930 *LENO: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 460150_460250 *ALIN: (..) And meanwhile 460930_462540 &=laugh &{l=@ ⌈ Lisabeth's going ⌉ &}l=@ . 462540_463320 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 462690_462990 *ALIN: ⌈2 &=in &{l=VOX maybe ⌉2 Cassandra wants to go outside again &}l=VOX . 463320_465700 *LENO: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 . 463580_463780 *ALIN: And I said 465700_466020 &{l=VOX yeah 466020_466330 that's a good ⌈ spot for her ⌉ &}l=VOX . 466330_467860 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ 466640_467690 (.) &=ex &=ex . 467860_468790 *ALIN: (.) Antonio had on ⌈ white ⌉ shoes . 468790_470830 *LENO: ⌊ &=in ⌋ 469840_470160 &=ex (..) ⌈2 I'm sorry ⌉2 . 470460_472580 *ALIN: ⌊2 I don't care if he is ⌋2 I⌈3tal⌉3ian . 471870_473170 *LENO: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 472640_472840 ⌈4 &=laugh ⌉4 . 473170_473720 *ALIN: ⌊4 I [% laugh] ⌋4 don't [% laugh] care . 473590_474740 *ALIN: (..) &{l=VOX That was the (.) u:gliest set of shoes I ever saw in my life &}l=VOX . 474740_478890 *ALIN: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 478890_480590 (.) &=in ⌈ One of the kids at work [% laugh] ⌉ said . 480590_482590 *LENO: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ . 481440_482350 *ALIN: but [% laugh] Alina it doesn't count 482590_483670 unless he had a white belt . 483670_484870 *ALIN: (.) ⌈ &=CLAP (.) &=CLAP ⌉ . 484870_485870 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 484970_485770 *ALIN: (.) &{l=HI &{l=F And he di⌈:d &}l=F &}l=HI ⌉ . 485870_487270 *LENO: ⌊ &{l=@ He did &}l=@ ⌋ . 486520_487470 *ALL: &=laugh &=in . 487470_490280 *ALIN: &=in . 490280_490530 *LENO: &=in . 490530_490880 *ALIN: I ⌈ don't care ⌉ if it's a white suit . 490880_492530 *LENO: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 491100_491200 *ALIN: (..) put something else &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 +... 492530_494430 *LENO: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 . 494130_494480 *ALIN: &=laugh &=in &=in He had on a white suit 494480_496160 Liza had on a um 496160_497310 (.) a black suit 497310_498360 and then he stands there and &{l=VOX tells her how it's not +/. 498360_499850 *ALIN: (.) it needs to be baggier here &}l=VOX 499850_501210 and they're analyz- +/. 501210_502010 *ALIN: &=in ⌈ They are so superficial ⌉ . 502010_503660 *LENO: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ . 502890_503160 *ALIN: ⌈2 They are into all this clothing ⌉2 . 503660_504610 *LENO: ⌊2 He has a (.) r:estaurant ⌋2 or something 503680_504930 ⌈3 or what does he do ⌉3 . 504930_505650 *ALIN: ⌊3 &=in &=lengthened ⌋3 . 505040_505490 *LENO: or wh- +/. 505650_505920 *LENO: ⌈ Who is he ⌉ . 505920_506370 *ALIN: ⌊ He's a waiter ⌋ . 505700_506540 *ALIN: (.) He's a waiter at Rosa's . 506540_507640 *ALIN: out there ⌈ in Ontario ⌉ . 507640_508680 *LENO: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ . 508060_508560 *ALIN: which is a very nice restaurant I'm sure 508680_510190 but 510190_510390 (.) he wants to open his own restaurant someday 510390_511930 and he thinks 511930_512400 (.) we're gonna finance it . 512400_513300 *LENO: (.) &=ex . 513300_513900 *ALIN: (..) &=tsk Actually thinks Cathy and Jawahar are 513900_517480 or 517480_517790 (.) Jonathan is 517790_518430 cause they're the ⌈ wealthy ones &=tsk ⌉ . 518430_519700 *LENO: ⌊ I tried to explain to ⌋ Cathy that 518860_520310 (..) ⌈2 &=in ⌉2 (.) life ⌈3 had changed ⌉3 now . 520310_522540 *ALIN: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 ⌊3 &=SWALLOW ⌋3 520770_522230 (..) &=tsk . 522540_523540 *LENO: (..) for ⌈ her ⌉ . 523540_524440 *ALIN: ⌊ that ⌋ +... 523990_524340 *LENO: and that there were- ʔuh 524440_525220 (.) gonna be 525220_525550 (.) all sorts of 525550_526050 (.) &=in (.) ⌈ parasitic ⌉ (..) relatives (..) distant or (.) ⌈2 whatever ⌉2 . 526050_530310 *ALIN: ⌊ &=SWALLOW ⌋ 526550_527550 ⌊2 Like Jonathan ⌋2 ? 529850_530410 *LENO: &=in ⌈3 (.) coming up and saying ⌉3 . 530410_532010 *ALIN: ⌊3 &=ex &=tsk Did she ⌋3 tell you about Jonathan ? 531210_532560 *LENO: (..) Yes . 532560_533560 *LENO: (..) ⌈ Trying to get him a jo:b ⌉ ? 533560_534960 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ 533760_534810 (.) Oh yeah . 534960_535710 *ALIN: &=ex Well 535710_536210 then see that's another thing . 536210_537310 *LENO: (..) She doesn't understand it . 537310_538460 *LENO: (.) Well . 538460_538710 *ALIN: ⌈ Tommy Spencer ⌉ . 538710_539480 *LENO: ⌊ &=in &{l=Q Well why⌋⌈2: &}l=Q ⌉2 . 539040_539940 *ALIN: ⌊2 &=ex ⌋2 &=lengthened . 539810_539960 *LENO: Alin- +/. 539960_540270 *LENO: Uh (.) Cathy 540270_540890 don't you understand that 540890_541670 (.) you know 541670_541950 things are different now 541950_542450 you have this: (..) mega house 542450_544140 (.) and uh 544140_544690 &{l=@ you know 544690_545190 you have this &}l=@ . 545190_545840 *ALIN: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 545840_546060 *LENO: ⌊ you know ⌋ 546000_546170 ⌈2 things are different . 546170_546780 *ALIN: ⌊2 But they +... 546170_546480 *LENO: &=in &=lengthened ⌉2 . 546780_547030 *ALIN: they th- +/. 546480_546780 *ALIN: the- +/. 546780_547080 *ALIN: they kind of thrive on that ⌋2 . 547080_548080 *ALIN: They like having people: having to owe th- +/. 548080_549830 *ALIN: That's part of the reason they're not burning their bridges 549830_551330 right ? 551330_551530 *ALIN: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 551530_551980 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 551730_551880 *ALIN: (.) S⌈2o . 551980_552330 *LENO: ⌊2 To whe:re ⌋2 . 552220_552730 *ALIN: &=laugh ⌉2 . 552330_552780 *LENO: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈3 That is ⌉3 a great ⌈4 line [% laugh] &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉4 . 552780_555380 *ALIN: ⌊3 To where ⌋3 . 552780_553230 *ALIN: ⌊4 Is that hilarious . 553230_555080 *ALIN: That's ⌋4 (.) typical Thompson . 555080_556440 *ALIN: (.) ⌈5 He is so ⌉5 funny . 556440_557440 *LENO: ⌊5 &=ex &=lengthened ⌋5 . 556590_557040 *ALIN: &=in But um 557440_558330 &=SWALLOW &{l=PAR my husband . 558330_560080 *ALIN: (..) Not your professor &}l=PAR . 560080_560930 *LENO: &=ex ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 560930_561660 *ALIN: ⌊ Um 561190_561490 &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 561490_564610 &=in No: . 564610_565800 *ALIN: (.) For this stupid ⌈ New Year's Eve party ⌉ then . 565800_567650 *LENO: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 566720_567480 *ALIN: (.) Tommy Spencer 567650_568500 (.) who's up there 568500_569000 who y- (.) was Jonathan and Loren's best friend 569000_570500 right ? 570500_570750 *ALIN: &=in &=ex He 570750_572130 X opens his big mouth to Jonathan 572130_573700 that Cathy and Jawahar are having this party . 573700_575250 *ALIN: So Cathy calls me up 575250_576100 and she wants Jonathan's ph- (.) address . 576100_577700 *ALIN: And I go 577700_577920 for what . 577920_578750 *ALIN: (..) &=in She goes well we ⌈ have to invite him to the: New Year's Eve party ⌉ . 578750_581650 *LENO: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ . 579750_581610 *ALIN: And I go why: . 581650_582550 *ALIN: (.) She goes well Tommy Spencer opened his big mouth . 582550_584410 *ALIN: And I said 584410_584710 oh . 584710_585110 *ALIN: (.) So you're going to host them are you ? 585110_586610 *ALIN: (..) &=in She goes what do you mean 586610_588140 host them . 588140_588590 *ALIN: I said if you invite them up there for a party 588590_590290 (.) &=in they're gonna assume 590290_591460 that they are staying with you 591460_592390 right ? 592390_592890 *ALIN: (..) She goes &{l=VOX no they're not . 592890_594830 *ALIN: nya: &}l=VOX . 594830_595180 *ALIN: And I said 595180_595400 well that's what they're gonna think . 595400_596450 *ALIN: (.) And I said 596450_596800 if you invite them 596800_597600 you'll also have to invite Liza and Antonio . 597600_599200 *ALIN: You want them staying at the house too ? 599200_600450 *ALIN: (..) &=in So next thing you know 600450_602700 they dropped +/. 602700_603160 *ALIN: At least that bridge 603160_603910 they weren't too unhappy about burning . 603910_605410 *LENO: Hm 605410_605710 ⌈ God ⌉ . 605710_606330 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in ⌋ 605970_606270 (.) &=SWALLOW &=tsk But Keith and Sally 606330_608150 those two b:- (.) drips 608150_609400 &=in the one that told me I was shoveling my food 609400_611150 and I didn't need a fork . 611150_611900 *LENO: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 611900_613330 *ALIN: ⌊ um 612090_612560 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ 612560_613330 &=in They're friends with this other friend of theirs 613330_615130 and they're trying to ⌈ ʔuh +... 615130_616230 *LENO: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ . 615880_616780 *ALIN: (.) Th- th- +/. 616230_616680 *ALIN: That ⌉ they don't talk to anymore 616680_617880 and I mean 617880_618230 Campbell's a (.) cocaine user 618230_619850 abuser 619850_620300 dealer 620300_620600 that's all he does . 620600_621500 *ALIN: &=in Campbell's a lawyer . 621500_622850 *ALIN: (..) You know 622850_623740 he's just 623740_624040 (..) &=in no good . 624040_625240 *ALIN: &=in So 625240_626590 (..) he- +/. 626590_627290 *ALIN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh They're trying to 627290_628620 b:- you know 628620_629270 (.) &{l=BR have them be friends again &}l=BR . 629270_630670 *ALIN: (..) Well what (.) what for 630670_633360 Cathy . 633360_633950 *ALIN: (..) Why are you gonna go +/. 633950_635500 *ALIN: (.) They were gonna go ⌈ to this dinner party . 635500_636740 *LENO: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ . 636120_637420 *ALIN: Saturday night ⌉ 636740_637470 (.) to see them 637470_638020 I go 638020_638320 what are you gonna do that for . 638320_639320 *ALIN: (..) Who cares . 639320_640320 *ALIN: &=in &=lengthened . 640320_641660 *LENO: (..) ʔuh Does she have any friends you think ? 641660_643710 *ALIN: &=in ⌈ No ⌉ . 643710_644260 *LENO: ⌊ &{l=X up there &}l=X ⌋ ? 644110_644430 *ALIN: (..) No . 644430_645080 *LENO: (..) Why . 645080_645820 *ALIN: (.) &=in Cathy +/. 645820_647010 *ALIN: She's not a good friend herself . 647010_648310 *LENO: Jawahar's a really ⌈ nice guy ⌉ . 648310_650050 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ &=lengthened . 649140_650070 *LENO: (..) ⌈2 He is a nice guy ⌉2 . 650070_651170 *ALIN: ⌊2 He is 650420_650820 but ⌋2 650820_651020 (.) he doesn't understand how to mix friends at all . 651170_653520 *ALIN: (.) We already went through that . 653520_654490 *ALIN: Wh:en I first got back from Italy 654490_655900 and I was up ⌈ there . 655900_656700 *LENO: ⌊ &=SWALLOW ⌋ . 656350_656650 *ALIN: (.) he +/. 656700_657020 *ALIN: we were friends ⌉ with this one Australian guy 657020_658920 (.) and he was friends with this other (.) idiot from New Zealand 658920_661600 Dennis . 661600_662140 *ALIN: &=in And one night 662140_663030 he figured 663030_663380 &{l=VOX oh 663380_663630 both part of the same world . 663630_664850 *ALIN: You know 664850_665110 f- New Zealand 665110_665780 Australia &}l=VOX . 665780_666330 *ALIN: &=in So he: invited Doctor Spargo out with Dennis . 666330_669130 *ALIN: Well I didn't get along with Dennis at all 669130_670510 he was a jerk . 670510_671430 *ALIN: (.) I did not like him . 671430_672480 *ALIN: (..) Period . 672480_673650 *ALIN: &=in And Spargo was okay . 673650_674950 *ALIN: (.) &=in And we go out 674950_676400 (..) and 676400_677000 &=laugh &=ex 677000_677320 (.) or we went out 677320_678070 (.) and these guy- +/. 678070_678820 *ALIN: (..) they were at each other's throats 678820_680920 &{l=MRC the whole: (..) ni:ght (..) lo:ng . 680920_683120 *ALIN: (..) Competition (.) galore &}l=MRC . 683120_685190 *LENO: (..) Really . 685190_686670 *ALIN: (.) Oh yeah . 686670_687220 *ALIN: (.) Each one was fighting for our affection⌈s ⌉ . 687220_689170 *LENO: ⌊ ʔuh ⌋ . 688990_689090 *ALIN: (..) That was very apparent . 689170_691390 *ALIN: I knew that was gonna happen . 691390_692590 *ALIN: &=in Plus they didn't like each other . 692590_694040 *ALIN: &=in Spar- +/. 694040_694990 *ALIN: Well Spargo was ol:der 694990_696140 (..) you know 696140_696800 and he was real bright 696800_697550 and he knew that this guy was a jerk . 697550_699000 *ALIN: (..) If we went to parties 699000_700980 and there was somebody who came up to try: to talk to us 700980_703160 &=in he'd keep em away . 703160_704620 *ALIN: (.) X Just like a little t- 704620_705810 um 705810_706070 Australian sheep dog . 706070_707020 *ALIN: (..) Running around . 707020_708300 *ALIN: (.) &{l=VOX rar rar rar rar rar ⌈ rar &}l=VOX ⌉ . 708300_709450 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 709170_710320 *ALIN: ⌊2 All ⌋2 this ⌈3 protective stuff ⌉3 going on . 710140_711390 *ENV: ⌊3 &=MICROPHONE ⌋3 . 710440_710990 *ALIN: (..) ⌈4 It was a lot of fun ⌉4 . 711390_712790 *LENO: ⌊4 &=in &=lengthened ⌋4 . 712070_712900 *ALIN: (.) Whoops 712900_713700 (..) I'm sorry 713700_715170 &{n=MIC XX knocked me off . 715170_716120 *ALIN: (..) &}n=MIC ʔBut 716120_718150 (..) &=SWALLOW &=tsk &=in Cathy and Jawahar don't understand how to mix their friends at all . 718150_722550 *ALIN: &{n=MIC (..) They don't understand 722550_724410 that it's also okay 724410_725510 (.) not to have (.) &=in everybody &}n=MIC at the same party . 725510_728960 *ALIN: (..) ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 728960_730140 *LENO: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Is ⌈2 she work⌉2ing . 729550_730880 *ALIN: ⌊2 You can't ⌋2 . 730310_730910 *LENO: or ⌈3 doing anything ⌉3 . 730910_731910 *ALIN: ⌊3 &=ex No 731160_731810 she ⌋3 works ⌈4 for ⌉4 Jawahar . 731910_733260 *LENO: ⌊4 &=THROAT &=THROAT ⌋4 . 732330_732530 *ALIN: but . 733260_733460 *LENO: ⌈ &=ex ⌉ . 733460_734240 *ALIN: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ you know &=ex . 733850_735480 *LENO: &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 &=laugh . 735480_736560 *ALIN: ⌊2 so then um ⌋2 . 735790_736560 *LENO: &{l=@ What does this mean &}l=@ . 736560_737460 *LENO: &=in . 737460_737810 *ALIN: &=DRINK Well 737810_740280 she ⌈ answers phones ⌉ . 740280_741360 *LENO: ⌊ Wasn't she +/. 740470_740870 *LENO: She ⌋ said she wanted to go back to schoo:l 740870_742320 or: something 742320_742820 do something with her life 742820_743870 or 743870_744120 &=in ⌈ she's too into computers ⌉ . 744120_745850 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened &=ex &=lengthened ⌋ 744560_746460 &=in (..) They're boring . 746460_748340 *LENO: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 748340_751680 *ALIN: ⌊ You know 748340_748820 aren't they boring 748820_750050 they're so boring ⌋ . 750050_751450 *LENO: ⌈2 &=laugh &=in ⌉2 . 751680_752000 *ALIN: ⌊2 &=in I ⌋2 mean it's like 751840_752790 who care⌈3s . 752790_753660 *LENO: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 753370_754940 *ALIN: No offense 753660_754240 but I think that you can ⌉3 get (.) caught up in computers 754240_756490 like 756490_756690 within 756690_757080 ⌈ what ⌉ . 757080_757310 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 757140_757350 *ALIN: Five ⌈2 weeks or something ? 757350_758630 *LENO: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=lengthened ⌋2 . 757910_760760 *ALIN: &=in &=lengthened (.) You gotta sit there ⌉2 758630_760730 and 760730_760980 &=ex you you know 760980_762060 oh⌈: you ⌉ +... 762060_762760 *LENO: ⌊ you space out ⌋ on it . 762210_763060 *LENO: She's like talking about RO:M 763060_764360 and (.) RA:M 764360_765260 and 765260_765460 (.) ⌈ you know . 765460_765760 *ALIN: ⌊ &=SNORE &=SNORE ⌋ &=lengthened . 765510_767170 *LENO: and she +/. 765760_766090 *LENO: &=laugh &=laugh &{l=@ I know &}l=@ ⌉ . 766090_767040 *LENO: &=laugh She's ⌈2 p:assionate ⌉2 about it . 767040_768640 *ALIN: ⌊2 &=ex ⌋2 . 767640_768290 *LENO: &{l=@ I'm ⌈3 like &}l=@ ⌉3 . 768640_769190 *ALIN: ⌊3 ʔuh ⌋3 . 768810_769070 *LENO: &{l=SM I can't relate . 769190_770090 *LENO: Lea⌈ve me &}l=SM alone [% laugh] . 770090_770960 *ALIN: ⌊ I can't relate at all: . 770220_771370 *LENO: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 770960_771800 *ALIN: I just +/. 771370_771660 *ALIN: I ⌋ don't care: . 771660_772510 *ALIN: (.) I really don't care . 772510_773560 *ALIN: &=in I +/. 773560_774010 *ALIN: This party I went to Friday night 774010_775060 where Joy was jamming on that harmonica ? 775060_777060 *ALIN: That was absolute- +/. 777060_777610 *ALIN: Well first of all 777610_778210 it's ʔpaddlers . 778210_779110 *ALIN: And I thought 779110_779410 &{l=Q oh: 779410_779660 it's going to be b:oring 779660_780710 I don't wanna g:o: &}l=Q 780710_781760 &=in Hector wouldn't go . 781760_782810 *ALIN: (.) He said 782810_783220 &{l=VOX I'm working late Lina . 783220_784120 *ALIN: You go if you want &}l=VOX . 784120_784820 *ALIN: &=in O:kay sweets 784820_786380 I'll go if I want . 786380_787030 *ALIN: And I don't +/. 787030_787480 *ALIN: (.) Joy I like . 787480_788580 *ALIN: (..) Cause she's really interesting . 788580_789730 *ALIN: (.) But a lot of those other paddlers are idiots . 789730_791680 *ALIN: (..) I did not wanna go . 791680_792930 *ALIN: (..) So I walk in 792930_793980 she's changing apartments 793980_794880 she's moving into her own condo . 794880_795930 *ALIN: &=in I walk in 795930_797030 and the first hint that there's +/. 797030_798180 *ALIN: ʔuh this is gonna be something a little bit unusual 798180_800210 is there's all these helium balloons ? 800210_801560 *ALIN: (.) ut- +/. 801560_801910 *ALIN: (.) up at the ceiling ? 801910_803060 *ALIN: (.) &=in With X- uh metallic: color:ed streamers coming down 803060_806580 three streamers 806580_807280 each balloon 807280_807910 I mean the whole ceiling is just packed with these helium balloons . 807910_810260 *ALIN: It was so much fun . 810260_811110 *ALIN: (.) &=in So I walk in and I see 811110_812560 (.) two of the (.) paddlers I definitely don't ⌈ wanna see ⌉ . 812560_814540 *LENO: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ . 814050_814560 *ALIN: &=in One of which had a Halloween party 814560_816460 I told her we're coming 816460_817410 we show up 817410_817960 she'd already left for another party . 817960_819460 *ALIN: (.) I said why the hell didn't you tell me you were leaving . 819460_821170 *ALIN: &=in &{l=VOX Oh 821170_821770 well I thought you'd 821770_822470 (.) you know: 822470_822920 m- I didn't think you were coming Alina &}l=VOX . 822920_824180 *ALIN: I said if I say I'm showing up 824180_825420 I show up . 825420_825970 *ALIN: We had to go some place for Hector's work first 825970_828070 &=in you know 828070_829000 The Wonder Years . 829000_829950 *ALIN: &=in (.) &=ex where I got insulted 829950_832800 by this other little assistant &{l=% twat 832800_834400 who since has been fired 834400_835450 thank G:od &}l=% . 835450_836400 *ALIN: (.) But anyway 836400_837100 (.) um 837100_837500 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 837500_838170 &=in then 838170_838820 (.) you know 838820_839140 we showed up there and they were all gone . 839140_840390 *ALIN: (.) That really irritated me . 840390_841740 *ALIN: (..) You know ? 841740_843240 *ALIN: (..) X- X- +/. 843240_843990 *ALIN: (.) What do you mean 843990_844640 (.) yes 844640_845190 (.) ha- +/. 845190_845440 *ALIN: (.) I'm having a party 845440_846180 come and you show up 846180_846840 and there's nobody there . 846840_847390 *LENO: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 847390_848520 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in But anyway . 847450_848520 *LENO: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 848520_849220 *ALIN: um ⌋ . 848710_849120 *LENO: &=in ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 849220_850190 *ALIN: ⌊2 she's sitting ⌋2 there 849530_850210 and this other girl 850210_850820 who's always ⌈ &{l=VOX nyah nyah nyah &}l=VOX . 850820_851920 *LENO: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ . 851220_852340 *ALIN: (.) So I ⌉ have this pair of suede pants that I got 851920_853890 you've seen them probably &{l=MRC ninety million times &}l=MRC . 853890_855950 *ALIN: I got those from Sak's Fifth off 855950_857400 they're m:en's . 857400_858230 *LENO: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 858230_859710 *ALIN: ⌊ You know there's nothing gr⌋eat about those ⌈2 pants . 858970_860670 *LENO: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 860320_860810 *ALIN: and they're ⌉2 f:ilthy . 860670_861460 *ALIN: And there's p:arts in them 861460_862710 ⌈ you know ⌉ . 862710_863030 *LENO: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ . 862800_863030 *ALIN: where +/. 863030_863150 *ALIN: ⌈ I mean they use substandard stuff . 863150_864880 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 863160_867040 *ALIN: so there's ʔuh +/. 864880_865280 *ALIN: (.) you know 865280_865580 these goofy little white &{l=VOX spots &}l=VOX ⌉ 865580_867110 and everything 867110_867430 &=in and they're going 867430_868380 (.) &{l=VOX oh 868380_868780 Alina 868780_869000 you look ⌈ so ch:ic . 869000_869990 *LENO: ⌊ &=ex &=lengthened ⌋ . 869290_870230 *ALIN: in your ⌉ suede pants &}l=VOX . 869990_871250 *ALIN: And I'm going 871250_871560 &{l=VOX oh 871560_871710 yeah 871710_871960 real ch:ic &}l=VOX . 871960_872910 *ALIN: You know 872910_873060 my hair's dirty 873060_873930 I have it pulled back in a pony tail 873930_875100 I know I look &{l=VOX lovely &}l=VOX . 875100_876600 *ALIN: ⌈ &=in ⌉ (.) So I'm sitting there talking to these idiots for a while . 876600_879170 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ 876730_877180 &=SWALLOW . 879170_879610 *ALIN: Then . 879610_879910 *LENO: &=ex . 879910_880160 *ALIN: (.) this new ⌈ wa:ve ⌉ of people comes in . 880160_882010 *LENO: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 880680_881180 *ALIN: (..) &=tsk And these three guy:s walk in and 882010_884160 &=in one guy 884160_885210 (..) was so geeky 885210_886430 he's in a suit . 886430_887380 *ALIN: (..) Who the hell do you know 887380_888780 goes to a party in a suit . 888780_889930 *ALIN: &=in I mean who (.) is this g:eek . 889930_892130 *ALIN: &=in So anyway 892130_893310 the (.) other guy had a real nice shirt on 893310_894940 and then there was some other geek . 894940_896040 *ALIN: &=ex So the guy with the nice shirt (.) came in 896040_897590 and started talking to me 897590_898590 and he t- his name's like Billy Mulholland 898590_900190 or something 900190_900690 and he's um 900690_901440 from Bakersfield originally 901440_902740 and Joy's father had hired him to- +/. 902740_904140 *ALIN: (.) to sell 904140_904890 or Joy had actually hired him to sell jewelry 904890_906640 (.) in Hawaii . 906640_907490 *ALIN: &=in (.) from her father's store . 907490_909090 *ALIN: &=in &=SNIFF But now he's (.) sells (.) v_real estate in Malibu 909090_912540 (..) &=in and he's got a painting con- ʔuh contracting: whatever 912540_916590 (.) and 916590_916990 ʔuh one of the things that they're doing 916990_918340 (.) is um 918340_919090 (..) &=ex &=tsk is painting this building on Melrose 919090_921470 so it looks like you can see through the wall 921470_923300 cause there's 923300_923650 you know 923650_924150 (.) &=in plastic first 924150_925790 and then 925790_926040 this stuff behind it or: whatever it is . 926040_928090 *ALIN: &=in But his renditions of &{l=P homosexuals 928090_930590 (.) I thought (.) I was gonna die &}l=P . 930590_932440 *ALIN: (.) &{l=X And I &}l=X +/. 932440_932940 *ALIN: I hadn't +/. 932940_933440 *ALIN: (.) you know 933440_933940 (.) I just looked at him . 933940_934740 *ALIN: (.) He was going on and on 934740_935890 about 935890_936090 &=in how these guys 936090_937090 at his work 937090_937540 cause he's down there supervising work 937540_938740 and he looks out and these guys 938740_939780 and he starts talking about their G-strings are showing through their tight leather pants 939780_942640 and X 942640_942940 &=in he was just going on and on and on . 942940_944730 *ALIN: And I was getting hysterical . 944730_945980 *ALIN: I was laughing so hard 945980_947080 and I just finally looked at him 947080_947870 and I said 947870_948120 hey 948120_948320 &=in I never even th:ought (.) about it . 948320_950570 *ALIN: (.) &=in Because I grew up in the Swish Alps . 950570_952520 *ALIN: &=in You ⌈ know ? 952520_953170 *LENO: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened &=ex &=lengthened ⌋ . 952940_955780 *ALIN: (.) We have been here our whole lives 953170_954640 and I said I never knew anybody &{l=X who &}l=X was in the ⌉ closet 954640_956080 because as far as I'm concerned they've always been ʔout of the closet . 956080_958530 *ALIN: &=in Well he couldn't handle this . 958530_960130 *ALIN: That I actually knew gay people . 960130_961530 *ALIN: He walked away from me . 961530_962530 *LENO: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ &=laugh ⌈2 God ⌉2 . 962530_964530 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ ⌊2 So ⌋2 &=laugh +/. 963330_964530 *ALIN: ⌈3 &=in ⌉3 . 964530_965140 *LENO: ⌊3 &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌋3 . 964680_965180 *ALIN: The next guy that comes up and starts &{l=VOX talking to me ⌈ is the ⌉ guy in the suit . 965180_967790 *LENO: ⌊ &=SWALLOW ⌋ . 966980_967150 *ALIN: and it turns out he's from Georgia 967790_968960 Atlanta Georgia 968960_969690 and he's tal:king away to me 969690_970740 and he- ʔhis name is DR &}l=VOX . 970740_972120 *ALIN: (..) And I said 972120_973090 oh 973090_973290 like doctor ? 973290_973990 *ALIN: (.) And he goes &{l=VOX exactly right &}l=VOX . 973990_974990 *ALIN: (.) He's a ⌈ thoracic surgeon . 974990_976630 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 975510_977070 *ALIN: or some ⌉ (.) ⌈2 horse manure . 976630_977850 *LENO: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 977440_978450 *ALIN: but 977850_978010 &=in ⌉2 meanwhile 978010_978960 &{l=X it's just &}l=X like 978960_979310 this +/. 979310_979510 *ALIN: (.) right here in my face . 979510_980370 *ALIN: And I kept backing up 980370_981170 ⌈ back⌉ing up . 981170_981530 *LENO: ⌊ ʔuh ⌋ . 981200_981380 *ALIN: and he's right ⌈2 here in my face . 981530_982550 *LENO: ⌊2 &=in &=lengthened &=ex &=lengthened ⌋2 . 981940_982490 *ALIN: and he keeps star⌉2ing at my chest 982550_983850 and it's ⌈3 like ⌉3 . 983850_984200 *LENO: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 &=laugh ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 983920_986630 *ALIN: ⌊4 You know 984270_984660 f:uck you 984660_985280 asshole 985280_985860 why don't you look at my &{l=F fa⌋4:ce &}l=F . 985860_987110 *LENO: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈5 &{l=@ Oh shit &}l=@ ⌉5 . 987110_988160 *ALIN: ⌊5 &=in ⌋5 But he didn't believe me I was ma:r⌈6ried ⌉6 . 987180_989880 *LENO: ⌊6 &=in ⌋6 . 989730_990280 *ALIN: &=in I kept t- +/. 990280_990980 *ALIN: He's: talking about how we should carry on a ⌈ conversa⌉tion ⌈2 later . 990980_993380 *LENO: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ 992480_992630 ⌊2 &=THROAT ⌋2 . 992980_993490 *ALIN: and I'm ⌉2 going 993380_993690 no 993690_994090 no 994090_994240 I said I don't +/. 994240_994700 *ALIN: ⌈ You know ⌉ I really don't think my husband would appreciate that . 994470_996920 *LENO: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ . 994740_995010 *ALIN: (.) I said 996920_997270 you know 997270_997570 it's a little difficult ⌈ having three ⌉ in the same bedroom &=ex . 997570_999720 *LENO: ⌊ &=in ⌋ 998240_998790 &=in . 999720_1000170 *ALIN: (.) &=tsk A- +/. 1000170_1000970 *ALIN: (.) You know 1000970_1001220 at least that's not my shtick . 1001220_1002270 *ALIN: &=in ⌈ But um ⌉ . 1002270_1003070 *LENO: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ . 1002670_1002870 *ALIN: &=laugh &=laugh 1003070_1003900 he'⌈s +... 1003900_1004200 *LENO: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ . 1004070_1004650 *ALIN: (.) he didn't ⌉ believe me . 1004200_1005200 *ALIN: (.) That I was married . 1005200_1005850 *ALIN: (.) He thought I was giving him the brush-off . 1005850_1007300 *ALIN: (.) That's c:ool . 1007300_1008050 *ALIN: &=in So they had their other friend come over and meet me 1008050_1009760 who's a lawyer . 1009760_1010460 *ALIN: And it's really bizarre 1010460_1011180 cause I guessed all of their ages 1011180_1012460 and they were like (.) blown away: . 1012460_1013860 *ALIN: &=in &{l=X They were saying &}l=X 1013860_1015010 well that's what happens when you're this (..) &{l=VOX elderly age &}l=VOX . 1015010_1017610 *ALIN: (.) But um &=ex 1017610_1018610 (..) meanwhile 1018610_1019410 (.) in had walked these two really s- +/. 1019410_1020700 *ALIN: (.) kind of scruffy looking guy:s 1020700_1022100 you know not +/. 1022100_1022500 *ALIN: (.) &=in Cause these guys were all &{n=SNAP like &=nonvocal 1022500_1024000 you know &=nonvocal 1024000_1024150 &{l=% Mister &=nonvocal Hip &}l=% &}n=SNAP . 1024150_1025250 *ALIN: &=in And here comes these two other guys . 1025250_1026600 *ALIN: One's a Black guy 1026600_1027450 (..) and one's this uh (.) White guy with this beard . 1027450_1030150 *LENO: Uh-⌈oh ⌉ . 1030150_1030400 *ALIN: ⌊ And he's ⌋ got like a Lorimar (.) sweatshirt on . 1030170_1031720 *ALIN: &=in &=lengthened So I'm sitting there and +/. 1031720_1033470 *ALIN: ʔuh the +/. 1033470_1033870 *ALIN: ⌈ &=ex D- ⌉ +... 1033870_1034410 *LENO: ⌊ Lorimar ⌋ . 1034030_1034570 *ALIN: DR kept trying to talk to ⌈ me . 1034570_1036370 *LENO: ⌊ &=ex &=lengthened ⌋ . 1036170_1036540 *ALIN: talk ⌉ to me 1036370_1037020 ⌈2 &{l=X you know &}l=X ⌉2 +... 1037020_1037440 *LENO: ⌊2 DR⌋2: . 1037030_1037640 *ALIN: (.) DR doctor . 1037640_1038460 *ALIN: He is a doctor . 1038460_1039060 *ALIN: &=in ⌈ Yeah but that's all ⌉ he'd give his name for . 1039060_1040740 *LENO: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ 1039450_1040000 ⌈2 &{l=WH Oh . 1040740_1041000 *ALIN: ⌊2 But . 1040820_1041070 *LENO: Go:d &}l=WH ⌉2 . 1041070_1041870 *ALIN: he's (.) had an ⌋2 (..) interesting command of the English language 1041070_1044250 because all double entendres . 1044250_1046030 *ALIN: (..) &=in You know 1046030_1047280 but if you didn't understand your English 1047280_1048980 you didn't understand what he was ⌈ saying . 1048980_1050080 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1049830_1050320 *ALIN: so he was ⌉ actually a lot of fun to s_talk ⌈2 to . 1050080_1051910 *LENO: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 . 1051690_1052060 *ALIN: I ⌉2 had a good time with him . 1052010_1052880 *ALIN: That's actually even 1052880_1053580 b- how we even started tal:king . 1053580_1055230 *ALIN: (.) &=in And he started talking to one of the other paddlers 1055230_1057630 who's k- probably going through a divorce this year 1057630_1059480 (..) &=tsk and he used the same lines on her 1059480_1061480 ⌈ and she didn't get it ⌉ . 1061480_1062090 *LENO: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 Oh [% laugh] well [% laugh] ⌉2 . 1061480_1063330 *ALIN: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 ⌈3 So you know . 1062550_1063850 *LENO: ⌊3 &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 1063330_1064170 *ALIN: he was like ⌉3 (.) really bored and left . 1063850_1065220 *ALIN: ⌈4 But anyway ⌉4 . 1065220_1065690 *LENO: ⌊4 &=in ⌋4 &=lengthened . 1065250_1066200 *ALIN: &=tsk I started talking to the Black guy . 1066200_1068160 *ALIN: (..) when DR walked off 1068160_1069610 &=in and +/. 1069610_1070410 *ALIN: ʔuh: you know 1070410_1070980 all of a sudden you're (.) realizing 1070980_1072330 this guy is stringing sentences 1072330_1073680 (.) complicated sentences together 1073680_1075250 (.) &=in and +/. 1075250_1076150 *ALIN: (.) y- he knows what you're talking abou:t 1076150_1078300 and 1078300_1078600 he's dropping 1078600_1079400 &=in (.) literary terms 1079400_1080910 and names 1080910_1081710 and you're kind of going . 1081710_1082410 *LENO: (..) &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 1082410_1083650 *ALIN: &{l=MRC ⌊ where ⌋ are you from &}l=MRC . 1083650_1084850 *ALIN: &=in He's a +/. 1084850_1085700 *ALIN: He's a: (.) army brat . 1085700_1087150 *ALIN: (..) And has +/. 1087150_1088550 *ALIN: (.) He speaks fluent German . 1088550_1089850 *ALIN: (..) He's lived in about thirty places . 1089850_1092730 *ALIN: (.) &=in And I said God 1092730_1093930 you know 1093930_1094130 that must have really made you +/. 1094130_1095180 *ALIN: d- ʔuh (.) you know 1095180_1096030 it's +/. 1096030_1096430 *ALIN: (.) you must have a (.) good time at making new friends 1096430_1098390 it's easy for you 1098390_1099090 and he said 1099090_1099340 oh yeah 1099340_1099690 he had that 1099690_1100340 but 1100340_1100540 &=in also what it'd done 1100540_1101640 is it caused him to be: introverted 1101640_1103290 (..) so he read a lot . 1103290_1104520 *ALIN: when he was a kid . 1104520_1105390 *ALIN: (..) So he's really self taught 1105390_1108130 and 1108130_1108330 &=in you know 1108330_1109230 (.) kind of 1109230_1109830 &=in one of the things he did was he 1109830_1111020 (.) &=tsk kind of took up the guitar at twelve ? 1111020_1113270 *ALIN: (.) Now he's thirty-fi:ve 1113270_1114620 you ought to hear that guy: on the guita:r . 1114620_1117070 *ALIN: He's absolutely am:azing . 1117070_1118690 *ALIN: &=in The guy with the bear:d 1118690_1120290 &=in was his good buddy . 1120290_1121290 *ALIN: They both work for the phone company . 1121290_1122690 *ALIN: &=in The guy with the beard must be about 1122690_1124590 (.) six four 1124590_1125440 six five 1125440_1126390 (..) and uh 1126390_1127720 he got his first degree in fire science . 1127720_1129670 *ALIN: (.) His parents were +/. 1129670_1130370 *ALIN: His mother was forty-eight when he was born . 1130370_1131770 *ALIN: His father was fifty-one . 1131770_1132570 *ALIN: They died when he was thirteen 1132570_1134070 (.) &=in He put himsel- +/. 1134070_1135220 *ALIN: He k- graduated from high school early 1135220_1136770 went through fire science (.) major at UCLA . 1136770_1138770 *ALIN: I forgot 1138770_1139270 the people from the West Side do that a lot . 1139270_1140670 *ALIN: (.) They go through this stupid fire science major out at UCLA . 1140670_1142770 *ALIN: Become firemen . 1142770_1143370 *ALIN: &=in &=lengthened And now he- +/. 1143370_1144770 *ALIN: ʔuh_You know 1144770_1145120 and now he works for the phone company 1145120_1146220 and he's +/. 1146220_1146670 *ALIN: (.) he's uh 1146670_1147470 (.) putting himself 1147470_1148120 ⌈ He's ⌉ going to be a ⌈2 microwave engineer ⌉2 . 1148120_1149790 *LENO: ⌊ &=SWALLOW ⌋ 1148120_1148340 ⌊2 &=ex &=lengthened ⌋2 . 1148840_1149920 *ALIN: (..) And he's going to CSUN 1149920_1151220 because that's the only place you can go at night . 1151220_1152770 *ALIN: (..) &=in . 1152770_1153270 *LENO: Wow . 1153270_1153770 *ALIN: (.) Brilliant . 1153770_1154710 *ALIN: He's ⌈ been in ⌉ there since nineteen eighty . 1154710_1156060 *LENO: ⌊ Hunh ⌋ . 1154870_1155110 *ALIN: I'm sitting there 1156060_1156460 (.) you know 1156460_1156710 he's ⌈ like thirty⌉-five now . 1156710_1157910 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1156910_1157260 *ALIN: (..) &=in talking to him 1157910_1159560 (.) he had a big old hicky here 1159560_1160860 he told me he was going to another party 1160860_1161860 I said 1161860_1162060 &{l=VOX oh 1162060_1162210 you want a matching set &}l=VOX ? 1162210_1163210 *LENO: &=laugh &=lengthened ⌈ Oh [% laugh] Go:d [% laugh] &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1163210_1164410 *ALIN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 1163360_1166040 &=in &{l=@ The ⌋ Black guy laughed &}l=@ . 1166040_1167760 *ALIN: ⌈2 &{l=X He goes- &}l=X . 1167760_1168210 *LENO: ⌊2 &=in &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1167980_1168630 *ALIN: &{l=VOX oh 1168210_1168480 you ⌉2 noticed &}l=VOX . 1168480_1169530 *LENO: &=COUGH ⌈3 &=COUGH ⌉3 . 1169230_1169830 *ALIN: ⌊3 I ⌋3 said 1169530_1170030 yeah 1170030_1170330 turtlenecks don't hide everything . 1170330_1171930 *ALIN: (.) &=laugh &=laugh 1171930_1173080 (..) &=in But the Black guy's father works with the um 1173080_1176520 &=ex (.) CIA . 1176520_1177720 *LENO: (.) &{l=@ Oh 1177720_1178370 you⌈'re kidding &}l=@ . 1178370_1179460 *ALIN: ⌊ So 1178540_1178860 &=in &=lengthened no ⌋ . 1178860_1179870 *LENO: &=in &=lengthened ⌉ . 1179460_1179870 *ALIN: He set up 1179870_1180320 ⌈ so the Black guy set up all the phones during the Olympics ⌉ . 1180320_1182390 *LENO: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened &=ex &=lengthened ⌋ . 1180350_1182350 *ALIN: and he was the best like guy out there at the Olympics 1182390_1184390 or 1184390_1184540 you know 1184540_1184740 he had g- &{l=VOX special coverage 1184740_1186280 and special protection &}l=VOX 1186280_1187270 and everything . 1187270_1187790 *LENO: ⌈ Wow: ⌉ . 1187790_1188430 *ALIN: ⌊ But they were ⌋ so much fun to talk to . 1187880_1190010 *ALIN: (.) I had a ball . 1190010_1190810 *ALIN: (..) I ended up 1190810_1192210 (.) you know 1192210_1192560 and ʔuh +/. 1192560_1192860 *ALIN: (.) all the paddlers were going 1192860_1193660 &{l=VOX &{l=X yeah &}l=X 1193660_1193910 Alina 1193910_1194260 talking to all the boy:s . 1194260_1195510 *ALIN: Don't they know you're marrie:d &}l=VOX ? 1195510_1196610 *ALIN: &=in (.) &{l=X Are you &}l=X +/. 1196610_1197960 *ALIN: they said 1197960_1198310 &=laugh &=laugh 1198310_1198760 (.) like I told DR 1198760_1199910 (.) &{l=VOX just cause I'm married 1199910_1201160 I ain't dead &}l=VOX . 1201160_1202210 *LENO: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1202210_1203410 *ALIN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=laugh 1202410_1207520 (..) &=in &{l=@ I still like to go to parties . 1207520_1210170 *ALIN: (.) &=in I'm sorry &}l=@ . 1210170_1211620 *LENO: &=laugh &=laugh . 1211620_1212350 *ALIN: &=in ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1212350_1213050 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ 1212400_1213200 &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 Shit [% laugh] ⌉2 . 1213200_1214320 *ALIN: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh &=laugh 1213710_1215520 &=in &{l=@ And he goes &}l=@ . 1215520_1216520 *LENO: ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 1216520_1216770 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in ⌋ So you're married . 1216540_1217790 *ALIN: &=tsk &=tsk 1217790_1218340 And I said 1218340_1218990 yeah I'm married . 1218990_1219740 *ALIN: And I said 1219740_1220090 so is he . 1220090_1220790 *ALIN: (.) ⌈ He's married too ⌉ . 1220790_1221940 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1220860_1221710 *ALIN: &{l=@ And he goes &}l=@ 1221940_1222740 (..) oh . 1222740_1223490 *ALIN: (..) Well that makes it convenient then 1223490_1224940 uh 1224940_1225190 &=in &{l=VOX I always like it when 1225190_1226390 &=in both (.) of you (.) are married to each o⌈ther ⌉ &}l=VOX . 1226390_1228840 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 . 1228540_1229280 *ALIN: ⌊2 &{l=@ And I ⌋2 said 1228840_1229610 (.) so do I &}l=@ . 1229610_1230810 *LENO: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 1230810_1231260 *ALIN: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh . 1230810_1231280 *LENO: (.) XX ⌈2 Hector ⌉2 . 1231280_1232130 *ALIN: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 &=DRINK . 1231700_1234340 *LENO: (..) ʔuh Oh God . 1234040_1234800 *ALIN: (.) &=tsk Poor little Hector . 1234800_1236050 *ALIN: (.) He's been having a hell of a time . 1236050_1237700 *ALIN: (.) Pulling his hair out . 1237700_1238550 *ALIN: &=in He's been grumpy for three months . 1238550_1240350 *LENO: (..) Well 1240350_1241150 it's o⌈ver now . 1241150_1241780 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=SIGH . 1241470_1242640 *LENO: isn't it ⌉ ? 1241780_1241950 *ALIN: Yeah . 1242640_1243040 *ALIN: (.) He was actually talkative tonight . 1243040_1244940 *ALIN: when I called him on the phone ? 1244940_1246040 *ALIN: (.) &=in He tal:ked to me . 1246040_1247740 *ALIN: for like fifteen minutes tonight . 1247740_1249240 *ALIN: &=in Do you know how long it's been since he's been able to k- talk to me on ⌈ the phone ⌉ ? 1249240_1252190 *LENO: ⌊ Who does he work ⌋ with ⌈2 now ⌉2 . 1251810_1252820 *ALIN: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 1252560_1252860 (..) ⌈3 Kevin ⌉3 . 1252860_1253640 *LENO: ⌊3 Rosen⌋3blu⌈4m ⌉4 . 1253250_1253970 *ALIN: ⌊4 Ke- ⌋4 1253710_1253910 (.) No . 1253970_1254370 *ALIN: (.) Uh well 1254370_1254720 ⌈ yeah . 1254720_1254950 *LENO: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ . 1254780_1254980 *ALIN: Rosenblum's down the ⌉ hall 1254980_1255930 &=in and &{l=X then it's &}l=X +/. 1255930_1256580 *ALIN: Kevin's his assistant . 1256580_1257580 *LENO: &=SWALLOW . 1257580_1257980 *ALIN: and then (.) they don't have the third editor . 1257980_1259630 *ALIN: (..) &=tsk But it's so ni:ce . 1259630_1261900 *LENO: (.) Him and Ke⌈vin ⌉ . 1261900_1262700 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=lengthened ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 1262300_1263630 *LENO: ⌊2 Essentially ⌋2 . 1262960_1263580 *ALIN: (.) Yeah . 1263630_1264230 *ALIN: (.) &{l=% Yeah &}l=% . 1264230_1264980 *ALIN: (.) Kevin's &{l=X his &}l=X assistant . 1264980_1265980 *ALIN: (.) But they're trying to get Kevin to +/. 1265980_1267330 *ALIN: Kevin's been in production before . 1267330_1268830 *ALIN: He's ha:s actually been associate produ⌈cer before ⌉ . 1268830_1271120 *LENO: ⌊ And they want Ke⌋vin to take ⌈2 (.) H:ector's place ⌉2 ? 1270530_1272220 *ALIN: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 That's a possibility 1271420_1273150 but Jake will block it . 1273150_1274200 *ALIN: (.) Otherwise known as ⌈ &{l=VOX N:ixon: &}l=VOX ⌉ . 1274200_1276100 *LENO: ⌊ Who's gonna take Hector's ⌋ +/. 1275200_1276200 *LENO: (.) &=laugh &=laugh . 1276200_1276700 *ALIN: &=laugh &=laugh . 1276700_1277740 *LENO: &{l=X Who's gonna &}l=X &=laugh &=laugh +... 1276700_1277440 *LENO: Nix 1277440_1277940 (.) nix it . 1277940_1278340 *LENO: ⌈ Nixon . 1278340_1278690 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in &{l=% Nixon: ⌋ &}l=% . 1278360_1279610 *LENO: &=in ⌉ 1278690_1279660 (.) ⌈2 So . 1279660_1280060 *ALIN: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 . 1279760_1280260 *LENO: uh ⌉2 1280060_1280260 who's gonna take Hector's place . 1280260_1281410 *ALIN: (.) It- +/. 1281410_1281910 *ALIN: (.) &=ex I don't know . 1281910_1282660 *ALIN: ⌈ They'll have to see ⌉ . 1282660_1283660 *LENO: ⌊ They gonna (.) bring in ⌋ some 1282860_1283810 (.) &=laugh &=laugh neurotic [% laugh] ⌈2 from New Jersey ⌉2 ? 1283810_1285540 *ALIN: ⌊2 &=in &=lengthened ⌋2 . 1284870_1285470 *LENO: &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh ⌉3 . 1285540_1285870 *ALIN: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 sounds like ⌈4 a good idea . 1285700_1286750 *LENO: ⌊4 &=in ⌋4 . 1286170_1287020 *ALIN: Somebody ⌉4 that could sit there and take orders 1286800_1288370 and listen to what they have to say 1288370_1289670 and how they wanna do it . 1289670_1290520 *ALIN: (.) Part of the problem with this whole thing was 1290520_1291920 that uh 1291920_1292220 how I see it 1292220_1292870 &=in was that Ellen was not relinquishing t- her duties 1292870_1295370 to let Hector go ahead and run it 1295370_1296620 Ja:ke was feeling threatened 1296620_1298120 sc- because 1298120_1298570 associate producer is supposed to run editorial . 1298570_1300520 *ALIN: &=in (.) And b- it makes sense . 1300520_1302220 *ALIN: Hector (.) had an Emmy . 1302220_1303420 *ALIN: (.) nomination 1303420_1304650 (.) I would let him run editorial . 1304650_1306350 *ALIN: I would let him do anything he wanted to do in editorial . 1306350_1308600 *ALIN: &=in They clipped his wings . 1308600_1309850 *ALIN: They wouldn't let him do anything . 1309850_1310950 *ALIN: (..) There are three shows in trouble . 1310950_1312750 *ALIN: (.) &=in He was not allowed to help on any of em . 1312750_1314600 *ALIN: (..) None of em . 1314600_1315450 *LENO: (..) That's changed now though 1315450_1317710 he can ⌈ be 1317710_1318360 (.) like he was before again . 1318360_1319380 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened Yeah ⌋ . 1318180_1319680 *LENO: edit ⌉ 1319380_1319680 and the neurotics ⌈2 are ⌉2 out . 1319680_1320620 *ALIN: ⌊2 &=ex ⌋2 1320150_1320310 Well 1320620_1320970 what's gonna happen 1320970_1321620 that he is editorial . 1321620_1322670 *ALIN: Period . 1322670_1323120 *ALIN: Cause st- Stevie's supposed to leave in February 1323120_1324900 so unless they f- +/. 1324900_1325650 *ALIN: (.) they +/. 1325650_1326000 *ALIN: (.) They have to ⌈ look for an editor ⌉ . 1326000_1327150 *LENO: ⌊ Rosenblum's coming ⌋ back though isn't he . 1326470_1327740 *ALIN: (.) &=tsk I don't know what he's gonna do . 1327740_1329240 *ALIN: (..) He wants to work actually features . 1329240_1330940 *ALIN: He doesn't really wan⌈na do ⌉ TV . 1330940_1332210 *LENO: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 1331570_1331820 *ALIN: &=in &=SNIFF . 1332210_1333330 *LENO: Hm . 1333330_1333630 *ALIN: (.) I went and saw their house the other night . 1333630_1335330 *LENO: (..) Where is it . 1335330_1336480 *ALIN: Their new ⌈ house ⌉ . 1336480_1337230 *LENO: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 1336850_1337100 *ALIN: (.) It's u:m 1337230_1337930 you know ⌈ where ⌉ Beverly Glen is ? 1337930_1339130 *LENO: ⌊ &=SWALLOW ⌋ 1338030_1338780 (.) &=tsk . 1339130_1339280 *ALIN: &=in It's one of those ⌈ streets off of ⌉ there . 1339280_1341030 *LENO: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 1340200_1340700 *ALIN: (.) It's a nice little ʔuh +... 1341030_1341960 *LENO: North 1341960_1342260 (.) or south 1342260_1342810 (.) of Sunset . 1342810_1343460 *ALIN: (..) Oh 1343460_1344290 south 1344290_1344690 of course . 1344690_1345190 *ALIN: ⌈ Way down ⌉ . 1345190_1345640 *LENO: ⌊ &=tsk Oh ⌋ . 1345190_1345460 *ALIN: They're right off of Pico and 1345640_1346940 (.) &=in I know . 1346940_1348470 *ALIN: (..) &=ex &{l=% How crass . 1348470_1349620 *ALIN: (..) True cuz &}l=% . 1349620_1350470 *ALIN: But it's in- +/. 1350470_1350920 *ALIN: Right next door is Ted Rich 1350920_1352300 who's uh: 1352300_1352800 (.) &=in one of the biggies at MTM 1352800_1354750 (.) &=tsk or 1354750_1355550 Lorimar or MGM 1355550_1356900 (.) oh I forgot which one . 1356900_1357950 *LENO: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1357950_1359000 *ALIN: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh . 1358370_1359910 *LENO: ⌊2 One of them ⌋2 . 1359320_1359890 *ALIN: &=in ⌉2 One of those places . 1359910_1361360 *ALIN: &=in It all means ⌈3 the same to me⌉3: . 1361360_1363060 *LENO: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 . 1362010_1362980 *ALIN: &=in ⌈4 You know . 1363060_1363510 *LENO: ⌊4 really ⌋4 . 1363430_1363840 *ALIN: I can never ⌉4 tell the difference . 1363510_1364640 *ALIN: ⌈5 &=in ⌉5 . 1364640_1364970 *LENO: ⌊5 M⌋5TM 1364800_1365230 MGM 1365230_1365780 ⌈ Lorimar . 1365780_1366400 *ALIN: ⌊ Except one day . 1365780_1366390 *LENO: &=laugh ⌉ . 1366400_1366700 *ALIN: Hector ⌋ was s- +/. 1366390_1366950 *ALIN: you know 1366950_1367200 they were scoring ? 1367200_1368050 *ALIN: (.) the (.) show last week ? 1368050_1369150 *ALIN: And I +/. 1369150_1369400 *ALIN: (.) and I called up ⌈ to talk ⌉ to him . 1369400_1370880 *LENO: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 1370140_1370390 *ALIN: and 1370880_1371030 &=in I could hear the um 1371030_1372230 (..) the musicians in the back⌈ground ⌉ tuning up their instruments ? 1372230_1375080 *LENO: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ . 1373650_1373750 *ALIN: &=in And then 1375080_1375830 (.) you know 1375830_1376180 &{l=X and &}l=X it's okay to talk to Hector 1376180_1377300 I could (.) hear him a little bit 1377300_1378400 but not too well 1378400_1379150 but you know I still could tal:k to him 1379150_1380330 and the next thing you hear 1380330_1380910 all these h:or:ns blar:ing . 1380910_1382830 *ALIN: So he said 1382830_1383330 Lina 1383330_1383580 I have to go: . 1383580_1384630 *ALIN: &{l=@ No: shi:t . 1384630_1385780 *LENO: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1385780_1387280 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in ⌋ I can't hear you ⌈2 at all ⌉2 . 1386830_1388470 *LENO: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 . 1388150_1388450 *ALIN: sweetheart &}l=@ . 1388470_1389220 *ALIN: (.) &=laugh &=laugh 1389220_1390270 &=in &{l=@ Call me 1390270_1391110 when I can hear you &}l=@ . 1391110_1392020 *ALIN: &=in &=lengthened It was funny . 1392020_1393830 *ALIN: &=in (..) ⌈ That's the only part ⌉ I'll miss . 1393830_1395950 *LENO: ⌊ So X X ⌋ +... 1394890_1395440 *ALIN: but 1395950_1396200 X ⌈ &=ex ⌉ +... 1396200_1396950 *LENO: ⌊ His position ⌋ is pretty uh . 1396320_1397620 *ALIN: (..) ʔuh &=tsk &=in stable . 1397620_1398870 *ALIN: (.) Yeah . 1398870_1399220 *ALIN: (.) Fletcher +/. 1399220_1399720 *ALIN: (.) Well see 1399720_1400020 actually Fletcher was going to ask Hector to move back to editorial 1400020_1402920 but he didn't know how to approach him 1402920_1403960 cause he thought he was so thrilled about being associate producer . 1403960_1406210 *ALIN: But Hector really ha:ted it . 1406210_1407260 *ALIN: &=in So Hector's the one 1407260_1408360 &=in (.) when was it . 1408360_1409560 *ALIN: (.) Two weekend- +/. 1409560_1410110 *ALIN: (..) Two weekends ago ? 1410110_1411130 *ALIN: Or last weekend . 1411130_1411730 *ALIN: He +/. 1411730_1411880 *ALIN: c- he said- +/. 1411880_1412380 *ALIN: He looked at me and he goes 1412380_1413230 (.) &{l=Q p_so . 1413230_1413950 *ALIN: (..) Lina 1413950_1414680 (.) what happens on Hanukkah &=ex &}l=Q . 1414680_1415930 *ALIN: &=laugh &=laugh And I was going 1415930_1416980 (..) &=in I can't exactly remember the story 1416980_1419200 but 1419200_1419480 (.) all I know is you light a candle 1419480_1420730 and open a present . 1420730_1421730 *ALIN: (.) And he goes 1421730_1422460 so 1422460_1422760 if I call Fletcher 1422760_1423560 it wouldn't be any great shakes 1423560_1424710 and I said 1424710_1425060 nope . 1425060_1425360 *LENO: &=SWALLOW . 1425360_1425710 *ALIN: (.) &=in &{l=X I said what &}l=X 1425710_1426760 h- he di- +/. 1426760_1427460 *ALIN: (.) never told me why he was calling up Fletcher 1427460_1428860 so ʔuh- +/. 1428860_1429310 *ALIN: (.) um 1429310_1429690 Sunday he looked at me and he goes 1429690_1430910 &=in I'm calling Fletcher 1430910_1432030 I want to go back to editorial . 1432030_1433180 *ALIN: (.) I said &{l=Q okay 1433180_1433930 (.) go ahead &}l=Q . 1433930_1434380 *ALIN: (.) &=in So he called Fletcher 1434380_1436180 (..) and Fletcher was so: (.) relie:ved . 1436180_1438230 *ALIN: (..) Cause he wanted to ask Hector to move back to editorial . 1438230_1440610 *ALIN: (.) He's just happy he did it . 1440610_1441880 *LENO: Why did he want to ask Hector to move back to editorial . 1441880_1443710 *ALIN: &=in Because he's so unhappy with the editorial staff . 1443710_1445960 *ALIN: (..) That they couldn't get what they wanted out of Sherry . 1445960_1449210 *LENO: &=ex . 1448860_1449310 *ALIN: and they couldn't get what it- (.) they wanted out of Seppie . 1449310_1451410 *ALIN: (.) &=in It's actually not Seppie's fault 1451410_1452960 it's kind of 1452960_1453310 they needed to work with him more 1453310_1454610 but that (.) Sh:erry was impo:ssible . 1454610_1457060 *ALIN: &=in (.) &=ex She was a witch . 1457060_1459750 *ALIN: (..) &=tsk And then her assistant (.) pulled stunts where she didn't (..) &=in do stuff 1459750_1463950 that: everybody knows assistants do . 1463950_1465950 *ALIN: (.) which I wouldn't know 1465950_1466750 but- cause I'm &{l=X no &}l=X assistant . 1466750_1467700 *ALIN: &=in But 1467700_1468250 things like 1468250_1468750 (.) making sure that the script gets to the people doing the sound effects 1468750_1471570 so that they can follow alo:ng 1471570_1473070 and make certain that their: sound effects are going in the right spots 1473070_1475650 that kind of thing ? 1475650_1476400 *ALIN: &=in She totally screwed up the- the show that they're working on now 1476400_1479650 (.) I don't know what number that is . 1479650_1480950 *ALIN: (..) &=ex 1480950_1482950 ⌈ Sylvia ⌉ . 1482950_1483550 *LENO: ⌊ What show ⌋ is being shown now . 1483000_1484200 *ALIN: (.) &=in (.) Well 1484200_1485410 it's the one they're working on 1485410_1486460 (.) v- the one they're working on's not always the one that's being shown . 1486460_1488650 *LENO: No . 1488650_1488800 *LENO: But what (.) one is tonight . 1488800_1489850 *ALIN: (.) Tonight ? 1489850_1490400 *ALIN: (.) I don't know . 1490400_1491070 *LENO: (.) Four ? 1491070_1491500 *LENO: ⌈ (.) Five ? 1491500_1491780 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 1491640_1492230 *LENO: (.) Six ⌉ ? 1491780_1492230 *ALIN: This i- +/. 1492230_1492580 *ALIN: (.) I don't know . 1492580_1493130 *ALIN: (..) We'll have to ch- +/. 1493130_1493980 *ALIN: Oh 1493980_1494140 this is the second one in the new sea⌈son . 1494140_1495830 *LENO: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 1495610_1495980 *ALIN: but I ⌉ don't know 1495830_1496430 &=in if this was really number two . 1496430_1498280 *LENO: (.) H⌈m ⌉ . 1498280_1498780 *ALIN: ⌊ how ⌋ they placed it 1498630_1499280 or if it was like 1499280_1499880 (.) like you said 1499880_1500680 number three four or five . 1500680_1501780 *ALIN: (.) &=in Because they had such a b- hard time with it . 1501780_1504080 *ALIN: Like last week's wasn't supposed to be shown 1504080_1505630 even though it was supposed to be number one 1505630_1506880 because it was so poorly done . 1506880_1508030 *ALIN: (..) It had so much wrong with it . 1508030_1510630 *ALIN: &=in Hector kept trying to get it corrected 1510630_1512360 like a month ago ? 1512360_1513110 *ALIN: (..) And they kept stopping him 1513110_1514290 stopping 1514290_1514690 stopping 1514690_1515070 stopping 1515070_1515490 stopping . 1515490_1515970 *LENO: (..) &=tsk Cause of her . 1515970_1516920 *ALIN: (..) &=tsk Cause of her: 1516920_1518370 (.) cause of Ja:ke . 1518370_1519120 *ALIN: (..) Nixon . 1519120_1520020 *ALIN: He didn't want him to do it . 1520020_1521070 *ALIN: (.) &=in And it makes him look like an idiot 1521070_1523370 (..) cause he's the director 1523370_1524620 and you can tell where he:'s missed the shots . 1524620_1526520 *ALIN: &=in Has n:othing whatsoever to do with anybody el:se . 1526520_1528820 *ALIN: (.) It's Ja:ke . 1528820_1529520 *ALIN: (..) But he'll s- +/. 1529520_1530170 *ALIN: He'd cut off his nose to spite his face . 1530170_1531820 *ALIN: (..) That's s:tupid . 1531820_1532970 *ALIN: (.) &=in So now Fletcher's starting to realize what's going on . 1532970_1535920 *ALIN: &=in It's hard 1535920_1536920 (.) because 1536920_1537270 (.) the h:atchet man actually in the group is Ed . 1537270_1539320 *ALIN: (.) Ed's the one that'll come in 1539320_1540620 (..) &=tsk and he'll go ahead and say 1540620_1543030 (.) &=in this is what needs to be done . 1543030_1544680 *ALIN: (..) Okay 1544680_1545900 and h- +/. 1545900_1546150 *ALIN: or he'll look at you 1546150_1546800 and he'll go 1546800_1547100 &{l=Q that was a s:tupid thing to do 1547100_1548470 why'd you do that &}l=Q . 1548470_1549370 *ALIN: (.) You know 1549370_1549670 makes the editor really stop and think . 1549670_1551070 *ALIN: Or makes whoever it is stop and think 1551070_1552520 the director . 1552520_1553220 *ALIN: &=in &=lengthened But 1553220_1554680 (.) Fletcher'll kind of sit there and kind of go 1554680_1556030 &{l=VOX we:ll 1556030_1556430 m:hm: . 1556430_1557180 *ALIN: Well 1557180_1557480 let me see 1557480_1557980 that +/. 1557980_1558180 *ALIN: that seemed to be okay: 1558180_1559430 but I'll have to think about it &}l=VOX . 1559430_1560330 *ALIN: He's real wishy-washy . 1560330_1561530 *ALIN: (.) &=in &=SNIFF He's too: uh 1561530_1563780 (.) namby pamby . 1563780_1564730 *ALIN: (..) You need somebody to come in and go 1564730_1566030 (.) &=POW . 1566030_1566330 *ALIN: (.) &=POW . 1566330_1566730 *ALIN: (.) &=POW . 1566730_1567130 *LENO: (..) Yeah⌈: ⌉ . 1567130_1567930 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=lengthened t_So: 1567830_1569070 (.) they're kind of suffering that +/. 1569070_1570020 *ALIN: ʔuh &=ex from that this year . 1570020_1571220 *ALIN: (.) Not having that on there . 1571220_1572170 *ALIN: (.) But 1572170_1572680 Fletcher's having to learn how to be more assertive . 1572680_1574280 *ALIN: Otherwise his show's just gonna go down the tubes . 1574280_1576280 *LENO: Yeah⌈: ⌉ . 1576280_1576730 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in ⌋ And they can't afford that right now . 1576600_1578100 *LENO: (.) How many countries is it in . 1578100_1579300 *LENO: Do you know ? 1579300_1579650 *ALIN: (.) M-m . 1579650_1580200 *ALIN: (.) All I know is 1580200_1580850 Cathy saw it in France . 1580850_1581950 *LENO: (.) Oh really ? 1581950_1582700 *ALIN: Yeah . 1582700_1582950 *ALIN: (.) I forgot what it's called . 1582950_1583950 *ALIN: (..) &=in ⌈ Some⌉thing +... 1583950_1584950 *LENO: ⌊ Huh ⌋ . 1584460_1584700 *ALIN: It's about +/. 1584950_1585450 *ALIN: has to do with the bar (..) generation . 1585450_1587650 *ALIN: &=laugh Um 1587650_1588250 ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1588250_1588650 *LENO: ⌊ The- ⌋ (.) b:a:r gen⌈2era- ⌉2 +... 1588300_1589500 *ALIN: ⌊2 generati⌋2on . 1589250_1589720 *ALIN: Yeah: . 1589720_1590170 *ALIN: ʔuh ʔuh &=tsk Uh⌈: . 1590170_1591170 *LENO: ⌊ &{l=X What &}l=X ⌋ ? 1590920_1591370 *ALIN: what ⌉ is it . 1591170_1591620 *ALIN: &=DRINK . 1591620_1592500 *LENO: The b:a:r generation ? 1592500_1593750 *LENO: In what sense bar generation . 1593750_1595100 *ALIN: &=SWALLOW Oh no 1595100_1596450 ʔuh (..) &{l=L2 Pub &}l=L2 . 1596450_1597250 *ALIN: (..) The Pub . 1597250_1598000 *ALIN: (..) ⌈ The Pub Generation ⌉ . 1598000_1599120 *LENO: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1598210_1599010 *ALIN: There you go . 1599120_1599520 *ALIN: &=in . 1599520_1600020 *LENO: &{l=L2 Pu⌈:b &}l=L2 ⌉ . 1600020_1600820 *ALIN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 . 1600420_1601700 *LENO: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 French . 1601360_1602430 *LENO: ⌈3 &=in ⌉3 . 1602430_1602890 *ALIN: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 So Cathy +/. 1602660_1603360 *ALIN: ⌈4 They watched ⌉4 it in French . 1603360_1604310 *LENO: ⌊4 g:- ⌋4 +... 1603360_1603660 *ALIN: it was absolutely hilarious . 1604310_1605150 *LENO: &{l=WH Oh⌈: ⌉ Go:d &}l=WH . 1605150_1606400 *ALIN: ⌊ &=in ⌋ 1605420_1605570 (.) &{l=VOX I know: cu::z 1606400_1608180 I know 1608180_1608780 (.) ⌈ &{l=X I thought &}l=X that ⌉ was really funny . 1608780_1610080 *LENO: ⌊ &{l=P Dorks ⌋ . 1608830_1609480 *ALIN: (.) &=in ⌈2 The &pub ⌉2 Generation &}l=VOX . 1610080_1612340 *LENO: ⌊2 Wow: ⌋2 . 1610960_1611510 *LENO: (.) &=in Have it in France . 1612340_1613890 *ALIN: (.) &=tsk ⌈ I know ⌉ . 1613890_1615090 *LENO: ⌊ That's good &}l=P ⌋ . 1614540_1615240 *ALIN: (..) &=in And they- +/. 1615240_1616190 *ALIN: they saw Mako . 1616190_1617340 *LENO: (..) ⌈ &=SWALLOW ⌉ . 1617340_1618350 *ALIN: ⌊ Did I ⌋ tell you 1618190_1618640 (.) Harlan's wife ? 1618640_1619290 *LENO: (..) Where: . 1619290_1620500 *ALIN: &=in They had dinner ⌈ with her ⌉ one night . 1620500_1622100 *LENO: ⌊ &=in ⌋ 1621450_1621700 (.) Yeah⌈2: ⌉2 ? 1622100_1623200 *ALIN: ⌊2 And Cathy ⌋2 said 1622870_1623350 &{l=VOX oh yeah 1623350_1623630 supposedly ⌈ Alina's been on this diet and lost weight &}l=VOX . 1623630_1625870 *LENO: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened &=ex ⌋ . 1624250_1626250 *ALIN: She said ⌉ 1625870_1626300 &=in &{l=VOX oh . 1626300_1627020 *ALIN: (.) You mean she's not so ch:ubby &}l=VOX ? 1627020_1628600 *ALIN: (..) &=tsk Ooh 1628600_1630400 wait'll I see that bitch again . 1630400_1631600 *ALIN: (..) Was that nasty 1631600_1634180 or what . 1634180_1634640 @End