@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: JAMI JAMIE Speaker, HARO HAROLD Speaker, MILE MILES Speaker, PETE PETE Speaker, ENV ENV Environment @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|JAMI|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|HARO|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|MILE|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|PETE|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ENV|||||Environment||| @Media: 02, audio @Comment: Lambada. @Comment: After-dinner conversation among four friends in San Francisco, California. Participants are in their late twenties or early thirties. Harold and Jamie are a married couple, Miles is a doctor, and Pete is a graduate student from Southern California. *JAMI: How ⌈ can you teach a three-year-old to ⌉ ta:p ⌈2 dance ⌉2 . 0_6520 *HARO: ⌊ I can't imagine teaching a ⌋ +/. 4430_5780 *HARO: ⌊2 Yeah [% laugh] ⌋2 6080_6350 really . 6350_6730 *JAMI: (..) &=in &=lengthened . 6730_8160 *MILE: (..) Who suggested this to em . 8160_9560 *HARO: I have no idea . 9560_10410 *HARO: It was probably my: (.) sister-in-law's idea because 10410_13060 (..) I think they saw: (..) that movie . 13060_15010 *JAMI: (..) Tap ? 15010_16430 *JAMI: ⌈ X ⌉ ⌈2 X ⌉2 +... 16430_16980 *HARO: ⌊ What ⌋ ⌊2 was the ⌋2 . 16500_17000 *MILE: ⌊2 &{l=X They had &}l=X ⌋2 +... 16600_17000 *HARO: the movie with that (.) really hot tap danc⌈er ⌉ . 17000_19100 *JAMI: ⌊ Oh ⌋ that ki:d . 19000_19750 *MILE: (..) He was actually here two weeks ago 19750_21820 and ⌈ I missed him ⌉ . 21820_22570 *JAMI: ⌊ at the (.) at ⌋ the ja:zz (.) t⌈2ap thing or whatever ⌉2 . 22370_24250 *HARO: ⌊2 Was he a little kid ⌋2 ? 23350_24320 *MILE: ⌈3 No he's sixteen now: ⌉3 . 24320_25750 *JAMI: ⌊3 &=in No he's like ⌋3 +/. 24480_25280 *JAMI: (..) Yeah he's a teenager 25750_26870 but he teaches ⌈ these classes in New York ⌉ . 26870_28780 *MILE: ⌊ &{l=X That &}l=X boy 27420_27820 (.) he's supposed to be awe⌋some . 27820_29230 *JAMI: Yeah . 29230_29630 *JAMI: (..) Really fa⌈:st ⌉ . 29630_30730 *PETE: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 30480_30980 *HARO: (..) But I'm sure that was the (.) the ⌈2 impetus ⌉2 . 30980_33180 *MILE: ⌊2 Have you ⌋2 seen him ? 32900_33480 *JAMI: (.) No: . 33480_33900 *JAMI: I just read an article on him . 33900_35200 *MILE: (.) You (.) you probably read the same Examiner article ⌈ I read ⌉ . 35200_37620 *JAMI: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ 37270_37650 probably 37650_38060 yeah . 38060_38380 *MILE: talking about how Gregory Hines said 38380_39570 he doesn't realize a human being can't tap ⌈ that fa:⌉st ? 39570_41900 *JAMI: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 41320_41860 *JAMI: Right . 41860_42180 *PETE: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 42180_42680 *JAMI: Yeah . 42680_42880 *MILE: And they were talking about how 42880_44000 (..) he's teaching ⌈ these ⌉ cla:sses . 44000_45910 *PETE: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 44950_45300 *MILE: and I guess he really goes fa:st . 45910_47530 *MILE: ⌈ &{l=X And &}l=X ⌉ . 47530_47860 *JAMI: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 47590_47940 *MILE: &=in he k- +... 47940_48490 *JAMI: (..) He does⌈n't explain anything precisely ⌉ . 48490_50090 *MILE: ⌊ He has to double it dow:n to ⌋ like o:ne f:ifth speed or something 48690_52200 before they can g:- pick it up- 52200_53310 (..) &=laugh &=laugh . 53310_54230 *HARO: Well I'm sure Thomas is all over it . 54230_55910 *JAMI: (..) Prob⌈ably XX ⌉ ⌈2 XXX ⌉2 +... 55910_61260 *HARO: ⌊ I mean he ⌋ ⌊2 has a bro- ⌋2 +... 59810_60560 *MILE: ⌊2 XXXX could have ⌋2 see:n him . 60260_61360 *HARO: I guess that means his broken leg is ⌈3 doing [% laugh] okay [% laugh] ⌉3 . 61360_63580 *PETE: ⌊3 I was wonder⌋3ing about that 62970_63860 I was imagining ⌈4 he had broke an arm ⌉4 or something . 63860_65250 *JAMI: ⌊4 &{l=HI Oh yeah: &}l=HI ⌋4 . 64240_64990 *PETE: But it was his leg ? 65250_66050 *HARO: (.) Yeah⌈: ⌉ . 66050_66700 *PETE: ⌊ That's like ⌋ 66350_66760 (.) &{l=X I guess &}l=X that he was being hauled around in a little wagon ⌈2 and stuff ⌉2 . 66760_68710 *HARO: ⌊2 Right ⌋2 . 68380_68960 *HARO: (..) ⌈3 He healed very quickly ⌉3 . 68960_73500 *JAMI: ⌊3 &{l=X Guess &}l=X kids' bo:nes 72100_73200 just like ⌋3 (.) ⌈4 grow ⌉4 ⌈5 back ⌉5 really fast &=ex . 73200_75070 *PETE: ⌊4 M⌋4⌊5hm: ⌋5 . 73720_74370 *HARO: ⌊5 Yeah ⌋5 . 73810_74220 *HARO: I think they're really soft to start with . 75070_76800 *JAMI: They're made of rubber . 76800_77650 *JAMI: (..) Th- that's it . 77650_78700 *HARO: That's why b- 78700_79350 (.) little kids usually don't break their legs anyway . 79350_81500 *PETE: (.) Cause they're ⌈ so X⌉⌈2XXX ⌉2 . 81500_83300 *JAMI: ⌊ Cause they're made ⌋ ⌊2 of rubber ⌋2 . 82170_83470 *MILE: ⌊2 But they have more ⌋2 cartilage than w- 82500_84580 (..) ⌈3 you know ⌉3 . 84580_84930 *HARO: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 84750_84880 aren't they real s- 84880_85480 (.) aren't their k- (.) legs ⌈ pretty soft ⌉ ? 85480_87180 *MILE: ⌊ Yeah 86480_86650 there's ⌋ less calcium ʔuh deposits &{l=X in them &}l=X . 86650_88680 *MILE: (..) ⌈2 And ⌉2 also . 88680_89780 *PETE: ⌊2 Mm ⌋2 . 89050_89450 *MILE: (.) they're still growing . 89780_90880 *MILE: (..) And the way: (..) bones grow is 90880_92780 (.) you make cartilage 92780_93690 (.) and then you deposit calcium in it . 93690_95180 *HARO: Oh 95180_95640 and ⌈ then that turns into hard bone ⌉ . 95640_97330 *MILE: ⌊ So that's why they always have ⌋ (..) more flexibility . 95750_98580 *MILE: Cause ⌈2 as ⌉2 they're growing . 98580_99580 *PETE: ⌊2 Hm ⌋2 . 98680_98930 *MILE: (..) you're making cartilage . 99580_101700 *MILE: So it ⌈ al- +... 101700_102100 *PETE: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 101900_102280 *MILE: They ⌋ always have that 102100_102880 until they reach adulthood 102880_104070 (..) in which case . 104070_104830 *HARO: (..) They get old and cranky ⌈ like the rest of ⌉ ⌈2 us ⌉2 . 104830_107280 *MILE: ⌊ it stops⌋⌊2: ⌋2 . 105900_107150 *JAMI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 &=laugh . 106750_108360 *PETE: ⌊3 Unhunh ⌋3 . 107250_107650 *JAMI: (..) ⌈4 &=SNIFF ⌉4 . 108360_109360 *PETE: ⌊4 and then they break ⌋4 . 108410_109360 *JAMI: (..) Old and rickety and brittle . 109360_110910 *PETE: (.) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 110910_111510 *HARO: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ 110910_111560 uncoordinated and (.) unflexible . 111560_114020 *PETE: (..) Right . 114020_114770 *HARO: (..) Stiff⌈: ⌉ . 114770_115920 *JAMI: ⌊ In⌋flexible ? 115580_116290 *PETE: (..) That too . 116290_117680 *MILE: (..) What are you planning on doing with dancing 117680_124270 Harold ? 124270_124760 *MILE: (..) You were taking some classes last fall: ? 124760_127590 *HARO: (.) I'll take a few more . 127590_128810 *HARO: ⌈ as aʔ ⌉ +... 128810_129400 *JAMI: ⌊ You will ⌋ ? 129090_129490 *HARO: It turns out as a spouse 129400_130640 I get in free: . 130640_131640 *HARO: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 131640_132090 *PETE: ⌊ Oh really ⌋ . 131660_132160 *HARO: So . 132160_132420 *PETE: That's not ⌈ bad ⌉ . 132090_132730 *JAMI: ⌊ to ⌋ group classes 132570_133520 yeah . 133520_133870 *PETE: (..) Hm . 133870_134520 *HARO: So 134520_134880 I should ⌈ do that ⌉ . 134880_135730 *MILE: ⌊ Oh really ⌋ ? 135330_135830 *JAMI: Mhm . 135830_136380 *MILE: (..) That's why you married her . 136380_138530 *MILE: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 138530_138970 ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ &=laugh . 138970_141260 *JAMI: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened &=ex &=lengthened ⌋ 139460_141010 Some ⌈2 ben⌉2efit . 141260_142120 *PETE: ⌊2 Mm ⌋2 . 141560_141860 *JAMI: hunh . 142120_142410 *JAMI: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 142410_142710 *MILE: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 &=laugh . 142410_143920 *PETE: ⌊2 Mhm ⌋2 . 143010_143510 *JAMI: &=laugh &=in . 143820_144170 *HARO: Better than nothing . 144170_145120 *MILE: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 145120_146600 *PETE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 145760_149080 *JAMI: ⌊2 &{l=VOX Oh: &}l=VOX 147380_148440 I cannot be⌋2l:ieve ⌈3 you said that . 148440_151030 *PETE: ⌊3 &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 149780_151180 *JAMI: What a jerk you are &=ex ⌉3 . 151030_152880 *PETE: &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 &=laugh ⌈4 &=laugh ⌉4 . 151180_154380 *MILE: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 153230_153880 *JAMI: Aren't you guys gonna stick up for me ? 154380_155700 *JAMI: and beat up on him or something ? 155700_157010 *MILE: He's bigger than ⌈ I am ⌉ . 157010_158160 *PETE: ⌊ XX ⌋ 157580_158030 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 158160_159020 *MILE: He's not bigger than you . 159020_159970 *PETE: (.) No . 159970_160420 *HARO: &{l=@ ⌈ But he's my ⌉ +... 160420_161120 *MILE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 160390_161240 *HARO: he's my ⌈2 friend ⌉2 &}l=@ . 161190_162290 *PETE: ⌊2 Tha- ⌋2 ⌈3 that's right ⌉3 . 161690_162640 *MILE: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 &=laugh . 162110_163310 *JAMI: ⌈4 &=laugh &=in ⌉4 . 163310_164410 *PETE: ⌊4 You know who I'll ⌋4 stick up ⌈5 for ⌉5 . 163810_165010 *MILE: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌈6 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉6 . 164660_167490 *JAMI: ⌊6 &=tsk &=in &=lengthened ⌋6 . 166070_167070 *PETE: (..) I stuck up for you today at that store . 167490_169790 *HARO: That's true . 169790_170590 *JAMI: (..) You did . 170590_171410 *JAMI: ⌈ You made me get ⌉ the . 171410_172210 *PETE: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 171410_171910 *JAMI: um . 172210_172440 *PETE: that's right . 172440_173070 *JAMI: the green &{l=X scarf &}l=X . 173070_174120 *JAMI: (..) That's right . 174120_175620 *JAMI: (..) He was my fashion consultant today . 175620_178240 *PETE: Right . 178240_178790 *PETE: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 178790_180080 *MILE: Hm . 180080_180380 *PETE: &=laugh &=in . 180380_181830 *HARO: (..) I wasn't ? 181830_184670 *PETE: (..) That's right . 184670_185420 *JAMI: Well you- +/. 185420_185920 *JAMI: (.) I don't know . 185920_186470 *HARO: (..) We were at this dumb store 186470_189830 and the clerk (.) kept trying to keep us interested . 189830_191830 *PETE: ⌈ Hm . 191830_192030 *HARO: ⌊ &{l=@ while she was ⌋ buy:ing &}l=@ . 191930_193360 *PETE: that's right ⌉ . 192030_192460 *MILE: (..) ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 . 193360_194560 *PETE: ⌊2 &{l=X Don't ⌋2 you wanna &}l=X try on the men's clothes ? 193960_195460 *PETE: ⌈3 XX: ⌉3 . 195460_196360 *JAMI: ⌊3 I'm the one who ⌋3 suggested that 195650_196930 so you wouldn't be so bored . 196930_197990 *JAMI: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 197990_198290 *PETE: ⌊ Well I- ⌋ +... 198140_198340 *JAMI: So they tried on the men's clothes 198340_199640 &{l=PAR and they had a very small selection of men's clothes &}l=PAR 199640_201340 ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 201340_201640 *PETE: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 201330_201680 *JAMI: they try on these really great pants 201680_203010 and they look really goo:d (.) in them . 203010_204410 *JAMI: (..) Then they didn't buy em . 204410_205960 *PETE: (.) Right . 205960_206510 *PETE: (..) Well . 206510_207010 *JAMI: (..) You know how boys are . 207010_208110 *JAMI: (..) They never buy clothes . 208110_209590 *PETE: Broke . 209590_209930 *PETE: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 209930_210790 *JAMI: Broke 210790_211150 Yeah [% laugh] . 211150_211600 *JAMI: (..) &=in Students are (.) are broke . 211600_213600 *JAMI: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 213600_214250 *PETE: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 213720_214570 *ENV: &=MUSIC_BECOMES_AUDIBLE . 214570_214570 *MILE: (..) ʔuh: 214570_220960 is that that ? 220960_221640 *MILE: (..) Or ⌈ is that a real ⌉ +... 221640_222830 *JAMI: ⌊ Yeah 222230_222480 that's a ⌋ tape . 222480_223060 *JAMI: That's a tape . 223060_223630 *MILE: Where's it coming from . 223630_224730 *JAMI: (..) &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 224730_226240 *PETE: ⌊ the speaker over ⌋ there [% laugh] . 225600_226460 *HARO: The speakers . 226210_226960 *HARO: You ⌈ know these (.) ⌉ boxes ? 226960_228210 *JAMI: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ . 227030_227830 *HARO: ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 228210_229340 *JAMI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 228270_229420 *PETE: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh &=laugh &=in . 228340_230390 *JAMI: (..) &=in ⌈3 XXX ⌉3 +... 230390_232190 *MILE: ⌊3 You must have ⌋3 good stereo . 231540_232880 *MILE: Cause I feel like I'm hearing +... 232880_233980 *HARO: (..) We have ʔuh +/. 233980_235030 *HARO: These are like . 235030_235680 *JAMI: the ⌈ world's worst ⌉ speakers . 235680_237720 *MILE: ⌊ Where is the other one ⌋ . 236280_237200 *HARO: These are the ⌈2 shittiest ⌉2 (.) speakers on earth . 237720_239820 *JAMI: ⌊2 Over here ⌋2 . 238270_238870 *PETE: ⌊2 XXX ⌋2 . 238120_238720 *JAMI: (..) ⌈3 besides the ones in the kitchen ⌉3 . 239820_241980 *HARO: ⌊3 And these are an improvement over my ⌋3 ⌈4 last [% laugh] ones [% laugh] ⌉4 . 240650_242800 *MILE: ⌊4 I thought that was the ⌋4 real thi:ng . 241940_243470 *HARO: (..) You think we have like a ⌈5 jazz ⌉5 ⌈6 band next ⌉6 ⌈7 door ⌉7 ? 243470_245720 *MILE: ⌊5 In fact I ⌋5 ⌊6 was getting ready ⌋6 ⌊7 to say ⌋7 . 244440_245840 *PETE: ⌊6 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋6 . 244740_245490 *MILE: (..) is there somebody downstairs 245840_247580 (.) playing ? 247580_248060 *JAMI: ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 248060_248370 *PETE: ⌊ &{l=X I mean &}l=X ⌋ that was what I first ⌈2 thought- . 248060_249440 *JAMI: ⌊2 &=in It's &{l=X our &}l=X garage band ⌋2 . 249230_250780 *PETE: when (.) when the ja:zz came on ⌉2 . 249440_250830 *PETE: (..) As compared to the other stuff 250830_252080 for some reason it sounded like it was out there 252080_253580 or kind of ⌈ (.) coming ⌉ in ⌈2 from some ⌉2 ⌈3 place ⌉3 . 253580_255330 *JAMI: ⌊ Unhunh: ⌋ ? 253950_254400 *HARO: ⌊2 Hm: ⌋2 . 254400_254650 *JAMI: ⌊3 Hunh ⌋3 . 254820_255370 *HARO: Well that would be nice to have a little jazz band next ⌈4 door ⌉4 . 255370_257670 *PETE: ⌊4 Right ⌋4 . 257370_257890 *HARO: wouldn't it . 257670_258170 *JAMI: ⌈ No: ⌉ . 258040_258690 *PETE: ⌊ Mhm: ⌋ . 258160_258810 *HARO: (..) Usually we just have r:eally loud salsa parties across the street . 258810_262010 *JAMI: That's fun too . 262010_262860 *JAMI: (..) And teenagers . 262860_264310 *JAMI: (.) kissing each other on the side⌈walk ⌉ . 264310_265560 *HARO: ⌊ Hm: ⌋ . 265580_265780 *PETE: Hm: . 265780_265910 *HARO: &=KISS &=LATERAL_CLICK &=LATERAL_CLICK . 265910_267160 *PETE: (..) And little kids throwing p:aint in your backya:rd . 267160_269610 *HARO: Yeah: . 269610_270260 *JAMI: (..) &=GROWL . 270260_271660 *PETE: &=laugh . 271660_272210 *JAMI: (..) ⌈ &=SIGH ⌉ . 272210_273250 *HARO: ⌊ And in ⌋ the front yard- . 272530_273680 *HARO: You saw ⌈2 that X ⌉2 . 273680_274280 *PETE: ⌊2 I saw ⌋2 that 273780_274530 (.) right ⌈3 in ⌉3 ⌈4 the front . 274530_275330 *HARO: ⌊3 But ⌋3 +... 274730_274930 *JAMI: ⌊3 Well ⌋3 ⌊4 what is it 274730_275330 paint ⌋4 ? 275330_275780 *PETE: It was the same ⌉4 ⌈5 (.) color or something ⌉5 . 275780_276880 *HARO: ⌊5 It was like . 276330_276980 *JAMI: ⌊5 Or is it ch:alk ⌋5 . 275650_276500 *HARO: (..) Well I k- ⌋5 +/. 276480_277080 *HARO: I went out one morning 277080_277930 and I saw it all around 277930_278780 and it was like on the back bumper of the Honda 278780_280680 too . 280680_281030 *PETE: &{l=X Oh rude &}l=X . 281030_281630 *HARO: So I (.) thought oh shit 281630_282600 I'd better try to wipe that off 282600_283780 so I (..) I got- 283780_284930 I went and got a wet rag and wiped it off the car: . 284930_287080 *HARO: And it came off really easily . 287080_288230 *HARO: And then I saw there was like this ⌈ tu:be of it ⌉ . 288230_290130 *JAMI: ⌊ But it was paint ⌋ ? 289350_290250 *HARO: &=in This whole tube of it across the street . 290250_292530 *JAMI: Those ki:ds are ⌈ just ⌉ +... 292530_293780 *HARO: ⌊ sitting ⌋ in the gutter . 293350_294150 *HARO: ⌈2 So I (.) threw it away ⌉2 . 294150_295450 *JAMI: ⌊2 And she's pregnant with another ⌋2 one . 294200_296100 *JAMI: There gonna have another +... 296100_297000 *HARO: Which ⌈3 one is pregnant ⌉3 . 297000_298200 *JAMI: +, ⌊3 br:at (.) kid- ⌋3 . 297200_298250 *HARO: The ⌈4 the (.) the really fat &{l=X red-haired woman &}l=X ⌉4 ? 298250_300350 *JAMI: ⌊4 The mother . 298600_299000 *JAMI: The &=in &=lengthened &{l=VOX get over ⌋4 here you 299000_301000 nya nya nya nya nya ⌈5 nya nya &}l=VOX ⌉5 . 301000_302400 *HARO: ⌊5 Does she even ⌋5 have a b- a man- ? 301700_303480 *HARO: I guess she must . 303480_304500 *MILE: (..) Does she have a what ? 304500_306000 *JAMI: ⌈ A ma:n ⌉ . 306000_306850 *HARO: ⌊ A ma:n ⌋ . 306000_306850 *PETE: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 306850_308160 *JAMI: (..) She has some ⌈ kind of a ⌉ +... 308160_309260 *MILE: ⌊ At least ⌋ temporarily . 308810_309960 *PETE: ⌈2 Yeah ⌉2 . 309960_310530 *HARO: ⌊2 Yeah⌋2: . 309960_310580 *JAMI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌈3 At one time ⌉3 . 310580_312330 *HARO: ⌊3 For about five minutes ⌋3 311050_312250 probably . 312250_312880 *MILE: &=laugh . 312880_313230 *PETE: &=laugh . 313230_313480 *JAMI: &=laugh &=in And they were banging their (.) their soccer ball up against our +/. 313480_317180 *JAMI: (.) below the bedroom (.) th- the study window ? 317180_319330 *HARO: So Jamie the old lady went and yelled at em . 319330_321380 *JAMI: ⌈ I opened ʔuh ⌉ +... 321380_322150 *PETE: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 321500_322100 *JAMI: &=in &{l=VOX Ah: 322150_323000 you mind moving 323000_324000 getting away from there 324000_324950 thank you: &}l=VOX . 324950_325650 *JAMI: &=laugh &=ex I [% laugh] ⌈ felt like ⌉ such an old lady . 325650_327500 *PETE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 326200_326550 *HARO: It's so ⌈2 bad ⌉2 . 327500_328250 *JAMI: ⌊2 With those ki:ds ⌋2 327920_328970 they make us feel ⌈3 so ol:d ⌉3 . 328250_329570 *PETE: ⌊3 How many of them ⌋3 are there . 328920_329920 *HARO: (.) Eight hundred . 329920_330790 *PETE: ⌈ yow: ⌉ . 330790_331520 *JAMI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 331190_331640 *HARO: There's two . 331640_332340 *PETE: XX . 332340_332940 *MILE: ⌈ &=HISS ⌉ ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 332940_334280 *JAMI: ⌊ No ⌋ 333410_333860 ⌊2 there's ⌋2 . 333810_334410 *PETE: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 333810_334460 *JAMI: There's two young ones 334460_335460 and one (.) who's like twel:ve ? 335460_336960 *HARO: Oh 336960_337210 the ⌈ cow: ⌉ . 337210_337910 *JAMI: ⌊ who has ⌋ (.) frie:nds ? 337360_338760 *PETE: ⌈2 Unhunh ⌉2 . 338760_339110 *JAMI: ⌊2 The- ⌋2 the cow: . 338780_339680 *PETE: ⌈3 Hm ⌉3 . 339680_340180 *JAMI: ⌊3 The ⌋3 older cow 339800_340850 and then there's (.) &=in the middle cow 340850_342550 ⌈ and there's ⌉ ⌈2 a little ⌉2 ⌈3 young cow ? 342550_344030 *PETE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 342660_343060 *MILE: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 342960_343410 *PETE: ⌊3 The little baby cow . 343460_344330 *JAMI: (.) The butterball: ⌉3 ? 344030_344830 *PETE: The calf ⌋3 ? 344130_344880 *HARO: Gee⌈4zh- Zheezhee ⌉4 . 344880_346100 *JAMI: ⌊4 The &=laugh butter- &=laugh ⌋4 . 345150_345900 *PETE: Zheezhee ⌈5 the calf ⌉5 ? 346100_347150 *JAMI: ⌊5 The butter⌋5ball &=laugh &=laugh . 346600_347500 *HARO: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 347500_347700 *PETE: &=laugh . 347700_348050 *JAMI: &=in The butterball . 348050_349560 *JAMI: They used to have this little butterball 349560_351110 r- +/. 351110_351310 *JAMI: when we first moved in 351310_352160 he would 352160_352460 &=in &=lengthened (..) he'd be running arou:nd 352460_354720 (..) d- in the street with his diapers on . 354720_357370 *JAMI: (..) ⌈ this butterball of a kid ⌉ . 357370_359750 *HARO: ⌊ and then he'd stop and go ⌋ 358420_359500 &=in &=ex &=in &=ex &=in ⌈2 &=ex &=in &=ex &=in &=ex ⌉2 . 359500_362100 *JAMI: ⌊2 He'd whee:ze ⌋2 360600_362100 (..) once he stopped ⌈3 running ⌉3 . 362100_363050 *HARO: ⌊3 Cause he's ⌋3 so fat 362820_363620 (.) that whenever he ru:ns 363620_364770 he gets really winded . 364770_365770 *HARO: (..) And he's 365770_366820 (.) you know 366820_367370 (.) a year and a half yea- (.) years old . 367370_369320 *JAMI: Or two years old . 369320_370220 *HARO: A year and a half old . 370220_371270 *JAMI: (..) &{l=@ A year and a half years old &}l=@ . 371270_373520 *PETE: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 373520_374170 *MILE: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ (.) &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 374170_375520 *JAMI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=lengthened 374840_377300 Uh . 377300_378080 *JAMI: (..) They're terrible . 378080_380250 *JAMI: (..) ⌈ Really ⌉ . 380250_382310 *HARO: ⌊ I can't ⌋ t- +/. 381800_382250 *HARO: How do you +/. 382250_382910 *HARO: She just looks pregnant ? 382910_384010 *HARO: ⌈ now ⌉ ? 384010_384360 *JAMI: ⌊ She's ⌋ pregnant . 384130_384930 *JAMI: She's totally pregnant . 384930_385880 *HARO: Oh . 385880_386330 *JAMI: (.) It's not (.) eating too much 386330_387780 she's pregnant . 387780_388380 *HARO: So: 388380_388930 I guess 388930_389630 (..) I mean thi- this- thi- this just happened ? 389630_392700 *HARO: Or . 392700_393000 *JAMI: We're gonna have babies crying . 393000_394250 *JAMI: (..) ⌈ in the middle of the night ⌉ . 394250_396000 *HARO: ⌊ &=GROAN ⌋ 394520_395570 (..) Well it's no worse than her screaming at em 396000_398500 is it ? 398500_398850 *PETE: (..) Yeah but now you'll have both . 398850_400850 *JAMI: (..) Yeah right . 400850_402150 *JAMI: (..) Probably be like 402150_402850 &{l=VOX shut up you ki- &}l=VOX 402850_403950 you know 403950_404450 XX ? 404450_405510 *JAMI: Oh: Go:d . 405510_406110 *JAMI: (..) I feel +/. 406110_409250 *JAMI: I s- feel like such an old lady . 409250_410650 *JAMI: But I +/. 410650_411050 *JAMI: they just really annoy me . 411050_412550 *JAMI: (..) &=SIGH ⌈ kay ⌉ . 412550_415980 *MILE: ⌊ Hunh ⌋ . 415760_415980 *JAMI: New subject 415980_416580 &=laugh &=laugh . 416580_417130 *PETE: Hm . 417130_417580 *JAMI: &=laugh &=laugh &=in . 417580_418610 *HARO: Well it's cause they have no respect . 418610_420160 *JAMI: &{l=P Yeah 420160_420860 I guess so &}l=P . 420860_421510 *MILE: (..) Those two top ma:sks 421510_427570 (.) there . 427570_428070 *HARO: (..) Yep . 428070_430370 *JAMI: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 430370_431290 *HARO: ⌈ We need a verb ⌉ . 431290_432130 *MILE: ⌊ I guess the ⌋ ⌈2 ones below are women ⌉2 . 431510_433210 *PETE: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 432260_433210 *JAMI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋2 . 432180_433210 *MILE: ⌈3 Is that why they look so different ⌉3 ? 433210_434440 *JAMI: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋3 . 433220_434320 *HARO: (.) Uh-oh . 434440_435140 *MILE: I mean 435140_435740 (.) iʔ- +/. 435740_436490 *MILE: (..) Well you see their eyeballs 436490_438690 ⌈ I guess ⌉ . 438690_439190 *PETE: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 438860_439210 *PETE: (.) Yeah ⌈2 the other ⌉2 +... 439360_440210 *MILE: ⌊2 In addition ⌋2 to a mustache and a beard . 439580_441630 *MILE: (..) But the thing is 441630_443230 ⌈ that second one looks like the guy ⌉ who was in ⌈2 one of the ⌉2 ⌈3 Oba Oba ⌉3 skits . 443230_446680 *JAMI: ⌊ Do you know those +/. 443150_443700 *JAMI: (.) any of those dances ⌋ ? 443700_444730 *PETE: ⌊2 All of em ⌋2 . 445210_445660 *JAMI: ⌊3 All of em ? 445660_446180 *JAMI: &=tsk &=in ⌋3 . 446680_447080 *HARO: (..) The little what ? 447080_447780 *MILE: (..) Looks like 447780_448580 (.) th:e second +... 448580_449180 *PETE: &{l=X Why &}l=X . 449180_449430 *MILE: +, one from the top looks like a guy who was in the Oba Oba k- skit . 449430_452380 *HARO: (..) What's an Oba Oba ⌈ skit ⌉ . 452380_453880 *JAMI: ⌊ Oba O⌋ba 453430_454130 oh the Brazilian troop that was here 454130_455680 ⌈ dancing ⌉ ? 455680_456150 *MILE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 455710_455960 *PETE: Oh yeah ? 456150_456500 *JAMI: (..) I never ⌈ saw that ⌉ . 456500_458250 *PETE: ⌊ Look like ⌋ +/. 457670_458170 *PETE: (.) ʔuhʔuh a real- +/. 458400_459150 *PETE: an actual person doing it 459150_460300 or some kind of masks they had 460300_461350 or . 461350_461400 *MILE: No: . 461400_461800 *MILE: Uh: 461800_462360 the guy ⌈ looked like that ⌉ . 462360_463510 *PETE: ⌊ Or there's a guy looked ⌋ like that . 462830_463880 *JAMI: &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 . 463880_464630 *HARO: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 464250_464600 *PETE: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 464600_465180 ⌈ &=in That's pretty ⌉ good . 465180_466390 *MILE: ⌊ X Just like him ⌋ . 465180_465930 *JAMI: &=in . 466390_466740 *HARO: ⌈ &{l=X With the right &}l=X ⌉ +... 466740_467160 *MILE: ⌊ I mean ⌋ that looks kinda like a Black person . 466750_468600 *HARO: &{l=SM With red eyes 468600_469400 and everything &}l=SM ? 469400_469850 *MILE: So where is this fro:m . 469850_471000 *MILE: (..) This isn't from Africa 471000_471850 is it ? 471850_472300 *HARO: (.) No: . 472300_472800 *HARO: (..) From Indonesia . 472800_473550 *MILE: (..) ʔuh But that person looks Bla:ck . 473550_475300 *PETE: (..) Which one ⌈ is it ⌉ ? 475300_476650 *MILE: ⌊ Or do ⌋ Indonesian ⌈2 people look Black ⌉2 . 475950_477950 *JAMI: ⌊2 Looks pink to me ⌋2 . 477000_478150 *PETE: The- +/. 478150_478700 *PETE: which one . 478700_479200 *PETE: (.) The: +... 479200_479700 *MILE: (.) I ⌈ figure the second ⌉ ⌈2 one from the to⌉2⌈3p ⌉3 . 479700_481950 *HARO: ⌊ Tumenggung ⌋ . 479820_480520 *JAMI: ⌊2 The second from the ⌋2 ⌊3 top ⌋3 . 480420_481370 *PETE: ⌊3 Tumeng⌋3gung ? 481140_481790 *PETE: (..) Hunh . 481790_482640 *MILE: I look at that and think 482640_483990 yeah 483990_484190 that looks like a brother . 484190_485140 *PETE: (..) That's ⌈ interesting . 485140_486190 *JAMI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 485710_487050 *PETE: (.) cause I think Indo- Indonesians ⌉ . 486190_487760 *JAMI: think &=in ⌋ ? 487050_487760 *PETE: or 487760_488010 (.) people who've been to Indonesia 488010_489410 (.) think that those guys 489410_490510 like the two top ones 490510_491760 (..) have really European characteristics . 491760_493510 *PETE: (..) ⌈ compared ⌉ to Indonesians . 493510_494710 *JAMI: ⌊ Uh ⌋ . 493760_494010 *PETE: (..) Just cause their eyes are real ⌈2 big and their noses are big ⌉2 . 494710_497360 *HARO: ⌊2 Their eyes are rou:nd ⌋2 . 496080_497130 *JAMI: (..) Oh ⌈3 really: ⌉3 ? 497360_498310 *PETE: ⌊3 And Indonesians ⌋3 have real thin eyes 497930_499530 and 499530_499980 (..) and flat noses and stuff . 499980_501280 *PETE: (..) &{l=P I: don't know &}l=P . 501280_504710 *HARO: (..) Except those 504710_506150 (.) well: 506150_506500 (..) I don't know 506500_506900 the- +/. 506900_507200 *HARO: (.) the bottom ones ⌈ don't have flat noses either ⌉ . 507200_509450 *PETE: ⌊ That's &{l=X true &}l=X they all have b- +/. 507820_508770 *PETE: they all have big ⌋ noses . 508770_509800 *PETE: (..) But they get bigger as you go up anyway . 509800_511420 *HARO: What do you think makes em look African . 511420_513150 *JAMI: (..) Their mustaches ? 513150_517370 *HARO: (..) Is it the ʔuh +/. 517370_518970 *HARO: (..) the way their little beard goes ? 518970_521990 *JAMI: (..) &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 521990_523020 *MILE: ⌊ Oh no ⌋ . 522510_523020 *MILE: That's not even relevant . 523020_524020 *MILE: (..) I- d- +/. 524020_524820 *MILE: I just glanc⌈ed at ⌉ that . 524820_525920 *PETE: ⌊ Hunh ⌋ . 525470_525720 *MILE: and I ⌈2 immediate⌉2ly saw this guy:'s face in Oba Oba . 525920_528420 *PETE: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 526120_526370 *PETE: Hunh . 528420_528670 *PETE: &{l=P That's inter⌈esting &}l=P ⌉ . 528670_529670 *MILE: ⌊ He looks ⌋ like (.) that guy . 529170_530570 *JAMI: (..) Poor guy . 530570_531320 *HARO: (.) That is ⌈ really ⌉ ⌈2 interesting ⌉2 . 531320_532570 *JAMI: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 531840_532540 *PETE: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 531890_532490 *JAMI: (.) &=laugh &=in &=lengthened . 532540_533970 *PETE: Yeah . 533970_534320 *JAMI: Bulging eyes . 534320_535220 *MILE: (..) Cause I remember 535220_537730 he came to Bahia after one of his shows one night . 537730_540180 *MILE: (.) 's kinda funny . 540180_541180 *JAMI: Wow . 541180_541830 *HARO: (..) Well the top guy has a real thick lip . 541830_543780 *MILE: Oh in his black leather jacket and ⌈ his ⌉ black +... 543780_545580 *PETE: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 544950_545200 *HARO: Klana has a real ⌈2 thick lip ⌉2 . 545580_546680 *MILE: +, ⌊2 hood ⌋2 hat . 546080_547010 *PETE: Right . 547010_547480 *MILE: (..) &=laugh &=laugh . 547480_548490 *PETE: Pretty bad over⌈bite too: . 548490_549790 *MILE: ⌊ He's in Oba Oba . 549040_549840 *PETE: you know 549840_550140 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 550140_550390 *MILE: smoking 549790_550340 He ⌋ ⌈2 didn't ⌉2 +... 550340_550890 *HARO: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 550410_550760 *PETE: &=laugh &=in . 550890_550990 *MILE: Then he tried to +/. 550990_551640 *MILE: He danced with (..) a friend of mi:ne [% laugh] . 551640_554710 *JAMI: (..) Yeah: 554710_555860 what ⌈ happened ⌉ . 555860_556460 *MILE: ⌊ But she didn't wanna ⌋ dance with him anymore 555810_557350 &{l=X I &}l=X said 557350_557650 (.) boy: 557650_558050 he just wanted to get close to me . 558050_559450 *HARO: (.) Oo: . 559450_559850 *JAMI: Oo⌈: ⌉ . 559850_561100 *PETE: ⌊ Mm: ⌋ . 560020_560970 *MILE: ⌊ I said 560220_560620 well ⌋ 560620_560920 can't blame ⌈2 him ⌉2 . 560920_561750 *HARO: ⌊2 Oba ⌋2 (.) Oba . 561280_562230 *MILE: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 562230_563100 *PETE: ⌊ m_yeah: ⌋ . 562350_563100 *JAMI: Gross . 563100_563600 *PETE: (..) Mm . 563600_565600 *MILE: (..) But I'm sure those guys: get a lot of attention from women . 565600_569070 *MILE: They travel all over the world . 569070_570300 *MILE: (.) I'm sure a lot of women throw themselves at em 570300_572010 so that's what they expe:ct from women . 572010_573610 *HARO: (..) A lot of groupies . 573610_575880 *MILE: (.) Yeah . 575880_576480 *MILE: (..) Fringe benefits . 576480_579710 *PETE: Hm . 579710_580020 *MILE: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in . 580020_581350 *JAMI: (.) The only fringe benefit &{l=X of &}l=X being a dancer 581350_583610 probably . 583610_584110 *HARO: (.) Well ⌈ in San ⌉ Francisco . 584110_585790 *MILE: ⌊ But then again ⌋ . 584700_585500 *HARO: (.) you [% laugh] never know if it's a benefit or not 585790_587480 either . 587480_587670 *JAMI: That'⌈s ⌉ true . 587670_588280 *PETE: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 587770_588120 *MILE: (.) &=laugh 588280_589680 (..) I didn't know this 589680_591440 but apparently in (.) Brazil 591440_592670 they have a very very high AI:DS infection rate . 592670_595020 *HARO: Really ? 595020_595340 *JAMI: Oh . 595340_595540 *PETE: Oh . 595490_595820 *JAMI: probably ⌈ X ⌉ . 595630_596420 *MILE: ⌊ It's ⌋ ⌈2 supposed ⌉2 to be (.) ve:ry high . 595960_597690 *PETE: ⌊2 Mm ⌋2 . 596220_596470 *HARO: (..) You mean ⌈3 like . 597690_599520 *JAMI: ⌊3 Very unmonitored . 599200_600300 *HARO: higher than the United State- ⌉3 +... 599520_600730 *JAMI: too ⌋3 . 600300_600650 *HARO: (.) Higher than around here ? 600730_601900 *MILE: &=SNIFF That's what I've heard . 601900_603100 *PETE: (.) Hm . 603100_603900 *JAMI: (.) &{l=P I wouldn't be ⌈ surprised &}l=P ⌉ . 603900_605100 *HARO: ⌊ Have you heard ⌋ these figures . 604350_605550 *HARO: that like: 605550_606050 um 606050_606450 (..) it's something like forty percent of males 606450_609220 in (.) the Bay Area 609220_610530 are supposed ⌈ to be infected ⌉ ? 610530_612000 *MILE: ⌊ Well 610990_611470 last Ju⌋⌈2ly: ⌉2 . 611470_612500 *PETE: ⌊2 Oh really ⌋2 ? 611980_612630 *ENV: &=MUSIC_STOPS . 612000_612000 *MILE: (.) ⌈3 this is what ⌉3 +... 612630_613380 *JAMI: ⌊3 Of homosex⌋3ual males 612700_613860 or of males . 613860_614300 *PETE: ⌈ Of all males ⌉ . 614300_614830 *HARO: ⌊ Of males ⌋ ⌈2 in general ⌉2 . 614360_615560 *MILE: ⌊ This infectious ⌋ ⌊2 disease ⌋2 ⌈3 woman . 614310_615950 *HARO: ⌊3 Or males under thirty I think it ⌋3 is . 615540_617440 *MILE: at San Francisco General ⌉3 . 615950_617440 *PETE: Mhm . 617440_617740 *MILE: she said that 617510_618480 (..) this doesn't seem like it can be true 618480_620260 but she said that 620260_621230 (..) ninety per cent of gay men 621230_626930 (..) are HIV positive 626930_628780 (..) and fifty percent of a:ll males 628780_631590 (..) are HIV positive . 631590_632820 *HARO: ⌈ Yeah . 632820_633250 *MILE: ⌊ That's what she said ⌋ . 632820_633580 *HARO: (.) Fifty perc- ⌉ +/. 633250_633780 *HARO: It was some +/. 633780_634380 *HARO: (.) Like 634380_634660 (.) a- m- +/. 634660_635150 *HARO: half or more than half of 635150_636600 &=in and it was (.) fairly young men 636600_638430 (..) but 638430_639500 were 639500_639910 had been exposed to HIV virus . 639910_641910 *HARO: It wasn't necessarily that they were (..) infected . 641910_644460 *MILE: &=in (.) Well 644420_645010 if you're HIV positive 645010_646250 (..) it's the same difference . 646250_647640 *HARO: (..) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 647640_648040 *MILE: ⌊ since they ⌋ feel that 647640_648640 (..) sooner or later ⌈2 you'll come ⌉2 down ⌈3 with the ⌉3 actual disease . 648640_651400 *PETE: ⌊2 Mhm ⌋2 . 649560_650210 *JAMI: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 650160_650880 *MILE: (..) But that's what she sai:d . 651400_652990 *MILE: (.) Now I ⌈ don't ⌉ know if she meant the Bay area or San Francisco . 652990_655280 *JAMI: ⌊ X ⌋ . 653130_653510 *MILE: &=in but those are some ferocious numbers 655280_656950 if ⌈ one ⌉ ⌈2 out of ⌉2 +... 656950_657600 *PETE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 657070_657370 *JAMI: ⌊ That's ⌋ ⌊2 &{l=X just &}l=X ⌋2 horrible . 656970_658140 *MILE: +, two guy:s 658140_659080 (..) you meet . 659080_660010 *HARO: (.) ⌈ yeah: ⌉ . 660010_660750 *PETE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 660430_660740 *MILE: cause there're a lot of women out there who (.) apparently don't believe in using condoms . 660750_664350 *PETE: (..) Hm . 664350_665790 *MILE: (..) I'm just ama:zed . 665790_667350 *JAMI: ⌈ XX dumb mo:ve ⌉ . 667350_668690 *HARO: ⌊ See I'd heard that it was main⌋ly . 667350_668840 *JAMI: ⌈2 Really dumb ⌉2 . 668860_669640 *HARO: ⌊2 ʔin (.) ʔt's mainly ⌋2 ⌈3 urban ⌉3 areas . 668840_670520 *PETE: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 669490_670030 *HARO: that had this really (..) disproportionately high: (.) propor- +/. 670520_674020 *HARO: (..) um 674020_675060 (..) percentage . 675060_676330 *HARO: And then like 676330_676880 (.) r- rural areas 676880_677950 or 677950_678180 like 678180_678440 you know 678440_678720 central Iowa and stuff 678720_679970 (.) had like (..) ten percent or less 679970_682320 (..) of the males 682320_684030 (.) had been infected . 684030_684980 *MILE: &=in Well I would assume San Francisco is higher than most cities around the ⌈ &{l=X country &}l=X ⌉ . 684980_688270 *HARO: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ . 687950_688250 *PETE: ⌈2 Mhm ⌉2 . 688270_688700 *MILE: ⌊2 But ⌋2 688270_688740 (..) that just blew me away . 688740_690250 *MILE: (.) Cause I'm thinking well gee 690250_691300 if half of all the me:n are HIV positive 691300_693290 what does that mean about the women they're having ⌈ sex with ⌉ . 693290_695140 *PETE: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 694610_695110 *PETE: (.) Yeah . 695140_695940 *ENV: &=MUSIC_STARTS . 695940_695940 *HARO: (.) ⌈ Well ⌉ . 695940_696490 *MILE: ⌊ But ⌋ 696010_696460 (.) and just talking with ⌈2 guy:s ⌉2 . 696490_698170 *PETE: ⌊2 X XX ⌋2 . 697510_698010 *MILE: (..) in their twenties 698170_699490 &{l=WH why &}l=WH 699490_700040 (..) I mean these guy:s 700040_701790 (..) say these women don't care if they use rubbers or not . 701790_704590 *MILE: This is what guy:s have been telling me . 704590_705940 *JAMI: (.) &=ex &=lengthened . 705940_706790 *MILE: (..) you know 706790_708270 and I'm thinking 708270_708770 I- I can't believe that 708770_709820 cause in this city 709820_710720 (.) with all the information ⌈ available ⌉ . 710720_712520 *HARO: ⌊ It seems like ⌋ . 711770_712520 *PETE: ⌊ Right &{l=X yeah &}l=X ⌋ +... 711790_712490 *JAMI: ⌈2 Stupid ⌉2 . 712520_713190 *HARO: ⌊2 people ⌋2 712850_713250 people have ⌈3 the information they need ⌉3 . 713250_715150 *MILE: ⌊3 It is just amazing ⌋3 713850_714900 that people in ⌈4 their ⌉4 twenties apparently a:ren't . 714900_717000 *PETE: ⌊4 Right ⌋4 . 715050_715450 *PETE: (..) That's really scary . 717000_718760 *MILE: (.) So I guess it's time for me to become a priest . 718760_720810 *PETE: (.) &=laugh . 720960_721260 *MILE: It's too dangerous out ⌈ there ⌉ . 721260_722510 *HARO: ⌊ &{l=X Oh &}l=X 722030_722330 I don't ⌋ know . 722330_722710 *MILE: I couldn't believe it . 722710_723610 *MILE: This (..) woman I knew I was gonna ask out ? 723610_725910 *MILE: (.) &{l=BR Go:d &}l=BR . 725910_726310 *HARO: You have to be Catholic ⌈ first ⌉ . 726310_727810 *MILE: ⌊ Her ⌋ sister 727460_728460 ⌈2 who's ⌉2 ⌈3 an HIV ⌉3 counselor . 728460_730140 *PETE: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 728500_729300 *JAMI: ⌊2 &=ex ⌋2 . 728460_728750 *MILE: (..) was telling me how her sister just won't use rubbers . 730140_734060 *MILE: (..) ⌈ &{l=HI at ⌉ a:ll &}l=HI . 734060_735260 *JAMI: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 734380_734830 *HARO: (.) Well ⌈2 where would she ⌉2 put them . 735260_736610 *MILE: ⌊2 and I'm thinking ⌋2 . 735330_736080 *PETE: (..) &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 736610_738020 *MILE: ⌊3 I'm thinking ⌋3 . 737410_737960 *JAMI: ⌊3 Well ⌋3 . 737410_737910 *MILE: how ⌈4 can you not ⌉4 . 738010_739010 *JAMI: ⌊4 my sisters ⌋4 don't . 738210_739410 *MILE: (..) &=ex I mean 739410_742760 (..) ʔuh what are they thinking . 742760_744460 *JAMI: (.) &{l=P &=tsk I don't know &}l=P . 744460_745410 *HARO: (..) Don't look at me . 745410_748450 *MILE: (..) ʔuh I- I was just really amazed to hear that 748450_751450 ⌈ people in their twenties ⌉ . 751450_752270 *JAMI: ⌊ We're innocent ⌋ . 751510_752210 *MILE: cause I figure . 752270_752970 *JAMI: (.) We don't have ⌈2 sex ⌉2 . 752970_754070 *MILE: ⌊2 growing ⌋2 up around here 753440_754540 you ⌈3 would ⌉3 (.) know better . 754540_755790 *HARO: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 . 754660_755110 *MILE: (.) And in high school 755790_756590 you know 756590_756840 they teach about it . 756840_757690 *PETE: (.) Mhm . 757690_758340 *MILE: (..) So . 758340_760020 *JAMI: ⌈ I don't know ⌉ . 760020_760700 *HARO: ⌊ Not only ⌋ that 760180_760780 but they have really lewd billboards all over the Castro district . 760780_763630 *ENV: &=OVERHEAD_LIGHT_GOES_ON_BY_ITSELF . 763630_763630 *JAMI: (..) Something's &=ex ⌈ &{l=X wrong [% laugh] &}l=X &=laugh &=laugh &=in . 763630_766330 *HARO: ⌊ I know . 765880_766280 *JAMI: &=in I thought we ⌉ got our electricity fixed . 766330_768530 *HARO: that's kind of scary ⌋ . 766280_767230 *JAMI: &=laugh &=laugh . 768530_768830 *HARO: I thought I turned this o:ff 768830_770080 ⌈ &{l=X though . 770080_770580 *PETE: ⌊ It's been doing ⌋ +... 770130_770850 *HARO: didn't I &}l=X ⌉ ? 770480_770900 *PETE: (.) Oh 770900_771050 that's right . 771050_771400 *JAMI: ⌈ &{l=X But &}l=X ⌉ +... 771220_771420 *PETE: ⌊ you ⌋ did . 771420_771720 *PETE: ⌈2 That's really scary ⌉2 then . 771720_772870 *MILE: ⌊2 This is salsa 771740_772490 right ⌋2 ? 772490_772870 *JAMI: Yeah . 772870_773120 *MILE: (..) What what +/. 773120_774800 *MILE: (.) Who is this . 774800_775500 *JAMI: (..) I don't know 775500_776200 it's from the radio station years ago when I was (..) in Santa Cruz . 776200_779250 *MILE: (..) You know on Sunday:s 779250_783650 (..) at ten o'clo:ck . 783650_785610 *JAMI: (..) That's right now . 785610_787570 *MILE: Kay: 787570_788160 (.) what is that . 788160_788710 *MILE: K:ay: 788710_789530 (..) oh I don't know what the radio station ⌈ is ⌉ . 789530_791830 *JAMI: ⌊ They ⌋ play Salsa ? 791450_792300 *HARO: It ⌈2 begins with a kay though ⌉2 . 792300_793900 *MILE: ⌊2 No 792800_793000 they played th:is ⌋2 +... 793000_793730 *PETE: ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 793900_794610 *MILE: ⌊3 They have a Brazilian ⌋3 ja:zz hour . 793750_795400 *MILE: Is there a KKSF ? 795400_796900 *MILE: (..) &=in I don't know what it was . 796900_798400 *MILE: &=in But it was like I went ⌈ to ⌉ Bahia . 798400_800150 *JAMI: ⌊ What's ⌋ +... 799320_799820 *MILE: (..) last Sunday 800150_801450 &=in (..) got there at eight 801450_803770 &=ex (.) left a te:n 803770_805120 (..) dropped this person off at home 805120_806720 in Foster City 806720_807270 and came back 807270_807920 &=in and I X- was noticing 807920_809220 (.) the songs they were playing on the radio 809220_810570 were the exact same so:ngs they were singing at Bahia 810570_813020 the- b- live band there . 813020_814120 *JAMI: (..) Hm 814120_816230 (.) should I turn on the radio statio- +/. 816230_817780 *JAMI: You ⌈ don't know what station ⌉ it was on ? 817780_819130 *MILE: ⌊ I- I was ⌋ +/. 817980_818680 *MILE: (..) &{l=P KKSF 819130_821060 (.) does that mean anything to you &}l=P ? 821060_822160 *HARO: (..) Nope . 822160_822860 *HARO: (..) You have to translate it to ⌈ a number ⌉ . 822860_825010 *MILE: ⌊ I was in a rental ⌋ car 824330_825230 so it was just whatever station it was ⌈2 on [% laugh] ⌉2 . 825230_826880 *JAMI: ⌊2 Mm ⌋2 . 826600_827100 *MILE: (..) &=in . 826880_827380 *PETE: Hm . 827380_827580 *MILE: But uh 827580_828080 &=in I was just remembering being surpri:sed 828080_829730 cause 829730_830080 &=in I didn't realize 830080_831280 (.) I don't know anything about Brazilian music . 831280_832730 *MILE: You go to the- (.) Brazilian club 832730_834080 and they're singing (.) songs 834080_835480 &=in (..) apparently I guess that's the popular stuff . 835480_838330 *MILE: (.) I guess . 838330_839080 *MILE: (..) I'm so used to hearing those songs 839080_840580 cause I've heard em for the past three months 840580_841960 (.) I didn't think anything of it 841960_842760 but then 842760_843160 &=in this guy played songs for a whole hour 843160_845110 and it was like 845110_845760 &=in eighty per cent of those songs I'd +/. 845760_847460 *MILE: (.) that band had sung that very ni:ght . 847460_849460 *JAMI: (..) Mhm . 849460_850360 *JAMI: (..) &=SNIFF 850360_851440 (..) Pickup band's pretty good there . 851440_853450 *JAMI: (..) Vi⌈va ⌉ +... 853450_854670 *MILE: ⌊ Well ⌋ they have a different band ⌈2 every night ⌉2 . 854460_856160 *JAMI: ⌊2 Who was it ⌋2 855610_856060 Viva Brazil ? 856160_856860 *JAMI: (.) Oh 856860_857010 I went ⌈ on the- ⌉ . 857010_857810 *MILE: ⌊ X ⌋ . 857310_857660 *JAMI: (..) Friday night 857810_858760 so maybe it was different band . 858760_859860 *MILE: Um when did you do ⌈ that ⌉ ? 859860_860760 *JAMI: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ 860310_860960 (..) Oh 860960_861460 a while ago . 861460_862160 *JAMI: (..) The dance floor's too small in that place though . 862160_864910 *JAMI: (.) It's really annoying . 864910_865910 *JAMI: (..) &{l=P &{l=% I like this song &}l=% &}l=P . 865910_869930 *MILE: (..) &=in Are they (..) teaching (..) any more lambada 869930_875470 (..) at: uh +... 875470_877130 *JAMI: (..) school ? 877130_878860 *MILE: (.) Yeah . 878860_879360 *HARO: (..) Vivian was giving ⌈ a lambada ⌉ lesson . 879360_883090 *MILE: ⌊ Cause uh: ⌋ . 882020_882690 *HARO: when I was there ⌈2 &{l=X the other day &}l=X ⌉2 . 883090_884340 *MILE: ⌊2 well 883460_883710 my lambada's ⌋2 ⌈3 definitely ⌉3 getting better . 883710_885590 *JAMI: ⌊3 Really ⌋3 ? 884340_884650 *JAMI: (..) Really ? 885590_886090 *JAMI: I wanna go out lambada dancing with you . 886090_887840 *JAMI: (..) ⌈ XX ⌉ +... 887840_890510 *MILE: ⌊ I mean ⌋ I'm gonna start dancing with those Brazilian women . 890120_892020 *MILE: (..) So I can learn how to beat my hips 892020_894120 I mean [% laugh] 894120_894620 &=in cause their (.) their hips are &{n=SLAPPING beating up against you 894620_896820 (..) you know 896820_897570 like that fa:st &}n=SLAPPING . 897570_898670 *MILE: X +/. 898670_898970 *MILE: &=in Hundred cycles per second 898970_900420 or something ? 900420_900820 *JAMI: ⌈ &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ ⌈2 &=laugh &=in ⌉2 . 900820_902480 *PETE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉3 . 900820_904270 *MILE: ⌊2 I mean 902490_902690 I am ⌋2 ⌊3 not kidding . 902690_903580 *MILE: (.) It +/. 903580_903780 *MILE: It is ⌋3 a different ⌈4 sensation ⌉4 entirely . 903780_905730 *JAMI: ⌊4 &=in ⌋4 . 904550_905000 *PETE: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 905730_906380 *MILE: ⌈ When you're dancing ⌉ with the:m . 906380_907450 *HARO: ⌊ I bet ⌋ . 906510_906910 *PETE: &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉2 . 907450_908300 *MILE: ⌊2 And the- +/. 907370_908020 *MILE: ʔuh only way ⌋2 to learn how is to dance with them mo⌈3:re . 908020_910150 *JAMI: ⌊3 That's true ⌋3 . 909880_910470 *MILE: But I ⌉3 feel like I can start dancing with them now . 910150_912120 *MILE: (..) But uh . 912120_914350 *JAMI: (..) No th- +/. 914350_915840 *JAMI: I don't +/. 915840_916190 *JAMI: (.) I don't +/. 916190_916690 *JAMI: (..) They haven't done anything recently 916690_918090 &=in I 918090_918590 I can't remember if they're going to . 918590_919790 *MILE: Cause 919790_920140 (.) like 920140_920290 Sue Swing taught that class for two mo:nths 920290_922390 (..) May and Ju:ne 922390_923890 (..) and uh . 923890_925370 *JAMI: Is she a good (.) lambada dancer ? 925370_926840 *JAMI: I can't imagine her being a +... 926840_928070 *MILE: (..) Yeah but 928070_930080 I didn't feel like she taught it any different +/. 930080_931880 *MILE: (..) significantly differently than when Vivian and Jeff taught it . 931880_934530 *MILE: (..) I mean 934580_935530 (.) cause they ⌈ do it ⌉ +... 935530_936430 *JAMI: ⌊ real basic ⌋ 935830_936430 (.) and ⌈2 real simple ⌉2 . 936380_937430 *MILE: +, ⌊2 d:ifferent ⌋2 936830_937430 (.) than Brazilians do it . 937430_938630 *JAMI: Yeah . 938630_939130 *MILE: (..) I mean 939130_940180 (.) I don't know what those Brazilian women are doing . 940180_942180 *JAMI: (.) What are they do:⌈ing . 942180_942930 *MILE: ⌊ but their hi:ps are like ⌋ . 942750_944270 *JAMI: Are they going +/. 942930_943530 *JAMI: are they going like ⌉ 943530_944320 &=in really fa:st ? 944570_945520 *JAMI: (.) I mean are they going ⌈ one two three . 945520_946870 *MILE: ⌊ I mean . 945690_946240 *JAMI: one two three ⌉ . 946870_947420 *MILE: first you had this ⌋ wi:de sw:ay of their hips this way 946240_949270 (..) and the:n 949270_950270 (..) it's like 950270_951120 (..) &{n=SLAPPING they're (.) comingʔ 951120_952370 (.) I mean 952370_952720 they're beating me like &{l=HI this &}n=SLAPPING . 952720_953970 *MILE: (..) I don't even know how you can do that . 953970_955620 *MILE: (.) You're dancing with them 955620_956420 &{n=SLAPPING they're beating you just like this &}l=HI . 956420_957620 *MILE: (..) &}n=SLAPPING . 957620_958440 *HARO: Using their hands like that ? 958440_959790 *PETE: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 959790_960290 *JAMI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 960290_961170 *MILE: ⌊ No 960800_961120 using ⌋ thei:r (.) pelvic bones . 961120_963120 *HARO: ⌈2 Wo:w ⌉2 . 963120_963420 *PETE: ⌊2 Mm: ⌋2 . 963140_963390 *JAMI: Right here ? 963390_963890 *MILE: (..) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 963890_965210 *PETE: ⌊ Sort of like ⌋ Tahitian dancers or some⌈2thing . 964600_966350 *HARO: ⌊2 Yeah: ⌋2 . 965970_966580 *PETE: &{l=X You know &}l=X ⌉2 966350_966580 close . 966580_966880 *MILE: But I tell ⌈ you ⌉ . 966880_967880 *PETE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 967380_967830 *MILE: (.) but anyway 967880_968630 you know 968630_968880 they weren't teaching it that way . 968880_969880 *HARO: ⌈ X X: ⌉ . 969880_970380 *MILE: ⌊ You know 969980_970330 the ballroom ⌋ people ⌈2 don't do it that way ⌉2 . 970330_971930 *PETE: ⌊2 XX XX ⌋2 . 971030_971730 *MILE: (.) But ⌈3 that's what I want to learn ⌉3 . 971930_973030 *JAMI: ⌊3 Don't- +/. 971980_972310 *JAMI: Don't they teach ⌋3 972310_972980 &=in don't they teach you to go 972980_973900 one two three: 973900_974680 one two three: 974680_975230 (.) one two three: 975230_975820 like that ? 975820_976390 *JAMI: (..) &=in Or do they go like really fast like that . 976390_979040 *MILE: Well Sue Swing 979040_979820 I mean when she was teaching was definitely more sedate 979820_981360 and the same thing with ⌈ Jeff ⌉ and Vivian . 981360_982590 *JAMI: ⌊ Viv- ⌋ 981880_982120 ⌈2 Yeah . 982590_982870 *MILE: ⌊2 It was just Jeff and ⌋2 +... 982720_983720 *JAMI: (.) sure 982870_983200 but that's cause it's ⌉2 for s- +/. 983200_984150 *JAMI: it's for people who can't move their hips . 984150_985750 *JAMI: (..) Right ? 985750_989260 *JAMI: I mean it's for basic 989260_990140 (.) you know 990140_990510 this is a beginning lambada class 990510_991930 or intermediate ⌈ XXXXX ⌉ . 991930_993730 *MILE: ⌊ I don't know why they did it ⌋ that way . 992580_994040 *MILE: I mean 994040_994340 (.) it seems to me if &{l=X they're gonna teach it like what you do &}l=X 994340_996090 (..) ʔuh . 996090_997170 *JAMI: (..) Or what they teach 997170_998460 and what happens socially 998460_999450 could be two different things . 999450_1000680 *JAMI: (.) You know . 1000680_1001230 *MILE: (..) I mean 1001230_1001850 Brazilians definitely don't 1001850_1002880 (..) hm 1002880_1003340 do it like that [% laugh] &=laugh . 1003340_1004390 *JAMI: (..) I should +/. 1004390_1005230 *JAMI: I want to go . 1005230_1005760 *JAMI: I should check it out . 1005760_1006780 *JAMI: (.) I like that 1006780_1007360 cause it's fun . 1007360_1008060 *JAMI: (..) &{l=P X ⌈ X &}l=P ⌉ +... 1008060_1009310 *MILE: ⌊ I mean ⌋ after I f- +/. 1008830_1009880 *MILE: (..) I ⌈2 mean &{l=X I &}l=X ⌉2 +... 1009880_1012680 *JAMI: ⌊2 &{l=X Are you &}l=X ⌋2 +/. 1012430_1012750 *JAMI: Do they still teach at Bahia on Sunday ? 1012750_1014530 *JAMI: (.) night ? 1014530_1015020 *MILE: Oh yeah . 1015020_1015490 *MILE: (..) &=SNIFF In fact I would have gone today 1015490_1017540 if it wasn't for my back . 1017540_1018640 *JAMI: &=ex . 1018640_1018990 *MILE: (..) Well I finally found some people there I can da:nce with . 1018990_1023490 *MILE: (.) So that helps . 1023490_1024040 *JAMI: Do you need a partner ? 1024040_1024890 *MILE: (..) To go there ? 1024890_1026700 *JAMI: (.) Yeah . 1026700_1027140 *MILE: (.) No . 1027140_1027590 *MILE: (..) Besides 1027590_1029750 you 1029750_1030060 (..) &=laugh 1030060_1031740 I [% laugh] mean [% laugh] if you're a guy 1031740_1032820 (.) If +/. 1032820_1033060 *MILE: (.) If you're a woman 1033060_1034030 I mean 1034030_1034250 those guys'll be all over you . 1034250_1035580 *MILE: (..) ⌈ &{l=X I swear it &}l=X ⌉ . 1035580_1037630 *JAMI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 . 1036750_1037670 *PETE: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 &=laugh ⌉3 . 1037660_1038110 *JAMI: ⌊3 Don't ⌋3 ⌈4 say that . 1038000_1038690 *HARO: ⌊3 Run ⌋3 ⌊4 along now . 1037840_1038680 *JAMI: Harold's in the room ⌉4 . 1038690_1039500 *HARO: dear ⌋4 . 1038680_1039100 *JAMI: &=in ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 1039500_1040790 *PETE: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 . 1039800_1040790 *JAMI: &=in &=SNIFF (.) You could ⌈6 come too ⌉6 . 1040790_1042920 *MILE: ⌊6 &=in Well I don't ⌋6 necess:arily (..) mea:n 1042230_1044790 (.) ʔuh (.) in a bad way 1044790_1046050 even though I'm sure there are a few there 1046050_1047470 ʔuh ʔuh I'm not dancing with guys . 1047470_1049160 *MILE: (.) All I can say is 1049160_1050230 the women aren't all over me . 1050230_1051480 *MILE: (..) Da⌈:rn ⌉ . 1051480_1052470 *HARO: ⌊ Oo⌋: . 1052100_1052650 *MILE: &=in But 1052650_1053150 &=laugh . 1053150_1053300 *JAMI: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1053300_1054410 *PETE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=in . 1053390_1055110 *JAMI: &=in . 1055110_1055750 *MILE: but I remember 1055750_1056440 like I went there with this person 1056440_1057990 (..) &=in &=laugh 1057990_1060420 (.) &=in &{l=@ it's kind of funny &}l=@ . 1060420_1061720 *MILE: th- this person did not want to dance . 1061720_1063110 *MILE: (..) So she's just gonna watch . 1063110_1064520 *MILE: So 1064520_1064930 &=in every once in a while I'd get up and dance 1064930_1066730 (..) and it's like 1066730_1069460 (..) when I'd come ba:ck 1069460_1070800 I mean there was some guy there 1070800_1071810 sitting in my chair . 1071810_1072760 *JAMI: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1072760_1074200 *MILE: Every time I got up . 1074200_1075280 *MILE: I'm thinking 1075280_1075630 Go:d 1075630_1075910 these guys don't waste any ti:me . 1075910_1077250 *MILE: I mean 1077250_1077460 you turn your back 1077460_1078180 and there's somebody moving in . 1078180_1079470 *JAMI: (..) &=in &=ex &=laugh &=laugh . 1079470_1081920 *MILE: ⌈ &{l=X I mean I don't know if they &}l=X X X ⌉ . 1081920_1083720 *JAMI: ⌊ &=in Maybe Harold you should ⌋ come with me . 1082520_1084370 *HARO: (..) Why . 1084370_1085920 *HARO: (..) So I can find +... 1085920_1086970 *JAMI: (.) learn some ⌈ lam- (.) ⌉ lambada . 1086970_1088670 *PETE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1087870_1088170 *HARO: (.) find some girls with empty chairs next to em ? 1088670_1090920 *JAMI: ⌈ &=laugh &=in ⌉ . 1090920_1091550 *MILE: ⌊ &=laugh &=in ⌋ . 1090970_1091510 *PETE: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1091550_1092980 *HARO: (..) Maybe I should go with Miles . 1092980_1095990 *MILE: (.) Oh did- ʔuh +... 1095990_1096510 *PETE: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1096510_1097290 *JAMI: ⌊ Yeah 1096620_1097020 you guys ⌋ ⌈2 could ⌉2 be partners . 1097020_1098190 *MILE: ⌊2 did- ⌋2 +... 1097400_1097600 *JAMI: (..) What ? 1098190_1099150 *MILE: Well I don't know if I told you 1099150_1100130 ʔuh: (.) told you that story about that woman 1100130_1101930 (..) who uh 1101930_1102790 went after that guy there ? 1102790_1103820 *MILE: I told you that story 1103820_1104640 right ? 1104640_1104940 *MILE: (..) I was there Sunday three (.) four weeks ago ? 1104940_1107490 *MILE: (..) Uh: 1107490_1108650 after the class is over w- +/. 1108650_1110070 *MILE: (.) over with 1110070_1110820 (..) I'm sitting down at a table 1110820_1112430 there's a woman from +/. 1112430_1113290 *MILE: (.) who was in the class 1113290_1114010 and two men 1114010_1114570 (..) sitting to my right 1114570_1116200 (.) is a table with two women there . 1116200_1117760 *MILE: (.) They had apparently just come from Oba Oba . 1117760_1119860 *MILE: (..) on the la:st ⌈ night ⌉ . 1119860_1121600 *JAMI: ⌊ &{l=X &{l=P Oh I think you ⌋ told me &}l=X . 1121060_1121840 *MILE: the last night . 1121840_1122540 *JAMI: Yeah &}l=P . 1122540_1123010 *MILE: (..) And like 1123010_1124140 &{l=X well &}l=X they were attractive women 1124140_1125050 the one had on a real real short skirt . 1125050_1126770 *MILE: &=in Anyway 1126770_1127400 there was this guy in his fifties 1127400_1128940 (.) out there dancing 1128940_1129960 (..) &{l=BR by himself &}l=BR . 1129960_1132330 *MILE: (..) And the woman was just looking at him 1132330_1134550 making eyes 1134550_1135120 then she went out there 1135120_1136010 got on her knee:s . 1136010_1137200 *MILE: (..) in front of him . 1137200_1138320 *MILE: (..) in this skirt that's this short 1138320_1140220 (..) &=in takes her hands 1140220_1141650 (.) and goes along his toes 1141650_1143050 and then up 1143050_1143510 and is just (.) d:oing like that . 1143510_1145260 *MILE: (.) I figured . 1145260_1145910 *JAMI: ⌈ Oo: ⌉ . 1145920_1146950 *MILE: ⌊ oh 1145910_1146120 they must know each ⌋ other . 1146120_1147350 *JAMI: (..) Oo: . 1147350_1149190 *HARO: (.) very well 1149190_1150040 &{l=@ in fact &}l=@ . 1150040_1150490 *PETE: Mhm . 1150490_1150940 *JAMI: (..) ⌈ Gro:ss ⌉ . 1150940_1152530 *MILE: ⌊ That's what I ⌋ assu:med . 1151930_1153080 *MILE: (..) And 1153080_1155070 (.) they did that for the whole dance 1155070_1156520 and I mean 1156520_1156750 she was d- all kind of suggestive stuff 1156750_1158560 and touching him and everything 1158560_1159530 (.) people would like (..) cheering 1159530_1161060 &=CLAP 1161120_1161260 and clapping 1161060_1161800 (.) &{l=Q go for it &}l=Q . 1161800_1162430 *MILE: And all this kind of (..) &{l=HI thing &}l=HI ? 1162430_1163780 *MILE: (.) The- (.) the song ended 1163780_1165400 (.) the guy set dow:n 1165400_1166500 (.) at another table . 1166500_1167600 *MILE: (.) And she (.) set dow:n . 1167600_1169300 *JAMI: (..) ⌈ at a- ⌉ +... 1169300_1170720 *MILE: ⌊ at the table ⌋ with her woman friend . 1170410_1171660 *MILE: They never danced again the rest of the even⌈2ing ⌉2 . 1171660_1173260 *HARO: ⌊2 Hm ⌋2 . 1173010_1173360 *MILE: (..) This is like . 1173360_1174300 *JAMI: (..) &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ &=laugh &=lengthened . 1174300_1177270 *PETE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1175770_1176420 *JAMI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1177270_1177990 *PETE: &=laugh . 1177990_1178140 *MILE: so I was thinking 1178140_1178890 this woman's sitting (..) about as far away from me as Jamie is . 1178890_1181990 *MILE: &=in And I was thinking 1181990_1182840 hm 1182840_1182990 this is interesting . 1182990_1183890 *MILE: &=in I wonder how long it was gonna take the guys in this club to move in on her . 1183890_1187190 *MILE: (..) No sooner did I think this thought 1187190_1189240 guys were over there 1189240_1190090 &=in . 1190090_1190240 *HARO: (.) What- 1190240_1190540 (.) you didn't ask her to da:nce ? 1190540_1192140 *JAMI: (..) Not Miles 1192140_1193190 ⌈ he's just &{l=X in daze &}l=X ⌉ . 1193190_1194240 *MILE: ⌊ Well I was still trying to ⌋ figure out . 1193190_1194760 *JAMI: (..) &=laugh . 1194760_1195560 *MILE: surely they must know each other 1195560_1196860 I mean 1196860_1197210 (.) ⌈ why wasn't he sitting at ⌉ ⌈2 her table ⌉2 . 1197210_1198710 *JAMI: ⌊ &=in &{l=@ You mean 1197260_1198010 you were⌋⌊2still ⌋2 thinking about it &}l=@ . 1198010_1199530 *PETE: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1198180_1198730 *JAMI: &=in . 1199530_1199860 *MILE: Anyway 1199860_1200510 (.) this guy: . 1200510_1201460 *JAMI: &=in . 1201460_1201760 *MILE: (.) ʔuh (.) ʔuh (.) I mean he comes over there 1201760_1203560 (.) immediately afterwards . 1203560_1204910 *JAMI: the same guy who got his +/. 1204910_1206360 *JAMI: (..) ⌈ the same guy who's ⌉ +... 1206360_1207710 *HARO: ⌊ No 1207030_1207280 it's just some ⌋ ⌈2 random guy ⌉2 . 1207280_1208560 *JAMI: ⌊2 Or just some random ⌋2 ⌈3 guy ⌉3 . 1207720_1209170 *MILE: ⌊2 No 1207940_1208290 a ⌋2 ⌊3 random ⌋3 guy . 1208290_1209120 *MILE: (.) who was like sitting about where you are . 1209120_1210670 *HARO: (.) Yeah . 1210670_1211070 *MILE: (.) He was sitting there 1211070_1211920 there were two guy:s sitting at a table right where you are . 1211920_1213870 *MILE: (.) And then these two women are sitting here . 1213870_1215120 *MILE: &=in So: uh: 1215120_1216120 he comes over there 1216120_1216870 and is talking with that woman . 1216870_1217920 *MILE: (.) I don't know about what 1217920_1218720 but then like ten minutes later 1218720_1220070 (..) she and her friend are over at their table . 1220070_1222220 *MILE: (..) And then 1222220_1223120 (..) twenty minutes later 1223120_1224170 they were kinda like (.) all over each other . 1224170_1226270 *MILE: You know . 1226270_1226770 *MILE: (..) kissing 1226770_1227670 et cetera 1227670_1228070 et cetera . 1228070_1228570 *MILE: &=in And I was thinking 1228570_1229620 it looks like 1229620_1230220 (.) these people aren't going home alone tonight . 1230220_1231920 *MILE: &=laugh &=laugh . 1231920_1232370 *HARO: (..) Go⌈sh . 1232370_1234360 *MILE: ⌊ But I just thought that ⌋ +... 1234110_1234960 *HARO: no wonder ⌉ they forbid this dance . 1234360_1236260 *HARO: &=J_AND_M_AND_P_LAUGHING_7_POINT_8_SEC . 1236260_1243700 *MILE: ⌈ So ⌉ . 1243700_1244230 *JAMI: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &{l=@ Oh: my God &}l=@ 1243960_1245360 what a story . 1245360_1246110 *JAMI: (..) Well 1246110_1247530 (.) maybe I shouldn't go there then . 1247530_1248880 *HARO: (..) Yeah 1248880_1249950 maybe ⌊ you shouldn't [% laugh] &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1249950_1250750 *MILE: ⌈ It- it- ⌉ it was interesting . 1250350_1251600 *JAMI: &=tsk &=in No: 1251600_1252250 (.) I &{l=X went &}l=X there before 1252250_1253050 it was fine . 1253050_1253750 *JAMI: (.) it was ⌊ really fun ⌋ . 1253750_1254800 *HARO: ⌊ You were the:re ⌋ before ? 1253920_1255320 *JAMI: Yeah: . 1255320_1255770 *JAMI: (.) I went out there before . 1255770_1256970 *HARO: (.) Oh . 1256970_1257420 *PETE: Without even telling Harold ? 1257420_1258370 *HARO: (.) Without telling me ? 1258370_1259270 *JAMI: ʔuhʔuh You knew . 1259270_1260170 *JAMI: (.) &{l=X If &}l=X ⌈ I ⌉ was going out dancing ? 1260170_1261320 *HARO: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 1260340_1260590 *HARO: (.) Oh . 1261320_1261720 *HARO: (.) ⌈ I did ⌉ ? 1261720_1262670 *JAMI: ⌊ Remember a few months ⌋ ago I used to go out dancing ? 1262040_1263590 *JAMI: (.) every now and then ? 1263590_1264340 *HARO: Hm-m 1264340_1264590 I don't remember . 1264590_1265340 *MILE: (..) Well the thing that gets me 1265340_1267290 (..) I meet ⌈ this: ⌉ +... 1267290_1269350 *JAMI: ⌊ to Caesar's ⌋ 1268790_1269400 and stuff ? 1269400_1269700 *MILE: (..) &=SNIFF &=CLICK &=CLICK &=CLICK (.) I meet this psychotherapist . 1269700_1273920 *MILE: (..) who tells me she's addicted to this dance . 1273920_1278990 *MILE: which I th:- +/. 1278990_1279490 *MILE: think is a (..) interesting choice of words for a psychotherapist to use . 1279490_1282240 *MILE: &=in (..) But uh 1282240_1283740 (..) she's marrie:d 1283740_1285270 and apparently she's there: (.) without her husband . 1285270_1287370 *MILE: (..) She has her wedding ring on . 1287370_1289880 *MILE: (..) And it's like she's with this guy: 1289880_1293370 and they're kinda like all over each other &=ex . 1293370_1295220 *MILE: (.) And I'm thinking 1295220_1295720 we:ll 1295720_1296370 (..) I guess that's her husband . 1296370_1297820 *JAMI: (.) Uh-oh ⌈ did you ⌉ say something [% laugh] ? 1297820_1299810 *MILE: ⌊ but I- ⌋ +... 1298710_1299060 *JAMI: &=laugh &=laugh . 1299810_1300310 *MILE: but I was thinking 1300310_1301310 &=in but the thing is 1301310_1302560 (..) you know she's kind of all sophisticated and everything 1302560_1304860 and I'm thinking 1304860_1305410 you know 1305410_1305610 this guy ʔuh 1305610_1306060 ʔuh: I can't (.) really believe that guy's her husband . 1306060_1308310 *MILE: So I don't know what's going on here . 1308310_1309610 *MILE: (..) And of course later on I find out 1309610_1312010 (.) that's not her husband . 1312010_1313110 *MILE: (..) &=in (..) &{l=% &{l=HI So: 1313110_1316460 I'm thinking 1316460_1317160 you know &}l=HI &}l=% 1317160_1317460 I don't know what's going on here . 1317460_1318860 *MILE: &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh 1318860_1320010 &=in But uh: 1320010_1321160 (..) ʔuh: &=ex 1321160_1323310 (.) bizarre . 1323310_1324040 *JAMI: Gossip . 1324040_1324740 *MILE: (..) But then she tells me 1324740_1326690 (.) gee I don't know what it is about this guy I mean 1326690_1328840 &=in I've been trying to tell him I don't want a sexual relationship with him 1328840_1332090 and I'm thinking 1332090_1332840 (..) from the way they look 1332840_1334870 when I'd seen them three weeks before 1334870_1336070 it looked to me like they ha:d one [% laugh] . 1336070_1337720 *MILE: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 1337720_1338600 I'm thinking 1338600_1338950 you don't ⌈ do ⌉ that with- +... 1338950_1339950 *JAMI: ⌊ So ⌋ +/. 1339200_1339450 *JAMI: This is all ⌈2 at Bahia ⌉2 ? 1339950_1341050 *MILE: ⌊2 strangers ⌋2 . 1340350_1341100 *JAMI: All this stuff happens at ⌈3 Bahia ⌉3 . 1341100_1342400 *MILE: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 1341870_1342220 *JAMI: Hunh ? 1342400_1342750 *MILE: (..) To ʔother people I mean . 1342750_1345000 *MILE: &=H_AND_J_AND_P_LAUGHING_8_POINT_0_SEC . 1345000_1354920 *JAMI: &=in &=lengthened &=ex 1354920_1356830 (..) ⌈ We:ll ⌉ . 1356830_1357330 *MILE: ⌊ X ⌋ . 1357080_1357330 *JAMI: I mean maybe: +... 1357330_1358230 *HARO: (.) That was actually [% laugh] very profou:nd . 1358230_1360030 *JAMI: &{l=@ Yeah 1360030_1360530 &=laugh &=laugh that was &}l=@ . 1360530_1361530 *JAMI: &=laugh &=laugh &=in 1361530_1362330 Maybe you can just go up to a woman 1362330_1363340 and 1363340_1363590 you know 1363590_1363840 do that kinda thing . 1363840_1364700 *HARO: Yeah: . 1364700_1365190 *HARO: You &=laugh +/. 1365190_1365590 *HARO: You wind up ⌈ getting ⌉ punched . 1365590_1366790 *PETE: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1365990_1366290 *HARO: is what'll ⌈2 happen ⌉2 . 1366790_1367540 *JAMI: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 1367160_1367560 Probably 1367560_1368110 (.) ⌈ something'll land in your mouth ⌉ . 1368110_1369260 *PETE: ⌊ Well 1367960_1368060 it sounds like there you wouldn't be ⌋ though . 1368060_1369460 *JAMI: &=in 1369460_1369910 What ? 1369910_1370190 *MILE: Yeah 1370190_1370440 right . 1370440_1370840 *MILE: &=laugh . 1370840_1371820 *JAMI: (.) &=in &=lengthened . 1371820_1373350 *MILE: I really: 1373350_1374050 was wondering what that guy was thinking . 1374050_1375400 *MILE: He must have been +/. 1375400_1375850 *MILE: j- since he didn't know her 1375850_1376850 (.) &{l=HI that must have been ⌈ quite a shock ⌉ &}l=HI . 1376850_1378280 *JAMI: ⌊ That was really ⌋ wei:rd . 1377440_1378540 *JAMI: (.) That sounds ⌈2 really weird ⌉2 . 1378540_1379590 *MILE: ⌊2 I mean 1379010_1379410 you're ⌋2 +/. 1379410_1379690 *MILE: y- y- fifty year old guy 1379690_1381240 and 1381240_1381490 (.) some (.) twenty-year-old woman comes up doing that to you 1381490_1383990 uh 1383990_1384140 &{l=HI what do you think &}l=HI . 1384140_1385040 *MILE: &=in . 1385040_1385690 *HARO: (..) I think you think 1385690_1387700 you better go back to your table 1387700_1388900 fa:st . 1388900_1389450 *PETE: Ri:ght . 1389450_1389900 *HARO: (.) Apparently . 1389900_1390800 *JAMI: (..) &=laugh &=laugh . 1390800_1396020 *HARO: (.) I'll f- I'll tell you when I'm fifty what you think 1396020_1398220 okay ? 1398220_1398670 *JAMI: &=ex . 1398670_1399370 *MILE: &=laugh &=laugh . 1399370_1399720 *JAMI: &=THROAT (..) &=THROAT . 1399720_1403170 *MILE: (..) Mhm . 1403170_1404530 *HARO: (..) What ? 1404530_1405740 *JAMI: &{l=X That'll &}l=X be weird when you're fifty . 1405740_1406990 *JAMI: (..) &=laugh &=ex (..) Wonder what you'll look like . 1406990_1409240 *HARO: (.) Nobody's fifty 1409240_1410500 don't worry about it . 1410500_1411400 *JAMI: Oh 1411400_1411650 okay . 1411650_1411950 *JAMI: Ha ha ha 1411950_1412800 la lala lala . 1412800_1413750 *JAMI: &=in . 1413750_1415320 *MILE: (..) Oh well 1415320_1419270 (.) ten o'clock &=ex . 1419270_1420270 *MILE: (..) Look like it's bedtime for some folks here . 1420270_1422920 *HARO: (.) Y:ep . 1422920_1423270 *JAMI: Yeah: 1423270_1423570 actually ⌈ it's ⌉ pretty much bed time for me soon . 1423570_1425620 *PETE: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 1423790_1423990 *HARO: (..) &=tsk Y:ep . 1425620_1427940 *MILE: (..) Well that was good ice cream . 1427940_1429890 *MILE: What kind of ice cream was that . 1429890_1430940 *HARO: (.) Bud's . 1430940_1431740 *JAMI: (..) Pralines and (.) cream- +/. 1431740_1433240 *JAMI: What is it ⌈ called ⌉ ? 1433240_1433840 *MILE: ⌊ But what ⌋ flavor ? 1433540_1434290 *HARO: (.) Uh: 1434290_1435330 ⌊ pecan ⌋ pra⌈2line: ⌉2 . 1435330_1436330 *PETE: ⌊ Praline- ⌋ +... 1435480_1435730 *JAMI: ⌊2 p- ⌋2 +... 1436180_1436480 *HARO: or something ⌈3 like ⌉3 that . 1436480_1437340 *PETE: ⌊3 Right ⌋3 . 1436910_1437110 @End