@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: MANY MANY Speaker, PERR PERROT Speaker, WOOD WOOD Speaker, AUD AUD Speaker, AUD2 AUD_2 Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|MANY|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|PERR|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|WOOD|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|AUD|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|AUD2|||||Speaker||| @Media: 55, audio @Comment: The Mama of Dada @Comment: Public lecture/forum in Santa Barbara, California. Noted artist and ceramist Beatrice Wood gives a public lecture at the Santa Barbra Museum of Art, shortly after her 101st birthday. Wood talks about her life and answers audience questions. *MANY: &=APPLAUSE . 0_21077 *PERR: (..) Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen &=ex 21077_29571 (..) It's uh 29571_31367 (..) truly a historic occasion (..) today 31367_34490 (..) to have ʔuh among us 34490_37085 (..) a citizen who has contributed so much 37085_40826 (..) not only to this (.) entire area 40826_44139 (..) but t- to the world of ceramics 44139_47193 (..) and also to the world of literature 47193_49959 (..) ⌈ and been ⌉ part ʔuh . 49959_52204 *WOOD: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 50784_51354 *PERR: of one of the great (.) artistic movements 52204_55142 (..) which (.) revolutionized 55142_58058 (..) the way (..) art was considered 58058_61095 (..) and which today: still has 61095_64082 (..) extraordinary resonance 64082_66292 (..) in the work (..) of younger artists 66292_69657 (..) who are (.) rediscovering 69657_72061 (..) something that was discovered 72061_74292 (..) at the v- +/. 74292_75675 *PERR: almost at the beginning of this century 75675_77775 (..) and with which (.) Miss Wood 77775_79862 (..) was so intimately involved . 79862_82729 *WOOD: (..) &{l=P XXX &}l=P ? 82729_83632 *PERR: (..) To have (.) the Mother (.) of Dada ⌈ (.) w⌉ith us . 83632_87500 *WOOD: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 86532_86825 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER_AND_APPLAUSE ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ &=lengthened ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 &=lengthened . 87500_92813 *WOOD: ⌊ &{l=X Let's keep &}l=X XX ⌋ 89670_90824 ⌊2 Is this it ⌋2 . 91247_91902 *PERR: is in (.) deed a pleasure . 92813_94574 *PERR: N- now 94574_95027 I would like to (.) hold forth 95027_96765 but (.) I don't think I'm going to be allowed to . 96765_98834 *MANY: (..) ⌈ &=LAUGHTER ⌉ &=lengthened . 98834_100235 *PERR: ⌊ So ⌋ . 99247_99776 *WOOD: &=laugh &=laugh . 100235_100675 *PERR: Beatrice ʔuh 100675_101463 (.) it is yours &=laugh &=ex . 101463_102512 *WOOD: &=laugh . 102512_102598 *PERR: &=laugh . 102598_102731 *WOOD: &=in Is ʔuh my voice alright . 102731_105163 *MANY: (..) ⌈ &=MURMURS_AND_APPLAUSE ⌉ &=lengthened . 105163_107403 *WOOD: ⌊ Like this alright ⌋ . 105388_106583 *WOOD: &=in Now 107403_108041 referring to that period 108041_110248 &=in just mentioned . 110248_111916 *WOOD: &=in (.) It a:ll (..) touched me: 111916_114635 (..) by the name (..) no . 114635_118097 *WOOD: No is the most dangerous &=in word &=in in the English language . 118097_123377 *WOOD: &=in (.) And 123377_124365 (.) it has absolutely (.) changed my life . 124365_127336 *WOOD: (.) &=in For instance 127336_128854 (.) &=in (..) I was brought up 128854_131413 (..) very carefully 131413_133644 (..) I was a &=lengthened good little girl . 133644_135952 *WOOD: (..) And I was in great &{l=X revolt &}l=X . 135952_138577 *WOOD: (..) My mother saw that I had a governess 138577_142282 &=in that I went to private schools 142282_144788 &=in and I was in +/. 144788_145987 *WOOD: (.) I didn't like this at all . 145987_148157 *WOOD: (..) &=in Now 148157_149783 &=in (..) one day 149783_151646 (..) I met Elisa . 151646_154362 *WOOD: (..) A journalist . 154362_156164 *WOOD: &=in She knew writers 156164_157860 she knew artists 157860_159520 &=in she lived a bohemian life 159520_161920 &=in and I was very (.) attracted . 161920_164369 *WOOD: And interested . 164369_165404 *WOOD: &=in So I invited her (..) to home 165404_168093 (.) for luncheon . 168093_169165 *WOOD: (..) &=in After she left 169165_171172 my mother said to me 171172_172652 (..) &{l=VOX she's common &}l=VOX . 172652_174357 *MANY: (..) &=LAUGHTER &=lengthened ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 174357_179873 *WOOD: ⌊ Th⌋at (.) hurt me . 179740_181376 *WOOD: (..) &=in (..) That was first (.) no . 181376_184642 *WOOD: (..) &=in Alright 184642_186359 So the next time 186359_187859 (..) I went to see her 187859_189534 (.) &=tsk &=in (..) and 189534_191436 (..) she had a little apartment in Greenwich Village 191436_194838 and she said 194838_195873 (..) &=tsk &=in there's a (.) young musician 195873_198565 of twenty-six . 198565_200037 *WOOD: &=in Who's broken his leg 200037_201902 he's French 201902_202667 he's very lonely 202667_203989 &=in you speak French 203989_205383 so go see him . 205383_206808 *WOOD: (..) &=in So ʔuh 206808_208340 I went to see him in the hospital 208340_210536 &=in and it was ʔuh Varese 210536_212236 the musician of the avant-garde &=in music 212236_215946 &=in and 215946_217174 the second time I went to call on him 217174_220128 &=in Marcel (.) Duchamp (.) was there . 220128_223200 *WOOD: &=in The great painter 223200_224651 &=in (.) of The Nude Descending the Staircase . 224651_227898 *WOOD: (..) Alright . 227898_229208 *WOOD: &=in Marcel Duchamp 229208_230920 introduced me 230920_232066 &=in to 232066_232844 Henri-Pierre Roche . 232844_234633 *WOOD: (.) &=in (.) Roche was a (.) collector (.) of a:rt 234633_238676 &=in a:nd (.) a diplomat 238676_240677 &=in uh sent by the French government 240677_243304 very correct 243304_244508 &=in he called on my parents twice 244508_247538 &=in (..) and after he left 247538_249681 (.) my mother said 249681_251107 (..) &{l=VOX you're in love with that man . 251107_253636 *WOOD: You shouldn't see him again &}l=VOX . 253636_255364 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER . 255364_260795 *WOOD: I ⌈ didn't ⌉ know whether I was or not . 260795_262802 *AUD: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 261045_261277 *WOOD: but I was attracted . 262802_264202 *WOOD: (..) Alright . 264202_267153 *WOOD: (.) That was her (..) second (.) no . 267153_269732 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 269732_272613 *WOOD: ⌊ &=in So ⌋ 271870_272613 very politely 272613_273622 he called a third time 273622_275473 (.) &=in and I said 275473_276564 oh ʔuh . 276564_277094 *WOOD: I was at the phone 277094_278039 &=in I'll come to see you . 278039_279852 *WOOD: (..) &=in He said 279852_280713 oh no 280713_281305 I just have a little apartment in Greenwich Village 281305_284287 &=in it's nothing at all 284287_285715 I said oh that's alright 285715_287206 &=in I don't mind 287206_288359 he said 288359_288796 &=in no no no 288796_289908 it's +/. 289908_290260 *WOOD: &=in It's not +/. 290260_291073 *WOOD: It's not attractive . 291073_292397 *WOOD: &=in I said lo:ok . 292397_293637 *WOOD: (.) I'm (.) shopping just around the corner . 293637_296514 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER . 296514_302800 *WOOD: ⌈ I see you get the ⌉ point . 302800_304355 *AUD: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 302800_303900 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER . 304355_310660 *WOOD: It was a lie 310660_311526 if I ever said one . 311526_312770 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ &=lengthened ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 312770_315376 *WOOD: ⌊ &=tsk So [% laugh] ⌋ 312995_314214 ⌊2 I ⌋2 um 315064_315763 (..) m- (..) decided 315763_317433 and I went to see him . 317433_318941 *WOOD: (..) &=in And I entered his (.) very simple little room 318941_322259 I looked around it 322259_323566 &=in and I remembered there were very coarse curtains 323566_326781 and the &=in sun shone through them 326781_329266 &=in made them like gold 329266_331106 &=in and I stood in his room 331106_333266 (..) and he was very nice gentlemanly man 333266_336901 &=in he didn't quite know what to do 336901_339244 so he came 339244_340281 &=in and he stood opposite me 340281_341902 and looked at me 341902_343015 &=in (..) And 343015_344214 I saw a painting on his (.) wall 344214_346446 and I saw 346446_347457 &=in a: (.) glass of water on the table 347457_350736 &=in (..) and 350736_351836 (..) he wasn't saying anything . 351836_353886 *WOOD: &=in (.) So 353886_354827 finally I (.) looked at him 354827_356717 and I said 356717_357618 (..) &{l=VOX aren't you going to show me your (.) etchings &}l=VOX ? 357618_361443 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER . 361443_368305 *WOOD: From that time on 368305_369840 I was never &=in a good little girl . 369840_372516 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER_AND_APPLAUSE &=lengthened ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ &=lengthened . 372516_379657 *WOOD: ⌊ That ⌋ 378695_379409 it was the kind of life &=in I wanted . 379657_382740 *WOOD: (..) &=in He 382740_383870 (..) uh 383870_384732 ʔuhʔuh 384732_385133 (..) he ʔuh 385133_386135 a:nd Duchamp 386135_387260 introduced me to the Arensbergs 387260_389635 &=in and I met all the great artists of that day 389635_392907 and had a w:onderful &=in time . 392907_395300 *WOOD: &=in I was just I think twenty-two 395300_397721 going on twenty-three 397721_399247 &=in so 399247_400015 (.) I was of age . 400015_401242 *WOOD: And my mother couldn't say anything . 401242_403231 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 403231_404250 *WOOD: ⌊ &=tsk &=in ⌋ Now 403707_404778 (..) I'm v:ery (.) international 404778_407879 (..) in feeling . 407879_409119 *WOOD: (..) &=in I've traveled quite a good deal 409119_411768 (.) and 411768_412242 to me as I travel 412242_413740 &=in people (..) are the same (.) everywhere . 413740_416696 *WOOD: (.) &=in And in spite (.) of having (.) this feeling for the whole world . 416696_421508 *WOOD: (.) &=in (.) I l:ove that I'm a Californian 421508_425362 &=in ⌈ I ⌉ +... 425362_426213 *MANY: ⌊ &=LAUGHTER ⌋ &=lengthened ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 425713_428284 *WOOD: ⌊2 I was born ⌋2 in San Francisco 427224_429938 &=in and one of the reasons I love California so much 429938_434292 &=in (..) is 434292_435390 (.) that it's kinky . 435390_436906 *WOOD: &=in ⌈ And ⌉ +... 436906_437666 *MANY: ⌊ &=LAUGHTER ⌋ &=lengthened ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 &=lengthened ⌈3 &=lengthened ⌉3 . 437193_447665 *WOOD: ⌊2 But this is very important ⌋2 . 443860_446044 *WOOD: ⌊3 Because ⌋3 446973_447665 new ideas 447665_449389 (..) come up because it's kinky . 449389_451626 *WOOD: (..) And 451626_452927 (.) it's just wonderful 452927_454402 the ʔuh (.) marvelous new ideas that come up . 454402_457307 *WOOD: &=in And of course 457307_458722 what I (..) like about (..) America 458722_461605 (..) because 461605_463136 in spite of being (..) very international in my feeling 463136_466796 &=in I think ours 466796_468403 is a w:onderful country . 468403_470736 *WOOD: &=in (.) We're quick in friendship . 470736_473623 *WOOD: We are (..) open to new ideas . 473623_476695 *WOOD: &=in We (.) made 476695_477988 we presented many (.) new inventions . 477988_481567 *WOOD: (..) But 481567_482968 (..) and this is very serious . 482968_486071 *WOOD: (.) &=in Ou:r 486071_487615 (..) um 487615_488708 (..) &=tsk &=in uh 488708_490326 (.) athletes 490326_491606 (..) &=in our actors ʔuh 491606_493688 are getting millions . 493688_495139 *WOOD: (..) &=in And our teachers 495139_497325 (.) are being cut down . 497325_499000 *WOOD: &=in And our libraries ʔuh 499000_500928 are being closed . 500928_502346 *WOOD: (..) &{l=MRC This is very very serious &}l=MRC 502346_505714 &=in it's putting a bl:ock (..) on knowledge 505714_509111 &=in China 509111_510231 and other Middle East country- +/. 510231_512088 *WOOD: Not &=in other Middle East but ʔuh 512088_513700 (..) Middle East countries and China 513700_516042 &=in and other countries ʔuh 516042_517567 (.) &=in are realizing the importance of education . 517567_521356 *WOOD: &=in And going after it . 521356_523508 *WOOD: (.) &=in And we: 523508_524856 (.) are cutting down . 524856_526400 *WOOD: In that direction . 526400_527819 *WOOD: &=in And it worries me a great deal . 527819_530120 *WOOD: &=in Now . 530120_531063 *WOOD: (..) &=tsk &=in (..) One of the wonders of America 531063_533990 (.) &=tsk however 533990_534891 (.) &=in &=tsk in spite of the bad things 534891_537394 (.) &=in several years ago 537394_538973 Tony Prieto 538973_540502 &=in uh 540502_541661 (.) who taught ceramics 541661_543305 (..) I think at Mills College 543305_545113 he and his wife 545113_546133 &=in ʔuh went to Europe . 546133_547982 *WOOD: (..) To learn . 547982_548879 *WOOD: And we he rela- turned 548879_550535 he said 550535_551409 &=in &{l=MRC Europe shares nothing &}l=MRC . 551409_554254 *WOOD: (..) America shares . 554254_556880 *WOOD: &=in And because America shares ʔuh 556880_558915 our craft movement . 558915_560532 *WOOD: &=in Has grown so wonderfully . 560532_562708 *WOOD: (.) &=in We're doing w:onderfully inventive things in craft . 562708_566937 *WOOD: &=in Uh 566937_567866 I have been very fortunate myself 567866_570455 I'm not naturally a craftsman 570455_572509 &=in but 572509_573374 I've had ʔuh fou:r (.) very wonderful craftsmen 573374_577624 &=in to: help me 577624_579476 &=in uh Lukens at USC 579476_582051 &=in the Natzlers 582051_583425 Otto: and Gertrud Natzler 583425_585559 great potters 585559_586909 &=in when they first came to America 586909_589069 Gertrud Natzler 589069_590314 &=in would sit by me at the wheel 590314_592560 &=in and help me (.) try 592560_594582 &=in to see what throwing was about 594582_597132 &=in then 597132_598340 my colleagues in Ojai 598340_600525 Vivika and Otto Heino 600525_602428 &=in they've been so generous 602428_604575 they're teachers 604575_605670 &=in they pass down everything 605670_607888 they've helped me 607888_609040 (.) &=in a:nd uh: 609040_610943 (..) I remember Toshiko: &=in Takaezu 610943_614977 her name's so hard for me to say 614977_616628 &=in was visiting me 616628_618031 &=in she spent a day and a half helping me 618031_620713 &=in (..) center on the wheel . 620713_622773 *WOOD: &=in &{l=MRC All this sharing &}l=MRC . 622773_625023 *WOOD: &=in In our schools . 625023_626441 *WOOD: Amongst craftsman themselves . 626441_628532 *WOOD: &=in Is a wonderful thing . 628532_630247 *WOOD: &=in So the movements go on . 630247_632208 *WOOD: &=in (.) And of course ʔuh 632208_633740 (.) our museums ʔuh . 633740_635250 *WOOD: (.) Are so (.) important . 635250_637602 *WOOD: &=in I don't know 637602_639422 (..) if military (..) minded people 639422_643267 (..) &{l=PAR hope nobody from the FBI is here &}l=PAR . 643267_646192 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER . 646192_653761 *WOOD: If our military people- 653761_655353 ʔif ʔuh 655353_656034 realize 656034_656928 (.) the importance of museums 656928_659153 &=in &{l=MRC museums protect all the great art &}l=MRC . 659153_664203 *WOOD: &=in The gr:eat invention . 664203_666151 *WOOD: &=in The creative efforts of man from the beginning of time . 666151_670577 *WOOD: (.) &=in And 670577_671436 (..) they're our inspiration 671436_673837 &=in and I think our museums are doing wonderfully now 673837_677640 even though 677640_678468 &=in we're beginning to cut down on education . 678468_681448 *WOOD: (..) &=in (..) I ʔuh 681448_683348 (..) I feel 683348_685204 (..) about the importance 685204_687673 &=in (..) of craft . 687673_689479 *WOOD: (..) Of bringing (..) beauty . 689479_691926 *WOOD: (.) Craft into life . 691926_693274 *WOOD: (..) &=tsk &=in One day (.) I said to Vivika Heino . 693274_696955 *WOOD: (..) Because I'm a snob about art . 696955_700199 *WOOD: Ever since a child 700199_701422 I've been dragged 701422_702328 &=in through the museums of Europe 702328_704299 and America 704299_705110 and my eyes are exposed to &=in great art . 705110_708486 *WOOD: &=in So I said 708486_709787 (..) &{l=VOX you know &}l=VOX 709787_710800 (..) it's a mistake 710800_712391 (..) to teach 712391_713691 (..) (.) cr- ʔuh pottery 713691_715317 (..) in high school . 715317_716844 *WOOD: (..) The students haven't time to make anything beautiful and important . 716844_721500 *WOOD: (..) And Vivika Heino so wisely answered 721500_725405 &=in (.) that is not the purpos:e . 725405_728316 *WOOD: &=in It opens them . 728316_730127 *WOOD: (..) To aesthetics . 730127_731918 *WOOD: (.) &=in And that's what right education does . 731918_735200 *WOOD: (.) &=in Now 735200_736149 &=in I wonder . 736149_737401 *WOOD: (..) We have (..) a trem:endous (..) population in prison . 737401_744998 *WOOD: (..) And it's growing 744998_747076 we can hardly (..) house them . 747076_749357 *WOOD: (..) Why . 749357_751307 *WOOD: (..) We put the cart before the horse . 751307_753997 *WOOD: (..) We put people in prison . 753997_756097 *WOOD: (.) Why: . 756097_756999 *WOOD: (..) Because they have &{l=MRC not had right education &}l=MRC in the beginning . 756999_762930 *WOOD: (.) &=in And r:ight (..) education 762930_765425 is the b:asis &=in (.) of everything . 765425_768175 *WOOD: (..) &=in Now ha- I'll (.) end with one other &=in (.) idea 768175_772213 and then you can ask me questions 772213_774075 and that is this . 774075_775282 *WOOD: (..) &=in (.) Since there is an Olympic (.) of athletes . 775282_780477 *WOOD: (..) &=in (.) Why not have an Olympic 780477_783985 (..) of ethnic and tribal dancers 783985_787272 &=in from (.) countries all over the world . 787272_790963 *WOOD: &=in Then people could come 790963_793468 &=in and meet 793468_794467 they'd have beautiful costumes 794467_796560 &=in friendships would be made 796560_798944 &=in a:nd 798944_799883 (..) I don't think we can have peace 799883_802953 (..) just with guns . 802953_805147 *WOOD: &=in Peace comes through friendship . 805147_807554 *WOOD: &=in And friendships would be made 807554_809850 &=in with all these dancers intermingling . 809850_813060 *WOOD: &=in And even dancing with each other . 813060_815722 *WOOD: (..) Because 815722_816925 (..) when you touch 816925_818356 (..) you don't shoot . 818356_820098 *MANY: (..) &=LAUGHTER 820098_822894 &=APPLAUSE . 822894_831119 *WOOD: (.) And ʔuh 831119_831876 (..) I base this ʔuh 831876_833517 on a little experience of my own 833517_836037 &=in when I was in 836037_837455 &=in ʔuh (.) ʔuh Ojai . 837455_839413 *WOOD: As a sweet young thing . 839413_840898 *WOOD: &=in I would go dancing at the art center . 840898_843652 *WOOD: I knew all kinds of square dancing 843652_845783 folk dancing 845783_846881 &=in nobody cared 846881_848799 (..) who we were dancing with 848799_850673 if it was the rich rancher 850673_852633 &=in or: 852633_853808 &=in a man taking care of trash 853808_856190 (..) nobody cared . 856190_857613 *WOOD: &=in As long as he was a good dancer . 857613_860002 *WOOD: &=in And ⌈ after ⌉ . 860002_861340 *PERR: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 860827_861340 *WOOD: every month 861340_862394 &=in we had a party . 862394_864011 *WOOD: And (.) a:ll of us 864011_865639 &=in mixed together in friendship . 865639_867790 *WOOD: &=in That (.) is w:onderful . 867790_870110 *WOOD: &=in And 870110_870566 something like this could happen . 870566_872352 *WOOD: &=in If we had great dances . 872352_874669 *WOOD: &=in So 874669_875601 (..) I come back 875601_877226 my las:t (..) word is 877226_880055 (..) violence 880055_882381 (.) never ends 882381_883836 (..) with violence . 883836_885641 *WOOD: (..) And right education 885641_888187 (..) is the b:asis 888187_890568 (.) of everything . 890568_891653 *MANY: (..) &=APPLAUSE . 891653_905555 *PERR: (.) Well 905555_905902 I do hope that there is someone from the FBI here 905902_908480 to re⌈lay this ⌉ message . 908480_909758 *AUD: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 908830_909225 *PERR: to the State Department . 909758_911058 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ &=lengthened ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 911058_912910 *PERR: ⌊ Because if the ⌋ ⌊2 State Depart- ⌋2 +... 911476_912910 *WOOD: ⌊2 &{l=X Okay &}l=X ⌋2 ? 912073_912910 *PERR: (..) &{l=F I (.) hope that there is someone from the FBI here 912910_916893 ⌈ so that they ⌉ could tell it to the State Depart⌈2ment &}l=F ⌉2 . 916893_919645 *WOOD: ⌊ &=laugh &=in ⌋ 916893_917447 ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 919295_919645 *MANY: ⌊2 &=LAUGHTER_AND_APPLAUSE ⌋2 &=lengthened ⌈3 &=lengthened ⌉3 . 919295_921627 *WOOD: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=in &=laugh ⌋3 . 919895_921627 *PERR: Miss Wood asked me to (.) inform everyone 921627_924534 that her hearing was rather (..) difficult 924534_927431 at the moment 927431_928281 &=in and so 928281_929319 ʔuh 929319_929694 I will have to speak very loud 929694_931780 and clearly 931780_932747 so so- she can ⌈ hear what I say ⌉ . 932747_935165 *WOOD: ⌊ Yes 933646_933923 I'm very hard ⌋ (..) of hearing . 933923_936280 *WOOD: (..) Age . 936280_937082 *WOOD: There's no getting around it . 937082_938534 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ &=lengthened ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 &=lengthened ⌈3 &=lengthened ⌉3 . 938534_943148 *WOOD: ⌊ so ⌋ 938796_939130 ⌊2 Mister Perrot will take questions ⌋2 . 939555_941687 *PERR: ⌊3 So 941912_942248 if you will ask ⌋3 your questions clearly 942248_944425 and please don't make them too long 944425_946287 s- +/. 946287_946512 *PERR: because I might forget 946512_947802 (..) the: beginning 947802_949091 by the ⌈ time I reach the end ⌉ . 949091_950720 *MANY: ⌊ &=LAUGHTER ⌋ &=lengthened ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 &=lengthened ⌈3 &=lengthened ⌉3 . 949454_952432 *PERR: ⌊2 Uh ⌋2 951300_951720 ⌊3 then ⌋3 952057_952432 I will relay them to Miss Wood . 952432_954377 *PERR: (..) And 954377_956654 (..) uh 956654_957180 as far as I know 957180_958215 there are no restrictions 958215_959432 on any questions 959432_960583 that you ⌈ could ask ⌉ . 960583_961634 *MANY: ⌊ &=LAUGHTER ⌋ &=lengthened . 960899_963642 *PERR: (..) Who would like +/. 963642_966295 *PERR: (..) Yes: . 966295_967182 *AUD: (..) Beatrice . 967182_968909 *AUD: (..) when did you first get 968909_971037 (.) uh 971037_971537 (..) into a living relationship in Paris . 971537_975003 *AUD: With all those wonderful artists . 975003_976755 *AUD: At what age . 976755_977575 *PERR: (..) W- w- &{l=F when did you get into a living relationship 977575_982020 with those p- (..) artists in Paris 982020_984312 (..) at what (.) age &}l=F . 984312_986161 *WOOD: (..) With artists in Par⌈is ⌉ . 986161_988075 *PERR: ⌊ Yes ⌋ . 987631_988158 *WOOD: (..) &=in (.) Um 988158_989780 I went to study (.) art in Paris . 989780_992572 *WOOD: &=in A little bit . 992572_993823 *WOOD: (.) &=in ʔuh But I (.) really didn't (.) meet (..) any answers 993823_998161 and to (..) answer your question the way I think you would like it answered . 998161_1002899 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ &=lengthened ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 &=lengthened ⌈3 &=lengthened ⌉3 . 1002899_1010640 *PERR: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ 1003212_1004000 ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1007871_1008536 *WOOD: ⌊3 I was twenty⌋3-three . 1009415_1011367 *WOOD: (.) In New York . 1011367_1012772 *AUD: (.) &=laugh . 1012772_1013272 *WOOD: (..) Mhm . 1013272_1014296 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ &=lengthened ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 &=lengthened ⌈3 &=lengthened ⌉3 &=lengthened . 1014296_1018593 *PERR: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh ⌋ 1014612_1015640 ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1016581_1017408 *WOOD: ⌊3 And ⌋3 1017840_1018389 it was my mother's no . 1018593_1020695 *PERR: ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 1020695_1020967 *MANY: ⌊ &=LAUGHTER ⌋ &=lengthened ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 &=lengthened . 1020695_1022649 *WOOD: ⌊2 That ⌋2 1021492_1021918 I was so 1022649_1023896 (..) ʔuh really 1023896_1025621 (..) ʔb- ʔb- (.) bothered . 1025621_1027339 *WOOD: (..) By her remarks . 1027339_1029596 *WOOD: (..) That I just broke loose . 1029596_1031559 *WOOD: And went 1031559_1032436 (..) in the direction I wanted . 1032436_1034536 *WOOD: (..) She wanted 1034536_1035880 a different direction . 1035880_1037261 *WOOD: (..) Social life . 1037261_1038964 *WOOD: (..) Have me married to a (..) stock bro⌈ker ⌉ . 1038964_1041970 *AUD: ⌊ &{l=X Oh &}l=X ⌋ . 1041600_1041970 *MANY: (.) &=LAUGHTER . 1041970_1043995 *WOOD: I wouldn't be here 1043995_1045169 I would've murdered him . 1045169_1046281 *MANY: ⌈ &=LAUGHTER_AND_APPLAUSE ⌉ &=lengthened ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 &=lengthened . 1046281_1058195 *PERR: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ 1046281_1047520 ⌊2 &=laugh (..) &=laugh ⌋2 . 1056715_1057516 *WOOD: I say this 1058195_1059033 in spite of not believing in violence . 1059033_1061496 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER . 1061496_1065835 *WOOD: My wh:ole life changed . 1065835_1068260 *WOOD: &=in And I think I was very lucky . 1068260_1070898 *WOOD: Because 1070898_1071792 (..) &=in (..) ʔuh ʔuh three +/. 1071792_1074958 *WOOD: ʔuh ʔuh oh four friends 1074958_1076713 did so much 1076713_1077747 &=in to: (..) help my education . 1077747_1080841 *WOOD: &=in Marcel Duchamp 1080841_1082451 Roche 1082451_1083184 &=in the collectors 1083184_1084255 the Walter Arensebergs 1084255_1085856 &=in and then 1085856_1087017 (..) my old schoolmate 1087017_1088934 Elizabeth Reynolds Hapgood . 1088934_1091012 *WOOD: (.) &=in Hapgood was co- 1091012_1092779 was uh (.) editor of Collier's 1092779_1095331 &=in a (..) close friend of President Wilson 1095331_1098537 (.) and Elizabeth herself 1098537_1100387 &=in spoke Russian . 1100387_1101884 *WOOD: &=in So she knew 1101884_1103178 this was years and years ago 1103178_1104902 before even any of your grandmothers were alive . 1104902_1107703 *MANY: ⌈ &=LAUGHTER ⌉ . 1107703_1109367 *WOOD: ⌊ ʔuh &=in Uh: 1107696_1108682 ʔuh ʔuh: ⌋ 1108682_1109332 it was uh 1109332_1110378 ʔuh uh 1110378_1110992 she knew a:ll the Russian ambassadors 1110992_1113345 &=in Pavlova 1113345_1114426 Nijinsky: 1114426_1115938 &=in uh 1115938_1116696 &=in Isadora Duncan 1116696_1118077 ʔuh all those people . 1118077_1119331 *WOOD: &=in I met through my own schoolmate 1119331_1121757 &=in Elizabeth (..) Hapgood . 1121757_1123823 *WOOD: (..) So I have been (.) very (.) lucky . 1123823_1126669 *PERR: (..) Another question &=ex ? 1126669_1136916 *WOOD: (..) You fear I'll tell the truth . 1136916_1139418 *MANY: (.) &=LAUGHTER ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 ⌈3 &=lengthened ⌉3 ⌈4 &=lengthened ⌉4 . 1139418_1143903 *PERR: ⌊ Bravo ⌋ . 1140895_1141608 *WOOD: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌊3 (.) &=in &=laugh ⌋3 ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋4 &=laugh &=laugh . 1141619_1145178 *PERR: ⌊3 Nothing but ⌋3 . 1142812_1143718 *AUD: How was your relationship with your mother 1145178_1147006 after you (.) broke away from her . 1147006_1148658 *PERR: (..) &{l=F How was your relationship with your mother 1148658_1152087 after you broke away: from her &}l=F . 1152087_1154277 *WOOD: (..) &=in U:m 1154277_1157321 (..) I broke away 1157321_1160415 I was acting then . 1160415_1162091 *WOOD: In the French theatre . 1162091_1163641 *WOOD: (..) &=in (.) ʔuh +/. 1163641_1164966 *WOOD: (.) I wasn't really 1164966_1166474 (.) too interested 1166474_1167504 in the stage . 1167504_1168829 *WOOD: &=in (.) ʔuh But 1168829_1169839 in those early years 1169839_1171811 (..) I thought it was the only way I could earn money . 1171811_1175172 *WOOD: (.) &=in And I threatened my mother to run away 1175172_1178268 (.) &=in so she said 1178268_1179658 if you really mean that 1179658_1181045 I'll take you to Paris . 1181045_1182637 *WOOD: &=in And you can study under the Comedie- 1182637_1185440 (.) Comedie Francaise . 1185440_1187141 *WOOD: &=in Because she thought 1187141_1188709 &=in that if I (.) acted in French 1188709_1191256 &=in (.) it was safer . 1191256_1193002 *WOOD: Than if ⌈ I acted . 1193002_1194202 *MANY: ⌊ &=LAUGHTER ⌋ &=lengthened ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 &=lengthened . 1193371_1201772 *WOOD: (.) in America ⌉ . 1194202_1195403 *WOOD: ⌊2 So ⌋2 1199975_1200873 (..) I: 1201772_1202754 (.) ʔuh (..) ʔuh 1202754_1204010 &=in (..) I was acting in the French theatre 1204010_1207088 (..) &{l=X then I &}l=X +/. 1207088_1207936 *WOOD: I was the ingenue 1207936_1209368 &=in I spoke perfect French 1209368_1211344 had beautiful clothes 1211344_1212607 &=in &=lengthened uh: 1212607_1213906 (.) for two years 1213906_1214886 I think I did over sixty parts . 1214886_1217038 *WOOD: &=in But I want to &{l=MRC act in English &}l=MRC . 1217038_1220299 *WOOD: (..) &=in And my good friend 1220299_1221954 Elizabeth Hapgood . 1221954_1223220 *WOOD: On account of Russian 1223220_1224482 and knowing 1224482_1225140 &=in so many (..) people in the theatre . 1225140_1227820 *WOOD: (..) ʔuh I got many parts offered me 1227820_1231147 and my mother said 1231147_1232202 &=in &{l=VOX No . 1232202_1232983 *WOOD: (..) You get leading lady 1232983_1234857 or nothing &}l=VOX . 1234857_1235584 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER . 1235584_1237546 *WOOD: Now: 1237546_1238495 (..) part of me was really 1238495_1241321 &=in a good little girl . 1241321_1243099 *WOOD: Part of me 1243099_1243849 &=in so I was very (.) subdued . 1243849_1246656 *WOOD: &=in And 1246656_1247426 my spirit was being broken . 1247426_1249511 *WOOD: Because she'd say 1249511_1250340 no . 1250340_1250924 *WOOD: (.) No . 1250924_1251384 *WOOD: &=in You can't do that 1251384_1252560 you can't do that . 1252560_1253762 *WOOD: (..) &=in And then 1253762_1254927 (..) a woman came from Canada . 1254927_1256964 *WOOD: (.) &=in A:nd said 1256964_1258406 will you come up for three weeks . 1258406_1260561 *WOOD: (..) To Canada 1260561_1261851 (..) a:nd act in the: theatre there . 1261851_1264812 *WOOD: &=in (.) On salary . 1264812_1266263 *WOOD: (..) And I said yes . 1266263_1267819 *WOOD: ʔuh And that's 1267819_1268866 &=in when I broke 1268866_1270391 (..) with my home . 1270391_1271841 *WOOD: (..) And 1271841_1273164 my mother 1273164_1274182 (..) had a nervous breakdown for two days 1274182_1277395 and my father said 1277395_1278927 (..) &{l=VOX you're killing your mother &}l=VOX . 1278927_1281262 *WOOD: (..) and I said 1281262_1282904 (..) &{l=VOX she's killing me &}l=VOX . 1282904_1285071 *WOOD: (..) And I'm the younger 1285071_1287107 and I have a right to live . 1287107_1289338 *MANY: (..) ⌈ &=APPLAUSE ⌉ &=lengthened . 1289338_1293640 *WOOD: ⌊ And I'll always ⌋ 1289887_1291170 And I'll always 1293640_1295045 let you know 1295045_1296270 (.) where I am . 1296270_1297695 *WOOD: &=in Now 1297695_1298304 I should say something nice about my mother . 1298304_1301100 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ &=lengthened . 1301100_1304977 *PERR: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1301441_1303318 *WOOD: She was beautiful 1304977_1306561 (.) and very generous 1306561_1308180 &=in but she was in a way of thinking 1308180_1310868 you know 1310868_1311520 &=in we didn't have radio 1311520_1313120 we didn't have television 1313120_1314648 life wasn't &=in as open as it is now . 1314648_1318369 *WOOD: &=in And 1318369_1319169 any mother 1319169_1320146 (.) would want 1320146_1321246 a protected 1321246_1322468 (.) social life for their daughter . 1322468_1324632 *WOOD: (..) Probably . 1324632_1325763 *WOOD: (..) &=in ⌊ Now ⌋ . 1325763_1326934 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER &=lengthened . 1326360_1328063 *WOOD: (..) when she died 1328063_1330153 in (.) thirty-six . 1330153_1331988 *WOOD: (..) I had left home then 1331988_1334442 oh 1334442_1334667 for quite a few years . 1334667_1336305 *WOOD: (..) &=tsk &=in The last three months of her life we became friends . 1336305_1340309 *WOOD: &=in And she let go . 1340309_1342138 *WOOD: (.) Of all that kind of (..) thing . 1342138_1345063 *WOOD: That didn't interest me 1345063_1346292 and she was v:ery wonderful uh 1346292_1348112 &=in a:nd open 1348112_1349728 &=in and the last day of her life 1349728_1351536 she was dying of cancer 1351536_1352963 she was 1352963_1353599 &=in conscious 1353599_1354562 she knew she was going that night 1354562_1356545 &=in we joked about it 1356545_1358240 &=in and 1358240_1359120 she said 1359120_1359814 now . 1359814_1360414 *WOOD: Tomorrow 1360414_1361264 &=in I understand there's a wonderful exhibition 1361264_1364529 &=in don't tell any of the others 1364529_1366894 &=in but go see it . 1366894_1368307 *WOOD: She knew she wouldn't be here then 1368307_1370317 &=in she was just wonderful . 1370317_1371958 *WOOD: &=in So I'm very happy to be say +/. 1371958_1374239 *WOOD: &=in To s- (.) be able to say 1374239_1376077 &=in we became friends . 1376077_1377906 *WOOD: (.) At the end . 1377906_1379177 *WOOD: (..) Mhm: . 1379177_1380682 *MANY: &=APPLAUSE . 1380682_1385266 *PERR: (..) Yes 1385266_1385956 in the back . 1385956_1386575 *AUD: Can you expand 1386575_1387748 uh 1387748_1388050 just a bit 1388050_1388703 about your (..) thoughts on uh 1388703_1391003 (.) bringing art to the prisons . 1391003_1393203 *PERR: (..) &{l=F Could you explain 1393203_1395938 a little bit 1395938_1396751 about bringing (.) art to the prisons ʔuh . 1396751_1399322 *PERR: Your thoughts 1399322_1400094 about bringing art 1400094_1401417 (.) to the prisons &}l=F . 1401417_1402542 *WOOD: (..) I think it'd be wonderful . 1402542_1409323 *WOOD: (..) Uh 1409323_1413167 (..) I've always been 1413167_1415018 (..) concerned about people being &=in in prison 1415018_1418719 &=in (..) but I really don't know 1418719_1421105 (..) very much 1421105_1423195 (..) I just think it's a terrible thing . 1423195_1425999 *WOOD: (..) That we have so many 1425999_1429037 in prison . 1429037_1430092 *WOOD: (..) And I'm sure 1430092_1432576 (..) we could s- 1432576_1435233 (.) what is called s:ave the lives 1435233_1437768 (.) of endless people 1437768_1439182 if they had a creative (..) outlet . 1439182_1442155 *WOOD: &=in But what is a (..) young person to do . 1442155_1445307 *WOOD: (..) &=in (..) Brought up 1445307_1448439 (..) not knowing in any way right from wrong 1448439_1452077 no compassion 1452077_1453461 &=in seeing bing bing bing 1453461_1455327 &=in ʔuh guns used all the time 1455327_1457520 no money 1457520_1458388 &=in drugs 1458388_1459539 (..) why should they not steal . 1459539_1461648 *WOOD: (..) &=in (..) Now 1461648_1463789 (..) I don't know if this has any value 1463789_1467478 it's personal . 1467478_1468453 *WOOD: (.) ʔuh (..) &=tsk &=in (..) When I left home 1468453_1472283 I made a very unhappy marriage 1472283_1474374 (.) in name only . 1474374_1475719 *WOOD: &=in But the man 1475719_1476748 it was a disaster . 1476748_1478090 *WOOD: And I was 1478090_1478691 for quite a few years 1478691_1479918 &=in &{l=MRC without any money &}l=MRC . 1479918_1482486 *WOOD: (..) And I mean 1482486_1483656 &=in I sold w- my own books 1483656_1485851 &=in to get money to eat . 1485851_1487491 *WOOD: I know what it is 1487491_1488992 &=in to be 1488992_1489892 at zero . 1489892_1490897 *WOOD: (..) I was not trained for the world . 1490897_1493055 *WOOD: &=in I didn't know 1493055_1494255 (.) how (.) to relate &=in (.) to the world . 1494255_1496907 *WOOD: &=in But uh 1496907_1497601 once a week 1497601_1498370 I always went back to see my parents . 1498370_1500857 *WOOD: (.) &=in and 1500857_1501785 they never said (.) anything . 1501785_1503385 *WOOD: They never blamed me . 1503385_1504486 *WOOD: From that time on . 1504486_1505838 *WOOD: &=in My mother s:aid 1505838_1507676 (.) ʔuh she always had a very good 1507676_1509577 &=in uh 1509577_1510243 luncheon for me . 1510243_1511459 *WOOD: &=in Suspecting 1511459_1512762 that I was hungry . 1512762_1514058 *WOOD: (.) And I was . 1514058_1515112 *WOOD: &=in One day she said 1515112_1516374 &=in go up (..) to my room 1516374_1518624 &=in and get some information out of my purse . 1518624_1521403 *WOOD: &=in (.) I went there 1521403_1522632 I opened her purse 1522632_1523540 it was f:ull (.) of money . 1523540_1525562 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER . 1525562_1527316 *WOOD: (..) And 1527316_1528520 (..) I had the impulse to take some . 1528520_1531204 *WOOD: (..) I knew she wouldn't care 1531204_1533739 (..) ʔuh she probably sent me up almost to (..) take some . 1533739_1539079 *WOOD: (..) &=in And I stood . 1539079_1540981 *WOOD: (..) And then something in me said 1540981_1544615 (..) n:o . 1544615_1545744 *WOOD: (..) That is &{l=MRC not (.) the way (..) to live &}l=MRC . 1545744_1549920 *WOOD: (..) And I didn't take it . 1549920_1552303 *WOOD: (..) Now 1552303_1553584 this is just a very poor little example . 1553584_1556167 *WOOD: (..) &=in (..) But 1556167_1558534 (..) when you have (..) no education 1558534_1561486 when you haven't read 1561486_1562713 &=in I'd read a gr:eat deal . 1562713_1564435 *WOOD: Of very fine books 1564435_1565940 &=in also a lot of trash . 1565940_1567702 *WOOD: &=in (.) But ⌈ I'd enjoyed readings ⌉ . 1567702_1570288 *MANY: ⌊ &=LAUGHTER ⌋ &=lengthened ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 &=lengthened . 1568194_1571909 *WOOD: ⌊2 Now ⌋2 1570757_1571413 you have no guide 1571909_1573762 when you're a young person . 1573762_1575554 *WOOD: &=in Why shouldn't you steal 1575554_1577042 why shouldn't you shoot . 1577042_1578542 *WOOD: &=in Why shouldn't you go to prison . 1578542_1580446 *WOOD: &=in But l:ook (.) what we're paying (.) for people in prison 1580446_1584400 &=in instead of putting this 1584400_1586404 (.) into education . 1586404_1588008 *WOOD: &=in You see 1588008_1588955 I feel 1588955_1589842 (..) our (.) culture 1589842_1592747 (..) &{l=MRC misses the first (..) sell &}l=MRC . 1592747_1596347 *WOOD: (..) Which I come back I say 1596347_1598374 is right education . 1598374_1600032 *WOOD: &=in And of course 1600032_1601337 (..) ʔuh from what I know 1601337_1603152 I've never had children 1603152_1604602 &=in so I say this with apology 1604602_1607082 &=in but I understand 1607082_1609096 (..) that it's vital . 1609096_1611302 *WOOD: (..) &{l=MRC For women to love their infants &}l=MRC . 1611302_1614574 *WOOD: To cuddle their infants . 1614574_1616363 *WOOD: &=in And from what I've read 1616363_1618399 &=in all criminals 1618399_1620120 all abnormal people 1620120_1621831 &=in it's because they've never been loved as young- 1621831_1624294 (.) &=in ʔuh youngsters . 1624294_1625965 *PERR: (..) Yes . 1625965_1629374 *AUD: ⌈ &=APPLAUSE ⌉ . 1629374_1631878 *AUD2: ⌊ I would like to: 1629510_1630411 (.) hear something about 1630411_1631484 how she ⌋ came to be called 1631484_1633034 (..) the Mother of Dada . 1633034_1634416 *PERR: (..) &{l=F How did you become the Mother of Dada &}l=F . 1634416_1638580 *PERR: (..) . 1638580_1642441 @End