@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: FRAN FRAN Speaker, SEAN SEAN Speaker, ALIC ALICE Speaker, BERN BERNARD Speaker, X X Speaker, ENV ENV Environment @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|FRAN|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|SEAN|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ALIC|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|BERN|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|X|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ENV|||||Environment||| @Media: 51, audio @Comment: New Yorkers Anonymous @Comment: Conversation recorded before and during dinner, in a private home in Laguna Beach, California. There are four speakers, ranging in age from mid forties to early fifties. Sean and Bernard are a couple, Fran is a long-time friend visiting from New York. Alice is also a friend of Sean and Bernard, but had never met Fran. Discussion focuses on travels, and reminiscing about New York City. *FRAN: (.) &=in Well I went to this church 0_1399 and this is very interest⌈ing ⌉ . 1399_2733 *SEAN: ⌊ This is in ⌋ Meridia ? 2344_3269 *FRAN: (.) &=in Merid⌈2a ⌉2 . 3269_4053 *SEAN: ⌊2 Me⌋2rida . 3966_4530 *FRAN: ⌈3 In the Yuca⌉3tan . 4530_5471 *SEAN: ⌊3 That's right ⌋3 . 4530_5126 *FRAN: And it's lovely . 5471_6373 *FRAN: &=in The people are ʔuh (.) sweet and nice 6373_8603 they're little 8603_9303 &=in they're dark 9303_10117 they all wear white 10117_11080 (.) &=in and the city is quite nice . 11080_13015 *FRAN: It's a very manageable size . 13015_14486 *FRAN: Merida . 14486_15140 *FRAN: You ⌈ can (.) ⌉ ʔuh- +... 15140_15989 *SEAN: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ ? 15290_15688 *FRAN: (.) You know 15989_16322 wal⌈k around a lo⌉:t . 16322_17548 *SEAN: ⌊ Walk everywhere ⌋ . 16438_17288 *FRAN: and 17548_17813 &=in you know 17813_18385 i- i- it's really lovely . 18385_19704 *FRAN: &=in A:nd 19704_20504 uh: 20504_21075 (.) anyway I wen- +/. 21075_21814 *FRAN: And th- +/. 21814_22135 *FRAN: And the: twine makers 22135_24200 the: jute industry was very big there at one time . 24200_26657 *FRAN: &=in And the cemetery 26657_27906 &=in there's a 27906_28820 (.) there was 28820_29392 I don't know if (..) it was called a labor union . 29392_31044 *FRAN: But some kind of (.) ʔassociation . 31044_32750 *FRAN: (.) ʔUh: 32750_33133 &=in of twine makers . 33133_34835 *FRAN: &=in We:re 34835_35644 uh: 35644_36145 buried together 36145_37086 they had a section in the cemetery . 37086_38503 *FRAN: &=in And (.) carved in marble 38503_40231 &=in and then painted (..) garish colors 40231_42497 like aqua 42497_43167 and yellow 43167_43845 and everything . 43845_44440 *FRAN: &=in But carved in stone is these (..) ropes 44440_46991 all around the 46991_48029 (..) the various graves 48029_49620 and great knots and things . 49620_51193 *FRAN: &=in And +/. 51193_51674 *FRAN: But it all carved in stone 51674_52806 and then painted 52806_53610 (..) your b:asic (.) Mexican (..) house paint ? 53610_56241 *FRAN: (.) You know ⌈ all those ⌉ colors ? 56241_57483 *SEAN: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 56642_57068 *FRAN: ⌈2 Yellow . 57483_57885 *SEAN: ⌊2 Nice bright ⌋2 +... 57483_58134 *FRAN: and a⌉2qua 57885_58348 and pink 58348_58860 and 58860_59060 (.) ⌈ you know ⌉ . 59060_59524 *SEAN: ⌊ Nice ⌋ bright ⌈2 colors ⌉2 . 59245_60325 *FRAN: ⌊2 green ⌋2 59856_60324 you know tha⌈3t ⌉3 green ? 60332_61259 *SEAN: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 . 60648_60748 *FRAN: (.) &=in And 61259_62072 it's a ⌈ wonder⌉ful pla⌈2ce . 62072_63539 *ALIC: ⌊ Celandine ⌋ . 62381_62962 *SEAN: ⌊2 Indian (.) Indian co⌋2lors . 63277_64664 *FRAN: The cemetery ⌉2 . 63540_64465 *FRAN: &=in But the: 64664_65620 (..) But this 65620_66372 (.) ⌈ Where now is this ⌉ ⌈2 church ⌉2 . 66372_68300 *SEAN: ⌊ celandine [% laugh] ⌋ . 66527_67389 *BERN: ⌊2 not celandine ⌋2 . 67512_68337 *BERN: No that's ⌈3 Ch- ⌉3 +... 68337_68878 *FRAN: ⌊3 that ⌋3 ⌈4 was built fr⌉4⌈5om the: ⌉5 . 68706_70308 *SEAN: ⌊4 much too subtle ⌋4 . 68878_69653 *ALIC: ⌊5 darn ⌋5 . 69653_70308 *BERN: (.) ⌈6 That's f- China . 70308_71194 *FRAN: ⌊6 uh 70419_70685 stones of the temple . 70685_71887 *BERN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉6 . 71442_72193 *FRAN: by ⌋6 ⌈7 this ⌉7 p- t- +... 71887_72852 *ALIC: ⌊7 Modern ⌋7 . 72164_72567 *FRAN: ⌈8 this same ⌉8 ⌈9 (.) priest . 72852_74202 *SEAN: ⌊8 Mhm ⌋8 . 72910_73411 *BERN: ⌊9 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋9 . 73561_74489 *FRAN: and ⌉9 is +/. 74202_74840 *FRAN: &=in ʔA- +/. 74940_75471 *FRAN: &=in ʔuh there- +/. 75471_76337 *FRAN: There was a tree 76337_77243 that burned all night 77243_78393 and never +/. 78393_78871 *FRAN: (.) And (.) and wasn't consumed by the flame 78871_80971 and the tree's still there 80971_82306 &=in and they 82306_82957 It's 82957_83394 (.) you know 83394_83827 i- ʔuh it's fenced 83827_84809 a:nd people say 84809_85549 this is the tree 85549_86389 &=in (.) and there are several thing⌈s around this big squa⌉re . 86389_90433 *ALIC: ⌊ Oh 88385_88606 mythology's so great ⌋ . 88606_90161 *FRAN: (.) &=in ⌈2 a:nd . 90433_91411 *ALIC: ⌊2 That's what we're doing 90844_91380 we're making our own up right now ⌋2 . 91380_92664 *FRAN: (..) you know what's right the⌉2:re ? 91411_92891 *ALIC: (.) &=in &{l=WH With our little tape re⌈3corder ⌉3 &}l=WH . 92891_94142 *FRAN: ⌊3 An ⌋3 AA (..) uh: meeting place . 93992_96295 *FRAN: &=in And ⌈4 painted . 96295_97452 *SEAN: ⌊4 Ah: ⌋4 . 96781_97615 *FRAN: &=in ⌉4 on the door of this little shacky building 97452_99555 it's ʔa- +/. 99555_100004 *FRAN: (..) A: (.) all around this big square 100004_101856 there are these kinda beat-up little buildings . 101856_103582 *FRAN: &=in And 103582_104183 (.) painted on one 104183_105034 a big 105034_105535 the circle with the triangle inside . 105535_107313 *FRAN: And I looked 107313_107826 and I said 107826_108278 (.) &{l=VOX God 108278_108608 is that what I think it is &}l=VOX 108608_109567 &=in And I walked over 109567_110665 and there it was 110665_111446 in Spanish 111446_112167 and the meeting schedule was painted on the &=in wa:ll and everything 112167_115453 &=in and it's right there by this (.) ⌈ most sacred ⌉ ⌈2 site ⌉2 . 115453_118124 *ALIC: ⌊ Did you go to that meeting ⌋ ⌊2 Sean ⌋2 ? 116960_118038 *BERN: ⌊2 That's a⌋2mazing . 117713_118639 *SEAN: (.) I've never ⌈3 been there ⌉3 . 118639_119504 *FRAN: ⌊3 Isn't that won⌋3derful ? 119082_119990 *ALIC: (.) &{l=P Oh you weren't 119990_120644 (..) Oh &}l=P . 120644_121274 *SEAN: (.) &{l=P No: &}l=P . 121274_121677 *FRAN: It was ⌈ great ⌉ . 121677_122250 *BERN: ⌊ That i⌋⌈2:s ⌉2 . 121936_122612 *SEAN: &{l=P ⌊2 I've ⌋2 ⌈3 never been to ⌉3 Merida &}l=P ? 122494_123471 *FRAN: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 122612_123099 *BERN: ⌈4 Cause they have a l⌉4⌈5ot ⌉5 +... 123471_124371 *FRAN: ⌊4 Right there by this ⌋4 ⌊5 s⌋5⌈6acred site ⌉6 . 123471_125071 *ALIC: ⌊5 &{l=P I ⌋5 ⌊6 thought you were &}l=P ⌋6 . 124121_125071 *BERN: (..) ⌈7 We were in Mexic⌉7⌈8o City ⌉8 . 125071_126635 *SEAN: ⌊7 &{l=VOX No: &}l=VOX ⌋7 . 125397_126099 *ALIC: ⌊8 &{l=HI &{l=X Really &}l=X &}l=HI ⌋8 ? 126099_126635 *BERN: and it was hard to scrape up a meeting . 126635_128236 *BERN: (..) It was mostly Americans 128236_129823 that work for the . 129823_130480 *SEAN: (.) &{l=P Embassy &}l=P . 130480_131272 *BERN: CIA or 131272_132099 &{l=X Was +/. 132099_132338 *BERN: We we⌈re ⌉ &}l=X +... 132338_132663 *SEAN: ⌊ Well ⌋ no . 132584_133180 *SEAN: They +/. 133180_133483 *SEAN: (..) In Mexico City 133483_134767 (..) there was always a Mexican meeting going on 134767_137044 (.) same time as an American (.) speak- (.) English speaking . 137044_139643 *SEAN: (..) English speaking was upstair⌈s . 139643_141127 *BERN: ⌊ But it's harder ⌋ for them to be ⌈2 (.) alcoholic ⌉2 . 140968_143086 *SEAN: and ⌉ 141120_141522 ⌊2 Spanish (.) ⌋2 people were downstairs . 142122_144347 *FRAN: (..) Why 144347_145121 they can't find booze [% laugh] ? 145121_146135 *FRAN: &{l=@ I mean what's the pro:blem &}l=@ . 146135_147402 *FRAN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 147402_148535 *SEAN: ⌊ No there ⌋ . 147948_148535 *FRAN: &=in &=lengthened ⌈2 &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉3 . 148535_150526 *SEAN: ⌊2 there was always ⌋2 +... 148804_149564 *BERN: ⌊3 No 149564_149873 it's ⌋3 th- harder for th- +/. 149873_150718 *BERN: Uh supposedly it's harder for them 150718_152420 It's +/. 152420_152646 *BERN: (..) It's so like ⌈ hard ⌉ i- +... 152646_153986 *FRAN: ⌊ To ⌋ +... 153540_153892 *BERN: It's (.) against their machismo ⌈2 to ⌉2 . 153986_155939 *FRAN: ⌊2 Oh of ⌋2 course . 155636_156537 *BERN: Ma⌈3chismo to be ⌉3 . 156537_157645 *ALIC: ⌊3 Y- you know 156618_157214 at at ⌋3 gay AA meetings 157214_158661 do they have signers . 158661_159556 *SEAN: (..) Yes . 159556_160707 *BERN: (..) Some⌈times ⌉ . 160707_161635 *FRAN: ⌊ They are ⌋ in New York now . 161203_162542 *FRAN: More ⌈2 and more ⌉2 . 162542_163217 *SEAN: ⌊2 Yes ⌋2 . 162732_163183 *BERN: ⌊2 Yeah they do ⌋2 this a lot . 162732_163720 *BERN: &=RUBBING_FINGERS 163720_164302 ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 164252_164566 *ALIC: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉2 . 164252_165475 *FRAN: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋2 164566_165475 That's a sign . 165475_166409 *ALIC: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened Yeah ⌉ . 166409_167261 *BERN: ⌊ It [% laugh] certainly [% laugh] ⌋ ⌈2 i:s [% laugh] ⌉2 . 166571_167839 *FRAN: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 167277_168640 *ALIC: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 167839_168164 *BERN: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 167839_169594 *FRAN: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 168176_169567 *X: ⌈5 &{l=X Yes &}l=X ⌉5 . 169594_170177 *SEAN: ⌊5 About a ⌋5 year ago we had a lo:t . 169594_172094 *SEAN: (..) And they sort of a:ll . 172094_173945 *BERN: (..) Went to ⌈ different meeting⌉s . 173945_175667 *SEAN: ⌊ disappeared ⌋ . 174664_175667 *SEAN: (..) &{l=X It's a har- to- &}l=X +/. 175676_177444 *SEAN: (.) Oh I think it would be hard . 177444_178645 *ALIC: (..) What 178645_179205 ⌊ signing ⌋ ? 179205_179700 *FRAN: ⌊ Well there are a ⌋ few 179260_180096 and ⌈2 there's a ⌉2 +... 180096_180714 *SEAN: ⌊2 Signing ⌋2 . 180225_180704 *FRAN: (..) There a:re a ⌈3 couple of deaf meetings ⌉3 . 180714_183246 *ALIC: ⌊3 XXXX always at gay things ⌋3 . 181669_183431 *FRAN: in (.) ⌈4 New York now ⌉4 . 183431_184652 *ALIC: ⌊4 Every gay thing I've ever ⌋4 been to 183826_184926 there was a ⌈5 signer ⌉5 . 184926_185789 *SEAN: ⌊5 Sign⌋5er ? 185363_185985 *ALIC: &=in Ye⌈6ah . 186085_186376 *SEAN: ⌊6 &{l=X Hosts &}l=X ⌋6 . 186304_186676 *ALIC: not at ⌉6 ⌈7 SLICK ⌉7 . 186376_187316 *FRAN: ⌊7 They're listed in the ⌋7 book as 186676_187904 you know 187904_188304 always 188304_188804 a signer is always at this meeting . 188804_190217 *FRAN: (.) And . 190217_190701 *BERN: (..) I forgot 190701_191455 do y- +/. 191455_191804 *BERN: (..) Yeah . 191804_192270 *BERN: That's right . 192270_192833 *BERN: Of course 192833_193278 you go to meeting . 193278_194128 *FRAN: (..) Oh sure . 194128_194810 *BERN: (.) Yeah . 194810_195096 *BERN: You ⌈ have for a while ⌉ . 195096_196004 *FRAN: ⌊ &{l=P &{l=X Yeah &}l=X 195264_195465 I'm ⌋ sober for twelve years &}l=P . 195842_197144 *BERN: (..) Do you +/. 197144_197790 *BERN: (.) Does she ⌈ know your sponsor ⌉ ? 197790_199190 *SEAN: ⌊ Same as Rick 198148_198627 same as me ⌋ . 198627_199190 *FRAN: (..) Beg your par⌈2don ⌉2 ? 199190_200718 *SEAN: ⌊2 Same ⌋2 as me . 200534_201061 *SEAN: (..) ⌈ Lynne Bissell ⌉ ? 201061_202687 *BERN: ⌊ Do you know Lynne ⌋ Bissell ? 202057_203160 *SEAN: (..) That's my sponsor in New York ? 203160_205416 *FRAN: (..) &{l=P No: . 205416_206017 *FRAN: I don't ⌈ know her &}l=P ⌉ . 206017_206828 *SEAN: ⌊ She's an act⌋ress 206379_207180 (.) Woody Allen movies 207180_208082 (..) Older woman 208082_208872 about seventy-two . 208872_209724 *FRAN: (..) &=in I may know her 209724_211983 and not ⌈ know her ⌉ . 211983_212970 *SEAN: ⌊ You'd ⌋ re- +/. 212386_212970 *SEAN: you might ⌈2 know her ⌉2 . 212970_213621 *FRAN: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 213333_213621 *SEAN: May⌈3be ⌉3 ⌈4 not ⌉4 . 213621_214157 *BERN: ⌊3 Ly⌋3⌊4:nne ⌋4 . 213836_214237 *FRAN: ⌊4 I mean ⌋4 214032_214330 ⌈5 I don't know where she goes to mee⌉5tings . 214330_215727 *SEAN: New ⌊5 York's a big place ⌋5 . 214157_215460 *FRAN: Yeah 215727_216016 Because you've got ⌈ a thou⌉⌈2sand meetings a ⌉2 week . 215991_217565 *SEAN: ⌊ Upper ⌋ ⌊2 East Side ⌋2 . 216467_217407 *ENV: ⌊2 &{n=DOG_BARKING ⌋2 . 216721_217463 *FRAN: &=in Oh no 217565_218047 I don't go uptown so much . 218052_219103 *FRAN: I'm gen⌈erally mostly in the Village ⌉ . 219103_220413 *SEAN: ⌊ But she comes downtown ⌋ . 219312_220296 *BERN: You stay in the Village . 220413_221453 *FRAN: (.) &=in Yeah⌈: . 221453_222083 *BERN: ⌊ X ⌋ . 221980_222219 *FRAN: well ⌉ it's: convenient 222083_223139 And it's XXXX . 223139_224452 *FRAN: (..) &{l=P So &}l=P 224452_225384 (..) If I go off for t- some dinner party uptown or something 225384_228171 I might go to a meeting uptown 228171_229456 but mostly I'm downtown . 229456_230666 *FRAN: (..) &{l=PP So &}l=PP . 230666_232168 *ALIC: (..) &{l=P New York ? 232168_233497 *ALIC: (..) Oh wow . 233497_234172 *ALIC: (..) Greenwich Village &}l=P . 234172_237099 *FRAN: (..) &=in Yes . 237099_238150 *BERN: (..) Our New York connection 238150_239776 we can all: like remember through y- Fran . 239776_241855 *ALIC: (..) &{l=P Oh: &}l=P . 241855_242555 *FRAN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 242555_243624 (..) &=in &{l=X Well &}l=X 243624_244690 the neighborhood's probably the same . 244690_245985 *FRAN: since it's a ⌈ historic ⌉ district . 245985_247397 *ENV: ⌊ &}n=DOG_BARKING ⌋ . 246510_246975 *FRAN: and they won't &{l=@ let em tear anything down &}l=@ . 247397_249383 *X: &=TS &=lengthened . 249383_249710 *FRAN: You could find your way around 249710_250860 ex⌈cept ⌉ that +... 250860_251411 *SEAN: ⌊ Your- ⌋ +... 250963_251244 *FRAN: &=in . 251411_251540 *SEAN: Your building's new . 251540_252356 *SEAN: Isn't it ? 252356_252680 *FRAN: (.) N:o . 252680_253203 *FRAN: My building's old . 253203_254168 *FRAN: I don't know when my building was built . 254168_255360 *SEAN: Fif⌈ties ⌉ ? 255360_255892 *FRAN: ⌊ Nineteen- ⌋ ten ? 255461_256363 *FRAN: (.) No . 256363_256822 *ALIC: (..) Nine⌈teen-ten ⌉ . 256822_258143 *SEAN: ⌊ Oh: 257276_257898 wow⌋: . 257898_258556 *SEAN: No I'm- 258556_258924 ⌈ I'm thinking of a different buil⌉⌈2ding in ⌉2 +... 258924_260445 *FRAN: ⌊ Nineteen-twenty: ⌋ . 258924_260128 *BERN: ⌊2 So is it a ⌋2 big a⌈3partment ⌉3 ? 260128_261100 *SEAN: ⌊3 She's ⌋3 just moving into a new apartment . 260764_262441 *SEAN: (..) She and her hus⌈4band ⌉4 . 262441_263054 *FRAN: ⌊4 Ab⌋4out a hundred and ninety (..) apartments . 262954_265048 *FRAN: Seventeen stories . 265048_266211 *BERN: (..) I mean i- +/. 266211_266811 *BERN: Are they big 266811_267350 (..) like rooms 267350_268270 ⌈ is it big ⌉ . 268270_268812 *FRAN: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Yeah . 268270_269120 *FRAN: There are: 269120_269844 (..) ⌈ We're⌉: in . 269844_271372 *ENV: ⌊ &=DOG_BARK ⌋ . 270425_270665 *FRAN: (..) the +/. 271372_271906 *FRAN: Up in the penthouse . 271906_272974 *FRAN: There are (.) ⌈ some ⌉ larger apartments . 272974_274579 *ENV: ⌊ &=DOG_BARK ⌋ . 273606_273832 *FRAN: because people have bought (.) neighboring apartments 274579_276481 and (.) expanded and mixed them . 276481_277819 *FRAN: &=in (.) You know 277819_278347 but 278347_278542 (..) they:'re mostly 278542_279866 (..) well there're some studios 279866_281462 and some one-bedrooms 281462_282415 and two-bed⌈rooms ⌉ . 282415_283185 *SEAN: ⌊ And has it ⌋ always been an apartment house ? 282885_284122 *FRAN: (.) &{l=P Yeah &}l=P . 284122_284498 *ENV: (..) &=DOG_BARK . 284498_285208 *ALIC: (.) What- +/. 285208_285538 *ALIC: What is the real ʔe- (.) estate market doing . 285538_287220 *ALIC: &{l=P Is it ⌈ down now &}l=P ⌉ ? 287220_288068 *FRAN: ⌊ &=in W⌋e:ll 287586_288333 (.) it's down in general . 288333_289694 *ALIC: (..) In ⌈ New York ⌉ . 289694_290474 *FRAN: ⌊ But cer⌋tain areas 290098_291131 yeah . 291131_291360 *FRAN: Certain are⌈as s⌉:ort of held their val⌈2ue ⌉2 . 291360_293776 *ENV: ⌊ &=DOG_BARK ⌋ 291948_292158 ⌊2 &=DOG_BARK ⌋2 . 293458_293776 *FRAN: &=in And what happened would be: 293776_295279 rather than have it 295279_296191 (..) things (.) kinda crashing . 296191_298558 *FRAN: S- ʔa- +/. 298558_299171 *FRAN: (.) ʔW- +/. 299171_299733 *FRAN: (.) ʔuh It would just +/. 299733_300523 *FRAN: (.) ʔuh Things would be slow to sell . 300523_302175 *FRAN: (..) But 302175_303225 (.) they would ho- +/. 303225_304020 *FRAN: (.) The Village is one of the few areas that held its value . 304020_306717 *FRAN: (..) &=in U:m 306717_307839 &=in (.) but 307839_308592 certain things are a drug on the ⌈ mar⌉ket . 308592_310751 *ENV: ⌊ &=DOG_BARK ⌋ . 310350_310517 *FRAN: (.) If you have a (.) studio apartment 310751_312433 (..) you're stuck with it . 312433_313546 *SEAN: (.) &=laugh . 313546_313825 *ALIC: For the rest of your life . 313825_314502 *ALIC: (..) Like ⌈ herpes ⌉ . 314502_315280 *FRAN: ⌊ C:er⌋tainly for the next ten years . 314934_316562 *FRAN: &=in A:nd 316562_317344 (.) ⌈ a:nd ⌉ . 317344_317905 *SEAN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 317469_317905 *FRAN: if you have a one-be:droom 317905_319600 (.) it has to have something kinda going for it . 319600_321867 *FRAN: Or you're gonna be s:orta stuck . 321867_323498 *FRAN: You could be stuck with it . 323498_324480 *FRAN: &=in U:m 324480_325540 (..) two-bedrooms and (.) up (..) are 325540_327991 (..) are f- +/. 327991_328831 *FRAN: (..) easy to se- 328831_330116 easier (.) to sell . 330116_331566 *ALIC: (..) Cause Beth . 331566_332497 *ALIC: (..) You know 332497_333032 (.) ⌈ my friend . 333032_333760 *SEAN: ⌊ &{l=X Eddie's still in New York or some other state &}l=X ⌋ ? 333265_334973 *ALIC: she just sold one 333760_334740 &=in ⌋ (.) at a fifty-thousand-dollar loss . 334790_336806 *ALIC: From (.) four years ago . 336806_337906 *BERN: X⌈XXX ⌉ . 337906_338816 *ALIC: ⌊ That she ⌋ bought . 338375_339150 *FRAN: (..) Yeah . 339150_339693 *FRAN: &=in Well w⌈e: +... 339693_340594 *ALIC: ⌊ On (.) Sutton ⌋ Place . 340246_341490 *FRAN: (.) Uh ⌉ . 340569_340996 *ALIC: Where's Sutton Place . 341490_342243 *FRAN: Yeah 342243_342445 Sutton Place is up on the East ⌈ Side ⌉ . 342445_343786 *SEAN: ⌊ ʔE- ⌋ +... 343615_343786 *FRAN: now ⌈2 see the Upper East ⌉2 Side (.) ⌈3 took one of the ⌉3 +... 343786_345715 *SEAN: ⌊2 East Side &{l=X isn't it &}l=X ⌋2 ? 343940_344715 *BERN: ⌊3 Real ni:ce ⌋3 ⌈4 Sutton Pla⌉4⌈5ce ⌉5 . 345015_346390 *SEAN: ⌊4 It's nice ⌋4 . 345681_346160 *FRAN: ⌊5 One of the ⌋5 hardest hits fo:r (..) dropped values . 346160_349312 *BERN: Because it (.) had soared so high: . 349312_351045 *FRAN: Th- (.) They +/. 351045_351698 *FRAN: (.) Two things . 351698_352399 *FRAN: They had soared r:eally ⌈ high ⌉ . 352399_354000 *BERN: ⌊ That ⌋ ch- +... 353787_354371 *FRAN: And 354371_354739 there was an awful lot +/. 354739_355893 *FRAN: Because they (..) soared so high 355893_357895 that (.) area (.) had &=in less: (..) zoning 357895_362292 (..) ⌈ uh: ⌉ . 362292_364242 *ALIC: ⌊ Restric⌋tions . 363684_364347 *FRAN: restrictions . 364347_365152 *FRAN: And they w- +/. 365152_365847 *FRAN: (.) There was (.) ʔuh +/. 365847_366780 *FRAN: There was a lotta building in the area . 366780_368381 *FRAN: (.) &=in And so 368381_369303 (..) between those two things 369303_371080 that (..) market (..) wa⌈s ⌉ . 371080_372796 *BERN: ⌊ Lot⌋ta new buildings . 372671_373472 *FRAN: (.) Yeah . 373472_373940 *FRAN: (..) &=in And the new buildings are: 373940_375805 (..) I don't like the new buildings . 375805_377228 *ALIC: Do you like living in New York ? 377228_378336 *FRAN: (..) Yeah . 378336_378826 *FRAN: I love it . 378826_379238 *FRAN: (..) &=in We traveled all over . 379238_380718 *FRAN: We looked around . 380718_381706 *FRAN: We thought 381706_382207 &=in my husband and I stayed out on the road 382207_384102 (..) fo:r two years . 384102_385727 *FRAN: (..) And we went all over the United States 385727_387860 and we d- 387860_388333 (..) we didn't find any place we liked ⌈ better ⌉ . 388333_390121 *ALIC: ⌊ So you ⌋ went from New Orleans to New York ? 389811_391640 *FRAN: (..) Yeah . 391640_392100 *FRAN: Oh that I did years ago . 392100_393435 *FRAN: (..) That I did . 393435_394863 *ALIC: (..) But it's the new . 394863_396014 *ALIC: That (..) part ⌈ XXXX ⌉ . 396014_397560 *FRAN: ⌊ God knows 396781_397420 s- ⌋ nineteen si- sixty something . 397420_399113 *FRAN: (.) Sixty-three . 399113_400061 *FRAN: (..) Thirty ⌈ years ago ⌉ . 400061_401979 *ALIC: ⌊ So you've lived ⌋ in New York all this time ? 401419_402970 *FRAN: Mhm ? 402970_403344 *FRAN: (.) Thirty years . 403344_403944 *FRAN: Except 403944_404345 &=in I did take ⌈ five years off ⌉ . 404345_406048 *BERN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh . 405228_406462 *ALIC: &{l=HI Thirty years ⌈2 in New ⌉2 York &}l=HI ? 406462_408005 *BERN: ⌊2 &=laugh &=in ⌋2 . 407278_407678 *FRAN: Yeah . 408005_408357 *ALIC: Wow . 408357_408945 *FRAN: (..) I did take five years off . 408945_410563 *FRAN: (.) I went to: uh: 410563_412063 (..) Florida 412063_413241 which was a terrible mistake . 413241_414519 *FRAN: (..) We needed a vacation 414519_415980 and we accidentally moved instead . 415980_417655 *ALIC: Oh: . 417655_418080 *FRAN: (.) And then 418080_418726 we realized that 418726_419768 (..) Well [% laugh] 419768_420810 &{l=@ The first year we were there 420810_421823 we visited New York six times 421823_423374 and we looked at each other and said &}l=@ . 423374_424956 *BERN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 424956_425678 *FRAN: (.) &{l=VOX God 425678_426040 we certainly do go back up there a lot 426040_427919 what do you think that's about &}l=VOX . 427919_429042 *FRAN: You know 429042_429286 and we were just getting increasingly bored down there and 429286_431840 &=in you know 431840_432434 (.) you- (.) get (.) occupied (.) fixing up a house 432434_434798 and that's kinda fu:n 434798_435762 and the⌈n ⌉ . 435762_436143 *ALIC: ⌊ Wh⌋ere in Florida were you . 435999_437076 *FRAN: (..) On the Gulf Coast 437076_438288 Fort Myers Beach . 438288_438993 *FRAN: We had a nice house 438993_440127 right on the sea⌈: ⌉ . 440127_441227 *SEAN: ⌊ In ⌋ +/. 440968_441244 *SEAN: (.) ⌈2 Yeah . 441244_441545 *FRAN: ⌊2 Right o:n the sea: ⌋2 . 441244_442726 *SEAN: I saw pictures ⌉2 . 441545_442646 *FRAN: It was beautiful . 442726_443722 *FRAN: (..) &=in But the poo:r house 443722_445530 was in fucking (.) Fort My⌈ers Beach [% laugh] . 445530_448025 *ALIC: ⌊ XXX curbs . 447267_448412 *FRAN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 448025_449425 *ALIC: (.) they have ramps on all the ⌋ curbs for the wheelchairs . 448412_450557 *FRAN: &=in (.) Yes⌈2: [% laugh] . 450557_451847 *ALIC: ⌊2 &=laugh &=ex ⌋2 . 451433_452057 *FRAN: (.) Right ⌉2 451847_452057 We had to 452057_452513 (..) W- i- the building code 452513_453703 you have to have a ramp [% laugh] 453703_454612 &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 454612_455957 *ALIC: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 454776_455957 *FRAN: &=laugh &=in 455957_456365 But ⌈ anyway uh ⌉ . 456365_457486 *ALIC: ⌊ You know 456593_456966 handicap ⌋ bars on your bathroom- . 457101_458327 *ALIC: In your ⌈2 bathroom ⌉2 . 458327_458877 *FRAN: ⌊2 That's ⌋2 right 458535_459337 (..) &=in ⌈3 But uh ⌉3 . 459337_461297 *ALIC: ⌊3 &=laugh &=ex &=laugh ⌋3 . 460631_461232 *FRAN: But 461297_461573 w:e didn't like it . 461573_462774 *FRAN: At all . 462774_463286 *FRAN: And so 463286_463812 that's when we said 463812_464738 (.) well let's not do anything precipitous 464738_466724 like we did moving down here 466724_468331 &=in before we race back to New York 468331_470420 (..) let's look around a little bit . 470420_472148 *FRAN: (..) So we: hit the road . 472148_473953 *FRAN: And we stayed out for a couple ⌈ years . 473953_475330 *SEAN: ⌊ Two years they'd been looking ⌋ . 475087_476204 *FRAN: looking all over ⌉ . 475330_476204 *SEAN: (..) ⌈2 for other places ⌉2 . 476204_477705 *ALIC: ⌊2 Looking (.) round ⌋2 476704_477705 (..) Really ? 477705_478596 *ALIC: And +... 478596_478770 *FRAN: Unhunh ? 478770_479130 *FRAN: (..) Round the US: . 479130_480632 *ALIC: (..) Wow: . 480632_481833 *FRAN: (.) And we 481833_482534 (.) ⌈ kept finding these nice places ⌉ . 482534_484418 *ENV: ⌊ &=DOG_BARKING ⌋ . 482678_484350 *FRAN: And we'd say 484418_485120 &=in &{l=VOX isn't this place nice &}l=VOX ? 485120_486685 *FRAN: And 486685_486907 (..) Larry would say 486907_487907 &{l=VOX yes 487907_488331 it's lovely . 488331_488956 *FRAN: Look at these beautiful homes . 488956_490177 *FRAN: Isn't that nice ? 490177_490892 *FRAN: ʔYes ? 490892_491266 *FRAN: Isn't that nice ? 491266_491936 *FRAN: Isn't that nice &}l=VOX ? 491936_492612 *FRAN: (..) &{l=VOX &{l=P Yeah 492612_493150 but it's not New York &}l=P &}l=VOX . 493150_494152 *BERN: ⌈ It's ⌉ +... 494152_494380 *FRAN: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=in &=lengthened ⌉2 . 494152_495155 *ALIC: ⌊2 You w- ⌋2 +/. 494735_495155 *ALIC: (.) Wow . 495155_495606 *FRAN: And so we'd (..) drive on . 495606_497881 *FRAN: (.) We found lots of places that we like to sp⌈end ⌉ +... 497881_500059 *BERN: ⌊ Oh 499717_499966 if ⌋ New York's under your skin 499966_501297 watch out . 501297_501822 *FRAN: ʔuh Yeah 501822_502148 ⌈ it's like a drug ⌉ . 502148_503073 *BERN: ⌊ You can't get out ⌋ . 502148_503042 *BERN: (..) It +/. 503073_503543 *BERN: (.) It ⌈ i:s . 503543_504328 *FRAN: ⌊ You're finished ⌋ . 503921_504843 *BERN: (.) It ⌉ (..) i:s a drug . 504328_505918 *FRAN: (..) That's it . 505918_506788 *FRAN: (.) You're consigned 506788_507864 the r⌈est of your life . 507864_508834 *ALIC: ⌊ Do they have New York AA ? 508078_509260 *FRAN: (..) to ludicrous rents ⌉ . 509113_510680 *ALIC: (.) &{l=X You know &}l=X 509260_509636 &=laugh &=laugh 509636_509960 &=in or maybe ⌋ they've been to New Y⌈2ork . 509960_511035 *BERN: ⌊2 Well . 510917_511343 *ALIC: &=laugh ⌉2 . 511343_511525 *BERN: they ⌋2 do . 511343_511896 *ALIC: (.) &=in . 511896_512287 *BERN: Don't they . 512287_512691 *BERN: They have their own ver- +/. 512691_513608 *BERN: (.) They- +... 513608_513883 *ALIC: ⌈ &=laugh &=ex &{l=@ Get me outa ⌉ New York &}l=@ . 513883_515033 *BERN: ⌊ They do ⌋ . 514110_514680 *ALIC: &{l=@ Got- (.) ⌈2 gotta get ⌉2 outa this place &}l=@ . 515033_516382 *FRAN: ⌊2 We have so- ⌋2 +/. 515372_515825 *FRAN: (..) We- +/. 516382_516783 *FRAN: (.) What +... 516783_517184 *ALIC: (..) I'm a New ⌈ York-a (.) holic ⌉ . 517184_519957 *FRAN: ⌊ &{l=X Weren't we saying &}l=X ⌋ . 519158_519957 *BERN: ⌊ No she's s- ⌋ +/. 519158_519957 *BERN: She's asking if they have 519957_521294 th:ey should have an addiction to New York . 521294_523319 *SEAN: Or +... 523319_523467 *FRAN: Oh 523467_523706 New Yorkers Ano⌈nymous ⌉ . 523706_525381 *SEAN: ⌊ Or if they have ⌋ like a 524750_525814 special kind of like 525814_526858 yeah . 526858_527277 *FRAN: (..) ⌈ Yeah⌉⌈2: ⌉2 . 527277_528045 *ALIC: ⌊ &{l=X Didn't ⌋ ⌊2 matter ⌋2 ⌈3 X &}l=X ⌉3 +... 527620_528297 *BERN: ⌊2 But they ⌋2 ⌊3 do ⌋3 ⌈4 have a . 527833_528725 *SEAN: ⌊4 But in fact . 528272_528725 *BERN: they do have an AA . 528725_529672 *SEAN: AA is dif- +/. 528725_529672 *SEAN: complete⌋4ly different in New ⌈5 York City ⌉5 . 529672_531362 *BERN: which is ⌉4 529672_530136 ⌊5 different ⌋5 . 530861_531325 *SEAN: than it is ⌈6 anywhere else ⌉6 in the world . 531362_532913 *BERN: ⌊6 That's right ⌋6 . 531933_532503 *FRAN: (..) &=in Well the Vil⌈7lage ⌉7 ⌈8 is ⌉8 +... 532913_534456 *BERN: ⌊7 Don't you ⌋7 ⌊8 think ⌋8 ? 533816_534450 *SEAN: ⌊8 Much ⌋8 ⌈9 more exciting ⌉9 . 534178_535307 *FRAN: ⌊9 Yes 534456_534851 it's t⌋9rue: . 534851_535726 *SEAN: (..) ⌈ better ⌉ speak- +... 535726_536680 *ALIC: ⌊ &{l=X Really &}l=X ⌋ ? 535851_536180 *FRAN: (..) Well 536680_537258 the th⌈ing that ⌉ +... 537258_537881 *SEAN: ⌊ &{l=VOX &{l=HI Oh the ⌋ best speakers in ⌈2 the wor:ld &}l=HI ⌉2 . 537460_539451 *BERN: ⌊2 You know 538719_538990 you know what ⌋2 the saying in AA is . 538990_540946 *SEAN: ⌈3 Because you have all those famous (..) people &}l=VOX ⌉3 . 540946_543380 *BERN: ⌊3 If you can 541051_541652 (.) or in New York 541652_542628 we- we've always ⌋3 heard that the saying is 542628_544329 ⌈4 if you can stay . 544329_545211 *ENV: ⌊4 &=DOG_WHINING ⌋4 . 544329_546834 *BERN: (.) New Yorkers say 545211_546180 if you can stay ⌉4 sober in AA 546180_547891 you can stay ⌈5 sober ⌉5 anywhere . 547891_549159 *ENV: ⌊5 &=DOG_WHINING ⌋5 . 548357_548704 *FRAN: &=laugh ⌈6 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh It's [% laugh] ⌉6 true [% laugh] . 549159_550907 *BERN: ⌊6 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋6 . 549337_550366 *FRAN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in 550907_551874 ⌈ And ⌉ we even say that about certain meet⌈2ings . 551874_553776 *ENV: ⌊ &=DOG_YELP ⌋ 551874_552108 ⌊2 &=DOG_YELP ⌋2 . 553549_553883 *FRAN: If ⌉2 ⌈3 you can stay sober at ⌉3 . 553776_555068 *SEAN: ⌊3 Plus really smart people- ⌋3 . 553958_555134 *BERN: &{l=F Jessa . 555088_555640 *BERN: (..) Calm down &}l=F . 555640_556789 *SEAN: (..) You know . 556789_557390 *BERN: Quit that crying . 557390_558105 *FRAN: Well New Yorkers are extr:emely candid . 558105_560235 *FRAN: (..) A:nd 560235_561798 also 561798_562480 (..) very 562480_563572 (..) emotionally accessible . 563572_565872 *FRAN: (..) Which (.) is not the reputation we have outsi:de . 565872_569100 *FRAN: Of New York . 569100_569927 *FRAN: (.) &=in But 569927_570646 (..) you know . 570646_571450 *FRAN: (..) I mean 571450_571951 if you ask a cab driver 571951_573126 if he speaks English . 573126_574132 *FRAN: Okay 574132_574416 let's assume you got one who speaks English . 574416_576091 *FRAN: &=in And he's sorta been a little bit (.) acculturated . 576091_578413 *FRAN: (..) &{l=% you know &}l=% . 578413_578806 *FRAN: &=in But if you g- +/. 578806_579647 *FRAN: (.) Not- not the (..) Pakistanis fresh off the 579647_582306 (..) ⌈ off the ⌉ boat . 582306_583356 *ALIC: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 582627_582904 *FRAN: o:r any of that . 583356_584233 *FRAN: You know 584233_584540 &=in but you get your basic (.) New York cab dri⌈ver . 584540_587408 *SEAN: ⌊ They talk ⌋ . 587216_587790 *FRAN: and you ⌉ 587408_587842 &=in You say 587842_588561 you know 588561_588840 how's it going . 588840_589627 *FRAN: He'll te⌈ll you ⌉ . 589627_590493 *SEAN: ⌊ Yep ⌋ he- +/. 590087_590660 *SEAN: (..) Unhunh ? 590660_591335 *FRAN: (..) You know ? 591335_592235 *FRAN: (..) I mean 592235_592863 (.) &{l=HI I had one guy 592863_593699 he talked to me the whole time I was dr- &}l=HI 593699_595074 &=in (.) about this new diet he was on 595074_597211 (.) and 597211_597640 he ate ʔapples 597640_598626 and his wife was really happy 598626_600203 and 600203_600428 &=in and their sex life had improved 600428_602254 and 602254_602436 and this is a guy like seventy years old 602436_604261 or something 604261_604711 he'd been driving a cab for forty years 604711_606342 and proud of it 606342_606967 and 606967_607192 &=in his kids went through this school and that s- 607192_609143 &=in I mean 609143_609649 (.) ve:ry open . 609649_611054 *FRAN: And 611054_611294 &=in the +/. 611294_611784 *FRAN: But the r- +/. 611784_612267 *FRAN: (..) The new +/. 612267_613068 *FRAN: The b- New Yorker is (.) usually in a hurry . 613068_614948 *FRAN: (..) And so they'll te:ll you anything 614948_616940 they'll gi:ve you anything . 616940_617875 *FRAN: But just hurry up and tell em ex⌈a:ctly what you want ⌉ . 617875_619900 *ALIC: ⌊ I (.) I can never ⌋ get a cab in New York . 619019_620687 *ALIC: Cause everybody takes it away from me . 620687_622173 *BERN: (.) ⌈ &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 622173_623559 *ALIC: ⌊ I mean (.) when I am 622323_623119 (.) I'm ⌋ just there for hou:rs 623119_624725 fo- i- wi- +... 624725_625354 *BERN: Y- you ⌈ gotta ⌉ ju⌈2:mp . 625354_626703 *ALIC: ⌊ I [% laugh] ⌋ +/. 625807_626071 *ALIC: ⌊2 I can't do it ⌋2 . 626505_627270 *BERN: Yeah ⌉2 . 626750_627257 *ALIC: (..) ⌈3 I go ⌉3 . 627295_627937 *BERN: ⌊3 It's a ⌋3 +... 627537_627988 *ALIC: Okay 627988_628323 I'm outa here . 628323_628898 *ALIC: (..) &{l=@ If you don't wanna take me 628898_630532 I won⌈'t go &=in &}l=@ ⌉ . 630532_631886 *FRAN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 630976_631886 *ALIC: (.) I just can't get a cab . 631886_633103 *SEAN: Well how do you get around . 633103_634260 *ALIC: (..) I just wait for that hour . 634260_635851 *ALIC: Un⌈til ⌉ . 635851_636283 *SEAN: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 636046_636300 *BERN: ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 636300_637314 *ALIC: ⌊2 you know 636300_636644 it's like two A⌋2M . 636644_637584 *ALIC: Okay 637584_638003 no one is here 638003_638568 no competition . 638568_639272 *ALIC: I'm gonna get this cab . 639272_640277 *BERN: (.) &=laugh &=in &=lengthened . 640277_640852 *ALIC: &=in (.) ⌈ My kids said ⌉ . 640877_642233 *BERN: ⌊ Oh: ⌋ . 641461_642219 *ALIC: (..) &{l=VOX come o:n 642233_643485 you're &}l=VOX +/. 643485_643660 *ALIC: &{l=WH I said 643660_643911 (..) I'm doing the best I ⌈ can &}l=WH ⌉ . 643911_645490 *SEAN: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 . 645280_645774 *BERN: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 645490_646775 *ALIC: ⌊2 &{l=P You know &}l=P ⌋2 645537_645738 ⌊3 &=in I really am ⌋3 645738_646860 this is me: being as⌈4sertive [% laugh] . 646860_648321 *BERN: ⌊4 &{l=MRC Jump (.) out &}l=MRC . 647945_648869 *ALIC: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉4 . 648321_649502 *BERN: and open the ⌋4 door fa⌈5st . 648869_650208 *FRAN: ⌊5 Well there's also a ⌋5 lighting system . 649933_651717 *BERN: (.) &{l=P &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &}l=P ⌉5 . 650416_651168 *FRAN: that if you ⌈6 don't un⌉6derstand it . 651717_653131 *ALIC: ⌊6 Ah ⌋6 . 652074_652413 *FRAN: it's confusing . 653131_654335 *FRAN: Because 654335_654887 there:'s a light on the top 654887_656117 that tells you if they're on duty or off duty 656117_658242 &=in and if they have a fare or not . 658242_660000 *FRAN: &=in And you can wave forever 660000_661602 and if they have fares 661602_662677 they- c- (.) they w⌈on't stop ⌉ . 662677_663961 *ALIC: ⌊ No 663320_663483 they would ⌋ always stop and 663483_664663 (.) I would get em 664663_665371 it's just the person behind [% laugh] me [% laugh] 665371_666612 pushing [% laugh] me out of the way . 666612_667627 *ALIC: Getting into the ⌈ cab ⌉ . 667627_668563 *FRAN: ⌊ Where ⌋ were you 668255_668805 in front of Saks or something [% laugh] ? 668805_670331 *FRAN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ ⌈2 &=laugh &=in ⌉2 . 670331_671481 *BERN: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 . 670893_671419 *ALIC: ⌊2 Grand Central ⌋2 Station pro⌈3bably ⌉3 . 670893_672207 *FRAN: ⌊3 Oh ⌋3 ⌈4 Grand Central ⌉4 . 671986_673216 *BERN: ⌊4 &{l=F &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &}l=F ⌋4 . 672321_673353 *ALIC: ⌊4 &{l=F &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 &=laugh &}l=F ⌈5 &=laugh ⌉5 . 672321_673901 *FRAN: ⌊5 Oh ⌋5 673574_673901 I'm guilty . 673901_674746 *FRAN: Grand Central . 674746_675495 *FRAN: I had a client in the office building next to ⌈ Grand ⌉ Central . 675495_678058 *ALIC: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 677370_677608 *FRAN: and I used to get in there and muscle ⌈2 people &{l=@ in front of me &}l=@ ⌉2 . 678058_680602 *ALIC: ⌊2 It's impossible ⌋2 . 679524_680682 *FRAN: &{l=@ Yeah really &}l=@ . 680602_681602 *FRAN: &=laugh &=in . 681602_682050 *ALIC: (.) &=in ⌈ I've always ⌉ +... 682050_683049 *FRAN: ⌊ Cause it's an ⌋ 682419_683049 a constant flow . 683049_684270 *ALIC: (.) It's horrible . 684270_685073 *BERN: New Yorker's are +/. 685073_685752 *BERN: Yeah . 685752_686103 *BERN: It's +/. 686103_686387 *BERN: (.) You're in a hurry 686387_687187 you're in a rush 687187_687844 and you learn to be a little assertive . 687844_689451 *FRAN: (..) Yeah: . 689451_690107 *BERN: (..) Or is it aggressive . 690107_691238 *SEAN: (..) ⌈ Um . 691238_692478 *FRAN: ⌊ Well it's ⌋ +... 692188_692753 *SEAN: who would ⌉ ⌈2 like what ⌉2 to drink with dinner . 692478_694060 *ALIC: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 692753_693126 It's ballistic . 694060_694900 *SEAN: (.) Here's the choices . 694900_696103 *ALIC: &{l=X I ⌈ have ⌉ &}l=X +... 696103_696386 *SEAN: ⌊ Min⌋eral water: 696220_697205 (..) root beer: 697205_699213 (..) diet soda: 699213_700965 (..) or: um:: 700965_703325 (..) kinda strawberry (.) so- (.) ⌈ (.) soda ⌉ . 703325_705880 *ALIC: ⌊ How about regular ⌋ ⌈2 water ⌉2 . 705215_706310 *FRAN: ⌊2 &{l=X I think &}l=X ⌋2 re- u:m 705880_707061 (..) mineral water is: what ⌈3 I want ⌉3 . 707111_708620 *SEAN: ⌊3 Okay ⌋3 . 708157_708620 *ALIC: ⌊3 Regular ⌋3 water 708308_709012 do you have ⌈4 that ⌉4 ? 709012_709538 *SEAN: ⌊4 Yep ⌋4 . 709265_709517 *SEAN: Oh we have lots of that . 709538_710582 *FRAN: (..) Sean 710582_711462 I'm looking at all the paintings around 711462_713045 it's wonderful (.) to see your work 713045_714832 uh: . 714832_715275 *SEAN: Thank you . 715275_715844 *FRAN: (..) I particularly like this one . 715844_720261 *FRAN: (..) There's something 720261_721378 (..) that makes it 721378_722478 (..) That (..) feels almost Japanese about it . 722478_725042 *SEAN: (..) ⌈ What ⌉ ? 725042_728601 *ALIC: ⌊ &{l=X Whole yea⌋:r &}l=X . 728182_728826 *FRAN: (..) This almost feels Japanese . 728826_731084 *SEAN: (..) &=in &=lengthened 731084_732159 (..) Oh 732159_732852 that one goes with +/. 732852_733883 *SEAN: (.) That's um: 733883_734998 (..) u:m 734998_737158 (.) &{l=P God XXXXX &}l=P 737158_738187 (..) Isis and Osiris . 738187_739475 *SEAN: Osiris . 739475_740102 *FRAN: (.) Mm . 740102_740580 *SEAN: and 740580_740823 and 740823_741177 (.) with his fourteen pieces (..) cut up 741177_743391 a:nd Isis . 743391_744295 *FRAN: (..) Mm: . 744295_744998 *SEAN: (..) But there is a Japanese 744998_748274 because this 748274_749093 &=in (.) These were um 749093_750726 (..) ⌈ old temple hang⌉ings . 750726_752379 *FRAN: ⌊ XX ⌋ ? 751265_752000 *FRAN: (..) Oh . 752379_752831 *SEAN: (.) That I c- uh that I cut up . 752831_754332 *FRAN: (.) Okay . 754332_755110 *SEAN: (..) Yep . 755110_755661 *ALIC: (..) Oh wow . 755661_757664 *ALIC: &{l=P &{l=X That's good &}l=X &}l=P . 757664_758305 *FRAN: (..) You cut up the temple hanging you ⌈ bar⌉⌈2bar⌉2⌈3ian ⌉3 ? 758305_761144 *BERN: ⌊ They were ⌋ +... 760171_760471 *SEAN: ⌊2 Well ⌋2 +... 760471_760765 *BERN: ⌊2 They s⌋2⌊3tarted ⌋3 falling ⌈4 apart ⌉4 . 760521_761787 *SEAN: ⌊4 They had ⌋4 ⌈5 fallen ⌉5 apart Fran . 761332_762786 *FRAN: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 761332_762132 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 762786_763832 (.) &=in ⌈ You ac⌉tually sa:ved them . 763832_765862 *SEAN: ⌊ I X ⌋ +... 764144_764572 *ALIC: (.) ⌈2 &{l=X Right &}l=X ⌉2 . 765862_766681 *BERN: ⌊2 Yes ⌋2 . 766055_766681 *SEAN: (.) I had tried to- +/. 766681_767709 *SEAN: (.) I have em (.) in some pillows 767709_769427 and the pillows had finally had it 769427_771101 &=in and I thought 771101_771877 (..) you know: 771877_772664 (..) this is it . 772664_773909 *FRAN: (..) Yeah . 773909_774812 *ALIC: (..) Recycling . 774812_775750 *ALIC: (.) Yes . 775750_776252 *FRAN: (..) Now Bernard 776252_777115 some of your work is around too . 777115_778766 *BERN: (.) Well there's a couple ⌈ sculptures here ⌉ . 778766_780497 *SEAN: ⌊ Those heads ⌋ . 779631_780492 *FRAN: ⌈2 Yes I see⌉2⌈3: . 780497_781620 *SEAN: ⌊2 they're Bernard's ⌋2 . 780497_781495 *ALIC: ⌊3 I love this ⌋3 . 781241_782028 *FRAN: (.) Y⌉3es 781620_782163 They're won⌈4derful ⌉4 . 782163_783032 *ALIC: ⌊4 &{l=X I love ⌋4 that &}l=X . 782517_783295 *FRAN: (..) &=in You know Bernard 783295_785519 I hope you aren't disappointed when you go to pick up those two bits 785519_788590 that are (.) left 788590_789416 of the sculp⌈ture ⌉ . 789416_790416 *BERN: ⌊ I ⌋ won't be . 790144_790895 *FRAN: (.) You know 790895_791334 but 791334_791583 (.) they'll be nice yard orna⌈ments: ⌉ . 791583_793565 *BERN: ⌊ Sure ⌋ . 792836_793565 *BERN: (..) ⌈2 And ⌉2 +... 793565_794703 *SEAN: ⌊2 What do you ⌋2 want to drink Bernard . 794446_795497 *BERN: (..) I'm gonna have water also . 795497_797468 *BERN: (..) &{l=P &{l=X But &}l=X &}l=P +... 797468_797968 *SEAN: (..) Fizz⌈y or ⌉ . 797968_798833 *ALIC: ⌊ Well how lo⌋:ng +/. 798354_798983 *ALIC: (..) ⌈2 When are you gonna ⌉2 be here ⌈3 &{l=X till &}l=X ⌉3 . 798983_800250 *BERN: ⌊2 Fizzy ⌋2 . 799162_799672 *SEAN: ⌊3 Okay ⌋3 . 799845_800315 *FRAN: (.) I'll be here till Wednesday . 800315_801615 *ALIC: (..) &{l=P Oh 801615_802119 just a few days &}l=P . 802119_802899 *FRAN: Well I've been here fo:r 802899_804379 (..) since +/. 804379_805623 *FRAN: I'll- I will have been here two full weeks . 805623_807803 *FRAN: (..) By the time I leave . 807803_809174 *FRAN: (..) U:m 809174_810443 but I've just been real busy with 810443_812158 with this chore I was (..) taking care of while I was here . 812158_815277 *ALIC: (..) Oh . 815277_816037 *FRAN: (..) So 816037_816597 (..) I was (.) emptying a storeroom 816597_818051 and shipping some things back east . 818051_819541 *SEAN: &=in (.) Her (.) her brother was Jerrod Laker 819541_822032 the one I took care o⌈f ⌉ ? 822032_823151 *ALIC: ⌊ Oh⌋: yeah . 822960_823409 *SEAN: (..) And she's (..) been (..) sending his things back . 823409_826426 *SEAN: He had- her brother had &{l=@ a lotta things &}l=@ . 826426_828231 *SEAN: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 828231_828707 *FRAN: ⌊ Yeah 828298_828578 he ⌋ had a ⌈2 bunch of stuff ⌉2 . 828578_829767 *ALIC: ⌊2 With +/. 828887_829259 *ALIC: He ⌋2 +/. 829259_829767 *ALIC: (.) He worked for um 829767_830857 (..) Benny Keller ? 830857_831702 *SEAN: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 831702_832029 *FRAN: ⌊ For y⌋ears . 831760_832426 *FRAN: ⌈2 Yes: ⌉2 . 832426_832925 *ALIC: ⌊2 Yeah I kne- ⌋2 +/. 832351_832901 *ALIC: I know him . 832901_833401 *FRAN: (..) Yeah . 833401_833800 *ALIC: I did . 833800_834320 *FRAN: (.) Yeah . 834320_834640 *ALIC: (..) That's your brother ? 834640_835512 *FRAN: Yeah . 835512_835775 *ALIC: (..) &{l=VOX Oh: no &}l=VOX . 835775_836924 *FRAN: (.) &{l=P Yeah &}l=P . 836924_837369 *FRAN: (..) &=in So: 837369_838580 hi:s little pri⌈vate collection ⌉ . 838580_840211 *SEAN: ⌊ &{l=X can you open the &}l=X drawer ⌋ please . 839415_840556 *ALIC: S⌈2o- you⌉2⌈3:- I- ⌉3 +... 840556_841465 *SEAN: ⌊2 XX ⌋2 . 840829_841060 *FRAN: ⌊3 I'm (.) ⌋3 s:ending back 841085_842396 and it sounds 842396_843455 (..) you know 843455_843996 to use the word collection sounds very ⌈ grand . 843996_846079 *SEAN: ⌊ XX X ⌋ . 845703_846429 *FRAN: but it's ⌉ just real⌈2ly a ⌉2 bunch of . 846079_847639 *SEAN: ⌊2 X ⌋2 . 846942_847113 *BERN: ⌈3 &{l=X put this in a plastic bag &}l=X ⌉3 . 847614_848719 *ALIC: ⌊3 &{l=X His &}l=X personal stuff ⌋3 . 847614_848666 *FRAN: Yeah . 848719_849139 *FRAN: (.) ⌈ ʔYeah ⌉ . 849139_849678 *ALIC: ⌊ He's your ⌋ (.) ⌈2 only: brother ⌉2 ? 849324_850755 *SEAN: ⌊2 &{l=X Is the whole ice box ⌋2 ⌈3 gonna smell &}l=X ⌉3 . 849995_851486 *FRAN: ⌊3 &=in Yes 850755_851364 and ⌋3 we were very close . 851414_852504 *FRAN: (..) So 852504_853144 (..) it was uh . 853144_853992 *SEAN: I have ⌈ a little one right here I think ⌉ . 853992_855890 *FRAN: ⌊ sad &{l=X thing &}l=X for me 854175_855151 to lose him but ⌋ 855151_855926 (..) Sean is (.) marvellous . 855926_857961 *FRAN: (..) Looking after him . 857961_859266 *FRAN: (..) And a ⌈ fellow named Bob Butler al⌉so . 859266_861122 *SEAN: ⌊ &{l=X How strong is this &}l=X ⌋ . 859797_860900 *FRAN: I don't ⌈2 know if you know ⌉2 . 861122_861932 *ALIC: ⌊2 I know Bob ⌋2 . 861341_861878 *FRAN: (.) Yeah . 861932_862357 *FRAN: (..) They were (.) absolute angels . 862357_864441 *ALIC: (..) Wow . 864441_865160 *FRAN: So . 865160_865492 *ALIC: (..) When was that . 865492_866355 *ALIC: Two years ago ? 866355_867000 *FRAN: (..) No . 867000_868174 *FRAN: It's: actually quite a whi⌈le now ⌉ . 868174_869775 *SEAN: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 869216_869696 *FRAN: It's four years . 869775_870663 *X: (.) &{l=P &{l=X four years &}l=X &}l=P ? 870663_871260 *FRAN: Yeah 871260_871565 it's astounding to me that it's that length of time . 871565_873765 *ALIC: (..) And his stuff was put in ⌈ storage ⌉ ? 873765_875984 *FRAN: ⌊ Hmm ⌋ . 875557_875907 *SEAN: Okay⌈2: ⌉2 . 875984_876984 *BERN: ⌊2 &{l=FOOD I'll wait ⌋2 ⌈3 with that &{l=X and &}l=X . 876557_877577 *FRAN: ⌊3 Yeah I just couldn't belie⌋3⌈4ve [% laugh] ⌉4 . 876984_878166 *BERN: (.) Help you out &}l=FOOD ⌉3 . 877577_878111 *SEAN: ⌊4 Sure ⌋4 . 878111_878361 *ALIC: (..) Oh ⌈5 wow⌉5⌈6: ⌉6 . 878361_879517 *SEAN: ⌊5 Um⌋5⌊6: ⌋6 . 878842_879513 *FRAN: ⌊6 For one ⌋6 thing 879232_879707 I ⌈7 had uh . 879707_880532 *SEAN: ⌊7 You bring the plates ⌋7 . 879991_880821 *FRAN: such a ⌉7 tiny apartment . 880532_881672 *FRAN: (..) U:m 881672_882412 (..) when we (..) went back to New York 882412_884761 (.) u:m 884761_885295 (.) I had (..) &{l=X kept &}l=X a studio there . 885295_887044 *FRAN: (..) And (.) of course 887044_888447 that was small and 888447_889497 (..) and then 889497_890290 we found another studio 890290_891490 (..) in uh 891490_892154 in (.) our neighborhood 892154_893154 that we liked 893154_894014 (.) in the Village 894014_894863 &=in and we moved into that 894863_896186 and we just got so busy 896186_897311 we (.) didn't get around to (.) moving into a real a⌈partment . 897311_899796 *SEAN: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 899599_899970 *FRAN: un⌉til this past year . 899796_900856 *FRAN: (..) So that's why (.) ⌈2 I'm (.) doing it ⌉2 now . 900856_903545 *SEAN: ⌊2 &{l=P &{l=X This is alright &}l=X &}l=P ⌋2 . 902220_903145 *FRAN: (.) &=in But I also know 903545_904965 that I wasn't really ready to do it until now . 904965_906960 *FRAN: (..) So . 906960_907900 *FRAN: (..) You know 907900_908627 but it's okay now . 908627_909507 *ALIC: (..) Yeah 909507_910691 you know I take care of (..) people's estates 910691_913271 and my +/. 913271_913691 *ALIC: (..) my garage is (.) f:ill:ed with (..) dead people's things . 913691_917591 *FRAN: (..) Yeah . 917591_918100 *ALIC: (..) ʔThat 918100_918551 (..) I don't +/. 918551_919685 *ALIC: (..) I wanna toss em . 919685_921110 *ALIC: But ʔit just +/. 921110_921811 *ALIC: (..) Maybe worth something 921811_923298 maybe somebody'll surface 923298_924627 (..) so I have like (..) four years' worth now . 924627_927058 *ALIC: (..) of 927058_927558 (..) well- +/. 927558_928898 *ALIC: (..) you know 928898_929664 an antique mirror 929664_930755 (.) just +/. 930755_931144 *ALIC: And every once in a while somebody'll sh:ow up and say 931144_933098 (..) &{l=VOX do you know where: such and such is &}l=VOX . 933098_934900 *ALIC: &{l=WH And I'll say 934900_935253 (..) I've got that &}l=WH . 935253_936022 *ALIC: (..) and I'll h:and it to em . 936022_937440 *ALIC: &{l=P &{l=X and they're &}l=X &}l=P 937440_937811 (..) I mean ⌈ that just ⌉ happened to me . 937811_939148 *FRAN: ⌊ &{l=X Yeah &}l=X ⌋ . 938287_938667 *ALIC: a few weeks ⌈2 ago ⌉2 . 939148_939928 *FRAN: ⌊2 They're ⌋2 excited and happy . 939599_940848 *ALIC: (..) Mhm . 940848_941868 *FRAN: (.) Yeah . 941868_942273 *FRAN: ⌈ that's ⌉ great . 942273_942973 *ALIC: ⌊ And ⌋ 942273_942553 (..) But it's stuff: . 942973_944313 *FRAN: (..) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 944313_944982 *ALIC: ⌊ And ⌋ so 944740_945320 (.) I don't wanna &{l=X feel discouraged &}l=X 945320_947051 cause⌈: like I'm the only one . 947051_948240 *BERN: ⌊ Oh yeah it's 947258_947718 getting XXXX ⌋ . 947728_948879 *ALIC: (.) I'm in charge ⌉ of this 948240_949238 &{l=X and so &}l=X . 949238_949633 *SEAN: Okay ladies ? 949633_950362 *ALIC: (..) You know what I mean ? 950362_951382 *SEAN: Dinner . 951382_951782 *FRAN: (..) It smells divine . 951782_954107 *ALIC: (..) ⌈ Oo: ⌉ . 954107_955402 *BERN: ⌊ &{l=P &{l=X It is &}l=X XX &}l=P ⌋ . 954513_955402 *FRAN: (..) Where should we ⌈2 sit ⌉2 . 955402_956650 *ALIC: ⌊2 &{l=VOX X⌋2⌈3X &}l=VOX . 956397_956975 *SEAN: ⌊3 Fra:n &=ex . 956652_957401 *ALIC: (.) Hey 956975_957334 wait- wait- ⌉3 . 957334_957774 *SEAN: Al⌋3⌈4i:ce ⌉4 . 957401_958261 *BERN: ⌊4 &{l=VOX Oh yes &}l=VOX ⌋4 . 957774_958314 *FRAN: ⌈5 Did you say Fran ⌉5 ? 958314_959193 *ALIC: ⌊5 I don't know ⌋5 958364_958984 I ⌈6 don't know if ⌉6 this is working . 959193_960513 *SEAN: ⌊6 Yes ⌋6 . 959359_959799 *ALIC: I ha- don't even have a ⌈7 cl:ue: ⌉7 . 960513_962249 *FRAN: ⌊7 Oh 961324_961764 heaven ⌋7 . 961764_962299 *ALIC: (.) It should be going up . 962299_963196 *BERN: Where's ⌈ the micropho⌉ne . 963196_964250 *ALIC: ⌊ This red one ⌋ . 963343_963982 *ALIC: (..) Here . 964250_964876 *ALIC: (..) &{l=VOX I'm not mechani⌈cal Sean &}l=VOX ⌉ . 964876_967165 *SEAN: ⌊ It's a Sean ⌋ concoction . 966457_967797 *ALIC: It's +/. 967797_967987 *ALIC: Looks like it's going ⌈ too f⌉ast to be recording . 967987_970207 *FRAN: ⌊ What is it ⌋ . 968664_969083 *BERN: (.) &{l=X No &}l=X 970207_970922 that looks right . 970922_971773 *FRAN: Oh trust ⌈ the machinery ⌉ . 971773_973210 *ALIC: ⌊ &=in ʔIt- ⌋ +/. 972353_973210 *ALIC: ʔI: don't . 973196_973987 *SEAN: If it didn't it didn't . 973987_974985 *FRAN: &=in ⌈ Oh: ⌉ this is great . 974985_976192 *SEAN: ⌊ Hey ⌋ . 975147_975537 *FRAN: ⌈2 I just got the sa⌉2me ⌈3 fab⌉3ric . 976192_978181 *ALIC: ⌊2 Where (.) do I sit . 976192_977028 *ALIC: Here ⌋2 ? 977028_977384 *SEAN: ⌊3 Here ⌋3 . 977535_977895 *ALIC: I should turn +... 978181_978721 *FRAN: to do dining room [% laugh] ⌈ chai⌉⌈2:rs: [% laugh] ⌉2 . 978721_980836 *ALIC: ⌊ &{l=X I have to s⌋⌊2ee this &}l=X ⌋2 . 979713_980836 *SEAN: ⌊2 You're kidding ⌋2 . 980119_980836 *FRAN: &{l=HI I'm serious &}l=HI . 980836_981645 *FRAN: &=in I did it (.) in navy: . 981645_983334 *SEAN: (..) ⌈ Unhunh ⌉ ? 983334_984066 *FRAN: ⌊ and ⌋ go:⌈2ld ⌉2 . 983809_984690 *SEAN: ⌊2 I ⌋2 looked at ⌈3 the navy: ⌉3 . 984512_985732 *FRAN: ⌊3 &=in a:⌋3⌈4:nd . 984983_986057 *ALIC: ⌊4 &{l=P Oh: wow: &}l=P ⌋4 . 985721_986881 *FRAN: uh 986057_986307 because ⌉4 986307_986907 I had another fabric 986907_988092 it's (.) uh 988092_988892 &=in it's: a ⌈ gorgeous (.) blue⌉⌈2: with gold ⌉2 &{l=X bea:ds &}l=X . 988892_992346 *BERN: ⌊ &{l=X Do you need to scoot &}l=X ⌋ ? 989952_990807 *ALIC: ⌊2 &{l=WH Wow this is great &}l=WH ⌋2 . 990807_991693 *FRAN: and I wanted to mix the two fabrics . 992346_994032 *FRAN: And the red didn't work with it . 994032_995361 *BERN: (.) &{l=WH &{l=X Yeah &}l=X &}l=WH . 995361_995816 *SEAN: Well I first ⌈ had a ⌉ +... 995816_997066 *FRAN: ⌊ Cause I ⌋ fell in love with the re:⌈2:d ⌉2 . 996613_998241 *SEAN: ⌊2 a ⌋2 kind of a 998116_999107 f:lower (..) fabric 999107_1001420 (..) that I ha- put ⌈ on these ⌉ ? 1001420_1002660 *FRAN: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ ? 1002091_1002601 *SEAN: (.) It +/. 1002660_1003051 *SEAN: (..) The ⌈ chair's died ⌉ . 1003051_1004431 *BERN: ⌊ It was horrible ⌋ . 1003531_1004351 *BERN: (.) Yeah⌈2: ⌉2 . 1004431_1004935 *FRAN: ⌊2 Yeah⌋2: . 1004630_1005090 *SEAN: And so I went to (.) the design center 1005090_1006780 and I went to all the places 1006780_1008009 and 1008009_1008330 (..) that was the one . 1008330_1009319 *FRAN: (.) Yeah . 1009319_1009760 *ALIC: (..) Why do we have to look at the one I'm ʔuh on [% laugh] . 1009760_1011490 *ALIC: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 1011490_1012980 *BERN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1011512_1012892 *FRAN: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 1012402_1012902 &=in . 1012980_1013260 *BERN: &=laugh &=in . 1013260_1013570 *ALIC: &=in . 1013570_1013872 *FRAN: Because you're the s- +/. 1013872_1014675 *FRAN: you're- you're the slimmest 1014675_1015800 and show the most cu- uh: . 1015800_1017097 *ALIC: ⌈ Oh 1017097_1017297 chair ⌉ . 1017297_1017766 *FRAN: ⌊ cushion c⌋left . 1017297_1018022 *ALIC: (.) Okay 1018022_1018446 ⌈ that was ⌉ cool . 1018446_1018984 *FRAN: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 1018446_1018746 *BERN: Cheers everybody . 1018959_1019882 *BERN: ⌈ &{l=X here's ⌉ ⌈2 to &}l=X ⌉2 +... 1019882_1020469 *ALIC: ⌊ Cheers ⌋ ⌊2 ch⌋2⌈3eers ⌉3 . 1019832_1020760 *FRAN: ⌊2 Ch⌋2⌊3ee⌋3:rs . 1020238_1020806 *FRAN: chee⌈4:r⌉4s . 1020806_1021702 *BERN: ⌊4 Cheers ⌋4 . 1021024_1021702 *SEAN: (..) It's nice to see you Fran⌈5: ⌉5 . 1021702_1023459 *FRAN: ⌊5 Lo⌋5vely to be here . 1023355_1024610 *X: (..) &=THROAT . 1024610_1027464 *ALIC: (..) &=tsk I didn't realize that you had such a (.) close connection . 1027464_1030384 *ALIC: (..) That ⌈ you ⌉ +... 1030384_1031232 *SEAN: ⌊ Oh ⌋ yeah ⌈2 &=ex . 1030977_1032417 *ALIC: ⌊2 &{l=P &{l=X I didn't get that &}l=X &}l=P ⌋2 . 1031856_1032629 *SEAN: We t⌉2ook care of Jerrod 1032417_1033446 and that's: when we really +/. 1033446_1034506 *SEAN: (..) Well 1034506_1035012 we had (..) ⌈ (.) h:eard of Fran . 1035012_1036937 *FRAN: ⌊ That's when I really got to meet em ⌋ . 1035853_1037458 *SEAN: for a long ⌉ time from Jerrod 1036937_1038385 and 1038385_1038751 but that's how we really met . 1038751_1040111 *ALIC: (..) ⌊ &{l=X Brother and sister &}l=X ⌋ . 1040111_1041835 *BERN: ⌊ I thought he just made it ⌋ up . 1040767_1042098 *SEAN: (.) And then ⌈2 she's come . 1042098_1043637 *FRAN: ⌊2 His faux sister ⌋2 . 1042897_1043994 *SEAN: (.) almost ⌉2 ⌈3 every year ⌉3 . 1043637_1044630 *BERN: ⌊3 Yes ⌋3 . 1044044_1044624 *FRAN: ⌊3 His: ⌋3 (.) fantasy sister . 1044044_1045802 *BERN: Right . 1045802_1046226 *FRAN: (..) &=in Well I used to come out here . 1046226_1048397 *ALIC: (..) to see ⌈ your brother ⌉ . 1048397_1050300 *FRAN: ⌊ with grea⌋:t regularity . 1049692_1051122 *FRAN: I mean 1051122_1051672 (..) I ⌈ was out here about every year- . 1051672_1053939 *ALIC: ⌊ Don't you love it out here 1052268_1053348 don't you love it ⌋ ? 1053348_1054139 *FRAN: I ⌉ do 1053939_1054419 I adore it . 1054419_1054987 *ALIC: This is- +/. 1054987_1055253 *ALIC: (.) Wouldn't this be in the top three of . 1055253_1057122 *FRAN: This would be 1057122_1058067 if +/. 1058067_1058318 *FRAN: &{l=L Were I &}l=L (.) going to leave New York . 1058318_1060434 *FRAN: (..) This would definitely be 1060434_1062640 I think this would be my second choice . 1062640_1064581 *FRAN: (..) A:nd 1064581_1066240 (..) the other (.) thing I would m:aybe do is 1066240_1068632 go b:ack to New Orleans . 1068632_1070021 *FRAN: But then like 1070021_1070734 I don't ⌈ know . 1070734_1071063 *SEAN: ⌊ New Orleans ⌋ ? 1070957_1071673 *FRAN: maybe come ⌉ here in the s:ummer or something . 1071063_1073141 *FRAN: Because 1073141_1073782 &{l=MRC it's (.) just (.) beastly &}l=MRC there in the summer . 1073782_1075833 *FRAN: (..) &{l=PP You know &}l=PP 1075833_1076802 &=in but this is definitely 1076802_1078142 &=in and 1078142_1078629 oddly enough 1078629_1079408 do you know where else I might go ? 1079408_1081099 *FRAN: (..) Buffalo New York . 1081099_1082885 *FRAN: Is a w:onderful city . 1082885_1084225 *BERN: (..) I've heard . 1084225_1085800 *FRAN: (..) ⌈ It ha⌉⌈2s ⌉2 +... 1085800_1086625 *ALIC: ⌊ Buffal⌋⌊2o ⌋2 ? 1086038_1086627 *SEAN: ⌊2 I ⌋2 was on the radio there today . 1086414_1087734 *FRAN: (..) You were⌈3: ⌉3 ? 1087734_1088760 *SEAN: ⌊3 Y⌋3es . 1088600_1089105 *FRAN: &{l=HI Oh ⌈4 wow: &}l=HI ⌉4 . 1089105_1090091 *SEAN: ⌊4 Double-u +/. 1089552_1089992 *SEAN: it ⌋4 was +/. 1089992_1090317 *SEAN: (.) I don't know what it ⌈5 was ⌉5 . 1090317_1091455 *X: ⌊5 &=laugh ⌋5 . 1091069_1091455 *FRAN: (.) Unhunh ? 1091455_1092080 *SEAN: (.) At two forty-five . 1092080_1093273 *SEAN: (..) Five forty-five there . 1093273_1094961 *SEAN: (..) Somebody's show . 1094961_1095921 *SEAN: (..) Mhm ? 1095921_1096757 *SEAN: (..) Was raining there . 1096757_1098745 *FRAN: (..) It wa⌈s ⌉ ? 1098745_1099979 *SEAN: ⌊ M⌋hm ? 1099806_1100258 *FRAN: Oh . 1100258_1100607 *ALIC: Sean this is ⌈ grea:t ⌉ . 1100607_1101783 *FRAN: ⌊ Well it's a good day ⌋ for people to ⌈2 be indoors lis⌉2tening to the ⌈3 radio ⌉3 . 1101139_1103643 *BERN: ⌊2 Buffalo ʔuh ⌋2 +... 1102245_1102845 *SEAN: ⌊3 Is that ⌋3 where Linda's from ? 1103120_1104272 *FRAN: (..) &=in ⌈4 Linda's from Cor⌉4ning . 1104272_1106321 *BERN: ⌊4 Or is she up farther ⌋4 . 1105063_1106068 *BERN: (.) ⌈5 Up farther ⌉5 . 1106321_1106961 *FRAN: ⌊5 which is: ⌋5 uh not too far away . 1106321_1108032 *FRAN: But it's ⌈6 in the s- ⌉6 +... 1108032_1108593 *BERN: ⌊6 &=THROAT ⌋6 . 1108314_1108593 *FRAN: in the same ⌈7 general a⌉7⌈8rea ⌉8 . 1108593_1109851 *SEAN: ⌊7 Mm ⌋7 . 1109168_1109568 *SEAN: ⌊8 (.) came ⌋8 ⌈9 out good ⌉9 . 1109568_1110418 *ALIC: ⌊8 It's ⌋8 ⌊9 great ⌋9 . 1109568_1110418 *FRAN: Mm: . 1110418_1110842 *FRAN: (..) Is this +/. 1110842_1111387 *FRAN: We +/. 1111387_1111759 *FRAN: (..) This looks like something we used to call grillades . 1111759_1114040 *FRAN: In New- (.) in New Orleans . 1114040_1115200 *FRAN: What is ⌈ it ⌉ . 1115200_1115709 *SEAN: &{l=P ⌊ Gri⌋llades . 1115517_1116083 *SEAN: Hunh &}l=P ? 1116083_1116492 *FRAN: &{l=P Mhm &}l=P . 1116492_1116962 *SEAN: This is red beans and rice 1116962_1118274 ⌈ with some ⌉ steak . 1118274_1119180 *FRAN: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ ? 1118274_1118651 *SEAN: and um 1119180_1119938 (.) &=tsk green and (.) and red peppers cut up . 1119938_1122100 *FRAN: (..) &{l=FOOD It's delicious &}l=FOOD . 1122100_1123177 *BERN: (..) It is delicious ⌈ Sean ⌉ . 1123177_1124858 *ALIC: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 1124385_1124869 *ALIC: It's gr:eat . 1124869_1125887 *BERN: (..) &=THROAT . 1125887_1126743 *FRAN: (..) Did you invent this ? 1126743_1129334 *FRAN: ⌈ Cause it's v⌉ery like a New Or⌈2leans recipe ⌉2 . 1129334_1131457 *SEAN: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1129334_1129836 *SEAN: ⌊2 &{l=FOOD I invented it &}l=FOOD ⌋2 . 1130624_1131450 *ALIC: (..) Mhm . 1131457_1133737 *FRAN: (.) Mm . 1133737_1134165 *FRAN: (..) &{l=P Wonderful &}l=P . 1134165_1135881 *SEAN: (.) &{l=FOOD I had red beans and rice 1135881_1137181 (..) for dinner 1137181_1138253 (.) last week 1138253_1138846 and it was so great 1138846_1139537 and I thought 1139537_1139967 (..) &{l=P I could make this for a dinner pa⌈rty &}l=P ⌉ . 1139967_1142504 *ALIC: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ 1142233_1142537 what can I +/. 1142537_1143003 *ALIC: (.) ⌈ ʔYou ʔknow ⌉ . 1143003_1143574 *SEAN: ⌊ And just ⌋ +/. 1143086_1143538 *SEAN: And I'll just a:dd to it 1143573_1145203 and 1145203_1145403 (.) that's what I like . 1145403_1146221 *SEAN: Is to ⌈ add . 1146221_1146804 *FRAN: ⌊ And ja:zz it up ⌋ . 1146567_1147530 *SEAN: I couldn't real⌉ly follow a recipe . 1146803_1148691 *FRAN: Mhm ? 1148691_1149125 *SEAN: (.) &=tsk I mean I could but 1149125_1150303 Hm &}l=FOOD . 1150303_1150687 *BERN: (..) &{l=FOOD I used to say 1150687_1152287 well how much did you put in &}l=FOOD . 1152287_1153541 *BERN: (.) I don't know . 1153541_1154338 *FRAN: Mhm ? 1154338_1154830 *SEAN: (..) &{l=FOOD I don't know &}l=FOOD . 1154830_1156556 *ALIC: (..) Can you do it again . 1156556_1157720 *ALIC: No 1157720_1158002 I don't ⌈ think ⌉ so . 1158002_1158682 *SEAN: ⌊ No ⌋ . 1158198_1158478 *FRAN: (..) Well 1158682_1159643 (..) my (..) cooking (.) comes out different 1159643_1162090 (..) differently every time . 1162090_1164140 *FRAN: (..) Every (..) time I make (.) something . 1164140_1167740 *ALIC: (..) Eve⌈ry so- ⌉ +... 1167740_1168539 *FRAN: ⌊ The only thing ⌋ that's consistent is 1168060_1169683 (..) my fried chicken 1169683_1171780 pretty much tastes the same 1171780_1172900 (.) a:nd 1172900_1173923 (..) spaghetti sauce I make 1173923_1175682 (..) tastes (..) pretty much the same . 1175682_1177449 *SEAN: (..) &{l=FOOD Do you cook a lot &}l=FOOD ? 1177449_1179035 *FRAN: (..) I used to 1179035_1179921 I haven't in (.) several years . 1179921_1181307 *SEAN: Hm . 1181307_1181593 *FRAN: (..) But now 1181593_1182913 I: have a kitchen that 1182913_1183813 again I'll cook . 1183813_1184819 *FRAN: (..) I at ⌈ least I ⌉ +... 1184819_1188264 *SEAN: ⌊ You're on the twel⌋fth floor ? 1187811_1188717 *FRAN: (..) Yeah 1188717_1189639 I have great views . 1189639_1190256 *FRAN: I'm thrilled with the views . 1190256_1191314 *ALIC: You can ki- (.) cook on the (.) twelfth floor ? 1191314_1193016 *FRAN: Mhm ? 1193016_1193412 *SEAN: (.) &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 1193412_1194138 *ALIC: ⌊ XX⌋⌈2X ⌉2 . 1193942_1194425 *SEAN: ⌊2 Are you ⌋2 sure ? 1194138_1194743 *FRAN: Mhm ? 1194743_1195195 *ALIC: (.) &{l=X I think there's something &}l=X 1195195_1195881 the pressure though . 1195881_1196711 *ALIC: &{l=X The air is thin &}l=X . 1196711_1197206 *FRAN: (..) Mhm ? 1197206_1197982 *ALIC: As you go up ? 1197982_1198299 *FRAN: You have ⌈ to adjust for altitude ⌉ . 1198299_1199981 *BERN: ⌊ I was thinking of the barbecue ⌋ . 1198592_1199960 *FRAN: &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 1199981_1200627 *BERN: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1200241_1201753 *ALIC: ⌊3 That's right ⌋3 . 1200627_1201078 *ALIC: Everything cooks (.) faster . 1201753_1202711 *BERN: (.) I [% laugh] always [% laugh] run outside and cook . 1202711_1204544 *FRAN: (..) Mm . 1204544_1207754 *BERN: (..) The altitude [% laugh] . 1207754_1209046 *BERN: You have to be careful . 1209046_1209942 *BERN: &{l=X Right &}l=X 1209942_1210185 ⌈ Especially with ⌉ you're baking . 1210185_1211180 *FRAN: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 1210260_1210576 *BERN: (.) &=laugh &=laugh . 1211180_1211731 *ALIC: ⌈ &=ex &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1211731_1212618 *FRAN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1211791_1212630 *SEAN: (.) Well Fran 1212630_1213682 I've been looking 1213682_1214791 (..) really 1214791_1215527 for a year or two 1215527_1216329 at different places to live . 1216329_1217493 *SEAN: I went back to Eur:ope . 1217493_1218634 *FRAN: (..) Mhm ? 1218634_1219295 *SEAN: (..) to London and Paris 1219295_1221417 (..) I've been in Sun Valley 1221417_1224380 (.) Tucso:n 1224380_1225569 (.) I've been +/. 1225569_1225955 *SEAN: and Montana 1225955_1226880 Sea:ttle 1226880_1227722 I liked Seattle a lot . 1227722_1229156 *FRAN: M⌈hm ⌉ ? 1229156_1229520 *SEAN: ⌊ But I ⌋ couldn't live there . 1229335_1230052 *SEAN: (..) And +/. 1230052_1231710 *SEAN: (..) Outside of New York 1231710_1233205 and I couldn't go back to live in New York again 1233205_1234885 it's been 1234885_1235446 (..) I'm over it . 1235446_1236311 *FRAN: (..) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 1236311_1236937 *SEAN: ⌊ This is ⌋ the best place I've found . 1236622_1238005 *FRAN: (..) It &{l=X got &}l=X +/. 1238005_1238893 *FRAN: ʔuh: ⌈ I said ⌉ +... 1238893_1239618 *SEAN: ⌊ and Alice ⌋ always says . 1239100_1240203 *ALIC: I ⌈2 XX ⌉2 . 1240203_1240716 *SEAN: ⌊2 &{l=VOX might as well ⌋2 not look Sean 1240361_1241426 I've looked everywhere &}l=VOX . 1241426_1242285 *ALIC: I've looked everywhere . 1242285_1242954 *SEAN: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ &=laugh . 1242954_1243575 *ALIC: ⌊ &{l=X you know &}l=X ⌋ . 1242954_1243365 *FRAN: ⌈2 It's pointless ⌉2 . 1243575_1244486 *ALIC: ⌊2 I've looked everywhere ⌋2 . 1243575_1244486 *FRAN: (..) Right . 1244486_1245080 *SEAN: (..) This is a tiny little (..) geographically wonderful . 1245080_1250723 *ALIC: (.) Haven . 1250723_1251217 *ALIC: (.) ⌈ &{l=X This is &}l=X ⌉ +... 1251217_1251579 *SEAN: ⌊ Mhm⌋⌈2: ⌉2 . 1251374_1251925 *FRAN: ⌊2 Bloom ⌋2 . 1251579_1251925 *SEAN: (..) &{l=FOOD And it is the geography Alice &}l=FOOD . 1251925_1255585 *ALIC: (..) It's whatever it is . 1255585_1257908 *ALIC: It ⌈ works ⌉ . 1257908_1258511 *SEAN: ⌊ It's ⌋ (..) geography . 1258020_1259535 *SEAN: (..) But I do miss: 1259535_1263275 (.) a lot of things about a city . 1263275_1264701 *SEAN: (..) &=tsk And about New York . 1264701_1266137 *FRAN: (.) Well we go to the opera 1266137_1267391 (..) and I go to museums . 1267391_1269265 *SEAN: (..) M⌈m ⌉ . 1269265_1271326 *FRAN: ⌊ A⌋nd 1271160_1271538 (..) I would miss that . 1271538_1272825 *SEAN: (..) Mhm ? 1272825_1273571 *BERN: (..) The New York opera . 1273571_1276123 *FRAN: (..) The Met . 1276123_1277119 *BERN: (..) Mhm . 1277119_1278085 *ALIC: (..) That's the best part of Age of Innocence . 1278085_1281840 *ALIC: The beginning of it ? 1281840_1282691 *ALIC: (..) I ⌈ just saw that today ⌉ . 1282691_1284096 *SEAN: ⌊ She went today ⌋ . 1283218_1284085 *FRAN: (.) Mm: . 1284096_1284899 *ALIC: (.) And this 1284899_1285427 (..) the scene at the opera . 1285427_1286731 *SEAN: (.) ⌈ Mm ⌉ . 1286731_1287080 *ALIC: ⌊ New ⌋ York . 1286815_1287338 *ALIC: In eighteen seventy . 1287338_1288355 *FRAN: (.) Mm: . 1288355_1289087 *ALIC: (.) ʔTh- +/. 1289087_1289400 *ALIC: (..) &{l=VOX It's (.) such detail &}l=VOX . 1289400_1291700 *ALIC: (.) An⌈: ⌉ +... 1291700_1291963 *SEAN: ⌊ &{l=X It &}l=X ⌋ said that's (.) ⌈2 the best ⌉2 thing . 1291838_1293555 *ALIC: ⌊2 &{l=VOX Oh: ⌋2 1292678_1293255 ⌈3 Go:⌉3⌈4d is it &}l=VOX ⌉4 +... 1293555_1294316 *SEAN: ⌊3 the New ⌋3 ⌊4 York scene ⌋4 . 1293555_1294316 *BERN: ⌊4 I wonder ⌋4 where the opera house was . 1293887_1295893 *FRAN: (..) Oh well . 1295893_1296644 *SEAN: ⌈ It was down o:n . 1296644_1297775 *FRAN: ⌊ when I came to New York 1296702_1297661 it was Thirty⌋-ninth and s: ʔuh +... 1297661_1299223 *SEAN: Fourteenth St- ⌉ +... 1297775_1298303 *FRAN: (..) When I came to New York 1299223_1300539 it was on Thirty-ninth and (.) and Broadway . 1300539_1302403 *ALIC: I think it's at the ⌈ big XX ⌉ . 1302403_1303776 *BERN: ⌊ What year were you ⌋ there ? 1303035_1304240 *FRAN: (.) Sixty-f- (..) four . 1304240_1306013 *FRAN: (..) There were +/. 1306013_1308316 *FRAN: (..) It was the last ⌈ season there ⌉ . 1308316_1310022 *BERN: ⌊ They were b- +/. 1309253_1309763 *BERN: Oh ⌋ 1309763_1310017 they were building Lincoln Center . 1310017_1311391 *SEAN: That was ⌈2 the old o⌉2pera house . 1311391_1312467 *BERN: ⌊2 Because ⌋2 . 1311667_1312065 *FRAN: That was the last sea⌈3son there ⌉3 . 1312467_1313842 *BERN: ⌊3 Cause I was ⌋3 there 1313376_1314385 I- I (.) was there 1314385_1315697 (..) just as Lincoln Center ⌈ was being f⌉inished . 1315697_1318145 *ENV: ⌊ &=DOG_BARK ⌋ . 1317317_1317749 *BERN: ⌈2 and ⌉2 . 1318145_1318428 *SEAN: ⌊2 I'm hun⌋2⌈3gry ⌉3 . 1318120_1318800 *FRAN: ⌊3 So that would ⌋3 have been sixty-⌈4six ⌉4 . 1318428_1320022 *ALIC: ⌊4 So goo:d ⌋4 . 1319455_1320232 *BERN: (..) &{l=P Was it that late &}l=P ? 1320182_1321302 *BERN: (..) I have it written down some place . 1321302_1323543 *BERN: Those years are all ⌈ foggy ⌉ . 1323543_1324694 *FRAN: ⌊ Sixty-f⌋i:ve . 1324200_1325255 *BERN: (..) Sixty-five 1325255_1326610 sixty-si⌈x ⌉ . 1326610_1327448 *FRAN: ⌊ S⌋omething like that . 1327240_1327942 *BERN: (.) And Leontyne Price sang Cleopatra ⌈ in ⌉ . 1327942_1330484 *FRAN: ⌊ Oh ⌋ my⌈2: ⌉2 . 1330259_1331092 *BERN: ⌊2 One of the ⌋2 . 1330700_1331156 *FRAN: (.) &=tsk (..) Mm: . 1331156_1332337 *FRAN: That would have been won⌈derful to see ⌉ . 1332337_1333937 *SEAN: ⌊ Th- was it the old ⌋ opera house 1333084_1334376 ⌈2 or the new one ⌉2 . 1334376_1335079 *BERN: ⌊2 No the new ⌋2 . 1334376_1335079 *BERN: Lincoln ⌈3 Center ⌉3 . 1335079_1335734 *SEAN: ⌊3 Oh ⌋3 . 1335395_1335734 *BERN: It had just . 1335734_1336300 *FRAN: (..) It⌈'s ⌉ +... 1336300_1337706 *BERN: ⌊ just ⌋ been opened . 1337400_1338325 *FRAN: (..) &=in Well I like it . 1338325_1340042 *FRAN: (..) I mean . 1340042_1340580 *BERN: (.) &{l=FOOD Oh 1340580_1341093 so you got to go to the old one &}l=FOOD . 1341093_1342745 *FRAN: (..) Ye⌈ah . 1342745_1343648 *BERN: ⌊ The one that's from (..) eigh⌋teen . 1343535_1345710 *FRAN: But the: ⌉ 1343656_1344438 (..) ʔuh I don't know when it- +/. 1345710_1347442 *FRAN: You know 1347442_1347747 they tore it down 1347747_1348543 and I don't (.) remember +/. 1348543_1349528 *FRAN: ⌈ I was too new ⌉ +... 1349528_1350611 *ALIC: ⌊ You'll [% laugh] be able to see in the movie ⌋ 1349528_1350611 if: you ⌈2 recognize ⌉2 . 1350611_1351513 *FRAN: ⌊2 I was too ⌋2 new in New York 1351014_1352223 (..) to: (..) understand what it meant . 1352223_1355174 *FRAN: ⌈ You know ⌉ . 1355174_1355650 *SEAN: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 1355266_1355568 *FRAN: (..) So . 1355650_1356721 *ALIC: (..) Well I grew up in Philadelphia 1356721_1361557 and that's too close to New York . 1361557_1362904 *SEAN: (..) ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 1362904_1363909 *ALIC: ⌊ I ⌋ used to go there (.) a:ll the time . 1363655_1365132 *FRAN: (.) Mhm . 1365132_1365885 *ALIC: (..) On the train . 1365885_1366862 *ALIC: (..) Every Wednesday . 1366862_1368776 *ALIC: (.) On theater day . 1368776_1369594 *SEAN: (..) Oh you went a lo:t . 1369594_1371895 *ALIC: (..) A:ll the time . 1371895_1372933 *ALIC: Cause I was &{l=X this ⌈ theater &}l=X ⌉ +... 1372933_1373965 *BERN: ⌊ And all ⌋ that ⌈2 time you never learned ⌉2 to &{l=@ get a cab &}l=@ . 1373557_1375804 *ALIC: ⌊2 I love theater ⌋2 . 1374123_1374906 *BERN: ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 ⌈4 &=laugh ⌉4 ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 1375804_1377963 *ALIC: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh No [% laugh] ⌋3 . 1375804_1376768 *ALIC: ⌊4 (.) Oh ⌋4 ⌊5 no . 1376768_1377302 *FRAN: ⌊4 Right ⌋4 . 1376768_1377220 *SEAN: ⌊4 &=laugh ⌋4 . 1376768_1377220 *ALIC: I would &{l=VOX walk &}l=VOX ⌋5 1377302_1377963 ⌈6 I ⌉6 mean . 1377963_1378380 *BERN: ⌊6 &=laugh ⌋6 ⌈7 &=laugh ⌉7 ⌈8 &=laugh ⌉8 . 1377963_1378881 *ALIC: ⌊7 &{l=VOX I wouldn't ⌋7 ⌊8 take a ⌋8 cab when I was you:ng &}l=VOX . 1378380_1380142 *SEAN: ⌊7 &=laugh ⌋7 1378380_1378582 (..) I'm not good at cabs [% laugh] . 1380142_1382446 *SEAN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1382446_1383146 *FRAN: (..) Next time you come to New York . 1383146_1386641 *ALIC: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1386641_1387295 *FRAN: (.) you must call me my dear 1387295_1388479 I ⌈ will give ⌉ you taxi les⌈2sons ⌉2 . 1388479_1389957 *ALIC: ⌊ &=in ⌋ 1388595_1388852 ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 1389630_1389957 *FRAN: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 1389957_1391078 (..) See what you do is 1391078_1400694 you sort of sidle up to em 1400694_1401798 and you give em a bump . 1401798_1402771 *FRAN: (..) And then you get in . 1402771_1403974 *SEAN: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1403974_1404813 *FRAN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1404433_1404813 *ALIC: ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1404813_1405770 *BERN: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 1404813_1405339 &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 ⌈4 &=laugh ⌉4 . 1405770_1406582 *ALIC: ⌊3 I have ⌋3 ⌊4 box⌋4⌈5ing gl⌉5oves . 1406065_1407069 *FRAN: ⌊4 &=laugh ⌋4 ⌊5 &=laugh ⌋5 . 1406415_1406867 *ALIC: ⌈6 every⌉6thing . 1407069_1407585 *FRAN: ⌊6 &{l=X Right &}l=X ⌋6 . 1407069_1407371 *BERN: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1407585_1408616 *SEAN: (..) &=tsk I never had trouble . 1408616_1409690 *ALIC: Something spray: 1409690_1410737 You're big . 1410737_1411424 *ALIC: ⌈ You're a big ⌉ ⌈2 man ⌉2 . 1411424_1412190 *SEAN: ⌊ Yeah 1411424_1411663 that's ⌋ ⌊2 true ⌋2 . 1411663_1412190 *BERN: ⌊2 No ⌋2 . 1411909_1412190 *ALIC: ⌈3 I'm this ⌉3 lit⌈4tle person you know ⌉4 . 1412190_1413722 *BERN: ⌊3 It was ⌋3 +/. 1412190_1412597 *BERN: ⌊4 It was a game ⌋4 . 1412815_1413722 *BERN: (..) To me it was like a game 1413722_1415336 &{l=X Do I &}l=X get it or not . 1415361_1416593 *ALIC: I never got it . 1416593_1417471 *SEAN: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1417471_1418373 *ALIC: (.) I mean really . 1418373_1419409 *ALIC: (..) I'm used to getting what I want . 1419409_1420636 *ALIC: But n- [% laugh] &=laugh &=ex . 1420636_1421388 *SEAN: (..) &=laugh . 1421388_1422697 *ALIC: (..) &{l=P Not ⌈ cabs &}l=P ⌉ . 1422697_1423760 *BERN: ⌊ I ⌋ couldn't have been greener when I went . 1423421_1425284 *BERN: I mean this California . 1425284_1426720 *FRAN: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1426720_1428926 *BERN: ⌈ you know ⌉ 1428409_1428908 all I knew was the beach . 1428926_1430263 *BERN: (..) &=laugh &=laugh 1430263_1431174 (..) &{l=@ And there I was 1431174_1432525 in New York city &}l=@ . 1432525_1433399 *BERN: &=laugh . 1433399_1433699 *FRAN: (..) Did ⌊ you like it ⌋ ? 1433699_1434637 *SEAN: ⌊ &{l=X Hair school &}l=X ⌋ ? 1434154_1434680 *FRAN: (..) How ⌈2 long did you ⌉2 stay . 1434637_1435838 *BERN: ⌊2 Loved it ⌋2 . 1435021_1435481 *BERN: Four years . 1435838_1436440 *FRAN: (..) Where'd you live . 1436440_1438447 *BERN: (..) Eighty-first (..) and First . 1438447_1444306 *FRAN: (.) Mhm ? 1444306_1444739 *BERN: (..) then 1444739_1446471 (.) S:ixty:- (..) fourth and (..) Second . 1446471_1451080 *FRAN: (.) Mhm ? 1451080_1451675 *BERN: (..) and then 1451675_1452407 (..) the Lower East Side . 1452407_1453645 *BERN: (..) West (..) Tenth . 1453645_1455899 *FRAN: (..) Well 1455899_1456790 that's not the Lower East Side . 1456790_1457791 *FRAN: West Tenth is the ⌈ Village ⌉ . 1457791_1459018 *BERN: ⌊ Oh no ⌋ wait . 1458592_1459244 *BERN: Not West Tenth 1459244_1460080 it must've been 1460080_1460734 (..) &{l=P Forget ⌈ my last address &}l=P ⌉ . 1460734_1462851 *FRAN: ⌊ East Tenth ⌋ ? 1461880_1462851 *BERN: (..) Yeah . 1462901_1463861 *BERN: (.) East Tenth . 1463861_1464564 *FRAN: (..) Mhm ? 1464564_1465120 *BERN: (..) That's right . 1465120_1467760 *BERN: (..) It changes . 1467760_1468668 *FRAN: (..) Right 1468668_1469834 at Fifth Avenue . 1469834_1470656 *BERN: (..) I think between First and Second or . 1470656_1472814 *FRAN: Mhm ? 1472814_1473278 *BERN: (..) I wasn't down in A's bee's and cee's . 1473278_1475405 *FRAN: Righ⌈t . 1475405_1475737 *BERN: ⌊ It wasn't down that far ⌋ . 1475595_1476676 *FRAN: Alphabet city ⌉ . 1475737_1476693 *BERN: (.) Yeah . 1476693_1477204 *FRAN: Right . 1477204_1477605 *ALIC: (..) Do you have any kids ? 1477605_1478908 *ALIC: &{l=P Did you ever manage kids &}l=P ? 1478908_1479584 *FRAN: My (.) husband has two children . 1479584_1481275 *FRAN: (..) A:nd . 1481275_1481916 *ALIC: Did ⌈ you raise em in New York ⌉ ? 1481916_1483222 *ENV: ⌊ &{n=DOGS_BARKING ⌋ . 1482168_1483222 *ALIC: (..) I was gonna say 1483222_1484499 ⌈ is that poss⌉ible [% laugh] ? 1484499_1485318 *FRAN: ⌊ I didn't ⌋ +... 1484499_1485053 *ALIC: &=laugh &=laugh can [% laugh] any⌈2body [% laugh] ⌉2 . 1485318_1486334 *FRAN: ⌊2 It is ⌋2 possible . 1485954_1486856 *FRAN: (.) &=THROAT 1486856_1487272 And they were raised partly in New York . 1487272_1488798 *FRAN: But n- +/. 1488798_1489238 *FRAN: But not by me . 1489238_1490063 *FRAN: (..) But 1490063_1491059 (..) u:m 1491059_1492260 (..) I have (.) been- (..) been clever enough to have grandchildren 1492260_1495217 and skip that interim step of having to raise children . 1495217_1497974 *FRAN: So 1497974_1498242 &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=in . 1498242_1499016 *ALIC: ⌊ Oh 1498540_1498805 right to the ⌋ +... 1498805_1499373 *FRAN: so I'm ⌋ the grandmother 1499016_1500242 &=in . 1500242_1500403 *BERN: Oh so ⌈ you get ⌉ to be a . 1500403_1501372 *FRAN: ⌊ and I ⌋ +... 1500715_1501015 *BERN: (..) ⌈2 a grandma ⌉2 . 1501372_1502772 *FRAN: ⌊2 Uh 1501725_1502003 yes 1502003_1502405 I get to be ⌋2 a grandmother and 1502405_1503553 &=in I b:a⌈3bysit . 1503553_1504755 *ALIC: ⌊3 A grandmother ⌋3 . 1504281_1505335 *FRAN: and I see ⌉3 the kids 1504755_1505885 and they come: 1505885_1506579 you know: 1506579_1507079 and it's ⌈ wonderful ⌉ . 1507079_1507933 *BERN: ⌊ How long have you ⌋ been married . 1507414_1508543 *ENV: &}n=DOGS_BARKING . 1508543_1508997 *FRAN: T- I'll be ten years in: 1508997_1510651 next month . 1510651_1511126 *BERN: (..) Ah: . 1511126_1511873 *FRAN: (.) So 1511873_1512395 (..) It's great . 1512395_1513803 *FRAN: (..) We get along great . 1513803_1514758 *FRAN: I mean 1514758_1515145 (..) delight +... 1515145_1516193 *BERN: (..) that- that- that- +/. 1516193_1517569 *BERN: (.) ⌈ That helps ⌉ . 1517569_1518469 *SEAN: ⌊ That's wonder⌋ful . 1517792_1518724 *ALIC: ⌈2 That ⌉2 ⌈3 is ⌉3 . 1518724_1519164 *BERN: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 . 1518724_1519175 *FRAN: ⌊3 Well ⌋3 . 1518918_1519164 *ALIC: ⌈4 That's ⌉4 +... 1519175_1519540 *FRAN: ⌊4 I was ⌋4 the world's oldest bride . 1519175_1520650 *FRAN: I mean 1520650_1520865 I waited 1520865_1521484 and waited . 1521484_1522112 *FRAN: &{l=@ And waited . 1522112_1522813 *FRAN: and waited 1522813_1523475 &=in and everyone had given up &}l=@ . 1523475_1525052 *FRAN: &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=in 1525052_1526346 But 1526346_1526706 (..) when I finally did it 1526706_1528053 I'm (.) I'm 1528053_1528680 (.) ʔuh I'm: delighted that I waited . 1528680_1530481 *FRAN: (..) You know . 1530481_1531432 *FRAN: (..) so . 1531432_1532481 *SEAN: (..) Sure . 1532481_1535014 *SEAN: Found somebody fun . 1535014_1536116 *FRAN: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ ? 1536116_1536702 *SEAN: ⌊ somebody with ⌋ (..) interests and . 1536116_1537675 *BERN: (..) &{l=FOOD A good writer &}l=FOOD ? 1537675_1539537 *FRAN: (.) M⌈hm ⌉ ? 1539537_1540150 *ALIC: ⌊ A bad ⌋ ⌈2 name ⌉2 though . 1539701_1540605 *BERN: ⌊2 &=THROAT ⌋2 . 1540130_1540448 *ALIC: Larry . 1540605_1541005 *ALIC: (..) That ⌈ was my ⌉ husband's name . 1541005_1542440 *SEAN: ⌊ The ⌋ +... 1541549_1541776 *BERN: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 1542440_1543947 *FRAN: ⌊2 &{l=X oh yeah &}l=X ⌋2 ? 1542838_1543440 *ALIC: ⌊3 I'm sor⌋3ry . 1543440_1544192 *ALIC: (.) Ugh . 1544192_1544854 *ALIC: (..) . 1544854_1549120 @End