@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: FRED FRED Speaker, RICH RICHARD Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|FRED|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|RICH|||||Speaker||| @Media: 47, audio @Comment: On the Lot @Comment: Face-to-face conversation between two cousins (Fred and Richard) in their early thirties, recorded in a private home in east Los Angeles, California. Topics include Richard's new job selling cars, Fred's frustration with factory work, and Richard's recent breakup with his girlfriend. *FRED: &=in (.) &=in Yeah . 0_1496 *FRED: I tell you man 1496_2132 that factory's the pits ma⌈n . 2132_3496 *RICH: ⌊ What's new ⌋ . 3419_3971 *FRED: last night ⌉ I got into a hassle with James Boyd . 3496_6123 *FRED: (.) &=in I'm in the cafeteria . 6123_7719 *RICH: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 7719_8043 *FRED: ⌊ and I took ⌋ a: break 7719_8623 (.) that was &{l=VOX just a little bit &}l=VOX too long man . 8623_10412 *FRED: You know . 10412_10712 *RICH: ⌈ Yeah . 10712_11136 *FRED: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=in . 10793_11399 *RICH: I can imagine ⌉ . 11136_11938 *FRED: &=in &{l=@ ha⌋:lf hou:r brea:k &}l=@ . 11399_13076 *RICH: (..) &=in ⌈2 You stretched a fifteen minute break ⌉2 into a ⌈3 half hour ⌉3 break . 13076_16358 *FRED: ⌊2 &=laugh &=in &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh ⌋2 13316_15230 ⌊3 to a half hour ⌋3 . 15412_16188 *FRED: &=in And then he comes into the cafeteria . 16358_18400 *FRED: &=in And I thought he was coming in to chase everybody away . 18400_21320 *RICH: ⌈ He was after you ⌉ . 21320_22343 *FRED: ⌊ &=in But he's coming ⌋ after me . 21389_23166 *FRED: (.) And he calls me . 23166_24055 *FRED: And I'm walking [% laugh] out the door . 24055_25434 *FRED: Right as he's walking in the o⌈ther one ⌉ ? 25434_27028 *RICH: ⌊ Unhu⌋:nh ? 26682_27233 *FRED: (..) &=laugh &=in &=laugh 27233_28139 &=in And he goes 28139_28752 &{l=VOX Fred 28752_29066 I wanna talk to you 29066_29693 come here &}l=VOX . 29693_30094 *FRED: (.) &=in And [% laugh] I go 30094_31008 oh: man 31008_31658 what is this about . 31658_32465 *FRED: (.) &=in And on my production card . 32465_34316 *FRED: (..) &=tsk &=in Let's see . 34316_35323 *FRED: (..) The day before yesterday . 35323_36724 *FRED: (.) I did ice cream . 36724_37927 *FRED: (.) Right 37927_38241 Balian ? 38241_38819 *RICH: Unh⌈unh ⌉ . 38819_39288 *FRED: ⌊ &=in ⌋ And you gotta pack those in cases . 39063_41080 *FRED: (..) &=in ⌈2 &=lengthened And ⌉2 . 41080_42055 *RICH: ⌊2 Right ⌋2 . 41630_42055 *FRED: so like 42065_42467 I didn't put that down on my production c⌈ard ⌉ . 42467_44468 *RICH: ⌊ How many ⌋ cases you packed . 44142_45517 *FRED: &=in I don't know man . 45517_46551 *FRED: (..) I packed two pallets . 46551_47898 *FRED: (..) You know 47898_48604 (..) I don't know how many (.) cases ⌈ that is ⌉ . 48604_50536 *RICH: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ . 50015_50468 *FRED: but 50536_50737 &=in &=lengthened you know 50737_51839 that 51839_52115 (.) that shit was heavy man . 52115_53536 *FRED: And like 53536_54011 (..) and like 54011_55751 (..) I put down on the card 55751_58909 you know 58909_59310 no cases . 59310_60061 *FRED: Because it was lost time . 60061_61416 *FRED: You know 61416_61840 (..) you know we . 61840_62415 *RICH: Right . 62415_62665 *FRED: ⌈ we stripped the s⌉ides and everything . 62665_64118 *RICH: ⌊ Right . 62665_62935 *RICH: Yeah ⌋ . 62935_63247 *FRED: and l⌈2ike . 64118_64607 *RICH: ⌊2 Y- y- you were teaming up with s⌋2omebody . 64425_65950 *FRED: there were no cases ⌉2 . 64607_65641 *RICH: ⌈3 or working alone ⌉3 . 65950_66738 *FRED: ⌊3 &=in ʔuh: ⌋3 65950_66738 I w- +/. 66738_67067 *FRED: uh: 67067_67519 ʔuh Gutierrez was doing the (.) same job . 67519_69143 *FRED: But we weren't ⌈ working together ⌉ . 69143_70295 *RICH: ⌊ Oh you're working ⌋ alone . 69735_70686 *FRED: (.) N-yeah 70686_71060 and so 71060_71596 (..) &=tsk &=in he comes and says 71596_73477 well 73477_73773 he goes 73773_74100 I don't know if you've 74100_75006 (..) if you've 75006_75732 &=in packed this or not . 75732_77084 *FRED: (..) You know . 77084_77812 *FRED: (..) On your production card 77812_78901 all it says 78901_79353 you know 79353_79580 is that you did (..) three thousand sheets 79580_81093 but ⌈ you did- ⌉ +... 81093_81648 *RICH: ⌊ Two ⌋ loads . 81332_81990 *FRED: Yeah . 81990_82365 *FRED: (..) But you didn't pack it . 82365_83466 *FRED: &=in &=lengthened So I go 83466_84661 yeah 84661_84923 I go look man 84923_85696 there they are . 85696_86270 *FRED: You could see 86270_86728 there's my name 86728_87380 (.) ʔuh: (..) stamped right on there . 87380_88930 *FRED: I just didn't put it down . 88930_90093 *FRED: (..) &{l=VOX Oh 90093_90639 well I gotta figure it out &}l=VOX . 90639_91784 *FRED: &=in And he goes 91784_92379 &{l=VOX and what are you doing in the cafeteria so late &}l=VOX . 92379_94133 *FRED: &=in I'm just going 94133_94941 aw man 94941_95561 &=in &=lengthened this is the pits man . 95561_97240 *FRED: This is ⌈ at the bottom of the ⌉ +... 97240_98536 *RICH: ⌊ That's the last thing you ⌋ wanted to hear . 97627_99311 *FRED: Yeah really . 99311_99912 *FRED: ʔuh (.) This fucking mayate . 99912_101153 *FRED: You know 101153_101403 getting on my case . 101403_102444 *RICH: Yeah . 102444_102842 *FRED: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 102842_104871 (..) ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 104871_105477 *RICH: ⌊ Well that's ⌋ nothing new . 105164_106065 *FRED: &{l=@ It's nothing ⌈2 new &}l=@ . 106065_107129 *RICH: ⌊2 It's always been like that ⌋2 . 106898_107951 *FRED: it's +/. 107129_107416 *FRED: &=in It's p⌉2ar for the course man . 107416_109003 *FRED: (..) Right ? 109003_109807 *FRED: (.) ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 109807_110372 *RICH: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ 110060_110365 definitely . 110372_111041 *RICH: (..) Ts- why I: can't take that 111041_112916 that type of living anymore 112916_113930 even is this 113930_114527 uh 114527_115095 (.) career doesn't work out for me 115095_116478 I'll find something that ⌈ will ⌉ . 116478_117832 *FRED: ⌊ Some⌋thing else . 117718_118226 *FRED: Well you're gonna do real estate maybe 118226_119729 ⌈ right ⌉ ? 119729_119973 *RICH: ⌊ Def⌋initely 119729_120134 I'm +/. 120134_120345 *RICH: I got my books and everything 120345_121482 I'll be studying and uh 121482_122771 (..) but in a sense 122771_124187 I need uh 124187_124783 (..) some type of steady income . 124783_126548 *FRED: (..) &=in But 126548_127341 but uh: 127341_127925 (.) you s- +/. 127925_128445 *FRED: Th- the competition man . 128445_129847 *FRED: I mean 129847_130308 (.) &=in is it real tough ? 130308_131489 *FRED: Like 131489_131678 (.) on the lot ? 131678_132393 *RICH: (..) Yeah 132393_132918 it is . 132918_133260 *RICH: There's def- +/. 133260_133711 *RICH: And there's guys that've been doing that four or five years 133711_135910 ⌈ and ⌉ . 135910_136240 *FRED: ⌊ And they're ⌋ real good at i⌈2t ⌉2 . 135910_136927 *RICH: ⌊2 th⌋2at are real good at it 136835_138090 an:d they: know how to (.) talk to the people 138090_139907 and they know that 139907_140531 (.) when somebody's coming in 140531_141652 if they're buying or not . 141652_142629 *FRED: (..) Oh 142629_143246 they could tell right aw⌈ay ⌉ . 143246_144204 *RICH: ⌊ Y⌋eah but that all comes with time . 144146_145496 *RICH: You know 145496_145766 ⌈ and . 145766_145994 *FRED: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 145766_146235 *RICH: (.) and they're ⌉ pretty helpful with me 145994_147363 and uh 147363_147931 (..) you know it'll all come in time . 147931_150580 *RICH: Right 150580_150805 I- I figure 150805_151513 (..) the more cards I get out 151513_153484 the more people I talk to 153484_154841 n- the more cars I'm gonna sell . 154841_156188 *RICH: Just all comes with time . 156188_157250 *RICH: Once I get my experience 157250_158367 I'll be up there too in the top four salesman . 158367_160392 *RICH: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 160392_161253 *FRED: ⌊ Your parents ⌋ don't know yet . 160810_161803 *FRED: Hunh . 161803_162042 *RICH: N:o . 162042_162526 *RICH: They'll know when they come back . 162526_163661 *FRED: (.) I +/. 163661_163933 *FRED: and I think my dad told me yesterday 163933_165340 they're coming back the fifteenth ? 165340_166545 *FRED: ⌈ or sixteenth ⌉ ? 166545_167401 *RICH: ⌊ Yeah . 166533_166872 *RICH: (.) def⌋inite- +/. 166872_167583 *RICH: I think s- +/. 167583_168095 *RICH: ʔuh: It's gonna be the fifteenth 168095_169511 which would be on a Saturday I think . 169511_171256 *RICH: (..) &=in (..) And I'll be working till nine o'clock . 171256_173863 *RICH: So they'll 173863_174199 they'll be pretty: (.) happy for me 174199_176060 more or less 176060_176624 because uh 176624_177226 they didn't want me to work in the factory much longer . 177226_179363 *FRED: (..) Yeah 179363_179905 I know . 179905_180274 *FRED: My mom doesn't know what to do to get me out . 180274_182101 *FRED: (..) &=in But 182101_183328 they didn't take a trip through: 183328_184934 Brazil 184934_185544 and Ar⌈gentina ⌉ ? 185544_186269 *RICH: ⌊ I don't know ⌋ 185817_186279 I don't know they- they 186279_187183 they ⌈ &{l=X didn't &}l=X ⌉ +... 187183_187707 *FRED: ⌊ They ⌋ spent the whole time in: Guayaquil ? 187396_188791 *RICH: (.) Yeah I think so . 188791_189680 *RICH: They tol- +/. 189680_189980 *RICH: My dad told me he was gonna go to uh: 189980_191766 Argentina 191766_192514 and Peru 192514_192996 and Colombia 192996_193646 but 193646_194008 (..) he only wrote one letter 194008_195661 and and they were in uh . 195661_196880 *FRED: (.) No one's called em 196880_197902 ʔy- I mean no one's talked to ⌈ them ⌉ ? 197902_199160 *RICH: ⌊ No ⌋ . 198975_199197 *FRED: ⌈2 X ⌉2 . 199197_199821 *RICH: ⌊2 He ⌋2 sent postcards to everybody 199643_200977 and a &{l=YWN letter but 200977_201727 (.) &=YAWN ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 201727_202800 *FRED: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 202352_202800 *RICH: (..) Other than that &}l=YWN 202800_203893 he hasn't called or told us what's up 203893_205492 &{l=X and he'll be in here no time &}l=X . 205492_206775 *FRED: (.) Is he staying over at Miguel Juarez's ? 206775_208662 *RICH: (.) Yeah . 208662_209073 *FRED: (..) Yeah ? 209073_209535 *RICH: (..) And uh: 209535_210909 the other architect . 210909_211956 *RICH: Is his nephew or something . 211956_213256 *RICH: Pe- +/. 213256_213503 *RICH: (.) Pedro Cruz . 213503_214436 *FRED: (..) Pedro Cru⌈z ⌉ . 214436_216193 *RICH: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ 215959_216193 he's a architect ⌈2 or ⌉2 . 216193_217299 *FRED: ⌊2 I nev⌋2er met him . 216995_217860 *FRED: (..) I know Miguel . 217860_218738 *RICH: ⌈ That's his . 218738_219209 *FRED: ⌊ I've been to his house a number of time- ⌋ . 218738_220240 *RICH: his nephew . 219209_219913 *RICH: Th- one of ⌉ his (.) brother's sons or something . 219913_221934 *FRED: (..) Unhunh . 221934_222627 *RICH: (..) &=tsk (..) But uh: 222627_224161 they'll come back 224161_224803 they'll be happy to see me here 224803_226231 tha:t I got a new career going 226231_227845 and uh . 227845_228437 *FRED: (.) &=in They weren't all heartbroken about 228437_230278 (.) you know 230278_230725 (.) Jeanie and that ? 230725_231691 *RICH: (..) &=tsk ⌈ Well they have no ide⌉a what's happening right now . 231691_234167 *FRED: ⌊ They must have been ⌋ +/. 232397_233099 *FRED: They have no id⌈2ea XX ⌉2 . 234167_235452 *RICH: ⌊2 When they left ⌋2 234841_235452 we were on shaky grounds 235452_236723 but 236723_237123 (..) ʔuh: you know 237123_239471 they thought it might be able to work out . 239471_241146 *RICH: (..) So when they come in 241146_242101 they'll be pretty shocked . 242101_243276 *FRED: (.) Yeah . 243276_243718 *RICH: And 243718_244026 and hurt . 244026_244680 *RICH: (..) But uh 244680_245476 like I say 245476_245996 things (.) will work out f- for the best . 245996_247784 *FRED: What about her folks . 247784_248802 *FRED: (..) They're not sorry at all 248802_250127 hu⌈h ⌉ . 250127_250387 *RICH: ⌊ N⌋o: uh 250258_250769 in fact I've seen em 250769_251779 I +/. 251779_251983 *RICH: I w- I went to church with em 251983_253312 for the last three Sundays . 253312_254862 *FRED: Really ? 254862_255426 *RICH: (..) ⌈ With Jeanie ⌉ . 255426_256685 *FRED: ⌊ Wow: ⌋ . 255945_256668 *RICH: (..) She thought it might 256685_257696 you know 257696_257946 help our relationship as friends 257946_259475 and uh . 259475_259978 *FRED: (..) &=in She still considers you man . 259978_262241 *FRED: Hunh . 262241_262478 *RICH: Exactly . 262478_263196 *RICH: She does 263196_263711 because I mean 263711_264242 we went to church together 264242_265315 for the last three Sundays . 265315_266890 *FRED: (.) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 266890_267447 *RICH: ⌊ &=in ⌋ and then 266972_267880 then we went to the movies after 267880_269448 (..) and her: her folks were at church 269448_271383 and 271383_271556 you know 271556_271981 ʔn:- afterwards 271981_273067 her mom 273067_273542 w- had a injury on her leg or something 273542_275155 (.) she wasn't at church last Sunday 275155_276832 (..) we went to the 276832_278246 to their house . 278246_279028 *RICH: ʔuh And uh 279028_279805 (.) I went over there 279805_280598 and her brother was there 280598_281632 her nephews and nieces 281632_282759 her sister 282759_283668 (..) &=in our godson 283668_285322 (..) &=in (.) And uh: 285322_286922 (..) you know 286922_287585 it was just like 287585_288171 everybody was real (..) friendly and every⌈thing ⌉ . 288171_290201 *FRED: ⌊ Yeah⌋: . 289900_290460 *RICH: (..) &=tsk I don't know if the parents a:re awa:re 290460_292254 that we did 292254_292809 you know . 292809_293318 *FRED: ⌈ Break up ⌉ ? 293318_293900 *RICH: ⌊ separate ⌋ 293318_293895 but ʔit 293920_294331 possibly was for the better 294331_295460 cause they 295460_295854 they didn't feel comfortable with us living together anyhow . 295854_298388 *FRED: Yeah: . 298388_298946 *FRED: (..) right 298946_299660 that's (.) not looked on (.) too good (.) ⌈ hunh ⌉ . 299660_301652 *RICH: ⌊ No ⌋ . 301299_301649 *RICH: So 301652_302047 ʔw- what they 302047_302728 what they probably (.) think is 302728_304108 you know 304108_304325 that we still have a lot of: love for each other 304325_306515 &=in &=lengthened That 306515_307318 (.) m⌈:oving ⌉ out was the best thing . 307318_308743 *FRED: ⌊ But sh- ⌋ +... 307452_307807 *RICH: until we bo:th are ready (.) for marriage 308743_310483 and if she (.) s:till loves me 310483_312074 a:nd I still love her: 312074_313302 and 313302_313577 (.) &=in (..) we wanna get married 313577_315143 there's still the (.) chance of us getting back together 315143_317351 and (.) getting married this time . 317351_318635 *FRED: (..) Yeah . 318635_319150 *RICH: (..) &=tsk &=in &=lengthened So I mean it +/. 319150_320855 *RICH: ʔI: think things are working out pretty good . 320855_322660 *RICH: She called me the other day and uh 322660_324420 (..) you know 324420_325513 she calls me and talks to me 325513_326678 and I call her and ask her how her day was and everything . 326678_328906 *FRED: (..) Yeah . 328906_329530 *FRED: (.) &=in (.) What 329530_330415 what does uh 330415_331320 (.) your (..) sisters say . 331320_332753 *RICH: (..) N- they tell me to stay away from her 332753_334503 don't even call or anything . 334503_335783 *FRED: (..) Yeah⌈: ⌉ ? 335783_336362 *RICH: ⌊ Wait ⌋ till she calls you and everything . 336200_337619 *RICH: But ʔuh 337619_337830 you know 337830_338025 that's not right . 338025_338780 *FRED: (..) Yeah . 338780_339340 *FRED: That's hard ⌈ man ⌉ . 339340_340097 *RICH: ⌊ I mean ⌋ 339869_340079 if she accepts me calling her 340079_341434 and she doesn't tell me 341434_342115 &{l=VOX don't call me &}l=VOX or . 342115_343090 *FRED: &=in &=lengthened They're telling you that 343090_344602 why . 344602_344952 *FRED: To 344952_345320 like uh . 345320_345898 *RICH: Cause they feel that 345898_346573 she's gonna get too strong 346573_347798 by me 347798_348175 you know uh 348175_348694 ⌈ kissing ⌉ her ass . 348694_349500 *FRED: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 348752_349037 *RICH: ⌈2 or something or or or ⌉2 . 349500_350431 *FRED: ⌊2 Exactly ⌋2 . 349500_350431 *RICH: ⌈3 crawling ⌉3 back . 350432_351297 *FRED: ⌊3 I see ⌋3 . 350440_350920 *RICH: and begging her 351297_351961 ʔuh (.) you know . 351961_352669 *FRED: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened . 352669_353605 *RICH: ⌊ for me to come back or ⌋ . 352937_354272 *FRED: She gonna get ⌉ the upper hand . 353605_355041 *RICH: (.) Exactly . 355041_355700 *RICH: Which 355700_356104 which 356104_356434 you know 356434_356784 ʔuh: she probably already does . 356784_358171 *RICH: But 358171_358487 (..) &=in (..) ⌈ um ⌉ . 358487_360347 *FRED: ⌊ Yeah⌋: . 360091_360601 *RICH: (..) &=tsk I'm not gonna just (.) wait for her to call me 360601_362663 because it's not right 362663_363471 I have feelings for her 363471_364452 I wanna know 364452_365107 you know 365107_365340 how she's d⌈oing . 365340_366077 *FRED: ⌊ doing ⌋ . 365808_366416 *RICH: I'm gonna ⌉ communicate with her . 366077_367252 *RICH: That's all there is to it . 367252_368118 *RICH: It's not like I w- +/. 368118_368820 *RICH: &=in I'm asking her 368820_369977 you know 369977_370302 (..) let me (.) move back in or 370302_372191 you know: 372191_372728 (..) I'm sor⌈ry I ⌉ +... 372728_374479 *FRED: ⌊ You just ⌋ +/. 374053_374558 *FRED: Yeah . 374558_374958 *RICH: I just wanna remain friends with her 374958_376430 and find out how she's doing . 376430_377720 *FRED: (..) Yeah . 377720_378444 *RICH: (..) So they 378444_379711 they tell +/. 379711_380082 *RICH: I don't tell em I call or nothing . 380082_381581 *RICH: You know 381581_381872 and uh 381872_382425 (..) &=tsk And I sent her flowers last week 382425_384878 I sent her flowers to work . 384878_386183 *FRED: &=tsk Yeah⌈: [% laugh] ⌉ ? 386183_386941 *RICH: ⌊ The ⌋ day before I moved out . 386774_388114 *FRED: &=in &=lengthened ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 388114_389464 *RICH: ⌊2 Jus⌋2t to tell her I was so:rry about everything that had happened 389338_392007 and that uh 392007_392724 (..) you know I hope (.) we could remain friends 392724_395505 and that (.) God brings us back together 395505_397132 if it was meant to be . 397132_398107 *FRED: (..) Yeah . 398107_398699 *RICH: (..) And she was real happy about this . 398699_401151 *RICH: She said that really meant a lot to me . 401151_402484 *RICH: You know 402484_402866 That you did send me flowers 402866_404392 and uh . 404392_405154 *FRED: (..) And then- +/. 405154_407135 *FRED: Then the 407135_407520 and what you wrote . 407520_408223 *RICH: (..) Yeah 408223_408630 exactly . 408630_409298 *RICH: Cause she knew it came from my heart 409298_410616 no matter what 410616_411257 (.) I'd put her through and everything 411257_412507 she knows deep down inside 412507_413735 I really did love her 413735_414595 but I had a problem or something . 414595_416101 *FRED: (.) Yeah . 416101_416662 *FRED: (..) &=in ⌈ You had ⌉ to get something out of your syste⌈2m ⌉2 . 416662_419125 *RICH: ⌊ &{l=X And &}l=X ⌋ 417379_417720 ⌊2 Y⌋2eah . 419044_419348 *RICH: But I don't even know what it is in fact . 419348_420899 *RICH: I might (..) have to go to therapy or something 420899_422707 to fi⌈:nd out ⌉ . 422707_423382 *FRED: ⌊ &=laugh &=ex ⌋ &=lengthened &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 423022_425103 (..) ⌈2 &=laugh &=in ⌉2 . 425103_425909 *RICH: ⌊2 Because there's ⌋2 no +/. 425461_426272 *RICH: There's no way I 426272_427100 I shoul⌈d . 427100_427491 *FRED: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ . 427391_428091 *RICH: (.) you know ⌉ . 427491_428091 *FRED: (..) You should be like this ? 428091_429275 *RICH: Exactly . 429275_430065 *FRED: (..) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 430065_430787 *RICH: ⌊ I ⌋ mean an- +/. 430672_431176 *RICH: ⌈2 People ⌉2 say you . 431176_432003 *FRED: ⌊2 X ⌋2 . 431239_431497 *RICH: y:ou act out of uh 432003_433221 (..) it's okay 433221_433912 most men do look at other women 433912_435437 and uh 435437_436001 &=in &=lengthened (..) you know 436001_437200 things go through their mind and everything 437200_438685 but that I'm impulsive . 438685_439908 *RICH: I'd act on my impulse . 439908_441312 *FRED: (.) Yeah . 441312_441802 *RICH: Like I'd see something 441802_442613 I'd want it 442613_443174 and I'd go after her 443174_443833 where I 443833_444260 w- I had a beautiful woman 444260_445331 I shouldn't have (..) thought like that at all . 445331_447208 *FRED: (..) Yeah . 447208_448242 *RICH: (..) This what a lady told me that 448242_450460 that was a therapist . 450460_451391 *RICH: She said she was gonna get me somebody to go talk to and everything . 451391_453887 *RICH: She said it po- +/. 453887_454508 *RICH: Ma- +/. 454508_454739 *RICH: (.) possibily was I was uh 454739_456139 not satisfied with myself . 456139_458039 *RICH: (..) I wasn't happy with myself for some reason 458039_460374 a:nd that I just acted out of impulse . 460374_462274 *FRED: (.) Yeah . 462274_462753 *RICH: &=in &=tsk . 462753_463247 *FRED: (.) &=in Wow . 463247_464220 *RICH: (..) So: 464220_465297 I don't know . 465297_465806 *RICH: ʔi:- it is a problem 465806_467033 because I 467033_467584 ʔuh: I I did have a nice old lady and um 467584_469773 (..) &=in (..) &=tsk Kind of mis⌈s her and e⌉verything . 469773_473634 *FRED: ⌊ X ⌋ . 473015_473315 *RICH: It's lonely coming home after putting in t- twelve hours on the lot . 473634_476703 *RICH: And working all day and 476703_477931 you know 477931_478294 working all evening 478294_479147 and then you don't have any:body to come home and share it with . 479147_481548 *FRED: (..) Yeah . 481548_482210 *FRED: (..) &=in Y- are y- +/. 482210_483534 *FRED: Are you working twelve hours ? 483534_484734 *FRED: (.) You're ⌈ gonna be ⌉ . 484734_485420 *RICH: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 485025_485376 *FRED: You're ⌈2 gonna be do⌉2ing that ? 485420_486400 *RICH: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 485636_486037 *FRED: (.) ⌈3 Nine to nine ⌉3 ? 486400_487086 *RICH: ⌊3 Definitely ⌋3 . 486535_487086 *RICH: Nine to nine . 487086_487884 *RICH: &{l=X Well I mean- &}l=X 487884_488383 If I want . 488383_489119 *RICH: (.) That's a +/. 489119_489596 *RICH: ⌈ That's ⌉ up to me . 489596_490473 *FRED: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 489596_489878 *RICH: Basically 490473_491065 you know 491065_491335 they're gonna give us a shift . 491335_492442 *RICH: Either 492442_492793 &=in nine in the morning 492793_494097 to three in the afternoon 494097_495417 &=in (.) or: 495417_496342 or th- 496342_496715 (..) two in the afternoon 496715_498131 to nine in the evening . 498131_499256 *RICH: (..) ⌈ See ⌉ . 499256_500203 *FRED: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ . 499833_500234 *RICH: &=in (.) So if I wanted to come in before two 500234_502199 if I was on the 502199_502948 the evening shift 502948_503945 I would come in at nine 503945_504799 and work nine to nine . 504799_505774 *RICH: &=in (..) If I was on the evening shift 505774_507875 from two to nine 507875_508836 I could come in and (.) work from nine to nine . 508836_510773 *FRED: (.) &=in So 510773_511799 um 511799_512225 (..) when you went last week 512225_513340 and you applied right . 513340_514265 *RICH: (..) Mhm ? 514265_514793 *FRED: they 514793_515156 they hired you . 515156_516080 *RICH: (..) Right on the spot . 516080_517041 *FRED: (..) Right on the spot . 517041_517823 *RICH: He gave me interview 517823_518858 he talked to me 518858_519639 told me w:hy I w:anted to get into sales 519639_522095 and if 522095_522700 (.) if I felt I could sell 522700_524263 &=in if I had any experience 524263_525817 and everyth⌈ing and ⌉ . 525817_526708 *FRED: ⌊ &=in You ⌋ told him about all the cars 526323_527869 that you had ⌈2 owned and sold ⌉2 . 527869_529069 *RICH: ⌊2 Yeah 528240_528459 I told him that I had ⌋2 done . 528459_529412 *FRED: (.) C- y- ⌈3 sh- you- sh- ⌉3 +... 529412_530673 *RICH: ⌊3 so- sold ⌋3 cars all through my (..) early years 529987_532775 ⌈4 but it was (.) private ⌉4 party . 532800_534144 *FRED: ⌊4 f- uh- you've had- (.) you ⌋4 +/. 532821_533700 *FRED: You've had about 534144_534783 (.) like thirty ⌈ cars . 534783_535850 *RICH: ⌊ &=tsk At least ⌋ . 535445_536175 *FRED: hunh ⌉ . 535850_536175 *RICH: yeah . 536175_536471 *RICH: ⌈ At least ⌉ . 536471_537131 *FRED: ⌊ At least thirty ⌋ cars . 536471_537692 *RICH: (..) &=tsk &=in So I have some type of experience selling 537692_540372 dea⌈ling with people ⌉ . 540372_541272 *FRED: ⌊ You know about c⌋ars . 540558_541769 *RICH: handling the money 541769_542808 and uh 542808_543163 the only thing it is 543163_543953 ʔth- ʔI: have to (.) work on 543953_545353 is doing the paperwork . 545353_546452 *RICH: Is uh 546452_546974 &=in &=lengthened filling out a contract 546974_549189 and uh: 549189_549988 (..) basically paperwork 549988_552729 which is f- (.) very simple . 552729_554060 *RICH: That 554060_554311 (.) you know 554311_554762 once it comes along with experience 554762_556395 and the more people I work with 556395_557834 the easier it will 557834_558620 it'll be 558620_559171 that's the: most important thing and 559171_560672 and selling them the car 560672_561795 talking to &=in somebody in 561795_563632 (..) to buying a car 563632_564507 that doesn't wanna buy . 564507_565469 *RICH: Tha- that's there to look . 565469_566670 *FRED: (..) Yeah . 566670_567257 *RICH: (..) But yet 567257_567847 wouldn't mind owning a new car . 567847_569409 *FRED: (.) That's right . 569409_570047 *RICH: (..) A:nd you've gotta talk em into it 570047_572060 you gotta sell it to em . 572060_572974 *RICH: You know ? 572974_573348 *RICH: You gotta em in your office 573348_574799 (..) &=in &=lengthened (.) and you gotta sell that car to em . 574799_577238 *RICH: You can't let em leave without that sale . 577238_578912 *RICH: (..) Otherwise 578912_581078 they're gonna go elsewhere . 581078_581991 *FRED: (..) Right . 581991_582541 *RICH: (..) If they believe you 582541_583738 and you can sell em . 583738_584745 *FRED: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened You need this c⌉ar . 584745_586507 *RICH: ⌊ you gonna make a lot of money ⌋ . 585273_586305 *FRED: you want ⌈2 this car . 586507_587658 *RICH: ⌊2 &=in Definetely ⌋2 . 586951_587940 *FRED: take ⌉2 it with you [% laugh] 587658_588607 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh ⌉3 . 588607_589307 *RICH: ⌊3 Wh⌋3:at can I do for you . 589067_590496 *FRED: &=in ⌈4 &=lengthened ⌉4 . 590496_591102 *RICH: ⌊4 in or⌋4der for you to buy this car . 590927_592340 *RICH: I mean if 592340_592740 is the price too much ? 592740_593773 *RICH: I could work on the price . 593773_594835 *RICH: Let me go talk to my manager . 594835_596051 *RICH: &=in Maybe I could drop it five six-hundred dollars . 596051_598565 *RICH: Maybe we have a three-hundred rebate that you could use towards the down payment . 598565_601771 *RICH: &=in &=lengthened W:- maybe it's it's three point nine financing 601771_604579 that'll save you money in the long run uh 604579_606354 &=in if you finance fifteen or sixteen thousand dollars . 606354_609293 *RICH: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ So . 609293_610748 *FRED: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 609718_610000 *RICH: you know 610748_611110 it's just 611110_611744 it's uh 611744_612157 it's ʔuh like a game . 612157_612965 *RICH: You know ? 612965_613340 *FRED: (.) Yeah . 613340_613828 *FRED: (..) &=in &=lengthened So homes . 613828_615522 *FRED: (.) Uh 615522_616005 (..) they 616005_616506 (.) they put you through training all these days ? 616506_618300 *FRED: ⌈ Is that it ⌉ ? 618300_618826 *RICH: ⌊ Yeah 618368_618620 fi⌋ve days I watched uh 618620_619994 videotapes dealing with this guy that 619994_622035 that 622035_622334 (..) ʔuh: that sold cars 622334_624165 and made a hundred thous- +/. 624165_625245 *RICH: His goal was to make a hundred thousand dollars every year selling cars . 625245_628188 *RICH: &=in &=lengthened And he accomplished his goal . 628188_630015 *RICH: Every year he sold a hundred thousand dollars 630015_631931 &=in ⌈ and he retired ⌉ . 631931_633102 *FRED: ⌊ Oh my god ⌋ . 632180_633102 *RICH: at thirty-five after 633102_634403 &=in c:ertain amount of years selling and uh 634403_636780 (.) he just got into ʔuh 636780_637939 (..) making uh 637939_639104 (..) audio cassettes . 639104_641136 *RICH: &=in (..) In sales . 641136_642879 *RICH: To motivati- +/. 642879_643533 *RICH: Motivation s- (.) ⌈ uh tapes ⌉ . 643533_645209 *FRED: ⌊ Oh I see ⌋ . 644434_645209 *RICH: ⌈2 and uh ⌉2 . 645209_645708 *FRED: ⌊2 A sys⌋2tem . 645209_645951 *FRED: (.) To: sell . 645951_646652 *RICH: Exactly . 646652_647252 *RICH: Books 647252_647707 seminar:s 647707_648680 um . 648680_649197 *FRED: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 649197_649722 *RICH: ⌊ &=in vi⌋deo tape⌈2s ⌉2 . 649197_650644 *FRED: ⌊2 Hund⌋2red thousand a year . 650452_651852 *FRED: That guy must've hustle⌈3d ⌉3 . 651852_653211 *RICH: ⌊3 Ye⌋3ah 653006_653307 well 653307_653605 it's possible . 653605_654267 *RICH: You figure 654267_654742 you could sell 654742_655455 (..) at least twenty cars a month 655455_658678 (..) every month for twelve months 658678_661258 you know you're gonna be up there in 661258_662567 f- ʔuh seventy eighty thousand dollar bracket . 662567_664746 *FRED: (..) Twenty cars in a month . 664746_666668 *FRED: (.) That's almost a car a day . 666668_668000 *RICH: (.) Exactly . 668000_668886 *RICH: (..) Which ⌈ isn't ⌉ difficult . 668886_670850 *FRED: ⌊ X ⌋ +... 670199_670417 *RICH: If you're on the lot 670850_671503 for a damn (..) twelve hours ʔuh: 671503_674839 one car 674839_675463 isn't all that much 675463_676188 if (.) you have (.) the clients coming in . 676188_678076 *RICH: (..) That's the only thing . 678076_679206 *RICH: ⌈ If you have ⌉ the traffic . 679206_680278 *FRED: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 679255_679682 *RICH: we're on a busy street 680303_681256 Firestone Boulevard . 681256_682377 *FRED: (..) Right . 682377_683488 *FRED: Firestone where 683488_684125 by the six o five ? 684125_685008 *RICH: (..) R- exactly . 685008_686151 *RICH: Right before the six o five . 686151_687338 *RICH: ⌈ Right b⌉y +... 687338_687848 *FRED: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 687388_687698 *RICH: Right past Downy 687848_688728 where we used to play basketball at uh 688728_690205 the YMCA . 690205_690957 *FRED: (.) Yeah . 690957_691407 *FRED: (.) a- a little (..) pa- past that going . 691407_693092 *RICH: I'd s⌈ay: a m⌉ile . 693092_694300 *FRED: ⌊ east ⌋ . 693496_693885 *RICH: (.) ⌈2 Yeah . 694300_694691 *FRED: ⌊2 A mile ⌋2 . 694392_694906 *RICH: A mi⌉2le going 694691_695381 uh east . 695381_696020 *FRED: (.) &=in (.) You know 696020_697170 I have been wanting to go visit you . 697170_698647 *FRED: But 698647_698825 I'm afraid you're gonna sell me a car bro . 698825_700540 *FRED: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 700540_703840 *RICH: ⌊ Yeah well 701016_701474 that's the last thing you need to do 701474_702785 is get in: any more debt ⌋ 702785_703840 than you ⌈2 already are ⌉2 . 703840_704815 *FRED: ⌊2 &=in (.) &=laugh ⌋2 &=in . 704062_704999 *RICH: ⌈3 Uh ⌉3 . 704999_705399 *FRED: ⌊3 I'm hip ⌋3 man 705211_705766 I gotta get (.) outa my debts . 705766_707208 *FRED: Man [% laugh] &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 707208_708083 *RICH: (..) ⌈ Yeah I'm ⌉ +... 708083_709158 *FRED: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ And then I'll be a free agent . 708457_710658 *FRED: Ma⌈2n ⌉2 . 710658_711008 *RICH: ⌊2 In ⌋2 fact 710869_711246 I was planning 711246_712060 if they were gonna play basketball 712060_713361 if I did go in Thur:sday at nine o'clock . 713361_715893 *FRED: (..) You could go for (.) couple hou⌈rs . 715893_717613 *RICH: ⌊ It's right down the s⌋treet . 717396_718453 *FRED: at least ⌉ . 717613_718218 *RICH: I could bring my (.) work clothes 718453_719845 and uh⌈: ⌉ . 719845_720505 *FRED: ⌊ s⌋ure . 720284_720836 *FRED: &=in ⌈2 Hey you know ⌉2 . 720836_721580 *RICH: ⌊2 take a sh⌋2ower . 721188_722069 *FRED: Take a shower . 722069_722856 *FRED: Why not . 722856_723313 *FRED: Because 723313_723725 ⌈ like ⌉ . 723725_723950 *RICH: ⌊ Get ⌋ there at seven and 723725_724750 play from seven to quarter to nine 724750_726300 and 726300_726491 take probably five minutes 726491_727488 to get from YMCA to the 727488_728863 Firestone Chrysler . 728863_729963 *FRED: &=in You wanna go tomorrow ? 729963_731104 *FRED: (..) I +/. 731104_731999 *FRED: ⌈ I don't know if ⌉ they're playing . 731999_732837 *RICH: ⌊ I don't know ⌋ +... 731999_732400 *FRED: because last week 732837_733625 the gym was closed 733625_734411 they're working on the c⌈eiling ⌉ . 734411_735447 *RICH: ⌊ S⌋:o the last two weeks the gym was ⌈2 clo- ⌉2 . 735157_737358 *FRED: ⌊2 Yeah the ⌋2 (.) ʔuh +/. 736991_737577 *FRED: (.) The last two weeks the ⌈3 gym was closed ⌉3 . 737577_739174 *RICH: ⌊3 And you haven't talked ⌋3 to Gary Holt at all ? 738455_740054 *FRED: &=in &=lengthened (.) I haven't seen him this week . 740054_741805 *FRED: (..) Uh: 741805_742744 (..) I saw him last week 742744_744778 and he told me they were still working on the gym . 744778_746636 *FRED: But I haven't seen him this week . 746636_747938 *RICH: (..) Yeah . 747938_748596 *RICH: (..) I got a check coming tomorrow 748596_750700 I have to go pick up . 750700_751535 *RICH: So I'll probably be in there in the evening a⌈fter work ⌉ . 751535_753337 *FRED: ⌊ Where 752864_753125 at f⌋ederal ? 753125_753640 *RICH: (.) Yeah . 753640_753973 *RICH: Either at five o'clock 753973_755080 or three o'clock 755080_755865 or: 755865_756216 (..) we're getting paid tomorrow right ? 756216_758394 *FRED: Yeah⌈: ⌉ ? 758394_758821 *RICH: ⌊ I got ⌋ my last . 758643_759316 *FRED: You last ⌈2 what ⌉2 . 759316_760325 *RICH: ⌊2 One ⌋2 week check 759998_760923 and one week vacation check . 760923_762177 *FRED: (.) Oh 762177_762568 not too bad . 762568_763343 *RICH: &=in So it'll help me 763343_764352 cause I don't have uh 764352_765456 any steady income now . 765456_766547 *RICH: If I don't sell 766547_767148 I don't make money 767148_767723 I got uh . 767723_768298 *FRED: (..) You mean you don't g- +/. 768298_769039 *FRED: (.) even get minimum ? 769039_769945 *RICH: Well 769945_770081 we get (..) six-hundred dollars a month . 770081_772113 *RICH: (.) Three-hundred every two weeks . 772113_773490 *RICH: Which isn't bad 773490_774301 I mean ⌈ I could ⌉ . 774301_774941 *FRED: ⌊ No ⌋ . 774617_774963 *RICH: I could . 774954_775372 *FRED: (.) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 775372_776045 *RICH: ⌊ Now that ⌋ I don't have to (.) pay rent . 775647_777195 *FRED: (.) ⌈2 Yeah ⌉2 . 777195_777682 *RICH: ⌊2 I ⌋2 might be able to 777484_778492 (..) pay my credit cards 778492_780398 and my car payment 780398_781178 and my insurance 781178_782203 (..) with that six-hundred . 782203_784312 *RICH: My car payment's two fifty-eight 784312_785752 the insurance is a hundred a month 785752_787105 that's three fifty-eight 787105_788444 &=in &=lengthened (.) and maybe about three-hundred in uh: 788444_791157 (..) credit cards a month . 791157_792957 *FRED: So what does the Porsche have man . 792957_794380 *FRED: Did they tell you at the shop ? 794380_795662 *RICH: &=tsk (..) ⌈ In fact I have to call right ⌉ now . 795662_797627 *FRED: ⌊ What- (.) what you gotta do to ⌋ ? 796200_797454 *RICH: Should I call right now ? 797627_798556 *FRED: (..) Sure 798556_799115 ⌈ why not ⌉ . 799115_799492 *RICH: ⌊ Could I ⌋ call right here while +... 799115_800216 *FRED: (..) Uh: . 800216_801079 *RICH: (..) And you could hear me 801079_802700 uh 802700_803027 have the convers⌈ation on the phone ⌉ . 803027_804720 *FRED: ⌊ &{l=X Yeah: &}l=X ⌋ . 803640_804607 *RICH: (..) Talking about my car 804720_807197 because I have to get the car 807197_808384 I don't what it's gonna cost 808384_809537 but it had (..) problems uh 809537_811370 (..) with the fuel injection system . 811370_815243 *FRED: (..) Unhunh . 815243_815995 *RICH: (..) So I have to have that fixed 815995_819136 in order for me to get 819136_820130 uh 820130_820415 right now 820415_820775 Jeanie's lending me the Samurai . 820775_822324 *FRED: (..) Oh she's +... 822324_823166 *RICH: Yeah . 823166_823380 *RICH: She's being real cool . 823380_824280 *RICH: And I've had it for three days and uh 824280_826171 (..) that was very nice of her 826171_828172 I appreciated her doing that for me . 828172_829872 *FRED: She's (.) taking the Samurai . 829872_831414 *RICH: She's taking her BMW 831414_832726 every day to work . 832726_833851 *FRED: But 833851_834122 she's taking the Samurai . 834122_835232 *FRED: F- (..) ⌈ from you ⌉ . 835232_836275 *RICH: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 835767_836275 *FRED: B- because uh . 836275_837103 *RICH: (..) I owed her money 837103_838183 because she had an investment in the Porsche with me . 838183_840252 *FRED: (..) Oh I see . 840252_841100 *FRED: (..) &=in So 841100_841966 (..) yeah . 841966_842868 *FRED: (..) She gets the Samurai . 842868_844631 *FRED: And you get the Porsche . 844631_845520 *RICH: (..) Yeah . 845520_846195 *RICH: A:n⌈:d uh ⌉ . 846195_847206 *FRED: ⌊ But your d⌋a:d . 846774_847565 *FRED: Man 847565_847850 he's not gonna like that 847850_848655 too [% laugh] much [% laugh] I don't think . 848655_849604 *RICH: (..) Why . 849604_850217 *FRED: (..) Cause wasn't he the &{l=L2 garante &}l=L2 ? 850217_852505 *RICH: (..) &=ex No 852505_853937 he was the 853937_854636 ʔuh: he had the insurance under his name . 854636_856680 *FRED: (..) Just the insur⌈ance ⌉ . 856680_857812 *RICH: ⌊ That⌋'s it . 857641_858129 *RICH: So the car- +/. 858129_858506 *RICH: The car's uh 858506_859412 (..) you know 859412_860146 I'm paying the car and everything and . 860146_861671 *FRED: (..) Unhunh . 861671_862254 *FRED: (..) But . 862254_863485 *RICH: (..) I'm ⌈ letting her ⌉ +... 863485_864465 *FRED: ⌊ she doesn't wanna ⌋ move the BMW . 863837_865492 *FRED: Right ? 865492_865764 *FRED: She wants to keep ⌈ it there ⌉ . 865764_866897 *RICH: ⌊ N:o ⌋ way 866430_867106 that car's (..) paid off 867106_868839 it's in excellent condition 868839_870203 ⌈ and uh ⌉ . 870203_870781 *FRED: ⌊ It's a ge⌋:m . 870203_871014 *RICH: (..) &=DIALING_TONES 871014_876978 (..) Yeah 876978_877613 so she's gonna hang on to it 877613_878652 but she's being real nice . 878652_879656 *RICH: See that's why I know we're still (.) good friends 879656_881214 because ⌈ if she ⌉ had any hard feelings for me . 881214_882804 *FRED: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 881431_881780 *RICH: she'd say no . 882804_883518 *RICH: That's my car 883518_884342 you ⌈ know ⌉ . 884342_884817 *FRED: ⌊ ʔuh⌋: ʔuh: ʔuh You gotta see how you do . 884542_886527 *RICH: Exactly . 886527_887237 *RICH: (..) Do your own thing . 887237_890052 *RICH: Right ? 890052_890401 *FRED: (..) Yeah . 890401_890941 *FRED: (..) Hunh . 890941_892079 *RICH: (..) But she's being real nice . 892079_894253 *RICH: That's why uh . 894253_895098 *FRED: (..) &=in Hey you still got tickets 895098_896571 for Celia Cruz ? 896571_897321 *FRED: An⌈d Ti⌉to Puente ? 897321_898186 *RICH: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ 897373_897661 Yeah ? 898186_898403 *FRED: (.) &=in You gonna go ? 898403_899364 *RICH: I think so . 899364_900104 *FRED: Yeah ? 900104_900464 *FRED: (.) Alright . 900464_901078 *FRED: (..) That's gonna be a good show man 901078_902940 ⌈ I tell you . 902940_903452 *RICH: ⌊ Definetely ⌋ . 902988_903640 *FRED: Ce⌉lia Cruz put⌈2s on a (.) good show ⌉2 . 903452_905692 *RICH: ⌊2 Oh 904454_904903 (.) I sold ⌋2 +/. 904903_905692 *RICH: (..) Yes 905692_907299 is uh Kenny in ? 907299_908342 *RICH: (..) Or is this Roger ? 908342_912551 *RICH: (..) Okay uh 912551_917615 Roger 917615_918055 this is Richard Torres 918055_919333 with the seventy-seven nine-eleven 919333_921182 the silver one ? 921182_922062 *RICH: (..) With the cold start problem ? 922062_923933 *RICH: (..) Do you know uh 923933_925030 if it's (.) been worked on or anything ? 925030_926580 *RICH: (..) Unhunh ? 926580_935279 *RICH: (..) ʔA- +/. 935279_941935 *RICH: (..) Exhaust leak . 941935_944595 *RICH: (..) Right . 944595_949579 *RICH: (..) Okay . 949579_951834 *RICH: (..) Um 951834_952700 (..) w- ʔuh +/. 952700_953729 *RICH: (..) Now this warmup regulator 953729_956257 is that uh 956257_956775 ʔuh: different than a cold start valve ? 956775_958320 *RICH: (..) Oh . 958320_962500 *RICH: (..) Yeah . 962500_965686 *RICH: (..) Okay 965686_966947 cause I did have one put in 966947_968161 I think uh: 968161_969113 (..) about three months ago or something ? 969113_971553 *RICH: (..) I think you guys put it in . 971553_974016 *RICH: I had the same problem . 974016_975219 *RICH: (..) And 975219_975946 it was like two-hundred bucks or something ? 975946_977502 *RICH: (..) ʔI- is that the same problem now ? 977502_979903 *RICH: (..) Oh okay . 979903_983188 *RICH: (..) Oh okay s- +/. 983188_985144 *RICH: (..) Okay so 985144_992289 should I just call back in a little bit maybe ? 992289_994264 *RICH: (..) Okay 994264_1000672 okay 1000672_1001000 so I'll just call back in about ten or fifteen . 1001000_1003084 *RICH: (..) Maybe he'll be there . 1003084_1004161 *RICH: (..) Okay thanks Roger . 1004161_1005273 *RICH: (..) Bye . 1005273_1005811 *FRED: (..) So 1005811_1007541 cold start regulator 1007541_1008624 is ⌈ that it ⌉ ? 1008624_1009177 *RICH: ⌊ Oh ma⌋n 1008700_1009199 I just had one put in . 1009199_1010118 *RICH: Two-hundred bucks ⌈ for that ⌉ . 1010118_1011580 *FRED: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 1011192_1011680 *FRED: Fuck . 1011680_1012380 *FRED: (..) &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1012380_1014048 *RICH: (..) &=ex ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 1014048_1015382 *FRED: ⌊ &=in ⌋ That's an expensive car 1015007_1016605 and then you gotta get the tags on it . 1016605_1018060 *FRED: Right ? 1018060_1018322 *RICH: I got everything . 1018322_1019100 *FRED: You got everything ? 1019100_1019900 *RICH: (..) I got everything taken care of . 1019900_1021282 *RICH: I got insurance on it too . 1021282_1022635 *FRED: (..) ⌈ How much in- ⌉ +... 1022635_1023514 *RICH: ⌊ Under my ⌋ name . 1023036_1023867 *RICH: (..) Eleven-hundred a year . 1023867_1025207 *FRED: Eleven-hundred . 1025207_1026059 *RICH: (..) Three-hundred ⌈ dollars down ⌉ . 1026059_1027586 *FRED: ⌊ That's cheap ⌋ man cause . 1026914_1028093 *RICH: (.) I just ⌈2 got li⌉2ability . 1028093_1029365 *FRED: ⌊2 Tri- ⌋2 +/. 1028508_1028761 *FRED: Triple A wanted to give me 1029365_1030942 (..) you know 1030942_1031684 insurance 1031684_1032248 (.) ʔuh eleven-hundred too man . 1032248_1033760 *RICH: Yeah⌈: . 1033760_1034071 *FRED: ⌊ ʔuh (.) ʔOn the fucking +... 1033896_1034740 *RICH: (.) For a regu- +/. 1034071_1034626 *RICH: for a Dodge ⌉ . 1034626_1035302 *FRED: (.) on +/. 1034740_1035202 *FRED: ʔuh ⌋ On a- +/. 1035202_1035580 *FRED: on 1035580_1035905 (.) Aries man . 1035905_1036790 *RICH: But you were gonna get full coverage . 1036790_1037909 *RICH: You know ? 1037909_1038233 *FRED: (..) Uh: 1038233_1039297 I don't remem⌈ber ⌉ . 1039297_1040080 *RICH: ⌊ I ⌋ just got liability . 1039956_1041083 *FRED: Just liability . 1041083_1041942 *RICH: Which is: (.) good enough . 1041942_1043020 *RICH: (.) At leas⌈t it's ins⌉ured . 1043020_1044040 *FRED: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1043500_1043900 *RICH: if anything happens to anybody else . 1044040_1045474 *FRED: For sure &=ex . 1045474_1046239 *RICH: (..) But uh: 1046239_1047217 (..) no I took care of the th- registration 1047217_1051040 I registered under my name and everything 1051040_1052723 and uh 1052723_1053173 got my tags for eighty-eight . 1053173_1054784 *FRED: (..) Yeah . 1054784_1055352 *RICH: (..) And 1055352_1055882 got custom plates on it . 1055882_1057213 *FRED: How much did the tags cost you . 1057213_1058600 *FRED: (..) ⌈ Mu- ⌉ +... 1058600_1060014 *RICH: ⌊ Fif⌋ty-one bucks . 1059851_1060902 *FRED: (.) Cheaper than mine . 1060902_1061926 *FRED: Mine cost me sixty ⌈ bucks ⌉ . 1061926_1063501 *RICH: ⌊ And I didn't ⌋ have to pay any sales tax . 1063040_1065067 *RICH: When I registered the car . 1065067_1066167 *FRED: Yeah ? 1066167_1066534 *FRED: How come . 1066534_1067039 *FRED: (.) Oh you did it 1067039_1067661 like you said you were gonna do ? 1067661_1068786 *RICH: (..) Jeanie gave it to me as a gift . 1068786_1070754 *FRED: Alrigh:t homes . 1070754_1071755 *FRED: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1071755_1072931 *RICH: ⌊ She +/. 1071830_1072130 *RICH: she backed me up ⌋ . 1072130_1072911 *RICH: She's (.) being cool . 1072931_1073863 *FRED: &=in Yeah⌈: ⌉ . 1073863_1074748 *RICH: ⌊ She put ⌋ 1074463_1074765 that I gave this car to Richard Torres for a gift ? 1074765_1077065 *RICH: &=in So I didn't have to pay any sales t⌈ax . 1077065_1078770 *FRED: ⌊ Tax ⌋ . 1078582_1079082 *RICH: Otherwise ⌉ I would've d- (.) got stuck 1078770_1080002 three-hundred dollars just in sales tax alone . 1080002_1082077 *RICH: &=in &=lengthened (..) And uh 1082077_1083471 I got custom plates on it . 1083471_1084751 *FRED: What- +/. 1084751_1085068 *FRED: What does it say⌈: ⌉ . 1085068_1085780 *RICH: ⌊ &=tsk ⌋ Hustlin . 1085683_1086461 *FRED: (..) Hustlin . 1086461_1087661 *FRED: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in 1087661_1089769 Nobody [% laugh] else had that . 1089769_1090802 *RICH: (..) ⌈ Thirty-six ⌉ bucks a year . 1090802_1092856 *FRED: ⌊ &=in ⌋ 1091738_1092165 (.) &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=in ⌉2 . 1092856_1093896 *RICH: ⌊2 But ⌋2 that's a good ⌈3 one . 1093762_1094485 *FRED: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 . 1094375_1094695 *RICH: for that⌉3's what I'm doing now . 1094485_1095480 *RICH: That's ⌈4 my life . 1095480_1096220 *FRED: ⌊4 Yeah 1095793_1096186 really ⌋4 . 1096186_1096577 *RICH: I gotta ⌉4 hustle to make money . 1096220_1097534 *RICH: If I don't hustle 1097534_1098240 I'm not gonna make money . 1098240_1099190 *FRED: (..) &=in Yeah . 1099190_1100243 *RICH: (..) &=in &=lengthened But everything's 1100243_1102256 Everything's hap- +/. 1102256_1103002 *RICH: ʔuh: ʔYou know 1103002_1103575 fell into place pretty good . 1103575_1104928 *RICH: (..) I mean 1104928_1105501 (..) things happen for a reason . 1105501_1107144 *RICH: (.) N- this +/. 1107144_1107539 *RICH: The situation that I'm in happened for a reason 1107539_1109505 I changed my career 1109505_1110766 (..) &=tsk &=in (..) I took care of everything I had to take care of with the car 1110766_1114865 (..) &=tsk (..) A:nd uh: 1114865_1117643 now I'm gonna 1117643_1118375 (.) j- save my money and 1118375_1119275 try to get my own pad . 1119275_1120328 *RICH: (..) ⌈ Cond⌉ominium or whatever the case may be . 1120328_1122731 *FRED: ⌊ X ⌋ . 1120957_1121132 *RICH: (..) I'm gonna be: (.) saving a lotta money working here 1122731_1124807 so: if I'm making decent money 1124807_1126218 I'll be able to uh 1126218_1127271 (..) &=in . 1127271_1128057 *FRED: (..) To⌈: ⌉ +... 1128057_1129720 *RICH: ⌊ get some⌋thing on my own . 1129360_1130419 *FRED: (..) Yeah . 1130419_1131634 *RICH: (..) W:ith the help of my parents of course 1131634_1133549 because⌈: ⌉ . 1133549_1134212 *FRED: ⌊ Wh⌋en you say it happens for a reason 1134103_1135679 it's like 1135679_1136061 (..) it happened 1136061_1137290 to get you off +... 1137290_1138140 *RICH: (..) Off my a:ss⌈: . 1138140_1139533 *FRED: ⌊ Off your- ⌋ +... 1139379_1139804 *RICH: Get me ⌉ out of the factory 1139533_1140733 get me into a career that I can make good money 1140733_1142973 and uh 1142973_1143659 (.) to realize that uh 1143659_1145113 (..) I had a good woman 1145113_1147901 and I shouldn't 1147901_1148544 I shouldn't wanna: (.) have anybody else . 1148544_1150462 *RICH: She spent twelve years of her life with me and uh 1150462_1152924 (..) she's always been positive (.) thinker 1152924_1156746 and uh 1156746_1157260 always been good . 1157260_1158329 *FRED: (.) Yeah . 1158329_1158906 *RICH: (.) understanding 1158906_1160101 ⌈ and uh ⌉ . 1160101_1160726 *FRED: ⌊ &=in S⌋:ure 1160068_1160939 it'd be different if she were a bitch and always ⌈2 nagging . 1160939_1163340 *RICH: ⌊2 Yeah . 1162795_1163340 *FRED: you know and then ⌉2 . 1163340_1164137 *RICH: exactly ⌋2 . 1163340_1164137 *FRED: (.) getting on your ca⌈3:se . 1164137_1165300 *RICH: ⌊3 Or didn't like . 1165159_1165815 *FRED: and making your life impossible ⌉3 . 1165300_1167208 *RICH: ʔuh: didn't enjoy doing anything ⌋3 1165815_1167432 she al⌈4ways was . 1167432_1168238 *FRED: ⌊4 Yeah . 1167807_1168238 *RICH: you know ⌉4 . 1168238_1168691 *FRED: (.) exac⌋4tly . 1168238_1169042 *RICH: (..) &=in &=lengthened pretty much uh 1169042_1171939 (..) able to do anything that I wanted to do . 1171939_1174054 *RICH: She was never negative or anything and uh 1174054_1176163 it was basically me: 1176163_1177486 you know going out . 1177486_1178263 *RICH: The problem going out . 1178263_1179273 *RICH: (..) &=tsk &=in (..) So it happened for a reason . 1179273_1182340 *RICH: Now I hope (.) that 1182340_1183177 ʔuh you know 1183177_1183566 in the future she 1183566_1184447 she realizes that I'm +/. 1184447_1185692 *RICH: I have- have changed and matured and 1185692_1187403 and that she would (.) give me that chance 1187403_1189179 you know . 1189179_1189541 *FRED: (..) ⌈ To- go- +... 1189541_1190325 *RICH: ⌊ to go back with her . 1189961_1190727 *FRED: (.) To go back ⌉ . 1190325_1191087 *RICH: and try to m⌋ake our life work together . 1190727_1192352 *FRED: (..) ⌈2 Yeah ⌉2 . 1192352_1193299 *RICH: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 &=lengthened But only time will tell 1192901_1194652 I gotta prove it to her . 1194652_1195679 *RICH: (..) &=tsk And 1195679_1196813 I gotta leave her on her own 1196813_1197904 let her see 1197904_1198540 you know . 1198540_1198897 *FRED: (..) Yeah . 1198897_1200177 *RICH: (..) Even if she goes out with other men 1200177_1201950 or dates other men 1201950_1202761 if that's 1202761_1203280 if (.) if she: (.) does feel any attraction towards anybody else . 1203280_1206448 *RICH: (..) I'll never know . 1206448_1208394 *FRED: (..) But she'll know what her good thing was . 1208394_1210811 *RICH: (.) N- yeah⌈: ⌉ . 1210811_1211285 *FRED: ⌊ Th⌋at's for ⌈2 sure ⌉2 . 1211185_1211897 *RICH: ⌊2 def⌋2initely . 1211717_1212353 *RICH: (..) . 1212353_1213001 @End