@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: KEND KENDRA Speaker, SABR SABRINA Speaker, GEMI GEMINI Speaker, ENV ENV Environment, KITT KITTY Speaker, MARL MARLENA Speaker, CURT CURT Speaker, X X Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|KEND|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|SABR|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|GEMI|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ENV|||||Environment||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|KITT|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|MARL|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|CURT|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|X|||||Speaker||| @Media: 42, audio @Comment: Stay out of It @Comment: Family argument and task-related talk, recorded in Pasco, Washington. The recording begins in a car, and moves to the kitchen of a family home. Main participants are three teenage sisters (Sabrina, Kendra, and Marlena), their mother (Kitty), and step-father (Curt). A friend of Sabrina's (Gemini) is also present. The dispute centers around Kitty's belief that Kendra stayed the night at a friend's house without permission, something which Kendra denies having done. Argument and shouting is interspersed with Saturday-morning housekeeping chores such as doing dishes and laundry. *KEND: (..) What'd you do Sabrina ? 0_2278 *SABR: (..) Nothing . 2278_4417 *SABR: (..) I left the phone in my bedroom &{l=% last night 4417_5927 and so I'm grounded from the phone &}l=% . 5927_6966 *SABR: &=in &=lengthened &=YAWN &=lengthened 6966_9073 (..) &{l=YWN It was ⌈ an accident &}l=YWN ⌉ . 9073_11029 *GEMI: ⌊ You guys are always in ⌋ trouble . 9903_11523 *GEMI: What's up with ⌈2 that ⌉2 . 11523_12307 *KEND: ⌊2 Mo⌋2m's a b:itch . 12085_13224 *ENV: (..) &=CAR_DOOR_OPEN . 13224_23191 *KITT: (..) Get your feet off of there . 23191_29587 *KITT: (..) Get your feet (.) off of there . 29587_33741 *ENV: (..) &=CAR_DOOR_CLOSE 33741_36188 (.) &=CAR_START . 36188_38254 *KEND: (..) You're so stupid thinking I spent the night . 38254_61471 *KEND: (..) I came home last night and told you . 61471_63520 *SABR: Kendra 63520_64047 (.) just let it go . 64047_64990 *KITT: ⌈ You ⌉ +... 64990_65407 *KEND: ⌊ No ⌋ 64990_65407 because she does⌈2n't ⌉2 +... 65407_65916 *KITT: ⌊2 A:⌋2ll you ⌈3 said last night was . 65736_67290 *KEND: ⌊3 She thinks (.) I spent the night &{l=X in my jeans &}l=X ⌋3 +... 66201_67769 *KITT: &{l=MRC Kim ⌉3 wasn't stay⌈4ing the night &}l=MRC ⌉4 . 67290_69428 *KEND: ⌊4 If I did spend the night 68399_69272 and ⌋4 I was trying to lie 69272_69928 I would give up . 69928_70700 *KEND: (.) Cause then I wouldn't ca:re . 70700_71822 *KEND: (..) Cause I knew I deserved it . 71822_73790 *KEND: But I didn't spend the night 73790_74536 and I don't deserve this . 74536_75599 *KEND: (..) Kim couldn't spend the night 75599_79106 I told you . 79106_79764 *KEND: (.) &=in She could 79764_80622 but then af- +/. 80622_81145 *KEND: I wanted to stay at the game longer ? 81145_82609 *KEND: &=in And her mom wanted to take her home early 82609_83902 and I'm like 83902_84191 no: let's stay longer . 84191_85158 *KEND: But her mom wouldn't let her ? 85158_86015 *KEND: (.) &=in And so she went home and 86015_87186 I was like 87186_87501 I'll call you when I get home 87501_88279 and then you come over . 88279_88793 *KEND: And she goes 88793_89092 (.) &=in no just (.) spend the night . 89092_90374 *KEND: We'll (.) do this some other weekend . 90374_91579 *KEND: Okay cool 91579_92170 (..) cause she had to go bowling in the morning . 92170_94441 *KEND: (..) &{l=VOX Talk to Melanie's mom &}l=VOX . 94441_97479 *KEND: Her mom would know . 97479_98319 *KEND: (..) I'll have Melanie call you . 98319_99740 *KITT: (..) Oh . 99740_100452 *KEND: Her ⌈ mom call you . 100452_101169 *KITT: ⌊ right 100568_101112 right . 101169_101523 *KEND: her mom wouldn't lie . 101169_102058 *KITT: right 101523_102058 Melanie will call me to ⌋ confirm your lie . 102058_104085 *KEND: (.) Melanie lies but ⌉ . 102058_103138 *KITT: you'll get a hold of her first . 104085_105211 *KITT: I know how that works . 105211_106228 *KEND: No Melanie's mo:m . 106228_107579 *KITT: (..) &{l=VOX I thought Melanie didn't have a pho:ne . 107579_110968 *KITT: (..) But I'm supposed ⌈ to ca⌉:ll Melanie's mo:⌈2:m &}l=VOX ⌉2 . 110968_114648 *KEND: ⌊ &=SIGHS ⌋ 112539_112927 ⌊2 &{l=VOX I didn't want ⌋2 you to have her phone number &}l=VOX . 114178_115866 *KITT: (..) Yeah 115866_118625 another lie . 118625_119777 *KITT: Remem⌈ber ⌉ ? 119777_120436 *KEND: ⌊ &=tsk That was a ⌋ long time ⌈2 ago ⌉2 . 120088_121232 *KITT: ⌊2 Now I'm ⌋2 supposed to re- ʔa- +/. 120841_122146 *KITT: &=in And I'm supposed ⌈3 to &{l=HI tr⌉3ust &}l=HI you every time you tell the truth . 122146_124547 *KEND: ⌊3 &=THROAT ⌋3 . 122865_123234 *KITT: ⌈4 &=in &{l=VOX but how am I supposed to know when ⌉4 you're telling the ⌈5 truth ⌉5 . 124547_126692 *KEND: ⌊4 That was a joke ⌋4 . 124547_125738 *KEND: ⌊5 That was a jo:ke ⌋5 . 126158_127508 *KITT: &{l=F Yeah: 127508_127869 and I'm supposed to read your mind and know what you're joking about &}l=F &}l=VOX . 127869_130465 *KEND: (.) No: but 130465_131280 it was a joke . 131280_132039 *KITT: You know Kendra 132039_132818 (..) ʔy- +/. 132818_133373 *KITT: I don't know how many times I gotta tell you 133373_134483 once you lie: 134483_135362 (..) once you ⌈ &{l=F lie &}l=F . 135362_137027 *KEND: ⌊ XXX 136359_136728 (.) &=tsk Are they having a carwash ⌋ ? 136728_138239 *KITT: you lose th- (.) complete ⌉ trust . 137027_138822 *SABR: (..) No . 138822_139601 *KEND: (..) Yeah they are . 139601_140721 *KITT: (.) Yeah that's ⌈ what it is a . 140721_141626 *KEND: ⌊ We should have a carwash the:re ⌋ . 141159_142344 *KITT: (.) carwa⌉sh and a bakesale . 141626_143283 *KITT: (..) They're not getting any people though . 143283_145182 *KEND: (..) Mm . 145182_145995 *KEND: (..) Hot out . 145995_147766 *SABR: (..) What's that supposed to be 147766_149600 they're making it into something . 149600_150814 *KITT: (.) You're not going anywhere ⌈ for a while ⌉ . 150814_152444 *KEND: ⌊ It's a bookstore ⌋ . 151823_152444 *SABR: (..) Really ? 152444_153951 *KEND: (..) &{l=VOX &{l=F Go:d 153951_155058 I didn't spend the night 155058_156126 that's what makes me so m:ad 156126_157044 I'm grounded for nothi:ng . 157044_158125 *KEND: (..) I was home all night last night 158125_160022 I came home and told you . 160022_161186 *KEND: (..) &=in And even my &{l=X cuffs &}l=X and everything's on my bed &}l=F &}l=VOX . 161186_163629 *KEND: (..) &{l=P So stupid &}l=P . 163629_169811 *KEND: (..) Next time if I leave in the morning 169811_173263 I'll wake you up . 173263_173900 *KEND: &=in Mom I'm (.) awake now 173900_175284 I'm ⌈ leaving ⌉ . 175284_176083 *KITT: ⌊ &{l=VOX &{l=F Well you woke ⌋ me up last ni:ght 175506_177488 to tell me Kim wasn't spending the night 177488_179277 I don't know why you couldn't wake me up in the morning 179277_181034 to tell me that you were going &}l=F &}l=VOX . 181034_182350 *KITT: (..) You guys wake me up every time I'm trying to take a little &{l=VOX na:p &}l=VOX . 182350_189811 *KEND: (..) &{l=X What if we are awake &}l=X . 189811_191943 *KEND: (.) I was tired this morning . 191943_193282 *KEND: (..) So much fun . 193282_195120 *KEND: (.) My hair looks like a &{l=X mess &}l=X . 195120_196624 *KEND: (..) I left it in a ponytail 196624_197829 I didn't even have time to take a shower . 197829_198798 *KEND: (..) I think if I spent the night I would've took a shower . 198798_201759 *KEND: (..) All I need is your signature so I can (.) play the volleyball . 201759_214618 *KEND: On ⌈ the volleyball ⌉ team . 214618_215408 *KITT: ⌊ No ⌋ . 214746_215157 *KITT: (.) No . 215408_215895 *KEND: &=in &{l=F &{l=VOX Why: . 215895_216812 *KEND: (.) It's just volleyba:ll &}l=VOX &}l=F . 216812_218246 *KEND: (..) It's f- like (.) on Saturdays and Wednesdays . 218246_221075 *KEND: (..) It's for church . 221075_222983 *KEND: (..) It's fun . 222983_224139 *KITT: (..) &{l=MRC You have practice every Wednesday &}l=MRC . 224139_228562 *KEND: Yeah but 228562_229151 (.) not ʔat- ʔuh +/. 229151_229831 *KEND: This is at six thirty . 229831_231102 *KITT: (.) ⌈ &{l=MRC I don't care &}l=MRC ⌉ . 231102_233504 *KEND: ⌊ And Susan's going to it ⌋ too . 232423_234029 *SABR: (..) Mm . 234029_243515 *SABR: Who cut the grass . 243515_244330 *KEND: (..) Marlena did it . 244330_245724 *KITT: Marlena did it a long time ago 245724_246937 but it hasn't been watered . 246937_248074 *KITT: (..) It's (.) dying . 248074_249416 *ENV: (..) &=CAR_DOORS_AND_ENGINE_OFF . 249416_256514 *GEMI: (..) ⌈ I know ⌉ . 256514_259525 *SABR: ⌊ &{l=X Gonna rip &}l=X ⌋ your purse . 259025_260349 *GEMI: I know 260349_260919 XXX . 260919_262164 *KEND: (..) See if I spent the night Mom 262164_265135 you'd think I'd still be in my uniform ? 265135_267017 *KITT: (..) I know she's +/. 267017_271726 *KITT: J- she- +/. 271726_272110 *KITT: See now she's trying to think of ways to cover her tracks . 272110_274343 *KITT: I know what you're doing . 274343_275349 *KITT: (..) Seen this before . 275349_277403 *SABR: (.) I'm hungry . 277403_278409 *KITT: (..) Shit . 278409_279736 *ENV: &=FOOTSTEPS . 279736_291290 *MARL: (.) &{l=X I (.) love your jeans &}l=X . 291290_292698 *SABR: &{l=X &{l=P Cause I wanted to go to the bathroom when you're done &}l=P &}l=X . 292698_295084 *MARL: (..) Anyways 295084_296283 they were not . 296283_297010 *CURT: (.) Did you get a sawsall ? 297010_298223 *KITT: (.) Yes 298223_298900 it's right here . 298900_299520 *CURT: (.) Oh . 299520_300055 *KITT: (..) I got the blades . 300055_301379 *KITT: (..) They're right here . 301379_303588 *CURT: (..) Do you remember the uh 303588_306378 (..) X program on TV 306378_309624 (.) about hunter virus . 309624_311261 *KITT: (..) About what virus ? 311261_313191 *CURT: (.) Hunter virus . 313191_314110 *KITT: (..) Hutter . 314110_315197 *KITT: (..) What's that about . 315197_317057 *KITT: I don't re- I don't remember . 317057_318159 *CURT: (..) It's the one from the dead mice . 318159_320256 *KITT: (..) Oh 320256_321097 yeah . 321097_321679 *KITT: (..) Is it 321679_322710 (..) is it all over now ? 322710_325292 *KITT: (..) Is it for real now ? 325292_327489 *KITT: (..) Is it in here ? 327489_328946 *KITT: Is it in the United States now ? 328946_330279 *CURT: (..) XXX they said 330279_331643 (.) they already determined it was in like eighteen different states . 331643_334678 *SABR: (.) What . 334678_335295 *KITT: (.) So . 335295_335910 *CURT: ⌈ The hunter virus ⌉ . 335910_336881 *KITT: ⌊ What 335910_336249 what are you g- ⌋ +... 336249_336881 *CURT: ⌈2 Well ⌉2 . 336881_337285 *KITT: ⌊2 So what⌋2're you getting at . 336881_337940 *CURT: (..) ⌈3 That insulation out there ⌉3 with the mice shit in it ? 337940_340969 *KITT: ⌊3 &{l=X Did you just wash- &}l=X ⌋3 +/. 338919_339726 *KITT: Yes . 340969_341538 *CURT: Really bothers me . 341538_342415 *KITT: (.) I n- +/. 342415_342916 *KITT: Oh oh I know . 342916_343979 *KITT: I mean that's the thing I thought of too . 343979_345507 *CURT: (..) Well 345507_346769 it's all packed up in (..) garbage bags now . 346769_349258 *CURT: I didn't even touch it . 349258_350057 *CURT: (..) Used a hoe 350057_351969 stuffed it X . 351969_352854 *CURT: (..) &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 352854_356296 *KITT: ⌊ X⌋X XXX . 355974_357253 *CURT: (..) I didn't touch anything . 357253_358950 *CURT: (.) Don't touch anything yellow . 358950_360326 *CURT: (.) Okay ? 360326_360955 *CURT: (.) Not with your gloves or anything . 360955_362546 *CURT: (..) ⌈ Find some⌉thing else to pick it up with . 362546_364917 *KITT: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 363364_363817 *KITT: (.) Did you +/. 364917_365373 *KITT: Did you (.) put it in a trash bag ? 365373_366815 *CURT: (.) I took that brown trash thing 366815_368519 and tucked a bag in it . 368519_369577 *CURT: (.) And then I put them in there . 369577_370857 *CURT: (.) S:quashed em ⌈ down ⌉ . 370857_372380 *SABR: ⌊ I'm starting the ⌋ ⌈2 dishwash⌉2er⌈3: ⌉3 . 371954_373484 *KITT: ⌊2 &{l=X You need s- &}l=X ⌋2 +... 372380_372771 *CURT: ⌊3 I packed ⌋3 two bags full . 372987_374290 *KITT: (..) Okay . 374290_375739 *KITT: (..) I'm gonna go to the bathroom . 375739_377938 *KITT: (.) Me and Kendra got in another fight . 377938_379463 *SABR: (..) Mom I'm ⌈ starting the dishwasher ⌉ . 379463_382960 *KEND: ⌊ Let me tell you right now ⌋ 381906_382925 I did no:t spend the night . 382925_384300 *KEND: (..) This ⌈ is stupid ⌉ . 384300_387013 *SABR: ⌊ Kendra 386418_386826 I'm ⌋ starting the ⌈2 dishwasher ⌉2 . 386826_388055 *KITT: ⌊2 &{l=F &{l=X Well maybe &}l=X you've done it ⌋2 too many times 387270_388703 ⌈3 I don't believe it anymore &}l=F ⌉3 . 388703_390091 *KEND: ⌊3 &{l=F I'm not gonna +/. 388703_389439 *KEND: If I would've ⌋3 done it 389439_390326 I would have s- told you after a while &}l=F 390326_391972 I would have told you . 391972_392725 *KEND: (.) &{l=F This isn't fair . 392725_393435 *SABR: ⌈ After a while ⌉ . 393435_394708 *KEND: ⌊ I'm being punished for no reason &}l=F ⌋ . 393435_394708 *SABR: (.) After three days &{l=X a while &}l=X . 394813_396498 *SABR: (.) Whoah . 396498_397342 *KEND: Fucking stupi:d . 397342_398516 *SABR: (..) &=YAWN . 398516_405820 *ENV: &=DISHWASHER_CLOSING . 405820_412545 *SABR: Back hurts . 412545_413964 *CURT: (..) &=SNIFF (.) You know that oil light in your car . 413964_422153 *SABR: (..) I had an oil leak ? 422153_423610 *CURT: (..) The oil light . 423610_425314 *SABR: (.) ⌈ Oh ⌉ . 425314_425856 *CURT: ⌊ Little light ⌋ kept +... 425314_426184 *SABR: Yeah . 426184_426761 *CURT: (.) Wouldn't go off ? 426761_427619 *SABR: (..) It doesn't go off . 427619_429168 *CURT: (.) Huh ? 429168_429621 *SABR: (.) No 429621_430033 ʔuh- it doesn't go ⌈ off ⌉ . 430033_430780 *CURT: ⌊ Well it ⌋ doesn't light anymore . 430470_431735 *SABR: (..) Goo:d . 431735_432802 *CURT: (..) That's what was making your car not stop . 432802_434814 *CURT: (.) Not ⌈ start ⌉ . 434814_435515 *X: ⌊ &{l=SING XXX &}l=SING ⌋ . 435233_436447 *SABR: (..) Was the light ? 436447_437914 *CURT: (.) Yep . 437914_438377 *CURT: (..) It's a safety device . 438377_439958 *SABR: (..) Huh ? 439958_441383 *CURT: It's a safety circuit . 441383_442320 *SABR: (.) Uh⌈uh ⌉ . 442320_442811 *CURT: ⌊ The ⌋ manufacturer put in there . 442721_443922 *CURT: (.) When your oil +/. 443922_444801 *CURT: (..) It tells them that 444801_445973 (..) when there's no oil pressure 445973_447529 your engine's gonna f- 447529_448306 (..) gonna (.) burn up . 448306_449503 *CURT: (.) So . 449503_450119 *CURT: (..) ⌈ When that light comes on . 450119_451734 *MARL: ⌊ &{l=X Would you turn on the light &}l=X ⌋ ? 450690_451848 *CURT: it ⌉ grounds the ignition 451734_452685 and you ⌈2 had no spa⌉2:rk . 452685_453520 *KITT: ⌊2 No: ⌋2 . 452811_453317 *MARL: (..) Why . 453520_454246 *CURT: Makes it shut ⌈ off . 454246_455115 *KEND: ⌊ Mom doesn't believe I didn't ⌋ ⌈2 spend the night ⌉2 . 455005_456824 *CURT: you don't have to worry about it ⌉ . 455115_455960 *SABR: ⌊2 Oh so that's ⌋2 why ? 455960_457092 *KEND: &{l=X believe I didn't &}l=X spend the night . 457092_458328 *SABR: Okay . 458328_459047 *KEND: and I didn't 459047_459711 (..) and if I ⌈ did . 459711_460934 *SABR: ⌊ &{l=X &{l=P It's too big &}l=P &}l=X ⌋ . 460620_461137 *GEMI: ⌊ &{l=X &{l=P What do you want me ⌋ ⌈2 to do &}l=P &}l=X ⌉2 . 460620_461597 *KEND: (.) ⌉ ⌊2 I would +/. 460934_461437 *KEND: I ⌋2 ⌈3 wouldn't ⌉3 +... 461437_461905 *SABR: ⌊3 N- ⌋3 +... 461709_461905 *KEND: I would be taking my punishment . 461905_463260 *SABR: ⌈ &{l=P Mm: &}l=P ⌉ . 463260_464191 *KEND: ⌊ and I didn't 463260_463854 and I ⌋ +/. 463854_464191 *KEND: X XX ⌈2 X ⌉2 +... 464191_465289 *GEMI: ⌊2 &{l=P XXX ⌋2 ⌈3 X &}l=P ⌉3 ? 464879_465577 *KITT: ⌊3 Oh ⌋3 465289_465577 right 465577_465971 she says 465971_466387 ⌈ &=in &{l=F if I did I'd be taking my punishment . 466387_468588 *KEND: ⌊ &=INAUDIBLE ⌋ . 466387_471226 *KITT: &=in Since whe:n has she taken her punishment &}l=F ⌉ . 468588_471167 *KEND: (.) If I ha:d . 471167_472062 *KITT: &{l=F R:ea:lly &}l=F . 472062_472904 *KEND: ⌈ &{l=X What if she ⌉ ⌈2 XX ⌉2 punish &}l=X . 472904_474477 *MARL: ⌊ XXXX ⌋ . 472904_473604 *KITT: ⌊2 What a ⌋2 +/. 473604_474131 *KITT: &=PFF . 474477_474784 *MARL: Why are you +/. 474784_475331 *MARL: ⌈ XXX⌉⌈2XXX ⌉2 . 475331_476224 *SABR: ⌊ U:⌋⌊2:m ⌋2 . 475331_476224 *KITT: ⌊2 &{l=VOX Oh: &}l=VOX ⌋2 . 475548_476224 *GEMI: (.) ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 476224_477517 *KEND: ⌊3 Grounded for a month ⌋3 476709_477517 ⌈4 &{l=YELL and I didn't do nothing ⌉4 . 477517_478756 *GEMI: ⌊4 &{l=X Turn off the heater &}l=X ⌋4 . 477517_478756 *KEND: (.) ⌈5 I went to volleyball practice ⌉5 ⌈6 at church ⌉6 . 478756_481108 *SABR: ⌊5 &{l=X Just likes if it's still XX &}l=X ⌋5 . 478988_480301 *GEMI: ⌊6 Go:d [% laugh] ⌋6 . 480301_481108 *KEND: ⌈7 I went up to the church &}l=YELL ⌉7 . 481224_482362 *MARL: ⌊7 &{l=YELL Mo:m 481108_481550 she didn't &}l=YELL s⌋7⌈8pend the night ⌉8 . 481550_483456 *KITT: ⌊8 &{l=YELL Hey 482362_482642 stay out of it ⌋8 . 482642_483456 *KITT: (..) Stay out of it 483456_484289 you're not involved in this &}l=YELL . 484289_485529 *KEND: (..) Don't bother with her . 485529_488467 *CURT: &=COUGH (..) &=COUGH . 488467_490018 *KEND: &{l=X she'll just get angry &}l=X . 490018_490996 *KITT: (..) &{l=YELL You been caught in a lie Kendra 490996_494751 and that's the whole thing . 494751_496085 *KITT: That's why you're pissed &}l=YELL . 496085_497685 *GEMI: (..) Hey . 497685_500478 *CURT: (..) It's gonna be a⌈nother wonderful Saturday ⌉ . 500478_505233 *KITT: ⌊ &{l=YELL Well then this makes up for all ⌋ the other ⌈2 lies I did⌉2⌈3n't catch you ⌉3 in &}l=YELL . 503531_507525 *GEMI: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 505570_506394 *CURT: ⌊2 I can (.) ⌋2 ⌊3 tell already ⌋3 . 505570_507250 *CURT: And I'm getting out of here . 507525_508669 *GEMI: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 508669_510798 *SABR: At least you ca:n . 510798_512169 *CURT: (..) &{l=X Uh I'm going outside and get uh 512169_515073 (..) after the third &}l=X . 515073_517112 *GEMI: (..) I have a like mosquito bite 517112_522592 it h:urts like h:eck . 522592_523925 *KITT: (.) Oh: there's no more coffee . 523925_525515 *SABR: (..) That mu:st be the reason for your jovial- 525515_529242 um: 529242_529872 (..) attitude this morning . 529872_532337 *KITT: (..) Well I'm 532337_535747 (..) I'm irritated at (..) you staying the night without permission too . 535747_539595 *GEMI: (..) &=HUMMING . 539595_546026 *KITT: (..) Saturday 546026_553395 I already told you guys I need 553395_554658 gonna need your help (.) ʔuh this weekend . 554658_556408 *KITT: (.) &{l=VOX Yeah yeah yeah yeah &}l=VOX . 556408_558687 *KITT: (..) I don't believe Kendra . 558687_563283 *SABR: (..) Well I don't care w- you believe her or not . 563283_565823 *SABR: &{l=X She's &}l=X not my problem . 565823_567090 *KITT: (..) Well it is your problem in a way 567090_569767 you live in this house . 569767_570875 *SABR: (.) ʔUh ts- +/. 570875_571563 *SABR: ʔuh &{l=VOX Yeah I I know I live in this house &}l=VOX . 571563_573674 *SABR: Bu⌈:t ⌉ . 573674_574010 *GEMI: ⌊ X ⌋ 573801_574264 what are these . 574264_574988 *SABR: (..) Just stick em over here . 574988_576495 *GEMI: (..) You wanna wash em first ? 576495_578497 *SABR: (.) &{l=% Yeah &}l=% . 578497_578866 *ENV: &=WASHING_DISHES . 578866_596234 *KITT: (.) Found out Melanie is just like Susan . 596234_598304 *SABR: (..) Drugs and stuff ? 598304_600665 *KITT: (..) Susan 600665_601825 (..) no: . 601825_602574 *KITT: (..) The little escapades they all think of . 602574_605823 *SABR: (.) &{l=P Do you wanna cookie &}l=P . 605823_606986 *GEMI: (.) What ? 606986_607918 *SABR: (.) You wanna cookie . 607918_608786 *GEMI: No: . 608786_609660 *KITT: (..) You ⌈ better get em while you can . 609660_611698 *ENV: ⌊ &=PHONE_RINGS ⌋ &=lengthened . 610944_612982 *KITT: there's only a couple left ⌉ . 611698_612571 *KITT: I'll get that . 612982_613552 *SABR: You get it . 613552_614182 *ENV: (..) &=PHONE_BEEP . 614182_616649 *KITT: (.) Hello ? 616649_617406 *KITT: (..) Kendra's grounded from the phone . 617406_619964 *SABR: &{l=X Is that like traveling &}l=X . 619964_620802 *KITT: Who is this . 620802_621306 *SABR: (..) Are you sure ? 621306_622238 *KITT: (.) Yeah 622238_622559 she's grounded from the phone . 622559_623606 *SABR: Let me see if we have enough milk . 623606_624554 *SABR: Then we can ⌈ have c⌉ereal . 624554_625626 *KITT: ⌊ What ⌋ ? 624958_625251 *KITT: (..) No . 625626_626303 *KITT: (.) Just again . 626303_626976 *KITT: (.) She did something again . 626976_628111 *KITT: (..) She: didn't come home last night . 628111_631051 *MARL: (..) &{l=HI Yes she did &}l=HI . 631051_632330 *SABR: (..) Well we have lots of cereal . 632330_636510 *SABR: Just ⌈ no milk ⌉ . 636510_637375 *KITT: ⌊ Alright yeah I'll ⌋ tell her . 636848_637723 *GEMI: (..) ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 637723_638773 *KITT: ⌊2 Bye ⌋2 . 638142_638773 *ENV: (..) &=HANGS_UP_PHONE . 638773_640505 *SABR: (..) &{l=X I'm gonna go ⌈ to the store and get some milk &}l=X ⌉ . 640505_642495 *KITT: ⌊ &{l=F You don't know ⌋ for a fa:ct that she came ⌈2 home . 641724_644326 *MARL: ⌊2 Neither do you ⌋2 . 644106_645080 *KITT: okay &}l=F ⌉2 ? 644326_645080 *KITT: (.) &{l=F &{l=MRC Yes I do &}l=MRC &}l=F 645080_646184 I went in her room 646184_647225 and (.) she wasn't in there . 647225_648652 *SABR: (.) &{l=FOOD Mom I'm gonna pick up some milk at the store &}l=FOOD . 648652_650813 *MARL: (..) &{l=F You're probably lying about that Mom &}l=F . 650813_653020 *KITT: (..) &{l=YELL Hey 653020_654114 (..) don't start on me: . 654114_656134 *KITT: (.) And I said s:tay out of it 656134_657976 it's none of your concern &}l=YELL . 657976_659628 *KITT: (..) Sure you ⌈ don't wanna go back home ⌉ Gemini ? 659628_665193 *GEMI: ⌊ What do I do with this ⌋ . 663631_664442 *GEMI: (..) &=laugh &=ex &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in 665193_666811 (.) &{l=@ It's okay &}l=@ . 666811_667568 *KITT: (..) See how she does that ? 667568_670573 *KITT: (..) &{l=X Check ⌈ that bill &}l=X ⌉ . 670573_673786 *MARL: ⌊ &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌋ . 673034_673786 *GEMI: (..) Hey what do you do with this 673786_676481 ⌊ you wanna wash this too ⌋ ? 676481_677555 *MARL: ⌈ &=THROAT (.) &=THROAT ⌉ . 676481_677555 *KITT: (..) You know what I really want done is that laundry over there . 677555_683930 *KITT: I don't know what's what . 683930_684968 *KITT: That looks like (.) ⌊ sh:it ⌋ . 684968_686473 *SABR: ⌊ It's Marlena's ⌋ . 685739_686473 *KITT: (..) We're gonna be to- +/. 686473_696493 *KITT: We're gonna be doing your bedroom Sabrina . 696493_698132 *SABR: (..) The wa:ll ? 698132_700430 *KITT: (.) Yes 700430_700898 that outside wall . 700898_701939 *KITT: (..) And it's gonna take a while . 701939_703786 *SABR: (..) Yeah I'm +/. 703786_714454 *SABR: I wanna go get some milk . 714454_715415 *KITT: (..) By the way Sabrina 715415_722306 the vacuum cleaner works . 722306_723466 *SABR: (..) Wha:t ? 723466_724302 *KITT: (..) This vacuum cleaner's working 724302_726181 (..) this one right here . 726181_728313 *KITT: (..) It works pretty good . 728313_730555 *KITT: Curt fixed it . 730555_731421 *GEMI: (..) &{l=SING X XX X &}l=SING 731421_734239 (..) What do I do with this . 734239_736475 *SABR: (..) Uh 736475_738077 (.) stick it on th- +... 738077_738933 *KITT: (.) Mm . 738933_739408 *SABR: (..) X +/. 739408_740911 *SABR: (..) Mom 740911_741785 (.) I wanna go +... 741785_742551 *KITT: (..) &=HICCUP (.) ʔWhat ? 742551_745289 *SABR: (.) I want milk . 745289_745933 *SABR: (.) There's no milk . 745933_746751 *KITT: (..) There's no:ne ? 746751_747937 *SABR: No:ne . 747937_748461 *SABR: (.) I just threw away the gallon . 748461_749838 *SABR: That was ⌈ the last one ⌉ . 749838_750912 *KITT: ⌊ Well 750096_750437 a:fter ⌋ this place gets clean 750437_751841 then you can go get some . 751841_752750 *SABR: (..) ʔWell 752750_753636 ʔuh (.) I haven't had breakfast yet . 753636_755132 *KITT: (..) You know Jennifer's jacket here has a rip in it ? 755132_760814 *KITT: Did you know that ? 760814_761632 *SABR: (..) Hm-m . 761632_763460 *KITT: (..) &{l=P &{l=% It's got a rip in it &}l=% &}l=P . 763460_765011 *SABR: (..) It does ? 765011_766167 *KITT: (..) &{l=P &{l=X And I don't really see &}l=X &}l=P XXX . 766167_767990 *KITT: (.) The seam is coming apart . 767990_769573 *SABR: (..) Where . 769573_770786 *KITT: (..) Where did I see it . 770786_773381 *KITT: (..) I know I saw it . 773381_775575 *KITT: (..) I saw it just laying there . 775575_778616 *SABR: (..) Oh: 778616_784411 Mom ? 784411_784951 *KITT: Yeah ? 784951_785489 *SABR: (..) When we turn +/. 785489_786413 *SABR: ʔuh When we turn in the five hundred dollars ? 786413_788423 *SABR: (..) For⌈: ⌉ . 788423_789692 *KITT: ⌊ It's g⌋otta be due +/. 789545_790115 *KITT: It's gotta +/. 790115_790547 *KITT: It's due on the sixth . 790547_791700 *KITT: (.) By the way 791700_792175 here's your watch . 792175_792867 *SABR: (..) Okay . 792867_793996 *SABR: (.) When we um (..) turn it in ? 793996_795864 *SABR: (..) Let's turn- +/. 795864_796894 *SABR: I'm gonna turn in that 796894_798010 all that stuff for my si:zes and stuff with it . 798010_800387 *KITT: (..) Oh okay . 800387_801581 *KITT: (..) I don't know what to do with this . 801581_804056 *KITT: (..) This is ⌈ you guys's ⌉ . 804056_806132 *SABR: ⌊ I have to ⌋ take it to Jennifer Stevenson's (..) house . 805395_808579 *KITT: (..) Have to take it to Jenn⌈2ifer's ⌉2 ? 808579_810559 *SABR: ⌊2 Jennifer⌋2's: . 810141_810942 *KITT: (..) Oh did she buy that jacket ? 810942_813250 *SABR: Yeah it's 813250_813715 it s- has her name on it . 813715_814722 *KITT: (.) Oh I know 814722_815448 but I thought maybe she didn't buy- +/. 815448_816886 *KITT: Oh . 816886_817221 *KITT: (.) &{l=P Oh that's right 817221_818077 you have to buy it 818077_818616 if it's gonna XXXX &}l=P . 818616_819767 *GEMI: (..) We:ll I guess that (.) note +/. 819767_832462 *GEMI: (..) My da:d is home now 832462_847130 he's probably gonna look at it too . 847130_848508 *GEMI: (..) &=laugh Sabrina 848508_849535 (.) ⌈ &=in ⌉ he's gonna read it . 849535_850661 *SABR: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 849631_849930 *GEMI: And he's gonna be like &{l=VOX &{l=HI wha:t &}l=HI &}l=VOX ? 850661_851549 *GEMI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 851549_852507 (..) &=laugh &=in &=lengthened 852507_853977 ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 853977_854400 *SABR: ⌊ Say it was ⌋ one of those notes that you just wrote to X . 854081_856292 *KITT: (..) Did you leave a note +/. 856292_857700 *KITT: (.) Did your parents know where you're at ? 857700_859353 *GEMI: (.) Yeah . 859353_859821 *GEMI: My parents know . 859821_860731 *KITT: (..) See: ? 860731_864722 *GEMI: (..) &=in But my letter to ⌈ my &{l=@ boyfrie⌉:nd is on the table &}l=@ . 864722_871208 *KITT: ⌊ See some ⌋ +... 868203_868773 *GEMI: &=laugh &=in &=lengthened I forgot to (.) bring it with me: [% laugh] &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 871208_874515 *GEMI: (..) &=in (.) There gonna be like &{l=VOX &{l=HI wha:t &}l=HI &}l=VOX ? 874515_876696 *GEMI: &=laugh &=laugh 876696_877107 (..) &=laugh &=in &=lengthened . 877107_878583 *KITT: (..) &{l=FOOD You just &{l=X want &}l=X a cookie &}l=FOOD ? 878583_885935 *SABR: (..) Yes I do 885935_887252 cause I didn't have . 887252_887822 *KITT: &{l=FOOD &{l=X Alright ⌈ here &}l=X &}l=FOOD ⌉ . 887822_888238 *SABR: ⌊ just ⌋ had one . 888048_888752 *KITT: (..) This one's all I had . 888752_890726 *KITT: (.) &{l=X Yeah &}l=X . 890726_891230 *SABR: (..) &{l=P &{l=X Get some milk &}l=X &}l=P . 891230_897100 *SABR: (..) &=ex (..) Are those the sweet peppers ? 897100_904290 *KITT: (..) Mhm . 904290_905189 *SABR: (..) Gemini 905189_906261 have you ever tried a sweet pepper ? 906261_907459 *GEMI: &=laugh &=ex &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in 907459_908869 I don't +/. 908869_909132 *GEMI: I don't XX 909132_909866 I like it hot . 909866_910747 *GEMI: &{l=@ I like it ho- &}l=@ . 910747_911976 *KITT: (..) You better get em while you can 911976_914913 cause Marlena ⌈ XXXX ⌉ . 914913_916290 *SABR: ⌊ I hate those ⌋ . 915433_916290 *KITT: (..) I thought you liked em . 916290_917951 *SABR: (..) Mom . 917951_918791 *SABR: (.) How many times have I said ⌈ yuck ⌉ . 918791_920777 *MARL: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ &=lengthened 920330_921018 They're gone anyways . 921018_922101 *KITT: &{l=FOOD That's the last one &}l=FOOD ? 922101_923273 *MARL: (.) &{l=HI Mhm &}l=HI ? 923273_923912 *KITT: (..) You're gonna get some milk ? 923912_927994 *KITT: (..) Why don't you go with her 927994_930413 and get some more of those Marlena . 930413_931503 *MARL: (.) Unh-unh . 931503_932842 *KITT: (.) Okay ? 932842_933469 *MARL: (.) No . 933469_934197 *KITT: (..) So that you can have some . 934197_936869 *MARL: (..) I know 936869_937589 I don't want any more . 937589_938284 *KITT: (.) You don't want any more ? 938284_939321 *KITT: What about next week . 939321_940197 *KITT: (..) XX get some money 940197_944999 (.) get some milk 944999_945694 and some 945694_946068 (..) some of those peppers . 946068_947174 *SABR: (..) Okay . 947174_948187 *KITT: (..) By the way 948187_964532 (.) gonna co- +/. 964532_965227 *KITT: We're gonna (.) co- +/. 965227_965937 *KITT: (..) pour some concrete in that (.) breezeway . 965937_968340 *KITT: (..) &{l=P &{l=X Oh: no: . 968340_971325 *KITT: (..) I hate that noise &}l=X &}l=P . 971325_974880 *KITT: (..) Oh shit . 974880_979361 *KITT: (..) Do you know where the s- flyswatter is ? 979361_982310 *SABR: (..) No: 982310_983320 (.) it's Curt's favorite toy . 983320_985037 *KITT: (..) It's going 985037_991690 (..) uh-⌈oh ⌉ . 991690_993529 *SABR: ⌊ Go⌋i:ng . 993297_994152 *KITT: &{l=X Hope that wasn't a drink &}l=X . 994152_995285 *SABR: It was Marlena's . 995285_996044 *KITT: (..) Well pick it u:p . 996044_997733 *KITT: (.) Oh 997733_998199 it's gone Sabrina . 998199_999068 *KITT: (..) ⌈ Ooh ooh . 999068_1000765 *SABR: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 1000232_1000765 Great ⌋ . 1000765_1001007 *KITT: he's in ⌉ the water now . 1000765_1001883 *KITT: (..) ʔuh . 1001883_1003942 *SABR: Shall I ⌈ turn the disposal on ⌉ ? 1003942_1005517 *KITT: ⌊ Ooh 1004204_1004790 (.) ooh ⌋ . 1004790_1005517 *KITT: Yuck . 1005517_1005914 *KITT: (..) He's all yours . 1005914_1008160 *KITT: &{l=VOX Yuck &}l=VOX . 1008160_1008810 *SABR: (.) &{l=VOX Thank you Mo:m &}l=VOX . 1008810_1010268 *SABR: (..) Yuck . 1010268_1013617 *SABR: (..) He went ⌈ down ⌉ . 1013617_1019203 *KITT: ⌊ Well ⌋ I gotta go out there and 1018912_1020229 (..) and do that work . 1020229_1022746 *KITT: (..) Is this yours Sabrina . 1022746_1025014 *SABR: (..) Yes: . 1025014_1026602 *KITT: (..) See now I can't tell if this is dirty or clean . 1026602_1029718 *SABR: (..) It's (..) clean . 1029718_1031141 *KITT: (..) It's ⌈ clean ⌉ ? 1031141_1032681 *SABR: ⌊ It's ⌋ white 1032335_1033065 Mom . 1033065_1033520 *KITT: (..) ⌈ Well ⌉ . 1033520_1034090 *SABR: ⌊ X ⌋ +... 1033764_1034090 *KITT: (.) ʔuh 1034090_1034374 just ⌈ becau⌉se it's white . 1034374_1035402 *SABR: ⌊ &{l=X Off &}l=X ⌋ +... 1034560_1034800 *KITT: doesn't mean it's clean . 1035402_1036615 *SABR: (.) No: . 1036615_1037295 *SABR: (..) ʔIt it's white 1037295_1038543 means it s- (.) shows dirt more . 1038543_1040334 *SABR: (..) S:tained . 1040334_1042410 *KITT: (..) I'm gonna get a pair of gloves on . 1042410_1045577 *KITT: (..) I think Curt still has your keys . 1045577_1052070 *SABR: (..) It should be on the table . 1052070_1054468 *SABR: (..) On the desk . 1054468_1055560 *KITT: (..) N- I don't know . 1055560_1056709 *KITT: (..) I don't know where my other ⌈ glove is either ⌉ . 1056709_1060021 *SABR: ⌊ He +/. 1059171_1059572 *SABR: Cause he ⌋ um . 1059572_1060493 *KITT: (..) Hunh ? 1060493_1061738 *SABR: When he came to get my car 1061738_1062825 he was using the spare . 1062825_1064055 *SABR: (..) And 1064055_1065741 (.) yesterday 1065741_1066714 when I was looking at 1066714_1067558 (.) &{l=X the ke- on the desk &}l=X 1067558_1068745 it was (.) the spare- +/. 1068745_1069635 *SABR: My +/. 1069635_1069925 *SABR: My (.) original key was still there . 1069925_1071733 *SABR: (..) You know what ? 1071733_1072716 *SABR: (.) I think I'm gonna take 1072716_1074080 trade the spare (..) key 1074080_1075906 (..) for the original key 1075906_1077593 cause 1077593_1077891 everybody makes fun of my key . 1077891_1079588 *KITT: (..) What's wrong with that key . 1079588_1082675 *KITT: I like it . 1082675_1083374 *SABR: (..) Too big and bulky . 1083374_1085871 *KITT: (..) You can find it though 1085871_1087476 can't you . 1087476_1088040 *SABR: (..) Yeah: . 1088040_1089771 *GEMI: &{l=X Should &}l=X I put this &{l=X pan &}l=X . 1089771_1090633 *KITT: (..) Um 1090633_1091338 (.) Sabrina 1091338_1091757 did you ever give that 1091757_1092545 (.) that card to um 1092545_1094088 (.) Country Gen⌈tleman ⌉ ? 1094088_1095041 *GEMI: ⌊ XX⌋X: . 1094671_1095332 *SABR: (..) No 1095332_1096282 but we got a new one 1096282_1097103 that we gave &{l=X there &}l=X . 1097103_1097913 *KITT: (..) You mean that one that I made 1097913_1100346 didn't 1100346_1100607 wasn't good enough ? 1100607_1101549 *SABR: (..) No ʔuh . 1101549_1102528 *SABR: (.) We had already given like three (.) to them already . 1102528_1105151 *SABR: (..) Three (..) ⌈ cards ⌉ . 1105151_1106790 *KITT: ⌊ Well what did you g⌋uys do with that one I made . 1106217_1107899 *KITT: (..) I'd like to have it back . 1107899_1109489 *SABR: (..) Okay . 1109489_1110716 *SABR: (..) I'll try- see if I can find it . 1110716_1112948 *SABR: &{l=X Wonder &}l=X where I put it . 1112948_1113993 *KITT: (..) Hunh ? 1113993_1114703 *KITT: (..) I'd ⌈ like to just keep ⌉ that card . 1114703_1117077 *SABR: ⌊ Ooh: ⌋ . 1115621_1116290 *SABR: (..) I ⌈2 left it ⌉2 at the carwash . 1117077_1119706 *KITT: ⌊2 &=SWALLOW ⌋2 . 1118399_1118732 *SABR: So they c- +/. 1119706_1120241 *SABR: The girls could sign it . 1120241_1121291 *SABR: (..) If the carwash was that (.) little party we saw 1121291_1124190 I bet you they (.) &{l=P &{l=X threw (.) a⌈way &}l=X &}l=P ⌉ . 1124190_1125894 *KITT: ⌊ ʔN- ⌋ ʔn- 1125624_1126003 ʔIt's probably outside and ended up getting trashed . 1126003_1128432 *KITT: (..) I wanted to keep that . 1128432_1130517 *KITT: If you guys weren't gonna use it . 1130517_1131726 *KITT: (.) ʔI should've just done it myself . 1131726_1133304 *SABR: (..) Hey you never know 1133304_1137914 ʔit might have gotten XX . 1137914_1139123 *SABR: (..) &=SIGH &=lengthened . 1139123_1141839 *KITT: (..) &=tsk Ask Kendra . 1141839_1143243 *KITT: (..) She might have done something ⌈ with it . 1143243_1145920 *SABR: ⌊ I'll ask (.) X ⌋ . 1145771_1146767 *KITT: Y- you know ⌉ 1145920_1146497 (.) I +/. 1146497_1146810 *KITT: I +/. 1146810_1147108 *KITT: You know 1147108_1147407 it took me a while to make that thing . 1147407_1149318 *SABR: Well 1149318_1149567 I know . 1149567_1150174 *KITT: (..) You guys just +/. 1150174_1151302 *KITT: (..) Yeah: 1151302_1152026 (..) I don't know why I bother sometimes . 1152026_1154210 *KITT: (..) . 1154210_1157689 @End