@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: PATT PATTY Speaker, DALE DALE Speaker, STEP STEPHANIE Speaker, MAUR MAUREEN Speaker, ERIK ERIKA Speaker, GENE GENEVIEVE Speaker, GAIL GAIL Speaker, X X Speaker, ROGE ROGER Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|PATT|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|DALE|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|STEP|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|MAUR|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ERIK|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|GENE|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|GAIL|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|X|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ROGE|||||Speaker||| @Media: 35, audio @Comment: Hold my Breath @Comment: Lively family argument/discussion recorded in the kitchen of a family home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. *PATT: ⌈ It's not that bad . 0_1020 *DALE: ⌊ X something else 0_719 or do you want ⌋ +... 719_1292 *PATT: ac⌉tual⌈2ly ⌉2 . 1020_1511 *STEP: ⌊2 Well ⌋2 ⌈3 ten ⌉3 seven⌈4ty ⌉4 +... 1396_2304 *MAUR: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 1511_1863 *MAUR: ⌊4 No⌋4⌈5: ⌉5 . 2223_2694 *DALE: ⌊4 You ⌋4 ⌊5 want em ⌋5 +... 2223_2694 *MAUR: (.) Just take em out and . 2694_3896 *ERIK: (.) That's ⌈ grea⌉⌈2:t ⌉2 . 3896_4698 *STEP: ⌊ &{l=X take ⌋ ⌊2 em &}l=X ⌋2 again . 4279_5414 *DALE: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 4600_4737 *MAUR: (..) There's ⌈3 that . 5414_6637 *STEP: ⌊3 Better get twelve hundred ⌋3 . 6141_7550 *MAUR: (.) and ⌉3 . 6637_7550 *STEP: That's what I want . 7550_8325 *STEP: (.) I mean . 8325_8964 *MAUR: (..) ⌈ Here's this ⌉ . 8964_10380 *STEP: ⌊ &{l=X So &}l=X 9575_9950 cause I think ⌋ ten seven⌈2ty's way ⌉2 ⌈3 too low ⌉3 . 9950_11863 *GENE: ⌊2 &=THROAT ⌋2 . 10837_11175 *MAUR: ⌊3 Erika would ⌋3 you . 11175_12235 *STEP: For ⌈4 (.) XXXX ⌉4 +... 12235_13439 *MAUR: ⌊4 follow Dale out 12405_13357 and ⌋4 just hand him ⌈5 that X X⌉5⌈6XX XXX XX ? 13357_16090 *ERIK: ⌊5 Sure ⌋5 . 14032_14506 *STEP: ⌊6 XX XXXX XX⌋6X . 14669_17007 *MAUR: (.) Thank you ⌉6 . 16090_16699 *MAUR: XXX . 17007_17696 *STEP: (.) So I have to take them again 17696_19069 (.) um . 19069_19444 *DALE: ⌈ You can just put that over on the XX ⌉ . 19444_21089 *STEP: ⌊ I have to (..) send them money by the ⌋ eighteenth 19444_21713 for (..) SA⌈2T's for the October exam ⌉2 . 21713_23625 *DALE: ⌊2 &{l=X Put it on that railing over there &}l=X ⌋2 . 22348_23625 *MAUR: Okay ? 23625_24130 *PATT: (..) Mm:⌈: ⌉ . 24130_25780 *STEP: ⌊ So ⌋ 25257_25780 &{n=STOMPING &{l=MRC I'd better get twelve hundred on these . 25780_27990 *STEP: Have to get ⌈ twelve hundred &}l=MRC &}n=STOMPING ⌉ . 27990_29406 *GAIL: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋ . 28722_29406 *PATT: Well if you (..) study hard . 29406_31242 *STEP: (.) You can't study ⌈ for the SAT ⌉ . 31242_33183 *PATT: ⌊ Get your rest 32071_32926 ʔuh n⌋o: 32926_33509 but ʔyou +/. 33509_33977 *PATT: Well 33977_34285 the:y say yes you can 34285_35652 because they have all these groups that say 35652_37242 that if you take their classes 37242_38773 &=in and they ⌈ go over the test . 38773_40366 *STEP: ⌊ No . 39312_39852 *STEP: (.) Mom 39852_40366 (.) Mom 40366_41011 (.) Mom ⌋ . 41011_41784 *PATT: &=in you can raise your points ⌉ 40366_41784 you can raise your ⌈2 points a couple hundred points ⌉2 . 41784_43793 *STEP: ⌊2 The SAT 42346_43365 the S⌋2⌈3AT ⌉3 board itself has said . 43365_45634 *ERIK: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 43793_44238 *STEP: (..) Yeah 45634_46281 but that's just by learning tricks . 46281_47822 *STEP: I know what the tricks are . 47822_48905 *STEP: That's all you need to know . 48905_49958 *ERIK: (.) Teach them to ⌈ me ⌉ . 49958_50803 *STEP: ⌊ The ⌋ ⌈2 only way you can ⌉2 +... 50584_51720 *PATT: ⌊2 But what you have ⌋2 to reme⌈3mber i:s (.) that ⌉3 . 50803_52983 *STEP: ⌊3 The only way you can ⌋3 score high is if you read a lot . 52215_54435 *STEP: ⌈4 That's all . 54435_55089 *PATT: ⌊4 what you have to remember is . 54435_55778 *STEP: You can't study X ⌉4 . 55089_56013 *PATT: that the ⌋4 SAT is not a whole measure of who you ⌈5 are . 55778_58322 *STEP: ⌊5 &{l=HI Oh I know &}l=HI ⌋5 . 58078_59014 *PATT: It doesn't measure ⌉5 your creativity 58322_59996 ⌈6 it doesn't &{l=X measure you know so &}l=X ⌉6 +... 59996_61500 *STEP: ⌊6 Mom 59996_60331 I know . 60331_60846 *STEP: Mom . 60846_61323 *STEP: I'm ⌋6 not saying that . 61323_62142 *STEP: But I do need to have a better SAT score for applications . 62142_65361 *STEP: (..) So I wanna bring it u:p . 65361_66920 *PATT: (.) What'd you say your score was ? 66920_68324 *STEP: (.) Ten seventy . 68324_69190 *ERIK: (..) I'd ⌈ be happy to get seven hundred ⌉ . 69190_73050 *PATT: ⌊ Well you'd only taken it once ⌋ so . 71509_73331 *STEP: (..) ⌈2 Yeah⌉2: . 73331_74133 *ERIK: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 &=lengthened . 73658_74377 *PATT: (..) I think Claire ⌈3 took hers ⌉3 ⌈4 a couple times ⌉4 . 74377_76656 *STEP: ⌊3 What ⌋3 ? 75278_75682 *ERIK: ⌊4 &=in I said ⌋4 I'd be happy to get seven hundred . 75682_77748 *STEP: (..) ʔI (.) I mean 77748_78779 (.) yeah 78779_79207 people in my school when I told em my score were like 79207_81237 (.) &{l=VOX oh 81237_81562 you won't need to take it again &}l=VOX 81562_82581 but then like 82581_83121 my friends who have like thirteen fifty on their S⌈AT⌉⌈2's ⌉2 . 83121_86222 *ERIK: ⌊ Who's that ⌋ . 85595_86103 *PATT: ⌊2 But ⌋2 ⌈3 Stephanie . 86103_86621 *GAIL: ⌊3 Yeah 86222_86621 but I mean you can- you can't compare yourself ⌋3 . 86621_88794 *PATT: you cannot compare yourself 86621_88532 you ⌉3 ⌈4 are unique⌉4⌈5ly you ⌉5 . 88532_89915 *STEP: ⌊4 Mar:k ⌋4 . 88794_89293 *ERIK: ⌊5 XXX ⌋5 +... 89293_89917 *PATT: ⌈6 You can't ⌉6 ⌈7 do tha⌉7t . 89917_91527 *STEP: ⌊6 Jo:hn ⌋6 . 89917_90619 *ERIK: ⌊7 Glen ⌋7 . 90619_91394 *STEP: Glen got s:- what . 91527_93040 *STEP: &=in Glen got f:ifteen s:eventy ⌈ or something &{l=@ like that . 93040_96233 *PATT: ⌊ Stephanie 95210_95738 you cannot com- ⌋ +... 95738_96778 *STEP: I was like you ⌉ make me sick &}l=@ . 96233_97514 *PATT: ⌈2 Stephanie . 97514_97887 *ERIK: ⌊2 &{l=X But don't you be like &}l=X Glen is ⌋2 . 97514_99384 *PATT: you can't compare your⌉2⌈3self ⌉3 . 97887_99680 *STEP: ⌊3 I know ⌋3 99384_99709 Glen has to (.) like (..) ⌈4 get dates through the computer ⌉4 . 99709_102161 *ERIK: ⌊4 How do you think I: feel when I ⌋4 get a⌈5round Gle:n ⌉5 . 100813_103537 *PATT: ⌊5 When you learn that you ⌋5 can't compare 102497_104186 you'll really be grown up . 104186_105173 *PATT: You are unique⌈ly you . 105173_106466 *STEP: ⌊ No: 105920_106466 I mean ⌋ . 106466_106934 *PATT: (.) You are ⌉ not like ⌈2 anybody else . 106466_108157 *STEP: ⌊2 I +/. 107292_107621 *STEP: (.) But Mom . 107621_108433 *PATT: You have to accept that ⌉2 . 108157_109351 *STEP: The reason I am ⌋2 saying I need to bring them up 108433_110897 and the fact that other people have higher scores 110897_112804 (..) is that 112804_113632 (.) I do need to bring them up from ten seventy 113632_115723 if I wanna ⌈ have a better chance at getting ⌉ into ⌈2 colleges ⌉2 . 115723_118320 *ERIK: ⌊ Where's your bathroom at ⌋ ? 116397_117572 *MAUR: ⌊2 Right around the ⌋2 ⌈3 bend . 117746_118686 *PATT: ⌊3 It's not all they look at ⌋3 ⌈4 though ⌉4 . 118320_119916 *MAUR: Or upstairs ⌉3 . 118686_119642 *MAUR: ⌊4 One or ⌋4 ⌈5 the other ⌉5 . 119642_120481 *STEP: ⌊4 Yes ⌋4 119642_119937 ⌊5 But it's ⌋5 ⌈6 one of the thing⌉6⌈7s that a lot of college⌉7s ⌈8 use⌉8⌈9: ⌉9 . 119937_123256 *ERIK: ⌊6 I'll find one ⌋6 . 120217_121100 *MAUR: ⌊7 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋7 . 121100_122265 *GAIL: ⌊8 Right around ⌋8 ⌊9 the bend ⌋9 . 122464_123480 *PATT: ⌊9 &=in Well ⌋9 122988_123480 ⌈ you know ⌉ . 123480_124052 *MAUR: ⌊ Or you can go up⌋⌈2stairs if you want ⌉2 Erika . 123480_125219 *PATT: ⌊2 just uh ⌋2 +... 124052_124898 *STEP: ⌊2 (.) &{l=HI &{l=X Well &}l=X &}l=HI ⌋2 ? 124052_124898 *MAUR: with all those guys ⌈3 sitting there ⌉3 . 125219_126597 *PATT: ⌊3 &{l=X Well it's on &}l=X ⌋3 +... 125949_126599 *GAIL: ⌊3 &{l=X I can't &}l=X X ⌋3 +/. 125949_126599 *GAIL: &=in ⌈4 I should look around and (.) see what else is +... 126599_128620 *MAUR: ⌊4 Go up to the top of the stairs 126804_128620 go straight ahead ⌋4 . 128620_129577 *GAIL: (.) What else is ⌉4 there . 128620_129991 *MAUR: (.) and you'll see it on the right . 129991_131118 *ERIK: ⌈ Okay [% laugh] ⌉ . 131118_131808 *GAIL: ⌊ There's a good ⌋ ⌈2 &{l=X see &}l=X ⌉2 +... 131118_132147 *PATT: ⌊ How about this ⌋ ⌊2 school ⌋2 ⌈3 called A⌉3drian College in Michigan . 131118_134093 *STEP: ⌊3 XXX ⌋3 +/. 132147_132648 *STEP: ⌈4 Yeah . 134093_134444 *PATT: ⌊4 It's real +... 134093_134663 *STEP: it's in Adrian Michigan ⌉4 . 134444_136121 *PATT: not very far from ⌋4 uh Ann Arbor . 134663_136969 *PATT: (..) They sent you a lotta information . 136969_139199 *PATT: (.) Sounds like a ⌈ neat school ⌉ . 139199_140633 *STEP: ⌊ But 139739_139986 (.) they don't ha⌋⌈2:ve &{l=X a lot of &}l=X ⌉2 +... 139986_141263 *PATT: ⌊2 It's a smaller ⌋2 ⌈3 school ⌉3 . 140633_141795 *GAIL: ⌊2 (.) I had a really ⌋2 ⌊3 good ⌋3 ⌈4 book that I should give you ⌉4 . 140633_143277 *STEP: ⌊4 They don't have that many ⌋4 majors Mom . 141795_144586 *STEP: (..) I wanna go to a school that has a (.) large variety of majors 144586_147855 and so if I change 147855_148801 I have something ⌈ to &{l=F look at &}l=F ⌉ . 148801_150180 *PATT: ⌊ &=in You have ⌋ to remember one ⌈2 thing ⌉2 . 149385_151262 *GAIL: ⌊2 Hm ⌋2 . 151014_151262 *PATT: and and I don't know 151262_151986 maybe (.) maybe ⌈ Gail could &{l=F talk about that . 151986_153959 *GAIL: ⌊ OU had a good art department ⌋ . 152642_154323 *PATT: Gail ⌉ went &}l=F to a big school . 153959_155651 *PATT: A big school was very different than a small school . 155651_158142 *PATT: Now Aunt ⌈ Maureen went to a ⌉ smaller schoo⌈2:l . 158142_160009 *STEP: ⌊ Mo:m ⌋ 158469_159088 ⌊2 I want- ⌋2 +... 159928_160539 *PATT: &=in well th⌉2ey bo- +/. 160009_160885 *PATT: Now wait . 160885_161306 *PATT: They both have advantages and disadvantages . 161306_163575 *PATT: Both of them . 163575_164201 *PATT: (.) &=in You have to see ⌈ which ones fits your ⌉ person⌈2ality best . 164201_167193 *STEP: ⌊ Oh I know ⌋ . 165160_165993 *STEP: ⌊2 But Mom . 166615_167434 *PATT: That's it ⌉2 . 167193_167819 *STEP: (.) of ⌋2 my personality 167434_169196 (.) even Clai:re said 169196_170636 that she thinks I would do ⌈ fi:ne at a bi- ⌉ +... 170636_172810 *PATT: ⌊ &=in (.) Don't take Claire ⌋ as an authority . 171075_173710 *STEP: I'm not ⌈2 taking her as an ⌉2 ⌈3 autho⌉3⌈4:rity . 173710_175982 *MAUR: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌊3 &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋3 . 174138_175560 *GAIL: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 174138_175124 ⌊4 Ah: [% laugh] &=laugh &=in ⌋4 . 175560_176739 *PATT: ⌊4 Believe me 175560_176210 I've lived ⌋4 ⌈5 with Clai⌉5:re . 176210_177540 *STEP: I'm just say⌉4⌊5:ing that ⌋5 +... 175982_177276 *GAIL: &=laugh &=laugh . 177540_178182 *STEP: (.) But Mom 178182_179025 ʔif I wanna go to a big school 179025_180796 that's my choice . 180796_182268 *PATT: If I'm willing to pay for it 182268_183463 yes⌈: ⌉ . 183463_183942 *STEP: ⌊ It's ⌋ cheaper to go to a university than it is to go to a private school Mom . 183572_188210 *PATT: (..) Depends where you ⌈2 feel comfortable . 188210_191012 *MAUR: ⌊2 Uh 190009_190275 I have a platter . 190275_191306 *PATT: When you get on a campus sometimes I think it might ⌉2 . 191012_193319 *MAUR: (.) you can get a platter for that &{l=X it's &}l=X ⌋2 +... 191306_193319 *PATT: ⌈3 Gail might say ⌉3 . 193319_194010 *GAIL: ⌊3 Yeah you have ⌋3 to go 193319_194437 ⌈4 you have to go &{l=X out and visit and then &}l=X ⌉4 . 194437_195869 *PATT: ⌊4 you feel like 194437_195363 (.) hey I ⌋4 like this place 195363_196592 I think I could belong 196592_197415 or you think 197415_197859 &=in (.) I don't I don't feel ⌈ comfortable here . 197859_199707 *GAIL: ⌊ I don't feel comfortable here ⌋ . 198986_200020 *PATT: &=in ⌋ And that's what has to be your final goal . 199707_201975 *STEP: Oh yeah 201975_202388 I know ⌈ that ⌉ . 202388_203162 *PATT: ⌊ A place ⌋ that has what you want 202716_204039 but you feel good a⌈2bout it ⌉2 . 204039_205162 *STEP: ⌊2 But ⌋2 . 204855_205162 *PATT: You walk on campus and you think 205162_206518 hey there's something about this ⌈ place . 206518_208066 *MAUR: ⌊ &{l=X I'll &}l=X dump this outside ⌋ . 207703_209215 *PATT: &=in that 208066_208871 (.) that ⌉ ⌈2 speaks to me . 208871_210246 *STEP: ⌊2 I had one college that did that ⌋2 . 209215_210791 *PATT: you know 210246_210556 you ⌉2 don't know that until you're on the ⌈3 cam⌉3⌈4pus ⌉4 . 210556_212920 *STEP: ⌊3 I had ⌋3 ⌊4 a college ⌋4 that did that . 212181_213518 *GAIL: ⌊4 Mm ⌋4 . 212503_212975 *STEP: but I would nev- +/. 213518_214151 *STEP: I can't get in 214151_214866 cause it's just too impossible . 214866_216478 *STEP: (..) Duke ⌈ Univers⌉ity⌈2: ⌉2 ? 216478_218250 *GAIL: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 217286_217821 *GAIL: ⌊2 Duke ⌋2 . 218030_218560 *GAIL: Yeah . 218560_218810 *STEP: I fell in love with that school right ⌈ away but ⌉ . 218810_220735 *MAUR: ⌊ Well 220143_220516 (.) you ⌋ can always ⌈2 apply ⌉2 . 220516_221875 *GAIL: ⌊2 Apply ⌋2 221348_221875 that's ⌈3 true ⌉3 . 221875_222447 *MAUR: ⌊3 Abso⌋3⌈4lutely ⌉4 . 222175_223158 *STEP: ⌊4 Yeah ⌋4 . 222447_223158 *STEP: (..) But 223158_223748 I don't know if I'm gonna bother 223748_225250 cause it's like a seventy- five- [% laugh] dollar [% laugh] application fee 225250_228272 (..) and (.) the chances of me getting in there are like (.) zilch . 228272_232288 *STEP: &=in (.) So: [% laugh] . 232288_233569 *MAUR: (..) What 233569_234318 (.) what do they require . 234318_235541 *STEP: (..) ʔIh: 235541_236930 (.) the people that (.) I: have met (.) that have gotten in 236930_239668 had &=in (..) four point o:'s 239668_241750 uh: 241750_242223 (.) ⌈ fourteen hundred on their SAT's and uh ⌉ . 242223_245215 *PATT: ⌊ Well kiddo 242386_243001 you had a chance to study 243001_244479 you know 244479_244836 I mean ⌋ that's +... 244836_245453 *STEP: (..) basically 245453_246718 they (.) they were in like . 246718_247755 *PATT: Kept telling her . 247755_248621 *STEP: the three clubs like 248621_249673 the Young ⌈ Republicans . 249673_251172 *PATT: ⌊ Comes you know 250047_250675 when it comes down to the you ⌋ ⌈2 know ⌉2 . 250675_252187 *STEP: uh: ⌉ . 251172_251809 *GENE: ⌊2 &=THROAT ⌋2 &=lengthened . 251809_252392 *STEP: (..) ⌈3 some uh ⌉3 ⌈4 like business management and something ⌉4 else . 252187_256585 *GENE: ⌊3 ʔX ʔuh ʔuh ⌋3 . 252911_253747 *PATT: ⌊4 Past performance has something to say about that ⌋4 . 253747_256174 *STEP: You know . 256585_257013 *PATT: (..) But Stephanie 257013_257919 I've been telling you for four years 257919_259329 ⌈ you've gotta work hard ⌉ . 259329_260467 *STEP: ⌊ Mom 259329_259789 (.) Mom ⌋ 259789_260467 ⌈2 Mo:m ⌉2 . 260467_261061 *MAUR: ⌊2 Gail under⌋2stands . 260467_261663 *STEP: (.) ⌈3 I don't wanna hear it ⌉3 . 261663_263415 *MAUR: ⌊3 &=in Good old BU ⌋3 &=ex . 261884_263749 *GAIL: (..) Good old BU didn't want me . 263749_265748 *GAIL: ⌈ &{l=X No &}l=X BC ⌉ . 265748_266539 *STEP: ⌊ XX ⌋ . 265748_266539 *MAUR: (.) BC . 266539_267132 *MAUR: They didn't want her . 267132_267821 *GAIL: They didn't want ⌈ me ⌉ . 267821_268511 *MAUR: ⌊ &=tsk ⌋ She snowed the interviewer 268272_269796 but they still didn't want her . 269796_270796 *STEP: (.) &=laugh &=SNORT 270796_271523 (.) You snowed the interviewer ? 271523_272815 *GAIL: (..) The interviewer was s:o good-looking . 272815_275320 *MAUR: &=laugh . 275320_275594 *PATT: Ha: ha-⌈ha: ⌉ . 275594_277244 *STEP: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=lengthened 276406_278085 &{l=@ I lo⌈2:ve it &}l=@ ⌉2 . 278085_278983 *GAIL: ⌊2 He was this ⌋2 young attorney . 278421_280005 *GAIL: (.) He was real young 280005_280818 and I had my interview in the US Steel Building . 280818_283092 *GAIL: (.) &=in (.) And I went up there and 283092_285083 (..) but +/. 285083_285730 *GAIL: (.) You know what 285730_286186 they asked me some really weird ⌈ questions ⌉ though . 286186_288802 *MAUR: ⌊ I know ⌋ . 287742_288453 *MAUR: I know⌈2: ⌉2 . 288802_289278 *PATT: ⌊2 They ⌋2 ⌈3 did ⌉3 . 289127_289648 *GAIL: ⌊3 Like ⌋3 they +/. 289278_289935 *GAIL: I expected to go in there: and talk about 289935_291998 you know my li:fe 291998_293033 and what I wanted out of a schoo:l 293033_294680 and what I expected from ⌈ the:m and . 294680_296550 *PATT: ⌊ So what did they ask you ⌋ . 295677_296863 *GAIL: &=in ⌉ They asked me (.) what my stance was abou- on abortion ? 296550_299743 *GAIL: (.) ⌈2 &=in ⌉2 . 299743_300363 *PATT: ⌊2 Boy that ⌋2 was a dumb question 300025_301488 ⌈3 that's one +... 301488_302136 *GAIL: ⌊3 Boom . 301488_301762 *GAIL: I was like (.) &=TSCH ⌋3 . 301762_302899 *PATT: That's a contro⌉3versial question 302136_303681 ⌈4 so I &{l=X would &}l=X think ⌉4 that's a dumb one to ask . 303681_305410 *GAIL: ⌊4 Well ⌋4 . 303681_304247 *PATT: It's contro⌈5versial ⌉5 . 305410_306649 *GAIL: ⌊5 Well they asked me ⌋5 that 305843_307087 (.) a:⌈6nd they asked me . 307087_308569 *PATT: ⌊6 And personal . 307440_308366 *GAIL: how I thought about ⌉6 drug testing in the workplace⌈7: ⌉7 . 308569_311581 *PATT: it's very personal ⌋6 . 308366_309696 *PATT: ⌊7 Very ⌋7 personal . 311186_312202 *PATT: ⌈8 Those are both personal question⌉8⌈9s ⌉9 . 312202_314415 *STEP: ⌊8 You know what ? 312202_313164 *STEP: (.) Williams did ⌋8 ⌊9 the s- ⌋9 +... 313164_314415 *GAIL: ⌊9 Well ⌋9 314051_314348 you know what's funny is 314415_315200 you know 315200_315447 BC is (..) a Catholic schoo⌈:l . 315447_318090 *PATT: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 317908_318395 *GAIL: And ⌉ I th- +/. 318090_318749 *GAIL: ʔYou know 318749_319357 (.) I don't think they really [% laugh] liked my answ⌈er ⌉ . 319357_321651 *PATT: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 321412_321702 *GAIL: but ⌈2 uh [% laugh] ⌉2 . 321651_322463 *PATT: ⌊2 That's ⌋2 +/. 321954_322463 *PATT: (.) But you ⌈3 have . 322463_323259 *STEP: ⌊3 Well ⌋3 . 323062_323554 *PATT: (.) but you ⌉3 still have freedom of ⌈4 choice ⌉4 . 323259_325293 *STEP: ⌊4 You know ⌋4 ⌈5 what ⌉5 . 324756_325394 *GAIL: ⌊5 That's ⌋5 ⌈6 right ⌉6 . 325293_325723 *PATT: ⌊6 Yeah ⌋6 325394_325723 ⌈7 I mean ⌉7 . 325723_326278 *GAIL: ⌊7 XX ⌋7 . 325723_326278 *STEP: ⌊7 Williams ⌋7 is the same way . 325723_327463 *STEP: &=in Cause Lee went 327463_328522 and 328522_328955 &=in Lee applied to Williams . 328955_330806 *STEP: And she got waitlisted . 330806_332087 *STEP: (.) &=in And Williams used to be real:ly lib- +/. 332087_334569 *STEP: (..) &=in liberal whatever . 334569_336321 *STEP: (.) But lately 336321_337488 (.) the: information they're sending out is 337488_339421 &=in &{l=VOX a ni:ce value: community uh 339421_342575 &=in moral stance 342575_344056 da-da-da-da-da ⌈ I mean &}l=VOX . 344056_345121 *PATT: ⌊ There's nothing wrong with that . 344687_345992 *STEP: &=in Well no 345121_346039 but what they're do- +... 346039_346857 *PATT: that's important ⌋ . 346039_347267 *STEP: But ⌉ 346857_347212 but m- Mom 347267_347891 what I'm ⌈ saying is ⌉ . 347891_348885 *PATT: ⌊ I'm listening ⌋ . 348119_348885 *STEP: &=in (..) They had 348885_350316 (..) years ago 350316_351898 (.) they had &{l=VOX the sit-ins &}l=VOX 351898_353676 (.) everything you know 353676_354741 &=in real liberal 354741_355689 (.) now they're going to conservative 355689_357230 and when she was interviewed for it 357230_358726 &=in they: (.) took her answers (.) very (.) slowly 358726_361641 and they waitlisted her 361641_362747 &=in she had the grades 362747_363856 (.) but she didn't have the political views . 363856_365521 *STEP: And 365521_365854 (.) uh 365854_366332 (.) that's what was ⌈ happening ⌉ . 366332_367672 *PATT: ⌊ So maybe she ⌋ was better to be in a place 366974_368864 ⌈2 where she's free to express herself . 368864_371012 *STEP: ⌊2 Oh yeah 368864_369495 Rice 369495_369982 (.) Rice is great . 369982_371020 *STEP: She . 371020_371405 *PATT: You know ⌉2 . 371020_371780 *STEP: Rice ⌋2 is really liberal 371405_372627 ⌈3 XX X XX X ⌉3 . 372627_373754 *PATT: ⌊3 Things work out some⌋3time⌈4s for the ⌉4 best . 372627_374638 *X: ⌊4 &=THROAT ⌋4 . 374044_374344 *PATT: as maybe Gail ⌈5 realizes too you know ⌉5 . 374638_376805 *STEP: ⌊5 Oh she's much happier ⌋5 ⌈6 at ⌉6 +... 375338_377130 *GAIL: ⌊6 Yeah⌋6: . 376805_377130 *STEP: (.) She's happy in Texas . 377130_378436 *STEP: She's r:eally happy there . 378436_379782 *GAIL: (.) Where is Rice . 379782_380836 *STEP: (.) It's in Houston . 380836_381990 *GAIL: Houston . 381990_382376 *STEP: It's right outside of Houston 382376_383657 (..) &=in she r- she loves it there . 383657_385797 *STEP: ʔuh Um 385797_386314 they 386314_386689 their admissions were (.) higher than Harvard's this year . 386689_389112 *GAIL: (..) Really [% laugh] ? 389112_390039 *STEP: (..) ⌈ They have one of the top history departments XX X ⌉ . 390039_392858 *GENE: ⌊ Maureen didn't have any trouble deciding ⌋ . 390467_392858 *GAIL: (..) Hm . 392858_393880 *PATT: (..) Well sometimes you don't . 393880_395212 *PATT: Some ⌈ people are ⌉ lucky . 395212_396188 *GAIL: ⌊ Why ⌋ . 395409_395822 *PATT: they always know ⌈2 where they wanna be or ⌉2 what and . 396188_398464 *GAIL: ⌊2 Why was that ⌋2 . 397017_397819 *GAIL: (..) ⌈3 I ⌉3 was probably (.) the hardest person to find a school for . 398464_402365 *PATT: ⌊3 X ⌋3 +... 399087_399458 *GAIL: because everyone 402365_403337 (..) in my family 403337_404288 knew: what they wanted to major ⌈ in . 404288_405958 *PATT: ⌊ And you weren't sure . 405794_406734 *GAIL: Immediately . 405958_406734 *PATT: And Stephanie's not sure either . 406734_408273 *GAIL: And I was kinda like 406734_407678 yeah 407678_408010 I was like . 408010_408433 *PATT: She has ⌋ ⌈2 some idea- &=in ⌉2 +... 408433_409588 *GAIL: well ⌉ . 408433_408829 *STEP: ⌊2 Yes I a:⌋2:m . 408681_410301 *PATT: (.) ⌈3 Well ⌉3 . 410301_410731 *GAIL: ⌊3 What're you ⌋3 gonna be . 410430_411151 *STEP: (..) I'm gonna be an art hi⌈4storian ⌉4 . 411151_413787 *MAUR: ⌊4 She- +/. 412783_413131 *MAUR: I thought she was ⌋4 gonna be a short-order chef . 413131_415138 *MAUR: That's what she +... 415138_415669 *GAIL: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 415669_417201 *PATT: ⌊ Well she has ⌋ no e⌈2xperience at that in my house ⌉2 . 416616_419418 *GAIL: ⌊2 &=in A professional griller ⌋2 . 417611_419418 *STEP: (..) ⌈3 I have it at the ⌉3 sto:re . 419418_421823 *GAIL: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 419804_420933 &=in . 421823_421965 *GENE: Stepha⌈nie . 421965_422559 *ERIK: ⌊ A manager of Tas⌋ty ⌈2 Freeze ⌉2 . 422271_424272 *GENE: (.) what are you going to w- ⌉ +/. 422559_423401 *GENE: ⌊2 What are you going to ⌋2 ⌈3 be ⌉3 . 423587_424721 *MAUR: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 &=laugh ⌈4 &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=in ⌉4 . 423587_425859 *STEP: ⌊4 An art historian ⌋4 . 424890_425845 *MAUR: &{l=@ Isn't that ⌈5 what ⌉5 ⌈6 you ⌉6 ⌈7 XX XXX &}l=@ ⌉7 . 425859_427421 *GENE: ⌊5 A ⌋5 ⌊6 what ⌋6 . 426291_426619 *STEP: ⌊6 Well an ⌋6 ⌊7 art history ⌋7 major . 426405_427941 *MAUR: (..) ⌈8 &=in ⌉8 . 427941_428597 *STEP: ⌊8 De⌋8⌈9pends on ⌉9 what I minor in . 428345_429842 *GAIL: ⌊9 Art ⌋9 . 428597_428935 *ERIK: (.) I wanna be a social worker . 429842_431358 *MAUR: (..) ⌈ Oh what an ⌉ ⌈2 excellent choice . 431358_433488 *STEP: ⌊ I have to ⌋ ⌊2 &{l=X determine my minor &}l=X ⌋2 . 432041_434011 *PATT: ⌊2 Probably be good at that ⌋2 . 432632_434011 *MAUR: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 433488_435524 *PATT: ⌊3 I kept telling Stephanie ⌋3 434397_435524 that's what she should be 435524_436452 and she loves to talk to people 436452_437657 that's where she should be 437657_438633 ⌈ and she's ⌉ +... 438633_439241 *STEP: ⌊ But if I ⌋ ⌈2 am a ⌉2 +... 438633_439676 *GAIL: ⌊2 Hey you could ⌋2 be in ⌈3 human resources like me ⌉3 . 439241_441600 *PATT: ⌊3 Hey 439909_440193 pour me some more of that 440193_441241 I'm not ⌋3 go⌈4ing any⌉4where tonight . 441241_442438 *X: ⌊4 X ⌋4 +... 441756_442035 *GAIL: (.) You can be like 442438_443159 in ⌈ human resources ⌉ ⌈2 like me ⌉2 . 443159_444984 *STEP: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 443334_444147 *PATT: ⌊2 &{l=X Not driving &}l=X ⌋2 . 444147_444984 *STEP: ⌊2 That's right 444147_444671 cause we're ⌋2 taking the car later [% laugh] . 444671_445934 *PATT: ⌈3 I don't have to drive ⌉3 home . 445934_447025 *GAIL: ⌊3 Hey you know what ⌋3 . 445934_446774 *STEP: (.) Speaking of that 447025_447624 are the keys ⌈ in the XX ⌉ . 447624_448584 *GAIL: ⌊ I have the ⌋ best job on earth . 448084_449664 *GAIL: So⌈2: if you wanna get into something good ⌉2 . 449639_451865 *ERIK: ⌊2 No 449981_450292 I didn't bring your set of keys ⌋2 . 450292_451664 *PATT: I have ⌈3 keys ⌉3 . 451865_452810 *GAIL: ⌊3 get into ⌋3 what I'm getting ⌈4 into ⌉4 . 452244_453748 *PATT: ⌊4 I drove here ⌋4 453219_453901 I have ⌈5 keys ⌉5 . 453901_454440 *STEP: ⌊5 &{l=@ Oh that⌋5's right 454180_454736 you did drive here &}l=@ . 454736_455500 *PATT: It's it's 455500_456206 ⌈ you know ⌉ . 456206_456874 *STEP: ⌊ &{l=X I could've drank ⌋ anything &}l=X . 456206_457207 *STEP: &=in . 457207_457507 *PATT: Well I think the th- important thing that maybe we should all say to you Stephanie 457507_461146 and you need to listen is 461146_461958 you have to keep an open mind . 461958_463202 *PATT: Don't cross any school off before ⌈ you see it . 463202_465537 *GENE: ⌊ That's right . 464840_465537 *GENE: &=THROAT ⌋ . 465537_465997 *PATT: &=in ⌉ You ⌈2 know . 465537_466388 *STEP: ⌊2 Oh yeah ⌋2 . 466222_466836 *PATT: don't cr⌉2oss off Geneva before you go there . 466388_468669 *STEP: ⌈3 I'm not crossing it off ⌉3 . 468669_470276 *PATT: ⌊3 &=in I know it's far away ⌋3 and it's not a big town but 468669_471234 don't (..) already think 471234_472469 ⌈ I don't wanna go there because ⌉ . 472469_473980 *STEP: ⌊ It's not far away ⌋ . 472469_473980 *PATT: (.) &=in it's not near a big (.) metropolitan area . 473980_476459 *PATT: (.) &=in (..) ʔuh: You know y- 476459_478723 ʔuh: she wasn't near a big metropolitan area . 478723_480863 *PATT: (..) ⌈ Right ⌉ ? 480863_481413 *GAIL: ⌊ But 481105_481323 I ⌋ had thought that I wanted to be near (..) big ⌈2 area ⌉2 . 481323_484077 *STEP: ⌊2 But I ⌋2 also ⌈3 went to &{l=F high sch⌉3ool in a big metro⌈4politan area [% laugh] &}l=F ⌉4 . 483786_487473 *PATT: ⌊3 But what but ⌋3 +/. 484692_485411 *PATT: ⌊4 But we're s:ay:ing ⌋4 . 486307_487473 *PATT: ⌈5 So ⌉5 +... 487473_487845 *GAIL: ⌊5 But ⌋5 487473_487845 it doesn't ⌈6 matter though . 487845_489024 *PATT: ⌊6 So did she . 488209_489284 *GAIL: I mean ⌉6 . 489024_489597 *PATT: She ⌋6 489284_489632 I mean 489632_489968 (.) ⌈ she wasn't &{l=X downtown &}l=X . 489968_491361 *GAIL: ⌊ I had my access to the city ⌋ . 490101_491995 *PATT: but she lived ⌉ ⌈2 in Pittsburgh ⌉2 ⌈3 all her life ⌉3 . 491361_493332 *STEP: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 491995_492633 *GAIL: ⌊3 You know ⌋3 . 492633_493332 *PATT: &=in ⌈4 &=lengthened she did the s⌉4ame things you did . 493332_494896 *STEP: ⌊4 But &{l=X there's &}l=X ⌋4 +... 493366_494142 *PATT: she went to the opera 495012_495722 she went to the symphony 495722_496557 she went to the ballet 496557_497467 &=in so she grew up in a ⌈ cosmopolitan atmosphere ⌉ . 497467_500288 *STEP: ⌊ If there's not a coffee hou⌋se on the campus 498595_501296 (.) I'm ⌈2 not going ⌉2 . 501296_502744 *PATT: ⌊2 They &{l=F a:ll &}l=F have ⌋2 cof⌈3fee houses . 501852_503667 *GAIL: ⌊3 That's +/. 503097_503415 *GAIL: They all do . 503415_504164 *PATT: that's the latest thing ⌉3 . 503667_505023 *GAIL: XXX ⌋3 . 504164_505023 *X: ⌈4 &=laugh ⌉4 . 505023_505337 *PATT: ⌊4 You know ⌋4 . 505023_505337 *GAIL: (.) They ⌈5 changed our bar: ⌉5 . 505337_506930 *PATT: ⌊5 But what I'm saying is ⌋5 . 505682_506930 *GAIL: on our campus 506930_507786 to a coffee ⌈ house ⌉ . 507786_508829 *PATT: ⌊ Don't ⌋ ⌈2 eliminate a sch⌉2ool . 508376_509981 *STEP: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 508829_509693 *PATT: ⌈3 by where it ⌉3 is . 509981_510984 *GENE: ⌊3 Are you sure ⌋3 +... 509981_510655 *PATT: &{l=X and &}l=X ⌈4 what somebody has told you ⌉4 . 510984_512664 *GENE: ⌊4 Are you sure you're old enough to ⌋4 go to college . 511100_513591 *GENE: ⌈5 &=laugh &=lengthened ⌉5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈6 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉6 . 513591_515165 *PATT: ⌊5 &=in ⌋5 513591_514030 ⌊6 Well ⌋6 ⌈7 I'm not sure about that ⌉7 . 514773_516256 *STEP: ⌊7 So far as I ⌋7 know 515165_516787 yeah: . 516787_517399 *STEP: I I I graduate this year uh 517399_519283 yeah⌈: ⌉ . 519283_519738 *GAIL: ⌊ Well you ⌋ know ⌈2 I had some really ⌉2 (.) really (.) big problems . 519505_522218 *STEP: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 519961_520910 *GAIL: when I first went to OU 522218_523415 for the first quar⌈ter . 523415_524314 *MAUR: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋ . 524171_524594 *GAIL: but it ⌉ wasn't . 524314_525193 *X: (..) &=THROAT . 525193_525939 *GAIL: It ended up . 525939_526502 *MAUR: &=tsk I wondered if you were gonna tell ⌈ XXXX ⌉ . 526502_528540 *GAIL: ⌊ Well ʔuh ⌋ 527968_528540 well ⌈2 the thing is that . 528540_529273 *PATT: ⌊2 Well that's good to share ⌋2 . 528722_530104 *GAIL: it ended up not ⌉2 being 529273_530704 (..) I mean it doesn't really matter: 530704_532320 (..) the atmosphere 532320_533762 eventually it doesn't matter the atmosphere 533762_535606 because eventually 535606_536382 it's the people that you mee⌈:t ⌉ . 536382_537499 *MAUR: ⌊ When ⌋ you're rea⌈2dy I need ⌉2 . 537291_538473 *GAIL: ⌊2 the professor⌋2s that ⌈3 you meet ⌉3 . 537863_539489 *MAUR: ⌊3 my son-in⌋3-law to ⌈4 reach that platter ⌉4 . 538821_540684 *GAIL: ⌊4 your classes ⌋4 itself . 539752_541277 *DALE: ⌈5 &{l=X Okay &}l=X ⌉5 . 541277_541668 *GAIL: ⌊5 that real⌋5ly (.) become important . 541277_542661 *GAIL: ⌈6 You know ⌉6 . 542661_543199 *STEP: ⌊6 Mhm ⌋6 . 542661_543199 *PATT: ⌊6 Right ⌋6 . 542661_543199 *PATT: And that should ⌈7 be your first ⌉7 priority . 543199_544974 *GAIL: ⌊7 Yeah ⌋7 . 543759_544320 *GAIL: Yeah 544974_545187 and that'll 545187_545689 I ⌈ mean ⌉ . 545689_546034 *PATT: ⌊ What ⌋ you do ex⌈2tracurricular ⌉2 . 545888_547460 *DALE: ⌊2 Where's the beʔ- +/. 546582_547135 *DALE: Where's ⌋2 that bread ⌈3 that you ⌉3 ⌈4 want ⌉4 +... 547135_548482 *PATT: ⌊3 can't be ⌋3 ⌊4 impor⌋4tant . 547770_548722 *STEP: ⌊4 But ⌋4 . 548240_548549 *PATT: ⌈5 Because that's not what you're there ⌉5 for . 548722_550441 *STEP: ⌊5 but if you're not +/. 548722_549598 *STEP: (.) But ⌋5 549598_550153 ⌈6 Mom ⌉6 . 550441_550802 *X: ⌊6 Mm ⌋6 . 550441_550802 *STEP: if you're not ⌈7 happy in your setting ⌉7 . 550802_552896 *MAUR: ⌊7 I'll have Jerry get them down ⌋7 . 551345_552896 *STEP: you're ⌈8 not gonna be happy with where you are ⌉8 . 552896_555091 *PATT: ⌊8 I'll tell you what kid 553087_554016 if you're going to college to have ⌋8 a good ⌈9 time . 554016_555580 *X: ⌊9 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋9 . 555319_555806 *PATT: one ⌉9 year is all I'm ⌈ paying for . 555580_556825 *STEP: ⌊ I'm not going ⌋ ⌈2 to col⌉2⌈3lege to have ⌉3 ⌈4 a good ⌉4 time . 556338_559638 *PATT: the rest is on ⌉ ⌊2 your own ⌋2 . 556825_557812 *MAUR: ⌊2 Dale ⌋2 . 557484_557802 *PATT: ⌊3 I already told you that ⌋3 . 557802_558788 *MAUR: ⌊4 Dale ⌋4 . 558788_559238 *STEP: (..) But it's like 559638_560524 ⌈ it's a ⌉ ⌈2 proven ⌉2 ⌈3 fact that ⌉3 . 560524_562239 *DALE: ⌊ ʔuh No that's alright ⌋ . 560524_561134 *MAUR: ⌊2 No 561134_561312 here ⌋2 . 561312_561693 *DALE: ⌊3 I know ⌋3 . 561693_562239 *STEP: people work better in a comfortable situ⌈4ation . 562239_565005 *PATT: ⌊4 Exactly but . 564564_565530 *STEP: than in an uncomfortable situation ⌉4 . 565005_567365 *PATT: (.) extra +/. 565530_566184 *PATT: (.) But you don't have to be ⌋4 near a big city 566184_568177 Aunt Maureen wasn't beer- (.) near a big city . 568177_570105 *STEP: Mo:m 570105_570730 (.) it's a little different . 570730_572132 *STEP: I'm (.) ⌈ a differ⌉ent person . 572132_573590 *PATT: ⌊ True ⌋ . 572478_572944 *STEP: I ⌈2 like city ⌉2 life . 573590_575053 *PATT: ⌊2 exactly ⌋2 . 573823_574745 *STEP: I have &{l=MRC always ⌈3 liked city life &}l=MRC ⌉3 . 575053_577060 *PATT: ⌊3 Then stay here and go to Pitt 576006_577060 it⌋3'll be very ⌈4 cheap ⌉4 . 577060_577878 *STEP: ⌊4 No⌋4⌈5: ⌉5 . 577610_578327 *GAIL: ⌊5 &=laugh ⌋5 . 577878_578327 *MAUR: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈6 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉6 . 578327_579254 *STEP: ⌊6 I like ci⌋6ty ⌈7 life &{l=MRC away from parents &}l=MRC ⌉7 . 578614_581437 *PATT: ⌊7 I like +/. 579428_579753 *PATT: I like that . 579753_580358 *PATT: (.) &{l=X Could you imagine &}l=X Gail ⌋7 580358_581437 ⌈8 it'll be very cheap ⌉8 . 581437_582324 *GAIL: ⌊8 Why don't +/. 581437_581807 *GAIL: Why don't you ⌋8 look a:t . 581807_583303 *GENE: Honey you'll be away from parents anyway . 583303_585428 *STEP: (..) ʔNo 585428_586105 ⌈ in my opinion ⌉ . 586105_587270 *GAIL: ⌊ Let's look at +/. 586105_586677 *GAIL: Let's look at ⌋ cities . 586677_587680 *GAIL: What kinda cities do you like . 587680_589085 *GAIL: Do you like b:ig cities 589085_590233 like a Chicago ? 590233_591326 *GAIL: ⌈ Or do you ⌉ like a ⌈2 Pittsburgh ⌉2 . 591326_592675 *X: ⌊ XXX ⌋ . 591326_591669 *PATT: ⌊2 She's never ⌋2 been in a big city like Chicago . 591948_594168 *PATT: She ⌈3 couldn't identify with that ⌉3 . 594168_595811 *ERIK: ⌊3 You were in Chicago Steph 594356_595487 when we ⌋3 went ⌈4 to (.) Easter ⌉4 . 595487_597073 *STEP: ⌊4 &{l=MRC I've been in Ch⌋4ica:⌈5go &}l=MRC ⌉5 . 596084_598086 *PATT: ⌊5 When ⌋5 . 597505_598086 *GAIL: (.) Pittsburgh 598086_598584 ⌈ or Chicago ⌉ . 598584_599644 *STEP: ⌊ Easter break ⌋ . 598584_599644 *STEP: ⌈2 Two: yea:rs a⌉2⌈3go: ⌉3 . 599644_601795 *GAIL: ⌊2 Chicago and Pittsburgh are very ⌋2 ⌊3 different ⌋3 . 599644_601795 *PATT: ⌊3 That's right 601037_601589 but ⌋3 what did you do in the city . 601589_602930 *GAIL: I'm gonna &{l=X give &}l=X ⌈4 you ⌉4 +... 602930_603705 *PATT: ⌊4 Did you ⌋4 go ⌈5 downtown ⌉5 ? 603369_604667 *ERIK: ⌊5 Shopped ⌋5 603940_604667 we ⌈6 went to the biggest mall ⌉6 . 604667_606206 *STEP: ⌊6 &{l=@ Yeah we went shop⌋6⌈7ping &}l=@ ⌉7 . 604960_606544 *PATT: ⌊7 That's ⌋7 all you did . 606206_607312 *PATT: You can't shop when you're in college 607312_608615 you'll have no money for that . 608615_609683 *PATT: (..) Ask Gail . 609683_611103 *PATT: You will not ⌈ have money for that ⌉ . 611103_612491 *STEP: ⌊ Mo:m 611545_612118 I d⌋rove around (.) LA . 612118_613954 *STEP: &=in &{l=@ That tells me what a big city⌈2's like &}l=@ ⌉2 . 613954_616513 *PATT: ⌊2 And that⌋2's pretty scary ⌈3 actually ⌉3 . 616107_618194 *STEP: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 &=laugh &=in &=ex &=laugh &=in 617541_618845 No . 618845_619120 *STEP: (.) Friday night 619120_620253 at nine o'clock 620253_621153 on Hollywood Boulevard &{l=MRC &{l=@ is not a place to be &}l=@ &}l=MRC . 621153_624172 *STEP: O⌈kay ⌉ . 624172_624782 *PATT: ⌊ They could⌋n't find the uh +... 624367_625916 *STEP: &=laugh &=in No it wasn't that . 625916_627251 *STEP: We knew where it &{l=@ was 627251_628416 we ⌈ just didn't know which ⌉ exit to take &}l=@ . 628416_630809 *PATT: ⌊ But 628531_628860 (.) didn't get there ⌋ . 628860_629870 *ERIK: What were you looking for . 630809_631851 *STEP: Universal Studios . 631851_633048 *PATT: (..) They got ⌈ there at nine thirty ⌉ . 633048_634421 *STEP: ⌊ So we miss it ⌋ . 633452_634421 *PATT: (..) ⌈2 They had tickets and got lost . 634421_636233 *STEP: ⌊2 No 634724_634889 it &{l=X get &}l=X +/. 634889_635248 *STEP: It g- it's it's a funny story ⌋2 . 635248_636971 *PATT: she and Saman⌉2tha Tay⌈3lor ⌉3 . 636233_637933 *STEP: ⌊3 You have ⌋3 to ⌈4 hear this: ⌉4 +... 637576_638929 *PATT: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 638338_638929 *GAIL: ⌊4 Oh r⌋4eally [% laugh] ? 638338_639447 *PATT: ⌈5 Yes [% laugh] ⌉5 . 639447_640079 *GAIL: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 . 639447_640079 *STEP: (..) Samantha and ⌈6 I go ⌉6 ou⌈7:t ⌉7 . 640079_641710 *GENE: ⌊6 She what ⌋6 ? 640936_641354 *PATT: ⌊7 She and ⌋7 Samantha Taylor get lost . 641526_643293 *PATT: (..) Samantha knows where they're going but can't ⌈8 get there ⌉8 . 643293_645396 *STEP: ⌊8 Well ⌋8 &{l=HI let me tell ⌈9 the stor⌉9y⌈: &}l=HI . 645023_646674 *GAIL: ⌊9 &=laugh ⌋9 . 645898_646289 *PATT: ⌊ Go ahead 646457_646816 tell ⌋ . 646816_647202 *STEP: You don't ⌉ know 646816_647575 because you weren't the⌈2:re . 647575_648701 *PATT: ⌊2 I wasn't . 648497_649069 *STEP: (.) I was (.) in the car [% laugh] ⌉2 . 648701_649968 *PATT: That's right 649069_649444 I heard it la⌋2ter . 649444_650289 *STEP: (..) So we're driving and 650289_651635 ʔuh we went ʔan:d . 651635_652554 *GENE: (.) How ⌈ do you put up with that . 652554_653665 *STEP: ⌊ We missed the exit . 652886_653832 *GENE: (.) &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 653665_654216 *STEP: She said ⌋ 653832_654164 (.) oh⌈2: . 654216_654599 *PATT: ⌊2 It's hard ⌋2 . 654438_655016 *STEP: well we'll ⌉2 just get off at the ⌈3 next exit ⌉3 . 654599_656470 *PATT: ⌊3 Takes a lot of pa⌋3tience . 655657_656818 *GENE: (.) ⌈4 Yes ⌉4 it does . 656818_657593 *STEP: ⌊4 And ⌋4 656923_657213 ⌈5 turn around ⌉5 . 657593_658321 *PATT: ⌊5 &{l=X Could &}l=X be the hardest thing I've ⌋5 done in my life . 657593_658832 *STEP: (..) So we got (..) off at the exit 658832_661077 (.) and 661077_661676 it was the Hollywood Bowl exit . 661676_663093 *STEP: She goes well 663093_663666 no big deal . 663666_664259 *STEP: &=in Except 664259_665136 (.) there was a Hollywood Bow:l going ⌈ o:n that night . 665136_667901 *GAIL: ⌊ Oh: no: ⌋ . 667041_668680 *STEP: &=in So here ⌉ we are 667901_669043 stuck (.) in this hu:ge line of traffic . 669043_671792 *STEP: (.) And we wanted to turn around 671792_672986 but you couldn't make a left turn because 672986_674606 &=in they had parking going on . 674606_676017 *STEP: So you had to go all the way down 676017_677518 (..) &=in so we go all the way down and we hit Highland . 677518_679630 *STEP: (..) &=in So we take Highland and 679630_681328 (..) &{l=VOX we end up on Hollywood Boulevard &}l=VOX . 681328_683164 *STEP: (..) It is ni:ne thirty at night 683164_685176 (.) we're on Hollywood Boulevard 685176_686660 (.) &=in and it's Friday . 686660_687892 *STEP: (..) &{l=HI Not a place &}l=HI you wanna be . 687892_689661 *STEP: (..) Now we're trying to find a ⌈ place to turn around . 689661_691930 *GAIL: ⌊ Reminds me of the scene in Valley Girl ⌋ . 691243_693164 *STEP: We drive by the ⌉ Chinese thea⌈2ter ⌉2 . 691930_694435 *ERIK: ⌊2 Yeah⌋2: [% laugh] 694130_694596 that ⌈3 one XXX ⌉3 . 694596_695484 *STEP: ⌊3 Yeah: ⌋3 . 694765_695484 *GAIL: ⌊3 Yeah 694765_695231 you ⌋3 know ? 695231_695803 *GAIL: ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 695803_696249 *PATT: ⌊4 Why didn't you ⌋4 just go to the Chinese theater 695803_697236 but you had ticket⌈5s ⌉5 . 697236_697932 *STEP: ⌊5 Yeah ⌋5 . 697778_698027 *X: ⌊5 &=COUGH ⌋5 . 697778_698027 *PATT: ⌈6 Right ⌉6 . 697932_698149 *STEP: ⌊6 we ⌋6 had 698027_698503 we had free tickets . 698503_699734 *STEP: That (.) her mom won on the radio . 699734_701261 *STEP: (.) ⌈ Or on a raffle or ⌉ ⌈2 something ⌉2 . 701261_702682 *PATT: ⌊ Oh that's neat ⌋ . 701513_702236 *X: ⌊2 Oh ⌋2 . 702417_702682 *STEP: &=in So . 702682_703454 *PATT: (.) ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 703454_704277 *STEP: ⌊ we're going down ⌋ . 703717_704611 *PATT: They ⌉ can't get there [% laugh] . 704277_705266 *PATT: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 705266_705851 *STEP: Well it ⌈ gets +... 705851_706382 *PATT: ⌊ It's not funny ⌋ . 706070_706746 *STEP: I know 706382_706717 this ⌉ is just the beginning . 706717_707958 *X: (..) &=COUGH . 707958_708505 *STEP: So we're on mo- +/. 708505_709083 *STEP: We're o:n Hollywood Boulevard 709083_710379 we're looking at (..) &{l=VOX all ki:nds of interesting things &}l=VOX ? 710379_713154 *STEP: (.) &=in And we're like okay 713154_714289 we gotta turn around . 714289_714943 *STEP: So ⌈ we find ⌉ this +... 714943_715855 *X: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 715132_715565 *STEP: We had no: streets . 715855_716942 *STEP: That we could turn down 716942_717676 except for this o:ne alleyway . 717676_719353 *STEP: (..) So we turn down 719353_720815 &{l=@ in this dark alleyway &}l=@ 720815_722217 and we're ⌈ turning the car around . 722217_723362 *PATT: ⌊ Oh my god 722458_723243 good thing I didn't know this ⌋ . 723243_724317 *STEP: and we see all these people in ⌉ the alleyway 723362_724703 we're like 724703_724988 &=GASP 724988_725405 &{l=VOX get us out of here [% laugh] &}l=VOX . 725405_726490 *STEP: &=in She ba:cked up . 726490_727663 *STEP: (..) So we're going back 727663_728833 and we get to the (..) Hollywood Bowl 728833_730472 and we're stuck in traffic 730472_731354 &{l=X you know &}l=X 731354_731675 Sam's going 731675_732254 &{l=VOX &=in I hate LA 732254_733847 &=in I hate it &}l=VOX . 733847_735155 *STEP: &=in She's screaming 735155_736160 I:'m sitting there 736160_736866 and some guy's looking at us . 736866_738266 *STEP: And he keeps staring 738266_739217 and we're like &{l=VOX what are you looking at . 739217_740542 *STEP: &{l=@ We're just lo:st &}l=@ &}l=VOX . 740542_741568 *STEP: &=in &=lengthened (.) So 741568_742814 (.) we get back on the freeway 742814_744375 (..) we're like 744375_745001 sh- Sam's like 745001_745636 I know⌈: it was the ex⌉it ⌈2 before this one . 745636_747369 *X: ⌊ The big one ⌋ ? 746059_746487 *MAUR: ⌊2 Yeah . 746718_747133 *MAUR: Whatever you can reach up there . 747133_748372 *STEP: I know that was the one it was . 747369_748620 *MAUR: any one of them will do ⌋2 . 748372_749223 *STEP: okay 748620_748893 let's go ⌉2 . 748893_749223 *MAUR: there's one on the ⌈3 top that's fine . 749223_750683 *STEP: ⌊3 We go off the next ex⌋3it . 749816_751199 *MAUR: That's ⌉3 +... 750683_750952 *STEP: and we see this huge sign 751199_752378 ⌈ &{l=X that says &}l=X Universal ⌉ Studios . 752378_753562 *MAUR: ⌊ That'll be fine ⌋ . 752378_753079 *STEP: But there's (.) no arrow . 753562_754778 *MAUR: Ah [% laugh] . 754778_755016 *PATT: &=laugh &=ex ⌈ &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 755016_756156 *MAUR: ⌊ X X X ⌋ . 755252_756156 *STEP: ⌊ We're like 755252_755510 okay well 755510_756024 I ⌋ guess that means we just go out this road . 756024_757615 *MAUR: (.) Thank ⌈2 you ⌉2 . 757615_758211 *STEP: ⌊2 So we ⌋2 go ⌈3 up the road ⌉3 a while . 757975_759272 *X: ⌊3 You're welcome ⌋3 . 758358_758759 *STEP: (..) we're driving up this road and 759272_760979 (..) all of a sudden we see &{l=HI Warner &}l=HI Brothers Studios . 760979_763355 *STEP: A sign that says 763355_764293 (..) &{l=L city limits of Burbank &}l=L . 764293_766428 *STEP: (..) Looked at Sam I said 766428_768310 Sam 768310_768721 we're in Burbank . 768721_769645 *STEP: And she ⌈ goes ⌉ . 769645_770037 *X: ⌊ &=laugh &=ex ⌋ . 769832_770037 *STEP: &{l=@ &=in We're not supposed to be ⌈ here &}l=@ ⌉ . 770037_772775 *MAUR: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 772009_773136 *PATT: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 772009_773136 *STEP: Turn around . 773136_773911 *PATT: That's what ⌈ happens when you ⌉ let two seventeen-year-olds ⌈2 go off on ⌉2 a ⌈3 Friday night ⌉3 . 773911_777117 *STEP: ⌊ come back ⌋ . 774173_774745 *STEP: ⌊2 So ⌋2 776009_776405 ⌊3 now we ⌋3 ⌈4 go o⌉4ver . 776609_777906 *GAIL: ⌊4 &=laugh ⌋4 . 777117_777599 *STEP: and we see the sign that says Universal Studios 777906_779915 and we're like 779915_780135 &{l=HI well it ha:s &}l=HI to be around here &{l=HI somewhere &}l=HI 780135_781943 it's right here . 781943_782377 *STEP: &=in So ⌈ we go across ⌉ . 782377_783799 *GAIL: ⌊ Isn't that in Burbank ⌋ California ? 782823_784327 *GAIL: Universal ⌈2 Studios: ⌉2 ? 784327_785563 *MAUR: ⌊2 I thought it was ⌋2 in Bur⌈3bank ⌉3 . 784862_786023 *GAIL: ⌊3 Yeah⌋3:⌈4: ⌉4 . 785804_786368 *STEP: ⌊4 It ⌋4 (.) it's (..) outside 786204_787592 it's like right next to Burbank 787592_788944 (.) ⌈ but ⌉ . 788944_789255 *GAIL: ⌊ That's ⌋ 789060_789255 (.) that's where uh the Love Connection is ⌈2 &{l=X though &}l=X ⌉2 . 789255_791534 *STEP: ⌊2 We'll get ⌋2 to it . 790971_791851 *GAIL: ⌈3 My favorite show⌉3⌈4: ⌉4 . 791851_793587 *STEP: ⌊3 it's XX X ⌋3 . 791851_792948 *X: ⌊4 &=laugh ⌋4 . 792948_793587 *MAUR: &=laugh ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 793587_794730 *STEP: ⌊5 &=in No no ⌋5 793957_794779 I liked That's a More . 794730_796033 *ERIK: (..) &=in Yes 796033_796846 That's a More . 796846_797563 *MAUR: ⌈ Oh that one I don't know unfortunately ⌉ . 797563_799648 *STEP: ⌊ The one where like they bring in their infat- ⌋ +/. 797563_799648 *STEP: or 799648_799904 infatuation 799904_800742 when they bring in someone they're infatuated with 800742_802372 and they ask them out 802372_803135 and the person either she ts- +/. 803135_804241 *STEP: sh:- +/. 804241_804573 *STEP: like ⌈ turns them down or goes out with em ⌉ . 804573_806345 *GAIL: ⌊ Oh 804793_805168 that's that one guy ⌋ 805168_806345 (.) from the soap opera . 806345_807531 *GAIL: Dea:n ? 807531_808162 *STEP: (..) It's +... 808162_809035 *GAIL: ⌈ Dean from Another ⌉ World . 809035_810382 *STEP: ⌊ No 809035_809362 that that ⌋ +/. 809362_809940 *STEP: ⌈2 Yeah ⌉2 . 810382_811042 *GAIL: ⌊2 Is that it ⌋2 ? 810382_811042 *STEP: (.) &=in There's ⌈3 two . 811042_811857 *ERIK: ⌊3 No 811643_811857 that's another show ⌋3 . 811857_813096 *STEP: No 811857_812094 that's that's the ⌉3 ⌈4 new one ⌉4 . 812094_813638 *GAIL: ⌊4 Oh okay ⌋4 . 813096_813638 *MAUR: ⌊4 (.) Oh [% laugh] 813096_813492 &=laugh ⌋4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 813492_814618 *STEP: ⌊5 There's like eigh⌋5⌈6:t of em ⌉6 . 814004_815099 *ERIK: ⌊6 That's &=in ⌋6 yet another ⌈7 one ⌉7 . 814618_816307 *STEP: ⌊7 Well ⌋7 . 816007_816374 *PATT: ⌈8 Oh my God ⌉8 . 816374_817569 *STEP: ⌊8 so we're turning 816374_817293 and ⌋8 we see this pizza shop 817293_818490 and it's still &{l=X open &}l=X 818490_819201 and we're like 819201_819511 okay . 819511_819944 *STEP: (..) Go in 819944_820867 we'll ask him 820867_821560 since the sign's right across &{l=X here &}l=X . 821560_823034 *STEP: &=in We go in 823034_824180 and we're like 824180_824606 w- +/. 824606_824917 *STEP: (.) Excuse me 824917_825722 but do you know where Universal Studios . 825722_827267 *STEP: Well it said on a sign right there 827267_828486 we're just like well there's no arrow pointing . 828486_829693 *STEP: &=in He goes 829693_830134 &=in (.) yeah there is 830134_831295 (..) the &{l=F arrow &}l=F is the last three inches of the billboard . 831295_834878 *STEP: And it's &{l=MRC on the ground &}l=MRC . 834878_836315 *GAIL: (..) &=laugh &=ex . 836315_837288 *STEP: So there's a bush . 837288_838346 *STEP: (.) Covering this big yellow arrow . 838346_839885 *STEP: &{l=HI You couldn't see it &}l=HI . 839885_840682 *STEP: (.) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened We get to ⌉ Universal Studios . 840682_842719 *X: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 841065_841547 *STEP: it's t:en o'clock 842719_844038 (..) or no . 844038_844760 *STEP: It was +... 844760_845165 *PATT: (..) Nine thirty ⌈ I thought you said ⌉ . 845165_846509 *STEP: ⌊ It was 845938_846324 it was ⌋ nine forty five or something like that 846324_848359 and they closed at eleven . 848359_849561 *PATT: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 849561_850209 *GAIL: ⌈ Oh: no ⌉ . 850209_851221 *STEP: ⌊ We got on one ⌋ ri⌈2:de ⌉2 . 850209_851598 *PATT: ⌊2 They ⌋2 spent all [% laugh] night trying to get there . 851323_853362 *STEP: &=laugh &=in &=lengthened 853362_853945 &{l=@ We're on the way home 853945_854827 I was like &}l=@ 854827_855325 (.) &=laugh let's not take another detour . 855325_857032 *STEP: She's like 857032_857381 &{l=@ &=in Unh-unh &}l=@ . 857381_858465 *GAIL: &=laugh ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 858465_859011 *ERIK: ⌊ What did you ⌋ go on 858707_859719 while you were there then . 859719_860397 *STEP: We went on the Back to the Future ride . 860397_862155 *STEP: (..) Simulation . 862155_863477 *GENE: On ⌈ what ⌉ ? 863477_864060 *ERIK: ⌊ Oh ⌋ really . 863732_864427 *STEP: (.) Back to the Future ? 864427_865879 *MAUR: Sixteen thousand ⌈ gigahertz ⌉ . 865879_867571 *PATT: ⌊ That was Steph ⌋ ⌈2 anie's introd⌉2⌈3uction to LA California . 866817_870155 *ERIK: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 867571_868285 *MAUR: ⌊3 sixty-six thousand gigahertz or whatever it is X ⌋3 . 868285_870761 *PATT: It's a pret⌉3ty big ⌈4 place ⌉4 . 870155_871635 *STEP: ⌊4 It was ⌋4 ⌈5 fun ⌉5 . 871143_872329 *PATT: ⌊5 It's enor⌋5⌈6mous ⌉6 . 871635_872725 *ERIK: ⌊5 Yeah 871635_872143 oh⌋5⌊6: ⌋6 872143_872725 ⌈7 yeah ⌉7 . 872725_873177 *STEP: ⌊7 Oh I ⌋7 I +/. 872725_873425 *STEP: I almost ⌈8 got to ⌉8 +... 873425_874426 *GAIL: ⌊8 I don't ⌋8 think I'd want to take a wrong turn (.) there . 874095_875969 *ERIK: I wouldn't ⌈9 even X ⌉9 ⌈ X X⌉⌈2XXX ⌉2 . 875969_877887 *STEP: ⌊9 I drove ⌋9 ⌊ by the Gal⌋⌊2leria ⌋2 . 876226_877887 *PATT: ⌊ &{l=X No you don't &}l=X ⌋ +... 876629_877292 *STEP: (..) The: (.) Galle⌈3ria ⌉3 . 877875_879485 *ERIK: ⌊3 Mm ⌋3 879145_879485 mhm . 879485_880057 *STEP: We were gonna go to (.) the: Galleria 880057_882013 but we didn't get a cha:⌈:nce ⌉ . 882013_883581 *GAIL: ⌊ Did- you- ⌋ +... 883079_883581 *MAUR: Yeah 883581_884105 (..) ⌈ that's the ch- ⌉ +... 884105_884847 *GAIL: ⌊ There's the Galle⌋⌈2ria in Dallas ⌉2 . 884262_886344 *STEP: ⌊2 Sherwood &=SIC Oaks ⌋2 . 884847_886344 *STEP: (.) Sherwood &=SIC Oaks (..) Galleria . 886344_888394 *PATT: (..) You ⌈ wouldn't've had a⌉ny money left ⌈2 anyway ⌉2 ⌈3 probab- ⌉3 . 888394_890908 *MAUR: ⌊ We have uh ⌋ +/. 889269_889722 *MAUR: ⌊2 Roger ⌋2 ? 890327_890726 *ROGE: ⌊2 Where was th- ⌋2 +/. 890327_890726 *ROGE: ⌊3 ʔuh Where ⌋3 was this 890726_891475 I'm gonna take it off . 891475_892148 *STEP: ⌈ No ⌉ . 892148_892418 *ROGE: ⌊ X⌋⌈2XX ⌉2 +... 892148_892678 *MAUR: ⌊2 Okay ⌋2 . 892418_892910 *STEP: ⌊2 it's not ⌋2 that I h- needed money 892418_894077 it's the: Galleria . 894077_895412 *STEP: Every teenage film 895412_896919 &=in that has ever been filmed 896919_898529 (..) was filmed in (..) the: Galleria . 898529_900834 *GAIL: &=laugh &=ex ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 900834_901752 *STEP: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 901286_901553 *PATT: ⌊2 See I ⌋2 ⌈3 don't watch that stuff . 901553_902634 *STEP: ⌊3 Valley Gir:l ⌋3 . 901752_902938 *PATT: so I ⌉3 ⌈4 wasn't aware of that ⌉4 . 902634_903556 *STEP: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 902938_903556 *MAUR: ⌊4 Gail ⌋4 902938_903556 would you go⌈5: downstairs ⌉5 . 903556_905318 *STEP: ⌊5 X everything ⌋5 . 904222_905318 *MAUR: there are two bottles (.) of . 905318_906652 *ERIK: Wasn't ⌈ Fast Times at Ridgemont High (.) filmed there too ⌉ ? 906652_909134 *MAUR: ⌊ burgundy in the refrigerator 907066_908397 and bring up a roll of ⌋ ⌈2 paper towels . 908397_909902 *STEP: ⌊2 Fast Times at Ridgemont High: . 909134_911229 *MAUR: &{l=X since we're &}l=X 909902_910581 (.) um 910581_911217 &{l=X okay &}l=X ⌉2 . 911229_911509 *STEP: u⌋2:⌈3:m ⌉3 . 911229_912113 *GAIL: ⌊3 Okay ⌋3 . 911718_912113 *STEP: (..) Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventu:re 912113_915103 (..) everything . 915103_916656 *STEP: (.) The Galleria's like the biggest (..) filming (.) place in the world . 916656_920489 *STEP: (..) Oh and I found out where Grease was filmed . 920489_922792 *MAUR: (..) Oh yeah ? 922792_923861 *STEP: (..) It was filmed at 923861_925545 (..) um 925545_926434 Venice (..) High School . 926434_928102 *STEP: (..) In Venice California . 928102_930718 *STEP: (..) I got to see Venice High School . 930718_933056 *STEP: (..) So 933056_934019 (..) &{l=P &{l=X that was good &}l=X &}l=P . 934019_934832 *STEP: (..) &=tsk (..) It was fun . 934832_936401 *STEP: They filmed a movie at Oakland Catholic . 936401_938186 *ERIK: (..) X what . 938186_939482 *STEP: (..) They filmed a movie at Oakland Catholic . 939482_941259 *ERIK: What movie was this . 941259_942236 *STEP: (..) I don't know 942236_943106 but they filmed it 943106_943844 and there was this woman wearing a wedding dress and combat boots 943844_946497 and she was fighting with her lover outside 946497_948232 and they were filming ⌈ it . 948232_948970 *MAUR: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 948834_950270 *STEP: so 948970_949254 (.) &=in it it ⌉ was either Funniest Home Videos 949254_952013 or they were filming a ⌈2 fi- a movie . 952013_953610 *MAUR: ⌊2 &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 952851_954305 *STEP: we're not sure ⌉2 . 953610_954305 *ERIK: (.) O:kay⌈3: ⌉3 ? 954305_955549 *PATT: ⌊3 Steph⌋3anie said to me on Friday 955413_956665 this is an historic day . 956665_957965 *PATT: I started my first day as a senior . 957965_959862 *PATT: I said that is historic . 959862_961024 *X: &=laugh &=laugh . 961024_961319 *PATT: (..) This is the be⌈ginning of the end for me . 961319_963125 *STEP: ⌊ You get to make [% laugh] fun of freshmen [% laugh] ⌋ . 962067_964047 *PATT: if it ever comes ⌉ 963125_964047 the beginning of the end 964047_964997 (..) if it ever comes . 964997_966028 *STEP: (.) It comes Jan- +/. 966028_967269 *STEP: (.) June second 967269_968185 when I graduate 968185_969061 and I get my diploma &{l=MRC in ⌈ my hand &}l=MRC ⌉ . 969061_970793 *PATT: ⌊ Halle⌋⌈2lujah ⌉2 . 970221_971125 *ERIK: ⌊2 Next ⌋2 is the wedding . 970793_971899 *PATT: (..) Nev⌈3er . 971899_973071 *STEP: ⌊3 No . 972955_973276 *PATT: (.) Never ⌉3 . 973071_973666 *STEP: next is ⌋3 college gradu⌈4ation ⌉4 . 973276_974841 *PATT: ⌊4 I've married ⌋4 one daughter 974381_975361 that's enough . 975361_975933 *PATT: (.) That's enough . 975933_976564 *STEP: (.) No no 976564_977073 ⌈ You've gotta ⌉ go through two ⌈2 more ⌉2 . 977073_978312 *MAUR: ⌊ Alright ⌋ . 977073_977490 *MAUR: ⌊2 O⌋2kay 978056_978666 (..) u:m . 978666_979590 *STEP: (..) Cause t- ⌈ we: ⌉ +... 979590_981987 *MAUR: ⌊ Uh ⌋ . 981593_981987 *PATT: ⌊ You ⌋ guys can't get married 981593_982735 you have to elope . 982735_983328 *STEP: (..) ⌈ I'm not eloping . 983328_984825 *MAUR: ⌊ We need from- w- +... 984088_985082 *STEP: I got a big production ⌉ . 984825_985955 *MAUR: Stephanie 985082_985600 w- I ⌋ need you and Erika to carry chairs from the front porch 985600_988722 those four little white ones 988722_989923 and they'll stack 989923_990634 you can stack two to⌈gether . 990634_991886 *STEP: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 991600_992056 *MAUR: and ⌉ ⌈2 carry them around ⌉2 . 991886_992695 *PATT: ⌊2 They'll be good ⌋2 carriers . 992056_993378 *MAUR: (..) A:nd 993378_994444 I'll put this out 994444_995256 and we're ⌈ ready to eat ⌉ . 995256_996287 *PATT: ⌊ S:mells good ⌋ . 995444_996287 *ERIK: ⌈2 O⌉2kay . 996287_996886 *MAUR: ⌊2 So ⌋2 . 996287_996593 *GENE: (..) How are we ever gonna find a school for her . 996886_999341 *PATT: &=laugh &=lengthened . 999341_999647 *GAIL: (..) &=laugh &=lengthened . 999647_1001142 *PATT: (.) I'm gonna pray a lot . 1001142_1002221 *GAIL: (..) &=laugh &=lengthened . 1002221_1003139 *PATT: That she ⌈ makes (.) g⌉ood choices . 1003139_1004896 *GAIL: ⌊ Uh: ⌋ 1003443_1004058 (..) it'll work . 1004896_1005857 *PATT: She's (.) very opinionated . 1005857_1007352 *PATT: (..) And her dad's very patient with it 1007352_1009312 and I get ⌈ really h:y⌉per . 1009312_1010535 *GAIL: ⌊ XXX ⌋ 1009715_1010213 (..) After a while . 1010535_1011475 *GAIL: (..) But 1011475_1012272 (..) that's why I said you know 1012272_1014150 you can't (..) prejudge . 1014150_1015544 *GAIL: You have to go and 1015544_1016474 (.) feel and 1016474_1017249 (.) visit and (.) say 1017249_1018391 oh yeah well 1018391_1019068 ⌈ &=in and then keep a list ⌉ . 1019068_1020188 *MAUR: ⌊ Okay: ⌋ . 1019068_1020188 *PATT: Well this school has ⌈2 this good point ⌉2 . 1020188_1021631 *MAUR: ⌊2 Dinner's &{l=X serv⌋2⌈3ing &}l=X ⌉3 . 1020974_1022101 *PATT: ⌊3 and this ⌋3 ⌈4 bad point and then ⌉4 . 1021631_1022844 *DALE: ⌊3 You got any ⌋3 ⌊4 extra work for me ⌋4 ? 1021631_1022971 *PATT: &=in ⌈5 Then eventually one'll click in your mind ⌉5 . 1022971_1024779 *MAUR: ⌊5 XX (.) XX X X: ⌋5 . 1023106_1024744 *MAUR: ⌈6 I need someone to help Mom (.) out to the table ⌉6 . 1024744_1027480 *PATT: ⌊6 and you'll say after all XXX 1024744_1025889 you know 1025889_1026254 this is the one I really like the ⌋6 ⌈7 best . 1026254_1027730 *ROGE: ⌊7 XX XXX ⌋7 ? 1027402_1028289 *PATT: &=in Cause where ⌉7 Stephanie +/. 1027730_1028681 *PATT: (.) Where Amy expected to go she hated . 1028681_1030355 *PATT: (..) She hated the University of Minnesota . 1030355_1032047 *PATT: She went to Saint Bens and she loved it . 1032047_1033788 *PATT: (..) And she was happy ⌈ there . 1033788_1035740 *GAIL: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1035493_1036154 *PATT: You know you ⌉ don't know . 1035740_1036657 *PATT: You just uh 1036657_1037155 you know 1037155_1037514 so &{l=X I don't know how to &}l=X prejudge . 1037514_1038892 *PATT: (..) I'm just gonna hold my breath . 1038892_1041446 *PATT: &=in (..) For the next six [% laugh] months [% laugh] 1041446_1042996 I'm gonna hold my breath . 1042996_1043899 *GAIL: &=laugh 1043899_1044311 (..) That works . 1044311_1046436 *GAIL: (.) Right ? 1046436_1046854 *PATT: (..) &=in I don't know 1046854_1048338 I could die from holding my breath . 1048338_1049882 *GAIL: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉ . 1049882_1051140 *PATT: ⌊ Then I wouldn't have this ⌋ problem though 1050192_1051637 Uncle &{l=@ John would have it . 1051637_1052871 *PATT: So ⌈ I won't have to do this &}l=@ ⌉ . 1052871_1053827 *GAIL: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1053086_1053817 *PATT: Maybe that's 1053817_1054251 not such a bad idea . 1054251_1055208 *PATT: &=in Hold my breath 1055208_1055967 then he has to deal with it . 1055967_1056987 *GAIL: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1056987_1058387 *ROGE: (..) Here I am 1058387_1060270 see if she⌈'s X ⌉ +... 1060270_1061093 *PATT: ⌊ But I am ⌋ getting better . 1060688_1061568 *PATT: I've been laying down . 1061568_1062595 *MAUR: ⌈ Well Dale will help her ⌉ . 1062595_1063743 *PATT: ⌊ I've been putting my foot ⌋ down ⌈2 on things like . 1062595_1064734 *ROGE: ⌊2 See if she trusts a ⌋2 drunk . 1064012_1065427 *PATT: you know ⌉2 1064734_1064977 (.) cause Stephanie has ⌈3 futzed around with her health ⌉3 ⌈4 class . 1065427_1067689 *MAUR: ⌊3 Let Dale help her please ⌋3 . 1065979_1067373 *ROGE: ⌊4 No: ⌋4 . 1067373_1067972 *PATT: and hasn't ⌉4 had it yet . 1067689_1068457 *PATT: (..) You can't graduate without health . 1068457_1069835 *GAIL: Oh: . 1069835_1070360 *PATT: (..) She- I got her schedule Tuesday night 1070360_1072301 when I went to the meeting 1072301_1072836 and I said 1072836_1073238 (..) kiddo 1073238_1073723 you go ⌈ to school tomorrow ⌉ . 1073723_1074764 *ROGE: ⌊ Ooh that looks ⌋ good . 1074005_1075166 *PATT: and you get this health class arranged 1075166_1076468 if you bring ⌈ it home ⌉ . 1076468_1077446 *ROGE: ⌊ &{l=X I'm fine &}l=X ⌋ . 1076927_1077446 *PATT: (.) She said well I can do it next semester 1077446_1078790 I said no . 1078790_1079351 *PATT: (..) You're not . 1079351_1080201 *PATT: (..) You're doing it now . 1080201_1081234 *PATT: Cause you and I aren't gonna cry next February 1081234_1082927 cause it doesn't fit in your schedule 1082927_1084166 and you ⌈ can't graduate ⌉ . 1084166_1085069 *GAIL: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh . 1084294_1085237 *PATT: &{l=F &{l=MRC You do it now &}l=MRC &}l=F . 1085237_1086433 *PATT: Oh I w- +/. 1086433_1086792 *PATT: I was ⌈ really emph⌉atic . 1086792_1087882 *MAUR: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 1087169_1087606 *PATT: I ⌈2 said . 1087882_1088182 *MAUR: ⌊2 Get those people in here ⌋2 . 1088075_1089485 *PATT: ʔdon't come home until it's ⌉2 scheduled . 1088182_1089859 *ROGE: Hey Ma ⌈3 you ready to go ⌉3 ? 1089859_1090993 *PATT: ⌊3 So she came home ⌋3 Friday 1090220_1091295 and she says 1091295_1091702 oh ⌈ Mom . 1091702_1092229 *ROGE: ⌊ You have to go to the ⌋ pot ? 1092035_1092975 *PATT: she said ⌉ 1092229_1092644 I have good news for you . 1092975_1093878 *PATT: And I thought 1093878_1094248 yeah 1094248_1094494 sure you do . 1094494_1094915 *PATT: ⌈ I said ⌉ . 1094915_1095253 *ROGE: ⌊ You gotta ⌋ go to the pot ? 1094915_1095860 *PATT: I ⌈2 said . 1095860_1096183 *GENE: ⌊2 I just did ⌋2 . 1096031_1096844 *PATT: (.) she kept saying ⌉2 1096183_1096942 you 1096942_1097175 you're gonna ⌈ be so ⌉ pleased with me . 1097175_1098199 *ROGE: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 1097498_1097764 *PATT: And I said 1098199_1098616 well ? 1098616_1098959 *PATT: (.) And she said 1098959_1099521 &=in I got health on my schedule . 1099521_1101110 *PATT: For this semester and I said 1101110_1102099 &=GASP &=lengthened 1102099_1102698 (..) she says I went and I talked about it 1102698_1104129 and then the teacher 1104129_1104705 I went to see the teacher and he said 1104705_1105559 she can't take it 1105559_1106053 cause there's only thirty-seven chairs 1106053_1107059 and I said you can carry your own . 1107059_1108200 *GAIL: (.) &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1108200_1109176 *PATT: ⌊ You tell her ⌋ 1108765_1109176 you're gonna be there 1109176_1109711 cause it's on the schedule 1109711_1110458 and if you have to carry your own chair 1110458_1111361 you're gonna be there 1111361_1111852 because you're gonna do it now 1111852_1112824 and next semester that it's like 1112824_1114037 not hanging over your head . 1114037_1115031 *PATT: (..) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 1115031_1115961 *MAUR: ⌊ Dale ⌋ will you ⌈2 help Mom out ⌉2 . 1115669_1117052 *PATT: ⌊2 &{l=X She goes Sam was like &}l=X ⌋2 1116239_1117052 (.) ⌈3 oh don't ⌉3 worry . 1117052_1117753 *GAIL: ⌊3 &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋3 . 1117240_1117578 *PATT: ⌈4 no sweat ⌉4 Mom . 1117753_1118278 *MAUR: ⌊4 XX ⌋4 ? 1117753_1118107 *PATT: I'll do it 1118278_1118565 you know what I ⌈ mean ? 1118565_1119170 *GAIL: ⌊ Oh: . 1118882_1119413 *PATT: &=in &=lengthened ⌉ . 1119170_1119651 *GAIL: like ⌋ Robert . 1119413_1120124 *PATT: Yes 1120124_1120458 ⌈ yes . 1120458_1120830 *GAIL: ⌊ Okay [% laugh] ⌋ . 1120458_1121256 *PATT: oh it's ⌉ scary . 1120830_1121542 *PATT: And I said 1121542_1121997 (.) &=in you will . 1121997_1122934 *PATT: (..) &{l=PAR I lost my bracelet . 1122934_1124456 *PATT: It's under your foot &}l=PAR . 1124456_1125039 *PATT: (.) &=in And I said 1125039_1125920 ⌈ and . 1125920_1126252 *MAUR: ⌊ Chairs ⌋ . 1125996_1126422 *PATT: if ⌋ you wanna go out tonight 1126252_1127376 you're not getting my keys to my car 1127376_1128764 until we finish this conversation . 1128764_1130008 *GAIL: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1130008_1130532 *PATT: ⌊ I got ⌋ ⌈2 really nasty ⌉2 . 1130008_1131024 *ROGE: ⌊2 &{l=X Now I'm not worried ⌋2 I'm &}l=X ⌈3 forgetting my ⌉3 ⌈4 shoe:s ⌉4 . 1130532_1132283 *GAIL: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 1131164_1131592 ⌊4 Yeah ⌋4 . 1131592_1132036 *PATT: ⌊4 But she w⌋4ent the next day and she did it . 1131592_1133250 *PATT: (..) I thought 1133250_1133742 ⌈ okay . 1133742_1134074 *GAIL: ⌊ Well that's good . 1133742_1134695 *PATT: just keep doing it X &{l=X baby &}l=X . 1134074_1135500 *GAIL: she's learning . 1134695_1135480 *GAIL: Right ⌋ ? 1135480_1135856 *PATT: just keep ⌋ do- +/. 1135500_1136043 *PATT: She's learning 1136043_1136570 I mean it . 1136570_1137016 *PATT: I mean business . 1137016_1137857 *ROGE: Go out ⌈ this way ⌉ ? 1137857_1138606 *GAIL: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh Yeah ⌋ . 1138046_1138570 *PATT: (..) I don't know which way's better ⌈2 for her to go out ⌉2 . 1138570_1142492 *ROGE: ⌊2 What's the best way ⌋2 . 1141470_1142425 *GAIL: (.) ⌈3 That ⌉3 way . 1142425_1143131 *PATT: ⌊3 I ⌋3 +/. 1142627_1142846 *PATT: (..) That way ? 1143131_1143802 *GAIL: (..) Even ⌈ though you have to walk a little further . 1143802_1145783 *PATT: ⌊ Yeah 1144207_1144486 maybe 1144486_1144825 cause of the railing 1144825_1145787 hunh ⌋ . 1145787_1146141 *GAIL: because ⌉ there's rai⌈2lings . 1145783_1146923 *PATT: ⌊2 Can I carry something ⌋2 ? 1146676_1147793 *GAIL: and they're not as +/. 1146923_1147447 *GAIL: Yes ⌉2 1147447_1147793 that ⌈3 can go out ⌉3 . 1147793_1148471 *PATT: ⌊3 This ⌋3 ? 1147941_1148471 *PATT: Out to the big table . 1148471_1149509 *PATT: Right ? 1149509_1149782 *ROGE: (..) &{l=X You walk the grass &}l=X . 1149782_1156479 *ROGE: (..) Here . 1156479_1158662 *GENE: (..) Well we've gotta XXX . 1158662_1160722 *GENE: (..) I'm slow . 1160722_1162004 *ROGE: (..) What ? 1162004_1162477 *MAUR: (..) Take your ti:me . 1162477_1167018 *ROGE: (..) Yeah 1167018_1168396 no hurry . 1168396_1169054 *ROGE: (..) Let me get in front . 1169054_1170466 @End