@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: ENV ENV Environment, REBE REBECCA Speaker, RICK RICKIE Speaker, ARNO ARNOLD Speaker, ALL ALL Speaker, JUNE JUNE Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ENV|||||Environment||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|REBE|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|RICK|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ARNO|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ALL|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|JUNE|||||Speaker||| @Media: 08, audio @Comment: Tell the Jury That @Comment: Task related interaction--an attorney preparing two witnesses to testify in a criminal trial. Recorded in San Francisco, California. Rebecca is a lawyer, June and Rickie are the witnesses, and Arnold is Rickie's husband. *ENV: &=DOOR_OPENS &{n=TALK . 0_3400 *REBE: &{n=FOOTSTEPS Okay . 3400_4100 *REBE: (..) &=SNIFF U:m . 4100_5850 *ENV: &=DOOR_CLOSES . 5850_7400 *REBE: The +/. 7400_7800 *REBE: (..) The way that your testimony is &}n=FOOTSTEPS coming in 7800_10150 (..) I don't know if I explained this to you o⌈n the ph⌉one . 10150_12010 *RICK: ⌊ Hm-m ⌋ . 11500_11750 *REBE: is 12010_12410 &=in &=lengthened when a person &=ex is charged with multiple crimes 12410_15610 &=ex &=lengthened (.) a:nd 15610_16560 u:m 16560_17160 (.) there (.) are other incidences 17160_18860 where he: acted in the same way ? 18860_20560 *RICK: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 20560_21130 *REBE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ When we have to prove 20560_22290 in this case we have to prove specific intent . 22290_24740 *ENV: &}n=TALK 24740_24740 (..) to: expose himself to a person 24740_27190 (.) for sexual arousal . 27190_28290 *ENV: &=in . 28290_28540 *RICK: &{l=P Mm &}l=P . 28540_28840 *REBE: U:m 28840_29340 (.) when we have to prove something like specific intent 29340_31990 &=in um 31990_32840 or we have to prove identity . 32840_34340 *REBE: (..) Because he's disputing identity in a coup- +/. 34340_36440 *REBE: in (..) at least one of the cases . 36440_38140 *RICK: ⌈ Hm ⌉ . 38140_38490 *REBE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=lengthened U:m &=ex &=lengthened 38140_40600 then 40600_41150 w:e are allowed to bring in 41150_42650 (..) prior similar conduct . 42650_44570 *REBE: (..) U:m 44570_45470 (.) where he acted in (.) a 45470_47370 (.) an identical way 47370_48820 or where the victims were in a similar situation . 48820_51470 *RICK: ⌈ Okay ⌉ . 51470_51880 *REBE: ⌊ Things like ⌋ that 51470_52240 &=in That's why we're able to have you come in and testify . 52240_54890 *RICK: Okay . 54890_55290 *REBE: Okay 55290_55890 &=in (.) U:m 55890_56940 (..) the cases that we have 56940_58540 (..) already 58540_59800 (.) are 59800_60300 um 60300_60750 (.) one happened back in October of nineteen ninety 60750_63250 (..) &=in . 63250_63700 *RICK: ⌈ Alright ⌉ . 63700_64170 *REBE: ⌊ and it ⌋ happened on BART 63700_65030 (.) and it's almost a carbon copy of ⌈2 your case ⌉2 . 65030_67280 *RICK: ⌊2 Well I've ⌋2 made two 66750_68000 (..) one a year from 68000_69450 (..) almost a year from the 69450_71250 (.) uh police report . 71250_72350 *REBE: I saw that in your report . 72350_73680 *REBE: I haven't seen the other re⌈port ⌉ . 73680_75250 *RICK: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ 74800_75250 I made that one through: 75250_76750 &=in matter of fact it was just (.) over the phone 76750_78630 and they never called me back or anything 78630_80180 and a year later it happened again . 80180_81950 *REBE: ⌈ Okay ⌉ . 81950_82330 *RICK: ⌊ &=in a⌋:nd 81950_82650 then that's when they made the report 82650_84050 and said they were gonna do something about it &=ex . 84050_85800 *REBE: (.) Okay . 85800_86150 *RICK: (.) S:o it hap⌈pened around +... 86150_87950 *REBE: ⌊ So you can testify to ⌋ two of ⌈2 em ⌉2 . 87050_88800 *RICK: ʔuh ⌉ +... 87950_88300 *RICK: ⌊2 Yeah⌋2: . 88550_88920 *REBE: That's why I had you come up 88920_90050 becau⌈se: ⌉ . 90050_90750 *RICK: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 90450_90750 *REBE: (..) u:m 90750_91550 (..) that's great . 91550_92900 *RICK: Yeah &=ex . 92900_93500 *REBE: &=in Um 93500_94100 I mean not for you [% laugh] 94100_94750 ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 94750_95620 *RICK: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=in ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 94750_96420 *REBE: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 ⌈3 but ⌉3 . 96020_96770 *ARNO: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 96420_97790 *RICK: ⌊4 Mhm ⌋4 . 97170_97790 *REBE: ⌊4 for us ⌋4 . 97170_97790 *ALL: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 97790_99340 *REBE: &=in U:m 99340_100690 (.) &=tsk (..) i- +/. 100690_101840 *REBE: in our first case 101840_103090 (.) Amelia Gonzalez 103090_104340 (.) um 104340_104940 (..) that uh 104940_105590 that happened back in ninety . 105590_106790 *REBE: And she was seated aʔ- in the rear of the train . 106790_108940 *RICK: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 108940_109260 *REBE: ⌊ which ⌋ (.) you were . 108940_109650 *RICK: ⌈2 Mhm ⌉2 . 109650_110040 *REBE: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 u:m 109650_110840 (..) nobody else was around 110840_112490 (..) and he: sort of walked up and ⌈ down the train ⌉ . 112490_115440 *RICK: ⌊ Down the ais⌋le 114610_115660 (.) ⌈2 Mhm ⌉2 . 115660_116160 *REBE: ⌊2 checked every⌋2thing ou⌈3t ⌉3 . 115760_116830 *RICK: ⌊3 Y⌋3eah . 116730_117160 *REBE: (..) and then sat dow⌈4n ⌉4 . 117160_118660 *RICK: ⌊4 M⌋4hm . 118510_118960 *REBE: (.) put the newspaper on his lap . 118960_120110 *RICK: Y⌈eah ⌉ . 120110_120430 *REBE: ⌊ mas⌋turbated 120240_120690 and then lifted the paper ⌈2 up ⌉2 . 120690_121790 *RICK: ⌊2 Yeah⌋2: . 121590_121890 *REBE: (.) for her to see . 121890_122590 *REBE: (..) &=tsk And she saw it 122590_124140 (.) in the (.) the re⌈flection . 124140_125490 *RICK: ⌊ n- n- +/. 125160_125490 *RICK: &{l=X Oh &}l=X 125490_125790 the mirror ⌋ . 125790_126340 *REBE: &=in cause she was ⌉ looking ⌈2 out the window . 125490_127240 *RICK: ⌊2 That's how I did it too ⌋2 . 126610_127810 *REBE: saying I don't want ⌉2 to s⌈3ee this ⌉3 . 127240_128360 *RICK: ⌊3 Cause I didn't ⌋3 want to see him 127950_129080 so I looked this way 129080_129930 and you can see it . 129930_130880 *REBE: (..) Right . 130880_131230 *RICK: You know . 131230_131630 *REBE: Cause it turns into the ⌈ mirror ⌉ effect . 131630_133270 *RICK: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ 132500_132900 ⌈2 mhm ⌉2 . 133270_133700 *REBE: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 And he was just sort of staring at her 133270_135580 (.) and lifting up ⌈3 the paper ⌉3 . 135580_136980 *RICK: ⌊3 Yeah 136330_136580 mhm ⌋3 . 136580_136980 *REBE: &=in &=lengthened U:m 136980_138330 (..) so 138330_139130 (.) ⌈ anyway ⌉ . 139130_139880 *RICK: ⌊ Exact⌋ly . 139350_140000 *RICK: ⌈2 ʔuh &=ex ⌉2 . 140000_140520 *REBE: ⌊2 it c- ⌋2 +/. 140000_140520 *REBE: it's a carbon copy . 140520_141520 *RICK: Yeah . 141520_141720 *REBE: (.) a:nd 141720_142320 (.) um 142320_142720 in that case he's 142720_143720 (.) &=in ʔuhʔuh he sits through all the testimony 143720_145970 and he just sort of shakes his head 145970_147420 and makes these big gasps 147420_148770 like 148770_149020 &=in you know 149020_149520 we're creating this whole thing ag⌈ainst ⌉ him . 149520_151520 *RICK: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 150970_151270 *REBE: &=in U:⌈2m ⌉2 . 151520_152870 *ARNO: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh &=laugh . 152490_153540 *REBE: and then with ⌈3 June ⌉3 . 153540_154690 *ARNO: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 . 154210_154690 *REBE: (.) um 154690_155090 the woman that just walked ou:t . 155090_156200 *RICK: Unhunh . 156200_156490 *REBE: u:m 156490_156990 (..) &=in she was riding on BART 156990_158690 (.) and 158690_159190 (..) he came and sat near her 159190_161040 (..) she moved 161040_162240 (..) he moved to get closer to her 162240_164040 (.) &=in she moved again 164040_165390 (.) and he moved directly oppo⌈site her ⌉ . 165390_167240 *RICK: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 166710_167240 *REBE: and then started masturbating . 167240_168590 *REBE: &=in . 168590_168890 *RICK: Yeah . 168890_169190 *REBE: (.) So . 169190_169740 *RICK: (..) &=in &{l=X well &}l=X see 169740_170690 (.) what it is 170690_171170 it seems like he wants &{l=X someone &}l=X more scary: 171170_173790 (..) yʔʔ- I don't kno:w 173790_174990 cause 174990_175340 &=in &=lengthened (..) he would walk up and down the aisles 175340_177340 there was women on the other side 177340_178740 too 178740_179040 but they'd look like 179040_179990 you know 179990_180190 you wouldn't mess with em 180190_181190 but if you're sitting there 181190_182340 you know 182340_182540 trying to mind your own business 182540_183790 ⌈ or: ⌉ . 183790_184190 *REBE: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 183790_184190 *RICK: (.) look like you can intimidate someone 184190_186140 you ⌈ know ⌉ . 186140_186520 *REBE: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 186260_186520 *RICK: I i- +... 186520_186840 *ARNO: ⌈ X ⌉ . 186840_187050 *RICK: ⌊ that's ⌋ what it look like . 186840_187940 *REBE: (.) &=in I think that's 187940_188800 I think he he finds somebody that's isolated . 188800_191040 *RICK: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 191040_191420 *REBE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=lengthened a:nd he: (.) goes for a certain age group 191040_194030 ⌈2 I think ⌉2 . 194030_194560 *RICK: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 194030_194560 *REBE: &=in (.) U:m 194560_195910 (.) a:nd 195910_196610 you know like ʔuhʔuh 196610_197410 for some reason I think he likes students 197410_199660 ⌈ or people ⌉ who look like stud⌈2ents: ⌉2 . 199660_201330 *RICK: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ . 199660_200090 *RICK: ⌊2 Mhm ⌋2 . 200990_201330 *REBE: (.) So 201330_202030 (.) &=in &=lengthened anyway 202030_203480 (.) okay 203480_204580 (.) u:m 204580_205080 (.) did you: 205080_205830 (..) as far as your 205830_207730 (..) um 207730_208280 (..) mileage &{n=STAPLE} goes . 208280_209630 *REBE: (..) ⌈ What would did ⌉ +... 209630_211230 *RICK: ⌊ Oh how much w⌋as it . 210380_211480 *ARNO: Hundred and thirty: 211480_212630 s- I don't know . 212630_213580 *REBE: (..) Okay . 213580_214230 *RICK: (..) And we got the um 214230_215930 (..) &{l=P that ticket &{l=X (..) for our &}l=X X &}l=P ? 215930_219530 *REBE: (.) Parking &=ex ? 219530_220130 *RICK: Yeah . 220130_220530 *REBE: Okay . 220530_220830 *RICK: (..) They moved the ga:te or something ? 220830_222980 *RICK: (..) The 222980_223680 how to [% laugh] get in the parking [% laugh] lot [% laugh] 223680_225130 (..) &=in &=ex cause it used to be on 225130_227230 ⌈ X ⌉ . 227230_227680 *REBE: ⌊ Oh y⌋eah⌈2: ⌉2 . 227230_228000 *RICK: ⌊2 Y⌋2eah⌈3: ⌉3 . 227850_228450 *REBE: ⌊3 Bec⌋3ause they built (.) this bui⌈4lding ⌉4 . 228200_229900 *RICK: ⌊4 Oh⌋4: . 229650_230180 *RICK: ⌈5 See &=laugh &=laugh . 230180_230900 *REBE: ⌊5 That's where the 230180_230800 yeah ⌋5 . 230800_231250 *RICK: we had to ⌉5 get back all the way on the ⌈6 freeway . 230900_232850 *REBE: ⌊6 &=tsk &=in Oh: no: ⌋6 . 232220_233670 *RICK: and I was like 232850_233370 &{l=Q oh ⌉6 God 233370_234020 (.) there was a door here before 234020_235390 a entrance &}l=Q 235390_236070 you know . 236070_236570 *REBE: ⌈ Yeah: ⌉ . 236570_237070 *RICK: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ I couldn't find it . 236570_238120 *REBE: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 238120_238820 *RICK: ⌊2 but uh [% laugh] ⌋2 238370_238820 we found it . 238820_239470 *REBE: (.) &=in Um 239470_240370 (..) &=in oh okay . 240370_243110 *REBE: Do you know how much it's gonna be ? 243110_244440 *RICK: (..) Oh no 244440_245190 not yet . 245190_245640 *REBE: Okay . 245640_246390 *REBE: &=in U:m 246390_247740 (.) do you guys have the cash to pay for it right now ? 247740_249850 *REBE: (..) When you- to get out ? 249850_251250 *RICK: (.) Yeah ⌈ I ⌉ think so . 251250_252200 *ARNO: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 251550_251750 *RICK: ⌈2 Yeah ⌉2 . 252200_252650 *REBE: ⌊2 Okay ⌋2 . 252200_252650 *REBE: &=in Then what I'll do (.) is 252650_254600 (..) when +/. 254600_255050 *REBE: (.) you can +/. 255050_255500 *REBE: (.) I'll call you and ⌈ find out ⌉ . 255500_257000 *RICK: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 256450_257000 *REBE: (.) &=in What I have to do is 257000_258330 submit all of this to our accounting department . 258330_260080 *RICK: ⌈ Okay ⌉ . 260080_260400 *REBE: ⌊ and they ⌋ give you (..) the 260080_261240 (.) they'll mail you the (.) reimbursement . 261240_262790 *RICK: Okay . 262790_263140 *REBE: &=in So you guys hang on to ⌈ that . 263140_264540 *RICK: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 264240_264590 *REBE: s⌉⌈2o you ca⌉2n get out . 264540_265360 *ARNO: ⌊2 Okay ⌋2 . 264590_264890 *RICK: Alright . 265360_265620 *REBE: And then 265620_266010 (..) &=in I imagine it will be about (.) five dollars ⌈ or so ⌉ . 266010_269060 *RICK: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 268580_269060 *REBE: &=in &=lengthened U:m &=ex 269060_271160 (.) so . 271160_271760 *REBE: &{n=PAPERS (..) a hundred and thirty: 271760_273510 (.) about a hundred and thirty five you think ? 273510_274880 *ARNO: Yeah⌈: ⌉ . 274880_275280 *RICK: ⌊ M ⌋ hm . 275120_275540 *REBE: Okay . 275540_276040 *REBE: (..) So round trip it'll be like (.) t⌈wo seve⌉nty . 276040_278750 *RICK: ⌊ two si- ⌋ +/. 277990_278490 *RICK: Yeah . 278750_279040 *REBE: (..) &}n=PAPERS &{n=WRITING . 279040_284300 *RICK: (..) &=SNIFF . 284300_284850 *REBE: (..) That's from Salinas ? 284850_287850 *RICK: (..) Mhm: . 287850_288350 *RICK: (..) &=SNIFF . 288350_296550 *REBE: (..) &}n=WRITING 296550_300000 &=in Do you go by Rickie Reeding- R- Reeding Rollins 300000_302820 or do you (.) just go by Rickie Rollins . 302820_304500 *RICK: (..) Uh R- +/. 304500_305300 *RICK: u:m 305300_305750 (.) well my name is Regina 305750_306950 I just go by Rick⌈ie: ⌉ . 306950_308350 *REBE: ⌊ Okay⌋: . 308020_308430 *RICK: uh I don't know if you have to put my (..) Regina in there⌈2: ⌉2 . 308430_311100 *REBE: ⌊2 Y⌋2eah ⌈3 proba⌉3b- . 311000_311730 *RICK: ⌊3 um i- ⌋3 +/. 311190_311640 *RICK: Regina Rollins is fine 311730_313130 i⌈t doesn⌉'t matter . 313130_314050 *REBE: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 313210_313430 *REBE: ⌈2 Okay ⌉2 . 314050_314230 *RICK: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 Whatever is easier for you guys . 314050_315510 *RICK: (.) &=SNIFF . 315510_316510 *REBE: (..) You guys newly married ? 316510_318610 *RICK: (..) Well ⌈ just a year ⌉ . 318610_320060 *ARNO: ⌊ A yea:r (.) ⌋ two days ago . 319210_320560 *RICK: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉ &=lengthened . 320560_322010 *REBE: ⌊ Oh great ⌋ . 320930_321680 *ARNO: (.) &=laugh &=laugh . 322010_322360 *REBE: (..) Soon you'll be in my condition . 322360_324680 *RICK: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 324680_325460 *REBE: ⌊ which is p⌋regnant . 325110_325760 *RICK: ⌈2 Aw really ? 325760_326410 *ARNO: ⌊2 &=ex A:w [% laugh] ⌋2 . 325760_326630 *REBE: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 325760_326630 *RICK: Con⌉2⌈3grat⌉3ulations . 326410_327270 *REBE: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 326630_326780 *RICK: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈4 &=in ⌉4 &=laugh . 327270_328390 *REBE: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh Thanks ⌋4 . 327490_328180 *REBE: &=in ⌈5 &=lengthened ⌉5 Okay . 328390_329490 *RICK: ⌊5 &=in ⌋5 . 328570_329040 *REBE: (..) Let's just go through 329490_331340 (.) um 331340_331690 Iʔ- I have your statement 331690_333040 but I just want to (.) have you tell me . 333040_334790 *RICK: O⌈kay ⌉ . 334790_335130 *REBE: ⌊ what ⌋ happened . 334930_335720 *RICK: Alright &=ex . 335720_336270 *REBE: (..) &=tsk U:⌈m ⌉ . 336270_338150 *RICK: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 337770_338150 *REBE: (..) do you remember the date ? 338150_342650 *RICK: (..) N:o . 342650_344150 *REBE: (..) Okay . 344150_344750 *REBE: (.) Because I'll be 344750_345700 (..) &=in &=lengthened &{l=VOX saying to you &}l=VOX &=ex 345700_349400 (..) &{l=Q do you reca:ll 349400_351340 o:n August twelfth 351340_352350 (.) nineteen ninety two &}l=Q . 352350_353300 *RICK: Okay . 353300_353600 *REBE: Okay 353600_353950 &=in and it was about one o'clock ? 353950_355700 *RICK: Mhm . 355700_356250 *REBE: Okay . 356250_356600 *REBE: (..) So 356600_358550 (..) first of all 358550_359550 &=in where did you get on BART . 359550_361150 *RICK: (.) &{l=X A:t &}l=X Oakland . 361150_362300 *REBE: (.) Okay . 362300_362900 *REBE: And where were you going . 362900_363900 *RICK: (..) U:m 363900_364990 (.) to the doctor's 364990_365690 (.) in San Francisco . 365690_366390 *RICK: (..) San Francisco . 366390_367190 *REBE: (.) &=in A:nd 367190_368470 u:m 368470_368940 (..) when you got on BART 368940_370950 (.) &=in I'll ask you to: (..) describe where you sat 370950_374700 (..) ⌈ on the tr⌉ain . 374700_375600 *RICK: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 374850_375350 *REBE: and let me show you 375600_376450 (.) &=in um 376450_377250 (.) what I have 377250_378000 &=in (..) This is a (.) diagram (.) of (..) the interior of BART . 378000_386550 *RICK: Mhm . 386550_387020 *REBE: (..) Okay looking at that 387020_388950 these are the b:acks of the seats . 388950_390500 *RICK: Yeah . 390500_390750 *REBE: So facing that way 390750_391850 &=in okay ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 391850_393250 *RICK: ⌊ O⌋kay . 393070_393420 *REBE: U:m 393420_394170 (..) can you +/. 394170_395350 *REBE: &=in . 395350_395950 *RICK: (..) U:m 395950_396750 (..) that's the (.) train . 396750_398870 *RICK: Right ? 398870_399120 *REBE: Right . 399120_399440 *RICK: &=tsk &=in &{l=% uʔ That seat right there 399440_400990 I always sit going backwards . 400990_402490 *RICK: (.) I have: &}l=% +... 402490_403240 *REBE: Okay so the train was tra⌈veling that way ⌉ . 403240_404990 *RICK: ⌊ Yeah un⌋hunh . 404380_405340 *REBE: Okay . 405340_405840 *REBE: (..) So 405840_406340 (..) &=in u:m . 406340_407570 *RICK: &{l=@ And it's hard to describe how 407570_408890 so: &}l=@ 408890_409240 &=laugh &=laugh 409240_409650 yeah . 409650_410070 *RICK: I was sitting backwards in the back seat . 410070_411670 *REBE: (.) Okay . 411670_412270 *REBE: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 412270_412670 *RICK: ⌊ The very ⌋ end seat . 412270_413270 *REBE: A:nd 413270_413920 (.) when he came in 413920_414970 (.) when (.) where was he when you first saw him (.) c⌈ome in ⌉ . 414970_417380 *RICK: ⌊ ʔuh H⌋e got on the trai:n o:n like 417100_419020 &=THROAT I think Twelfth Street or something ? 419020_421210 *RICK: in (.) &=in Oakland ? 421210_422660 *RICK: &=in &{l=VOX And like in a 422660_424360 (..) let me see &}l=VOX . 424360_426260 *RICK: (..) Okay . 426260_430980 *RICK: (..) He got on another car . 430980_432080 *RICK: (..) But you can +/. 432080_433330 *RICK: I (.) I seen him 433330_434330 because I seen him a year ago . 434330_435530 *REBE: Unhunh . 435530_435840 *RICK: &=in So I seen him when the 435840_437380 (..) you know how the trai:n goe:s 437380_438820 and you can see everybody out the window 438820_440170 &=in well he got in another: (.) door . 440170_442120 *REBE: O⌈kay ⌉ . 442120_442460 *RICK: ⌊ An⌋d he came through here . 442260_443540 *REBE: Okay . 443540_444190 *REBE: (.) Alright . 444190_444630 *REBE: (.) So he came through he⌈re . 444630_445840 *RICK: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 445650_446040 *REBE: when he ⌉ came through here 445840_446940 (.) &=in did he look at you at all ? 446940_448340 *RICK: M⌈hm ⌉ . 448340_448650 *REBE: ⌊ Ini⌋tially ? 448440_449040 *RICK: Yeah . 449040_449440 *REBE: What did he do . 449440_450340 *RICK: Just loo:ked: 450340_451650 he ⌈ had a ⌉ +... 451650_452050 *REBE: ⌊ Did he s⌋top walking ? 451750_452850 *RICK: n: 452850_453650 just kinda &=in loo:ked 453650_455650 (.) and then loo:ked 455650_457150 and then (.) &=in walked . 457150_458750 *REBE: (.) ⌈ Okay ⌉ . 458750_459300 *RICK: ⌊ And ⌋ then he kept walking . 458870_459720 *RICK: ⌈2 &{l=X Yeah &}l=X ⌉2 . 459720_460040 *REBE: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 When he looked at you the first time 459720_461910 was he sort of 461910_462880 (..) looking you up and down 462880_464190 or 464190_464450 (.) did he just look at your seat 464450_465910 (.) wh⌈at- ⌉ +... 465910_466210 *RICK: ⌊ Ju⌋st like 465980_466630 (.) you know 466630_466970 look . 466970_467450 *RICK: ʔuh uʔh I guess: 467450_468440 ⌈ X ⌉ +... 468440_468960 *REBE: ⌊ At you ⌋ ? 468440_468960 *RICK: At me . 468960_469540 *RICK: Di- +... 469540_469650 *REBE: O⌈kay ⌉ . 469650_470180 *RICK: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ 469770_470180 and look at my seat 470180_471380 (.) cause 471380_471830 &=in I always sit (..) all the way to the window . 471830_474480 *REBE: Okay . 474480_474830 *RICK: So I thought he was gonna sit down . 474830_476430 *RICK: (.) Actually . 476430_476930 *REBE: (.) Okay . 476930_477780 *RICK: ⌈ &{l=P Hunh &}l=P ⌉ . 477780_478100 *REBE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ And then he continued on . 477780_479390 *RICK: ⌈2 Unhunh ⌉2 . 479390_479880 *REBE: ⌊2 and where di⌋2d he go . 479390_480230 *RICK: &=in He went all the way to the 480230_481830 (.) you know 481830_482580 into the (.) trai:n . 482580_483990 *REBE: All the way up h⌈ere ⌉ ? 483990_484600 *RICK: ⌊ M⌋hm⌈2: ⌉2 . 484460_485190 *REBE: ⌊2 O⌋2kay . 485070_485550 *RICK: And the:n 485550_486550 &=in uh &=ex he went through the door 486550_488480 and then he ca:me back . 488480_489720 *RICK: (..) again . 489720_490800 *REBE: (.) Okay . 490800_491450 *RICK: He went through &{l=X th⌈ere &}l=X . 491450_492350 *REBE: ⌊ He went through these doors ⌋ ? 492100_493300 *RICK: into it unhunh ⌉ 492350_493300 into another car . 493300_494250 *REBE: Oh⌈: ⌉ . 494250_494800 *RICK: ⌊ &=in ⌋ And then he came back again 494520_496270 (.) and then 496270_497240 &=in I guess that was like another stop 497240_498920 and more people were getting off 498920_500070 (.) and the:n 500070_500870 (..) that's when he came (.) and s:at b:y me 500870_503920 sat (.) in this seat right here . 503920_505180 *RICK: &=in But 505180_505720 (.) there was someone sitting there too: . 505720_507320 *RICK: there was a ⌈ lady ⌉ . 507320_508120 *REBE: ⌊ You're kidding ⌋ . 507620_508070 *RICK: Unhunh 508070_508320 there was a lady sitting there 508320_509520 &=in but she got up 509520_510720 (.) and she went to another seat . 510720_511870 *REBE: (..) Ah⌈: ⌉ . 511870_513170 *RICK: ⌊ She ⌋ 512840_513170 she just went to a different seat . 513170_514560 *REBE: (..) Okay . 514560_515600 *RICK: You know like 515600_516170 &=in but he was m:aking ʔuh: 516170_517700 I don't know how you describe it 517700_518980 you know how you can be like a nuisance to someone ? 518980_520850 *REBE: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 520850_521170 *RICK: ⌊ O:r ⌋ (.) you may sme:ll or some⌈2thi⌉2ng . 520850_523070 *REBE: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 522710_522900 *RICK: you know like that you ⌈3 know . 523070_524320 *REBE: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 524170_524450 *RICK: or ⌉3 mo:ving arou:nd 524320_525670 you know like 525670_526370 (..) as he wanted her to move . 526370_527570 *REBE: (.) ⌈ Okay ⌉ . 527570_528220 *RICK: ⌊ &=in And ⌋ she got ⌈2 up and m⌉2oved . 527810_529130 *REBE: ⌊2 S- she ⌋2 528370_528770 okay . 529130_529580 *REBE: &=in (..) U:m 529580_530930 (..) and 530930_532600 so when she moved 532600_533710 (.) was there anybody seated . 533710_535130 *RICK: X⌈: ⌉ . 535130_535630 *REBE: ⌊ in this ⌋ area . 535330_536130 *RICK: &=in (..) I think maybe like 536130_537840 &=in you know how these chairs are ? 537840_539230 *REBE: ⌈ Unhunh ⌉ . 539230_539590 *RICK: ⌊ Maybe right ⌋ he:re 539230_540180 and 540180_540430 (.) you know . 540430_541040 *REBE: ⌈ Okay ⌉ . 541040_541370 *RICK: ⌊ but you ⌋ couldn't they couldn't see: nothing 541040_543030 o⌈2r: anybody ⌉2 . 543030_544150 *REBE: ⌊2 Okay 543150_543640 but nobo⌋2dy righ⌈3t ⌉3 . 543640_544790 *RICK: ⌊3 N⌋3o⌈4: 544590_545160 XX ⌉4 . 545160_545440 *REBE: ⌊4 in these ⌋4 area⌈5s . 544980_545840 *RICK: ⌊5 I don't bel⌋5ieve so . 545740_546860 *REBE: Okay ⌉5 . 545840_546290 *REBE: (.) Alright . 546860_547640 *REBE: (..) So then 547640_549090 (.) wh:at did he do . 549090_550340 *RICK: (..) U:m 550340_551840 (..) did the newspaper ʔuh &=ex . 551840_553550 *RICK: you know: 553550_554100 (.) looking at it 554100_554950 you know 554950_555400 (.) making loud noises 555400_556830 I guess &{l=X so I think &}l=X like that or whatever 556830_558750 &=in &=lengthened (..) the:n 558750_560800 (.) he just kept doing that to the newspaper like that 560800_563100 and the:n 563100_563650 he went i:n 563650_564550 (..) and then he just 564550_566200 &=in you can just see him going like this 566200_567660 you know how you have to (.) unzip your ⌈ pa:nts ⌉ ? 567660_569360 *REBE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 568970_569360 *RICK: or something 569360_569810 like tha:t 569810_570560 (..) &=in and I'm looking through the w:indow . 570560_572710 *RICK: (..) &=in and then he's still making n:oises with the paper 572710_575610 (..) &=in and then um 575610_577310 (..) &{l=X I &}l=X kinda looked 577310_578910 and then I didn't and I (.) kept making like 578910_581110 (..) &{l=Q s: uh: &=ex (.) &{l=WH you know like &}l=WH &=ex &=lengthened &}l=Q 581110_584160 you know like ⌈ &{l=Q I know what you're &}l=Q ⌉ +... 584160_585280 *REBE: ⌊ He was ma⌋king noi⌈2ses like ⌉2 that ? 584670_586090 *RICK: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 585550_585870 No: 586090_586420 he was making those: 586420_587420 (.) you know 587420_587810 the rattling p⌈aper ⌉ . 587810_588640 *REBE: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ . 588440_588640 *RICK: but I was making noises like 588640_589870 &{l=Q &=tsk &=ex &=lengthened &}l=Q 589870_590420 you know like 590420_590860 I wanted him to know 590860_591630 &{l=Q I know what you're doing &}l=Q . 591630_592820 *REBE: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 592820_593100 *RICK: ⌊ You know ⌋ I remembered him for a year +/. 592820_594260 *RICK: (.) from a year ago . 594260_595110 *RICK: &=in And so 595110_596360 then I just &{l=VOX kept 596360_597210 you know I just turned &}l=VOX 597210_598010 you know 598010_598450 away from him 598450_599180 and I looked in the window 599180_600610 &=in and (.) he just kept &{n=B &=nonvocal hitting the paper &=nonvocal . 600610_602880 *RICK: (..) like that 602880_603630 (.) &=nonvocal &}n=B you kno:w ? 603630_604480 *RICK: &{l=VOX But you know what he wa⌈s do⌉ing &}l=VOX . 604480_605830 *REBE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 605300_605600 *RICK: &=laugh &=in He kept hitting the paper 605830_608280 (..) &=in and um 608280_609830 (..) uh: 609830_611660 let me see 611660_612130 then one time I jus:t 612130_613450 you know 613450_613650 kinda (.) looked over: 613650_615050 &=in and then you can see it . 615050_616750 *RICK: (.) You know: &=ex 616750_617700 (..) you can see it . 617700_618500 *REBE: (..) Had he l:ifted up the paper in any way 618500_621300 or . 621300_621550 *RICK: (..) Yeah 621550_622370 just like 622370_623000 (..) &=CLAP you know 623000_624100 I'm trying to see how a paper goes 624100_625650 likes thi- . 625650_626250 *REBE: Like this . 626250_626950 *RICK: (.) ʔOkay 626950_627750 (..) ʔuhʔuhʔuh 627750_630900 (..) like 630900_631400 he has the paper like 631400_632700 (.) like thi:s 632700_634250 (.) just like 634250_634800 (.) you know 634800_635120 moves it . 635120_635700 *RICK: Like that . 635700_636200 *RICK: (..) You know 636200_637050 ⌈ like that . 637050_637670 *REBE: ⌊ Oh: ⌋ . 637050_637820 *RICK: You ⌉ know: and you can see it . 637670_638920 *REBE: Okay . 638920_639320 *RICK: You know ? 639320_639920 *REBE: Was he looking at you at ⌈ all during that time ⌉ . 639920_641910 *RICK: ⌊ Ye:s . 641120_641630 *RICK: The ⌋ &{l=MRC who:le (.) enti:re (.) ti:me &}l=MRC . 641630_644200 *REBE: Okay . 644200_644550 *RICK: I mean 644550_645050 &=in not looking 645050_646020 &=in at &{n=PAPER first he would go like this 646020_647280 even 647280_647570 (.) with the paper . 647570_648570 *RICK: (..) And look at me . 648570_650070 *RICK: (..) You know 650070_650900 trying to get my attention &}n=PAPER . 650900_651900 *REBE: Yeah⌈: ⌉ . 651900_652250 *RICK: ⌊ Like ⌋ he: wanted me to look at him . 652100_653570 *RICK: And 653570_654130 (.) &=in then the whole time under here 654130_655440 he'd just look . 655440_656180 *RICK: (..) I mean 656180_657140 (.) ʔuhʔuh he looked so hard 657140_658880 that it was like burning 658880_659960 &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh you ⌉ know what I mean ? 659960_661130 *REBE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 660290_660540 *RICK: It- +/. 661130_661430 *RICK: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 661430_661730 *REBE: ⌊ Tell ⌋ the jury that . 661430_662430 *RICK: Okay⌈2: &=ex ⌉2 . 662430_663130 *REBE: ⌊2 That's ⌋2 +/. 662730_663130 *REBE: (.) I mean ⌈3 that's gr⌉3eat . 663130_664130 *RICK: ⌊3 He just ⌋3 663480_663830 (.) alright . 664130_664630 *RICK: ⌈ ʔuh ⌉ +... 664630_665080 *REBE: ⌊ U:m ⌋ 664630_665080 Because that's what he does . 665080_666410 *RICK: ⌈ Okay ⌉ . 666410_666830 *REBE: ⌊ And that's ⌋ his way 666410_667360 &=in &=lengthened of drawing your attention to ⌈2 him . 667360_669600 *RICK: ⌊2 Mhm ⌋2 . 669470_669800 *REBE: bec⌉2ause 669600_670000 (..) if somebody's doing that to you 670000_671700 (.) there's no way you're gonna 671700_672750 (..) you know 672750_673450 (.) just totally ignore them . 673450_674500 *RICK: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 674500_674720 *REBE: ⌊ cause ⌋ you're always going to ⌈2 wanna ⌉2 keep &=in them in your peripheral vision . 674500_677560 *RICK: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 . 675490_675770 *REBE: at ⌈3 least ⌉3 . 677560_678080 *RICK: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 677720_678080 *ARNO: ⌊3 M⌋3⌈4hm ⌉4 . 677720_678210 *REBE: ⌊4 to ma⌋4⌈5ke sure ⌉5 (.) wh:ere they a⌈6re ⌉6 . 678080_679600 *RICK: ⌊5 Mhm ⌋5 . 678210_678700 *RICK: ⌊6 Yeah⌋6: . 679380_679770 *RICK: Cause I was 679770_680210 you know 680210_680500 I didn't know what he was gonna do [% laugh] . 680500_681790 *REBE: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 681790_682240 *RICK: ⌊ or any⌋thing 681790_682540 so⌈2: &=in ⌉2 . 682540_683290 *REBE: ⌊2 so: ⌋2 682760_683290 um- 683290_683590 part of our burden is to prove 683590_685140 that he's deliberately doing th- 685140_686640 that he has the specific intent to draw your atten⌈tion to ⌉ him . 686640_689830 *RICK: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 689180_689580 *REBE: (.) &=in So let them know that ⌈2 he was do⌉2ing that . 689830_692380 *RICK: ⌊2 Okay ⌋2 . 691300_691700 *RICK: (.) Alright . 692380_692880 *REBE: (..) U:m 692880_693680 (.) okay . 693680_694300 *REBE: So then 694300_694940 (..) and then 694940_695330 (.) he sort of pulled the paper aside 695330_696560 and ⌈ he's still ⌉ staring ⌈2 at you ⌉2 . 696560_698050 *RICK: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 696730_697140 *RICK: ⌊2 Unhunh sti⌋2ll sta:ring and 697550_699490 (..) &=in just 699490_700570 you know 700570_701070 (.) and the:n 701070_701870 (.) but when uh uh: 701870_703070 (..) like you come to a stop 703070_704370 see that's all through the tunnel . 704370_705920 *RICK: (..) &=in You know 705920_706460 that's a long 706490_707210 (.) like ⌈ about ⌉ . 707210_707890 *REBE: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 707360_707890 *RICK: (.) five minute ride or something ? 707890_709080 *RICK: A couple of minutes ride 709080_709930 &=in and we got t:o like Embarcadero 709930_712480 &=in &{n=PAPER he would just 712480_713280 you know 713280_713530 go like this 713530_714080 you know &}n=PAPER 714080_714540 before anyone got on 714540_715630 and wait 715630_716130 and then just do the same thing 716130_717570 &{l=X until &}l=X I had to get off at my stop . 717570_718930 *REBE: (.) &=tsk &=in Tell (.) the jury about that too 718930_721150 be⌈cause ⌉ tha:t indicates that he knew what he was doing was wro⌈2:ng ⌉2 . 721150_724280 *RICK: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 721260_721560 *RICK: ⌊2 Oh ⌋2 okay . 724100_724710 *REBE: and if there was a chance that any man (.) might w⌈3alk by ⌉3 . 724710_727460 *RICK: ⌊3 yʔ- +/. 727060_727460 *RICK: Mhm ⌋3 . 727410_727760 *REBE: &=in You know 727760_728260 I had another case 728260_729260 or 729260_729560 (.) I have a (.) pr- report from another case where 729560_732110 &=in &=lengthened u:m 732110_733060 (..) he wa- +/. 733060_734060 *REBE: he was crouched down 734060_735260 ⌈ and ⌉ doing it . 735260_735880 *RICK: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 735260_735570 *REBE: and then when (.) a man would walk by 735880_737370 he'd sit up . 737370_737960 *RICK: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 737960_738440 *REBE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ And 737960_738900 (.) you know 738900_739200 do nothing 739200_739700 and then once the man was through the doors 739700_741200 then he'd go back ⌈ X X ⌉ doing it . 741200_742600 *RICK: ⌊ Yea:h ⌋ . 741850_742200 *RICK: (.) Okay . 742600_743100 *REBE: (.) So . 743100_743600 *REBE: (..) &=in &=lengthened U:m 743600_745750 (.) o⌈kay so then ⌉ you got off . 745750_747600 *RICK: ⌊ &=in &=ex &=lengthened ⌋ . 745850_746770 *REBE: (..) at your stop . 747600_748600 *RICK: Yeah: . 748600_749350 *REBE: &=in U:m 749350_750150 and (.) how were you feeling . 750150_751800 *RICK: (..) We:ll &=ex 751800_753150 &{l=P &{l=X it was like &}l=X &}l=P &=ex 753150_754650 (..) &{l=CRY s:- I don't know 754650_756150 (..) sorry 756150_757150 &=in &=lengthened . 757150_757800 *ARNO: (..) &{l=X You &}l=X doing alright . 757800_761100 *RICK: (.) &=SNIFF just 761100_762650 I don't know 762650_763200 like disgusted 763200_764400 (..) you know 764400_764900 wh- 764900_765200 (.) why I really wanted to report it this time because 765200_768150 &=SOB it was like summertime ? 768150_769750 *RICK: ⌈ &=SOB ⌉ . 769750_770300 *REBE: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ . 769750_770300 *RICK: and the kids ? 770300_771050 *RICK: (..) You know the kids and ⌈ every⌉thing . 771050_773650 *REBE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 773200_773550 *RICK: that's what I was scared of 773650_774950 because I know how 774950_775850 uh I was 775850_776500 you know 776500_776830 a victim of 776830_777530 (..) you know 777530_777780 abuse like that or &{l=X ʔuh &}l=X 777780_778980 &=SOB &=SNIFF I just 778980_780230 you know 780230_780680 I just 780680_781430 (..) That's what I was think- 781430_782930 the very first time I reported 782930_784580 it was just like this (.) dirty old ma:n 784580_786430 just that tha⌈:t . 786430_787230 *REBE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 787080_787430 *RICK: &=SNIFF ⌉ &=lengthened And this time 787280_788250 it was during the summer and there was lots: of ki:ds 788250_790950 &=SNIFF and um 790950_791850 (.) I just felt like 791850_793100 (.) you know 793100_793450 upset . 793450_794100 *RICK: You know . 794100_794600 *REBE: Yeah . 794600_795000 *RICK: (.) and I jus:t 795000_796150 you know 796150_796800 (.) &=SNIFF (.) I just felt upset . 796800_798800 *REBE: (.) Okay . 798800_799400 *RICK: You know 799400_799850 (.) ⌈ n- &}l=CRY ⌉ +... 799850_800400 *REBE: ⌊ Tell ⌋ the jury that . 800120_801120 *REBE: (..) Um 801120_802120 it's (.) it's ⌈ real⌉ly important that they understand . 802320_805570 *RICK: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 803470_803770 *REBE: (.) the feelings that go through you when sombody does something ⌈ like ⌉ that to you . 805570_809170 *RICK: ⌊ ʔuhʔuh ⌋ . 808510_808690 *REBE: cau⌈se . 809170_809370 *RICK: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 809320_809670 *REBE: &=in ⌉ my one concern about this case (.) i:s 809370_811790 &=in u:m 811790_812790 (..) that (.) some people may have ⌈ the a⌉ttitude of . 812790_815290 *RICK: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 814440_814690 *REBE: &{l=Q well 815290_815790 (.) he never touched you . 815790_817240 *RICK: Mhm . 817240_817600 *REBE: (.) he didn't (.) make any verbal threats to you 817600_819590 &=in it's no ⌈ big ⌉ deal &}l=Q . 819590_821090 *RICK: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 820240_820490 *REBE: (..) &=in A:nd 821090_822090 especially 822090_822990 (.) I have some (.) young single men 822990_825090 (.) on my jury panel . 825090_826240 *RICK: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 826240_826740 *REBE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ A:nd 826240_827200 (..) ʔuh Iʔ +/. 827200_828200 *REBE: (.) my (.) worry is that they don't (.) relate to what a woman feels 828200_832220 (.) whe⌈n so⌉mething like that is happening . 832220_833580 *RICK: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 832300_832550 *REBE: because their experience would be totally different . 833580_835300 *REBE: &=in if a man exposes ⌈ himself ⌉ . 835300_836900 *RICK: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 836550_836900 *REBE: which 836900_837180 (.) a man would never do that . 837180_838400 *RICK: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 838400_838800 *REBE: ⌊ Becau⌋se . 838400_839000 *RICK: ⌈2 &=SNIFF ⌉2 . 839000_839350 *REBE: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 number one they pick out 839000_840570 (.) I think (.) more vulnerable peo⌈ple . 840570_842420 *RICK: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 842220_842570 *REBE: &=in ⌉ But if 842420_843420 (.) u:m 843420_844070 (..) a ma:n (.) were to be exposed to 844070_846370 they would (..) laugh 846370_847570 (.) or 847570_848070 (.) you know 848070_848420 be disgusted . 848420_849340 *RICK: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 849340_849620 *REBE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ or be mad 849340_850590 &=in but they would⌈2n't ne⌉2cessari⌈3ly feel ⌉3 . 850590_852660 *RICK: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 . 851440_851640 *JUNE: ⌊3 &=KNOCK_KNOCK_KNOCK ⌋3 . 852040_852940 *REBE: (.) scared (.) ⌈ or threat⌉ened . 852940_854440 *ENV: ⌊ &=DOOR_OPENS ⌋ . 853600_854110 *RICK: Unhunh . 854440_854940 *JUNE: (.) Hi⌈: ⌉ . 854940_856190 *REBE: ⌊ H⌋i . 856140_856490 *JUNE: Can I sit with you ? 856490_857490 *REBE: Sure . 857490_857900 *REBE: (..) &=in &=lengthened U:m 857900_860040 so r- (..) relate that information to ⌈ the jury ⌉ . 860040_863290 *ENV: ⌊ &=DOOR_CLOSES ⌋ . 862690_863290 *RICK: Okay . 863290_863740 *REBE: Okay . 863740_864140 *REBE: &=in (..) U:m 864140_865440 (..) &=tsk (.) and then 865440_868590 (.) uh 868590_869140 so then when you got off 869140_870190 you called (.) the poli⌈ce . 870190_871660 *RICK: ⌊ No ⌋ . 871560_871810 *REBE: Right ⌉ ? 871660_871820 *RICK: I went upstairs to the BART 871820_873390 and told them 873390_874220 and I tried to tell them what train it was 874220_876470 &=in &=lengthened an:d I just 876470_877770 &=in (..) I was still kind of like shocked 877770_879720 so I ʔI was like 879720_880470 &{l=Q well I have to go 880470_881120 cause I have to make an appointment &}l=Q 881120_882350 but I di:d tell someone 882350_883400 I said I'll be back to make a report or whatever I had to do 883400_886250 &=in &=lengthened and then there was a different person down there 886250_888700 and 888700_889050 (.) when I called the BART police 889050_890190 they said &{l=Q oh no one's even said anything to us &}l=Q 890190_892300 you know ⌈ and uh ⌉ . 892300_893200 *REBE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 892850_893200 *RICK: &=SNIFF That was that 893200_894200 and then I think 894200_895100 uh: 895100_895450 (.) couple of days after 895450_897350 (.) one of the uh 897350_898750 (.) detectives 898750_899600 &=in called me and then I made a report . 899600_901600 *RICK: He wanted to see if I can ID him first 901600_903570 and then 903570_904070 (.) we just made a report and he said 904070_905970 (.) he'll submit it and everything . 905970_907720 *REBE: Okay . 907720_908190 *REBE: (.) a⌈nd y⌉ou ID'ed him immediately . 908190_909640 *RICK: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ 908340_908490 Unhunh 909640_910000 he just showed me . 910000_910680 *RICK: He's all &{l=Q okay 910680_911180 come with me 911180_911680 come with me &}l=Q 911680_912180 you ⌈ know ⌉ . 912180_912730 *REBE: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 912330_912730 *REBE: (..) &=in Alright . 912730_913530 *REBE: I have ʔuh 913530_914230 (.) a- and this is 914230_914980 i- if they make an issue out of it 914980_916480 this is what you looked at . 916480_917430 *REBE: ⌈ Right ⌉ ? 917430_917640 *RICK: ⌊ M⌋hm: . 917430_917980 *REBE: Like a folder with different . 917980_919110 *RICK: Yeah: 919110_919610 yeah 919610_919810 right there . 919860_920410 *REBE: A:nd I have the one where you signed right under⌈neath it ⌉ . 920410_923010 *RICK: ⌊ Unhunh⌋: 922710_923110 (.) ⌈2 yeah ⌉2 . 923110_923610 *REBE: ⌊2 And ⌋2 923210_923610 (..) we've got the statement where you immediately said I'm hundred percent sure ⌈ this is ⌉ the guy . 923610_927760 *RICK: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 926780_927180 *RICK: &{l=P Yeah &}l=P . 927760_927930 *REBE: So . 927980_928280 *REBE: (..) Okay . 928280_929070 *ARNO: (.) &{l=X What is &}l=X he a old man ? 929070_930820 *REBE: (.) He's like (.) ⌈ sixt⌉ies . 930820_932920 *RICK: ⌊ &{l=X In his &}l=X ⌋ +/. 932370_932720 *RICK: (.) Yeah . 932920_933420 *REBE: Yeah⌈: ⌉ . 933420_933590 *ARNO: ⌊ &{l=X Go⌋:d &}l=X . 933500_933900 *RICK: (.) And he'⌈2s like ⌉2 balding ⌈3 like ⌉3 . 933900_935800 *REBE: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 934600_934800 *REBE: ⌊3 You ⌋3 can come in the courtroom . 935650_936850 *ARNO: &=tsk ⌈4 Oh good ⌉4 . 936850_937550 *RICK: ⌊4 Okay ⌋4 . 937000_937550 *REBE: Yeah . 937550_937900 *ARNO: (.) Um 937900_938300 she has anxiety attacks when she ge⌈ts excited a⌉nd . 938300_940840 *RICK: ⌊ See that's why I'm s- ⌋ +... 939870_940490 *ARNO: sh:⌈2e gets real ne⌉2rvous and scared . 940840_942590 *RICK: ⌊2 That's why I am tra- ⌋2 . 941190_941890 *REBE: ⌈3 Unhunh ⌉3 . 942590_942940 *ARNO: ⌊3 she has ⌋3 bad anxiety attacks . 942590_944240 *RICK: (.) I can't ⌈4 breathe ⌉4 . 944240_945430 *ARNO: ⌊4 She she'll ju- ⌋4 +... 944850_945430 *REBE: ⌈5 Oh really ⌉5 ? 945430_946080 *RICK: ⌊5 That's why I'm ⌋5 trying ⌈6 to ⌉6 . 945430_946590 *ARNO: ⌊6 Yeah sh- ⌋6 946240_946590 That's why ⌈7 she's ⌉7 &{l=X crying &}l=X . 946590_947690 *REBE: ⌊7 Okay ⌋7 . 946910_947310 *ARNO: so . 947690_948090 *REBE: (.) Okay . 948090_948840 *REBE: U:m 948840_949490 (.) ʔuh m- how: +... 949490_950590 *RICK: (.) Do I have to look at anyone 950590_951880 just you 951880_952340 or⌈: ⌉ . 952340_952800 *REBE: ⌊ No ⌋ 952630_952800 you can just look at ⌈ me ⌉ . 952800_953900 *RICK: ⌊ Okay⌋: . 953600_954250 *REBE: (..) um 954250_955050 (.) when you go in 955050_956200 let me explain to you what the courtroom's like so you know ⌈ what to ⌉ expect . 956200_958950 *RICK: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 958100_958500 *REBE: &=in (..) U:m 958950_959850 (..) youʔ (.) you don't have to 959850_961800 (..) you know 961800_962400 and if you 962400_963450 (.) if you feel like you need to take a break . 963450_965650 *RICK: Mhm . 965650_965950 *REBE: (.) the:n (.) tell me (.) immediately . 965950_967650 *RICK: Okay . 967650_968050 *REBE: (..) U:m 968050_968750 (.) or ask the judge 968750_969800 you'll be seated right near the judge . 969800_971300 *RICK: Okay . 971300_971660 *REBE: &=in U:m 971660_972650 (.) I was saying to June 972650_974150 (.) that 974150_974600 you know 974600_975000 a lot of times people are intimidated by the courtroom 975000_977050 and they think it's really formal 977050_978350 a⌈nd it's ⌉ really not that formal . 978350_979860 *RICK: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 978510_978800 *RICK: Okay . 979860_980150 *REBE: &=in u:m 980150_980900 the jurors that are in there 980900_982350 (.) there'll be twelve people seated in the juror box . 982350_984650 *RICK: (.) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 984650_985150 *REBE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ a:n⌈2d u:⌉2m . 984650_986350 *RICK: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 . 985600_985900 *REBE: (..) you know they could be your family . 986350_987900 *REBE: (.) They could be your friends . 987900_989100 *RICK: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 989100_989450 *REBE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ U:m 989100_989920 they're all 989920_990520 ʔuhʔuh y- y- from all walks of li⌈fe . 990520_992570 *RICK: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 992370_992840 *REBE: u:⌉m 992570_993080 they're all different ages 993080_994230 &=in a:nd 994230_995430 (.) u:m 995430_995900 they 995900_996480 (..) &=in (.) you know 996480_997840 for the most part 997840_998680 they were probably very nervous when they came in just for jury duty . 998680_1001580 *RICK: Yeah . 1001580_1001880 *REBE: So⌈: ⌉ . 1001880_1002830 *RICK: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 1002600_1002830 *REBE: u:m . 1002830_1003380 *RICK: &=SNIFF . 1003380_1003830 *REBE: (.) they just want to hear your story 1003830_1005230 and they're not (.) judging you . 1005230_1006500 *RICK: Okay . 1006500_1006900 *REBE: (.) U:m 1006900_1007650 &{n=PAPER (.) let me (.) show you . 1007650_1009350 *ARNO: (..) XX X X baby . 1009350_1012900 *RICK: (.) Hm ? 1012900_1013550 *RICK: (..) Hm-m . 1013550_1015450 *RICK: (.) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 1015450_1016200 *REBE: ⌊ Will it ⌋ help to have him in there ? 1015850_1017250 *RICK: (.) Yes: &{l=@ unhunh &}l=@ . 1017250_1018400 *REBE: &{l=X Good &}l=X (..) &}n=PAPER . 1018400_1021600 *RICK: &=SNIFF . 1021600_1021950 *ARNO: (..) She was going crazy &{l=X all day &}l=X here 1021950_1023800 &{l=Q I think that's him &}l=Q . 1023800_1024600 *ARNO: Every time every time ⌈ she seen a XX . 1024600_1026100 *RICK: ⌊ The whole time down here . 1025250_1026670 *ARNO: I was like &{l=Q &{l=@ that ain't him &}l=@ &}l=Q ⌉ . 1026100_1027370 *RICK: I was doi⌋ng that . 1026670_1027620 *RICK: &=in &{l=Q That's him 1027620_1028420 that's him &}l=Q 1028420_1028820 like that 1028820_1029220 he was like 1029220_1029650 &{l=Q o:h no: 1029650_1030220 no: it's not him . 1030220_1031020 *RICK: ⌈ Just come o:n &}l=Q ⌉ . 1031020_1032120 *REBE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=in . 1031020_1033720 *RICK: (..) &=SNIFF . 1033720_1035970 *REBE: (..) &{l=VOX &=tsk I don't know where I drew it out &}l=VOX . 1035970_1046240 *REBE: (.) &=in ⌈ &=THROAT ⌉ . 1046240_1048390 *RICK: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ &=lengthened 1048240_1048540 (..) So is he in like jail or something ? 1048540_1050990 *RICK: Or he just shows up ⌈ for court ⌉ ? 1050990_1052340 *REBE: ⌊ &=in No ⌋ he's out right now . 1051810_1053260 *RICK: (.) Oh: o⌈2kay ⌉2 . 1053260_1053960 *REBE: ⌊2 he will ⌋2 be . 1053630_1054280 *RICK: (.) Oh o⌈3kay ⌉3 . 1054280_1055130 *REBE: ⌊3 at ⌋3 the end of this 1054800_1055700 if the jury does the right thing . 1055700_1057250 *RICK: Alright . 1057250_1057800 *REBE: U:m 1057800_1058650 (..) &=tsk we (.) asked for ninety days county jail before the case 1058650_1063420 (..) went (.) to trial . 1063420_1065370 *RICK: Mhm . 1065370_1065870 *REBE: and normally 1065870_1066770 (.) u:m 1066770_1067270 (.) it'll be higher . 1067270_1068620 *REBE: (..) if he's convicted . 1068620_1070270 *RICK: (.) Okay⌈: ⌉ . 1070270_1071070 *REBE: ⌊ So ⌋ 1070670_1071070 plus he's got your case pending (.) in (.) ⌈2 Oakland ⌉2 . 1071070_1074320 *RICK: ⌊2 Oakland ⌋2 . 1073720_1074320 *REBE: and if there's a 1074320_1074820 &=in if we get a conviction just on one case here . 1074820_1077570 *RICK: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 1077570_1077940 *REBE: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ then 1077570_1078600 your case in Oakland will be a felony . 1078600_1080350 *RICK: (.) Oh 1080350_1080750 okay . 1080750_1081000 *REBE: (..) ⌈ So ⌉ . 1081000_1082100 *RICK: ⌊ Alright ⌋ . 1081300_1082100 *REBE: (..) &=in &=lengthened u:m 1082100_1084100 okay . 1084100_1084500 *REBE: Yuʔ- +/. 1084500_1085000 *REBE: (..) W- what will happen is 1085000_1086450 (..) you'll walk into the courtroom here . 1086450_1088200 *RICK: (.) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 1088200_1088750 *REBE: ⌊ There are door⌋s right here . 1088400_1089350 *RICK: ⌈2 Yeah ⌉2 . 1089350_1089620 *REBE: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 There are seats right here 1089350_1091330 (.) u:m 1091330_1091880 (.) that are for the audience 1091880_1092880 but normally there's nobody in the audience but . 1092880_1094730 *RICK: ⌈ Okay ⌉ . 1094730_1095110 *REBE: ⌊ your ⌋ husband will be there 1094880_1095850 &=in &=lengthened u:m 1095850_1096950 (.) &=tsk a:nd: 1096950_1098400 (.) then 1098400_1099150 (..) there are two tables right here . 1099150_1101350 *REBE: (.) I'll be seated at this table . 1101350_1102770 *RICK: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 1102770_1103200 *REBE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ An:d 1102870_1103770 (.) the defendant (.) and the defense attorney will be seated at this tab⌈le . 1103770_1106570 *RICK: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1106320_1106820 *REBE: &=in ⌉ &=lengthened The (.) jury (..) sits here . 1106570_1109420 *REBE: (.) Okay ? 1109420_1110420 *REBE: &=in all in a row 1110420_1111570 &=in u⌈:m ⌉ . 1111570_1112520 *RICK: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 1112190_1112520 *REBE: then 1112520_1112870 (.) and you'll walk thr- +/. 1112870_1113870 *REBE: When you walk in you'll walk through and I'll walk with you . 1113870_1115970 *RICK: (.) ⌈ Okay ⌉ . 1115970_1116420 *REBE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ u:m (.) to: (.) the ch- the witness chair 1116070_1118820 (.) o⌈2kay . 1118820_1119320 *RICK: ⌊2 Okay ⌋2 . 1119190_1119540 *REBE: which ⌉2 faces out this way . 1119320_1120590 *RICK: (.) Alright . 1120590_1121090 *REBE: &=in And the ⌈ judge ⌉ is seated right here . 1121090_1123090 *RICK: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ 1121690_1122040 ⌈2 Alright ⌉2 . 1123090_1123490 *REBE: ⌊2 Right ab⌋2ove you . 1123090_1123840 *REBE: &=in And then there's a woman who sits here who's the clerk 1123840_1126340 and there's a woman who sits here the- who's the court reporter . 1126340_1128640 *RICK: Okay . 1128640_1128890 *REBE: &=in A:nd so when I ask you questions . 1128890_1131490 *RICK: ⌈ &=SNIFF ⌉ . 1131490_1131890 *REBE: ⌊ when you're ⌋ talking you need to: 1131490_1133190 (.) uh 1133190_1133890 (.) always say yes or no 1133890_1135540 (.) as opposed to &{l=Q unhunh &}l=Q or &{l=Q unh-⌈unh &}l=Q ⌉ . 1135540_1137490 *RICK: ⌊ O:h ⌋ ok⌈2ay ⌉2 . 1137290_1137790 *REBE: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 or nodding your head 1137640_1138940 (.) okay 1138940_1139340 because she takes everything ⌈ down ⌉ . 1139340_1140840 *RICK: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 1140460_1140840 *RICK: (.) &=SNIFF . 1140840_1141490 *REBE: &=tsk U:m . 1141490_1142110 *RICK: &=SNIFF . 1142110_1142360 *REBE: &=in if your nervous 1142360_1143960 (..) please tell me . 1143960_1145710 *RICK: Okay . 1145710_1145960 *REBE: Or tell the judge and we can take a break . 1145960_1147660 *RICK: Okay . 1147660_1147910 *REBE: If you want to get a drink of water 1147910_1149260 or something like that . 1149260_1150210 *RICK: ⌈ Okay ⌉ . 1150210_1150580 *REBE: ⌊ O⌋kay ? 1150210_1150990 *REBE: (..) &=in U:m 1150990_1152140 (.) a:nd 1152140_1152740 (..) take your time 1152740_1153790 you know 1153790_1154040 when you (.) w:alk in just take a deep breath . 1154040_1156170 *RICK: (.) ⌈ Okay ⌉ . 1156170_1156390 *REBE: ⌊ take ⌋ your time . 1156170_1156940 *REBE: (.) If I ask you a question that you don't understand 1156940_1159590 tell me . 1159590_1160140 *RICK: ⌈ Okay ⌉ . 1160140_1160610 *REBE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ U:m 1160140_1161120 (.) if: (.) we- either of us ask you a question ⌈2 where ⌉2 . 1161120_1164170 *RICK: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 . 1163870_1164170 *REBE: &=in U:m 1164170_1164920 it's something you don't remember ? 1164920_1166120 *REBE: (.) it's a detail that you don't remem⌈ber . 1166120_1167570 *RICK: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1167440_1167740 *REBE: it's fi⌉ne to say I don't 1167570_1168540 I don't remember at ⌈2 this time ⌉2 . 1168540_1169640 *RICK: ⌊2 Okay ⌋2 . 1169190_1169640 *REBE: (..) Okay ? 1169640_1170540 *REBE: &=in &=lengthened (..) U:m ⌈ &=ex ⌉ . 1170540_1172940 *RICK: ⌊ Is there gonna b- ⌋ +/. 1172590_1173240 *RICK: (.) the other (.) person: ? 1173240_1174640 *RICK: (.) his lawyer: gonna ask some ⌈ questions ⌉ ? 1174640_1176190 *REBE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ ⌈2 Yeah . 1175840_1176460 *ARNO: ⌊2 &{l=P Cross examine &}l=P ⌋2 . 1176190_1177210 *REBE: he'll be able to a⌉2sk you questions also . 1176460_1178510 *REBE: &=in He's 1178510_1179510 (..) he's a very polite guy . 1179510_1181410 *RICK: Okay . 1181410_1181810 *REBE: &=in He's a young (.) attorney 1181810_1183010 &=in u:m 1183010_1183760 he's with the public defender's office 1183760_1185410 (..) he's 1185410_1186210 (..) &=in u:m 1186210_1187260 (.) wʔ- when we had the case the last time 1187260_1189410 (..) it was a different attorney . 1189410_1190660 *RICK: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 1190660_1190960 *REBE: ⌊ And th⌋at attorney (..) terrorized my 1190660_1193280 (..) my one victim that I put on 1193280_1194730 &=in u:m 1194730_1195880 (.) he (..) walked up to her 1195880_1197680 and he was about this (.) far away ⌈ from her ⌉ . 1197680_1199630 *RICK: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1199250_1199630 *REBE: and 1199630_1199880 &=in sh- +/. 1199880_1200580 *REBE: cause she had testified 1200580_1201820 (.) when he walked in initially and he looked at me 1201820_1203930 (..) &{l=PAR Walter Munson &}l=PAR 1203930_1204930 (.) she said 1204930_1205480 &=in I (..) I (.) knew he was a pervert 1205480_1207680 (.) just by the way he looked at me . 1207680_1208880 *RICK: Oh:⌈: ⌉ . 1208880_1209280 *REBE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ So this man walked up to him and he said 1209030_1211150 &{l=Q I'm standing close to you 1211150_1212200 I'm looking at you 1212200_1212850 does that make me a pervert &}l=Q ? 1212850_1213900 *RICK: Mhm . 1213900_1214270 *REBE: &=in A:nd 1214270_1215150 (.) uh 1215150_1215450 (.) just badgered her . 1215450_1216700 *RICK: A⌈w: ⌉ . 1216700_1217200 *REBE: ⌊ but thi⌋s (.) this attorney ⌈2 is not ⌉2 like that at all . 1216800_1219050 *RICK: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 1218180_1218470 ⌈3 &{l=P Okay &}l=P ⌉3 . 1219050_1219320 *REBE: ⌊3 He'll be ⌋3 very polite 1219050_1220030 &=in ⌈4 &=lengthened ⌉4 u:m . 1220030_1221140 *RICK: ⌊4 &{l=WH Mhm &}l=WH ⌋4 . 1220230_1220480 *REBE: (..) &=tsk he's going to try and focus more on 1221140_1223640 &=in (..) uh: 1223640_1224690 (.) discrepancies 1224690_1225540 like if you testify to one thing 1225540_1226740 and there's something written differently in the report . 1226740_1228670 *RICK: Unhunh . 1228670_1228990 *REBE: He might say well: 1228990_1230040 (.) you know 1230040_1230490 (..) in ⌈ your ⌉ . 1230490_1231690 *RICK: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 1231490_1231690 *REBE: in the report it says that you: 1231690_1233640 (.) um: 1233640_1234440 (..) you know 1234440_1235590 (.) he sat dow:n 1235590_1236540 (..) right across from you . 1236540_1237990 *RICK: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 1237990_1238340 *REBE: ⌊ imm⌋ediately . 1237990_1238740 *RICK: ⌈2 Oh okay ⌉2 . 1238740_1239360 *REBE: ⌊2 as opposed to wal⌋2king 1238740_1239500 or some⌈3thing like ⌉3 that . 1239500_1240300 *RICK: ⌊3 Okay ⌋3 . 1239850_1240150 *REBE: which it doesn't but . 1240300_1241100 *RICK: ⌈ Okay ⌉ . 1241100_1241450 *REBE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ u:m 1241100_1242010 he's gonna try and focus on little things 1242010_1243660 cause that's all he can do . 1243660_1244760 *RICK: ⌈ Okay ⌉ . 1244760_1245210 *REBE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ But . 1244760_1245710 *RICK: ⌈2 &=SNIFF ⌉2 . 1245710_1246010 *REBE: ⌊2 for the ⌋2 most part he'll be (.) polite (.) and gentle . 1245710_1248010 *RICK: Okay . 1248010_1248460 *REBE: (.) So you don't have to worry about him . 1248460_1250110 *RICK: (.) Hm . 1250110_1250510 *REBE: &=in U:m 1250510_1251810 (..) &=tsk (..) what hap- +/. 1251810_1255400 *REBE: well tell me about the (..) year ago incident . 1255400_1257990 *RICK: (.) U:m 1257990_1258600 (.) that one was at night time . 1258600_1260350 *RICK: (..) And 1260350_1261600 um 1261600_1261850 I was working la:te 1261850_1262950 and it was around 1262950_1263950 (.) &=in I remember I used to get off ar- around nine 1263950_1266250 and I used to get to um 1266250_1267500 (.) &=in the Bart station around ten o'clock ? 1267500_1269650 *RICK: (..) A:nd 1269650_1270850 (..) he would be: ʔuh 1270850_1273050 (.) I think 1273050_1273800 (.) &{l=P I'm trying to think 1273800_1274500 would he get o:n 1274500_1275450 or would he already be on &}l=P . 1275450_1276600 *RICK: &=in Well that's the Daly City one 1276600_1277900 so he would (.) get on 1277900_1279550 (.) when I would get on 1279550_1280450 but I think (.) probably like a different car 1280450_1281950 and 1281950_1282210 (.) same thing 1282210_1282910 (.) exact 1282910_1283570 identical . 1283570_1284170 *RICK: &=in Go up and down the aisles 1284170_1285120 but . 1285120_1285370 *REBE: &=SNIFF . 1285370_1285620 *RICK: I would be the only one in the train . 1285620_1287420 *RICK: (.) You know 1287420_1287770 because at night time there's not many people on there 1287770_1290120 and 1290120_1290520 &=in (.) he would do that 1290520_1291920 and I was 1291920_1292670 (..) I was terrified then 1292670_1294470 because I was the only one 1294470_1295620 there [% laugh] was n:o one around . 1295620_1296870 *REBE: Yeah . 1296870_1297170 *RICK: Iʔʔ 1297170_1297790 (.) you know 1297790_1298520 I was a little scar:ed this time but 1298520_1300690 &=in ʔuh (.) you know 1300690_1301890 but there's people around 1301890_1302940 like 1302940_1303190 (.) you know 1303190_1303520 I don't think he would do anythi:ng 1303520_1305190 (..) when people are around . 1305190_1306270 *REBE: ⌈ Right ⌉ . 1306270_1306650 *RICK: ⌊ You know ⌋ 1306270_1306650 down at the other seat⌈2s or &{l=X in ⌉2 back &}l=X . 1306650_1308150 *REBE: ⌊2 Right ⌋2 . 1307690_1307940 *RICK: I could scream but 1308150_1309170 (.) &=in . 1309170_1309600 *REBE: Yeah . 1309600_1309900 *RICK: (.) ʔat night time he was doing the same thing 1309900_1312200 and I called that night 1312200_1313650 (..) to: (.) the Bart poli:ce 1313650_1315450 and I told them what he looked li:ke 1315450_1317500 and everything 1317500_1318250 and 1318250_1318550 &=in I never heard anything again . 1318550_1320450 *RICK: (.) ⌈ So ⌉ . 1320450_1320900 *REBE: ⌊ O⌋kay . 1320670_1321220 *REBE: &=in ⌈2 u:m ⌉2 . 1321220_1322460 *RICK: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 . 1321810_1322460 *REBE: (.) Did he use a newspaper that time al⌈3so ⌉3 ? 1322460_1324460 *RICK: ⌊3 M⌋3hm . 1324230_1324830 *REBE: So identi⌈4ca:l ⌉4 . 1324830_1325880 *RICK: ⌊4 Every⌋4thing . 1325550_1326150 *RICK: Yeah⌈: ⌉ . 1326150_1326530 *REBE: ⌊ Ok⌋ay . 1326370_1326610 *RICK: And then I even told them 1326610_1327660 I said 1327660_1328210 (..) &=in and the funny thing is 1328210_1329660 he just +/. 1329660_1330110 *RICK: (.) the only thing he changed this time 1330110_1331810 is um 1331810_1332460 &=SNIFF 1332460_1332710 he wore a new bow tie 1332710_1334060 and uh a different bag &=ex 1334060_1335560 (.) cause he always had a ba:g 1335560_1337110 (.) cause the 1337110_1337660 (.) &=in what made &{l=X the (.) interested &}l=X in this case 1337660_1339940 they s- told me 1339940_1340590 &=in well 1340590_1341140 (.) everyone's telling me he has this bag 1341140_1342740 he carries around 1342740_1343740 and he has a bowtie 1343740_1344990 like that 1344990_1345310 and I ⌈ go ⌉ . 1345310_1345810 *REBE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1345460_1345810 *RICK: (.) that's the only difference 1345810_1346860 he had a different bag this time a year later 1346860_1348610 and a different bow tie . 1348610_1349660 *REBE: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 1349660_1350060 *RICK: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=SNIFF And they were like &{l=Q okay &}l=Q 1349660_1351160 you know . 1351160_1351610 *REBE: Now the bag that he was carrying around this time 1351610_1353510 what was it . 1353510_1354010 *RICK: (..) M: 1354010_1355260 (.) let me see 1355260_1356310 I think 1356310_1356960 (..) a duffel bag ? 1356960_1358010 *RICK: (.) I ⌈ th:ink ⌉ . 1358010_1359010 *REBE: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 1358460_1359010 *RICK: &=in . 1359010_1359360 *REBE: Okay . 1359360_1359710 *RICK: One time it was a duffel bag 1359710_1360710 and then one time it was like a 1360710_1361860 (..) &{l=P ʔuh 1361860_1363710 what do you ⌈ call them ⌉ &}l=P . 1363710_1364410 *REBE: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 1363960_1364410 *RICK: (.) Like a sh:- 1364410_1365160 (.) like a (.) ⌈ old be- . 1365160_1366710 *REBE: ⌊ Shopping bag ⌋ ? 1365960_1366860 *RICK: Yeah⌉: . 1366710_1367200 *RICK: a shopping ⌈ bag ⌉ . 1367200_1368050 *REBE: ⌊ a plas⌋tic . 1367550_1368170 *RICK: Yeah⌈: ⌉ . 1368170_1368600 *REBE: ⌊ Yeah⌋: . 1368400_1368760 *RICK: Mhm . 1368760_1369100 *REBE: (.) That's his common one 1369100_1370350 (.) plastic bag ⌈ filled ⌉ with paper⌈2s ⌉2 . 1370350_1371690 *RICK: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 1370890_1371240 *RICK: ⌊2 Y⌋2eah &=ex . 1371640_1372190 *REBE: (..) Yeah 1372190_1373000 in this one you say he's carrying a sho- a: duffel bag . 1373000_1375340 *RICK: A duffel ⌈ bag okay ⌉ . 1375340_1376140 *REBE: ⌊ &=in Ok⌋ay 1375660_1376240 so you wanna 1376240_1376940 Have you read through your statement recently ? 1376940_1378540 *RICK: N:o . 1378540_1378940 *REBE: Do you wanna read through it ? 1378940_1379840 *RICK: Yeah . 1379840_1380140 *REBE: &=in Okay . 1380140_1380890 *RICK: &=SNIFF Okay . 1380890_1382240 *ARNO: (..) &=STRETCH ⌈ &=lengthened &=ex ⌉ &=lengthened . 1382240_1384290 *RICK: ⌊ &{l=P hm: &}l=P ⌋ . 1383390_1383840 *ARNO: &=SNIFF 1384290_1384790 (..) ʔuhʔuh ⌈2 &=ex ⌉2 &=lengthened &=ex &=lengthened . 1384790_1390040 *RICK: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 . 1386240_1386690 *REBE: (..) &=in Now you can't do anything to this guy . 1390040_1392740 *REBE: (.) ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 1392740_1393740 *RICK: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 &=laugh ⌉3 . 1393040_1393940 *ARNO: ⌊2 Oh I'm not ⌋2 1393290_1393740 ⌊3 I'm just ⌋3 &{l=X gonna sit back ⌈4 and look &}l=X ⌉4 . 1393740_1394840 *REBE: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 &=laugh . 1394390_1395190 *RICK: (.) M:⌈5hm ⌉5 . 1395190_1395940 *ARNO: ⌊5 I'm a little worried ⌋5 about her 1395590_1396290 cause she has them anxiety attacks . 1396290_1397790 *RICK: X . 1397790_1398040 *REBE: &=THROAT . 1398040_1398590 *ARNO: (.) She just don't have no control over her body . 1398590_1400390 *RICK: (..) &=SNIFF &{l=WH Tr:⌈ain &}l=WH ⌉ . 1400390_1402240 *JUNE: ⌊ When ⌋ will the (..) verdict be . 1401290_1403590 *REBE: (..) &=tsk &=in U:m 1403590_1404790 (.) well 1404790_1405140 it depends . 1405140_1405840 *REBE: (.) Uhʔ (.) you two are my last witnesses 1405840_1407940 (.) and then the defendant will t⌈esti⌉fy . 1407940_1409590 *RICK: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 1409010_1409210 *REBE: (.) &=in And then 1409590_1410640 we could do closing arguments today 1410640_1412190 or it could be tomorrow . 1412190_1413390 *REBE: (..) And then 1413390_1414590 (..) w- we should have a verdict by Friday afternoon . 1414590_1417140 *RICK: (.) O⌈kay ⌉ . 1417140_1417640 *REBE: ⌊ No la⌋ter than Friday afternoon . 1417340_1418690 *REBE: (.) So I'll call all of you and tell you . 1418690_1420140 *REBE: (.) ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 1420140_1420510 *JUNE: ⌊ Is ⌋ he gonna take the stand ? 1420320_1421720 *REBE: &=in He says so . 1421720_1422920 *REBE: (..) Mhm . 1422920_1423620 *JUNE: H- What could he &{l=BR possibly [% laugh] (..) ⌈ say &}l=BR ⌉ ? 1423620_1425820 *REBE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ He testified in a trial 1425470_1427470 (..) u:m 1427470_1428070 (..) about five years ago . 1428070_1429670 *REBE: Sa- identical (..) situa⌈tion . 1429670_1431670 *RICK: ⌊ R:eally ⌋ . 1431470_1431970 *REBE: &=in ⌉ and he said 1431670_1432820 (.) his testimony was 1432820_1433720 my momma didn't raise me to do things like this . 1433720_1435870 *REBE: (..) He ⌈ totally ⌉ denied it . 1435870_1437820 *RICK: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1436820_1437270 *REBE: (..) So . 1437920_1439020 *RICK: So- [% laugh] 1439020_1439670 (.) &=in cause I was just telling him 1439670_1441220 the same thing happened to my mom . 1441220_1442970 *RICK: (.) &=in . 1442970_1443270 *REBE: Oh reall⌈y ⌉ ? 1443270_1443790 *RICK: ⌊ Y⌋eah: . 1443680_1444190 *RICK: ⌈2 She was ⌉2 +... 1444190_1444740 *REBE: ⌊2 Was it hi⌋2m ? 1444190_1444890 *RICK: (.) I don't know . 1444890_1445690 *RICK: She just told me that 1445690_1446740 &=in you know 1446740_1447440 it was a long time ago 1447440_1448790 (.) you're ⌈ saying f⌉ive years ago . 1448790_1449990 *REBE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1448940_1449290 *RICK: it was around that time 1449990_1451340 and she told me 1451340_1452240 &=in but he used to: 1452240_1453540 (..) I don't know 1453540_1454690 ʔuh she she didn't say anything newspaper whatever 1454690_1456590 but 1456590_1456840 he would 1456840_1457340 (..) ʔuh do (.) finish the job . 1457340_1459440 *REBE: ⌈ Oh: ⌉ . 1459440_1459940 *RICK: ⌊ Everythi⌋ng 1459440_1460140 you know 1460140_1460840 a⌈nd ⌉ . 1460840_1461340 *REBE: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 1461090_1461340 *RICK: &=in so: 1461340_1462440 but 1462440_1462640 she said she reported it 1462640_1463770 and no one ever did anything . 1463790_1465190 *REBE: &=in They're hard cases 1465190_1466740 (.) um 1466740_1467090 (.) to act ⌈ on . 1467090_1467740 *RICK: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1467560_1467960 *REBE: and I ⌉ think the reason why they finally (.) started (.) acting on these 1467740_1470810 and (.) getting (.) the identificatio⌈n . 1470810_1472610 *RICK: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1472510_1472860 *REBE: was be⌉cause so many of em were coming in . 1472610_1474360 *RICK: Oh: 1474360_1474860 okay . 1474860_1475260 *REBE: (.) &=tsk &=in &=THROAT (..) &=tsk Do you have any questions June ? 1475260_1480930 *ARNO: (..) &=YAWN . 1480930_1481980 *JUNE: (..) No . 1481980_1483030 *REBE: (.) Okay . 1483030_1483530 *REBE: (..) &=in U:m . 1483530_1484980 *REBE: (..) I'm going to put June on first . 1485430_1490290 *RICK: (..) Okay . 1490290_1491590 *REBE: (.) and then 1491590_1492540 (..) &=in &=lengthened then Rickie &=ex . 1492540_1496440 *JUNE: (..) And then will you let us know what the final verdict ⌈ is ⌉ ? 1496440_1505160 *REBE: ⌊ Yes ⌋ . 1504600_1505160 *RICK: (..) &{l=P Hm⌈2: &}l=P ⌉2 . 1505160_1506210 *REBE: ⌊2 Definitely ⌋2 . 1505660_1506210 *REBE: (..) Hopefully it's good news . 1506210_1507960 *REBE: (..) &=in (..) If it's not 1507960_1511160 (.) I'll be bummed . 1511160_1511760 *REBE: &=laugh &=laugh . 1511760_1512410 *JUNE: ⌈ &=laugh &=ex ⌉ . 1512410_1512780 *REBE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Cause I've been living with this case now for so long 1512410_1515190 &=in (.) &=THROAT 1515390_1516890 (..) . 1516890_1524590 @End