@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: MARI MARILYN Speaker, ROY ROY Speaker, PETE PETE Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|MARI|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ROY|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|PETE|||||Speaker||| @Media: 03, audio @Comment: Conceptual Pesticides @Comment: A conversation among three friends who are preparing dinner together, recorded in Southern California. Roy and Marilyn are a married couple, and Pete is a friend visiting from out of town. All participants are in their early thirties. *MARI: &=ex ⌈ Okay ⌉ . 0_1010 *ROY: ⌊ Do you have a par⌋ticular 300_1650 um 1650_2100 (.) ⌈ use for the ⌉ red peppers . 2100_4000 *PETE: ⌊ XXX X ⌋ . 2150_3050 *ROY: as opposed to the yellow or green pepp⌈ers ⌉ . 4000_6310 *MARI: ⌊ No ⌋ no 6110_6510 it was all (.) salad peppers . 6510_7690 *ROY: It's all salad peppers . 7690_9060 *MARI: Mhm . 9060_9510 *ROY: (..) In that case I will use a yellow pepper for this evening . 9510_12960 *MARI: (.) &=in Oh 12960_14210 (..) fabulous . 14210_15210 *MARI: (..) &=in ⌈ Peter ⌉ . 15210_16520 *ROY: ⌊ X ⌋ . 16260_16540 *MARI: would ⌈2 you like to ⌉2 (..) string the bea:ns ? 16520_19090 *PETE: ⌊2 What can I do ⌋2 . 16600_17300 *PETE: Sure . 19090_19360 *ROY: &{n=WHISTLE . 19360_19360 *PETE: (..) Oh 19360_20840 &{l=X it smells like that stuff &}l=X . 20840_22240 *MARI: (..) I know . 22240_22840 *MARI: (.) It's kind of smelly 22840_23540 isn't it . 23540_23900 *PETE: Mhm . 23900_24390 *ROY: (..) &}n=WHISTLE . 24390_26270 *MARI: &{l=VOX But I got it at a reputable market &}l=VOX . 26270_28200 *ROY: (..) Well let's see 28200_30610 (.) ⌈ a three-person salad ⌉ bow:⌈2:l ⌉2 . 30610_32840 *PETE: ⌊ &{l=X These aren't &}l=X particularly stringy ⌋ . 30660_32060 *MARI: ⌊2 Hunh ⌋2 ? 32410_32840 *PETE: They aren't particularly ⌈3 stringy ⌉3 . 32840_33920 *MARI: ⌊3 Oh ⌋3 . 33570_33920 *MARI: (.) Then just snap ⌈4 em ⌉4 . 33920_34720 *ROY: ⌊4 That ⌋4 ⌈5 probably looks like a ⌉5 three-person salad bowl . 34420_37380 *PETE: ⌊4 I'll ⌋4 ⌊5 just &{l=X and put em &}l=X 34450_35100 and put them ⌋5 +... 35100_35980 *ROY: hunh ? 37380_37730 *MARI: &=in Ma:n that's a big ⌈ hunk of fish ⌉ . 37730_39330 *PETE: ⌊ Where do you want em ⌋ ⌈2 put ⌉2 . 38830_39730 *MARI: ⌊2 Shit ⌋2 39330_39730 it's a huge +... 39730_40180 *PETE: Are they just going (.) on that 40180_41380 or ⌈ XXXXX ⌉ . 41380_42510 *MARI: ⌊ Uh: ⌋ 41840_42390 (.) you wanna put em in a (.) colander 42510_43950 and then (.) wash em ? 43950_45010 *MARI: (.) There's a colander +/. 45010_45780 *MARI: (..) Oh: . 45780_47180 *MARI: It's gone . 47180_47770 *MARI: Oh here it is . 47770_48380 *MARI: (..) Um 48380_49330 (.) around the corner there . 49330_50180 *MARI: (..) I got (.) fishy hands . 50180_51290 *MARI: (..) My ⌈ God these ⌉ are ⌈2 enormous ⌉2 . 51290_53960 *PETE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 52670_53070 *ROY: ⌊2 &=SNEEZE ⌋2 . 53170_53920 *MARI: (..) Oh . 53920_55830 *MARI: (..) Oh I see 55830_56580 we have two big ones . 56580_57530 *MARI: (.) Instead of 57530_57980 (.) good . 57980_58380 *MARI: (.) Good good . 58380_58780 *MARI: (..) Okay 58780_59600 now: . 59600_60200 *MARI: (.) How much +/. 60200_60600 *MARI: (.) Do you guys each want like 60600_61750 (.) half of that ? 61750_62750 *PETE: (..) ⌈ Sure ⌉ . 62750_63350 *MARI: ⌊ Or X ⌋ will you eat more . 63050_63850 *MARI: (..) Or if you'll eat +... 63850_64750 *PETE: Nah . 64750_65250 *MARI: (..) if you'll eat more than that . 65250_66850 *ROY: &{n=SING . 66850_66850 *MARI: then I'll cook the whole thing . 66850_67860 *MARI: If not then I'll make ceviche . 67860_69360 *MARI: (..) With the leftovers . 69360_70360 *MARI: (.) What do you think . 70360_70910 *ROY: &}n=SING . 71110_71110 *MARI: (.) This is a big fucking fish . 70910_72620 *MARI: (.) &=in (..) ⌈ Roy ⌉ . 72620_74060 *ROY: ⌊ XX ⌋ 73460_74060 (.) What ⌈2 what what ⌉2 . 74060_74860 *MARI: ⌊2 do you want half ⌋2 +/. 74310_75010 *MARI: (..) half of one of these 75010_76060 or more than that . 76060_76860 *ROY: (..) I could eat (.) o:ne of those . 76860_80290 *MARI: (.) You could ? 80290_80840 *PETE: (.) Hm . 80840_81340 *ROY: Well 81340_81670 (.) ⌈ but I ⌉ won't . 81670_82290 *PETE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ 81670_82040 Then I ⌈2 guess ⌉2 +... 82290_82890 *ROY: ⌊2 I mean ⌋2 82590_83040 ⌈3 &=in ⌉3 . 83040_83420 *MARI: ⌊3 Okay ⌋3 . 83090_83430 *PETE: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 83090_83430 ⌈4 Divide ⌉4 ⌈5 it in half ⌉5 . 83430_84160 *ROY: ⌊4 well don't ⌋4 +... 83360_83900 *MARI: ⌊4 Then I'll ⌋4 +... 83390_83810 *ROY: ⌊5 Y- ⌋5 +/. 83910_84160 *ROY: What you oughta do though Mar 84160_85400 (..) ⌈ cook ⌉ all the fish . 85400_86710 *MARI: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 85680_85930 *ROY: (.) Cause +/. 86710_86960 *ROY: (.) well 86960_87260 we won't use it 87260_87960 (.) if you don't cook it . 87960_88810 *ROY: (..) ⌈ Now ⌉ . 88810_89410 *MARI: ⌊ Well I was gonna ⌋ make ceviche with the leftovers . 88860_90800 *ROY: Oh alright 90800_91160 (.) that sounds good . 91160_92000 *MARI: (..) So you can eat about that much Peter ? 92000_96280 *PETE: ⌈ Which size ⌉ . 96280_97040 *ROY: ⌊ There's a bad ⌋ smell in here . 96280_97710 *MARI: ⌈2 That size ⌉2 . 97650_98020 *PETE: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 97760_98030 *ROY: ⌊2 hmm ⌋2 . 97890_98440 *MARI: (..) there ⌈3 is ⌉3 ? 98440_99670 *PETE: ⌊3 I ⌋3 could . 99520_100000 *PETE: (.) But I +/. 100000_100400 *PETE: (.) I'm +/. 100400_100650 *PETE: (.) ⌈ I'm also capable of eating ⌉ lots of stuff . 100650_102650 *ROY: ⌊ No it's the smell of fish ⌋ . 100650_102050 *ROY: &{l=SING The ⌈2 smell ⌉2 . 102650_103400 *MARI: ⌊2 Oh okay ⌋2 102920_103500 well let's make the whole thing then . 103500_104500 *ROY: of fish 104500_105620 (..) is in 105620_107460 (..) the fridge &}l=SING . 107460_109590 *MARI: X (..) XX &{l=X microwave &}l=X ? 109590_111490 *MARI: (..) &=laugh &=in &=laugh 111490_115160 (.) &{l=VOX Oh: Go:d &}l=VOX &=laugh . 115160_117070 *PETE: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 117070_117830 *MARI: Okay . 117830_118280 *MARI: (.) U:m . 118280_118780 *ROY: (.) &{n=WHISTLE . 118780_120420 *MARI: now . 118920_119570 *MARI: (..) Ah . 119570_124200 *MARI: (..) Okay 124200_125800 we're gonna have like (.) dietetic (..) style (..) fish . 125800_128840 *ROY: &}n=WHISTLE . 128840_129540 *MARI: (..) Hope that's (.) &{l=X acceptable &}l=X . 129540_130990 *ROY: (..) You'll probably want me to wash this stuff . 130990_135400 *MARI: &=laugh (.) &=laugh Silly me . 135400_136650 *MARI: &=in Do you want +/. 136650_137250 *MARI: You could use the lettuce ⌈ washer ⌉ . 137250_138450 *PETE: ⌊ XX ⌋ . 137820_138470 *MARI: cause Pete's using the colander . 138470_139670 *ROY: (.) Where's the lettuce washer . 139670_140840 *MARI: (.) You know 140840_141350 the salad spinner thing ? 141350_142420 *MARI: (.) XX 142420_143480 (.) ⌈ &{l=VOX Creole seafood ⌉ seasoning &}l=VOX . 143480_145640 *ROY: ⌊ XX (.) XX ⌋ . 144460_145010 *MARI: (..) See how hard we work . 145640_147900 *PETE: (.) &{l=@ That's ⌈ right ⌉ &}l=@ . 147900_148650 *MARI: ⌊ &{l=X to feed &}l=X ⌋ our guests . 148270_149270 *PETE: ⌈2 I'm really impressed ⌉2 . 149270_150220 *ROY: ⌊2 Where is that salad spinner ⌋2 . 149290_150210 *ROY: Here it is . 150220_150670 *MARI: (..) A dollar ⌈ ninety-eight ⌉ . 150670_152690 *ROY: ⌊ And possibly the most ⌋ spurious (.) device ever invented . 151830_155040 *MARI: Oh I think &{l=X it &}l=X they're great . 155040_156090 *MARI: (.) Do you have a salad spinner ? 156090_156990 *PETE: (.) ⌈ No ⌉ . 156990_157390 *MARI: ⌊ &{l=X They're &}l=X cool ⌋ . 156990_158190 *ROY: (..) Is this: like something you had when you were young 158190_160590 in your own family ? 160590_161590 *MARI: (.) No . 161590_162090 *MARI: (.) It's brand new . 162090_162690 *MARI: ⌈ Oh shit ⌉ . 162690_163290 *PETE: ⌊ Yeah 162790_162990 I don't think ⌋ they ever +/. 162990_163740 *PETE: (.) did they actually exist ⌈2 back then ⌉2 ? 163740_165540 *MARI: ⌊2 &{l=X Hey bud &}l=X ⌋2 . 164660_165360 *MARI: ⌈3 X ⌉3 . 165360_165810 *ROY: ⌊3 No ⌋3 165580_165800 and they probably didn't have to wash their salads back then 165800_168130 because they didn't know: what was on them . 168130_169730 *MARI: (.) &{l=FOOD &=laugh 169730_170260 (..) Yeah &}l=FOOD . 170260_170730 *MARI: (..) They weren't craw:ling with disgusting pesticides . 170730_173180 *ROY: (..) Conceptual pesticides . 173180_174930 *MARI: (..) &{l=P Whatever &}l=P . 174930_176130 *ROY: (..) Pesticides of the mind . 176130_179630 *MARI: (..) &{l=P &{l=% What should I fry this fish in &}l=% &}l=P . 179630_185460 *ROY: (..) &{l=FOOD Could I &}l=FOOD (..) beg your indulgence 185460_191770 (..) my dear ? 191770_193020 *ROY: (..) That I might slip in past you here ? 193020_195470 *MARI: (..) &{l=X You can &}l=X . 195470_197120 *MARI: (..) &{l=VOX Sure &}l=VOX . 197120_198730 *MARI: (..) Okay 198730_202000 so did we decide we do or do not want potatoe:s . 202000_204690 *ROY: (..) I think potatoes are excessive . 204690_206800 *ROY: I think we have enough food here . 206800_208140 *MARI: (.) Peter ? 208140_208700 *PETE: (..) Um 208700_209240 (.) that's fine . 209240_209890 *MARI: (.) Okay . 209890_210390 *PETE: (.) No ⌈ potatoe⌉s . 210390_210940 *MARI: ⌊ We have ⌋ +/. 210460_210910 *MARI: um . 210940_211290 *PETE: (.) we're having like salad and fish ? 211290_212640 *MARI: (.) unhunh 212640_213140 (.) and (.) gre- (.) green beans ? 213140_214490 *PETE: (.) Yeah . 214490_214790 *MARI: (..) We can make um 214790_216260 (..) garlic bread or something . 216260_217790 *ROY: (.) &{l=FOOD Oh 217790_218060 that ⌈ sounds ⌉ fun &}l=FOOD . 218060_219140 *PETE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 218400_218590 *MARI: (..) Okay . 219140_219640 *PETE: Yeah 219640_219790 we could have a little (.) garlic bread . 219790_221090 *MARI: (.) I have (..) the ideal (..) makings (.) for garlic bread . 221090_223890 *MARI: Right here . 223890_224390 *ROY: Garlic 224390_225040 (..) bread 225040_226040 (..) and butter . 226040_226790 *MARI: (..) right [% laugh] . 226790_227950 *MARI: (..) Well actually I have Trader Joe's 227950_230200 (..) &{l=VOX whipped (..) garlic bread (.) spread &}l=VOX . 230200_232450 *ROY: (.) &=ex ⌈ Oh [% laugh] ⌉ ⌈2 boy [% laugh] ⌉2 . 232450_233650 *MARI: ⌊ Oo ⌋ . 232930_233300 *PETE: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 233300_235560 *ROY: ⌊3 So [% laugh] 234430_234780 we can dispense ⌋3 with the garlic and the butter . 234780_236910 *PETE: &{l=X Right &}l=X . 236910_237410 *MARI: Right . 237410_237610 *MARI: (.) It's all +... 237610_238140 *PETE: That goes right along with the- +/. 237960_238800 *PETE: (.) the Cajun (.) spice ⌈ mix . 238800_240510 *MARI: ⌊ &{l=@ I know . 239860_240360 *PETE: and ⌉ . 240510_240660 *MARI: I know &}l=@ ⌋ . 240360_240660 *MARI: It's just like 240660_241410 (..) &{l=Q well 241410_241900 (.) we could've gone ⌈ out ⌉ . 241900_242910 *PETE: ⌊ hm ⌋ . 242680_243080 *MARI: but 242910_243080 ʔuh I wanted it to be ⌈ home made &}l=Q ⌉ . 243080_244330 *PETE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 243680_244060 *MARI: ⌈2 You ⌉2 know ? 244330_244740 *PETE: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 . 244360_244560 *MARI: (.) &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 244740_247220 *ROY: Right 247220_247670 (.) &{l=Q fla⌈vors of the evening . 247670_249170 *MARI: ⌊ &{l=X Now it will be the &}l=X (.) spray [% laugh] on [% laugh] &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 248220_250970 *ROY: Just add food &}l=Q ⌉ . 249170_250370 *ROY: &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 250370_251140 *PETE: ⌊2 Spray [% laugh] on &=laugh ⌋2 . 251140_251800 *MARI: &=laugh . 251800_252000 *PETE: &=laugh . 252000_252150 *MARI: &{l=VOX spray on olive oil . 252150_253200 *MARI: ⌈ Oh ⌉ boy &}l=VOX . 253200_254420 *PETE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh . 253310_254510 *MARI: ⌈2 &{l=HI Woo: &}l=HI ⌉2 . 254510_255830 *PETE: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 255070_255820 (..) Is it really . 255830_256980 *MARI: (.) ʔUh 256980_257330 (.) yes . 257330_257830 *MARI: (..) It's uh +/. 257830_258430 *MARI: (.) it's really icky . 258430_259110 *PETE: How bizarre . 259110_259730 *MARI: (.) But 259730_260130 (..) I'm gonna cut this up 260130_263220 so I &{l=% can fry: it &}l=% . 263220_264970 *PETE: (..) S- +/. 264970_266450 *PETE: (.) How come like 266450_267050 (.) the bread crumbs weren't already attached to the fish 267050_268950 or the ⌈ pan ⌉ . 268950_269550 *MARI: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 269130_269550 *PETE: or something . 269550_270090 *MARI: &=in . 270090_270300 *PETE: ⌈ &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 270300_270830 *MARI: ⌊ Well I ⌋ probably &{l=@ could've bought it that way &}l=@ . 270560_272460 *PETE: &=laugh &=laugh . 272460_273560 *MARI: But I- +/. 273560_273860 *MARI: (.) you know 273860_274210 (.) I said 274210_274590 I want it to be homemade . 274590_275620 *MARI: You know 275620_276010 something special . 276010_276810 *PETE: (.) Well at ⌈ least ⌉ they are uh like already breaded +... 276810_278360 *ROY: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 277040_277220 *PETE: (.) I mean crumbed and in the jar . 278360_279810 *ROY: they're ⌈ working ⌉ on ⌈2 breed⌉2ing (.) pre-breaded (.) red snapper . 279810_282630 *PETE: ⌊ XX ⌋ . 279980_280430 *MARI: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 280630_280880 *MARI: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh ⌉3 . 282630_283350 *ROY: ⌊3 On ⌋3 fish farms . 283150_284100 *MARI: (..) &=laugh . 284100_284970 *ROY: (..) Have you heard about these horrific (..) uh new (.) genetic (..) developments 284970_290470 in (.) in (.) um (..) food livestock ? 290470_293930 *PETE: (.) Y_no . 293930_294430 *PETE: (.) ⌈ Like what ⌉ . 294430_295180 *ROY: ⌊ Like they're ⌋ 294650_295150 (.) they're trying [% laugh] to [% laugh] bree:d 295150_296630 (.) &{l=VOX ho ho: &}l=VOX 296630_297880 &=in (.) they're trying to breed like a forty foot long tube chicken ? 297880_301030 *MARI: (.) &{l=F &{l=VOX No: &}l=VOX &}l=F &=laugh &=laugh . 301030_302480 *MARI: &=in You mean so that they can ⌈ go right ⌉ from that ⌈2 to Chicken ⌉2 McNuggets ? 302480_305580 *ROY: ⌊ &{l=X They're like ⌋ 303830_304180 ⌊2 they're like &}l=X ⌋2 +/. 304580_305080 *ROY: (.) Yeah 305580_305930 ⌈ and it (.) ⌉ has . 305930_307000 *MARI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 305920_306620 *ROY: (.) it has n- +/. 307000_307450 *ROY: it has no 307450_308240 (.) basically ⌈ no ⌉ body bones except a spine . 308240_310700 *MARI: ⌊ &{l=WH &{l=X Yuck &}l=X &}l=WH ⌋ . 308780_309050 *ROY: to con- ʔuh vey the nerves 310700_311900 from ⌈ one end to another ⌉ . 311900_313150 *MARI: ⌊ &{l=VOX Oh: no⌋: &}l=VOX 312070_313420 who's doing ⌈2 this . 313420_313970 *ROY: ⌊2 this is like . 313570_314040 *MARI: UC Davis ⌉2 . 313970_314670 *ROY: &=in this ⌋2 is like some kind of horrific nightmare . 314240_316290 *ROY: I read about ⌈3 this ⌉3 . 316290_317040 *PETE: ⌊3 This ⌋3 +... 316890_317040 *ROY: this is ⌈4 tube chickens ⌉4 . 317040_318140 *PETE: ⌊4 That's horrible ⌋4 . 317460_318160 *MARI: (.) ⌈5 &{l=@ That is the worst &}l=@ ⌉5 . 318160_319540 *PETE: ⌊5 That's really true ⌋5 ? 318360_319360 *PETE: ⌈6 I ⌉6 +... 319360_319760 *ROY: ⌊6 And it's just ⌋6 (.) awful . 319360_320560 *ROY: Who wants ⌈7 to eat it ⌉7 . 320560_321410 *MARI: ⌊7 I think I'll dip ⌋7 these in &{l=VOX e:gg &}l=VOX . 320880_322630 *ROY: (..) ⌈8 Course ⌉8 . 322630_323960 *PETE: ⌊8 Yeah ⌋8 . 323680_323930 *PETE: (.) You know 323960_324410 (.) the early man probably said (..) the same thing about the first domestic chicken . 324410_327960 *MARI: (..) &=laugh . 327960_328660 *ROY: (.) &{l=@ you know &}l=@ . 328660_329210 *MARI: (.) &=in (.) &{l=VOX Can you imagine 329210_330760 they're taking this beautiful jungle fowl 330760_332560 and they're leaving it in a box . 332560_333950 *MARI: That's gross &}l=VOX . 333950_334860 *ROY: (.) &{l=FOOD &{l=@ Right &}l=@ &}l=FOOD . 334860_335860 *MARI: (.) Oh 335860_336010 I wonder if it's this horrible +... 336010_337160 *ROY: (..) Is there something fishy that smells ? 337160_340520 *MARI: (..) No . 340520_344780 *ROY: (..) No 344780_345730 I- I think it's just residual 345730_347430 um . 347430_347740 *MARI: Residual fish smell 347740_348870 from ⌈ the smelly fish ⌉ . 348870_349870 *ROY: ⌊ fish smell from the ⌋ (..) &=ex potent red snapper &=ex . 348970_353630 *MARI: (.) Well 353630_353930 (.) it'll be unpotent in a minute . 353930_355280 *MARI: (..) Not to worry . 355280_356920 *MARI: (..) Let me see . 356920_359900 *MARI: (..) What was I in here for 359900_361550 (..) there's nothing worse than staring like a dope at your own refrigerator . 361550_368010 *MARI: (..) Um 368010_369370 (..) oh an egg . 369370_371160 *MARI: (..) God [% laugh] damn it 371160_376670 what'd you do . 376670_377390 *MARI: (..) You &{l=@ son of a bitch &}l=@ . 377390_379200 *PETE: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 379200_381280 *MARI: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh . 379890_382250 *ROY: I threw a ⌈2 green pepper down your blouse ⌉2 . 382250_384150 *MARI: ⌊2 You threw a green pepper down ⌋2 my shirt . 382850_384850 *ROY: (..) &=SNIFF (.) I thought it was funny . 384850_386800 *MARI: (..) Hilarious . 386800_388480 *ROY: (..) I'm laughing . 388480_389780 *MARI: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 389780_391140 *ROY: (..) I got (.) quite a giggle out of it . 391140_392740 *MARI: &=laugh . 392740_392940 *ROY: (..) Um . 392940_393790 *MARI: (..) ⌈ Um ⌉ . 393790_396310 *ROY: ⌊ did you ⌋ dispense with the uh (..) tomatoes that I had sitting in here . 395900_399700 *ROY: (..) In a ⌈2 fit of ⌉2 (..) household efficiency . 399700_403450 *MARI: ⌊2 these guys ⌋2 ? 401520_402070 *ROY: Those . 403450_403800 *ROY: Yes . 403800_404100 *MARI: (..) X 404100_404600 (.) okay 404600_408470 egg . 408470_409020 *MARI: (..) One egg will do: ? 409020_410710 *MARI: (..) So my mom didn't catch any fish . 410710_415760 *ROY: (..) Mhm . 415760_416300 *MARI: (.) Up north she said . 416300_417350 *MARI: (..) Rotten luck . 417350_418690 *PETE: Where were they fishing . 418690_419390 *PETE: (.) Like in lakes 419390_420140 or . 420140_420390 *MARI: (.) ⌈ Um: . 420390_420840 *PETE: ⌊ rivers . 420410_420860 *MARI: I think . 420860_421300 *PETE: or what ⌋ . 421300_421560 *MARI: um ⌉ 421340_421550 at the mouth of rivers 421550_422900 (.) on the coast of Or⌈egon ⌉ . 422900_424200 *PETE: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 423750_424200 *ROY: (.) Oh my . 424200_424900 *ROY: (..) Oops . 424900_425600 *ROY: (.) Too late . 425600_426350 *MARI: (..) They have some +... 426350_427550 *PETE: (..) So like what are they catching 427550_428600 salmon and stuff ? 428600_429350 *MARI: ⌈ &=THROAT ⌉ . 429350_429850 *PETE: ⌊ Or what ⌋ . 429350_429950 *MARI: Yeah . 429950_430400 *PETE: (.) Unh⌈hunh ⌉ . 430400_431100 *MARI: ⌊ &=in And some ⌋ guy who- +/. 430650_431680 *MARI: (.) who knows a good thing when he's on to it 431680_433530 (.) &=in calls them up . 433530_434830 *PETE: (..) I ⌈ see ⌉ . 434830_435580 *MARI: ⌊ &=in &=tsk ⌋ And says 435200_436150 (.) &=tsk &{l=VOX oh: . 436150_436950 *MARI: (.) The fish are running 436950_437800 don't you want to come up here 437800_438800 and blah blah ⌈ blah b- &}l=VOX +... 438800_439700 *ROY: ⌊ And pay me zil⌋⌈2lions ⌉2 of ⌈3 dollars ⌉3 ⌈4 to ⌉4 . 439450_441150 *MARI: You know ⌉ . 439700_440100 *PETE: ⌊2 Right ⌋2 . 440120_440420 *MARI: ⌊3 Pay me ⌋3 . 440400_440820 *PETE: ⌊3 Unhunh ⌋3 . 440770_441170 *MARI: ⌊4 pay me ⌋4 440870_441370 you know 441370_441570 eighty dollars a day to run my ⌈ boat ⌉ . 441570_443070 *PETE: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 442720_443120 *MARI: (..) Catch fabulous salmon . 443120_444960 *MARI: (..) ⌈ And they have it ⌉ canned . 444960_446260 *PETE: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ . 445210_445760 *MARI: (.) You know 446260_446460 they eat it 446460_447010 (..) when they're up there 447010_448110 (.) and ⌈ I guess they ⌉ have some frozen . 448110_449560 *PETE: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 448230_448580 *MARI: but they have it canned and . 449560_450460 *PETE: Unhunh . 450460_450910 *MARI: (.) &=tsk &{l=VOX put it in our stockings 450910_452440 for Christ⌈mas &}l=VOX ⌉ . 452440_453210 *PETE: ⌊ Aw⌋: . 452880_453380 *ROY: (.) Isn't that great . 453380_454280 *MARI: (..) It's (..) nice for them . 454280_457390 *MARI: They have some recreation with it . 457390_458890 *PETE: (..) But no salmon in your stockings this year . 458890_461770 *PETE: Hunh ? 461770_462020 *ROY: Spend ⌈ their va- ⌉ +... 462020_462820 *MARI: ⌊ Well 462420_462670 they ⌋ &=ex &=lengthened have already done it &=ex . 462670_463970 *MARI: (.) ⌈2 So ⌉2 . 463970_464470 *PETE: ⌊2 Oh ⌋2 . 464220_464470 *MARI: (..) I mean 464470_465580 (.) this was 465580_466130 (..) another ⌈ trip . 466130_467220 *PETE: ⌊ This is the next trip ⌋ . 467070_468120 *MARI: In fact 467220_467620 they were supposed to ⌉ go up in um 467620_469220 (..) more 469220_470530 (.) you know 470530_470800 (.) environmental thing . 470800_471690 *MARI: They were supposed to go up (..) at the end of (..) August . 471690_476290 *MARI: (..) When (.) they usually run 476290_477340 and 477340_477590 (..) &=tsk &=in &{l=VOX fish weren't running this year &}l=VOX 477590_479690 you know 479690_479890 it's like everywhere . 479890_480640 *MARI: (.) Nothing's doing what it's supposed to 480640_482290 (.) anymore 482290_482990 (.) ⌈ anywhere ⌉ . 482990_483390 *PETE: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ ? 483190_483440 *MARI: (..) That's why that whole (..) mountain climbing (.) expedition was screwy . 483440_488850 *PETE: What (.) mountain climbing expedition was that . 488850_490400 *PETE: ⌈ XX ⌉ +... 490400_490720 *MARI: ⌊ The one that ⌋ we were (.) ⌈2 part ⌉2 ⌈3 of ⌉3 . 490400_491960 *ROY: ⌊2 The (.) ex⌋2⌊3pedition we ⌋3 ⌈4 went on in ⌉4 ⌈5 Nepal ⌉5 ? 491180_493280 *PETE: ⌊3 Oh that ⌋3 . 491580_492180 *MARI: ⌊4 (.) in Nepal ⌋4 . 492160_492730 *PETE: ⌊5 Unhunh ⌋5 . 492540_493290 *ROY: (..) Um . 493290_494360 *PETE: What was ⌈ the problem ⌉ . 494360_495360 *ROY: ⌊ was supposed to ⌋ be . 494860_495860 *MARI: (..) ⌈2 Supposed to be perfect weather: ⌉2 . 495860_497560 *ROY: ⌊2 right in between the +/. 496310_497560 *ROY: Yeah ⌋2 497560_497810 perfect weather 497810_498410 and all that stuff ? 498410_499110 *PETE: Unhunh . 499110_499460 *ROY: (.) And they ended up getting (.) early (.) winter (.) storms . 499460_501960 *ROY: Or late monsoon storms . 501960_503460 *ROY: Or whatever . 503460_504010 *MARI: (..) Yeah 504010_504830 ⌈ whatever . 504830_505170 *ROY: ⌊ And that's ⌋ . 505000_505700 *MARI: it was a:⌉typical weather . 505000_506500 *PETE: (.) ⌈2 Mhm ⌉2 . 506500_507620 *ROY: ⌊2 you know ⌋2 . 507060_507660 *ROY: (..) Everywhere (.) we've been 507660_510390 (..) in the past several years 510390_512090 (.) everybody's talking about how 512090_513870 (.) &=in the weather just (.) isn't (.) normal . 513870_516120 *PETE: That's true . 516120_516820 *PETE: (..) That's definitely been the case in Indonesia 516820_519280 for quite a few years . 519280_520230 *MARI: Mhm . 520230_520580 *MARI: (.) ⌈ Really ⌉ ? 520580_521080 *ROY: ⌊ Really ⌋ . 520630_521080 *PETE: (.) Yeah . 521080_521780 *PETE: (..) Well like 521780_522380 when I was: (.) living there for the couple of years 522380_524430 (.) it was +/. 524430_524930 *PETE: (..) the rainy season was all off 524930_526580 (.) you know 526580_526980 it rained during the dry season 526980_528280 and was: (.) dry during the rainy ⌈ season ⌉ . 528280_529880 *MARI: ⌊ Oh really ⌋ ? 529380_529880 *PETE: and stuff like that 529880_530480 yeah . 530480_530630 *MARI: (..) Gee . 530630_532140 *PETE: And really really dry . 532140_533190 *PETE: They were having a drought &{l=X while I was there &}l=X . 533190_534540 *ROY: (..) Yeah 534540_538720 I don't know 538720_539270 (.) I mean +/. 539270_539770 *ROY: (.) I- I don't know if our drought here will ever break . 539770_542370 *ROY: I wonder if this is just isn't . 542370_543920 *MARI: (.) This is it . 543920_544720 *PETE: (.) ⌈ Hm ⌉ . 544720_545220 *ROY: ⌊ the new ⌋ weather for southern California . 544770_546670 *PETE: (..) Well they +/. 546670_549010 *PETE: (.) they claim that there's these cycles 549010_550560 and that we're in the (.) the middle of a normal cycle . 550560_552860 *PETE: (.) I don't know how true that is . 552860_553860 *MARI: (..) Well . 553860_555240 *PETE: (.) Thanks . 555240_555840 *MARI: &=in I r- I really +/. 555840_557340 *MARI: (..) We read this great book . 557340_558840 *MARI: (.) Called 558840_559440 (..) The End of Nature ? 559440_560790 *PETE: (.) Ew: . 560790_561290 *PETE: &=laugh ⌈ Sounds wonderful ⌉ . 561290_562340 *MARI: ⌊ By this guy ⌋ 561510_562560 (.) this 562560_562960 (.) um 562960_563460 (.) you know . 563460_564210 *ROY: Bill ⌈ McKibben ⌉ . 564210_565110 *MARI: ⌊ twenty-eight-year-old ⌋ 564660_565940 (..) ⌈2 Harvard ⌉2 guy . 565940_566940 *PETE: ⌊2 Right ⌋2 . 566210_566660 *MARI: who lives out in the woods 566940_567990 (.) a ⌈ la Thor⌉eau . 567990_568890 *PETE: ⌊ mhm ⌋ . 568340_568590 *MARI: &=in (.) anyway 568890_569690 smart . 569690_570140 *MARI: (..) And uh 570140_572100 (..) &=in it's called 572100_573680 (.) yeah . 573680_573880 *MARI: It's called The End of Nature 573880_575280 (..) and it's just really a scary [% laugh] book [% laugh] . 575280_577580 *MARI: You know . 577580_577980 *MARI: &=in There's &=in no natural world left . 577980_580030 *PETE: (.) Right . 580030_580330 *MARI: All the natural world was go:ne in nineteen seventy-five . 580330_583400 *ROY: (..) ⌈ His premise is basic⌉ally this . 583400_585680 *MARI: ⌊ and now XXX ⌋ . 584040_585020 *ROY: (..) That 585680_586380 (.) um 586380_587080 (..) as soo:n as the world hit a point 587080_590800 (..) where (..) there was no more (..) objectively pristine (.) land . 590800_598200 *PETE: (.) Unhunh . 598200_598700 *ROY: (.) When: 598700_599000 you know 599000_599500 (..) they ⌈ found ⌉ pollution on top of Mount Everest . 599500_601900 *PETE: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 600000_600250 *PETE: mhm . 601900_602350 *ROY: (..) and at the very bottom of the ocean . 602350_604400 *PETE: (.) Right . 604400_604900 *ROY: (.) &{l=FOOD Well 604900_605300 that's it &}l=FOOD . 605300_606050 *PETE: (.) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 606050_606550 *ROY: ⌊ Man ⌋ has had (.) some effect . 606200_608510 *ROY: (..) On the entire absolute absoluteness of the globe . 608510_613040 *PETE: (.) Right . 613040_613540 *ROY: (.) So in principle 613540_614740 (..) the concept of nature 614940_617180 as a system inside of which man lives 617180_619480 (.) ⌈ is over ⌉ . 619480_620130 *PETE: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ 619630_620350 (.) Right . 620350_620850 *ROY: (.) And then 620850_621700 (.) in practice 621700_622850 (.) since then 622850_623700 which was fifteen years ago . 623700_625150 *PETE: (.) mhm . 625150_625550 *ROY: (..) &{l=MRC man has had such &}l=MRC dramatic impact 625550_629610 (.) on (..) what we used to think of as nature 629610_633300 (.) &=in that 633300_634780 (..) &=ex 634780_637880 (..) that the only way to coexist with nature- +/. 637880_641790 *ROY: It's no longer 641790_642700 (..) nature 642700_643800 (.) the quasi religious 643800_645870 (.) overarching 645870_646910 ordering principle . 646910_648200 *PETE: Right . 648200_648550 *ROY: in⌈side of which (.) ⌉ mankind lives . 648550_651570 *MARI: ⌊ Wordsworthian nature ⌋ . 649010_650130 *PETE: M⌈2hm ⌉2 . 651570_652150 *ROY: ⌊2 and ⌋2 uh- 651820_652440 you know 652440_652990 (..) w- (.) a a thing that we can all rely on as a balancing force 652990_657720 (.) over and above ourselves 657720_659490 (.) to order the universe . 659490_660540 *ROY: ⌈ Forget ⌉ all that . 660540_661260 *PETE: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 660550_660850 *MARI: Woo that's spi⌈2cy . 661260_662170 *ROY: ⌊2 It's now . 661950_662630 *MARI: Shit . 662210_662680 *MARI: &=THROAT ⌉2 . 662680_663170 *ROY: (.) you know ⌋2 662930_663190 the world is gonna be ⌈3 kept in order by the same ⌉3 people that brought you . 663190_666550 *MARI: ⌊3 &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌋3 664400_665100 &=COUGH . 666550_667280 *ROY: ⌈ you know ⌉ . 667280_667610 *MARI: ⌊ &=COUGH ⌋ . 667380_667690 *ROY: the atomic ⌈2 bomb . 667690_668610 *PETE: ⌊2 Right ⌋2 . 668230_668710 *MARI: ⌊2 &=in &=lengthened ⌋2 . 668230_668680 *ROY: and ⌉2 . 668640_668960 *MARI: &=COUGH ⌈3 &=COUGH ⌉3 . 668960_669840 *ROY: ⌊3 all ⌋3 that [% laugh] stuff [% laugh] . 669780_670610 *ROY: ⌈4 Right ⌉4 ? 670610_670920 *PETE: ⌊4 Right ⌋4 . 670710_671140 *ROY: (.) ⌈5 Which just ⌉5 doesn't sound like a very practical (..) proposal . 671140_674190 *PETE: ⌊5 Yeah ⌋5 . 671570_671730 *MARI: (..) Wow . 674190_676190 *ROY: (..) You know 676190_677220 the same people brought you the extinction of all the large mammals in (.) ⌈ Europe ⌉ and America . 677220_681970 *PETE: ⌊ X ⌋ . 680540_681840 *MARI: (.) ⌈2 And the dodo ⌉2 . 681970_683160 *ROY: ⌊2 are now en⌋2trusted with . 682450_683930 *PETE: (..) ⌈3 main⌉3taining ⌈4 what's ⌉4 ⌈5 there ⌉5 . 683930_687100 *ROY: ⌊3 XX ⌋3 . 685710_686180 *MARI: ⌊4 The ⌋4 ⌊5 rest of the natural world ⌋5 . 686580_687780 *ROY: ⌊5 maintaining the en⌋5tire globe 686680_688580 (.) for the ⌈6 rest of ⌉6 time . 688580_689880 *PETE: ⌊6 mhm ⌋6 . 688880_689280 *PETE: Right . 689880_690230 *ROY: (..) Not likely . 690230_691570 *MARI: (.) Mhm . 691570_692070 *ROY: (..) So 692070_693010 (.) that was his (.) basic premise . 693010_694310 *ROY: And then he goes on 694310_695260 for the rest of book 695260_696010 to ⌈ absolutely ⌉ . 696010_697050 *MARI: ⌊ Then &{l=X it &}l=X gets really ⌋ depressing &=laugh . 696180_697630 *ROY: ⌈2 heartless⌉2⌈3ly ⌉3 . 697630_698650 *PETE: ⌊2 Oh [% laugh] ⌋2 ⌊3 good [% laugh] ⌋3 . 697790_698690 *MARI: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 ⌈5 &=laugh &=lengthened . 698190_700880 *PETE: ⌊4 &=laugh oh [% laugh] gee [% laugh] &=laugh ⌋4 . 699230_700530 *ROY: ⌊5 heartlessly debunk . 700280_701660 *MARI: You haven't heard nothing 700960_701710 yet ⌉5 . 701710_702010 *ROY: all ⌋5 of the 701760_702760 you know 702760_703160 watery-eyed 703160_704180 (.) new age 704180_704930 (..) uh 704930_706000 various theories 706000_707310 (..) ⌈ of +... 707310_707770 *MARI: ⌊ Gaia 707690_708080 and all that stuff ⌋ . 708080_708900 *ROY: (.) of how it might ⌉ (.) not (.) be that way . 708080_709780 *PETE: Right . 709780_710080 *ROY: (..) &{l=FOOD You know 710080_710930 (.) so . 710930_711100 *PETE: Unhunh . 711100_711430 *ROY: (..) forget it 711430_713140 (.) forget it 713140_713560 (.) ⌈ forget ⌉ it . 713560_714090 *PETE: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 713530_713780 *ROY: (..) We're fucked &}l=FOOD . 714090_715000 *PETE: (..) Mhm . 715000_715550 *MARI: (.) Well I read it in the New Yorker 715550_717000 and I thought 717000_717220 &{l=Q oh no 717220_717570 one of those New Yorker articles 717570_718870 you know 718870_719270 (.) ⌈ yuck &}l=Q ⌉ . 719270_719620 *PETE: ⌊ &{l=X Right &}l=X ⌋ . 719290_719590 *MARI: And I +/. 719620_719850 *MARI: (.) It was really +/. 719850_720580 *MARI: (.) I read the whole thing 720580_721400 which is pretty rare &=laugh . 721400_722450 *MARI: (..) Well my my . 722450_732070 *ROY: (.) So I mean 732070_733020 (.) but his premise is not that mankind can't (.) survive on Earth . 733020_736920 *PETE: (.) Right . 736920_737420 *ROY: (..) His ques⌈tion is ⌉ . 737420_739280 *MARI: ⌊ &{l=X It's just &}l=X it's a whole ⌋ different earth . 738950_739800 *ROY: can man⌈2kind ⌉2 spiritually survive . 739800_742220 *PETE: ⌊2 Right ⌋2 . 740250_740610 *ROY: (.) &=in in (.) a (..) metaphysical world 742220_745530 in which it is patently obvious 745530_747730 that man is the highest (..) active (..) principle . 747730_751710 *PETE: (.) Mhm . 751710_752210 *ROY: (.) You know . 752210_752760 *ROY: (..) Outside of 752760_754010 (..) compl:etely faith-based belief in God 754010_757840 (..) you know 757840_759860 which is 759860_760360 (..) ʔuh irrespective of any (.) relationship to nature . 760360_763290 *PETE: (.) Mhm . 763290_763790 *ROY: (.) there is now 763790_764490 absolutely nothing 764490_765790 (.) in the world 765790_766790 (..) to which we are beholden . 766790_768810 *ROY: (..) And he w- +/. 768810_770640 *ROY: his question was 770640_771540 what impact is this gonna have 771540_773490 on the +... 773490_774890 *MARI: (.) Sort of fucks up the animists . 774890_776240 *ROY: +, cultural growth . 776240_777370 *MARI: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ &=laugh . 777370_778160 *PETE: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 777710_778060 *ROY: of +/. 778160_778510 *ROY: of the human species . 778510_779710 *MARI: Mhm . 779710_780260 *ROY: (..) Do we even want this . 780260_782270 *PETE: ⌈ Right ⌉ . 782270_782910 *ROY: ⌊ Do we ⌋ want to be the guy in charge of the world . 782590_784990 *MARI: (..) ⌈2 Unhunh ⌉2 . 784990_786010 *PETE: ⌊2 On ⌋2 the other hand 785800_786350 isn't he saying its too late ? 786350_787450 *ROY: (..) Well he is kind of saying its too late . 787450_789350 *PETE: So . 789350_789500 *ROY: This is why its such a depressing book . 789500_791050 *PETE: right . 791050_791400 *ROY: (.) He's saying 791400_792050 we already did it 792050_792950 (.) and we haven't ⌈ even thought about . 792950_794100 *MARI: ⌊ So much for culture ⌋ . 793470_794320 *ROY: whether we ⌉ wanted to do it ⌈2 or not ⌉2 . 794100_795320 *MARI: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 . 795060_795410 *PETE: (.) Right . 795410_795910 *MARI: (.) This is typical . 795910_797160 *PETE: (.) Yeah . 797160_797660 *PETE: (.) You know . 797660_798260 *ROY: (..) And +/. 798260_800300 *ROY: and then it gets down to s- +/. 800300_801650 *ROY: you know 801650_801950 I mean that brings into play 801950_803200 other people's remarks like 803200_804530 &=in (..) you know 804530_805430 the +/. 805430_805930 *ROY: (..) w- it's all fine ⌈ and good for us in this ⌉ ge⌈2neration ⌉2 . 805930_809590 *MARI: ⌊ &{l=X Let's cook those &}l=X XX ⌋ . 807660_808860 *PETE: ⌊2 So like ⌋2 . 809060_809610 *ROY: to talk about ⌈3 saving the wha:le ⌉3 . 809610_811310 *PETE: ⌊3 rinse them or something ? 810460_811260 *PETE: Wash ⌋3 them ? 811260_811550 *MARI: Yeah . 811550_811910 *PETE: ⌈ Did- +... 811910_812230 *MARI: ⌊ &{l=X Wash them &}l=X ⌋ . 812070_812370 *PETE: (.) did ⌉ you want them broken smaller 812230_813470 or . 813470_813720 *MARI: Oh I think they're good like ⌈ that ⌉ . 813720_814720 *PETE: ⌊ okay ⌋ . 814620_814920 *MARI: Are they ⌈2 good ⌉2 ? 814920_815270 *PETE: ⌊2 That's ⌋2 good . 815040_815590 *PETE: (..) Alright . 815590_816440 *MARI: (..) Yeah . 816440_817680 *MARI: (..) ⌈ &{l=VOX Yeah: &}l=VOX ⌉ . 817680_820580 *ROY: ⌊ You know ⌋ 820230_820550 saving the whale 820580_821630 or saving uh (..) the (.) polar bea⌈:r . 821630_824750 *PETE: ⌊ Ri:ght . 824690_825190 *PETE: (.) Pandas ⌋ . 825190_825990 *ROY: or making sure there's enough ⌉ grizzly bears 824750_826540 that's fine . 826540_827240 *PETE: (..) ⌈ mhm ⌉ . 827240_827740 *ROY: ⌊ But ⌋ +/. 827490_827740 *ROY: but 827740_827990 (.) implicit is 827990_829120 that at any point in time 829120_830620 (.) anytime in the future 830620_831920 (..) that m:an the collective 831920_834020 (..) you know 834020_835120 (..) group . 835120_836750 *PETE: (.) Mhm . 836750_837100 *ROY: or even 837100_837700 (.) individual special interests decide 837700_839490 &{l=Q yeah 839490_839790 fuck the whales &}l=Q . 839790_840690 *PETE: (.) Right . 840690_841190 *ROY: (.) They're out of there . 841190_842040 *ROY: (..) ⌈ Bango ⌉ . 842040_842740 *PETE: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 842390_842640 *ROY: (..) And 842740_845890 (..) so a:nyway 845890_847400 (..) interesting book . 847400_848590 *ROY: (..) I read it because of this project . 848590_851000 *ROY: You know . 851000_851500 *PETE: (..) Which project . 851500_852350 *ROY: (.) The ani⌈mal ⌉ kingdom project . 852350_853920 *PETE: ⌊ &{l=X Oh okay &}l=X ⌋ . 852830_853280 *PETE: (..) I don't think I know about that ⌈2 project ⌉2 . 853920_855870 *ROY: ⌊2 It's a ⌋2 thing I'm doing for Disney . 855490_857040 *PETE: (.) So is that (.) why you went to Africa ? 857040_858340 *ROY: (..) Yeah . 858340_858840 *MARI: (..) Such a ⌈ scum⌉bag . 858840_862350 *PETE: ⌊ So ⌋ . 861590_862070 *MARI: (.) ⌈2 He's going ⌉2 back to um . 862350_863850 *PETE: ⌊2 so he- ⌋2 +... 862700_863250 *MARI: (..) Nepal . 863850_866160 *MARI: (..) And 866160_866660 (..) India too 866660_868940 (.) when . 868940_869440 *MARI: (.) November . 869440_869940 *MARI: (..) &{l=P Make me X X &}l=P . 869940_873150 *ROY: Those are not all related languages . 873150_875050 *PETE: (..) No . 875050_876140 *PETE: (.) ⌈ They ⌉ aren't . 876140_876590 *MARI: ⌊ What ⌋ . 876260_876510 *PETE: (.) They +/. 876590_876940 *PETE: they just all happen to be in Southeast Asia . 876940_878490 *ROY: (.) &{l=FOOD Oh . 878490_879240 *PETE: (..) That's why . 879240_879990 *ROY: Ilocano's in the Philippines . 879990_881340 *ROY: ⌈ Right ⌉ ? 881340_881810 *PETE: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 881470_881870 *ROY: (..) I have a neat book 881870_884640 (.) I don't know if you've seen . 884640_885590 *MARI: (.) What's Cebuano . 885590_886840 *PETE: (.) It's in the Philippines too . 886840_888140 *ROY: (.) It's on the island of Cebu . 888140_889890 *MARI: (..) Oh . 889890_891210 *MARI: (..) Of course . 891210_891960 *ROY: (.) Figure that one out &}l=FOOD . 891960_893060 *MARI: (..) &{l=VOX No 893060_894300 I can't &}l=VOX . 894300_895150 *MARI: (..) ⌈ It's a department ⌉ store in Tokyo . 895150_896900 *ROY: ⌊ Um ⌋ . 895620_896070 *PETE: (..) X . 896900_898220 *ROY: (..) a book ⌈ called ⌉ . 898220_899270 *MARI: ⌊ XX ⌋ . 898740_899340 *ROY: (..) Power and Gold ? 899340_901350 *PETE: (..) Power and Gold ? 901350_902350 *ROY: (.) Power and Gold . 902350_903650 *ROY: (.) It's ⌈ all about ⌉ . 903650_904650 *PETE: ⌊ XX ⌋ . 904150_905270 *MARI: (..) Moslems . 905270_906000 *ROY: jewel⌈ry ⌉ traditions . 906000_907450 *PETE: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 906520_906770 *PETE: (.) unhunh . 907450_907850 *ROY: of the (.) archipelago 907850_909260 of Indonesia and the Philippines . 909260_910610 *PETE: Right . 910610_910860 *PETE: (.) ⌈ Oh that sounds great ⌉ . 910860_911910 *ROY: ⌊ Do you wanna see it ⌋ ? 911280_911930 *PETE: Yeah . 911930_912110 *MARI: It was ⌈ at the LA County ⌉ . 912110_913210 *ROY: ⌊ &{l=FOOD XXX 912310_912760 I'll be back &}l=FOOD ⌋ . 912760_913410 *PETE: (..) Oh it was like this +... 913410_914860 *MARI: The +... 914860_915210 *PETE: (.) An +... 915210_915460 *MARI: ⌈ exhibi⌉⌈2tion ⌉2 . 915460_916180 *PETE: ⌊ an exhi⌋⌊2bi⌋2⌈3tion thing ⌉3 ? 915620_916420 *ROY: ⌊2 Oh ⌋2 ⌊3 it's right here ⌋3 . 915820_916320 *PETE: Oh that sounds great . 916420_917020 *MARI: Mhm 917020_917370 (.) it was neat . 917370_917920 *PETE: (.) Did you +/. 917920_918620 *PETE: (..) you +/. 918620_919510 *PETE: Did you- +/. 919510_919860 *PETE: (.) Oh no 919860_920160 you never went to Jakarta . 920160_921260 *MARI: (..) No . 921260_921980 *PETE: Okay . 921980_922280 *PETE: (.) Cause there's +/. 922280_922680 *PETE: In ⌈ the National ⌉ +... 922680_923380 *MARI: ⌊ Jakarta . 922830_923380 *MARI: No ⌋ . 923380_923730 *PETE: (.) in the National Museum they have a Gold Room . 923730_926030 *PETE: (.) That has all this ⌈ gold ⌉ stuff . 926030_927280 *MARI: ⌊ Oh God ⌋ . 926650_927050 *PETE: It's really neat . 927280_927680 *MARI: You mean 927680_928180 (..) not made out of gold 928180_929330 ⌈ just ⌉ +... 929330_929650 *PETE: ⌊ No ⌋ . 929490_929740 *MARI: (.) Oh . 929740_930140 *PETE: (.) I mean 930140_930440 it's this X- +/. 930440_931240 *PETE: it's ⌈ called the Gold Room ⌉ . 931240_932390 *MARI: ⌊ Well aren't you neat ⌋ . 931410_932410 *MARI: Look at those little ends 932410_933310 all ⌈ wrapped ⌉ up in that plas⌈2tic ⌉2 bag . 933310_935060 *PETE: ⌊ Well ⌋ 933580_933930 ⌊2 X ⌋2 ? 934430_935180 *PETE: (.) Or do you like +/. 935180_935680 *PETE: (.) Should they go somewhere 935680_936630 where they (.) they (.) recycle 936630_937930 or 937930_938180 (.) ⌈ turn in⌉to compost . 938180_939180 *MARI: ⌊ Um ⌋ . 938280_938730 *PETE: or . 939180_939430 *MARI: (.) we don't have a com⌈post pile yet ⌉ . 939430_940980 *PETE: ⌊ so it just goes ⌋ in the trash like this . 940200_941800 *MARI: That's part of my +... 941800_942600 *PETE: (.) Which is where . 942600_943250 *MARI: +, landscape thing . 943250_944000 *MARI: &=in (.) Garbage is underneath . 944000_945300 *MARI: (.) If you can save the bag 945300_946650 (.) you can (.) turn it inside out and save it . 946650_948100 *PETE: Oh 948100_948250 okay . 948250_948500 *MARI: It's okay 948500_949000 (.) but 949000_949500 (..) you don't have to . 949500_949950 *PETE: This is 949950_950450 (..) this is +/. 950450_951620 *PETE: There's already plastic bags in there 951620_953120 ⌈ so ⌉ . 953120_953570 *MARI: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 953120_953570 *ROY: (..) ⌈2 I'll put these on the: dining room table ⌉2 ? 953570_955920 *MARI: ⌊2 There's already a 954540_955190 (.) XXX ⌋2 . 955190_955920 *PETE: just +/. 955920_956420 *PETE: (..) Oh . 956420_957520 *ROY: (.) Anyway . 957520_958220 *MARI: (.) Mm . 958220_958720 *MARI: (.) Hey that carrot's good . 958720_959770 *ROY: (..) It's got +/. 959770_961350 *ROY: (.) it's really ⌈ pretty +... 961350_962200 *PETE: ⌊ Well that's good ⌋ . 961970_962620 *ROY: it goes ⌉ island [% laugh] to +/. 962200_963470 *ROY: is⌈2land system by island system ⌉2 . 963470_965220 *MARI: ⌊2 Are we ready to eat ? 963740_964490 *MARI: Should I start ⌋2 (.) food ? 964490_965670 *ROY: (.) Oh yeah . 965670_966220 *ROY: Let's ⌈ definitely ⌉ ⌈2 um ⌉2 . 966220_967350 *MARI: ⌊ Make food ⌋ . 966580_967280 *PETE: ⌊ XXXX of ⌋ ⌊2 the⌋2se ? 966780_967630 *MARI: (.) Um 967630_968130 (.) they go in 968130_969130 (..) how about that . 969130_971450 *MARI: (..) That looks good . 971450_973590 *PETE: (..) Alright . 973590_974610 *ROY: I have that 974610_975210 and I have another one that's a museum catalog 975210_977060 called 977060_977510 (.) &{l=L Art of the Archipelago &}l=L . 977510_980260 *ROY: (..) I think that's what it's called . 980260_981810 *ROY: Which has Indonesian and Philippine (.) architecture ⌈ &{l=X in it &}l=X ⌉ . 981810_985060 *PETE: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ . 984430_985080 *ROY: (.) I don't know if you've seen either of ⌈2 those ⌉2 . 985080_986680 *PETE: ⌊2 No ⌋2 . 986280_986730 *PETE: (..) ⌈3 No ⌉3 . 986730_987180 *ROY: ⌊3 They're ⌋3 kind of neat . 986900_987700 *PETE: Yeah . 987700_987950 *ROY: (..) These p- +/. 987950_990230 *ROY: He- +/. 990230_990630 *ROY: he 990630_990780 in here 990780_991430 has some theories drawing 991430_993040 &=in (..) &=ex at least art histor⌈ical parall⌉els . 993040_996590 *MARI: ⌊ What am I doing ⌋ . 995610_996200 *ROY: between motifs of the . 996590_998510 *MARI: (.) Should steam these . 998510_999880 *ROY: (..) peop⌈le of A⌉sam . 999880_1001760 *PETE: ⌊ XXX ⌋ . 1000620_1001170 *PETE: (.) Unhunh . 1001760_1002740 *ROY: (.) Uh: 1002740_1003630 (.) with 1003630_1004430 (.) with 1004430_1004900 (..) mostly Batak and Dayak ⌈ and ⌉ +... 1004900_1007830 *PETE: ⌊ Oh ⌋ really . 1007600_1008030 *ROY: +, (.) stuff . 1008030_1008580 *ROY: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 1008580_1008950 *PETE: ⌊ Oh that's ⌋ interesting . 1008760_1009210 *ROY: And actually when you see it . 1009210_1010210 *PETE: Un⌈hunh ⌉ . 1010210_1010530 *ROY: ⌊ when ⌋ you see them . 1010360_1011210 *PETE: ⌈2 Right ⌉2 . 1011210_1011510 *ROY: ⌊2 you can ⌋2 (.) imagine 1011560_1012360 (..) pretty clearly . 1012360_1013800 *PETE: (.) Unhunh . 1013800_1014050 *ROY: Some connection . 1014050_1014690 *ROY: (..) Anyway 1014690_1015550 (.) interesting . 1015550_1016150 *ROY: ⌈ Hunh ⌉ ? 1016150_1016550 *PETE: ⌊ yeah ⌋ . 1016150_1016600 *ROY: (..) That looks like enough salad . 1016600_1018300 *PETE: (..) Oh I get it . 1018300_1021690 *PETE: (..) Mar went out to put the +/. 1021690_1023890 *PETE: (..) You put the water on the (.) plants ? 1023890_1027230 *PETE: (.) Is that what was going on ? 1027230_1028380 *MARI: (..) What ? 1028380_1029670 *PETE: (.) You were watering with that ? 1029670_1030570 *PETE: Is that what you were doing ? 1030570_1031570 *MARI: (.) Yeah . 1031570_1031870 *PETE: (.) Yeah 1031870_1032170 (.) that's good . 1032170_1032620 *MARI: Perfect water . 1032620_1033320 *PETE: Unhunh . 1033320_1033770 *MARI: (..) actually 1033770_1035430 you know 1035430_1035730 I'd love to do gray water . 1035730_1037080 *PETE: (..) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 1037080_1037580 *MARI: ⌊ here ⌋ 1037180_1037630 (.) but . 1037630_1037830 *ROY: (..) It's ⌈ illegal ⌉ . 1037830_1038880 *MARI: ⌊ it's illegal ⌋ . 1038200_1038900 *PETE: (.) Really . 1038900_1039300 *PETE: (.) How rude . 1039300_1039750 *MARI: (..) Isn't that ⌈ retarded ⌉ ? 1039750_1041000 *ROY: ⌊ Isn't that weird ⌋ ? 1040570_1041320 *PETE: &=THROAT 1041320_1042060 (..) It is . 1042060_1043520 *PETE: (..) They just built a (.) a great big gray water processing center 1043520_1046970 (.) at the laundromat 1046970_1048070 (.) in the (.) complex where I live . 1048070_1049770 *MARI: (.) Oh . 1049770_1050220 *PETE: It's like right outside our back door . 1050220_1051720 *PETE: (.) There's all ⌈ these ⌉ huge machines and stuff . 1051720_1053720 *ROY: ⌊ &{l=X Great m- &}l=X ⌋ +... 1052220_1052570 *PETE: that like (.) filter it and all 1053720_1054770 and then it +/. 1054770_1055170 *PETE: (..) They're going to like 1055170_1056220 (.) pump it into their (.) watering system 1056220_1058020 for the (..) ⌈ apartment complex ⌉ . 1058020_1059670 *ROY: ⌊ Gray water systems ⌋ are local to 1058840_1061040 (..) I mean you get your own . 1061040_1062290 *ROY: (.) You don- +/. 1062290_1062590 *ROY: It's not like a (.) big ⌈ system ⌉ some⌈2where ⌉2 . 1062590_1064390 *PETE: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 1063690_1064040 *PETE: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 1064240_1064590 *ROY: You get your own ⌈3 gray water ⌉3 system . 1064590_1066140 *PETE: ⌊3 Right ⌋3 . 1065160_1065610 *PETE: (.) Yeah . 1066140_1066440 *MARI: ⌈ Yeah . 1066290_1066440 *PETE: ⌊ But this is like ⌋ +... 1066360_1067210 *MARI: but (.) it's a ⌉ (.) complex . 1066710_1068110 *PETE: (.) Right . 1068110_1068410 *PETE: (.) Cause 1068410_1068760 (.) this is this apartment complex 1068760_1070210 and there's the (.) laundromat 1070210_1071660 (.) and they just (..) dump the water 1071660_1073610 (..) from that &{l=X and everything &}l=X . 1073610_1074760 *MARI: (.) &{l=FOOD Well laundry's the best way 1074760_1076260 and showers . 1076260_1076960 *MARI: (.) I guess &}l=FOOD . 1076960_1077960 *ROY: (..) The best way: . 1077960_1078960 *MARI: (.) To get gray water . 1078960_1079960 *PETE: Right . 1079960_1080210 *PETE: Well I would think you wouldn't want to 1080210_1081710 (.) &{l=X think &}l=X what might go down in the sink and stuff . 1081710_1083960 *MARI: (..) You wouldn't want to what ? 1083960_1085460 *MARI: (..) Well 1085460_1086770 (..) I guess 1086770_1087320 (.) I guess it's more 1087320_1088170 that- +/. 1088170_1088470 *MARI: (.) It's not that you don't want it on your lawn 1088470_1090020 it's that you don't want it sitting around . 1090020_1091320 *MARI: (.) ⌈ Before ⌉ it goes on your lawn . 1091320_1092570 *PETE: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 1091440_1091790 *PETE: (.) Right . 1092570_1093070 *MARI: (..) Stuff from (..) the sink . 1093070_1094850 *PETE: (.) Yeah . 1094850_1095350 *MARI: (..) Cause the stuff from the sink 1095350_1097330 would be great (..) for your lawn 1097330_1098780 ⌈ if it could ⌉ get right out there . 1098780_1099900 *PETE: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 1098890_1099140 *PETE: (.) Yeah 1099900_1100500 but then it would be sitting there 1100500_1101320 sort of (.) decomposing 1101320_1102420 or doing its thing all over the lawn 1102420_1103720 instead of in a nice little (.) compost pile . 1103720_1105770 *MARI: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 1105770_1105990 *PETE: ⌊ So that's ⌋ . 1105770_1105990 *ROY: Well ? 1105990_1106540 *ROY: (..) ⌈2 Mm: ⌉2 . 1106540_1108060 *MARI: ⌊2 Well not if you were care⌋2ful . 1107100_1108300 *MARI: (..) I mean 1108300_1110360 (..) you know 1110360_1111280 if you +/. 1111280_1111480 *MARI: if you +/. 1111480_1112230 *MARI: (..) if you didn't have 1112230_1113280 (..) if you were really careful about your ⌈ dishes ⌉ . 1113280_1116120 *PETE: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 1115800_1116320 *MARI: and ⌈2 scraped em ⌉2 off . 1116120_1116920 *PETE: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 1116320_1116670 *MARI: and it was ⌈3 just ⌉3 (.) X runoff . 1116920_1118570 *PETE: ⌊3 Mhm ⌋3 . 1117340_1117790 *PETE: Yeah . 1118570_1118820 *PETE: (.) &{l=X Well &}l=X that would be good . 1118820_1119820 *PETE: (..) Cause ⌈ all ⌉ of that stuff should go into the compost pile to begin with . 1119820_1122570 *MARI: ⌊ But ⌋ +/. 1120270_1120540 *MARI: (.) Yeah . 1122570_1123070 *MARI: (.) &=in Actually 1123070_1123770 you know 1123770_1124120 (.) Zeke the sheik (.) is a local . 1124120_1125620 *MARI: (..) You know 1125620_1126170 the guy whose compost pile blew up ? 1126170_1127670 *PETE: (..) Oh no I don't know a⌈bout this ⌉ . 1127670_1128870 *MARI: ⌊ Didn't you hear ⌋ about him ? 1128370_1129220 *PETE: ⌈2 No ⌉2 . 1129220_1129590 *MARI: ⌊2 It +/. 1129250_1129500 *MARI: it ⌋2 caught fi- +/. 1129500_1130090 *MARI: &{l=PAR Here finish these up &}l=PAR . 1130090_1130790 *MARI: (..) It caught fire 1130790_1131790 (..) and 1131790_1132700 (.) um 1132700_1133200 (..) he- +/. 1133200_1133750 *MARI: he used the (..) compost (.) from the 1133750_1137630 (.) um 1137630_1138340 (..) place next door 1138340_1141330 (.) that was a (..) big big big cemetery . 1141330_1144290 *MARI: (..) And 1144290_1145990 (..) here 1145990_1146240 you wanna butter these ? 1146240_1146940 *ROY: The grass clip⌈pings ⌉ . 1146940_1147990 *PETE: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1147660_1147960 *ROY: &{l=X A &}l=X huge ⌈2 ceme⌉2tery . 1147990_1148990 *MARI: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 1148390_1148740 *ROY: they would ⌈3 mow their ⌉3 lawns . 1148990_1150240 *PETE: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 1149210_1149660 *ROY: (.) he would take ⌈4 the grass clippings ⌉4 . 1150240_1151890 *MARI: ⌊4 And he asked em ⌋4 1151060_1151860 if he could have the grass clippings 1151890_1152890 for like fifteen years . 1152890_1153880 *PETE: Mhm . 1153880_1154180 *MARI: (..) So ⌈ he had this ⌉ +... 1154180_1155080 *PETE: ⌊ how many ⌋ 1154580_1155100 just make three of em ? 1155100_1155950 *MARI: (.) M⌈hm ⌉ . 1155950_1156900 *PETE: ⌊ &{l=P Is that ⌋ what's happening &}l=P ? 1156420_1157420 *MARI: (.) Or however long the butter lasts 1157420_1158970 XX XXX . 1158970_1159890 *MARI: (..) Um . 1159890_1161760 *ROY: (..) So he ⌈ had ⌉ . 1161760_1162860 *MARI: ⌊ and ⌋ 1162560_1162960 and ⌈2 it blew up ⌉2 . 1162960_1163960 *ROY: ⌊2 a forty ⌋2 foot tall compost pile . 1163410_1165010 *PETE: Unhunh . 1165010_1165300 *MARI: And it started to combust . 1165300_1166400 *MARI: (.) you know 1166400_1166650 (.) internally . 1166650_1167150 *PETE: (.) Right . 1167150_1167650 *PETE: (.) just sort of (.) ⌈ naturally ⌉ ? 1167650_1168850 *MARI: ⌊ Just like Dickens ⌋ . 1168150_1169000 *MARI: (.) Mhm . 1169000_1169400 *PETE: Spontaneously ? 1169400_1170550 *MARI: (..) Yeah . 1170550_1170950 *MARI: (..) Ah . 1170950_1172450 *MARI: (..) &{l=X Now what am I doing with this &}l=X . 1172450_1174050 *PETE: (..) So just like this ? 1174050_1178370 *PETE: (..) Butter them ? 1178370_1178920 *PETE: (..) It's al⌈ready ⌉ open ? 1178920_1180120 *MARI: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1179720_1179970 *PETE: (..) Okay . 1179970_1181590 *MARI: (..) ⌈ Yeah and split em ⌉ . 1181590_1183050 *ROY: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 1181820_1182420 *MARI: (..) &{l=VOX &{l=X You didn't even split em &}l=X &}l=VOX . 1183050_1184550 *PETE: (..) Pre-split . 1184550_1186500 *MARI: (..) Yeah 1186500_1187970 those are left over . 1187970_1188770 *MARI: They're probably +/. 1188770_1189320 *MARI: (.) Yeah 1189320_1189620 there might be mold . 1189620_1190420 *MARI: I think they're &{l=X okay &}l=X . 1190420_1191170 *MARI: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh . 1191170_1191640 *PETE: ⌊ Oh 1191200_1191450 fine [% laugh] . 1191450_1191760 *PETE: &=laugh &=laugh . 1191760_1192410 *MARI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1192410_1193620 *PETE: &=in Mm: . 1193620_1194120 *PETE: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1194120_1195820 *MARI: Mm: . 1194620_1194920 *MARI: &{l=VOX Delicious &}l=VOX ⌉ . 1194920_1195920 *ROY: (.) Mm⌈2: ⌉2 . 1195920_1196800 *PETE: ⌊2 &{l=X Nutty &}l=X ⌋2 sesame ? 1196560_1197260 *PETE: Or +/. 1197260_1197760 *PETE: (.) What is this . 1197760_1198260 *MARI: (.) ⌈ Sourdough ⌉ . 1198260_1198710 *PETE: ⌊ Poppy ⌋ seed ? 1198380_1198980 *ROY: (..) Are they ? 1198980_1200070 *PETE: (.) No . 1200070_1200420 *PETE: (..) Is the mold . 1200420_1201570 *MARI: (..) ⌈ Oh ⌉ yeah ? 1201570_1202520 *ROY: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 1201590_1202090 *MARI: (..) ⌈2 Oh: ⌉2 . 1202520_1203260 *PETE: ⌊2 &=THROAT ⌋2 . 1202890_1203960 *MARI: (.) N⌈o ⌉ . 1203960_1204460 *ROY: ⌊ Ho⌋w are the ⌈2 bean⌉2s . 1204380_1204840 *MARI: ⌊2 sour⌋2dough . 1204600_1204990 *MARI: (..) How are the beans . 1204990_1207150 *MARI: (.) X Great . 1207150_1207620 *MARI: (.) Y⌈ummy ⌉ . 1207620_1207930 *PETE: ⌊ Is thi⌋s like . 1207720_1208120 *MARI: (..) Deli⌈2ciou⌉2s . 1208120_1209970 *PETE: ⌊2 uh ⌋2 . 1209570_1209720 *ROY: (..) Checking for an expiration date ? 1209970_1213470 *PETE: (.) no 1213470_1213770 I was just wondering what all the +/. 1213770_1214520 *PETE: &=laugh &=laugh 1214520_1215220 what all the black things were in it . 1215220_1216370 *ROY: (..) Mold . 1216370_1217820 *MARI: Oh . 1217820_1218100 *PETE: (.) &=laugh Right . 1218100_1218800 *MARI: (.) &=THROAT . 1218800_1219870 *ROY: ⌈ Shall I do ⌉ something civilized . 1219870_1221510 *PETE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1219990_1220310 *ROY: like ⌈2 clear the ta⌉2ble . 1221510_1222480 *MARI: ⌊2 &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌋2 . 1221640_1222230 *ROY: or are we just gonna barbarian it out . 1222480_1224280 *MARI: (..) No 1224280_1224730 why don't you clear the table . 1224730_1225530 *MARI: Unless we want to eat outside . 1225530_1226550 *ROY: (..) It's dark 1226550_1227560 how will we see what we're eating . 1227560_1228560 *MARI: (..) Candles . 1228560_1230070 *PETE: (..) XXX . 1230070_1231800 *MARI: (..) You wanna eat inside or outside Pete ? 1231800_1233600 *PETE: (..) I don't care . 1233600_1234600 *PETE: (.) Outside's fine . 1234600_1235450 *MARI: (.) Let's eat outside . 1235450_1236400 *MARI: (.) Ju- +/. 1236400_1236850 *MARI: But you still have to clean off that table 1236850_1238250 cause it's grody . 1238250_1238900 *ROY: (.) Which table . 1238900_1239650 *ROY: (.) This table here ? 1239650_1240350 *MARI: (..) No 1240350_1241050 ⌈ the table out⌉side . 1241050_1241850 *ROY: ⌊ I have to clean- ⌋ +/. 1241050_1241500 *ROY: (.) the table outside . 1241850_1242650 *MARI: (.) Mhm . 1242650_1243150 *MARI: (..) It's (.) dirty . 1243150_1244600 *ROY: &{l=X A little outside cleaning &}l=X . 1244600_1245600 *MARI: So 1245600_1246010 (..) wash it with that cloth or ⌈ something ⌉ ? 1246010_1247660 *ROY: ⌊ Wash it ⌋ 1247610_1247960 (.) wipe it down . 1247960_1248510 *MARI: (..) Oops 1248510_1251310 sorry . 1251310_1251560 *MARI: (..) Did I get you ? 1251560_1252510 *PETE: (.) Nope . 1252510_1252910 *ROY: &{n=WHISTLE . 1252910_1254040 *MARI: (..) ⌈ Thought I was gonna get you ⌉ . 1254040_1254890 *PETE: ⌊ XXX this away ⌋ . 1254210_1254660 *PETE: X 1254890_1255360 XX . 1255360_1255810 *MARI: &{l=X Shit &}l=X . 1255810_1256160 *MARI: (..) &{l=VOX Beans 1256160_1260580 (.) beans 1260580_1261380 (.) beans &}l=VOX . 1261380_1262130 *ROY: &}n=WHISTLE . 1262130_1262130 *MARI: (..) Oops . 1262130_1264210 *MARI: (.) &{l=WH Shit &}l=WH . 1264210_1264610 *MARI: (..) Oh I love green beans . 1264610_1269010 *MARI: (..) And they (.) ʔare so good leftover . 1269010_1271520 *MARI: (..) With lemon and garlic . 1271520_1273070 *PETE: (..) So these are just the spices that are (.) black and green and stuff ? 1273070_1280330 *MARI: (.) I guess . 1280330_1281080 *MARI: (..) Where's the black . 1281080_1282280 *MARI: (.) I don't see any black . 1282280_1283080 *PETE: (..) Well 1283080_1283580 I don't know . 1283580_1284030 *PETE: (..) Well ʔit's +/. 1284030_1284830 *PETE: (.) maybe just ⌈ the light . 1284830_1285630 *MARI: ⌊ It's kinda 1285330_1285680 (.) I think it's oregano ⌋ . 1285680_1286830 *PETE: I guess it's just really dark ⌉ 1285630_1286830 (.) it's oregano ⌈2 and stuff yeah ⌉2 . 1286830_1288030 *MARI: ⌊2 Dark oregano ⌋2 . 1287400_1288030 *MARI: (..) ⌈3 X That famous black oregano ⌉3 . 1288030_1290590 *PETE: ⌊3 X XX XX ⌋3 . 1289230_1290210 *PETE: Alright . 1290590_1291350 *MARI: It's like 1291350_1291750 (..) purple basil . 1291750_1293680 *MARI: (.) Purple basil . 1293680_1294430 *MARI: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in . 1294430_1296950 *PETE: ⌈ Right ⌉ . 1296950_1297520 *MARI: ⌊ XXX ⌋ XX . 1297360_1298180 *PETE: (.) So should I just (.) finish it all off ? 1298180_1301260 *PETE: (..) Make this really (.) dec⌈adent ⌉ and rich and . 1301260_1303210 *MARI: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1302280_1302530 *MARI: (..) Mhm . 1303210_1304090 *MARI: (..) Yeah . 1304090_1305190 *MARI: (..) Get rid of it . 1305190_1306090 *MARI: (..) Oh look 1306090_1310280 &{l=VOX a little lemon from the tree: &}l=VOX . 1310280_1312030 *MARI: (..) Ew 1312030_1313030 they're still kinda yucky . 1313030_1313980 *MARI: (.) &{l=@ You know &}l=@ 1313980_1314480 &=in we came back from a 1314480_1315730 (..) we had to go to (..) the Ritz Carlton 1315730_1318530 &{l=X out in &}l=X &{l=VOX Laguna &}l=VOX 1318530_1319530 (.) for a (.) event . 1319530_1320830 *MARI: (.) &=in (.) And w- we were gone what . 1320830_1322580 *MARI: (.) Four days . 1322580_1323330 *MARI: (..) You know . 1323330_1324180 *MARI: S- really relaxing weekend 1324180_1325750 you know 1325750_1326050 it was really great . 1326050_1326850 *MARI: (.) And I'd had this 1326850_1327800 (..) I'd had a particularly stupendous time . 1327800_1331130 *MARI: Because I had to (.) be a wife most of the time 1331130_1333930 but part of the time I got to be a worker 1333930_1335530 and do the really fun work 1335530_1336630 (.) so it was really ⌈ great ⌉ . 1336630_1337580 *PETE: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ ? 1337330_1337780 *MARI: I had a great time . 1337780_1338430 *MARI: &=in And uh 1338430_1339540 (.) we're pulling up 1339540_1340390 (.) and I see this gir:l . 1340390_1341990 *MARI: Who I'd never seen before 1341990_1342990 sort of d:art out of our driveway . 1342990_1344940 *MARI: (..) &=in . 1344940_1345430 *PETE: Un⌈hunh ⌉ . 1345430_1345730 *MARI: ⌊ And ⌋ (..) stand there 1345680_1346810 and watch us pull in 1346810_1347600 and she goes like this . 1347600_1348410 *MARI: (.) &=tsk (..) Like 1348410_1349570 (.) oh my God . 1349570_1350170 *MARI: I'm gonna &{l=X getting &}l=X caught . 1350170_1351020 *MARI: And I said 1351020_1351320 (..) &{l=VOX hi 1351320_1352020 can I help you &}l=VOX ? 1352020_1352820 *PETE: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1352820_1353500 *MARI: ⌊ You know ⌋ . 1353160_1353660 *MARI: (..) And she goes 1353660_1354410 (.) and I- +/. 1354410_1354760 *MARI: You know 1354760_1355060 of course it's this long drive 1355060_1356160 so I +/. 1356160_1356460 *MARI: I probably look like (..) total hell . 1356460_1358210 *PETE: (.) Right . 1358210_1358760 *MARI: and she goes 1358760_1359260 (.) &{l=Q Oh 1359260_1359710 um 1359710_1359910 I was just getting (..) some lemons &}l=Q . 1359910_1362770 *PETE: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1362770_1363590 *MARI: ⌊ And I said ⌋ 1363180_1363580 &{l=Q oh yeah ? 1363590_1364190 *MARI: (.) Who are you &}l=Q . 1364190_1364740 *PETE: (.) &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1364740_1365440 *MARI: ⌊ And she ⌋ goes 1365190_1365840 (.) oh 1365840_1366090 (.) I'm your next door neighbor . 1366090_1367140 *PETE: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1367140_1368240 *MARI: ⌊ No she said ⌋ +/. 1367970_1368470 *MARI: First she said 1368470_1368970 Kenneth said I could have some . 1368970_1370170 *MARI: Who's this guy 1370170_1370920 (.) this old guy across the street . 1370920_1372270 *PETE: (.) Unhunh . 1372270_1372820 *MARI: So Roy had said (..) to him 1372820_1374670 (.) if you ever want lemons 1374670_1375670 you know 1375670_1375870 go ahead and (.) and ⌈ have em ⌉ . 1375870_1376770 *PETE: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 1376490_1376780 *MARI: &{l=X Then &}l=X he said 1376780_1377230 (..) she said 1377230_1377630 &{l=Q oh Kenneth said I could have some lemons &}l=Q . 1377630_1379430 *PETE: (.) Right . 1379430_1379980 *MARI: I said 1379980_1380480 (.) &{l=Q he di:d &}l=Q . 1380480_1381230 *PETE: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1381230_1381960 *MARI: ⌊ She goes ⌋ 1381570_1382020 &=in &{l=Q Yeah: &}l=Q . 1382020_1382820 *MARI: (..) And I said 1382820_1383470 &{l=Q oh &}l=Q +/. 1383470_1383740 *MARI: And she goes 1383740_1384020 &{l=Q do y- +/. 1384020_1384220 *MARI: you don't mind 1384220_1384770 do you &}l=Q ? 1384770_1384920 *MARI: And I said 1384920_1385220 &{l=Q well yeah 1385220_1385670 in fact I do mind &}l=Q . 1385670_1386670 *MARI: Cause I thought the lemon tree was dying . 1386670_1388320 *MARI: I didn't see any lemons on it . 1388420_1389670 *PETE: (.) Unhunh . 1389670_1390170 *MARI: ʔuh ʔuh Cause she said 1390170_1390970 &=in &{l=Q you wouldn't mind if I came back and got a whole ba:g full 1390970_1393070 would you &}l=Q ? 1393070_1393420 *PETE: R:ight . 1393420_1393820 *MARI: I said (.) &{l=Q yeah &}l=Q . 1393820_1394720 *MARI: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in . 1394720_1395850 *PETE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1394960_1395870 *MARI: There's like one ⌉ lemon left on this ⌈2 tree that I ⌉2 can reach . 1395520_1397920 *PETE: ⌊2 Right ⌋2 . 1396950_1397310 *MARI: You know ? 1397920_1398220 *PETE: Unhunh . 1398220_1398700 *MARI: (..) Roy's about to go to Africa 1398700_1402050 and so I'd never- +/. 1402050_1402650 *MARI: you know 1402650_1402900 I'd have to get a (..) step ladder out 1402900_1404200 to pick my own lemons &{l=X and stuff &}l=X . 1404200_1405650 *MARI: (..) Give me a break . 1405650_1406350 *ROY: I have to use a um 1406350_1407870 (.) what 1407870_1408350 this abrasive sponge 1408350_1409590 to clean that table off . 1409590_1410740 *MARI: (..) Okay . 1410740_1411240 *MARI: (..) Why 1411240_1412070 is it grody ? 1412070_1412570 *ROY: (..) Well it just doesn't come off very easily . 1412570_1414570 *MARI: (..) Should I make like tartar sauce 1414570_1417110 or something really decadent ? 1417110_1418160 *ROY: (.) What's this in this squirt bottle ? 1418160_1419960 *MARI: (..) U:m 1419960_1421500 (.) Windex . 1421500_1422200 *ROY: (..) I'm gonna use some of that . 1422200_1423500 *PETE: Does tartar sauce go with (.) with Cajun spices . 1423500_1425950 *MARI: (..) Well we could make +... 1425950_1427100 *PETE: (..) I mean 1427100_1427970 that doesn't matter 1427970_1428620 &{l=X I suppose ⌈ it just &}l=X ⌉ +... 1428620_1429320 *MARI: ⌊ Oh ⌋ 1429050_1429320 you know what 1429320_1429820 we have this neat (.) ⌈ island ⌉ (..) man⌈2go sauce ⌉2 . 1429820_1433620 *ROY: ⌊ &{l=X Fields &}l=X ⌋ +... 1430860_1431320 *PETE: ⌊2 Mm ⌋2 . 1433020_1433660 *ROY: ⌊2 &=SNEEZE ⌋2 . 1433040_1433210 *MARI: (.) Chutney ⌈3 sauce ⌉3 . 1433660_1435040 *ROY: ⌊3 Chut⌋3ney . 1434850_1435170 *MARI: That would be good . 1435170_1435670 *PETE: (.) Yeah . 1435670_1436120 *MARI: (..) I have tons of chutney . 1436120_1438240 *PETE: (..) ⌈ Well that sounds good ⌉ . 1438240_1440120 *MARI: ⌊ Chutney ⌋ . 1439750_1440350 *PETE: (..) Do you save these things ? 1440350_1441500 *MARI: (..) U:m 1441500_1443510 I think that one'll save . 1443510_1444460 *MARI: Yeah . 1444460_1444710 *PETE: Oh okay . 1444710_1445060 *PETE: I'll just (..) put it (..) in ⌈ the sink ⌉ . 1445060_1447160 *MARI: ⌊ &{l=VOX Su:re &}l=VOX ⌋ . 1446730_1447430 *MARI: (..) What are those little things called . 1447430_1449680 *MARI: Small plastic +... 1449680_1450430 *PETE: (..) Containers ? 1450430_1452450 *MARI: +, re-useable containers ? 1452450_1453660 *PETE: ⌈ Right ⌉ . 1453660_1454000 *MARI: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ 1453680_1453830 (..) I guess . 1454000_1455520 *MARI: (.) Mm . 1455520_1456520 *PETE: (..) Oh 1456520_1457010 this looks yummy . 1457010_1457610 *MARI: (..) Oo: . 1457610_1458900 *MARI: (.) That's really good . 1458900_1459650 *MARI: (.) A little salty . 1459650_1460350 *MARI: (..) Mm⌈: ⌉ . 1460350_1463660 *PETE: ⌊ Mm &{l=X yeah &}l=X ⌋ . 1463520_1463900 *MARI: (.) Oh 1463900_1464400 (.) I guess we ought to put those in the oven 1464400_1465570 if we're gonna eat em . 1465570_1466120 *MARI: Hm ? 1466120_1466470 *PETE: (..) It says chicken livers &{l=X on it &}l=X ? 1466470_1467670 *MARI: (..) Yeah [% laugh] . 1467670_1468500 *MARI: (..) It's amazing what happens &{l=@ if you keep it in ⌈ the fridge long enough &}l=@ . 1468500_1471650 *PETE: ⌊ &{l=@ That's right &}l=@ . 1470550_1472020 *PETE: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=lengthened (.) &=laugh (.) &=laugh (.) &=laugh (.) &=laugh ⌋ . 1472020_1476700 *MARI: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh (.) &=laugh (.) &=laugh (.) &=laugh (.) &=laugh ⌉ 1472020_1476700 I figure 1476700_1477250 (.) every +/. 1477250_1477550 *MARI: What goes around comes around . 1477550_1478700 *MARI: You know ? 1478700_1478950 *PETE: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 1478950_1479700 *MARI: ⌊ Ever⌋ything'll mutate into something you can eat eventually [% laugh] . 1479720_1482020 *MARI: ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 1482020_1483430 *PETE: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh &=laugh . 1482420_1484420 *MARI: &=in But seriously folks . 1484420_1486090 *PETE: (..) That looks good . 1486090_1488170 *MARI: (..) Oh: 1488170_1489370 (..) shit . 1489370_1490410 *MARI: (..) &{l=VOX Are we flaky yet &}l=VOX ? 1490410_1492800 *MARI: (.) No 1492800_1493270 oo . 1493270_1493470 *MARI: Not even close . 1493470_1494480 *PETE: (..) &{l=X Yum &}l=X . 1494480_1498000 *PETE: (..) ⌈ XXXX do anything ⌉ ? 1498000_1502120 *ROY: ⌊ My but it's hot ⌋ . 1501280_1502290 *MARI: (..) I know . 1502290_1503510 *MARI: (.) In here you mean ? 1503510_1504260 *ROY: (.) ⌈ Yes ⌉ . 1504260_1504710 *MARI: ⌊ Well we got ⌋ everything on . 1504530_1505430 *MARI: ⌈2 The ove:n ⌉2 . 1505430_1505880 *ROY: ⌊2 You could say 1505150_1505750 &{l=Q my butt ⌋2 (.) it's hot &}l=Q . 1505750_1507130 *MARI: (..) &{l=VOX My butt &}l=VOX . 1507130_1508380 *ROY: &=COUGH ⌈ &=COUGH ⌉ . 1508380_1509680 *MARI: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ 1509030_1509230 Where did that come from . 1509680_1510680 *MARI: Why did we start saying that . 1510680_1511780 *MARI: (.) ⌈ &{l=VOX My butt &}l=VOX ⌉ . 1511780_1512600 *ROY: ⌊ &{l=MRC My but ⌋ she's fat &}l=MRC . 1512000_1513250 *MARI: (..) &{l=VOX My butt 1513250_1514450 (.) she's fat &}l=VOX . 1514450_1515300 *MARI: (.) Yeah 1515300_1515650 (.) where did we hear that . 1515650_1516540 *MARI: (.) On TV ? 1516540_1517190 *ROY: It was a (.) poster at a circus . 1517190_1519090 *MARI: (..) Oh yeah: . 1519090_1520810 *MARI: &{l=VOX My butt 1520810_1521460 (..) ⌈ she's fat &}l=VOX ⌉ . 1521460_1522310 *PETE: ⌊ &=laugh (.) Fat ⌋ . 1521460_1522470 *PETE: (..) &=laugh &=laugh . 1522470_1523990 *MARI: &=in Didn't we say +/. 1523990_1524690 *MARI: (.) weren't we saying that when we XX to see you in Indonesia ? 1524690_1526730 *PETE: No 1526730_1526930 I don't remember that . 1526930_1527530 *MARI: (.) ⌈ &{l=VOX My butt &}l=VOX ⌉ . 1527530_1528130 *PETE: ⌊ &{l=X I think it's the &}l=X ⌋ (.) first time I've heard that . 1527750_1529450 *MARI: (..) That's one of the things 1529450_1533170 (.) in my job I have to- +/. 1533170_1534320 *MARI: Ouch . 1534320_1534570 *MARI: Shit . 1534570_1534820 *MARI: (.) Watch out for . 1534820_1535720 *PETE: (..) Saying things like that ? 1535720_1536870 *MARI: (.) Yeah . 1536870_1537420 *MARI: Like 1537420_1537670 (..) um 1537670_1538950 (..) you know 1538950_1540080 (.) mo- mothers (.) with +/. 1540080_1541480 *MARI: (..) you know 1541480_1545560 children with (.) no heart 1545560_1547160 (..) or something 1547160_1548230 you know 1548230_1548530 can't ride the ride . 1548530_1549430 *MARI: (.) Stuff like that . 1549430_1550130 *MARI: All the ⌈ bad ⌉ breaks . 1550130_1551230 *PETE: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 1550630_1550880 *MARI: You have to watch for the bad breaks . 1551230_1552480 *PETE: (.) Right . 1552480_1553030 *MARI: (..) It's pretty funny . 1553030_1553980 *MARI: (..) Well let's just (..) woop it up and put a little olive oil in here 1553980_1559100 so these don't burn to death . 1559100_1560250 *PETE: (..) Oh the real thing 1560250_1562350 not the spray on stu⌈ff ⌉ . 1562350_1563480 *MARI: ⌊ R⌋eally [% laugh] . 1563440_1563800 *MARI: Woo: . 1563800_1564510 @End